Blacks Have Jumped The Shark
Posted on March 30th, 2008 by D. Aristophanes

Here’s ‘loco1936’ commenting on this column by Victor Jefferson Davis Churchill Gilgamesh Hanson:
Blacks have “jumped the shark” and regardless of all your words this situation is not behind Obama and he will not win the presidency.
Victor Hanson’s article shows the nature of real statesmanship and not the empty excuse making of Obama.
Please, God, let ‘loco1936’ start his own blog.
Meanwhile, Google: Get it while it’s black.
Don’t you mean Gizoogle?
That’s crazy talk. Don’t you know black people can’t swim?
wow… I’m doing bad with href tags today. =(
Jumping the shark?
Is that what they called it when people jumped ship during the middle passage? It just goes to show how hostile to the free market those black people have been for hundreds of years!
That’s green. But is black the new green?
Yeah, blacks may have jumped the shark, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have Laverne & Shirley, Blansky’s Beauties, Mork and Mindy, Out of the Blue, and Joanie Loves Chachi to look forward to. Or, sticking to his analogy, everyone but whitey.
ClownHall comments are just like the ones we’ve seen on the other rwing “Nigger, Nigger, Nigger!” posts – the only racists in America are black. If not for black racism, by now in America we’d have sparkle ponies for one and all!!!!
They have a point, Jennifer. If there were no black people, there would be no racism.
Think about it.
Great graphic, BTW, D. Aristophanes.
I’m a “Rock & Roll Niggah”. Actually, a more recent performance of that song, man Patti Smith really ripped everyone a new one. I need to find that on YT again.
Obviously VDH hasn’t ever been in a black church before. I’ve never seen a black pastor NOT get political. Especially older ones, like Wright. I even started my blog back up to call blogs out that were claiming racism in certain speeches that are not racist. How exactly is stating that whites kept blacks in South Africa down through Apartheid racist? I want these buggers and their commenters (all left unopposed no matter how racist they get by the blog owners) exposed, screen captured, and posted.
As for VDH’s little speech, is this like his “conversation” with Thucydides (at least I think that’s who it was…my memory ain’t so good lately) in one of his 9/11 themed essay collection books? What does this guy do, ride around on his happy little farm on his tractor talking to historical figures and imagining other peoples’ speeches? Let me know when the schizophrenia diagnosis comes in, OK?
Graphics are Gavin’s and Clif’s (in this case Gavin). But thanks!
A fine athlete, and so well-spoken!
loco1936 apparently likes the image. From March 27, 2008 (comment at 8:48 AM):
But have sympathy for poor loco1936. All the presidential candidates are so far to the left. All of them (comment at 9:37 AM, sics througout).
Distain—that’s when you add a second coat of crazy to your kookery.
And sic me to, baby, right throughout!
Other things that have ‘jumped the shark’ in loco1936’s opinion:
– Mexicans
– Shoe-wearing, non-pregnant females
– Bathing
too too. I’m a sic little choo choo train.
I’ll stop now.
the revelation of black churches regular sunday sermons of the same nature.
this appears to be his first introduction to black people. Poor lad.
typing corectly has jumped the sgark.
Get me some mother fucking eucharist!
When he spoke this week about measures against glolbal warning I cringed, especially because he seems totally unaware of latest research pointing to cooling already under way.
Wow. I wonder if loco1936 has seen any of that footage of polar bears stranded on shrinking ice in the Arctic. Because, really, the only thing he doesn’t think is ‘jumping the shark’, really is.
I don’t think McCain is as intelligent as Obama or Clinton but is slightly less to the left.
Who wants to bet this Einstein voted for G.W. Bush, super genius, not once but two times?
Ah, hell.
Seven plus months to the election, and I’m already SICK of the blatant racism and divisiveness. At this rate, I’m gonna be hitting peeps by june, and back in the can by august.
Maybe I should move back up to marin. If I’m gonna end up in jail because these crackers are just gonna get worse, I oughta at least take control over which jail to end up in…
(Lex) Twilly Spree (Azagthoth) said,
March 30, 2008 at 1:21
I’m a “Rock & Roll Niggah”. Actually, a more recent performance of that song, man Patti Smith really ripped everyone a new one. I need to find that on YT again.
I saw Patti Smith at the Bowery Ballrom on New Year’s whenever I could, back when I lived in New York.
