Hey Tkaroa, They’re Talkin’ About Yamama Again


AVOBE: Is stern as Hcthrvk gived great bads?

From one Susan Duclos at our superfave site, Wake Up America, comes an advance translation of the alleged new Bin Laden video, as provided by ol’ Rusty Shackleford at the rootin’-tootin’ Mooozlim-hatin’ Jawa Report:

Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate
Wise to the European Union Peace be upon those who follow guidance.

This newborn you regarding charges of abusive and inaction despite the existence of the opportunity to take whatever necessary to prevent recurrence, and starting tell you that hostility between humans very old, but wise United careful at all times to adhere to the ethics and morality of fighting controversy, and this conflict is not good for them to remain in the event of war rivalry , but you in the Asraekm given us many of the ethics and practice fighting you transmit slogans theory, how sad to read Tstahedvo Baksvkm, these villages modest mud collapsed on our women and children, are you doing it deliberately and I am Surely, that the two witnesses, all unjustly but conforming to the unjust Halivkm which is nearing its hostile policies out of the White House. No longer hide from you that these atrocities unresolved war and increase the determination to uphold our right and our revenge, and directed by the invaders of our country, and that such massacres are Tmha memory of peoples, does not hide what the implications.

Although the loss of our women and kill our children very great calamity, but when Hunt Balgtm in disbelief and impartiality of the ethics controversy and fighting Ouseltm powerful to the extent that these abusive fees, this is the most serious misfortune and account for the most difficult, and draw your attention to here is a sign, which Although Nscherkm of abusive charges you did not find the one billion and a half Muslims any reaction when the abuse to the Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, God peace be upon him, we all prophets Inc. them peace and blessings, and detract from or Ick one of them a kaafir apostate, and here it is warned that there was no need to invoke the sanctity of freedom of expression and administrator Holiness your laws, you will not Ngiroha, but what real American soldiers were exempt from the coverage over your land to your laws, and for the freedom Tkmon doubts incident historical figures. then you know that there is one man can stop these fees if it means a King crowning others in Riyadh, which was ordered to stop work on the legal bodies on the investigation of misappropriation of billions of Yamama deal, and the implementation Blair, the day fulfilled in the Quartet.

In sum, the laws of human beings, which clash legislation God Holiness is not void nor concern us, you see the practical eight to a deal that binds you Yamama Tkaroa that there are some values of the greatest values.

In conclusion, I tell you whether freedom of Aqgualkm Adabott have Felttsa hearts for the freedom of our actions, and that it is astonishing and disregard for others to talk about tolerance and peace while exercising Your soldiers killed so for the vulnerable in our country, and then came Nscherkm of these charges, which came under new Crusade, and Pope to the Vatican where he sold long, all of you is a confirmation of the continuing war and a test for Muslims in their religion, is the prophet peace be upon him loved them from themselves and their money?

Metron answer is not what you hear and dads Tzqlna if illness Allah peace be upon him.

Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.

Ms. Duclos continues directly:

Jawa notices some weirdness, (more than the usual insanity that is) about this video and has some questions and some points to make.

What Ness is of weirded? Seems it enough clear Tklzt to of pumpernickel us.


Comments: 128




I don’t get it.




Ahhhh. You have to run it through the Inverse Janus Node maybe?


What, did they use babblefish?


That’s some mighty fine machine translatin’ there…


“These pathetic attempts from al-Qaeda to keep themselves relevant by issuing videos every month or two, shows exactly how desperate they are.”

…as evidenced by the fact that we post it at the head of our blog, and high-five each other while posting Mohammed bomb cartoons in response.

Your dumb-asses take the bait every time.


Looks a lot like Google Translate.


I must second pedestrian. This looks like it was run through babelfish.


You know what’s fun? Translating yourself into Japanese and back again.

I’m bored.


It makes as much sense as my supervisors and the project I’m working on today. I came here to escape, dammit.


I tried to read the whole thing but my cerebral cortex went and liquified about half way through


Metron answer is not what you hear and dads Tzqlna if illness Allah peace be upon him.

Take that, stupid New Gods and your stupid Kirbytech.


