Let’s Go To Our Experts
Well, I thought ol’ Barry hit it clear out of the park today.
Not to favor a candidate or anything, but I’ll tell you: What you don’t realize going into some of these Obama speeches — not all of them, certainly, but the occasional really good, custom-made ones — is that you’re going to come out the other end slightly smarter and better-adjusted, and feeling like you’re part of a historic moment.
I mean, sure you realize that: You start off all like, “Welp, here’s Obama again with that thing of his, trying to make me feel like I’m part of a quote-unquote historic moment, and so forth.” But then you settle in and listen, and soon you’re like, “Wait a second. Despite the fact that I’m not, so to speak, buying into any big, whole Obama thing, and don’t actually feel like I’m part of any giant, rolling Obama Borg-whatsis, it’s starting to seem, despite these objective facts, which are real, like this actually is kind of a historic moment, here, with Barry and what he’s saying.”
(I’m adding this passage later, by the way. What it is, is this: You just don’t want to have your heart broken again. But you listen to Obama for a while, and it’s like, “Well, why not? What else are hearts for?”)
Barack Obama – ‘The Race Speech’ (37:39)
Then again, what do I know? Here’s some analysis from the agents of spite and hopelessness at Free Republic:
Great speech if you believe America is the cause of all evil in the world.
5 posted on 03/18/2008 1:09:16 PM PDT by rocksblues (Tagline on hold)
“We the people, in order to form a more perfect union…”
That is NOT from the Declaration of Independence.
That is the beginning of the Constitution…
The would-be President does not know his American history.
Obama says those words were from the Declaration of Independence in 1787…1
8 posted on 03/18/2008 1:10:51 PM PDT by Former MSM Viewer (“We will hunt the terrorists in every dark corner of the earth. We will be relentless.” W 2001)
Here are the opening words from our beautiful Declaration of Independence…
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
11 posted on 03/18/2008 1:13:39 PM PDT by Former MSM Viewer (“We will hunt the terrorists in every dark corner of the earth. We will be relentless.” W 2001)
The black community has a wide chip on their collective shoulders as they look at us Whiteys almost daring us to knock it off.
12 posted on 03/18/2008 1:14:45 PM PDT by TornadoAlley3 (Everytime McCain reaches out to conservatives, conservatives get poked in the eye.)
He is simply pastor wrights’ “Baghdad Bob.”
Spin it all you want b. HUSSEIN obama.
16 posted on 03/18/2008 1:20:16 PM PDT by Larebil (My name is liberal backwards, since they backwards thinking)
our original sin of slavery
Well, I’ll give him that. If slavery had not occurred, we’d have no black civil rights victimhood industry today. We’ve reaped what we sowed. Should have left them all in Africa.
26 posted on 03/18/2008 1:34:20 PM PDT by Migraine (Diversity is great…(until it happens to YOU).)
the inferior education they provided, then and now, helps explain the pervasive achievement gap between today’s black and white students . . .
Obama needs to explain how some of the greatest black minds in the history of this nation overcame vastly greater hardships. Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute, which has educated several generations. George Washington Carver discovered scores of uses for the peanut which pulled generations of southern farmers out of the poverty cycle. Garrett A. Morgan invented the gas mask which saved countless lives during World War I. Thomas Sowell is arguably the most brilliant economist alive today.2 He educated Clarence Thomas, one of the brightest minds on today’s supreme court.3
Not one of these five is held out as a role model for young blacks today.4 Not one was given a pass because of affirmative action or quotas. Not one was a protest leader. And not one of this group blamed “whitey” for the adverse circumstances in which they were educated.
Most likely all five on this list (certainly the two still living) would propose a solution for inferior black schools which Obama would quickly dismiss– vouchers and free market solutions rather than continuing to pump more and more tax money into the NEA sinkhole.
27 posted on 03/18/2008 1:59:26 PM PDT by Vigilanteman ((Are there any men left in Washington? Or are there only cowards? Ahmad Shah Massoud))
1 From transcript: “Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787.”
2 !!??
3 !!!???
4 Okay, sure, almost every sentence in this brief essay is false, and la-di-da, and so forth. But what’s astounding is the variety of different falsehoods all jammed together at acute angles. Could you even do this if you tried? It’s like a kind of negative genius.
D. Aristophanes adds: Best Freeper comment evar:
In my limited experience with women, one’s that are grievance based like his spouse, carry that grievance into every aspect of their lives.
30 posted on 03/18/2008 2:12:20 PM PDT by investigateworld ( Abortion stops a beating heart.)
I just can’t believe that more black Americans aren’t members of the Republican party! It’s unfathomable.
Close div tag, please.
Testing, testing.
Can’t you feel the love.
I just can’t believe that more black Americans aren’t members of the Republican party! It’s unfathomable.
the freepers lack basic comprehension skills in reading/listening.
How can these racist fucktards take that attitude toward that excellent speech? What is wrong with them? Gah!! I feel like if we could just figure out the particular mental disorder that causes freepers to be freepers it could be treated.
For some reason, the comments and my typing in the comment box is very, very tiny. The post itself looks normal, except for footnote 4.
BOOOORING!!! Sure Obama’s speech was “magic” and “transcendent” and all that.
But it is just all his programming from his Indonesian madrassa Taliban trainers who are just USING HIM to take over America for the Muslimexicans.
Look, just because the most vocal Republicans are fuckwad dumbass racists, and just because the people we elect are fuckwad dumbass racist douchebags, and just because all our policies make us all look like a bunch of fuckwad dumbass racist douchebag ass hats, it doesn’t mean ALL of us are fuckwads, dumbasses, racists, douchebags, ass hats AND nitwits!
Way to paint with a broad brush, eh, liberals?
Whatever happened to TOLERANCE, huh?!?!?!?
Liberals. Hmf.
Footnote 4 is awfully funny geniusy.
Do not ask the Great Gazoogle about “Garrett Morgan gas mask”. Do not go there. The amount of froth and spittle brought up by those four words will overwhelm your screen.
Tuskegee… Tuskegee… something about that town… some reason why I, if I were a Republican, wouldn’t bring it up in a conversation about civil rights… why would that be?
(My name is liberal backwards, since they backwards thinking)
At least we grammar knowing.
I’ll say it again: before this is all over and done in November, they’ll have one or more 527 groups running ads in heavy rotation that say, “don’t vote for the n***er”.
That’s what’s in their genetic makeup.
It ain’t gonna work this time. Racist though the country may still be, we’ve moved beyond the day when a majority were comfortable with blatant unabashed racism – hence the GOP “dogwhistle” politics of the past 40 years. They never called anyone “nigger” because they could accomplish the same thing with “welfare queen” “welfare cadillac” and “politics of victimhood”.
By the time November rolls around and the Bushtowns/Chimpyvilles all over the country are burgeoning, no one, not even these ignorant dorks, are gonna buy into the idea that the reason they no longer have a home is because of the blacks, the mexicans, or the queers.
It’s gonna be really ugly, but it’s not going to work.
About the speech itself: first, the Republicans destroyed their own “he’s an islamofascist MUSLIM ooga-booga man!” talking point with their heavy rotation of “ZOMG, his minister hates Amurka!” And then Obama shitcanned the new talking point with this speech…while at the same time, giving both Obama and all of his surrogates the perfect opportunity to say in all media interviews, when asked a stupid question (does our media ask any other kind?) “oh, you must be one of those people who wants to continue to quibble over distractions, rather than address the real issues we face.”
He completely pwn3d those bitches.
“Obama needs to explain how some of the greatest black minds in the history of this nation overcame vastly greater hardships. ”
This is Wingnut Logic a la Moron Avec Sauce Stupide: show that the exception not only “proves” the rule, but DISPROVES the rule.
(Which, btw, OBAMA “needs” to explain.)
Negative genius is right.
I think more properly their complaint would be that they want to be fuckwad dumbass racist douchebags but don’t believe anyone should have the right to treat them them like the fuckwad dumbass racist douchebags they want to be.
And then there’s the faint praise of the Nuthouse Nincompoop
By Rick Moran
Barack Obama gave a powerful and uplifting speech in Philadelphia today, the immediate purpose of whch was to put behind him the issues raised by the hateful remarks of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright.
