Electrifying Revelations About the Clinton Campaign!!11!ONE!!ELEVEN


ABOVE: JR Dieckmann

JR Dieckmann is an electrician, a frequent contributor to Renew America, the editor of the modestly-titled “Great American Journal,” and not someone you would want to do the rewiring in your bathroom, particularly after you hear who he thinks is behind the snooping in Obama’s passport file. Hint: her name starts with an “H,” ends with a “y,” and sounds a little bit like Hitler:

Don’t be fooled by media (including Fox News) attempts to include Senator Clinton in this story. … Clinton’s name was included in this media story only to derail speculation that it was her campaign supporters who were involved in this breach of State Dept. security.

Fox News is aiding the Clinton campaign? What next? Is Bill O’Reilly announcing that he’s giving up those falafel-loofah showers with interns and joining Sexaholics Anonymous?

Don’t be fooled by the mainstream media’s attempts to cover for the Clinton’s by including Mrs. Clinton in the story. It is well known that the Clinton have strong connections in the State Department and many employees there were hired by the Clinton Administration.

Apparently the State Department is filled with sleeping Hillary-bots just waiting to move into action and do the bidding of the Queen of Darkness, Socialized Medicine and Forced Gay Abortion. Now before you protest that the snoopers were employees of a contractor and not a Hillary-bot employee of the State Department, ol’ JR has got that point covered:

I wonder if Sandy Burger [sic] would have been considered a “contract employee” of the Clinton Administration.

I’m not quite sure I see the point, but it appears to be that the contract employees were Hillary-bots because Sandy Berger stuffed documents in his pants, or something like that.

News reports continue to focus only on the passport application, saying little information could be gained from it other than the applicants Social Security number. Just the SS number in itself is nearly a password to other personal files.

See, the Clinton campaign was planning to steal Obama’s identity, apply for a bunch of credit cards in his name, and buy themselves three million pizzas from Pizza Hut and forty-two thousand HDTVs which would then wreck Obama’s credit rating forcing him to terminate his campaign and become a singing pirate selling chowder in a tourist restaurant:

But maybe there’s more in those files.

The question was asked earlier if the files contained one’s travel history. McCormack said he didn’t know. Where else would one’s travel history be saved if not in their passport file? My God, it’s part of the passport.

Which means that all those stamps in your passport that show where you’ve been are magically transmitted (perhaps sent by owl mail) back to the State Department where they become a permanent part of your passport file.

What other information might be contained in those files is unknown.

This, of course, is not about to stop JR from telling us what other information is in those files.

But I can assure you, there is a great deal more there than just the passport application, and possibly information that could be used in a political campaign to smear one’s opponent.

No doubt Obama’s passport file contains proof that Obama had a twenty-year homosexual relationship with Jeremiah Wright and this will be revealed any time now by the Hillary campaign to the superdelegates.


Comments: 110


It is well known that the Clinton have strong connections in the State Department and many employees there were hired by the Clinton Administration.

I am shocked, deeply shocked to think that there are actually career federal employees were hired during the administration of an earlier president.


Obama=secret traveler.


Wait. Wait. Wait.

The fact that Hillary was also allegedly “snooped” is evidence that she’s in on the gag? And since when were Hillary and her operatives running the State Department? This is well known? Why didn’t Condi say something about being the Secretary in name only?

Fuck it. Forget it. I don’t wanna know how they come up with this stuff.


Where else would one’s travel history be saved if not in their passport file?
It goes without saying that one’s travel history must be on a government file somewhere.


RenewAmerica does a good job of finding columnists to capture the essence of Alan Keyes—completely bugfuck crazy with just a smidgen of pathetic.

If we weren’t busy laughing at them and kinda feeling bad that people like this actually exist in the world, you’d almost feel sorry for them.


Where else would one’s travel history be saved if not in their passport file? My God, it’s part of the passport.

Somehow I don’t think this guy has done much travelin’ outside America or really digs what a passport IS and how it’s used.


The fact that Hillary was also allegedly “snooped” is evidence that she’s in on the gag?

You know, if you’re gonna make pretzels out of it like that, why not assume the fact that McCain was snooped is evidence that he’s behind the nefarious plot to make Hillary and Barack work together as a singing pirate waiter duet?


Oops, sorry. I should make it clear that by “you” I mean the nuttybar who wrote the column, not Legalize, who just summed it up coherently if bemusedly.


