Isn’t It Romantic? Morons On The Right
“I must say, I’m a little envious,” Bush said. “If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.”
Gee, George, there was a swell war for democracy going on when you were much younger and not employed at all. What were you doing then? Oh, that’s right, sacks full of blow.

“It must be exciting for you…in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger.”
This is the chickenhawk worldview at its absolute purest: a guy who ducked out on his chance to actually go and fight in the war sprouting a boner at the concept of other people fighting one, and rattling on about what an exciting, picaresque fantasy adventure it all must be.
Every living male in my family other than me has fought in a war — Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf or Iraq. None of them exactly regrets his service, and there’s a wide range of opinions among them about politics and the necessity of the various wars in which they fought. It’s not a homogeneous group by any means, with plenty of die-hard liberals and plenty of stone-ribbed conservatives. But not a fucking one of them in a million years would describe their wartime experiences as “romantic.”
I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it until he’s not drawing either breath or a taxpayer pension: George W. Bush is a fucking dick.
Wait, you’ll stop saying it when he croaks? Or will you just switch tenses, like I plan to do?
Well, he’ll be unemployed soon – so that means he’ll be ready for new adventures in these exciting lands, right?
Oh, yes, of course – he won’t be able to do that because he’ll be “spending time with his family”.
But he could move his whole family to the new democracy. That way they’d all be sharing these glorious adventures.
Good point, dlauthor. On that note, Reagan was a fucking dick also.
But surely he could ask some of his younger, less importantly employed followers to represent him. Jonah? Ace? TIDOS Yankee? Daffyd? Um guys? Anyone?
Where did they all go?
Ugh. How has he not died of shame?
George W. Bush is a fucking dick.
What do you have against fucking dicks? Don’t they provide all men (and some women) with at least a modicum of pleasure.
Personally, I think of Chimpy McFlightSuit as a scab-ridden, puss-oozing, lesion-covered dick.
I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it until he’s not drawing either breath or a taxpayer pension: George W. Bush is a fucking dick.
Fucking word.
I’ve never loathed anything or anyone with the white-hot bilious rage and hatred I have for that motherfucker. Not even close.
Please stop showing pictures of President Bush. I can’t take this anymore!
Biggest. Asshole. Ever.
Ah, the Iraq war…how romantic. Just like Romeo and Juliet. Wait a minute, didn’t they both die in the end?
What was that book? “War is a Force that Gives Conservatives Meaning.” Yeah, I think that was it.
Do you think we could get Drudge to promise to keep quiet (and slap a restraining order on the British papers) and just let him go there? I definitely do not want to read about it, but personally I’d be happy to oblige him. Of course, he might not come back, or might have severe physical or mental (how could we tell?) problems and I suppose I’d have to add the stat to my evolving pro-troop anti-war flyers … but I’d suffer that quietly.
The closest thing this fuckwad has seen to combat is blowing up frogs with firecrackers.
See, for maniacs like Bush, “faith”=”reality.” Therefore, he can say things like this, because he “believes” them. Like he said that he “believes” in a strong dollar policy, as it’s collapsing to its lowest levels; he “believes” in democracy as he creates a bloodbath war zone quagmire in Iraq and a lawbreaking surveillance state at home; he “believes” that America is full of hardworkin’ people who just love having 2 or 3 jobs and no healthcare, cause they’s “good folks”.
To have “faith” means never having to give a shit about anybody or anything else, ever again. Just look up at the skies, breathe that fine Texas air on your ranch, and believe everything’s a-gonna turn out faaahn. That’s thuh Murkin way, doggone it, an’ iffin’ you don’ lige it, pardner, I suggest you move to comm-yoo-niss china…
next you’ll be saying john wayne never fought in war! Sheesh!
I’d say un-fucking-believable, except it’s not. It’s all too believable that the Asshole-in-Cheif would say that.
“The closest thing this fuckwad has seen to combat is blowing up frogs with firecrackers.”
That’s not very fair, because it completely discounts his one-on-one combat skills, honed to a razor sharp edge wrestling with Mexican prostitutes.
Maybe he could go clear some brush over there next winter, after he loses his current job.
Maybe he could go clear some brush over there next winter, after he loses his current job.
I hear the opium poppy fields need more hands.
George W. Bush’s idea of “romantic” is truly something I don’t want to think about while eating.
Come, now. They couldn’t do that. There aren’t enough Secret Service agents to keep him from getting fragged.
