My Sacrifice

Some of you have said that you’ve never heard Creed before and don’t understand why so many of us can possibly have such an incredible hostility toward a rock band.

Well, I’m not saying you asked for it, but you asked for it:


Comments: 98


you’re evil, Brad. EVIL!


Dood? WTF?



The late ’90s/Early ’00s were a true dark period for popular music.

Five of Diamonds

Every time I play my guitar hip-deep in water I get electrocuted…and lose bowel control.


I don’t see how lashing out at your own readers is going to help anything.


So if I I play the same song at half speed, I can release it as another song?


I think I’ll check back in a few years to see how this thread is progressing.


Do you want me to stop coming here entirely? Dude, it’s your advertising revenue.


I could have gone the rest of my life not remembering that Arms Wide Open song.

Fuck yo couch, Brad.


Yeah, and your ottoman, too.


Come on Mr. Music Snob.

Creed may suck and Stapp a douchebag, but “Arms Wide Open” is a good fucking song, I don’t care who you are.

I guess I’m man enough to admit it. You know what another good song is? “Could’ve Been Me” by Billy Ray Cyrus.

Oh, and “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by Fergie. That’s right. I said it. And I know most if not all of you out there have songs you really like but won’t admit it.

I denounce you music snobs.

Oh, and Journey fucking rocks!

This post is 100% serious, and I am not kidding. I’ve gotten into this same crap over at Pandagon, the High Throne of Music Snobbery.


Well, not everything is great.




That dude is wicked Christ-ie with all those poses. Who can deny the awesome power of doG that his glistening torso struggles to contain? So, why you hatin’ on them so much? It’s not like the guy’s a total hypocrite.


Dude I’m totally offended here,

Sugar Ray is the worst band EVAR and you know it DOODS!


I just had the distinct pleasure of listening to 10 minutes of Celine Dion while waiting in line at the Post Office. As a white person, I want to say that I am deeply, deeply sorry. Actually, no. I’m not doing this anymore. Someone owes me an apology this time.



Tim (the Other One)

heh…he-he…those guys are wet..heh…heh-heh…


When “with arms wide open” was playing on the radio, and I kept being told how he sung it to his baby as it was actually exiting his wife’s vagina, I wondered why he didn’t either get a guitar smashed over his head by a woman in labor or have the baby refuse to come out into such a terrifying world.


Oh, and Journey fucking rocks!

Yeah, but what does that have to do with Creed?

Tim (the Other One)

Steve Smith’s a great drummer but Journey could be the uber-douches of yacht rock.


I want the official Norbizness review of Creed and The Stapph! He’s the music snob I trust.

(You have to catch him in comments these days, ya know; he’s homeless.)


When you play a Creed song backwards Jesus lives for our good deeds and god can’t really handle much.

And it still sucks.


I will never apologize for liking music from the 80s again.

And in response to all of El Tiburon’s points:
Sadly, No.


I will not hate on the Journey.

Creed, on the other hand, is still terrible.

And you thought the *late* 90’s was bad.

Flappy McScrotum

Is this a bad time to mention that I own that Creed cd? I went to the CD store with the idea of either buying Creed’s “My Own Prison” or Alice in Chain’s “Jar of Flies”. I ended up walking out with the Creed CD.


could this douchebag take himself any more seriously? love that fists-balled-looking-towards-the-heavens thing…i thought that went out with Dave Coulier.

seriously, are women actually fooled by this shite?

Tim (the Other One)

Jennifer, you made my day.


“Big Girls Don’t Cry” is like having a big cold rusty nail shoved up your brachial artery and twisted around by a girl who expects sympathy. Ohhhhh how I hate that song. I think “Arms Wide Open” probably still sucks more in the larger scheme of things, but only time will tell.


Did someone just diss Frankie Valli? Aw hell no….


Wrong “Big Girls Don’t Cry”, Mitch. I really recommend you never search that phrase on youtube if you like Frankie Valli’s song of that name.

Clever Pseudonym

Dude, I just lost my lunch. Brad, you owe me five bucks and a new keyboard.


In Frontiers 5, 0:48, they tell the story of a musician, always on the road, and the woman he’s left behind:

Now that is some funny shit.


See, I don’t miss my old music journalist job at all. Ya know why? I don’t have to listen to stuff like Creed or Fergie or any of that stuff at all if I don’t want to. Got me an iPod and shit-ton of Doug Sahm and Waylon Jennings CD’s, hell, what else does one need, musically speaking?


I want the official Norbizness review of Creed and The Stapph! He’s the music snob I trust.