I believe he did so. But at a price that opens him up to a charge he has been trying to avoid since he began his historic run for the presidency: that he is a far left Democratic liberal who sees the government as the solution to most of the nation’s problems.
Nothing but an evil liberal benieth it all. Oh well– nevermind.
The taxpayer-funded bailout of our Wall Street geniuses should completely dismantle the whole right-wing “welfare queen” meme. And these new privileged, white male “welfare queens” literally drive luxury cars, unlike Reagan’s fictional racist caricatures.
they’ll have one or more 527 groups running ads in heavy rotation that say, “don’t vote for the n***er”.
You know it. And I think Obama will handle it skillfully.
Maybe by singing that he’s the President of the United States of Love.
Raaar. Bizarro Liberal am backwards thinking.
Yeah. I want to see the Republicans try to make electoral hay out of “Scary Big Government” when Wall Street’s ass is falling down to its ankles thanks to Republican de-regulation again.
What’s that Republican fuckwads? You don’t like Big Government? Fine. Have JP Morgan give back the $30 Billion the U.S. government gave it to take over Bear Stearns.
What’s that? You wanna privatize Social Security? How ’bout a big “Fuck You We Don’t Need Any More Giant Republican Multi-Trillion Dollar Fucking Scam Losses”.
I say let them bring it all the fuck on.
Bring it ON, you Reaganite FUCKS! YOUR TIME IS NOW!!
Maybe a few more footnotes, even…
“Not one was given a pass because of affirmative action or quotas.” 5
5 – Thomas did benefit from affirmative action.
And as if all Black conservatives aren’t fulfilling any part of being a quota within the GOP. Riiiiiiiight.
“And not one of this group blamed “whitey” for the adverse circumstances in which they were educated.” <sup6
6 – Thomas did blame whitey. He just blamed whitey in the form of white liberals.
Tried superscript, didn’t work in the comments – ah, well.
I had no idea that David Mamet posted at Free Republic under the screen-name Vigilanteman! It’s a revalation, let me tell you!
[updated a little bit, btw]
Freepers are too fucking stupid to distinguish between the D of I and the Constitution, even when it’s clearly fucking stipulated by the use of the fucking date. WHAT. A. FUCKING. SHOCK.
Heh. How does Barrack Osama expect to win an election against the greatest President of the USA of America, George W. Bush? Is Osama a jet pilot hero of the Iraq War, fighting El Kydah in jet missions on the war of terror? No, I didn’t think so! He’s not even a white person!!
What are you LIE-bruls thinking of, anyway? Who gave you the right to surrender the heartland to El Kydah when you could be voting for an American War President? Idiot communists!!
Good update.
I’ll risk having my heart broken to have someone speak to me as the rational adult that I am.
by Larebil (My name is liberal backwards, since they backwards thinking)
As the great Steve Martin said, some people have a way with words, and some…have not way.
But after reading the Freeperocity, I too am left scratching my head wondering why the GOP can’t seem to get many Black people in their party. It sure is a mystery!
Shorter Obama: Been there; met them; talked to them; done it; seen it. Bring it.
So, Bush is running for a third time? Pretty sure that’s not allowed since you crazy Republicans thought FDR wanted to become king.
“(I’m adding this passage later, by the way. What it is, is this: You just don’t want to have your heart broken again. But you listen to Obama for a while, and it’s like, “Well, why not? What else are hearts for?”)”
Gavin, this is a crowning achievement in emotional intelligence (not that I think you’re behind the curve; far from it). The point is not that humans want their hearts broken, it is that they are so capable of loving that they can take risks and realize that even a 50/50 split is win/win; that emotional growth will spring from 100% of the outcomes, if given intelligently as well as emotionally. I am experiencing the same thing with this particular speech as well as with “Barry’s” entire campaign. So, if at some later date things fall apart (and I sincerely hope and think they won’t, please please please), you will know that you have a fucking heart because it fucking fucking hurts. You will be one up on many.
The fact is, HUSSEIN Obama hate the USA. So why would he want to be president, other than to destroy it? His wife hates it even more, sounds embarassed to be a citizen of the most powerful nation on earth in history. Leave then.
The fact is, the government did NOT give welfare to anyone on wall street. This assistance is need to permit an orderly market transition and avoid inflation, which would be a real disaster for the investor class, which is YOU (64% of all US) so stop the class warfare already.
I’ll risk having my heart broken to have someone speak to me as the rational adult that I am.
Exactly. That was the thing that really amazed me: a politician talking to his audience about a serious subject like they are adults. More of that, please.
GArY’s gotten into the peppermint schnaps again.
So, Bush is running for a third time? Pretty sure that’s not allowed since you crazy Republicans thought FDR wanted to become king.
President Bush is a WAR President, in case you haven’t been paying attention to the war (both the war of terror and the Iraq war. And the North Korean war), so pay attention LIE-brul, this is the USA of America, not Russia like you’d like it to be!
The fact is my stocks rebounded a little thanks to the latest Fed devaluation of the dollar, er, interest rate cut…
The truth is, Gary, that YOU hate America. You hate its schools, its entertainment industry, its method of dealing with the old and poor. You hate the coasts and the south. You hate its immigrants. You hate its universities. You hate most of its elected representatives. You hate its culture. You hate its laws.
You hate America. So go to one of your beloved countries where dissent means death and nobody will ever disagree with you, unless they want to die.
The fact is, the Republican party hates the U.S. government. So why would any of them wish to be politicians, other than to destroy the government?
And further, most of their constituents hate it even more, wanting to secede and create their own pockets of the country at the expense of one of the top three for most powerful nations on earth at the current moment.
Maybe THEY should leave then.
But at a price that opens him up to a charge he has been trying to avoid since he began his historic run for the presidency: that he is a far left Democratic liberal who sees the government as the solution to most of the nation’s problems.
yes because only a goddamn dirty hippy wants kids of all races to be well educated.
The fact is, si tcaf ehT
yes because only a goddamn dirty hippy wants kids of all races to be well educated.
Amen, brother! I’m glad to finally see a kindred soul onboard here. (No offense Gary…..but some of the things you say sound, well, crazy).
Yeah, liberals aren’t the ones bragging that they’re going to destroy the government. Conservatives are.
Gary doesn’t want clean water or air, safe food or automobiles, a 40-day work week, or affordable health care.
Or we can just let the free hand of the market take care of all that, right Gary? If his kid or mom gets sick or killed, I’m sure he’ll take consolation knowing that death will be a cautionary tale to someone somewhere.
Don’t worry, Gary nothing bad will ever happen to you because you are on the right side. Nothing bad ever happens to good Patriots.
I’m with Gavin. As cynical as I am about these things, the man moves me.
You have to try.
It was the most honest speech I’ve seen from a politician in a long, long time.
Also, why doesn’t he get any props for being, you know, half-white?
…sees the government as the solution to most of the nation’s problems.
As opposed to Bush’s government which is the cause of most of them.
Factum est, factum est.
John O:
Having many idiot racists for family, the reason he doesn’t get credit for being half-white is because he’s half-black. So he either has to demand he’s called a white president, or he’s a liar.
Kind of the reverse of the one-drop rule, I guess.
Thanks, Patkin.
As good an explanation as I’m likely to get, I think.
Weird, though. Imagine the GOP heads exploding all over the south if Condi were the GOP nominee. A black woman.
It would’ve been comedy gold.
Something that rarely gets brought up is what I consider to be a pretty indisputable fact: Good oration is a Presidential job requirement, to move the public, and the international community.
Words matter.
Bush is example One.
I got my weekly e-mail from Pat Buchanan today. [because “know thy enemy”, that’s why]. Title: Pator to the President?
Should I make myself read it, I wonder?
Can “Former MSM viewer” even READ?? Obama didn’t say the words were in the Declaration of Independence and was CLEARLY talking about the Constitutional convention and the document it created – the constitution.
Its so funny watching people bash mistakes that exist only in their heads!
*meep* “Pastor”
Also, Obama used to teach constitutional law at the U. of Chicago, so I imagine he’s pretty familiar with the text.