Five of Diamonds,
Whaddya bet he still does that in the Rose Garden?
Of course, I want to go off on yet another rant about the true nature of this romantic endeavor we like to call “combat”. But of course, you’ve all heard it from me too many times already.
This is a sentiment among men who have not seen combat and even, amazing thought it is to me, some who have. There is a powerful rush, a level of emotion and a sense of hyper reality that I don’t think anything else can provide, and to a lot of us the implements of death have a fascination all their own.
But I’ll tell you this, Mr. President. When you’re walking down a sun-dappled trail with sixty five pounds of gear and totally lost in thought and there’s a sudden burst of PKM or twelve seven and a couple rockets zip into your column and you get splashed with some warm, soggy meat that used to be a very important part of someone you knew, and the rounds keep zipping past, screams of hate and sobs of terror filling your ears and you scratch at the dirt with your fingernails just trying to keep from dying on a stupid dirt track in the middle of nowhere, you’re going to lose that sense of “romance”.
Because at it’s base, in starkly honest terms, war is like any other endeavor, except it accomplishes it’s ends by way of killing and dying. And that’s nothing but ugly…
Well, given that his peepee probably hasn’t worked for the past 20 years thanks to all the alchohol abuse of the previous 20 years (which, let’s be honest, has probably continued up to the present time), his notions of what is “romantic” differ markedly from our own.
I’m calling dibs on the port-a-let concession on his gravesite…which will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.
The think that riles me about him is his unbridgable chasm of self-unawareness. Anyone else on the planet would have a lightbulb moment where spewing his level of illogic and fantasy.
He’s also totally unable to hold any opposing views in his mind, so if he does flip on an issue, the way he previously felt just ceases to exist and has never existed. You can quote him on it and in his own mind he won’t believe he said it.
And now he’s at the point where he is willfully doing damage to the country for not supporting him. Totally self centered. Totally of the moment. His world view is practially cellular.
Hope the east half of the country had a happy pi minute. I still need to go get my pi-day treat. Mmmmm.
The problem with faith is this: The dumber an idea is, the more faith you need to believe it. This is why the people with the dumbest ideas (like Bush and his whole flock of brain-dead dimwits) are so difficult to shake from their ideological stupor.
I’m calling dibs on the port-a-let concession on his gravesite…which will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.
I’ll take the spraypaint and sledghammer concession then.
And what is Laura’s definition of “romantic”? (I am presupposing a relationship between her and Dumbya for purpose of argument. This is central to my point.)
A loaf of xanax, a jug of wine, and thou.
[…] Sadly, No! Mr. President […]
I wish I could go die for this yokel too… that would be pretty awesome!
Reminds me of the old tshirt
“Join the Army! It’s just like Xbox – but you die!”
That explains a lot.
He figures that he’s doing them a favor by sending them off on a big romantic adventure. The chicks are so gonna dig that when they get back. If they get back. And they’re not permanently disfigured. Or psychologically damaged.
When you’re walking down a sun-dappled trail with sixty five pounds of gear and totally lost in thought and there’s a sudden burst of PKM or twelve seven and a couple rockets zip into your column and you get splashed with some warm, soggy meat that used to be a very important part of someone you knew, and the rounds keep zipping past, screams of hate and sobs of terror filling your ears and you scratch at the dirt with your fingernails just trying to keep from dying on a stupid dirt track in the middle of nowhere, you’re going to lose that sense of “romance”.
But mikey, that only happens in jungly swamps (or swampy jungles) that are under threat from vicious commie pinko reds, not in burgeoning new democracies. No, war in new democracies is all sparkle ponies and rainbow fairy dust and unicorns. And sexy music. Talk about romance!
Even after he dies, I’ll simply amend the tense of that statement: “George W. Bush was a fucking dick.”
Oh, and “worst president ever.”
Oh, and “coked-out drunken frat boy.”
You liberals have been so infected by Hollywood and atheists that you’ve lost contact with the heartland that President George W. Bush is President of. He’s a war president and a U.S. America Patriot and anyone who trys to take my M1 Battle Rifle™ will end up as a smoldering pile of corpse flesh. In 1927, the Wyoming Militia was the first to outlaw slavery, well before any of you liberals had the idea for it, so think twice before you mock the sacred notion of home schooling for American Patriots of the USA!!
