Posted on March 26th, 2008 by Brad
The Editors gives a brilliant national dialog on race.
The ending is just terrifying, though.
(But I promise that it’s still better than those Creed videos.)
Gavin adds: Oh yeah? Explain this. I know of precisely one Andrew “The Editors” Northrup, and it certainly seems as though there’s some insufficiently-denounced honky-ass cracker-honkin’ going on.
The fact is, that is heinous.
Here in the Heartland, we love corndogs, unlike you liberals.
The Editors swiped my idea, that next the media would be using cutting-edge “Crash Cargo” technology to put the words of militant Black Nationalism directly into Obama’s mouth….
OK. I’ll admit I’ve been waiting for the famous corn dog shot so I could post this video. He may be a putz, but he’s also just a helpless pawn in the big picture of MN State Fair cuisine:
I don’t think any people of color want the Buttrocket eating their sausage. Hell I’m a pasty gringo, and I certainly don’t want him anywhere near my sausage!
His hatred of Southerners and country music is ironic though, seeing as how its the only region that will be voting Gooper for the forseeable future.
You know who I feel bad for? Coy and Vance Duke.
Is teh Editors Jon Glaser?
Probably not, but sounds like him.
This just isn’t getting nearly enough play. Grassroots conservatism at its best.
Spam blocked again?
I blame the Creed fans for this.
God dammit, Jen. I almost got another glimpse of snaggle face before I saw the title and turned it off. I do not need that right after Creed.
Warning next time?
(But seriously, we need to buy out time on Fox News to play that three times every commercial break until the election. Obama has the cash.)
This just isn’t getting nearly enough play. Grassroots conservatism at its best.
The fact is, maybe it will be played on that liberal traitor Olbermann’s show. And from there, into stardom.
I protest. Larry The Cable Guy isn’t a real cracker. He’s an middle-class suburbanite raised in Miami. I don’t think it’s fair for me to have to denounce a guy making a buck off my stereotype. I’ll denounce all the cracker-ass crackers who buy his dumbass records, though. “Git er dun” No, shut the fuck up.
Denounce, denounce, denouce. I refuse to denounce “Hee Haw”, though. Nor shall I repudate it, deny it, renounce it or refute it. I will admit, though, that sometimes that shit wasn’t funny. Except for Junior Samples. He was always funny. He just was.
Aw, sheesh. The poorman link has my link on it. Now I feel silly. When Balloon Juice goes down because it’s raining in Seattle, I just have to share….must remember to pay cursory attention to the post I put it under. Sorry.
In Soviet Russia, Corndog eats you!
Hee-haw? Didn’t hold a candle to Petticoat Junction.
Okay, so all I remember was the naked girls in the water tank, but that counts for something, don’t it?
Balloon Juice got a link from Kos, rendering it useless.
Thanks, Great Orange Satan!
I tried to start “Great Pink Satan” for Hillaryis44.com, but it never caught on.
Plus, pink and orange totally clash.
jennifer, I think it’s Clutch Cargo. and his pals, spinner and paddlefoot.
Damn, sophie, you’re right. I had no idea I had written “crash” cargo till I went back and looked…still yet and all, teh Editors totally swiped mah idea….
Okay, so all I remember was the naked girls in the water tank, but that counts for something, don’t it?
Counts for a lot, dude. But Waylon Jennings was never on “Petticoat Junction” and he was on “Hee Haw” a couple times, and that’s got to count for something.
Plus: Hee Haw Honeys. I rest my case.
“Okay, so all I remember was the naked girls in the water tank, but that counts for something, don’t it?”
Counted for a lot of adolescent wood !
(wish I could format like the cool kids. I’m old…)
Wish I had a clue as to what this thread is about. Guess I’ll just have to keep bashing the rabid Hillary supporting Obama bashers back there in that other thread.
Poop jokes anyone? Brussell sprout pie?
And for something completely different, Creed still sucks.
Flag on the moon?
I didn’t watch that MN fair vid all the way through. Did they have brassica on a stick I wonder? If not, why?