English-Japanese-English tontocal:

“I tried the fact that entirely all is read, but you walked my cerebral adrenal cortex to half and turned, dissolved”

Typical Republican

The same way they act like they like French movies and subversive jazz, liberals are acting like they understand this whatever it is well enough to assume that it is something stupid written by conservatives.

(Which it may be for all I know. But liberals make me mad because they act like are smarter than me just because they know more.)

Liberals. Hmf.


English-Greek-French-Dutch English, taking the last line of Jawa Report’s daring experiment in metatext:

“Peace is on those who follow the Executive Board.”


pedestrian said,
March 20, 2008 at 21:25

English-Japanese-English tontocal:

“I tried the fact that entirely all is read, but you walked my cerebral adrenal cortex to half and turned, dissolved”

LOL dear friend….LOL


What the? Osama’s taking Georgetown in his bracket?!

Another Typical Republican

That’s strange. Where’s the endorsement of Barack Hussein-Obama? Bin Laden usually doesn’t miss an opportunity to show his loyalty to his friends in the Democrat Party. Maybe this one really is a fake.


Osama walks among us in the guise of Pastor Swank. It is all so clear to me now.


But liberals make me mad because they act like are smarter than me just because they know more.)

We’re certainly better typists and or grammarians.


They shouldn’t have published that: it’s just giving aid and comfort to the grammatically-challenged. I’m not in favor of censorship, but if we continue with this sort of thing the grammatically-challenged win.


It’s good to know the universe is back on it’s tracks today. Osama is on the rag over cartoons and one of our Preznit contenders has the vapors and soen’t know Sunni from Shia muslims.


Hey, its OG Typical Republican.

You missed the fun…if you want to call it that.

Who could read this and get any meaning out of it?

Oh, yeah, Wingnuts just make their own reality, so they don’t have to comprehend what they’re reading.


Someone set Jawa up the cartoon. Main screen turn on!

It’s you!

How are you Fqwdgdas? All your base are belong to Metron!


Well, okay. But how much less sense does it make than what’s normally on Wake Up America?


Wasn’t Metron the bad guy in Transformers? Man, movie I saw that when sucked!@


No, he was the Hunt Balgtm what that inferred from meteor chair.


Metron answer is not what you hear

That’s probably a good thing, seeing as how he knows about the Anti-Life equation.


and Heavens to Mergatroids even!!!!


Thank heavens we fired all those queer translators.


It is clearly some industrial strength encryption going on there. No doubt there are some juicy tidbits concealed in there, that would send our threat level to Red immediately, if only people would take it seriously!

In fact, I suspect Iraq’s WMD are concealed in that mess. The truth is, it is central to my point.


I sure am glad that the previous Typical Republican was a fake Typical Republican. I was getting all choked up thinking I was gonna have to decorticate my good friend.

Not that I wouldn’t have, mind you. I am a Liberal Fascist, after all. I’d just have done it in the nicest possible way. Made sure he had pillows and plenty of liquid to drink. Stuff like that.

Still, too horrible to contemplate. Yay for the real TR!


Oh? The post? Nope, didn’t even try. I’m running on half my normal coffee levels today. Decryption is serious skull-sweat at the best of times. Not gonna try it like this.


Let’s not go overboard, Snowwy. He’s still only mildly amusing at best.



Hey, I love TR, man. De gustibus and all that jazz.


When did Pastor Swank start writing Bin Laden’s speeches?


Pastor Swank is the ingenious disguise that OBL uses when he’s stateside.

No wonder we can’t find him. He’s hidden in plain sight!


take it from me kiddo
believe me
my country, ’tis of

you, land of the Cluett
Shirt Boston Garter and Spearmint
Girl With The Wrigley Eyes (of you
land of the Arrow Ide
and Earl &
Collars) of you i
sing:land of Abraham Lincoln and Lydia E. Pinkham,
land above all of Just Add Hot Water And Serve–
from every B. V. D.