And our Dear Leader has just about as keen an understanding of war as he does any other endeavor, like, say, economics, or diplomacy.
To us non-Americans, that lack of self-awareness, that self-centredness, that blinkered faith, that hewing some misguided romantic view of one’s nation… that’s modern America to a tee. That’s all of you. Every single one of you.
If you allow that fecker McCain to be elected, I will officially give on you.
To us non-Americans, that lack of self-awareness, that self-centredness, that blinkered faith, that hewing some misguided romantic view of one’s nation… that’s modern America to a tee. That’s all of you. Every single one of you.
Well, if we elect McCain, his term and Cokehead’s two terms combined will just nose out Maggie Thatcher’s reign. Were every single one of you just like her?
Brutish, ugly, shrill and mean of spirit. Ready to butcher, uncaring of life. Sack a miner, fire another torpedo into a stricken warship.
Yes, we were all that, and more…
I’m just trying to imagine his idea of what it’s like in Afghanistan.
I’m thinking it’s sort of a cross between the set of The King and I in Kabul and in the hinterlands one of those John Wayne WWII epics set in China, with the eeevil Japs lurking in the bushes and Our Hero behind the sandbags, lighting a cigarette and urging on the troops with a brave speech.
Except instead of helmets the eevil Japs-cum-Taliban have rag hats. And no buck teeth. Other than that all those brown people are just the same.
And never mind that none of those stories is set in anyplace close to Afghanistan; it’s close enough for his muddled idea of geography.
Only a frothing lunatic could possibly suggest that Chimpy McCokehead is anything other than a gibbering moron, let alone “a U.S. American Patriot,” whatever that is.
Oh, and the US outlawed slavery in 1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment, long before Montana or Wyoming were even states and obviously before the Wyoming Militia got around to it 62 years later.
Yup. That’s home schooling for you.
You learn that George Bush is an American hero and that Wyoming led the fight against slavery.
Obliviousness to basic reality and complete ignorance of the Constitution.
No wonder we’re heading for such a colossal fuckup as a nation.
Clean up your foam on your way out.
If the american people, with the previous eight years informing and illuminating their votes, select McCain as president, they will deserve nothing less than utter contempt and loathing…
He is not thinking of what it’s like in Afghanistan. He’s thinking of all the neato stories these troops will be able to tell when they get home. If they live.
You learn that George Bush is an American hero and that Wyoming led the fight against slavery.
You must be a Hollywood atheist, eh, mister LIE-brul?? I am a U.S. American of the heartland of America, unlike your Barney Frank (if you love him so much, why don’t you marry him??). Wyoming is Slave-free and has been since 1927, unlike whatever lies the teach you in your LIE-brul schools.
That’s all of you. Every single one of you.
But we still all melt over fluffy kittens.
Wyoming had no option other than to be slave-free, per the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S American of the heartland of America Constitution.
If Wyoming wanted to be admitted as a U.S. American of the heartland of America state, it could not practice slavery.
So Wyoming was technically slave-free from the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in December 1865, not 1927.
It’s called reading. Left to right, top to bottom, grouping words to form sentences.
I’m sure you’ve seen pictures.
the best discription of adventure tales I’ve heard is “something bad happening to someone else far away”.
that is how the neo-cons see it
comsympinko – don’t invest too much effort. He’s a parody troll.
Thus “1927.”
The term BDS has been used in the political arena to describe a perceived tendency by some American liberals to blame President George W. Bush for virtually every ill in the world.[9][10] Another noted facet of BDS-like behavior is that it may appear to be a merely reflexive opposition to any position advocated by Bush for no other reason than that Bush happens to be advocating it.[11]
Krauthammer, a former psychiatrist who earned his M.D. from Harvard Medical School, defined BDS as “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush”.[2][12] While Krauthammer’s column was somewhat tongue-in-cheek (eg., “What is worrying epidemiologists about the Dean incident, however, is that heretofore no case had been reported in Vermont, or any other dairy state”), the term reflects a belief that some criticisms of President Bush — for example, a description of him as the greatest current threat to American lives — are of emotional origins rather than based on facts or logic.
Nice footnotes.
Had weird dreams last night where I was talking to PKD backstage after a performance of “VALIS — The Musical”. Then I wake up and read this:
“I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.”
Yet another reminder that my imagination is nowhere near as warped as reality.
George Bush: meet Mikey’s fist right in the kisser.
