Overnight thread

Rock on.


Comments: 73


You are one sick, twisted SOB…


You’re a monster.




you fucking asshole.


Hey, that’s a pretty good song.

Rock n roll, Sadlys….



Teh. SUCK.


OK, promise that’s the last Creed vid I’ll ever post. Just had to have one more laugh.


Sure, laugh while you can FunnyBoy. We all know were you live…


Actually, I like the fuzz effects on the bass.

That rocks my world.

Oh. And a memo to the creed hatin powers that be.

In between your creed hatin, could you maybe fix your fucking shit?

‘Cause frankly, if I have to delete all my cookies every fucking time I want to post a comment, I’m gonna find something else to do.

This is the fucking twenty first century. Can’t we just make this shit work?



Oh, and for those who were asking, I heard from Jillian today.

She’s ok, and will be back soon.




You fargin’ bastage!

Somanum batching icehole!

I gonna nail you dork to the wall and crush you boils in a meat grinder!


Testing! Testing! I tried to comment twice and I keep getting an error message.


I don’t know what’s up, hoosier, but if you delete all your sadly cookies you can get at least one post in before it locks up again…



My neighbors usually play some LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS BASS-DOMINATED ‘MUISC’ that, fortunately, I can usually drown out with, say, the soundtrack to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou played at a reasonable level. (Which I will probably play again today after that awful Creed … thing? … video? … is over.)

Today, I came home from drinking and working on my novel at the local sports bar and they were playing “Low Rider” by War.


Usually the music my neighbors play is much like that awful Creed music.


I join you in your crusade to shame all white people in denouncing Creed.

Creed! Hear me now!

I denounce you! I denounce you!

And I throw dog poop on your shoes.


Have I been banned?


Truly, these guys are a high point in Western Civilization.

My only Creed-related question is what’s with the guy sniffing the fish on the My Sacrifice video on the earlier thread? Is that one of the sacraments?


No seriously: WTF? Explanations in order.



That’s kind of mean.

Just sayin…



I like that higher song.

So, know what?

Fuck you.

Now carry on…



I’m pretty sure he’s making fun of Stapp.


This is the fucking twenty first century. Can’t we just make this shit work?

And here I thought the 21st century was all about dashed hopes and resigning oneself to universal suckage.


oh hell shoulda seen more dang Creed coming before i hit play…


Good Christ, make it stop already.


What a shocker– Stapp’s wearing a wife-beater.

So who got custody of Scotty anyway– Michael Sweet or Eddie Vedder?


Maybe we should leave teh “overnight thread” and the “rock on”s to Atrios. Sometimes I have no idea what it is I’m watching over there, but it rarely sucks this hard.

Arky - Slapper of Stapp

You realize that all the sCreed is fucking up your lovely lil blog.

Arky - Slapper of Stapp

Oh look, a comment went through without a fuckety fucking fuck error message.

Allow me to offer an antidote to the massive Stapp infection.


Please make it stop……….


Is this video supposed to be teh ghey pr0n? Because it looks pretty gay. But the gay videos over on xtube are a lot better than this. Not that I would watch stuff like that, but I’ve heard that anyway. Yeah, that’s it.


I think “Schlock on” would have been a more appropriate title for this post.


…here I thought the 21st century was all about dashed hopes and resigning oneself to universal suckage.

So far, it is. But I think it may take a few decades before the 21st really finds its voice, and that we’re currently living in a time when people are trying to make the 21st century be a crappy sequel – 20th Century II: After History’s End or something.

The 21st may end up being a major shitpile, but maybe not. And even if it does, I think it will be a whole new type of shitpile whose nuts and corn and tapeworms take forms we cannot even imagine!


Well I’m relieved to find out that it was wordpress that was eating my postings rather than being banned for not having anything productive to post about the Hillary campaign. I’m also relieved that I’ve been able to maintain my ignorance of all things Creed this week, despite strong odds.
Now lets ‘just see if this slips thru when I hit submit……..

OK. Delete cookies and lets see if it works on the second try….

OK. Maybe on the third…. Remember to copy…. Christ this sucks.


Oops, I posted this on the Creed thread, but what the hell? I’;ll post it here too

One of my favorite bands:

7 Year bitch – “Scratch”

I’m not being sarcastic, I really like these girls. Too bad they broke up.

I was around town then. Too fucking bad about Mia Zapata, too. Damn.


I can’t see the videos. Is that good?

Flappy McScrotum

I can’t believe I clicked on that video. I think I’ll drown it out with a little Tool or perhaps some Primus.


Fuck wordpress

Susan, I had a long answer to you.

anyway – they’re a girl band from Seattle in the 90’s. Let’s see if even this message posts.


It was the ’90s in Seattle. Mia Zapata had just been murdered. A bunch of other rockers had died from ODing heroin. It was a strange time.


Seems people who are logged in can do as they like. Right?


All right then: if Clinton and Obama were worth a Senatorial shit all traces of Creed would be erased from all media everywhere. Vote Nader.


You Clinton-lover, you Obama-lover, you McCain-lover. Just had to have a laugh, huh? Just had to have a laugh.


mikey said,

March 27, 2008 at 3:54

Oh, and for those who were asking, I heard from Jillian today.

She’s ok, and will be back soon.

Hanx for the good news, mikey.


I join you in your crusade to shame all white people in denouncing Creed

OK . I denounce Shorter Creed .

…..back to Rammstein…..