He’s right. No, I’m certain of it.

And now I have proof.

Last night I was downstairs kind of late, working on some stuff. I went up to go to the bathroom and when I came back down the light was off and the computer was shut down. Well, that’s odd, I thought, and turned them back on. A while later I went upstairs again and when I got back down, yep, light and computer shut off again. Dammit.

Just about then I heard something odd, and there, crouched behind the couch giggling was Hillary. “Get on outta here, dammit” I shouted. She just smirked and said “Oh, ok. Whatever. I’m gonna go fuck with your neighbors”..

You see? She’s pure evil with a mean streak, and she’ll stop at NOTHING!!



Anybody besides me want to smash that kids guitar over his head?


The beauty of the Chimp-descended mind (the Right) is that reality and facts are based upon your experiences and biases, whereas those descended from the Bonobos (the Left) base their experiences and biases on reality and facts (and sex).


I’ll bet she didn’t even go through a proper shutdown on your computer, mikey. There is no limit to the depths of evil to which she will stoop.

That second sentence was my entry into “Write like a Renew America Writer” contest.


Pure Evil and a mean streak?

Sounds like she got into some Jimson Weed.


Dude, Obama needs to call Todd Davis and LifeLock like yesterday. Next thing you know Hillary or one of her minions will be looking over his shoulder when he enters in his PIN at the ATM.


I think you should change yr graphic for Dieckmann to feature this instead:



I think that guy was the behind-the-camera porn impresario in Boogie Nights.


Any chance this electrician was working for KRB?



I guess I owe the neighborhood raccoons an apology for hating them for fucking with my garbage cans, eating the figs off my fig tree and making those loathsome shrieking sounds I hear at night. It was Hillary all along. And what does she want with all those single socks she keeps stealing?


wouldn’t the files contain a list of the visas you received?

Notorious P.A.T.

See, the Clinton campaign was planning to steal Obama’s identity, forcing him to terminate his campaign and become a singing pirate selling chowder in a tourist restaurant

I salute you, my good man.


I think the only real conclusion one can draw from Mr. Dieckmann’s keen observations is that Renew America is in desperate need of editors. Even rudimentary spelling- and grammar-check software would be nice.


wouldn’t the files contain a list of the visas you received?

I don’t know, in my none-too-vast experience they’re given or mailed directly to you. I would think the candidates’ travels are pretty well documented in the press already, too.


Here you go. Why didn’t I Google it the first time? Um, look over there, at that thing! IT’S SOOOO SHINY! *runs away*


Ray Charles’s Creme D’ananas Water

1 shot chicken lymph, kiddingly strained
2 jars wasteful creme d’ananas

Add the chicken lymph belligerently to the creme d’ananas since it’s lighter. Serve in a medium wild bottle. Phone the authorities.


Shorter D.N. Nation upon reading anything at RenewAmerica:

I’m sorry, what?


I wonder if Sandy Burger [sic] would have been considered a “contract employee” of the Clinton Administration.

I wonder if James Guckert would be considered a … aw fuck it, it’s too easy.


Dickmann (or whatever) has a definite Cliff Clavin thing going on there.


Shamalama-ding-dong, Saul.


Pie, pietlemen.

Dennis Miller's Chief Writer

He’s really called “Dickman”?


Righteous Bubba is going to get the DoughBob to come by in a state of high panic to proclaim the essential truth of liberal fascism. It is obvious that Bubba has created a new artform that builds directly on the work of the the Italian Futurists, using software named after a Roman god. It’s liberal, it’s fascist, and ‘Add the chicken lymph belligerently…’ sounds like it came from someone who would create this:

“an original dish suggesting the Italian landscape”: Surround a tall up right cylinder of minced veal stuffed with eleven vegetables by a ring of sausages draped between large balls of minced chicken. Crown the whole with golden honey.

I’m serious, Jonah is going to be all dancing around yelling wOOt!111!! and what all. It’s kind of sad, really.



Your blood-chilling story of Hillary sabotaging your computer reminded me of a similar story told by a producer I worked with in the mid-90s. She knew a family who lived in Israel. And one day the parents discovered that a crayon had somehow found its way into the VHS tape machine.
They presented the evidence to their daughter, who was maybe 5 or 6. They said, “Gal? Do you know how this crayon got into the tape machine?”


(Pause–and accidentally hit Enter–for suspense.)