‘People Have the Power’
hitting peeps
Cruelty to marshmallows will not be tolerated.
I think I’m going to move to a cabin in the woods and write a manifesto. I don’t think I can take this for seven plus months either.
I like my n*ggers like I like my coffee.
Full of alcohol.
“Wow. I wonder if loco1936 has seen any of that footage of polar bears stranded on shrinking ice in the Arctic. Because, really, the only thing he doesn’t think is ‘jumping the shark’, really is.”
Oh yeah? Well, I just stepped outside my home for a few minutes, and it’s rather chilly today. Explain that Professor Brainiac! EXPLAIN THAT!!1!
Because of loco’s quandry, I feel happy in that he doesn’t have a real choice.
Anybody listen to This American Life this weekend? It was about how deeply and thoroughly Bush’s people have fucked up every aspect of how government agencies work. They’re all functioning as if treaties and law are just minor nuisances to beat down. There is just SOOOOOOOO much damage that is going to have to be undone.
As one of the most mexican members of this blog, I can safely say that we have non of these jumping sharks of which you speak of.
Candy – oh, come now. It can be fun! I got way more enjoyment than is healthy on rubbing the nose of the white separatist chick over at OldFart’s in her undeniable debt to African genes. I mean, I got down and dirty, told her she should get on her knees and thank the lord that her great great great great great great great great great grandmother or grandfather had fucked what she so charmingly refers to as a “nigger”, or else she wouldn’t exist. She really went apeshit. I take such glee in pointing out to hardcore racists that it’s virtually impossible, unless they are full-blooded Native American (and unlikely even then) that they have NO black ancestry in the past 1500 years. DNA analysis would crush these people’s sense of identity.
In any case, my suggestion to white separatist chick, when asking how she planned to separate out her dirty black DNA from her pure clean white DNA, was to get a woodchipper.
I’m tellin’ ya, it CAN be greatly entertaining.
Jennifer, that does sound entertaining. Linkie?
The “This American Life” episode really brought back the evil of this administration and the need for SOMEONE other than “More of the Same” McCaine to take over!
Oh, and I think “jumping the shark” has jumped the shark…
Anybody listen to This American Life this weekend? It was about how deeply and thoroughly Bush’s people have fucked up every aspect of how government agencies work. They’re all functioning as if treaties and law are just minor nuisances to beat down. There is just SOOOOOOOO much damage that is going to have to be undone.
I heard the promo but missed the show.
But I DID hear on NPR news the other day that – it turns out – the Pentagon’s procurement department (the people who decide who to award government contract to) is run by a large percentage by…
The Defense Dept.’s procurement contractor is CACI – one of the largest government contractor. How about that?
I wonder if they were the ones who awarded the $300 million weapons contract to that kid with the Myspace page?
March 30, 2008 at 1:59
You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God…damn you all to hell!
Oh, and I think “jumping the shark” has jumped the shark…
Candy – linkee to post – you’ll have to scroll to the bottom to open the comments page.
When I was a much younger man, diving for abalone in Gerstle cove and farther up by red barn, we used to make this platform out of four big truck tire inner tubes, four long 2x4s and a big hunk of sisal cargo net. We could keep extra weights, bottles of water and beers, snacks, all sorts of crap. You couldn’t exactly get dry, but you could get half out of the water (56°) and you didn’t have to swim into shore.
Every now and then a white shark or two would nose in to grab a couple otters for a snack. The sharks knew the otters were there, the otters knew the sharks were there, it was all part of the deal. Gerstle cove was like a vending machine for white shark snacks. Thing is, white sharks don’t know from people, and if you’re wearing a wet suit, or even half of one, and swim fins, and a weight belt so you’re kind of super otter like, a big stupid shark just thinks you’re a better snack. It’s 90 meters to the shore. You sure you wanna swim for it? We’d ease up to our floating dive platform and get as much out of the water as we could, and wait for them to leave. ‘Cause we were absolutely NO competion for those big fellas, even the six footers. But every now and then one of those muthas would go by underneath and you could just FEEL the power.
Ok, you say “jump the shark”, that’s what you get…
Jennifer, I read that whole thread. My blood pressure . . . rushing in my ears . . . aieeeeee . . .