Our new friend Matt from may have won yesterday’s debate on a technicality if we take Norbiz as our arbiter of suck rock. He never actually gave Creed an official spot. Deeply irresponsible on his part but there you have it. Journey on the other hand falls under the “Shit Rock (Category Two)” domain:

(5) Shit Rock (Category Two): Bands/acts that were born shitty, including supergroups comprised from the tattered remnants of some of the above bands. Includes Journey, Asia, the Firm, John Cougar Mellencamp, Allan Parsons Project, Bob Seeger, Billy Squier, and Styx. The backbone of VH-1 and VH-1 Classic programming.


if you want me to click on a Creed video, you are going to have to have a better lead-in. Namely, one that does not reveal it is a Creed video.


A Creed-Roll, if you will? (do not ever do a Creed-Roll)


Here’s the thing I don’t get. In order for a band to be regarded as so awful, don’t they have to, well, actually do something conspicuously awful? Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not going to defend Creed. I do not like them at all. Still, I’ve always thought of them as totally bland and forgettable. To inspire the passionate hatred that they clearly have…well, don’t they have to distunguish themselves in some way to stand out so much? They seem to me just one more piece of bland noise to ignore, not the grandfather of garbage that so many seem to take them for. Have they been picked to represent all the detritus from their era, or do people genuinly believe they’re significantly worse than the rest?


No, that’s just our style here. We smell weakness and pounce.


I dunno, Christopher; if the opposite of love is not hate but apathy, maybe the opposite of “awesome band” is “meh”.


Video Director: Shit, we still have $10,000 left in the budget. Scott, I think it would be a noble gesture to donate that money to actual flood victims.

Scott Staph: Fuck that dood! We can get the tiger on the car after all!! Whoo-hoo! High-five!



I worked for Bon Jovi for a while, was Richie’s guitar tech. Oh man, my heart is breaking. Richie is such a sweetheart. On this, my 10th anniversary of sobriety…Man, I wish there was a way to reach out to one of the nicest guys I ever met in 27 years of working in the music business. And somehow help.


GAHHHH!!! Jesus, Fergie…WTF? I remember back in my college freshman days when the Black Eyed Peas, while not awesome or anything, were at least pretty solid. Now it’s the definition of “fell off.”

Incidentally, I’m all for genre crossovers, but if this is the future, I weep. What the hell…


Mark from yesterday’s (and the 2006) thread is still my Number 1 fan.


Is this a bad time to mention that I own that Creed cd? I went to the CD store with the idea of either buying Creed’s “My Own Prison” or Alice in Chain’s “Jar of Flies”. I ended up walking out with the Creed CD.

Dude, I don’t even know what to say. Jar is one of the best albums of all time, evah, anywhere. Alice in Chains is my personal favorite band of all time, but even setting that aside, Jar stands apart from the rest of the catalog as a gem. Shoulda bought the Alice.

That’s the problem with musical or artistic taste, though. It’s all so subjective . . . except for Scott Stapp’s weapons grade suckitude, which is an indisputable fact. I haven’t had cable in years and so was spared ever seeing a creed video – and I ain’t starting now – but I had to hear that crap a lot. One of my friends was in a bar band at the time and they felt they had to do Creed because Creed was wildly popular with the meth heads who made up their fan base. “Shoulda been dead on a Sunday mornin’ bangin mah head!” Yark.


Video Director: Shit, we still have $10,000 left in the budget. Scott, I think it would be a noble gesture to donate that money to actual flood victims.

Scott Staph: Fuck that dood! We can get the tiger on the car after all!! Whoo-hoo! High-five!

FWIW, and yes, I am ashamed that I know this…that video came out in late fall 2001. So while there were certainly floods, 9/11 and Afghanistan were the issues o’the day. Not Katrina/tsunami.


Shorter Scott Stapp:



Shalom gentlemen.

The fact is, Creed was the defining band of the heartland during its run, and could connect to the average American more than any snooty liberal Hollywood type band like the Dixie Chicks or Marylin Manson. They will be missed on the music world.


I raise high the roof beams of My Own Prison:

A court is in session, a verdict is in
No appeal on the docket today
Just my own sin
The walls are cold and pale
The cage made of steel
Screams fill the room
Alone I drop and kneel
Silence now the sound
My breath the only motion around
Demons cluttering around
My face showing no emotion
Shackled by my sentence
Expecting no return
Here there is no penance
My skin begins to burn

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said oh) We’re all held captive
Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one

I hear a thunder in the distance
See a vision of a cross
I feel the pain that was given
On that sad day of loss
A lion roars in the darkness
Only he holds the key
A light to free me from my burden
And grant me life eternally

Should have been dead
On a Sunday morning
Banging my head
No time for mourning
Ain’t got no time

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said oh) We’re all held captive
Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one

I cry out to God
Seeking only his decision
Gabriel stands and confirms
I’ve created my own prison
I cry out to God
Seeking only his decision
Gabriel stands and confirms
I’ve created my own prison

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said oh) We’re all held captive
Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said oh) We’re all held captive
Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one

Should’ve been dead on a Sunday morning
banging my head
No time for mourning
Ain’t got no time


Saul is a voice of reason on this site. Word up Saul!