let freedom ring

amen. i do however protest, anent the un
-spontaneous and otherwise scented merde which
greets one (Everywhere Why) as divine poesy per
that and this radically defunct periodical. i would

suggest that certain ideas gestures
rhymes, like Gillette Razor Blades
having been used and reused
to the mystical moment of dullness emphatically are
Not To Be Resharpened. (Case in point

if we are to believe these gently O sweetly
melancholy trillers amid the thrillers
these crepuscular violinists among my and your
skyscrapers– Helen & Cleopatra were Just Too Lovely,
The Snail’s On The Thorn enter Morn and God’s
In His andsoforth

do you get me?) according
to such supposedly indigenous
throstles Art is O World O Life
a formula: example, Turn Your Shirttails Into
Drawers and If It Isn’t An Eastman It Isn’t A
Kodak therefore my friends let
us now sing each and all fortissimo A-

ca, I
You. And there’re a
hun-dred-mil-lion-oth-ers, like
all of you successfully if
delicately gelded (or spaded)
gentlemen (and ladies)– pretty

americans (who tensetendoned and with
upward vacant eyes, painfully
perpetually crouched, quivering, upon the
sternly allotted sandpile
–how silently
emit a tiny violetflavoured nuisance: Odor?

comes out like a ribbon lies flat on the brush

– e. e. cummings

Typical Republican

Indeed I did miss the fun. I had other engagements. And the fake TR’s comments were all gone by the time I logged in again. (Typical liberal CENSORSHIP! Censorship, I call it.)

I was trying to come up with a way to acknowledge – without breaking character – how grateful I am that so many people recognized the fake and leapt to my defense. But I realized it would make me look weak and girly. (But it was nice to find out I have a legion of adoring fans who think I am kind of funny sometimes.)

Liberals. Hmf.

Innocent Bystander

“Where’s the endorsement of Barack Hussein-Obama? ”

Osama doesn’t want to tip his hand yet…he’ll wait until after the Convention to give his Democratic endorsement. I figure a new audio tape will resurface mid-October with the endorsement.


I dunno… Pastor Swank seems a bit homophobic for a violent Muslim fundamentalist.


These pathetic attempts from al-Qaeda to keep themselves relevant by issuing videos every month or two, shows exactly how desperate they are.

So the war on terra is over? I heard they were going to be swimming ashore and instituting Shania law any minute so I’ve been hanging out at the town dock with a rifle but now it sounds like I can keep my shoes on at the airport. I’m totally fucking confused.


The foolish vagina which is delayed.


I figure a new audio tape will resurface mid-October with the endorsement.

We should not rule out that the crafty Islamofascists may now have access to cutting-edge Crash Cargo technology, and might be able to make Hussein X Obama mouth the words himself.


So this how the gummint translates all those al-Qaeda memos they are always finding.


Hey guys, heard any good jokes lately?


Much love for the Fqwdgdas quote. Everybody to the limit!

Overall, I give it .22 Timecubes; it’s got a nice beat, but I really can’t dance to it, though I love “we all prophets Inc.”… nice to see prophecy has caught up to the 20th century legal structures. Those sole-proprietership prophets will be in a heap of tax trouble come April!


And the fake TR’s comments were all gone by the time I logged in again.

Oh COME ON! You mean we don’t get to see TR battle his evil twin? How am I ever going to find myself in a situation where I want to give the gun to one of them but I don’t know which is the good one?

This is BULLshit!


Hey, when I do that English to Japanese to English with Babelfish, it turns:

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.


There are no times when I competition am fast with under, to being wise to being strong to fight to the person of technology in the person of understanding, however the pan, however riches, however favorable return thing, the saw sun; But time and chance happens those entirely.



Translation from WNBC (http://www.wnbc.com/news/15652985/detail.html):

To begin, I tell you: hostility between human beings is very old, but the intelligent ones among the nations in all eras have been keen to observe the etiquettes of dispute and morals of fighting. This is best for them, as conflict is ever changing and war has its ups and downs. However, you, in your conflict with us, have abandoned many of the morals of fighting in practice, even if you hold aloft its slogans in theory. How it saddens us that you target our villages with your bombing: those modest mud villages which have collapsed onto our women and children. You do that intentionally, and I am witness to that. All of this [you do] without right and in conformity with your oppressive ally who – along with his aggressive policies – is about to depart the White House. And it is no longer hidden from you that these savage acts haven’t ended the war; but rather, increase our determination to cling to our right, avenge our people and expel the invaders from our country. And [you also know now] that these massacres are never erased from the memory of the peoples, and the effects of this are not hidden.