I just don’t have the strength to deal with those awful fuckwits any more. I’m glad you do, and that you can even enjoy ripping them up. Someone sure needs to do so.
Holy crap, the comments on that “old punk” thread are freakin’ creepy. I didn’t know that actual humans ever referred to other actual humans as ‘mud sharks’ and all manner of other batshit crazy terms.
Thunder–sweet…oh man…I’ve never seen her live, and I’ve tried hard to make up for my youth. That was great though, thanks.
Crap, now that I’m getting better and it’s getting warmer, it reminds me that I promised Bubba a Malkin/Cheerleading mockery. I need a cheering suit. Maybe I’ll get a fake shark and then jump it in the spastic process.
Candy, I’m trying to get up the nerve to go to that thread…that medicine for the trigeminal neuralgia wore off though and I don’t know if I can take it….I started posting again, largely just comments of all things, being left on sites about Obama just to make sure that the screen captures are somewhere saved. I’m so appalled at the resurgent racism…actually I suppose latent racism that was just waiting for a clear target. This is so disgusting to me. I’ll rip them up though too, even if it takes me a few days longer. Already I have about 15 screen captures that need to be posted and enough comments to be sick over for years.
“Blacks have jumped the shark” and trigeminal fucking neuralgia. What a fucking week.
Hell, yeah! All that left-wing use of soap is waaaay out of control.
When I was a much younger man, diving for abalone in Gerstle cove and farther up by red barn, we used to make this platform out of four big truck tire inner tubes, four long 2×4s and a big hunk of sisal cargo net. We could keep extra weights, bottles of water and beers, snacks, all sorts of crap. You couldn’t exactly get dry, but you could get half out of the water (56°) and you didn’t have to swim into shore.
Jeez Mikey, you’ve had an active life. When I was a kid I was mostly dicking around on my Macintosh & whatnot.
The fact is, sharks in the Heartland. White men can’t jump, so they cannot jump the shark. Especially not when mother monitors all phone calls and emails and steals your Cabela’s catalog. God fearing sharks. Muslin synthesizers. Moog drapes. Blastocyst rights. Boogie nights. Ooga mooga. Sharks.
Crap, now that I’m getting better and it’s getting warmer, it reminds me that I promised Bubba a Malkin/Cheerleading mockery. I need a cheering suit.
Um, backfire alert, so I won’t hold you to it…
But you saw this right?
Twilly rocked.
Just sayin’.
I read much of that thread too. Didn’t have quite the visceral reaction to it that others have had, though the things people were saying were quite vile.
That PearlGirl sure is a piece of work. She has all those weird terms. It is as if she inhabits a totally different world than I do.
Well now, that’s a fair point. While it’s a well known fact that blacks can’t swim, we do know that the CAN jump. So, could they jump the shark, provided that, say, the shark is in a tank; or would they have to jump the shark AND the water? Could their jumping prowess somehow cancel out their sink-like-a-stone-ability? My god, it’s exactly like an unstoppable force colliding with an unmovable object. We may well have stumbled upon perpetual motion, or a impossible paradox that will destroy the universe.
The mind reals.
Jeez Mikey, you’ve had an active life. When I was a kid I was mostly dicking around on my Macintosh & whatnot.
Yeah, well, in ’68 (before they came and got me) and ’72 (home again, home again jiggity jig) I lived for the ocean. Clean, pure, all I wanted was to swim and dive and surf. Spend all night singing around the bonfire, and all day in the water, doing whatever.
I guess I still just want that. But the water’s too cold, and I’m far to outta shape. But it’s a simple, joyful, beautiful life to see the sun come up thru the fog, and watch the sun set over the waves. You could do a helluva lot worse…
The fact is the Negroes
The Negroes what, Gary, you palsied motherfucker?
Gary’s mom caught him in the basement with internet porn and his sister’s My Barbie. He’ll be back Monday when he’s no longer grounded.
have suffered incredible oppression in this country that retards their social progress to this day. There, I said it. The fact is even I can see the obvious occasionally.
My membership in the Republican Party will be revoked if they find out I said that. Promise you won’t tell?
I think you underestimate our Gary.
The fact is, the Negroes.
They exist. This is a burr under his saddle, an itch he can’t scratch, a “problem” to be “solved”.
A little carefully worded legislation, a few “reasonably” decided court cases and the whole “negro” problem goes away.