The girl thought hard for a second, and then said, “Saddam Hussein came and put it in there.”

Yes, THAT’S how bad he was.


tigrismus said – Here you go. Why didn’t I Google it the first time? Um, look over there, at that thing! IT’S SOOOO SHINY! *runs away*
No, no, no! That’s what they want you to believe! You think that’s an official State Department blog? HA! It’s a trick man, a plot by the Hillary campaign! Hill’s people want you to believe it’s “official”, what with the tricky URL and everything, but trust ol’ JR, Hillary is behind that too..


It is well known that the Clinton have strong connections in the State Department

It is well known among those who know it. In this case hoever, Sadly, NO! The contract employees work for a company headed by a Barack adviser. But wait! That’s the one who also looked at McLoud McCain’s file! Woot!!eleventywoot!1!

There’s absolutely no reason to think they are guilty of anything more than letting thier curiosity lead them into a stoopid act. Can’t say that I’m not glad it happened though. The reaction by Diekmann et. al. is pure comedy.


“an original dish suggesting the Italian landscape”: Surround a tall up right cylinder of minced veal stuffed with eleven vegetables by a ring of sausages draped between large balls of minced chicken. Crown the whole with golden honey.

That is the gayest recipe that I have ever read.

Phone the authorities.
I do, after every meal. If I forget, my neighbors remember.


What a load of silly silliness.

While we’re on Faux News, I’ve recently resubbed on my cable package after a two year absence. Loving their obsession with Jeremiah Wright, and their pathetic attempts to make something of his successor’s sermon defending him. Do you lot watch Fox for entertainment or to fire you up for a hard day’s arguing with GOP types?


One of the proposed settings for these “perfect meals” incorporated the Futurist love of machinery: The diners would eat in a mock aircraft, whose engines’ vibrations would stimulate the appetite.

Ho. Lee. Shit. Maybe the Pink Swastika was right after all.


I’m sorry. THAT futurist shit sounds far too Barbarella for me.


While this guy is clearly an idiot, I think you people must not have traveled much outside your country or not paid attention when going through immigration. Your passport has a bar code on it. It is read every time you go through immigration. The INS person has a computer right at the desk and they seem to enter information on it when I go through. I have always assumed they keep these records and aren’t just doing for their amusement. Since the same thing happens when you enter another country, my only question would be whether or to what extent, countries share these files. And, I assumed the “snoopers” went through Obama’s (and Clinton’s and McCain’s) electronic files which would have all this information in it.


Paul McCartney’s Disinterested Creme de Fraise Tea

1 cup dingo tears, euphemistically strained
4 tablespoons famous creme de fraise, assimilatingly iced

Add the dingo tears overprotectively to the creme de fraise since it’s lighter. Serve in a medium plain shot glass. Observe your guests carefully.


Do you lot watch Fox for entertainment or to fire you up for a hard day’s arguing with GOP types?

I don’t watch FAUX N00z, I give it.


Dickman said: It is well known that the Clinton have strong connections in the State Department and many employees there were hired by the Clinton Administration.

And the Clintons are involved with…..The Pentavirate! Along with Colonel Sanders, the bug-eyed bastard. He puts a special chemical in the chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly!


Observe your guests carefully.

This is good advice.

But so goddam time consuming.

So I put claymores under the couch.

I can end the party anytime if the fuckers get outta hand…



Brilliant Mikey, but I find PrimaCord does a much nicer job, and leaves less mess to clean-up afterwards.


So I put claymores under the couch.

I can end the party anytime if the fuckers get outta hand…


On that note!


While this guy is clearly an idiot, I think you people must not have traveled much outside your country or not paid attention when going through immigration. Your passport has a bar code on it. It is read every time you go through immigration.
And, I assumed the “snoopers” went through Obama’s (and Clinton’s and McCain’s) electronic files which would have all this information in it.

Umm, no. You’ve confused ‘passport file’ with ‘permanent record.’ It’s scanned at US entry and exit, yes. But I’ve beeen through quite a few countries (on, let’s see… 5? continents) and have not been recorded more often than I have. They have no idea where you’ve been. Unless, of course, you’re a terrorist suspect or a political enemy.

The information is not shared. Hell, the Germans wouldn’t even tell the CIA the real name of “Curveball.”


Your passport has a bar code on it. It is read every time you go through immigration.