Christian Rock SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’d rather listen to Japanese pop music ANY DAY OF THE WEEK


I think it’s clear to me why Creed brings teh hate– the Messianic gestures. He’s some insipid hybrid of Jesus and John Cusack (he of the aggrieved-in-the-rain look in Say Anything, High Fidelity, thousands of others). That “I’m not trying to get in a woman’s pants, I’ve got a world to save” look (itself an attempt to get in women’s pants) is just too much. I mean really– look at his condescending look at the hot drowning woman in My Sacrifice. Douchissimus!


Creed is why I stopped listening to the radio. Literally.


Remember how Scott Stapp slapped his wife around, right here where I sit in America’s Glans™? Well, I used to know his wife’s sister when she (the sister) was in law school. Do I get a prize?

And as long as we’re doing True Musical Confessions, here’s mine: I like Nickelback.

Did I just lose the prize I just won?


They Can’t All Be Gems.

And hey, Alan Parsons rocked. Well, not rocked, exactly, but I actually did (do) like them so you take that back!


Oh lordy, Being fom Britland, and, obviousy, being super fucking cool and hip and discovering all your bands a year before you did, this is really quite depressing on a level outwith comprehension. Still, y’all voted for bush 2nd time around, so , enjoy the soundtrack to your destruction! Brad, you’re a sick, sick man. I’m off to roy’s in the hope he has some Circle Jerks or something to fix everything.


Er, and the above was ironic, before I get flamed for the super fucking cool comment.


I remember “Higher” was the first song I ever downloaded from Napster back in the day.

Ah, Cortez, Colorado.


I understand, OneMan. I too liked Alan Parson’s stuff. Well, the first one anyway, the Poe thingy. But it was new, I was in college, it was the 70’s drugs were plentiful and so was I.


PeeJ, I’m way more plentiful now than when I was in college.


The Christ poses, they burn!

The goggles do nothing!


I’m a-Pickin!

And I’m a-Grinnin!

Ahh, hell yeah. A righteous flatt and scruggs ramble, a mason jar fulla corn sqeezins, a couple of big peyote buttons and you’re all set for an afternoon…



An afternoon? Hell, sounds more like all night at least. Leastways, that’s the way I remember it. S’been a looong time.


Wow… it’s like they took Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy” and tried to find out how many ways they could remix it.


Video killed the radio star.


And you know what? The Buggles were actually a pretty great band if you like that sort of thing and I do. SRSLY. Listen to “Johnny on the Monorail.” Mesmerizing.

Doctorb Science

Xenos and Sinfonian: Nickelback actually recorded the same song at the same speed, in the same key, and released both as singles two years apart. How You Remind Me and Someday — same damn song.


Xenos and Sinfonian: Nickelback actually recorded the same song at the same speed, in the same key, and released both as singles two years apart. How You Remind Me and Someday — same damn song.

I don’t have it handy, but someone did a mashup of them … pretty hilarious. You can find it with the Google, I imagine.

Van Halen’s “Panama” is likewise a double-time version of “Jump.” 🙂


Why does Brad hate his readers?

Now I need another keyboard. The old one is ruined from all the blood coming from my forehead when I repeatedly slammed my head on my desk.


Sinfonian said,

March 26, 2008 at 23:36

Remember how Scott Stapp slapped his wife around, right here where I sit in America’s Glans™? Well, I used to know his wife’s sister when she (the sister) was in law school. Do I get a prize?

And as long as we’re doing True Musical Confessions, here’s mine: I like Nickelback.

Did I just lose the prize I just won?




Nobody put this up yet?


I’m gonna listen to Boston tonight.


And Indigo Girls.

So there.



pedestrian said,

March 26, 2008 at 21:54

I just had the distinct pleasure of listening to 10 minutes of Celine Dion while waiting in line at the Post Office. As a white person, I want to say that I am deeply, deeply sorry. Actually, no. I’m not doing this anymore. Someone owes me an apology this time.

That would probably be Walter Afanasieff, and he owes us all a great many apologies, some for Celine, others for Kenny G, Michael Bolton, Mariah Carey and some truly insipid soundtracks over the years. Rest a little easier knowing that some sort of hardcore, deviant pornography was almost certainly playing in the control room during mixdown. Not that it will help the music any, but it elevates the humor level.


Okay, I thought it was alright at first. I heard one of the songs before and I didn’t think it sucked, I admit, but the lead singer is so annoying in those videos, dripping with faux sensitivity and reeking of narcissism, and it really makes it impossible to like the song for the duration of the video.

Arky - Slapper of Stapp

Commentz iz broekn?