Barry hits a graceful home run, and somehow it’s not a steroid story– sweet.
By the time November rolls around and the Bushtowns/Chimpyvilles all over the country are burgeoning, no one, not even these ignorant dorks, are gonna buy into the idea that the reason they no longer have a home is because of the blacks, the mexicans, or the queers.
Hate to bring up this topic, but what do you think the GOP can come up with to prevent people without addresses from voting in November?
What I learned from the Great Gazoogle today:
The accomplishments of Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and Garrett A. Morgan are widely held up as motivating examples for Black Americans…
…Except that there’s a whole Intertube of websites, spread out along the political spectrum from republican to Stormfront, which deny those accomplishments and accuse liberals of falling into the soft-bigotry / low-expectations trap (apart from those websites which accuse liberals of treating blacks unfairly by giving them an unrealistic picture of their capabilities)…
…And now there’s Vigilanteman above, who has looped around in an Immelmann turn so he can come up behind the liberals, thereby catching them in the act of suppressing the accomplishments of Washington, Carver & Morgan.
Surely he deserves a prize.
[…] M., of Sadly No!, on Obama: You just don’t want to have your heart broken again. But you listen to Obama for a while, and […]
guys… um, you don’t have to go to wing nut locations to see this stuff…. just go to No Quarter, Larry Johnson’s blog, and you will see the same things from so-called Democrats. enjoy!! it’s a disgusting display of ‘my candidate is better than yours, and if mine doesn’t get to be the nominee, i won’t play’ …. craziness.
what do you think the GOP can come up with to prevent people without addresses from voting in November?
Good question. Fortunately, Obama also specializes in election law.
What, the Declaration wasn’t signed in 1787? Unpossible!
Why I distinctly remember the Gin Blossoms headlining the Bicentennial Celebration.
*meep* “Pastor”
I liked it better when I thought they actually sent out the e-mail with “Pator” in the subject line. That would have been perfect.
gbear – that has already occured to me. I don’t know the answer.
Trying to deny homeless people their vote would be actual cause for riots. I may have to take in 3000 or so roommates before the election…
Jennifer, you been milking that flu thing for a week now. Get over it, girl.
Voter suppression, in the style they’ve done it the past few elections.
Diebold/ESS/et. al.
Department of Injustice indictments shortly before November.
About the only new thing I would expect would the “terrorist attack” October surprise; martial law.
I’m stocking up on ammo.
Hasn’t anyone here learned of the 28th amendment?
Amendment XXVIII (Ratified February 29, 2007)
Section One
No person shall utter the holy words Declaration or Independence except
in direct reference to the Declaration of Independence. Ever motherfucker!
(It was the first time an exclamation point had been used in Constitutional History!)
Section Two
The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.
Section Three
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.
It was hard fought with some give and some take but they got’erdone!
PeeJ – would that I could. This is day 5 of home with the flu…actually we’re about an hour from the beginning of day 6. At this point I’m mostly just still tired, but going back to work for at least a partial day tomorrow. I shudder to think of the atrocities committed in my absence.
(It was the first time an exclamation point had been used in Constitutional History!)
Must have been penned by Tom Wolfe.
Okay, now I may be reading in between the lines on this thread just a bit, but I thought I picked up on a few subtle demands—demands that add to the steadily growing demands on the part of the public for me to make a statement.
I can’t believe I’m actually caving in to all of the public demands for me to make a statement.
Okay, here goes: I hereby unequivocally denounce and otherwise distance myself from all rumors that the Obama camp is trying to stop the release of a song I wrote and recorded about Obama’s 2-decade dealings with Reverend Wright—a song called “Preaching to the Choir.”
In fact, I’ll go so far as to denounce that the rumors ever existed. They do not, that is, not until now 🙂
Let the rumors begin and let the record begin to “spin.”
Stay tuned at:
The fact is, I hate USA schools because my probation officer told me I could go to jail if I get within 1000 feet of them.
The fact is, liberals are biased against reality when it comes to facts. I present facts, they can’t disprove it. They come in here all emotional, use insults, leftist rage and never address my points with reasoned debate. I am so glad I was not brainwashed by a leftwing state school like so many of you. Logic is not studied by the left, but every writer who is not Shakespeare or white is. Sad.
Must have been penned by Tom Wolfe.
I was thinking Jeb! I’ll have to go back to look.
On the occasion of one of the greatest political speeches of at least the last fifty years, naturally we need the musical accompaniment of Dr. BLT.
“Justice Thomas, would you like to make a comment?…….”
(blank stare)
“Justice Thomas?…..”
(blinks….blank stare)
Aw shit! I’m sitting next to Gary at the reasoned debate.
The fact is Gary’s comments reflect a definite Shakespearean influence.
“Justice Thomas, would you like to make a comment?…….”
(blank stare)
Did that happen again? During today’s arguments in front of them?
“On the occasion of one of the greatest political speeches of at least the last fifty years, naturally we need the musical accompaniment of Dr. BLT.”
That’s why I never miss a speech.
It Only Hurts When I Cry
Dr BLT copyright 2008
Dico, ergo est.
The Republicans have %100 of all the African-Americans who have had their names on oil tankers. If that isn’t intergration I don’t know what is….
Do you have a problem with that? Just…
What Part of Right-wing Don’t You Understand?
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2004/2008 Right-wing Records
That Gary……he’s so funny!!
Aw shit! I’m sitting next to Gary at the reasoned debate.
Send him over her to sit by me, petereugene. I’ll cough on him. That will make him go away for at least 5 days.
What’s Dr BLT’s problem now?
How dare you Susan of Texas!! Did you not see George Bush in his codpiece on the U.S.S. Lincoln? That was when I fell in love with America all over again!!
Send him over her to sit by me, petereugene. I’ll cough on him. That will make him go away for at least 5 days.
{{{{{Shoves Gary Jennifers way, not so gently. He’s a little slow.
He’ll be the one in the propeller beanie and the all day sucker.
Hope you’re feeling better as the bug wanes!
The anti-fact is, I looking forward am to another eight Bizzaro-Earth rotations of President Hsug W. Egroeg.
Is that where we all go politely berserk and ask for better funding for health, welfare and education while ever-so-slightly raising our voices?
Gary….you are such a liar!! You come here for ‘reasoned’ debate?? How dare you malign and misrepresent this site so!!! We come here, not for a ‘reasoning’ debate but a seasoning debate. So like you conservatives to try and distort everything you see and hear! We huddle here, beaten and dejected, to examine our olfactory senses, in this, our last, quiet refuge. Have you no shame sir!? At long last, have you no shame!!
Logic is not studied by the left, but every writer who is not Shakespeare or white is.
Does that mean Shakespeare wasn’t white?
Poor Gary. He does love his bulging codpiece.
Logic not studied? Sense not it makes no!
P.S. I have a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, specialising in formal logic.
Take THAT!
One day, a long time ago. I was done.
A few weeks earlier, I turned nineteen. I was exhausted, sick, hurt and scared. It had no end, and I had nothing left to carry into it’s maw. They said saddle up and roll out to the choppers for another op. Another five days in the boonies, getting sicker, getting killed.
NO. I told the LT no. I’m not going. I’m not gonna do this anymore. This is stupid, and I’m soul sick. I’m gonna lay here in this bunker, I’m gonna smoke weed, and if you wanna send me to prison, fine, fuck you, how could it be any worse.
The LT shook his head and left. A few minutes later, Sergeant Reed walked in. I’d only talked to him a few times, he was with weapons platoon. He sat down and talked to me. He didn’t bullshit me, and he didn’t try to pump me up. He talked about what we owed each other, and what I owed myself. I honestly don’t remember what his exact words were, but I remember this very clearly. When he was done, I had a feeling in my chest I didn’t recognize, but god DAMMIT I liked it. For one golden shining goddam moment, I believed in something. It wasn’t something huge, or unreachable, but it had purity and strength and somehow I know it was important. I got up and I got on that chopper, and I went on that op, and the next one, and eventually I came home. I never forgot that feeling, that transcendent moment, when just some softly spoken words cured my soul and gave me courage.