Running the above through Google Translate (English -> Arabic -> English):

At the outset, I would like to tell you: the antagonism between human beings is a very old, but their clever among nations in all ages were eager to control behavior and morality of the conflict from the fighting. This is the best for them, as is the ever-changing conflict and war are the successes and failures. However, I was, in your conflict with us, and many of those who abandoned morality of fighting in practice, even if you hold high in its slogans theory. How sad for us that you read goal with your bombing: those villages modest mud collapsed on our women and our children. You have to do so intentionally, and I am witness to that. All of this [did] not right, according to the World Health Organization repressive your ally – with the aggressive policies – is about to leave the White House. It is no longer any secret to you that these acts of brutality that have not ended the war; But instead, increase our determination to uphold our rights, and avenged for our people and expel the invaders from our country. And [also now know] that these massacres are never erased from the memory of peoples, the effects of this is not hidden.

So I think we can assume that Wake Up America is simply choosing to point out, once again, that the enemy are ravingly incoherent untermenschen.


This reads like a transcript of a Bush speech. Clear as muck.


English-Japanese-English treatment to what I said above:

Ohio state comes! Don’t intermediate we obtain the fact that you look at typical Republican Party which that badness ties fight thing? I think which that I would like to give the gun to those 1, but you find by your of a state where you do not know whether how it is 1 it is good, it has gone? This the junk of bull is!


Welcome back, Real TR.

Uh…..slowly I turned……


I have a new rallying cry!

This the junk of bull is!

The next time I have to endure one of my co-workers yammering on about something they (obviously) know nothing about – say, immigration – I will just stand up, raise my fist and shout:

This the junk of bull is!

Which will hopefully shut them up so I can sit down and get back to work.


But Barry X Hussein is a skilled orator (as were Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Manson (Marilyn and Charles), and Jack the Ripper). This incoherent rambling must be a rouse to throw the Freepers off the trail!


bin Laden speech translation tool=LOLcatz


A cat will work for kibble. Skilled human translators cost too much.


i may be late to the party learning about the LOLinator (http://lolinator.com), but here’s roger simon’s page translated.



shoelimpy™ said,

Hey guys, heard any good jokes lately?

Sure! How about this:

Q: “Two-thirds of Americans say it’s not worth fighting, and they’re looking at the value gain versus the cost in American lives, certainly, and Iraqi lives.”

A: “So?”

Q: “So — you don’t care what the American people think?”

A: “No.”

Laugh? I thought I’d die.


That is a good one, NYGuy! Anybody else got some funny jokes?


Where have you been, Limpy?

Okay, here you go:

6 year old Sally walked up to her mom and said, “Little johnny’s penis is like a peanut.”

Sally’s mom smiled knowingly. “You mean it is small?”

“No,” said Sally. “Salty.”


This reads like a transcript of a Bush speech. Clear as muck.

But is Al-Queda’s children learning?


I’ve never understood why Lucasfilm, LTD hasn’t cease and desisted the fuck outta The Jawa Report. I mean, I wouldn’t want my intellectual property appropriated by a bigoted, crank hate-blogger.

Maybe Lucas is also teh wingnut? While the political subtexts of the three recent Star Wars films would indicate otherwise, his apparent inability to write a decent story or dialog fits the typical wingnut profile.


CNN is reporting that Osama bin Laden called Iraq “the perfect base” for liberating Palestine, should the US decide to give up and go home.

It’s no endorsement of Obama, but it still seems a little strange that the White House can’t locate the guy, yet they manage to fax him his talking points.


He shoots, he SCORES!

Pedestrian wins ANOTHER THREAD!!!


Oh they can locate him, but remember what Bush said a couple of years ago. He’s no longer concerned about Osama and doesn’t consider him a threat.

Translation: Cutting his primary villain would threaten Bush’s war-mongering party. Gotta keep the villain alive and free for future photo ops.


I wonder if Osama has a Mr. Bigglesworth?


– e. e. cummings
How many suicidal followers does he have?

Roggered in Montana

HAHAHAHA! Osama bin Laden is stupid! See, he can’t even speak English correctly! HAHAHAHA!