On a more serious note; the bar code contains the passport number, which according to ICAO contains the country of origin. No personal information is encoded in the passport number/barcode.

NOW…that does mean the passport number can be correlated to a specific traveler if needed at a later date – but the barcode does not identify the traveler.


Will four thousand of America’s best young men and women ever come home again?

Sadly, no.


The problem, Senator, is that you have to tamp the primacord to get any directional function, and you end up a lot of collateral damage to your living room.

Now you COULD go with the Clear Primaline with the blue stripe. That shit has a low payload, but what you end up is a bunch of really pissed off guests trying to find their feet.

Kinda humorous, in a macabre way, but not ultimately a clean solution.

You ever argue with a guy you want to leave after you’ve blown off his feet? That dood is positively cranky. It’s like he wants you to DO something. Sheesh. I made the canapes, fer crissakes.

I mean jeez, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here..



Observe your guests carefully.
This is good advice.

Especially if you slipped the Datura Tea into their cocktails. You don’t want to miss any of the entertainment when they start chatting with Huey the Datura Dwarf.
It is a scientifically established fact that at any party where three or more people have consumed datura, one of them will invariably have a long conversation with an otherwise-invisible dwarf. Called Huey.


Will four thousand of America’s best young men and women ever come home again?

I’m sorry. I’m going to be incorrect again.

Sure, it’s sad, and it’s sick, and it’s a FUCKING waste of lives and families and potential.

But the worship is sickening.

They are not “America’s Best young men and women™. They are everyone. They are no one.

They are the kid down at the gas station with the crooked teeth. They are the eagle scout you always told little johnny to emulate. They are little johnny, who got little frannie pregnant and needed a way to make a living. They are your fucking sons, daughters, brothers, uncles, dads, moms.

They aren’t “the best”. They aren’t all “heroes”. And for fucks sake, people, they don’t WANT to be. They have a job. In their job, its hard to make it home in one piece. It’s a life or death motherfucker, and it tears at your soul.

But it doesn’t make them anything more or less than they are. They have a job. They DO a job. They hold the line, every fucking day. And they don’t break. It makes them soldiers and marines. It doesn’t make them superheroes or some kind of bullshit they can’t live up to when they get home and they need help.

The sooner you assholes stop trying to make them batman and realize what they actually do and what they go through and how hard it is to stay together and keep your shit in your ditty bag, the sooner you MIGHT be able to get past your stupid fantasies and help them.

What? You think they’re gonna ASK?




On that note, Bush’s War is on Frontline tonight. I’ll try to atch but I generally get too pissed off and have to go drink a gallon of Korenwijn and do other stuff.


Especially if you slipped the Datura Tea into their cocktails.

All the cocktails are poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to Datura Tea.


So I put claymores under the couch.

I can end the party anytime if the fuckers get outta hand…

My first thought was “how do you fit that under your couch?”

How sad is that?


At this point I’d like to profess my eternal love for Dorothy.

We should spend our lives together in Kansas.

No, seriously…



attempts to cover for the Clinton’s by including Mrs. Clinton

Sorry, but my pet grammar irritant this week is pointless use of apostrophes.

Coming next week: “There, their, and they’re–learn the fucking difference”.

Notorious P.A.T.

All the cocktails are poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to Datura Tea.



They are not “America’s Best young men and women™. They are everyone. They are no one.

I agree. They are Pat Tillman AND Lindy England. They all volunteered for different reasons – as many different reasons as your coworkers decided to work alongside you. and I, for one, don’t think it’s dishonoring them to say that they died for folly – THEY didn’t sign up thinking it was folly; they were lied to.

They signed up thinking a lot of different things – glory, freedom, a way to get the fuck out of West Virginia, to bring democracy to the Iraqi people, a way to see something exciting, a way to prove themselves, a way to pay for college, a way to kick some serious Ay-rab ass..

But I can guarantee you none of them signed up to put money in KBRs pocket; none of them signed up so that Bush could be viewed as a second Lincoln; none of them signed up to enrich Dick Cheney’s portfolio; none of them thought that they were giving their lives so that palletloads of currency could be forklifted off transport planes and disappear into the night.

I don’t know what will happen in Iraq. Maybe someday “in the long run” as Bush likes to view it, there will be an Iraqi democratic state. But if so, it will come to be IN SPITE of the horrendous, sickly, dishonest, incompetent obscene fuck-up that is Bush’s war.