I just watched Obama’s speech on the net. And know what? I felt that again. This is a good man. Somehow, it makes you believe in – I dunno, something. Because after GW Bush, we are in need of something very special, someone who can not just end the crimes, but solve the problems. I’ve reached the conclusion that America NEEDS Barack Hussein Obama.
And nothing less…
Stealing my syntax must goopers stop.
The fact is Shakespeare was a black man. TRY TO DISPROVE ME, LEFTISTS!
What’s Dr BLT’s problem now?
Misses his favorite golden nectar.
Can I piss in your mouth, Doc?
Yeah. I’m with Gavin. Maybe Obama will break my heart, but I don’t think so. And even if he does, fuck it. The past eight years, it hasn’t been worth what it once was. All day today I kept thinking about that “message to Ralph Nader” vid on YouTube a month or so ago (couldn’t find it easily just now so no link). The part where the guy says “And doesn’t Obama make you cry sometimes? Sometimes he makes us cry.” Damn straight.
Seen a man standin’ over a dead dog lyin’ by the highway in a ditch
He’s lookin’ down kinda puzzled pokin’ that dog with a stick
Got his car door flung open he’s standin’ out on highway 31
Like if he stood there long enough that dog’d get up and run
Struck me kinda funny seem kinda funny sir to me
Still at the end of every hard earned day people find some reason to believe
After reading mikey’s last post, I’m officially applying to be his ‘dittohead’!!
“The Left Hand of Logic” is still LeGuin’s best book.
I’ve reached the conclusion that America NEEDS Barack Hussein Obama.
And nothing less…
Absolutely goddamn right!
Oh fer CHRISSAKES Yoda!…don’t start that shit up again!!!
Shakespeare couldn’t have been black, his work is discussed in schools.
Does that mean if I can find five conservatives who have regular forums in broadcast media, and five conservatives who have regular columns in print media, that they’ll stop whining about the liberal media?
Or how about if I can find five conservative college professors? And five instances where conservatives spoke on college campuses? Will that make conservatives stop going on and on about liberal academia and thus boring the hell out of those who have actually been to college?
I think that’s fair.
Well, LA-DEE-DA! Gary Ruppert has an MBA from Liberty University and a law degree from Regent University,
When the Apocalyse comes, I want to be directly
behindbeside mickey.tontocal: You spelled “McDonalds University of Life” wrong.
The fact is, liberals are biased against reality when it comes to feces. I present feces, they can’t disinfect it. They come in here all emotional, use toilet paper, flush and never address my poos with seasoned defecation. I am so glad I was not bathroom trained by a leftwing state school like so many of you. Logs are not studied by the left, but every writer who is not Shakespeare or white is. Sad.
You might want to get that looked at.
Tell you what, I am so not racist, and I am so totally OK with a black dude running for Prez… Heck I even proudly own a Tiger Woods autographed golf-ball. This pastor thing though is too ghetto for me… Yuk! Sorry guys…
Susan, huge coincidence:
Last night I saw Springsteen and the E street Band.
They played that song.
Did they know what Obama was going to say today?
You’ve got to hand it to the Freepers. They’re too dumb to excerpt bits of Obama’s speech and criticize them out of context, like so many of their smarter, more artfully mendacious cousins do. Instead, they posted it in full, and
there it sits, like a thing of beauty and strength that’s impervious to their primitive assaults.
Apropos of Arthur C. Clarke’s death, I see that speech as the alien monolith and the Freeper commenters are the howling apes surrounding it, simultaneously drawn to its power and frightened to death by its strangeness.
Yes, he’s right up there. Definitely in the top 9.
That’s a funy coincidence.
It’s an incredibly important need, the need to believe in something, to belong, to have purpose.
To bad it’s such an easily exploited need.
Well, as Billy Joel says “I have been a Fool for Lesser Things!”
Why not go-fo-it?
Not even a week ago, I was pretty much in despair. I looked at the shit going on between the two camps – the two Democratic camps – and was on the verge of just giving up. It was just a question of trying to get a Dem elected Pres so they could rubber stamp legislation from a progressive congress. That was my last, best hope.
Two things happened. The first was that I read an article about Obama’s mother. By the time I was through reading that article, tears were running down my face. This is not usual for me. I am about as politically hardened and cynical as they come. But this story about this remarkable woman, and the glimmers it gave of her relationship to her son, was amazing. It was uplifting. It was every cliche you could think of, all dusted off and made fresh and new again. I thought, “It sounds as if she gave him a foundation of decency, of compassion and understanding, that couldn’t help but form some core of character in the man he became.”
The second thing was this speech. All the good things that everyone here has already mentioned. A reason to, well, hope. I guess I’m gonna go ahead and hope. And if the heartbreak thing comes, I can go back to cynical and hardened. Alright.
Apropos of Arthur C. Clarke’s death, I see that speech as the alien monolith and the Freeper commenters are the howling apes surrounding it, simultaneously drawn to its power and frightened to death by its strangeness.
I get a premonition that this campaign is going to be like watching mice in the maze running back to the place where the button for the food is. But one day, the button stops working. And the dumbest mice return to the site, day after day, and throw themselves onto the button, convinced that it will start working again. Meanwhile, the smarter mice explore other areas of the maze, find a new button that works, and are chowing down while the dumb ones remained encamped by the old button, starving, and desperately throwing themselves onto the old button over and over again.
isn’t it amusing how these freepers condemn every little thing Obama says while remaining loyal to the inarticulate uneducated illiterate Decider.
“Hey Obama why doncha go put food on your fambly or somethin'”
It’s an incredibly important need, the need to believe in something, to belong, to have purpose.
To bad it’s such an easily exploited need.
I suppose. I mean, sure. People with power and charisma have fooled the population into doing so many stupid things, into following so many bad ideologies, into believing in the redemptive qualities of what turned out to be nothing but manure.
But I’m not so sure. Maybe I’m completely “in the tank”.
But I think we all KNOW what we need. KNOW. Without question.
We can recognize the liar, the poser and the real deal.
I’m not sure who I can speak for, but I can certainly speak for people who agree with me. That the very future, the history of our lives is at stake.
And it’s in our hands.
Three candidates. Three options. Three directions.
One is mindless hate and uncontrolled rage.
One is political ambition. Sure, it’s coupled with some care for the constituency, but that will always be secondary to the accumulation and retention of power.
And then there’s another path. Someone young stood up and said “Not This Time”. Someone with a message about caring, and future, and love, and belief and peace. Someone stood up and said we can be better, we can be more, we can care for one another.
How hard will reality smack him?
Hell, how hard will he hit back?
Sign me up. The current path is not a solution. What we are watching is an opportunity, fragile and beautiful, tiny heart beating fitfully. Gawd, how sad to see it left bleeding in the ditch on the side of the road because we didn’t have the courage and vision to reach out and take it home.
We need this. It may not save us. But like that sad little life ring in the middle of a pacific storm, it may well be the only chance we have…
Jennifer, home with the flu said,
March 19, 2008 at 3:30
/Taylor Marsh
I couldn’t finish reading it the first time through… about 2/3rds of the way in I was bawling my eyes out.
Just amazing. If you can’t appreciate this speech you truly have no soul.
Does that mean Shakespeare wasn’t white?
You’re right! Just like Benito Mussolini was an American leftist.
How hard will reality smack him?
Hell, how hard will he hit back?
that’s exactly part of the man’s charm for me. They’ll hit him hard, and they’ll hit him low, but he’s really smart and really tough. We’ve had some good people before who didn’t know how to fight back, and the horrible evil Dicks and Newts of this world ate them for lunch. That ain’t gonna happen with Obama. He’s going to hand their asses to them, with elegance and aplomb. I am so looking forward to that.
Obama in today’s speech (my emphasis):
Gary, dude, you gotta get that thing copyrighted.
I thought Gary got his degree by drawing “Binky” off of an old matchbook… Huh..
I’m not sure who I can speak for
You can speak for me. Any time. You go, mikey.