Hail! This the junk of bull is!

Deklaratsiyao of the independence

When in the process of the human cases it will for one people compulsorily dissolve political strips they connected them with others and accept among the forces of the earth, separately and equal station to which the laws of nature and god of nature entitle their, decent respect for opinions mankind require that they it must declare reasons which they provide a stimulus them to the separation.


evul twinses……mmmmmmm


Damn fan translation. I’ll just have to wait till it gets licensed. I hope 4kids doesn’t scoop it up.


So, bin Laden speaks like Kay Grogan, Maggie Gallagher, Marie Jon’, Pastor Swank and all the rest of the third tier wingnut pundits write.

Is there a lesson contained in this nugget of seemingly valueless information?

Perhaps nothing more than every day, the intellectual, spiritual and philosophical differences between christian conservative americans and al quaida shrinks to the point where they really are espousing the same worldview.

An important lesson, but not exactly news…



That is a good one, NYGuy! Anybody else got some funny jokes?

How many Ann Althouses does it take to screw in lightbulb?

One. She holds it in place and the whole world revolves around her.

"Ogre, You Asshole"

Damn fan translation. I’ll just have to wait till it gets licensed. I hope 4kids doesn’t scoop it up.



pedestrian said,
March 20, 2008 at 22:18

Oh COME ON! You mean we don’t get to see TR battle his evil twin? How am I ever going to find myself in a situation where I want to give the gun to one of them but I don’t know which is the good one?

This is BULLshit!


“Ohio state comes! Don’t intermediate we obtain the fact that you look at the fight thing of TR which that badness ties? I think which that I would like to give the gun to those 1, but you find by yourself of a state where you do not know whether”


This is way too much fun and I must stop now and get back to work…gardening



…but you find by yourself of a state where you do not know whether”

Why yes.

Yes I do…



Thanks for all the great jokes, guys! I am glad to see I can still find some humor on this blog, even if it isn’t coming from Brad and Gavin.


Isn’t this the copy from the Dr. Bronner’s soap label?

…except I don’t see DILUTE!! DILUTE!! OK!!


I ran Cheney’s hilarious riposte through the English-Japanese-English wringer.


Q: “Two-thirds of Americans say it’s not worth fighting, and they’re looking at the value gain versus the cost in American lives, certainly, and Iraqi lives.”

A: “So?”

Q: “So — you don’t care what the American people think?”

A: “No.”


Q: The value which “calls 2/3 of the American and fights or those the value profit life of the anti- American, certainly, and cost of the Iraqi life seeing.”

A: “So?”

Q: “So – you don’t worry those which the American people think?”

A: “NO”.

Even better.


I call fake shoelimpy.

This guy isn’t even TRYING to be annoying.


Yeah, total poseur.


Wow – shoelimpy’s back? Just in time!

This screengrab is 1 year old tomorrow!

Maybe there’s, like, a hibernation thing going which ends on the vernal equinox.


…oh, didn’t realize it was a fake shoelimpy. “I like pie!” looks pretty much the same from everybody.


Teh Limp One showed up on a post of Brad’s a couple of days ago, and apparently Brad removed his comment instantly. One second it was there, the next second, poof! I thought maybe I’d hallucinated it. Sadly, apparently not.


I remember you saying this Candy, and I wondered what you were talking about.

Is it Teh Fake Limp?


I call fake shoelimpy.

This guy isn’t even TRYING to be annoying.

Yeah and annieangel is nowhere to be seen.


Oh fer cryin’ out loud, now what in tarnation is all this cuckoo-crazy jibber-jabber? Some kind of new hep-cat “rap” that all the “cool” whippersnappers are mouthin’ off with these days, I suppose? And as usual, it makes just as much sense backward as forward, which now I think about it is as the good Lord intended, or the Beatles would have never bestowed it upon us in the first place, if you ask me, and get off my lawn besides.

By the way, welcome back, actual TR. I could tell that fake guy wasn’t you because he was an asshole and totally not funny, whereas you are funny and un-assholey.


Could you guys give me some tips on how to be a better fake shoelimpy™ for the next time I come back?