Who can say how far from such solutions we truly are?
Do you want to elect another republican president to find out?
Do you want to watch another supine congress make excuses for the worst excesses in history? Do you want to end a two hundred year experiment in government? Are you that weak, that fearful, that sick in your soul?
Does nothing matter anymore to you? Nothing but your daughter’s dance and your son’s baseball, your careers and college and retirement? Is there nothing larger, nothing greater, nothing you would hold your safe little lives at risk to defend?
Isn’t this the question we are confronted with? Isn’t this the question that bush and cheney and rove and all the rest bring to the fore? Isn’t this the real abiding decision of our time?
What are we willing to accept? What are we willing to do? What matters, and what is bullshit?
What I see? Sleepwalking into a brutal disaster. A disaster that could be averted, by decisive action and courage. But like all acts of courage, this one comes with risks. What will you do?
First, I gotta say that Firefox is very helpful with teh name change. Thanks, you fucking loozer nerd geeks. Really.
Second, would one of the proprietors please just tell us if they are using HTML purified or kses or what? And what’s in the whitelist. Or whatever. All so that _someone_ doesn’t embarrass themselves.
Heh, I said embarrass.
Just watchin out for my bud…
Don’t worry Gary. We long ago revoked your gay card. You’ve got nowhere to go but up. If you know what I mean.
Isn’t it heartwarming to see those yahoos use the “N” word in an environment where they are completely safe? Such *courage*!
To a shark, a jumper is flying food.
McCain’s greatest contribution to reducing global warming would be to STFU & keep his hot air to himself … which will coincide with the NHL’s Stanley Cup finals being held in Hell. Fortunately for the Dems, the man has an obsessive need to shoot his fool mouth off at every opportunity, reality be damned.
The best weapon in the Dem arsenal? The phrase “that’s fascinating – please, Senator, do go on” – use it often.
Just HAD to deposit some snark on the Instapunk post – yeah, tell all those blacks serving over in Iraq & Afghanistan that they’re America’s “5th Column” – I’m sure they’ll be just delighted with such astute wisdom.
….the Matador, the Matador… me… me!
Ugh. Sorry I directed all of you to that garbage over at instapunk; wading through it is not for the weak of heart. I truly believe it says bad things about me that I will engage such people, though in my defense, I do so with the full realization that they are not going to change their “minds” (if you can refer to someone who’s basically a walking brain stem as having a “mind”) – when I encounter people this disgusting, I just can’t resist the urge to provoke them into letting all the ugliness spill out.
Here is what really bothers me though – these asshats continue to insist that the 40 years since the civil rights act should have been sufficient time for African-Americans to completely get their shit together, which just totally ignores some very basic and easily sought out facts. Primary among those is that, in a substantial part of the country, black kids were getting substandard (WAY substandard) education in segregated schools into the mid-70s. And it was only a mere 5 years after that that white folks, impatient with blacks for not getting their shit together in the 15 years since the civil rights act and the 5 since their kids started attending schools with actual books, elected a guy who promised them he would punish all those lazy layabout black people…and it’s also when the schools began to be seriously de-funded. White voters were all too willing to ruin their own children’s schools if it meant the opportunity to continue to deny black kids a decent education. And the ugliest open secret of all, which is that in a number of states, schools never did integrate – at least not in rural areas – because certain states decided to just gerrymander school districts to make sure that the vast majority of black kids ended up in one district, while the white kids ended up in another. So the rural black kids went to a district with no local tax base while the white kids’ schools got funded, since all the wealth (land, business) was in the hands of the whites, thanks to the lingering effects of slavery and sharecropping. The states did their part by setting up education to be primarily funded by local taxes.
Now, when you consider that 40 years after the civil rights act, black kids in a number of states have still never had access to education equal in quality to that enjoyed by whites, it’s not all that mysterious why white and black economic disparity hasn’t equalized more than it has. The fucking system has been set up and operated to make sure that it DOESN’T improve.