Yes, and it’s such a “fantastic experience” you’ll want to go again- and again-
Don’t ask, don’t tell. No wonder the media’s not allowed to take footage over there.
[…] to me. So, for a much better version of the sentiment expressed above, go read the funny post by Mister L. Pierce at the always insightful, always delightful Sadly, No! […]
Better to be a BDS sufferer than a member of the Bush Rectum Lickers.
His arrogance is only exceeded by his profound stupidity.
The closest thing this fuckwad has seen to combat is blowing up frogs with firecrackers.
Let us not forget the legendary “mano a mano” encounter with Poppy, a case of beer, a car, a trashcan, and a terrified younger brother. Balls of steel.
was Bush in the car when his wife killed someone while running a stop sign? because that’s sort of like combat. only with more money, better lawyers, and a keg party to attend afterwards.
also, reagan was just as hateful a shithead as bush, just as stupid, and just as venal. and you may remember a guy named nixon? he was bad. bad as a shit in a pile of shits.
frankly, republicans suck balls–they have for 40 plus years. shit covered ball sucking, that’s been their specialty, then using the constitution as the do-rag.
Why is it I am the only one who was distinctly reminded of this quote from Hotshots!…
I look around me and see all these handsome young men.
What I wouldn’t give to be 20 years younger …and a woman.
You nailed it.
And who could forget Bush’s famous “Bring them on” comment. You know the one where he was about 10,000 miles away from where “them” were. Yep, that Chimpy McFlightsuit sure is one brave warrior .
Oh yeah. You might not be surprised to find out that the consensus in the LZ is more along the lines of “make ’em go away” rather than “bring ’em on”….
That’s Commander Chimpy McCodpiece to you, boys… a-heh-heh heh. And by the way, yer stimulus package is in the mail.
the best discription of adventure tales I’ve heard is “something bad happening to someone else far away”.
Similarly, I’ve heard adventure defined as “hardship in retrospect.”
Sounds about right.
And remember… he’s much worse than we think. Sooner or later the batshit insane stuff he does and says in private will come out, and we’ll be even more stunned at how we survived his presidency.
Shouldn’t you wait for another 9 months before using the word “how”?
When George W. Bush was tap dancing while waiting for John McCain the other day at the WhiteHouse, I couldn’t help but picture the flooring underneath his feet actually being the flag-draped coffins of all our soldiers who’ve died because of Bush’s and Cheney’s lying warmongering.
Jennifer said: “I’m calling dibs on the port-a-let concession on his gravesite…which will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.”
Jennifer, I think I’d like to make a reservation. If I’m not alive to take advantage of it, I’ve got heirs. Terms?
I think it’s _The Man Who Would Be King_. Check the plot (via IMDB).
Robert Green: “. . .also, reagan was just as hateful a shithead as bush, just as stupid. . . .”
OK, I grant you Reagan was prepared to classify catsup as a vegetable. But consider his response to the Oct. 23, 1983 Beirut barracks bombing.
1983 Beirut barracks bombing
“U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a ‘despicable act’ and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. . . . . U.S. Vice President George Bush toured the Marine bombing site on October 26 and said the U.S. ‘would not be cowed by terrorists.’
“. . . . Besides a few shellings, there was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans. In December 1983, U.S. aircraft attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was in response to Syrian missile attacks on planes, not the barracks bombing.
“. . . . The Marines were moved offshore where they could not be targeted. On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the Marines to begin withdrawal from Lebanon. This was completed four months after the barracks bombing on February 26; the rest of the Multinational Force was withdrawn by April.”
These are not the tactics of a person as stupid as Bush. Whatever Alzheimer’s did to Reagan’s brain a few years later, he started out with more smarts than Bush.
From the linked article:
“Bush sat at the head of a conference table at the White House with Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and others.
“A Reuters correspondent was permitted to observe the White House exchange that took place with U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan William Wood and U.S. military and civilian personnel in Kabul.
“The videoconference was stopped several times when the sound crackled, diagnosed by technicians as a bad microphone at Kabul’s end, which was immediately swapped out for a new one. ”
Who thinks the “crackles” weren’t really a bad microphone? I think they were U.S. military and civilian personnel in Kabul unable to control their laughter mingled with screams of rage when Bush nattered on about the “romance” of their mission.
I would pay good Euros to witness McCain first hearing these quotes from the president who is bestowing his endorsement on the McSame campaign. Ah, McSame, you are truly hoist on petard of your own choosing.