I’m a cynic at this point in my life, especially when it comes to politicians whose speeches are filled with an idealism that hasn’t been reflected in our society for decades, if ever. There was a short period of time back in the seventies when hope was alive and anything seemed possible, but I might have been high on drugs at the time. Frank Capra movies used to have me awash in tears when I was, maybe ten years old, but now? Um, no. I don’t believe any politician.
If Obama can live up to a fraction of what he claims, if some shit starts to change, I’ll start buying into his speeches. (Though I realize he’s one person and one person can’t do a fuck of a lot. On the other hand, lone man Bush has done a fuck of a lot of harm, so maybe one man can do a fuck of a lot of good. Greed seems to hold more power, unfortunately.)
As for the freepers, I can only hope their shrieking and jumping up and down in a frenzy of rabid hate is a sign that they know, at least instinctively, that their days are numbered.
As for the freepers, I can only hope their shrieking and jumping up and down in a frenzy of rabid hate is a sign that they know, at least instinctively, that their days are numbered.
Me, too. Help us number their days.
One of the things I like about Obama is who he is not.
Although his policies aren’t fully what I would prefer, he is not part of an entire movement of Democrats who decided that the problem with the Democratic Party was the liberals and labor and ethnic backing it received, and that what was needed was for the Democrats to back basically Republican policies with a bit more sanity.
If, say, grassroots pressure could convert into Congressional action towards some very progressive goal, I don’t see President Obama as quite so determined to destroy and avert that movement and goal as a number of other leading Democrats might.
I mostly come here for the ‘snark v. snark’ and the general silliness but I will say one thing. I was a steadfast Hillary supporter (yes, she’s ruthless but that what I felt we needed in a candidate) but B. Hussein Obama has grown on me to the point where I’ved decided that he’d make the better president. The one thing that worries me though, is that with any agent of true, substantive change, he’ll create many, many enemies. I worry that his hopes for the future will be dashed because he will be faced with a backlash, not just from ‘establishment’ Republicans, but also from small ‘c’ Democrats in our own party. (that’s one of the reasons I was rooting for Hillary; I felt that she had enough of a formidable ‘machine’ behind here to counter-punch that) That said, after his speech today, I’m really excited about him attaining the White House (the historical significance notwithstanding)
Even tho I’ve been arguing in favor of Obama for some time, I have trouble believing it when he pulls stuff like this off.
Gotta see how it plays, of course, but it looks like he really is the political equiv of Ali, sometimes.
I was about to say “fair enough,” because I’m a uniter, not a divider — but then I decided, no, Lesley, not fair enough. Obama hasn’t been in power “for decades.” He’s not in power yet. It’s lunacy to decide you won’t believe the rhetoric until you see results — unless people have faith in his words, he’ll never have a chance to “live up to” what he claims.
I mean, great speed-skating Jebus, it’s like saying that nothing any of the Sadlynaughts say is worth believing because none of us has yet made any appointments to the Supreme Court.
Seriously, what shit do you expect him to change between now and the November election?
I missed it the first time around, but I hope he’s serious about this:
“…the real culprits of the middle class squeeze – a corporate culture rife with inside dealing, questionable accounting practices, and short-term greed; a Washington dominated by lobbyists and special interests; economic policies that favor the few over the many.”
The thing I really liked about Edwards was his anti-corporate populism, it’d be nice to see a bit more of that from Obama.
Lesley said,
March 19, 2008 at 3:34
isn’t it amusing how these freepers condemn every little thing Obama says while remaining loyal to the inarticulate uneducated illiterate Decider. ”
It’s comes from pure primal unmitigated fear and it will get even more insane as this election goes on. The things Obama said today were a pointed arrow aimed straight into the wingnut’s political heart. They have lived off bias division and resentment for decades now and have harnessed it into an electoral cattle prod with great success. Obama’s candidacy (and it is important to distinguish between it and the man) and the courage and clarity and brutal honesty he expressed today is an existential threat to their SOP.
If Obama can stand behind what he says and if the electorate support him all the way, he’ll be the next best thing since multi-grain bread. (Turns out sliced white is carcinogenic.)
There’s certainly a place for ruthless Democrats if they are ruthless for the right causes. Like supporting the impoverished, restoring democracy, cleaning up the corruption, and telling the freepers to fuck the hell off and shut the fuck up.
They’ve been yapping their spin and bullshit on the blogs, the networks, in the senate, the congress, and in the Whitehouse for the past eight years. They had their majority. They BLEW it. They can damn well take responsibility for that. If no one supports them now it’s their fault. (Not that anyone had reason to support them in the first place, but I’m willing to concede some people are gullible idiots and sheep and can’t help themselves after events like 9/11.)
Guys, I know this has been covered, but some of you are working yourselves into a right lather over the comments of Ruppert and Rugged. So let’s cover this ground one more time:
They are parodies.
Ignore, except to mock.
I hear you Smiling Mortician – but then you must be an optimist if you can be a mortician and smile at the same time. Seriously though, your point is well taken and it’s not fair is it because he hasn’t had a chance. I guess my point is that I’ve heard similar speeches in the past (Canuck side) and they’ve all crashed and burned. The proof is the world we’re living in. People – at the grass roots level – effect change. Politicians are servants. I respect the man and am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and yes, I would only vote for someone like him, but I’m wary and I think I have good reason to be.
There are at least two aspects of this. One is the practical, where either Democrat is preferable to any Republican. We have to live in the world we have, not the world as it should be. In this sense I am for Obama, since I think he’ll be the better leader.
But there is anther side, the truth of which has to be behind every decision we make. We are a deeply corrupt society, rife with racism, sexism, and cold greedy capitalism. We know it, and we (including myself) do nothing about it. At the very least, we have to acknowledge that truth. Do what you will, but don’t lie to yourself. Or you’ll end up a Republican.
They are parodies.
What? Why doesn’t anybody ever tell me these things!
They’ve been yapping their spin and bullshit on the blogs, the networks, in the senate, the congress, and in the Whitehouse for the past eight years. They had their majority. They BLEW it.
Donna Edwards = Mark Penn?
Are you looking through Nader goggles?
Actually, the real Gary Ruppert, AKA Classic Gary, is no parody. Things are obviously complicated as some here like to play a blog-comments version of “To Tell the Truth.”
Seriously, what shit do you expect him to change between now and the November election?
None. When he’s up and running – when that dickhead Bush is out on his rear end and the carpets and furniture have been replaced by Mrs. O. – I’ll swoon and giggle like a schoolgirl then. (I seriously doubt it will be easy for him and his supporters to clean the mess Bush has created. It’s going to take years.)
No, I’m as impressed as you are by his idealism and his political philosophy but words are no longer enough for me. And hey, this is the Democratic Party we’re talking about…it’s not exactly ever been revolutionary.
Donna Edwards = Mark Penn?
Are you looking through Nader goggles?
um, you realize by “they” I meant the shameless wingnuts.
Lesley, your last comment doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Exactly how is Obama supposed to “stand behind what he says” during the next 7-8 months until the election? How is he supposed to make his proposals reality? And how is he only a good thing if “the electorate” (the same electorate who settled for Bush twice) “support him all the way”?
Which of the “ruthless Democrats” have been “yapping their bullshit in the White House” for the past eight years? How did I miss their presence in the Bush administration?
And given that the Democrats BLEW it and therefore do not deserve anyone’s support, could you kindly make an endorsement about who the engaged, freaked-out, deeply concerned anti-Republican should support?
If you have any time left over, I’d appreciate an analysis of how those of us who voted Democratic in an attempt to get our country out of the hands of Bushco are “gullible idiots and sheep and can’t help themselves after events like 9/11.”
I’m Leonard Nimoy. Tonight we go in search of the Real Gary…
By “last comment,” I’m referring to Lesley’s comment at 4:16. Sorry. Slow typing this evening. I blame the Pinot Noir.
smiling…you’re getting on my last nerve here.
I said there will be a place for ruthlessness (in terms of supporting Obama’s idealism). When I mentioned the yappers I was referring to the freepers who’ve been in power for the past eight years. Not sure how that’s not clear to you.
The republicans blew it, is what I said. I should have put the second and last paragraph together.
Vote for the candidate that you support. Spare everybody else your lengthy political exegeses. That is all.