Finally, somebody has the nerve to say what we’re all thinking. And before you all come down on me let me just say that I could not admire William Faulkner and Colonel Sanders MORE. They represent the best of what America is all about. In fact if they were with us today if anything they would condemn cracker ass crackers more strongly than I ever would venture to do.
I also, do not hate white people.
I don’t hate wingnut bloggers, I just hate wingnut bloggers as a group.
Oh, wait, no, what am I saying. I DO hate wingnut bloggers
Excuse me but it’s “crackuh ass crackuh”. Writing or saying “cracker ass cracker” makes one sound like, well, a crackuh ass crackuh.
I don’t even care if they’re bloggers.
I hate wingnut plumbers.
I hate wingnut airline pilots.
I hate wingnut starting pitchers.
Pretty much just hate wingnuts…
Did they have brassica on a stick I wonder? If not, why?
Because ‘brassica’ just sounds like something Minnesotans wouldn’t want to try.
Creed is a fine group of young patriots from the heartland of the USA of America. Anyone who says naught is an Islamosexual and should stop creeping around by my garbage cans, trying to steal my manly essence! Our President, George Willard Bush is a jet pilot hero of the Iraq War and he has Creed on his Walkman (or whatever fancy cassette player the Secret Service gives him from the dashboard of the Area 51 space saucer), so I don’t think you LIE-bruls should be saying bad things about American heartland music.
Can I just tell you how much I HATE wordpress?
Oh. And this implementation? Desperately crappy…
Mikey, wordpress is still better than haloscan. Or being at work, as I think about things that are truly bad.
Dude, my javascript is enabled.
As I was saying — ixnay on the Orthrupnay — The Editors made sure that was excised back in the beginning of the blog revolution (as is their right, they’re Editors). Next thing you know you’ll be talking about their WWF fixation back at the University of Alberta.
Stupid liberals.
Stupid Shoelimpy…
Have some pie, boy…
I like pie.
Goddamnit. Let’s try this again.
Just let me say, I do not hate people; I just hate people as a group.
Think about it – people are big pieces of shit. Status-obsessed. Shortsighted. Ignorant/stupid. All too willing to fuck one another over for the slightest – even merely perceived – advantage. As a group, people suck. I’m embarrassed to be a member of the species, and if I was Hillary, I would denounce you all and become a hermit.
Shalom gentlemen.
There is no saucer at Area 51. It’s cigar shaped. Get your facts straight.
The bottom line is, you liberals are traitors to America and your leftist values are out of touch with the Heartland which is why George McGovern lost by a landslide and which is why the Republican party has controlled the Executive Branch for the better part of a half century. We in the Heartland love God, Country, Family, Property Rights and Individual Liberty where as you on the left oppose such things which is why the left will never dominate American politics like they do in Europe.
Saul, you could probably find some new material for your act on the internet.
No shit. I mean, you have to reach back to 1972 for proof that you’re hip?
Fuck! I crafted a great post, and stupid fucking WordPress ate it.
Well, eat this, WordPress.
And I do have Java enabled.
stop creeping around by my garbage cans, trying to steal my manly essence
Is that where you keep it?
Wow, that was a sausage-fest of fun. Poorman’s set a precedent with this effort.
I crafted a great post,
That diamond-tipped chisel comes in handy.
No shit. I mean, you have to reach back to 1972 for proof that you’re hip?
some people who were teenagers then have plastic hips now.
O.K., so how many people got that “Flag on the moon?” comment by Francis Coleman?
Did they have brassica on a stick I wonder?
Allow me to boast that I have actually eaten battered, crumbed, fried cabbage leaf. This was in a cafeteria in St. Petersburg. Russian cuisine is specifically designed to make the Scottish diet look healthy in comparison.
h3y d00dz! d0n’7 3v4! m4k3 fun0f4 d00d fr0m 3dm0n70n! ev4h n3v4h!
I lived there for a year, and it’s cool. Albeit a bit on the conservative side. But at least it’s cold, mmkay?