Where have all the Stepford wives gone?
Dennis Prager reaches into his old hat (the one labeled “Non sequiturs, logical fallacies, and some good old nostalgia for the 19th century”) and announces to the world that he really, really cares about the womens:
It is widely reported that women suffer depression at twice the rate of men. Apparently, more women are clinically depressed than ever before.
Well, the latter is unrelated to the former — but Dennis’ dictionary obviously doesn’t have any entries under F, which is why he couldn’t write “Furthermore.”
As one who regularly talks to women, and about men and women, on my radio show and who has informally counseled women of all ages, I would like to offer some explanations that may run counter to currently acceptable ones, but which should shed light on the subject.
Explanations, Dennis?
Assuming that any new phenomenon — in this case, much higher rates of depression among women — suggests a new cause, the major new cause can only be the consequences of feminism.
Well, if there can only be one explanation, let’s get to work, Dennis!
One can view feminism as the greatest social achievement since the emancipation of slaves [which obviously Dennis totally does] and still regard it as the major reason many women are depressed. […] This does not mean that feminism has achieved nothing good. Of course it has. A movement for equality between the sexes, an attempt to remove all sex-based obstacles to a woman’s right to do whatever she wishes with her life, must do some good.
Very well then, let us look behind curtain number 1:
Feminism raised women’s expectations beyond what life can deliver to the vast majority of them.
Life cannot deliver equality or the elimination of sex-based obstacles. It’s not about what Dennis or his macho men friends want or prefer — it’s life itself which is to blame for women being forced to live with inequality and sex-based obstacles to do whatever one wants with one’s life. Damn you, life!
But feminism told a generation of women that they can not only expect to have that [a good man and “making [!!!] a happy family”] but, perhaps even more important to feminism, they could also expect to have a fulfilling, financially rewarding, society-honoring career.
Well, I’m no feminist but what I remember is a movement that told women they could choose what they wanted and didn’t have to be happy with what men expected of them, i.e. finding a “good” man and making a happy family, if that isn’t what they wanted.
I wish all Americans could hear the women who call my radio show who tell of how they were raised to believe this feminist promise, and therefore pursued often successful careers while delaying marriage.
Maybe all Americans would do better to catch up with some reading we call “depression statistics” — because while it’s always more fun to pull random shit out of your ass which supports your prejudices, one can learn stuff:
In general, married women experience more depression than single women do, and depression is common among young mothers who stay at home full-time with small children.
Or other crap, like this:
Women who are victims of sexual and physical abuse are at much greater risk for depression. At least 90 percent of all cases of eating disorders occur in women, and there is a strong relationship between eating disorders and depression.
Memo to Dennis: I won’t even go to teh google before I write that a) it’s more likely that women are sexually abused by men than by feminism, or b) feminism is an unlikely cause of eating disorders.
For most women — of course, not all — careers are not nearly as fulfilling as are a good marriage and family. The astronaut who destroyed her career — perhaps the most prestigious career in America for either a man or a woman — out of romantic jealousy is an extreme but instructive example.
Astronaut is the most prestigious career in America? Dennis, are you 12 years old? You know what the example of The Wrong Stuff teaches us? Nothing. (Except that diapers are always a good punchline.)
As a rule, women derive most of their happiness from relationships, not from work.
Then again, it’s women from low-income groups that are more likely to suffer from depression, so one imagines that another explanation could just be that sucky jobs are to blame. And it’s hard to imagine feminism being responsible for women having sucky jobs. As for relationships, we give you: Kim!
Now many women experience double the pressure — having to succeed in jobs outside of the home and, as much as ever, inside the home. The feminist promise that everything in their marriage will be 50-50 — each partner will do half the outside work, half the housework, and half the child rearing — has rarely panned out. Most men will work their tails off outside the home, but won’t inside the home.
So there you have it folks: feminism is to blame for the fact that men Dennis and his friends won’t do nothin’ inside the home.
The key to hapiness, ladies? Stop expecting Dennis to cook his own meals, wash his own laundry, or change his own diapers.
I can think of about a million other more rational reasons which *may* tangentially speak to the feminist movement but in reality were forced upon families, like a second income, like the ennui of living in a dead end suburb with nothing to do but see the kids off to school and buy groceries, like being forced to come to the realization that you ARE indeed a second class citizen in a nation that claims to have “equality”.