When that happens, cowalker, someone will argue that since ‘petard’ is essentially a Shakespearean name for an IED, anyone who talks about “hoisting on one’s own petard” is betraying their sympathy for the enemies of western civilisation.
Filling coffins now, “replenish the ol’ coffers” later:
from here:
[…] where to begin? I guess the best place is asking the same question that Mister Leonard Pierce over at Sadly, No […]
Naah…Bush was just channelling George Washington when, after a skirmish during the French and Indian War in which his friend was killed, he said “I heard the bullets crackle…believe me, there is something charming in the sound”. Bush, though, doesn’t quite grasp the fact that if you can hear the bullets crackle, it means they’re not hitting you. THAT’S the “charming” part.
Come, now. They couldn’t do that. There aren’t enough Secret Service agents to keep him from getting fragged.
Two words.
Friendly Fire.
Probably not all that friendly either.
I’m sure this marine feels it was all romance and roses. Maybe not.
But suppose, Mr. President – just suppose – you are out there in the trenches, doing your duty by slaughtering jihadis and their relatives and neighbors in the name of Democracy and Freedom, and one day when you return to your barracks, weary, dusty and bloody (but proud, proud!), you suddenly find yourself face-to-face with your old nemesis, that nightmare vision of implacable terror which chased you out of the Texas Air National Guard? I mean a nurse standing there with a cup in her hand, saying “It’s time for your piss-test, sir.”
yeah, my niece thought it was romantic that she and the other female a.f. personnel had to use the buddy system just to go to the mess hall when she was stationed at baghram, afg….seems there had been so many sexual assults on females on base that women were warned that it was extremely risky to go alone….young, single, beautiful and the chance to get laid whenever she wanted to eat…ahh…just think of the romantic possibilities….
but since she worked nights and it was inconvenient to try to wake someone up just to go to the mess hall, she overlooked the romantic possibilities of going alone and instead chose to dine on the soups, etc. that we, her family, sent weekly….must add rant: i get beyond livid when i am told that i must hate the troops since i am so opposed to the “war”…because i love my niece, untold $$$s were spent sending food to keep her alive without the trauma of rape….I love the troops, that is just one of the infinite number of reasons WHY I oppose the “war”…
and i’m sure my young marine friend thought it was romantic to be blown out of a humvee and, in spite of his wounds, manage to drag a buddy to safety, and then to be able to look back and see the pieces and parts of his other buddies who weren’t so romantically lucky…sometime i’ll try to remember to ask him just how that rated on the ol’ romantic scale….
note to Rugged: many of your remarks remind me of the folks at my former church, which became “former” (and last) when, a couple of years ago, the good rev said from the pulpit “people hate the preznit because he is a christian”….i decided that if the good rev and the congregation were THAT clueless, i had absolutely no business being there….sincere people who are sincerely wrong….(i had already decided that if the prez was a christian, then i must be hopelessly mistaken on what all those words in red in the bible really mean….but the good rev’s comment was the proverbial straw….)
cowalker, I can’t be as sanguine about Reagan’s response to the Beirut barracks bombing, seeing as how Osama bin Laden himself credits Reagan’s abrupt evacuation of Beirut as convincing him that Americans were nothing but bullies who would fold up at the first sign of resistance.
A stronger man (Jimmy Carter, for instance, who always stuck to his guns once he had made a decision, no matter the cost to himself) would have handled Beirut less awkwardly. And just as surely, Bush would have botched it even worse.
[Okay, now that I’ve done my duty with a prudent and thoughtful comment, I can indulge myself in some good old-fashioned revenge fantasy, even if I am a Quaker, and it is First Day]
“I’m calling dibs on the port-a-let concession on his gravesite…”
No portable toilets, let’s be traditional and have an old-fashioned outhouse over a pit dug in the ground.
In fact, let’s just roll an outhouse over the hole they lay Bush in, and save digging time.
How can anyone possibly pretend that this guy has been anything other than a disaster?
Thank you for that link, Duros Hussein 62. That was exactly the photo I thought of when reading the “romantic” quote.
[…] Bush’s comments are all the more despicable because he could have served in Vietnam, but thanks to family connections instead spent his time in a cushy “champagne unit” in […]
[…] be so adventurous and “romantic” to do so, really does encapsulate — for reasons set forth here — the neoconservative “worldview at its absolute purest.” (Along the same lines, […]