I watched about 30 seconds of each of these. Weapons-grade suckitude about sums it up. That’s some lame derivative crap there. I have heard one of them on radio, well the first couple of bars until the “singing” starts: without knowing who it was, I knew it was bad. Learning it was Creed — the only band ever sued by its own fans for a crappy live show? — only confirms that I am not yet incapable of enjoying life.

Seriously, would anyone in any local Battle of the Bands not kick their asses?

And before their defenders converge, I hope they understand that every argument against a band’s intrinsic crappiness proves it. If they can’t defend themselves with their music, nothing you can say will help, other than to make them look weak(er). Work out for yourself how it makes you look . . .


Nope, Arky, just rewind and try again. The Stappness must have spilled onto some of the cogs and gears at S,N! HQ and gummed things up.

Pazuzu's Petals

But, the slow-mo…the clenched hands… the forlorn gazing into the heavens! If that doesn’t scream “Serious Artists” I don’t know what does. O tempore, o mores!

Arky - Slapper of Stapp

If there were a law against intentionally spreading massive amounts of shite over the intertoobs Brad would be sitting in a jail cell with a large man named The Grim Reamer.


Yes, Creed sucks but no worse than a million other shitty groups that think they are god’s gift to music. The second video was actually funny until the awful guitar solo. But Blue Buddha nailed it… Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy”. If Pearl Jam sucked they would be Creed.

And Alan Parsons early stuff was great when you were stoned. Except for that Time song which single-handedly increased the teen suicide rate while it was on the charts.

Arky - Slapper of Stapp

If Hendrix sucked … he would still be able to stomp sCreed’s lame ass into the ground, steal their groupies, realize he didn’t want the groupies and stomp the groupies without raising a sweat.


Oh, here’s one of my favorite groups:

7 Year Bitch

I’m not being sarcastic, I love these girls. too bad they broke up.


MC Rove was a more significant influence on music than Creeeeeed.


Yes, Arky, you Stapp-slapper, you. Teh WordPress ate my commentzez as well. I had one that was the most brilliant thing ever to hit the net, too.

Well, not really.

HAH! this time I ctl-c’d it.


Stapp…it’s an infection only strong antibiotics can cure. I say, abstain!


Here’s the thing I don’t get. In order for a band to be regarded as so awful, don’t they have to, well, actually do something conspicuously awful?

Actually, I may be in the minority here, but I think its a greater crime to be so completely and utterly mediocre than it is to be monumentally bad…I mean, if something is truly fucking great or truly fucking terrible, you have something to talk about either way. Creed’s music by contrast was just bland, uninspired, over-produced remixes of old rock cliches, double-filtered to remove any traces of soulful reflection or meaning, and then soaked in a concentrated solution of pure Boring…the auditory equivalent of floating in a sea of room-temperature mayonnaise.


Here’s the thing I don’t get. In order for a band to be regarded as so awful, don’t they have to, well, actually do something conspicuously awful?

Actually, I may be in the minority here, but I think its a greater crime to be so completely and utterly mediocre than it is to be monumentally bad

Add to this Stapp’s personal douchey magnetism and Creed becomes a lightning rod for scorn. It’s one thing to make mediocre music, another thing to do it for Jesus, and still another to spend the time between derivative recording sessions about how much you love your family and your Lord banging groupies in the back of Kid Rock’s bus.


For fucksakes, why’d you have to go and bring up “My Own Prison?” I just wiped up the blood and vomit on my desk from the videos.

Whoever heard the line “I feel the pain that was given on a sad day of loss” and thought “Hey, these doodz should get a record deal!” should be drawn and quartered.


Michael Bolton

That no-talent assclown.

Anyways, I feel that Three Doors Down is a far worse band than Creed, if only because of their Army propaganda video that shows on every gorram movie theater.


on an up note, i just saw Alice Smith at the Triple Door in Seattle. great music, great chill/in the pocket rhythm section…. and she is smokin’. enjoy!


I remember when Atrios linked to the livejournal of that girl who completely dissed Stapp. Good times.


Van Halen’s “Panama” is likewise a double-time version of “Jump.” 🙂

The best cover evah of ‘Jump’ was done by Aztec Camera.

Sinf, you mean Nickle Creek, don’t you?


52 seconds (6 less than my age in earth years) and i was heaving up my wonderful breakfast of nathan’s hotdogs, hot mustard and jalapeños on sourdough…
i didnt see any of the peet’s french roast in there.
at least that was saved.

it’s those fuckin’ cracker-ass-crackers isnt it?

jeebus, i hate blowin’ jalapeños out my nose this early in the morning… thanks a fuckin’ lot,
… assholes.


[…] of Sadly, No!: they regularly harass loyal Republicans and disrespect wholesome Christian music; possible al Qaeda sleeper […]


Despite rumors to the contrary, Creed still sucks.


(comments are closed)