And that’s after two beers at lunch and a head cold.
Shorter Prager: Feminism is to blame for depression suffered by women, because, Shut up.
So, clearly, when American women didn’t/couldn’t work outside the home and had to stay home, cooking, cleaning and rearing the kids, there was little or no depression.
Or cancer. Or rape. And there were no Muslims. And all black people were happy. And teensy winged fairies brought tea and gingerbread cookies around each afternoon at a quarter to four. And hubby stood a good chance of not being laid off from his job at/losing his pension from Citibank.
Yep! Life were teh figurative SHEEIT when everyone knew their place!
Let’s see–abuse, poverty, and isolation contribute to depression. Therefore women should not ask for equal pay for equal work.
Feminism also caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis. So did the civil rights movement. And Lawrence v. Texas. “Proving” causation is fun!
Hey, he didn’t say anything about not being able to open pickle jars! I know how down-and-out that makes me feel.
on my radio show and who has informally counseled women of all ages,
Offering little girls candy at the playground doesn’t really count as “counseling.”
We are talking about Prager here. Is any of this a surprize?
And what kind of asshat calls into Dennis’s show?
For most women — of course, not all — careers are not nearly as fulfilling as are a good marriage and family.
And, of course, he’s basing this assumption on that mountain of evidence that is the women that he has “informally counseled”… There’s a lot of scary wrapped up in that phrase…
…informally counseled …
I’m glad I’m not the only one having trouble with this phrase. Does that mean “dropped the charges”, perhaps?
Maybe more women are depressed because they’re surrounded by ass hats like this.
Not only can I open pickle jars, but I have informally opened pickle jars for women of all ages. I gloat.
I hope that wasn’t a euphemism.
Apparently, more women are clinically depressed than ever before.
I wonder why more now than in eras past? What could be happening to those women that past generations of women didn’t have to suffer?
As one who regularly talks to women…
“Assuming that any new phenomenon — in this case, much higher rates of depression among women — suggests a new cause, the major new cause can only be the consequences of feminism.”
Let me go ahead and stop you for just a second, Denny.
May I call you Denny?
So, Denny, can I safely assume that your thesis, your oeuvre, your gist, if you will, is going to end up being something like, “Goddanm feminism made woman want MORE from life then being house cleaning, baby factories with a knack for baking food, and now they’re sad because they aren’t all presidents and CEOs”?
“But feminism told a generation of women that they can not only expect to have that [a good man and “making [!!!] a happy family”] but, perhaps even more important to feminism, they could also expect to have a fulfilling, financially rewarding, society-honoring career.”
Why, yes! Yes, I can.
You know, I suspect that all recipients of wingnut welfare are given a rando-column program for their electronic typing machines, that allows them to just enter the desired subject, maybe input a few thoughts of their own, and then the machines just fills out the rest with boilerplate talking points and memes, then it’s off to the printers and the liqueur store for sweet, sweet medicine.
What cracks me up about pundits like Dennis and Kim of Twat is that they assume that women always did the cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, etc. Using this frame of reference, they spout the claim that this is what would make women happy.
Reality is that this is a more recent phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution and Victorian Era. In the early 19th century and earlier (ie: in Colonial America as well), either a maid/slave did all the cooking, cleaning, etc., or if the family couldn’t afford one, the husband did it. The wife was expected to lie back and think of England, and pop out kids.
Fulfilling, what does that mean? To people like Prager, it almost certainly means serving others. A woman is only happy living through her emotions, not her intellect or anything else. And what satisfies a woman’s emotions is romantic and maternal love. Otherwise she’s depressed. So how does she express this romantic love? Physically caring for others. That’s all you get, no soup for you.
He’s pretty obsessed with women trying to have a family and career but put the career first. And he pretty much ignores the vast amount of wome who have both jobs and kids and would prefer it if men like Prager didn’t try to make thier jobs so hard that they ended up depressed.
“Apparently, more women are clinically depressed than ever before.”
Than EVER before. Because look at how often the words “clinically depressed” were thrown around back in the fifties when us bitches still knew our places.
They used to give out Valium like candy, so everything was sparkle ponies and rainbows right up until that terrible afternoon when little Johnny ran to the neighbor’s crying that Mommy won’t wake up.