Surfed around a lot today and with all that I’ve read on the net, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly…I think I’ll vote for Obama.
Unless McCain discovers by November that Iran is NOT training Al Qaeda.
Nay…Won’t happen.
oh hey, if you’re imbibing and can’t focus, don’t blame me, mortician 🙂
freepers blew it. freepers are the yappers. It’s clear enough to me, Is it clear to anyone else (who might care?) who isn’t drinking?
Heh. Some people enjoy a nice exegese, but no matter. This
warelection will be over some day…..Vote for the candidate that you support. Spare everybody else your lengthy political exegeses. That is all.
Not really sure why you’re here, if you don’t like lengthy political exegeses.
Unless McCain discovers by November that Iran is NOT training Al Qaeda.
There are a fuck of a lot more reasons not to vote for St. McCain than that, James. Just sayin’.
I caught on pretty quick that ole’ Rugger was a parody troll but Gary?? You sure?? If he is, my pants are off to him; he’s brought parodying wingers to the ‘sound of one hand clapping’ level!
How can these racist fucktards take that attitude toward that excellent speech? What is wrong with them?
Candy, it was indeed an excellent speech, now that I have gone and read it, and I give Obama great credit for it. And yet, when I tried to listen to it, all I heard was “Cadence, cadence, buzzword, cadence, word word word, sonority, cadence, buzzword.” It may actually *be* a genetic thing, or at least a regional one, because BHO’s voice still grates on me, no matter how much I agree with what he’s saying. I will have to go with my head on this one, because my heart will not be moved. Selah. Working to elect a President whose words are not a source of mockery & shame is no small thing, after all.
Now, Mikey… there’s a guy whose words can inspire an emotional response in me. Thank you, Mikey, for doing so.
I am able to enjoy a fine political exegesis. But this little flamewar, feh…
Anyway, calm down everybody.
Geez, the last person I want to be confused with is Gary Rupertardo. I’ve been a life long socialist.
The reason I like and trust Obama, is although he states the correct vision for America (in my opinion), he does not state it as a promise he will keep. The minute he does that, then my bullshit meter goes off loud and I’m out the door.
My gut tells me he is at heart a humble man despite his obvious gift for rhetoric and persuasion– and will at least try to accomplish what he talks about. An honest effort is all I require in a politician.
God Damn America!!
All of this confuses me. I just don’t get it.
You got four choices in november.
McCain, Clinton, Obama or None of the Above.
You gotta sign up with one.
Geddy Lee even got it, for fucks sake.
So you wanna vote your cynicism? You wanna vote your fears? You want to vote for less of the same? Keep wiretapping, keep stealing, keep killing, but do it for different fucking reasons?
What is WRONG with you people?
Don’t you want to sign up for something more, something bigger, something BETTER?
When they come and ask you what you’ll do, will you pull down your shades and ignore the knock at the door?
Fer crissakes, what the HELL are you waiting for? Get on the bus, or get off the fucking bus, but stop complaining about the goddam BUS.
My gut tells me he is at heart a humble man despite his obvious gift for rhetoric and persuasion
I’m not sure it’s possible to be a presidential candidate in the US of A and humble. Sounds great but don’t you think these guys have huge egos?
and Leslie:
As Jesus once said, “The poor, you will always have with you…”
So it goes for the freepers. There will always be freepers among us. The trick (and hope is) that they will become so thoroughly discredited, shunned and marginalized by most of the population that their ‘echo chamber’ for them will become like Dante’s Eighth Circle of Hell (where their ears will also bleed profusely, forevah and evah)
Mikey, I won’t be voting because I’m not an American….relax man 🙂
If I could vote, I’d cast mine with Obama mainly because he stood against the invasion (not war, invasion…big difference) from the beginning and Hillary didn’t have the courage to do that. That I can’t forget or forgive.
When they come and ask you what you’ll do, will you pull down your shades and ignore the knock at the door?
When they kick out your front door, How you gonna come, With your hands on your head, Or on the trigger of your gun
tontocal, I notice a hell of a lot more of them around now, don’t you. They freak me the hell out. It’s like a zombie invasion.
Meet the Libertarian Party candidates!
’m not sure it’s possible to be a presidential candidate in the US of A and humble. Sounds great but don’t you think these guys have huge egos?”
They better have healthy egos if their going to be the POTUS. I don’t know exactly what you mean by “huge” . But maybe those nit picky Freepers do.
Mikey, in a previous comment you wrote about how persuasive the rhetoric can be and how dangerous that is. Don’t you think a certain amount of cynicism is healthy at this stage?
I mean, look at those folks in Ohio who fell for Hillary’s BS that she’s turn around the free trade agreement (the one she supported in the first place). I mean, goddamn, people need to smirk occasionally at these asswipes, don’t you think?
Susan of Texas nailed it when she said
We shouldn’t have anthing to do with this whole political process. This political system which lets the rich bleed the poor, sends the poor off to be killed, clamps down on their every thought and action, more and more and more. Telling us that sex is a sinful, the poor are scum, women are the source of evil, we are the epitome of all mankind and every civilization.
Either we all work together to get rid of the process–all of us, and how likely is it that that will happen?, or we participate in it, or we wash our hands of it. Nearly a million Iraqi are dead. Four thousand of us. Our economy is in shambles. Our infrastructure is crumbling aruond us. The grossest of injustices occurs every day. Torture, political prisoners. It’s time to kick the table over.
Let me just ask one question–why would anyone want to be part of that system? Especially when he could become another MLK?
Hell of a speech. I mean, wow.
I’ve been pulling for Obama ever since Edwards was eliminated, but this got me to get off my ass and finally make a donation.
Enjoy the C-note, Barry. I hope you ram it right up the media’s ass. Money’s the only thing they understand.
Lesley, sure he’s got a huge ego. And some of the younger Obama supporters I encounter seem to put a little too much faith in Obama, the man, instead of Obamamania, the movement (see: i.am.-comma-will.)
It’s also true, as you say, that ‘people – at the grass roots level – affect change’. I get pissed off at some Obama supporters who have all this hope that their guy will lead us out of near-total darkness, because lots of people working in the margins have already done great, progressive, successful work to change things already. It does those people and their accomplishments a disservice to ignore the light they’ve already shined on things like the environment and social justice.
But Obama and the movement behind him, in my opinion, stand a really, really good chance of accomplishing a) pretty decent governance and b) inspiring and incentivizing even more people to work in the margins for progressive goals. That’s something.
And here’s the thing. It’s up to those of us who are a little more cynical to watchdog Obamamania and make sure it sticks to a progressive path, that it doesn’t get too cultish.
And you can’t do that if you don’t have skin in the game.
Mikey, I won’t be voting because I’m not an American….relax man 🙂
Trust me, Lesley, I am comfortable with your decision.
Because all I ask of anyone is a decision. Decide.
What is your vision?
How do you see america’s future?
Who best delivers that vision?
It’s not a matter of relaxation. I have nothing of significance to contribute.
I just want people to make a decision, choose a path, select a vision.
If you think more wars is a future that brings you happiness and prosperity, you vote for McCain.
If you think that Corporations have your best interests at heart, if you believe that big oil and big pharma and big money hold the solutions to our most critical societal problems, vote for Clinton.
If you want to believe in something more, if you want to believe there might, just goddam MIGHT be something more, if you want to sign up for a political movement that offers solutions rather than toxins, well, step up and agree to work your neighborhood.
Is it possible we’ll be disappointed? Oh, yeah.
Are we so cynical that we can’t even try?
Nope. We most certainly are NOT…
oh hey, if you’re imbibing and can’t focus, don’t blame me, mortician 🙂
freepers blew it. freepers are the yappers. It’s clear enough to me, Is it clear to anyone else (who might care?) who isn’t drinking?
Yeah, I have students like this. They write the exact opposite of what they mean and then blame the reader for not figuring out what they really meant.
Oh, sorry. I’ve had a glass of wine so I’m not supposed to answer.
Mikey, in a previous comment you wrote about how persuasive the rhetoric can be and how dangerous that is. Don’t you think a certain amount of cynicism is healthy at this stage?
Generically, sure.