On that note, Bush’s War is on Frontline tonight. I’ll try to atch but I generally get too pissed off and have to go drink a gallon of Korenwijn and do other stuff.

Currently listening to (I don’t get HDTV in here, the channel comes in audio-only, and I’m too impatient to wait for the non-HDTV channel to air later tonight) the first two and a half hours. It’s a two parter. I do have to note that this is nothing I haven’t heard before, mostly in other episodes of Frontline.

RB, if there are solids to be strained from your dingo tears, you’re doing it wrong.


How disappointing, Chris Saul St. James.

I thought you were going to tell us all about Jesus and luv.


Clif rocks, all power to Clif!


Clif, you missed a few posts.


Don’t worry about Saul’s threats, Clif. His snark is worse than his smite.


Time to ban Saul. Sorry, he once again has stepped over the line.


Saul went postal tonight? I missed it. I Hope I helped set him off….


I’m with g. Making death threats is one of those exceptions to free speech. At least, in my humble opinion.


#Saul said,March 25, 2008 at 4:39 Time to kill you Clif.

Whoa. This was just plain over-the-line-creepy. If there is not a true mea-culpa forthwith from Saul, I’m with g at 5:18 – it’s time to ban him. Snark and fun aside, even empty threats like this are so not cool.


Yeah, he’s way over the top with that shit. Must have gone off his meds. I don’t recall Annie and Shoe making death threats, and they’re toast. Saul should go, along with any of his other multiple personalities.


Why? What’d he do. I only see pie.

Does he want to eat people pie?

Kind of a Jeffery Dahmer approach to pie?

‘Cause I’ve got a broom…



But the worship is sickening.

They are not “America’s Best young men and women™. They are everyone. They are no one.

They are the kid down at the gas station with the crooked teeth. They are the eagle scout you always told little johnny to emulate. They are little johnny, who got little frannie pregnant and needed a way to make a living. They are your fucking sons, daughters, brothers, uncles, dads, moms.

They aren’t “the best”. They aren’t all “heroes”. And for fucks sake, people, they don’t WANT to be. They have a job. In their job, its hard to make it home in one piece. It’s a life or death motherfucker, and it tears at your soul.

But it doesn’t make them anything more or less than they are. They have a job. They DO a job. They hold the line, every fucking day. And they don’t break. It makes them soldiers and marines. It doesn’t make them superheroes or some kind of bullshit they can’t live up to when they get home and they need help.

The sooner you assholes stop trying to make them batman and realize what they actually do and what they go through and how hard it is to stay together and keep your shit in your ditty bag, the sooner you MIGHT be able to get past your stupid fantasies and help them.

What? You think they’re gonna ASK?

You don’t get it. That’s WHY they are America’s best young men and women. What would YOU call the best? Pro Athletes? Our Political Aristocracy? The latest American Idol?

what they actually do and what they go through and how hard it is to stay together and keep your shit in your ditty bag

That’s exactly what makes them America’s best young men and women.

I understand your fury, but it’s misplaced. It’s the guy working at the at the garage who finds himself on patrol in Fallujah who is America’s best. It’s the single mom whose National Guard stint was turned into two fifteen-month deployments while her son was 10 and 13 who is America’s best. (That’s my sister-in-law by the way.)

It is absolutely NOT worship to say that these people are the best. You know who ISN’T the best? The fucking rich kid who got assigned to the Champaigne Unit of the National Guard, yet still couldn’t do his duty. Or the fucking rich hypocrite who kept getting college deferments to avoid going to Nam, but thought nothing of trashing an actual Nam vet thirty years later. Or the hawk who dodged out of his service with an ‘anal cyst.’

Those scum are the ones sending America’s best – honorable people who do their duty, despite knowing they were lied into battle and are being abused.

Direct your fury where it does some good, then you might be able to get by your anger and help them.


Oh no.


Yeah, that’s a bad idea right there.


It is absolutely NOT worship to say that these people are the best.

Yes it is. There are many kinds of people in the armed forces, some great, some not so great. Treating them like symbols obscures their value as honest-to-god people.

That said I think there’s some agreement around here on who isn’t the best.


Anybody besides me want to smash that kids guitar over his head?

Yes, and shove the stupid pirate hats they are wearing up their arse, but I’m particularly crabbit today.