This post got me thinking back to my childhood, when my mother was just so extraordinarily bubbly and effusive, raising five kids (who tended to do things like ram the family car into cows and get caught by police doing drugs) essentially by herself, while my dad sat around not doing anything in particular that I can ever remember. It took me about a week to realize that he wasn’t there anymore when he finally moved out. Or how wonderfully happy she was when, in what only now, in retrospect, seems like desperation, married a redneck, angry drunk from Alabama who stopped JUST short of physical abuse, but certainly laid on the pyschological abuse while making her work 60 hours a week, unpaid, at the “family business”.
Yep, women sure had it made back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Can’t think of how fulfilling she must have found her life.
Shorter (shortest?) Prager: “Feminism is Fascism”
Doughy Pantload Man has come up with a winning formula for spewing hatred and stupidity.
Ah, the Good Old Days.
Back when we could call Asians “Chinks”, Blacks “Niggers”, and Jews “Kikes”.
Well, at least we’ll always have “Bitches”!
…informally counseled …
I’m glad I’m not the only one having trouble with this phrase. Does that mean “dropped the charges”, perhaps?
“Can I drink you another buy? *hic*”
The cause can ONLY be feminism? Can’t it be Dennis’s radio show? When did it go on the air anyway?
Such a shame we can’t post images in comments here, because, y’know, there’s a point to be made with a burqa here, somewhere.
But — but Dennis! Men who help more with the chores GET MORE SEX!
It’s Lystistrata all over again.
Why are you and your buds insisting that you won’t do more housework? Don’t you want sex?
Warning: serious comment ahead.
IMHO, depression is a co-incident diagnosis, either causal or symptomatic, of unhappiness.
IMHO #2, rising unhappiness among many groups is due to something very instinctual to animals in general. It is a “deep-seated” emotional problem, which I feel harks back to the basic underpinnings of our psyches which we are still frequently in thrall to.
IMHO #3, that deep instinct is the dominance phenomena in any group. The alpha is highly rewarded (whether male or female). And we now have more reminders of who is alpha, who is beta, and who is getting the crumbs via at least three things:
1) media – you can see how rich guys live with the flick of a mouse
2) density of living situations – you don’t have to go far to see your neighbors’ Benz
3) more acute rich poor division in society – self explanatory
Note that one of these things is due to technology, one is due to rising population (among other things), and one is due to the very same alpha dominance strivings I point out.
IMHO #4: I’ve put more scholarship into the ethersphere in this post than 15 neocon book “bestsellers” about how evil libruls are destroying everything. Maybe I too could get a book deal if I put more hate, and less thought, into my scribbllings.
I awake in the morning with a plastic replica of my M1 Battle Rifle™ strapped to my back, and walk to the mirror where I will shave away any trace of an Islamofascist beard with my hand-forged Bowie knife. I can look myself straight in the eye, confident in the knowledge that no woman has sapped me of my precious male essense in the night. I doubt that any of you weak-willed, Hempburger-eating liberals can make the same claim!
As a man who is married, has two kids and does split the housework, may I humbly request that Dennis Prager shut his fucking piehole and not presume to speak for the many men that can, in fact, act like men and do the work. Just because Prager is a whiny man-child that likely eats bags of Funyuns in his boxers 24/7 doesn’t mean the rest of us do the same.
Laughable, or revolting, as Prager’s ‘Teh Feminism Makes Wimmen Sad’ theory is, it’s also based on a misunderstanding of statistics (big surprise). Most scientists think that more women than men are diagnosed with “depression” because depression is seen as an acceptably “female” disease — our social prejudices make it easy to label women with psychological issues as ‘depressed’, and make it hard for men with psychological issues to accept ‘depression’ as a label.
Furthermore, while the percentage of Americans being diagnosed as suffering from “depression” is rising, most of the increase seems to be that health professionals now have easy access to prescription drugs to treat “depression”: Patients whose ‘lack of affect’ would formerly have been ignored, or labelled as something else (cyclothymia, thyroid problems, neuresthenia, ‘tension’, PMS, various physical complaints) are now labelled as ‘depressed’ because insurance companies pay physicians to treat ‘depression’ with the new psychoactive compounds. (It’s not that physicians didn’t realize their ‘depressed’ patients had problems before Prozac, but without an easy brand-name solution / a billable diagnosis, there was no incentive to include ‘depression’ on the average patient’s chart — especially since a ‘mental illness’ diagnosis was seen as an enormous social stigma.)