Add to that the fact that for a good 20 years or more now, we’ve had to hear the persistent whining about affirmative action and how “unfair” it is to white people. Because, again, 15 years should have been sufficient time for black people to attain equal status, even though a bunch of them were still going to schools with no books or qualified teachers. Affirmative action has been probably THE most important pathway to the middle class for blacks as a result, but is that THEIR fault? These assholes are like Ramses in the Ten Commandments – they want people to make twice as many bricks, but without any straw. Because whites were so fucking stingy and blackhearted about offering equal education to blacks, greater access to federal employment (such as the Post Office) as well as employment with state and local goverments has been one of the few avenues open to many blacks for improving their economic status. Without that avenue, we still wouldn’t have a black middle class to speak of. And without that middle class that affirmative action enabled, black college enrollment would be much lower today, etc etc. So of course, they want to get rid of AA, too.
So I get royally pissed when I hear the dishonesty being spread around by these hateful assholes. Because I myself would agree with them that things like gangsta culture, cradle to grave welfare, etc are not helpful in advancing economic or social equality – but I look at it and say, well, what other options have we given to these people? We’ve fought tooth and nail to avoid offering them education, we’ve worked at chipping away at affirmative action to make sure they don’t get above their place in that way…we have cast them in a role and are doing whatever we can do to make them play it. Because apparently some of us really NEED a whipping boy.
Meh. This is why I go on about the human race being a big stinking pile of shit. I have to stop now.
Nah, no need to stop.
See, since *I* personally didn’t cut anyone’s achilles tendon, or whip the mother fucking daylights out of them, *I*’m not responsible.
Well, OK, I do perpetuate the ongoing slightly less overt economic warfare and spocial warfare, not that I’ll ever admit it.
But *I* never sold twin nigra pups to different famblies so *I* have no repsonsibility or cuplability in it.
Quit yer whining nigger.
Aw, OK Bubba. I won’t pretend to have an epileptic fit in a cheerleading outfit for you, but I have other filmmakers to work with these days. The drooling would’ve been funny. Or at least fun. I liked yours though….HAHAHAHA! Take that bitch!
I kept getting called a “dirty Mexican” by some white neighbors who were really racist (Bob Jones U. in the 70s–that’s actual proof if you still brag about your Alma Mater, right? Well, or if you get your kids to call people “dirty Mexicans”.). I went on the offense and they ended up with 2 mortgages, so am I a racist too? Kicking whitey around like that? I mean, I’d hate to be called a racist for refusing to explain to my kids that it’s OK to be Ionian/Cuban/German/Scots in this day and age, that’s all….
Sidhe–you like Twilly too? I love Twilly Spree. Might change the blog name to “What Would Twilly Spree Do?”, but then if some eco-terrorists do anything here I’ll be suspect #1….and I did just post on yet another Starbucks….Oh well, that’s what I get for not really getting to join Morbid Angel. Angst. And being a Brown Greek/Cuban racist I guess..LOL. People at Gates of Vienna say I’m an anti-white racist, so I guess it’s true. I just think I’m a fucking bitch, but they wouldn’t go for that. C’est la blog, eh?
OT, but i’m coming to the party late and if everyone isn’t totally incoherent and unable to maintain a conversation by this point, it’s time to hit a REAL party….
mikey, I was NY this week and saw a rock musical by a guy named stew…. Passing Strange it’s called.
Anyway, stew is a hefty black guy and has a band out in LA called The Negro Problem.
But stew and his band and his show were raised on rock and hardened by punk, and now they’re all a fair bit older and have made some measurable progress pursuing what he calls The Real. Worth checking out if you get the chance. Avail yourself of the Great Gazoogle.
So….Any beer left round here?
Here’s how I know black folks haven’t “jumped the shark”:
White people still aren’t over them yet. Jennifer’s foray into the racist dingleberry netherworld shows that.
People at Gates of Vienna say I’m an anti-white racist, so I guess it’s true.
I imagine the people at Gates of Vienna have a pretty unique definition of “racist”.
Jennifer: thanks. You said a mouthful. What drives me crazy is the cut-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face part of their madness. It’s not just the meanness — it’s the stupidity.
I keep waiting for Condi to actually get her card revoked after her recent comments, but the wingnuttia seem to be hibernating about them.
billy p: The Negro Problem are/were a great band. Stew’s great. Haven’t caught up on the newer material, thanks for the reminder!
Fear of a Barack Planet is an album about British kids who are lost in a world of materialism and prescription drugs. And are afraid of blacks.
The Rolling Stones’ song “Sympathy for the Devil” is actually about me.