But you got three players left on the board. How does cynicism help you with this decision? Maybe, just maybe, hope and commitment are better choices in this case?
Somebody pass that bong around to me…Yeah, this whole system of democracy sucks, man (deep inhalation)…women and minorities are oppressed (deep inhalation)…That whole Iraq mess…bummer
Guess what, the only way to change the system is by working in the system. Which means electing a candidate who, while not necessarily progressive, is educable, and can be brought to take a progressive position through political pressure exerted within the system. See how this works?
These political exegeses and other such theses mire the species in mountains of feces.
Let’s all binge on Reese’s Pieces!
I’m not opposed to huge egos if they’re on a right path, so to speak. I’ve encountered many people who are on the front lines of various political movements. Some of them annoy the hell out of me (because they can be dogmatic); at the same time I often find myself filled with admiration for their accomplishments. I’ve argued with a few privately and yet always come out swinging for what they stand for. Because what they stand for is right and I know it despite our differences. You need a tough skin to endure a front line position like a presidency (unless you’re a simpleton psychopath like Bush who copes by drinking, avoids work at all costs, and leaves the dirty work to the people who engineered his rise).
Listen, I’m hopeful he’ll win. I can’t imagine what your country will be like if he doesn’t. At the same time I hope that his idealism reflects what people are longing for. I really hope you are right D. I’m just not sure right now. So many things are so wrong.
A great tv series – The Wire – just ended. I had real problems with the fifth season, but in many respects that show reflects how I see the world I experience, especially government. I can’t see it changing radically. I hope it does, I really do, but I’m not holding my breath. (And yes, I am actively involved in some movements…I wanna believe!)
Alright friends,
Let’s just chalk that up to a bit of lazy writing on Lesley’s part and let it go, m’kay? Shit happens.
Fuck a whole big bunch of Reese’s Pieces, DA.
I’ve got oven Barbequed country pork ribs with a rub AND a home made sauce, fresh long beans with a holandaise, and my new experiment, biscuits. They may be a bit, er, dense, but I’m learning as I go.
And I pity those of you who are eating carls junior…
Let’s all binge on Reese’s Pieces!
You may think this is funny, Mr. Aristophanes, but earlier this evening I ate most of a bag of peanut butter M&Ms, and I have serious heartburn issues. I am currently objectively anti-small-coated-candies, and I’m not ashamed to take a ruthless position on this matter.
I hate those meeces to pieces!
Let’s all binge on Reese’s Pieces!
While we’re out questing for golden fleeces.
I’m Leonard Nimoy. Tonight we go in search of the Real Gary…
Can’t he stay lost? Please?
I’m chiping in some Kit Kat bars and a can of assorted nuts into the Bong Ante. I’d offer tortilla chips, but I don’t want to ruin the buzz.
Meet the Libertarian Party candidates!
Michael Jingozian has a great name.
Maybe, just maybe, hope and commitment are better choices in this case?
yes, yes yes, Mikey.
and words do matter. I shouldn’t suggest they don’t. They’ve been abused by shitheads for so long it’s made me cynical.
I’m always astounded – and profoundly moved – when I encounter beings who have every reason to be cynical and distrustful and somehow transcend that. I have a very hard time with it. Still have a lot to learn, obviously.
If you’re up and reading, thanks for the drive-by comment. I’d reply here, but I’m loathe to truly hijack someone else’s blog. Hit me up in email – snowwy at livejournal dawt cawm.
I give an enthusiastic thumbs up to large quantities of reese’s pieces.
when I say beings, they’re not always two-legged.
Righteous might turn this into a recipe, but whenever I look at this video I can’t help tearing up. Circus victim!
Righteous might turn this into a recipe, but whenever I look at this video I can’t help tearing up.
I’ve had, like, dozens of elephants die on me so how could I make light?
mikey: the speech was good and I liked it. Your post was better and I admire you more than I can say. Thank you.
Susan of Texas: were you saying that we need to change the process, or that we shouldn’t be in the process? Not sure I understood you.
I know, Lesley. It can be hard to believe.
But it seems to me there are times when it’s just goddam hard NOT to.
As much as I hate this stupid “duality” thing I keep learning about, it kind of does come down to a binary choice.
Choose to play, or choose to believe. I mean, sure, other than just checking out, I don’t know of another option.
Do we stand to get had?
I suppose. But I’ve lived this long by learning to seperate bullshit from truth. I’m not always right.
But for whatever it’s worth? I’m not always wrong….
Submitted for your consideration without comment.
“The Left Hand of Logic” is still LeGuin’s best book.
Did you mean ‘The Left Hand of Darkness?” “The Lathe of Heaven” is one of my very favorites books.
I tend to be with Susan re change from within the system. It’s very difficult to change things from inside a government bureaucracy, but you can still do a lot of good as an individual. It’s a mixed bag. Some NGOs (that set themselves up as client advocates) are corrupt and only in it for the money they can get from gov’t. I’ve encountered plenty of these and quietly recommended cutting the lifeline (to no avail). It makes my blood boil.
Here’s a guy who think the sistem werks jus fine.
I once, myself having never partaken in the sweet, subtle, sultry delights of Dolly Madison, bought a box and ett the entire thing in one sitting. The entire thing.
Interesting back-and-forth…
This Lesley girl, she’s a sharp cookie I tell you, yet a bit mean-ish…
Lesley, you Canadian? You are the one who was spamming that web-site where girls post e-mails from guys that they dumped and laugh at them in the comments, right?
See, I can relate to you, because in reality, I am also this mean prick that people around me often complain about… But, you know, at the end this doesn’t buy us anything, unfortunately… So I am trying to work on little things, and recommend you try, too. Like, instead of lashing at Smiling, just explain calmly that, hey, there is a misunderstanding. Don’t cheapen your anger, save your mean streak for the real bastards, then it is more effective.
I hope you don’t mind the coaching…
We can either change the system from within, or tear it down from without….I’m for the former. (and I’ve also found that the people that complain about the system the most tend to be those making the least efforts to change it)
Choose to play, or choose to believe. I mean, sure, other than just checking out, I don’t know of another option.
I’ve alternated between the two over the years. But when you have a truly evil empire lead by the likes of Bush – truly the worst, most diabolical president ever – checking out isn’t an acceptable option. It seems most of the electorate has come to realize that. Maybe we’ve learned a lesson from it.
By working within the system, I mean progressive Democrats can exert pressure on our candidates to effect change. Sometimes this works (as with the FISA bill) and many times it doesn’t (too many incidents to mention). But the idea of working outside the system is a nonstarter. Look at the damn Greens if you want proof.
tell you, yet a bit mean-ish…
Lesley, you Canadian? You are the one who was spamming that web-site where girls post e-mails from guys that they dumped and laugh at them in the comments, right?
If you’re referring to “crap email from a dude”, http://jezebel.com/gossip/crap-email-from-a-dude, I very occasionally snicker in comments along with dozens of other women. I wouldn’t call this “spamming.” Would you be one of those crap emailers perhaps? You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder.
Provide evidence from this thread of me being meanish… I’m not seeing it. (I may have been “meanish” at times, but who hasn’t?)
would krassen be smiling mortician? good grief, man. I gave you smiley faces. You got my comments completely messed up. No harm in that if you’re sucking back the wine tonight. But it was annoying.
I wonder how many freepers know exactly WHY 1787 is important. And what spans between 1777 and 1787.
ah fuck you guys. Stop eating at each other. You’re depressing me.
I thought the speech rawked.
Hey, g.
You missed the BBQ’d country pork ribs.
Damn!! They were STOOPID good!
The biscuits had a bit of, er texture to them, but they were good.
C’mon, I have no southern guidance, next time they’ll be better…
Lesley, I and Smiling are different doodes, and sure he doesn’t need me to get his back, but it’s good that you diffused the hostility;see that’s what I was talking about.
That e-mail site was what got my attention, but no I have not been featured there… See, when I was being dumped by girls, e-mail was still only a DARPA-net feature. I just got worried to think that my son may get posturized there someday, he is a sensitive boy…
So you Canadian or not?