And as more ‘average’ Americans are labelled as ‘depressed’ so that they can be legally prescribed anti-depressants, the sexual disparity is levelling off — now almost as great a percentage of male patients as female patients are diagnosed as ‘depressed’, although there is still a considerably higher percentage of women than men who come to the medical system looking for treatment for ‘mental health’ issues.
Of course, if you could get Prager to understand the actual numbers, he’d probably just insist that the rising number of ‘depressed’ men is all due to Teh Feminism, too. Because when you’re a Wingnut Welfare Wanker, there is no statistic that can’t be twisted to support your well-compensated Grand Universal Theory of Everything!
Why are you and your buds insisting that you won’t do more housework? Don’t you want sex?
Yes, yes they do. Not necessarily with adult women, is all.
P: It is widely reported that women suffer depression at twice the rate of men.
Q: Apparently, more women are clinically depressed than ever before.
Dennis Prager: P -> Q
I stopped reading after this.
Maybe more women are depressed because they’re surrounded by ass hats like this.
I believe Duros62 speaketh a great truth.
Feminism causes less women to obediently do laundry —> stock prices for Maytag fall —> banks fire hard-working men —-> former bankers become drunk pedophiles —-> women are sad that their husbands are in jail.
I blame this post for the fact that I am going to spend the rest of the day watching Nash the Slash videos on You-Tube. Without Prager’s ideas about depression, I would never have thought of Mother’s Little Helper; from there it was a small step to “Best cover version of 19th Nervous Breakdown“; and then it was all downhill.
This reminds me of Frank Drebbin attempting to settle a dispute at a card game by saying “I’ve played a lot of poker. A straight beats a flush.”
Damn it, no youtube for that.
Crap. Admiral William Fallon, the top U.S. military commander for the Middle East, is resigning. Not good.
Laughable, or revolting, as Prager’s ‘Teh Feminism Makes Wimmen Sad’ theory is, it’s also based on a misunderstanding of statistics (big surprise). Most scientists think that more women than men are diagnosed with “depression” because depression is seen as an acceptably “female” disease — our social prejudices make it easy to label women with psychological issues as ‘depressed’, and make it hard for men with psychological issues to accept ‘depression’ as a label.
Furthermore, while the percentage of Americans being diagnosed as suffering from “depression” is rising, most of the increase seems to be that health professionals now have easy access to prescription drugs to treat “depression”: Patients whose ‘lack of affect’ would formerly have been ignored, or labelled as something else (cyclothymia, thyroid problems, neuresthenia, ‘tension’, PMS, various physical complaints) are now labelled as ‘depressed’ because insurance companies pay physicians to treat ‘depression’ with the new psychoactive compounds. (It’s not that physicians didn’t realize their ‘depressed’ patients had problems before Prozac, but without an easy brand-name solution / a billable diagnosis, there was no incentive to include ‘depression’ on the average patient’s chart — especially since a ‘mental illness’ diagnosis was seen as an enormous social stigma.)
And as more ‘average’ Americans are labelled as ‘depressed’ so that they can be legally prescribed anti-depressants, the sexual disparity is levelling off — now almost as great a percentage of male patients as female patients are diagnosed as ‘depressed’, although there is still a considerably higher percentage of women than men who come to the medical system looking for treatment for ‘mental health’ issues.
I just wanted to read all of that again. How can we make Dennis read it, now? Because that’s as true as anything I’ve seen this month.
However, Dennis is likely right. After all, feminism taught me that I did not have to be treated like a sex toy/punching bag by men who don’t understand “No”. Clearly the fact that I have been treated that way by men is evidence that feminism has taught me to expect that I can have much, much more than I realistically can, which accounts for my current depression.
“As one who regularly talks to women… and who has informally counseled women of all ages”
And has been divorced by two Godless uppity feminazi women.
“confident in the knowledge that no woman has sapped me of my precious male essense in the night.”
You say that like it’s a good thing.
My wife says that she really enjoys sapping my essence. You should find a willing female partner and try it sometime.
My wife says that she really enjoys sapping my essence. You should find a willing female partner and try it sometime.
I will never allow my male essence to be taken from me!!
I went into Bozeman once, just for supplies, mind you….and some feller was laughing at the stains on my buckskin’s crotch…..well, I don’t care what he said, they weren’t semen stains, it was juniper sap, which I collect for making pemmican.