The 21st may end up being… a whole new type of shitpile whose nuts and corn and tapeworms take forms we cannot even imagine!

This is the dawning of the Age of Fecalius.


I’m glad to hear Jillian is doing OK


Jesus Christ. I’d forgotten the terriblitude. And these dipshits paved the way for Nickelback, making them even worse.

I will now go listen to Sandinista! to rinse out my brain.


We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.



Oh, fuck, youtube is a quagmire to get trapped in.

Here’s one. Man this chick sure had a lotof potential,, andnow she’s all fucked up:

Winehouse – “Valerie”


Hey liberals guess what? Everything I said last night about me being a liberal and all, I was lying I’m a Conservative bwahahahahahahahahaha! I do really agree with Conservatives about abortion and homosexuality. However I also agree with Conservatives on health care, taxes, immigration, welfare, guns, the death penalty, and the war on terrorism. You liberal fools fell for it. I had you believing I was a liberal all a long. Man you leftists are niave.


Man you leftists are niave.

Um, yup. There was never a doubt in anyone’s mind, which was why you had to spend so much time bleating that you weren’t a troll.


And Barack Obama is a black supremacist anti-American pig who isn’t even qualified to be elected dog catcher, never mind President.


Rotten bastard Bradley! Karma, dude, will get you.

Here’s a superior link by a mile.

Downloadable or watch on line.


Omigosh, you mean that our conservative ‘tard troll Matt McMahon was, in actually, in point of fact, a conservative ‘tard troll? Who could have foreseen this turn of events?!



My worldview is spiraling out of control.


Okay, to sooth the poor resonating pain of teh Creedorhea, I give thee, music that doesn’t suck…


The video is sheer camp, but the music rocks.

And on this note,

g said,

March 27, 2008 at 7:09

Oh, fuck, youtube is a quagmire to get trapped in.

Here’s one. Man this chick sure had a lotof potential,, andnow she’s all fucked up:

I give you what I have long referred to as “The Man Song”


Even though I know it’s just going to fail the first time, this is getting tiresome.


So, do you think they actually held a mirror in front of him through the whole video shoot so he could preen, or does he have sufficient imagination to just make it seem that way?


I saw a chunk of that the other night. Terrifying, really, in that I had figured that they just really didn’t give a rat’s ass rather than being completely, hopelessly stupid and trying to do something.

Little Matty,

Ooooh, you rascal, you. You had us all fooled. Now, you go hide, and we’ll count to thirty…


Of course, now I’m curious.

Do we elect dog catchers anymore? Isn’t that just something you apply for in the paper, under “animal control”?

Tim (the Other One)

basically if you play Low Rider by WAR it replaces all the bad. instantly.

On a more esoteric WAR level, I recommend the track Outlaw.


Oh, and for anybody yearning for something more on the quiet side, one of my all time favorites…


okay, two


Oh, and for those who were asking, I heard from Jillian today.

She’s ok, and will be back soon.


I second, or possibly fourth, that Yay! Mikey. Also the “good” news that it’s wordpress that hates me and not the Sadly, No proprietors.


I’d just like to take this opportunity to let everyone know George Bush will now leave office in 299 days.


That little trill must be the most godawful lead line I’ve ever heard.

I’m sure the psuedo-Jesus pose is sacraligeous, and the turning aside from women? What’s wrong with the man? Some of my best friends are women (and sex is a lot of fun anyway)


Candy Mint! / Breath Mint!

Tastes Great! / Less filling!

Sadly, No! / Sadly, Creed!

Give me a couple moments to mull it over. I’m sure there’s a point to be made here.


Mike check
check 1 check 2 checkcheckcheck


Shalom, gentlemen.


The truth is, Obama or Hillary will never get elected. McCain is the man for g-d and the USA.


saul said,

March 27, 2008 at 13:57

Shalom, gentlemen.



Just think, ten years from now, Creed is just going to be part of a line-up of bad videos, just like the bad video wars from the 70’s/80’s we did some weeks ago.


1:10 … which was about seventy seconds too long.
I actually thought that this was an ad.
Not really a glowing point in one’s favour, overall.

Boy, that Matt!
Sure fooled the pants off US, huh?

Yeah – gosh darn it, don’t WE look foolish. Of course, the fact that basically noone really bought into your schtick detracts NOTHING from your ninja-like stealth & cunning. Yep. WE sure look childish & stupid, don’t WE.

Please please PLEASE tell me McCain’s just hired you to work on his campaign this fall. See, Matt, the truth is, I’m secretly a neo-con just like you, & I really REALLY want him to win over that scary black guy or the Clinton lady … & I know if he uses the skill & subterfuge of someone with your (now conclusively proven) innate genius, ol’ John-Boy’s gonna take 2008 in a walk! Ssssh, don’t tell the others about “our little secret” Matt, it’d blow our cover!

Duros Hussein 62

So, do you think they actually held a mirror in front of him through the whole video shoot so he could preen, or does he have sufficient imagination to just make it seem that way?

He is doing a whole lot of Zoolander there, ain’t he? BLUE THUNDER!

Hate the band, but I always liked the “circle of life” or “bullet time” shots they used. I think it was the first time I saw that technique.


This blog seems to get a great deal of visitors. How do you get traffic to it? It offers a nice unique twist on things. I guess having something real or substantial to say is the most important thing.


I’ve seen like 20 other blogs but I like the way you out it


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