I’ve got a joke for ya, Limp!

Dick, W, and Laura were riding on Air Force One. Dick sneers, I could throw a $20 bill off this plane and make one of the peasants down there happy.

W says, I could throw a four $20 bills off the plane and make four peasants super happy!

Laura says, I could throw 10 $20 bills of the plane and make 10 peasants happy!

Up front, the pilot turns to his co-pilot and says, I could throw all three of them off the plane and make 70% of the American people really, really happy!


sorry pedestrian……scrolling through the post and realized that you had beat me to the ‘wizz..whizzzz….glink…glonk….DONK” translation of your earlier post


I suspect it’s the real shoe, whatever sad thing that may be.


Its all good tontocal, I love the attention. Plus you confirm the Ohio State bit, which I’m really hoping also made it into a few phrase books.


What is this shoelimp person of which you speak? I know of only one annoying limp, and that is limpdicky.


Could you guys give me some tips on how to be a better fake shoelimpy™ for the next time I come back?

To appreciate the true essence of shoelimpy you have to sit atop a pole in the middle of the desert and meditate for a minimum of ten years.

See you when you finish.


What is this shoelimp person of which you speak?

Go here:


All will be explained


But is Al-Queda’s childrenS learning?



Jennifer: For a while, there was this incredibly, horribly annoying troll named Annie Angel. I don’t know if her site is still up, but it was every bit as annoying as she was, hateful Christianist stuff and death to the Mooslems, you know the type. Some things seemed to indicate that she might be a parody, but she was so consistently mean and vicious that whether or not she was a parody came to seem a moot point. Shoelimpy was either an acolyte or a sock puppet of hers.

After being tolerated for a long time in accordance with Sadly non-banning practice, she hit Brad on a bad day and he banned her. As I recollect, Shoelimpy was around a while after that but then was banned too.

Hmmm . . . maybe someone should put together a Compleat Guide to Trolls, Past and Present – sort of like a guide to demons.


A veritable Hall of Trolls, it could be


I found this page looking for Mr Bigglesworth


It was a parallel Mr Evil search

Very strong medicine


“To begin, I tell you: hostility between human beings is very old, but the intelligent ones among the nations in all eras have been keen to observe the etiquettes of dispute and morals of fighting. This is best for them, as conflict is ever changing and war has its ups and downs. However, you, in your conflict with us, have abandoned many of the morals of fighting in practice, even if you hold aloft its slogans in theory. How it saddens us that you target our villages with your bombing: those modest mud villages which have collapsed onto our women and children. You do that intentionally, and I am witness to that. All of this [you do] without right and in conformity with your oppressive ally who – along with his aggressive policies – is about to depart the White House. And it is no longer hidden from you that these savage acts haven’t ended the war; but rather, increase our determination to cling to our right, avenge our people and expel the invaders from our country. And [you also know now] that these massacres are never erased from the memory of the peoples, and the effects of this are not hidden.”

Granted, the man is a seriously deranged loon, but is it just me or this sounds like a rather astute observation?…


Here ya go shoelimpy™….this is one of the most perverse jokes I’ve ever heard in my life (and the proprietors of this site accept absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for it’s content!!) :

A young blind girl comes to her mother one day and says, “Mommy, more than anything, anything in the world, I would love to be able to see!” The mother pats her head lovingly, smiles and says, “Tell you what dear? Tomorrow morning, before the sun rises, I want you to go out to the garden, take the dew from the rose petals, wipe them on your eyes and you’ll be able to see!”

So, the next morning, before the dawn, the young girl excitedly goes to the garden and trembling, takes a bit of dew from one of the roses and gently wipes them on her eyelids…..and nothing happens. Frightened now, she continues to do it, then frantically as she feels the sun on her cheeks, realizing that all the dew is quickly evaporating.

The sun is fully risen, all of the dew has vanished, and she’s inconsolable. She runs back to the house, weeping and her mother is there, standing at the door, waiting for here. Through her sobs she says, “Mommy, mommy! I did everything that you told me! And nothing happened!” She then begins to sob again.

Her mother looks down at her, smiles and says, “April Fools, darling!”


Oy, tontocal, that’s terrible.