I will NEVER allow my male essence to be taken from me!
Sure it wasn’t squirrel squeezin’s? They leave a terrible stain.
Sagra said,
March 11, 2008 at 21:37
They used to give out Valium like candy, so everything was sparkle ponies and rainbows right up until that terrible afternoon when little Johnny ran to the neighbor’s crying that Mommy won’t wake up.
Better than that. After mommy went to the ER and spent a few days “away,” she came home and everything was sparkle ponies again!
It’s not for nothing that Prager has two failed marriages behind him.
This Rugged is decidedly different than the OG Pinky, methinks.
The astronaut who destroyed her career — perhaps the most prestigious career in America for either a man or a woman — out of romantic jealousy is an extreme but instructive example.
Another sadness-inspiring consequence of feminazism: women astronauts! I’m sure that woman would have been well-balanced if not subject to the scary world outside of her kitchen.
Isn’t it possible the reason for their depression is people like Prager?
Sure it wasn’t squirrel squeezin’s? They leave a terrible stain.
The only thing I allow myself to drink is water that has been purified first by passing through a squirrel.
Can’t wait for part 2, where he regales us with stories of how “the blacks” were happier in the good old days before they were allowed to do all that hard thinkin’ and learnin’. Oooh, let me reach into my internet time machine:
Ewww. I think Denny protests too much. Any time you have to make a point about how often you do any particular thing, it’s a signal that you, in fact, don’t actually do much of that thing, after all.
Denny regularly talks to women with the same frequency that George W. Bush “regularly” reads books.
Ugh… Squirrel squeezin’s?
Actually, there were women astronauts back in the 1950’s. In those really bad sci-fi movies, I mean. They usually had astounding qualifications and numerous degrees, and they were still quite happy serving coffee to the men, cleaning up their dirty dishes and breaking down into a quivering mass of jelly at the first sign of trouble from alien monsters. I am quite sure they were quite happy in their role. It’s that feminism that ruined NASA for women astronauts. They won’t make the damn coffee anymore.
…if not subject to the scary world outside of her kitchen.
Or Earth’s atmosphere.
They usually had astounding qualifications and numerous degrees, …
And really, really pointy boobies!
Ah, neuræsthenia. They don’t make diseases like that anymore. You kids today, with your ‘bipolar depression’, you don’t know what you’re missing. I sneer at your SSRIs — they are no fit replacement for my Abrams Patent Oscilloclastic Electrotherapy Belt.
I awake in the morning with a plastic replica of my M1 Battle Rifle™ strapped to my back
Is that like a Nerf version of it?
I am the real Rugged in Montana, the guy who was posting in my name these past few days is a fake. Probably a liberal trying to make me appear as an idiot. First of all I would never let anyone disarm me of my M1A Battle Rifle, and if they tried they would be lying in a smoldering heap on the ground. And second, I am a member of the Montana Milita and I have better things to do than stalk random liberals. We are waiting for the revolution to come if the socialist pigs of the democratic party try to impose their leftist agenda on us. We will fight and we will win!
As one who regularly talks to squirrels and informally squeezes them, I would like to offer some explanations that may run counter to currently acceptable ones, but which should shed light on the subject.
Namely, that I is an asshat.
We will fight and we will win!
Awesome, Timothy McVeigh’s ghost is posting at S,N! I hope the FBI file on this guy is up to date.
I, too, am a member of the Montana Milita, and I will not rest until we raise enough funds to get our third i.
I still think it was the democrat party that took our third i. There is no i in left–but there is in right!
The Montana Millita together with our Libertarian Conservative allies in the Free States of Wyoming, Idaho and Alaska will form the Northwestern Alliance to resist the encroaching Federal tyranny that the Democrats and their socialist allies in the media, academia and hollywood are trying to impose.
Prager said he talked to women. He never said he listened.
The Montana Millita together with our Libertarian Conservative allies in the Free States of Wyoming, Idaho and Alaska will form the Northwestern Alliance to resist the encroaching Federal tyranny that the Democrats and their socialist allies in the media, academia and hollywood are trying to impose.
I bet you’re just a hoot to play Risk with…
I appear to be undergoing some sort of personality shift, a splitting into two seperate and unique Rugged’s….probably due to the traumatic loss of my M1 Battle Rifle™ and my “other’s” unwillingness to acknowledge this trauma.
I think I must’ve eaten some bad pemmican.