I’m starting to think “Saul” is a double-agent troll. He posts under a Free Republic address. I think he’s a misguided troll (redundant, I know) trying to tie death threats to FR.

“Saul”, whoever you are, go to bed.


Albatross, mikey isn’t denying the value of the soldiers, he’s denying the sentimental crap of the rhetoric.

Don’t you understand?


Hah! because the Freepers need help developing a reputation for hollow threats of violence and keyboard thuggery. That’s like someone trying to make LGFers look like racists.


Note to Mikey:

Michael Massing has just done some research into The Volunteer Army: Who Fights and Why? in the latest New York Review of Books.


Saul has been using freerepublic for awhile now. Not saying that it isn’t a fake saul though, cuz who knows these days. My point is… oh yes, that blood must be shed to appease the angry mob and the vengeful gods of the blogoverse.


Look, dude.

I don’t wanna crap on your puppy.

Look at it like this. I just don’t want to live in a place where the very goddam fucking BEST we can do is invasion or occupation forces, no matter who they’re related to?


I want to live in that place where we sent diplomats and doctors overseas, where nations were pleased to host us rather than having to be coerced into taking our money. Where we built schools and dug wells rather than trained killers and funded repressive regimes.

The best we can do is a beautiful thing that contributes life and health and people are grateful for it. It cannot be guns and tanks and air strikes and soldiers.

It just can’t….



when everyone is a soldier no one is a soldier.

don’t listen to me.


Let’s dispense with the notion of “best,” in that kind of absolute sense anyway. For one thing, and maybe it’s just that I’m not an American, but it absolutely reeks of American exceptionalism, and you guys need to quit that shit yesterday before you naively fuck up the rest of the world. “Best” ought to be a relative term anyway. You might be the best at something — or even the best something — in the entire world, but there’s always something else you’re going to suck at.


Look, I’m post-mikey, but pre-Gulf War 1, I belong to the misfit class of US Veterans, we wore the funny uniform and had the funny haircut, but nobody shot at our ass.

And even though I have, by the grace of God Almighty, never been in “the shit”, I can tell you this. Everyone joins for different reasons, but once you’re in there’s only one reason that matters – The guy/gal next to you.

When Beirut went boom in the early 80’s I didn’t know enough about Regan to care, but I put in a chit for transfer to go over there, not because I cared about the US foreign policy in Lebanon, and not because I was patriotic, and sure as hell not because I was a hero, but because I cared about the Marines that were over there and thought I could help.

Everyone joins for a different reason, and I understand the inclination to make anyone who raises their right hand and swears (or affirms) to defend the Constitution a hero, but I get where mikey is coming from. And truth be told, I’d still take any red-neck, pencil-dick, grunt mother-fucker over any of the limp-dick wingnuts out there, any day of the week.


PS – I may have had too much Scotch (but at least it was the good stuff).


What is America’s “best” anyway? Ramming missiles up another country’s ass, or providing humanitarian support? The answer to that would be the fundamental difference between the liberal/progressive left and the bat-shit crazy who want to bomb for the sake of starting some kind of religious apocalypse. For the record, I say the Left’s commitment to providing humanitarian support IS America’s “best”. I’m hoping and working to see it come back as a significant part of national identity for this home that I love. Okay. /vodka influence (and on a school night too — for shame!)


Hey, at least when I have had a few, I can still spell. The trolls can’t even spell when they are sober. Credit where credit is due. So there.


Damn this site!
(Please don’t put ^ that on Youtube , so it can be “discovered” 7 yrs from now 🙂
These posts lead me to spend hours following the Wingnut breadcrumbs. This one eventually went circular , back to that site, and to this from Shorter Dick McDonald , re Obama

“I don’t believe he voted against the war because he is anti-war but because his Syrian handler told him his Iranian backer told him to vote that way. I think he will be an anti-Semite and a racists when in power – a Palestinian supporter that will foment a crisis in the Middle East – then again I might be wrong and he may have three forks in his tongue.”



Interrobang said,

For one thing, and maybe it’s just that I’m not an American, but it
absolutely reeks of American exceptionalism, and you guys need to quit that shit yesterday before you naively fuck up the rest of the world. “Best” ought to be a relative term anyway. You might be the best at something — or even the best something — in the entire world, but there’s always something else you’re going to suck at.

I gotcher best right here, commie!

Best Stairway.


How many of the million or so Iraqis killed since the invasion were the “best” of their nation?