See, this is what happens when you fire all the good translators because they are gay.


just to help fakeshoelimpy figure out how to be a better imposter, the mother in that joke could be Shoelimpy. still wanna be him?


The mother in that joke is Barbara Bush.


Compassionate to the End

But there is nothing to prevent me from waxing nostalgic. Watching the speech, I recalled meeting Gov. Bush of Texas in the spring of 1999, before he was a declared candidate. He talked with rushed intensity about being a “different kind of Republican,” dedicated to racial healing and helping the poor and determined to provide moral leadership as a contrast and corrective to the Clinton years. Because I believed him, I left journalism and joined his campaign.

“Her mother looks down at her, smiles and says, “April Fools, darling!”


please thunder!…no more Michael Gerson!!…

I was just sitting, having a bite to eat and my soul just threw up!!

Jerry, race car driver


More like Dicklimpy.


By the way….is shoelimpy a Troll?….I pay such little attention to these things……please advise


Bullshit… Bin Laden isn’t Swank, he’s clearly Dutch Schultz on his deathbed.


shoe’s more of an idiot than a troll. I think that mostly sums him up. He’s from the salad days of annieangel’s attention-seeking bullshit, when we could just abuse these trolls to our heart’s content.


Woman from China visiting her family in L.A. goes to the bank and exchanges 50,000 Yuan. Week later she goes back exchanges another 50K but only 85% as many $ as before.

What go on here, she angrily asks the teller. Why you only give me so much?

Fluctuations replies the teller.

Fluckshu round eyes too!.


but gets only…


Are shoelimpy and annie angel different people? Or just one attention troll?

But “annie” has been trolling it up again over at Atrios, lately.

And yes, he/she/it am be a parody troll. The scrolling hearts that make annie’s “site” unreadable ought to make that clear. Along with the admonition to serve fresh o.j. to your man, because only whores use frozen.

But Pinko P. may have a different opinion.


I’ll go get him.

[Runs off to 3bulls]



From Dooce.com

Recipe for The Perfect Margarita: shake two ounces of Herradura Silver tequila, a splash of Cointreau, and the juice from two limes, and then pour over ice. But be careful because it could totally get you laid.

because it’s a holiday tomorrow.


What is this shoelimp person of which you speak?

Go here:


All will be explained

Okay, I went there. It’s sad. A whole page full of posts, dated from March 20 to January 28 and only 2 comments. One of them from limpy himself.


Did any of you actually see the video? Once again, it was an audio tape with still photos laid over it. Do these half-wits warmongers really imagine that they can pretend that Osama’s still alive by creating these multi-media puppet shows? Clearly the reviews weren’t good when they tried “Grecian Formula Osama”, so they’ve gone back to the slideshow format. I guess we can be thankful that they’ve stopped trying to use those god-awful imposters that they’d been using (the guy with the bulbous nose was a real howler).


Yeah, dammit.

And the government keeps putting midgets in my sock drawer to monitor my behavior. That shit pisses me off.

But nowhere NEAR as much as it pisses me off that they put cameras in my duraflame logs to monitor my living room activities. But goddam it, that’s my TAX dollars burning up in my fireplace.




A young couple runs into hard times, and can’t make the rent. After exhausting all their options, they decide that the wife should go out on the street and sell her body to make some ready cash.

So the young lady goes out, and when she returns, she greets her husband and says, “You wouldn’t believe how much I made!” She piles a bunch of cash on the kitchen table. “Two hundred dollars and five cents!”

“Wow, honey, that’s great!” says the husband. “But five cents? Who gave you five cents?”

The wife replied, “All of them!”


Thanks again for all the jokes, y’all, they were a real laugh riot 🙂


The next time I have to endure one of my co-workers yammering on about something they (obviously) know nothing about – say, immigration – I will just stand up, raise my fist and shout:

This the junk of bull is!

Which will hopefully shut them up so I can sit down and get back to work.

Fuckin’ awesome! I’m going to use that.


Dear AF-1 pilots,

Please throw Cheney off first!


Please throw Cheney off first!

I second the motion.


If you say “Tstahedvo Baksvkm” backwards, those villages modest mud huts will uncollapse on your women and children.

Just a tip.


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