As one who regularly talks to women, and about men and women, on my radio show and who has informally counseled women of all ages
Yeah, okay. Sounds like just another version of the guys who fall all over themselves to tell people how much they “love women.” In my experience, these guys are inevitably the biggest misogynists.
I think I must’ve eaten some bad pemmican.
No, Rugged… It was the dust that got caught in the transporter that split you into two halves.
Now the question you have to ask yourself is, are you Shatner? Or are you the cocker spaniel with an ice cream cone on his head?
To the basement, Rugged in Montana, to the basement! It’s your only hope!
…Federal tyranny that the Democrats and their socialist allies in the media, academia and hollywood are trying to impose.
Great idea, replace democracy with the gun-points of moonshine-addled violence freaks. Before you start shooting Americans, do me a favor. Stop re-reading A Catcher in the Rye and look up the definition of “socialist.”
As a Research Psychologist, I can confirm that Anne Laurie has accurately presented the accepted interpretation of the depression statistics as they stand now. While there may eventually turn out to be sex-linked genetic variables, their likely contribution is probably small in comparison (not that Prager was arguing for anything innate).
Certainly high incidence psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety may be driven by changes in sociological factors. Undoubtedly there is more societal pressure for women to do well both at home and at work while expectations for men of these dual roles stills lags (but does seem to slowly be increasing). Regardless, the fact is that many families need two wage earners to stay even. The “solution” that conservatives like Prager suggest, i.e. the return to gender-based division of family labor, isn’t particularly workable for many people now.
It would be interesting to see what Prager makes of the fact (see Table 2), that the highest use of antidepressants, by far, is in Utah, that bastion of conservative values (almost twice the utilization rate of California, New York & New Jersey). I’m sure Utah has a higher concentration of SAHMs there operating under the pre-feminist model but can’t find any stats for that.
Cool! Split personalities! Just like Sybil!
Except that all the different personalities of Sybil used different names…. Everyone having the same name is making it really difficult to keep track of.
Did anyone else see that Mary Ann of Gilligan’s Island fame got busted for possession of pot? in Idaho, no less. Probably something to do with the evils of feminism. But, all those coconut creme pies will come in quite handy….
Third eye, as in (ajna) chakra?
Why, Mugged… I had no idea you were so tantrically advanced!
To the basement, Rugged in Montana, to the basement! It’s your only hope!
It’s true, I keep my home-schooling materials down there….they’ll be sure to have the information I need to address this mental health crisis!
First of all I would never let anyone disarm me of my M1A Battle Rifle, and if they tried they would be lying in a smoldering heap on the ground
What, it’s got a flame-thrower attachment on it?
have better things to do than stalk random liberals. We are waiting for the revolution
Well, that’s a pretty creative way to say you’re sitting on your butt doing nothing.
Well, why not bring Dr. Laura to this conversation about women, depression, feminism, relationships….
Dr. Laura on the Eliot Spitzer scandal:
“When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings — sexually, personally — to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like her hero, he’s very susceptible to the charm of some other woman. […]The cheating was his decision to repair what’s damaged and to feed himself where he’s starving. But yes, I hold women accountable for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.”
In other words, it’s all his wife’s fault.
Listen RIM, I am in Idaho and I’m sure as hell not forming any alliance with you. In fact, if you come anywhere near my state me and my librul neighbors in Oregon and Washington are going send you right back home again.
Comment on Where have all the Stepford wives gone? by cthulhu
As a Research Psychologist […]
As with computing, the best place for home-schooling is definitely the basement.
Of course, it’s all horsepucky, Spitzer didn’t get “charmed” away by the hooker, he made a business transaction for her. Nor did Spitzer get “tossed out” – at least not BEFORE his wife found out about the hooker. But who ever expects Dr. Laura to have even a glancing acquaintence with the facts when she opens her yap?
Would Doctor Laura say that moms are responsible when their sons go bad? Whatever happened to her crazy son, anyway?
The good part was that I could always find ladies that would happily sell or trade their Valium. I, for one, always felt that operating on a thirty milligram baseline was just a better way to travel through life…
You won’t be laughing once I find camo pants in a Size 44 waist! Then the liberation of the Free States will begin in earnest.
Another sadness-inspiring consequence of feminazism: women astronauts!