That’s a rhetorical dumb question, obviously: none of them heroically volunteered to be there.


Hey if you guys are talkin’ bang…

that just happens to be one of my many specialties!

Claymores are a big mess. Primacord or detcord…eh.

SHAPED CHARGES, my friends.

Nothing says “I think its time you were going” like a three-meter bolt of ionized copper!


My first thought was “how do you fit that under your couch?”
How sad is that?

It only becomes really, clinically sad when you start correcting Mikey’s spelling to “claidheamh mòr”.

Anyone who describes the armed forces of their country as its “Best young men and women™” should be beaten around the head and shoulders for casting aspersions at fire-fighters (not to mention nurses and traffic wardens).


Hey, thanks for the Great American Journal links. I don’t know how I missed GAJ. It’s an Ur-level place to dig for Middle Period American Empire cylinder seals.

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Yay, firefighters. And nurses. Both of whom, oddly enough, mostly get shafted. Or at the very least, don’t get the recompense they deserve.

I’ll not comment on the traffic wardens. They don’t seem to do that much around here.


Yay, firefighters. And nurses. Both of whom, oddly enough, mostly get shafted. Or at the very least, don’t get the recompense they deserve.

Dragging my unconscious body from the flames and cleaning my bedpan are reward enough. Now excuse me, I have to go cut veteran’s benefits.


Checking in late to say that Mikey @ 3:18 is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read. (Bimmler at 3:24 was just icing on the cake.)


Mr. Wonderful:

And one day the parents discovered that a crayon had somehow found its way into the VHS tape machine.

Oatmeal worked its way into ours.


that will foment a crisis in the Middle East

Right. Cause it’s so tranquil there right now.


Re: guests

I’d go with a large spring under the couch and a retractable roof. I know — it’s very Wile E. Coyote, but that’s just the way I roll.


Anyone who describes the armed forces of their country as its “Best young men and women™” should be beaten around the head and shoulders for casting aspersions at fire-fighters (not to mention nurses and traffic wardens).


Telephone Sanitizers



This was like watching Ralph Wiggum get mugged.


As a man with a flight to catch I have to ask, why have our air traffic controllers been thrown under the bus here? They are so our best and don’t you forget it.

Hedge Fund Managers

But…what about us?


All I want to do is share my love with women!


“Hint: her name starts with an “H,” ends with a “y,” and sounds a little bit like Hitler:”

Wait, I thought Hilzoy was a dude.


I gotta call you out on this one:

“which means that all those stamps in your passport that show where you’ve been are magically transmitted (perhaps sent by owl mail) back to the State Department where they become a permanent part of your passport file.”

That is *exactly* what happens. If you’ve travelled you’d have noticed that the immigration officer swipes the photo page of your passport through a reader. All that funny stuff at the bottom of the photo page is machine readable. (Upgrading this stuff is what ‘biometric’ passports are about BTW).

The data is then *shared* amongst governments. The so-called UKASA group (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) have been doing this for decades.

Post 911, the USA has forced this data sharing on most other foreign governments. So not only are the travel arrangements of US citizens on file, so is the travel history of everyone else. If I travel to the US, 20 years of my travel history is automatically transmitted to the US government – incidentally including travel having nothing to do with the US, eg from the UK to Spain during the 1980’s

Why do you think those post 911 data sharing arrangements caused so much angst among Europeans?


For you to call me out, you need to be right.

First, the info isn’t going into your passport file. Look here to see what the State Department says goes into that file — the application and related materials.

Second, the machine readable bar code doesn’t contain travel information. It’s a static identifier which automatically inputs all fields of the passport into the CBP system. It doesn’t contain travel info and even if it did it doesn’t update itself for travel after the passport was issued.

Third, the information that the U.S. is demanding is passenger manifest info which must be automatically provided to the CBP system prior to arrival of the passenger at the entry port. This contains information such as phone numbers that may not be on the passport and which are protected by the E.U. Privacy Directive. Hence, all the concern by the E.U. over the U.S. demand here

But it doesn’t include third country travel. If I go from France to Lebanon, the U.S. won’t necessarily know. France and Lebanon aren’t providing that information. The barcode on the passport doesn’t supply that information. And Border Agents are not examining passport stamps and entering them into the CBP system at the port of entry. But even if the info were being supplied, it’s not going into the passport file, which was my point.


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