The speech rawked, the world continues to teeter. Also, the Republicans don’t have a hope in hell of winning the next election. Am I right? Please say yes.
werd g
sorry, wordpress goofed me.
I meant to say, BBQ ribs would go a long way toward helping my depression.
and I don’t usually have biscuits with them, I have corn bread. I like my cornbread to not be too sweet. And I like beans.
I gotta work on making biscuits. Mine aren’t quite fluffy enough.
Seriously, I think the speech did a little jiujitsu for Obama. I heard someone on the radio say that, unlike Rove, who turns someone’s strength into their weakness, Obama’s speech turned his weakness into his strength.
I like particularly the challenge – where he says we can choose either to focus on the distractions – play the tape over and over, get all excited about the Ferraro comments – and then have to get fucked by this shit every single time – or we can choose to stop it.
I think every time an Obama supporter – no, every time a progressive – this is for Hillary supporters too – goes on TeeVee and faces the endless trivial bullshit from the Tweeties, the Wolfs, the Candy Crowleys, blah blah blah – they should just stop right there and say, “well, you know, we can make a choice on what we think is important. It’s obvious what choice you made.”
Pass the cornbread.
Kassen, smiling Mortician attacked me. He was “meanish” and unreasonable in my opinion. And then you jumped all over me. I’m not particularly inspired to respond to your questions at the moment.
I’m off now.
It’s a real piss off that you can’t voice an opinion in here – or make a mild mistake – without being raked over the fucking coals. There are times this thread feels like a communist party meeting of olde where everyone is confrontational. Blah.
This was my first attempt at biscuits. They were good, but they coulda been crew-served weapons. I’ll enjoy getting this right.
My cornbread, however, is the SHIT.
I do a skillet cornbread with jalapenos, diced microscopically.
You have to be stoned beyond all recognition to get the peppers diced right.
It takes a long time, and if you get carried away, they go liquid on you and you have to take another couple hits and start over.
But my oven corn bread I make with extra eggs, melted butter, vanilla, cinnamon and maple syrup and it’s pretty much just desert. If you get it right, it’s fluffy and light and sweet and just a little tangy, and with ice cream or a drizzle of coconut cream it’s heavenly…
for Jennifer, at home with the flu. My grandpappy says this stuff works wonders for all ailments big and small. And grifter approved, to boot.
It’s a real piss off that you can’t voice an opinion in here – or make a mild mistake – without being raked over the fucking coals. There are times this thread feels like a communist party meeting of olde where everyone is confrontational. Blah.”
Night Comrade.
Mmmm. It sounds good, but to me that sounds like cornbread pudding. I like my cornbread that goes with dinner to be not sweet, but savory. The jalapeno version sounds good.
Tonight we had a salad – with the leftover rare grilled flank steak sliced thin, over mixed greens, with some diced jicama dressed in lime juice and chiles, some black beans, some chopped red bell peppers and red onions, carrots, corn, and some crumbled cotijo anejo cheese. A dressing made with fat free sour cream, lime juice and a little BBQ sauce.
Warmed tortillas on the side.
Lesley – I missed the flaming. If you need to go away, OK, but please come back. You’re a valuable contributor.
OK, Lesley, good night and sorry if you felt attacked. I did say that you present as very smart…
It’s a real piss off that you can’t voice an opinion in here – or make a mild mistake – without being raked over the fucking coals. There are times this thread feels like a communist party meeting of olde where everyone is confrontational. Blah.
I assume that means “God Bless Carlos Whitaker”. And I second that emotion. I mean, at least, y’know?
I only have one question.
Who the hell is Carlos Whitaker?
I say let them eat cake (and save all the bbq for us)
Did you mean ‘The Left Hand of Darkness?”
In your world, gbear, LeGuin may well have written a book of that name. However, in the Bimler Research Laboratories, where Gary has been rupperting on about the Left and how they do not study one particular branch of the Trivium, the book she wrote was definitely called The Left Hand of Logic.
GBCW=Good Bye Cruel World,
it’s a Daily Kos thing…
In defence of Lesley, it is probably too late where she is…
Yeah, well, mebbe so.
I but I STILL wanna know who the hell Carlos Whitaker is.
Doesn’t seem like so much to ask…
He’s this kid I went to high school with. He was in shop class and talked about cars and usually ha a copy of Lowrider magazine with the hot car models in front, but all he’d talk about is the hubcap ads inside.
I think we’ve all known a Carlos Whitaker.
Also, can I just mentioned that I think it’s hilarious that someone on Free Republic is using a quote from the fucking Shah?
I mean, seriously, haven’t we at LEAST outgrown /that/ shit?
Obama/Mikey in ’08!
Now, Mikey… there’s a guy whose words can inspire an emotional response in me. Thank you, Mikey, for doing so.
time to start a ‘run, Mikey, run’ grassroots movement?????
no, paperboy, Mikey/HTML Menken in ’08, get the stickers printed !!!
Not being ‘Murrican and living in Europe, I can only watch the Obama/Clinton contest through a distant and somewhat smudged lens. That said, I thought Obama’s speech to be a rare thing from an American politician. A speech that soared, even on the page. We Europeans have become used to coarser things from your pols; petty, bellicose rants that invariably come back to mentions of flags and a rose-tinted past. (A past in which–and it’s difficult to avoid this–the lighter-skinned race held the whip hand.)
So I like this Obama chap. I find him to be congenial and so, I believe, do many other Britons like me.
Also he’s a West Ham fan; a trivial thing that has nevertheless has significance and importance to some Englishmen.
All the best to him.
Garius Ruppertus II said,
Shouldn’t that be “Arygay Uppertray”?
Airy gay upper tray.
Weird. Wonder what it means….
Krassen said,
“See, I can relate to you, because in reality, I am also this mean prick that people around me often complain about… “
Well Krassen if that is what you are bringing to this site please pack it up and take it somewhere else. SN has never been about that kind of petty shit and Lesley is a valued contributor.
“I hope you don’t mind the coaching…”
Ok, so we have an admitted asshole who doesn’t listen to the people around him telling him he’s being a fucking prick lecturing others on how to conduct their lives. Ummmm yeah….
Krassen, SN is not about being mean and petty. Sure the folk here make fun of wingnuts and that can get a little harsh. But I have rarely seen it devolve into being mean just to be mean. There is a line that we do not cross. Take for instance the recent thread on Kate Grogan, people felt a genuine concern that she might have a mental impairment and that we should back off because of that. That’s how this place rolls.
So I have to wonder what is your agenda Krassen? Why are you here? If you think this is a free for all and that you can just go around bad mouthing anyone you please… no… no, take that shit somewhere else.
“Ok, so we have an admitted asshole who doesn’t listen to the people around him telling him he’s being a fucking prick lecturing others on how to conduct their lives.”
“Krassen, SN is not about being mean and petty.”
But the idea of working outside the system is a nonstarter. Look at the damn Greens if you want proof.
The Greens in the USA have accomplished some small things. The “other parties” are very marginal, but not totally pointless.
Noen, please don’t start that argument up again. Seems that the people involved agreed to stop, and chill out for a while. Please give it a chance to cool off.
They’re rims!!
You just don’t want to have your heart broken again. But you listen to Obama for a while, and it’s like, “Well, why not? What else are hearts for?”
This is the same logic that ended up getting me married.
So far, it hasn’t screwed me over — but I bet Obama can do worse than she has.
Wait, we’re not supposed to be mean and petty? Damn, for a minute there I thought I’d found a home.
*Starts walking down the highway with his thumb out.*
There are times this thread feels like a communist party meeting of olde where everyone is confrontational.
In my limited experience with women, one’s that are grievance based like his spouse, carry that grievance into every aspect of their lives.
a lot can be said about the stupid based but I don’t want to be meanish.
Logic is not studied by the left, but every writer who is not Shakespeare or white is. Sad.
Dang, you caught me, Gary. I’m teaching my little monsters The House on Mango Street right now, but only to foster the literacy skills they’ll need to take jobs and college placements away from white people.
I have never sat in front of YouTube for 38 minutes before.
Ever. That was fucking great.
People – at the grass roots level – effect change. Politicians are servants.
Lesley, I think that has been his message from the start.