Except that there were women astronauts before feminazism –
Mercury 13
You won’t be laughing once I find camo pants in a Size 44 waist!
I find that a camo muumuu is not only a comfortable alternative for the fashion-conscious yet girthy milita man, it’s also fun to say!
camo muumuu… camo muumuu…
sitting on your butt doing nothing
When I do that, I like to call it “basic research”.
Personally, I’m in favor of women getting paid more than men. In fact, I wish my wife made so much more than me that I could stay home all day sitting on my ass drinking beer.
Waiting for the revolution has been a literal pain in my ass. The ass cyst that kept me out of Nam has been acting up something fierce lately. I’ve tried salves, balms, everything, they’ve been useless. Actually less than useless because my fellow Militiamen have been total jerks about getting it on just right. They act like they’ve never seen an anal cyst before. And you’d think they’d be cool helping a comrade-in-arms out, gently messaging the ointment onto the throbbing ass carbuncle, but they act like I’m asking them to do something gay or something. I keep telling them freedom isn’t free, but telling that to a libertarian is like trying to teach a cat how to sit.
Shorter Prager: Women are depressed because man-hating feminazis keep lying to them how great men are. Wait, why is everyone laughing?
Where have all the Stepford wives gone?
I’m sure someone has said this already but Dr. Laura’s “Make him feel like a manly man and your husband won’t stray” comment on The Today Show qualifies.
But feminism told a generation of women that they can not only expect to have that but, perhaps even more important to feminism, they could also expect to no longer be forbidden from having a fulfilling, financially rewarding, society-honoring career.
Fixed Dennis’s omission.
The fact is, liberals suck.
Women are happiest in the kitchen. Q.E.D.
What are you going to do about Seattle? and Portland? and Bellingham? and Eugene? and the whole West Coast for that matter? You think we’re just going to let our neighbors devolve into something out of Deliverance?
You’re damn straight! Just stay on your side of the mountains, Hick* !
* Hick tag only applied to people who think and talk like Pinky.
I don’t get into prostitutes. Never quite understood the appeal.
But if I had to live with Dr. Laura, I’d bet I’d have a pretty nasty Ho Habit. She’d probably drive me to the likes of this fine specimen.
t4t, that’d only do if you lived east of the Cascades.
Over here on the Wet side, I’m told they’re into horses.
Yeah, but that was in Enumclaw, what can you expect? He was probably Rogered’s cousin.
What are you going to do about Seattle? and Portland? and Bellingham? and Eugene? and the whole West Coast for that matter?
I was under the impression that the appropriate militia already existed.
Enumclaw? I’m okay with those guys.
I don’t own any livestock, so I’m good.
I can’t find the article to attribute, but this sentence always stuck in my mind:
“Relatives were surprised to find out that Pinyan had recently purchased an Arabian Stud horse. They said he never showed any interest in riding before…”
Oh, Man, Smutty, you are the bee’s knees.
That is hilarious!
“Relatives were surprised to find out that Pinyan had recently purchased an Arabian Stud horse. They said he never showed any interest in riding before…”
had recently purchased an Arabian Stud horse.
That’s pricey! He makes Eliot Spitzer look cheap.
I’m sure Utah has a higher concentration of SAHMs there operating under the pre-feminist model but can’t find any stats for that.
I don’t have stats either but I will say that there’s a very strong social pressure toward it here.
I’ve heard that the high rate of antidepressant use here has to do with medicating children a lot. Have you heard about whether that is so?
t4toby said,
That is hilarious!
IIRC, D. Sidhe linked to the Sasquatch Militia a few months ago — or it may have been Marita. Zombies were involved, anyway.
Well, Bee’s knees, meet & Marita and D Sidhe.
WTF are Bee’s knees, anyway?
WTF are Bee’s knees, anyway?
They are something to be added to the JanusNode RecipeIngedients file.
IIRC, D. Sidhe linked to the Sasquatch Militia a few months ago — or it may have been Marita. Zombies were involved, anyway.
Those two have been fairly interested in brains. It all makes sense.
As much as I love being associated with something that people think is funny, the Sasquatch Militia link wasn’t me. I guess the credit goes to D. Sidhe. 🙂
Brains are tasty!
Tasty, tasty brains!
I’d no idea this was a global movement:
The Cascadian Sasquatch Militia is the most advanced hominoid fighting force in the Western hemisphere (second in the World only to our Tibetan ally, the Yeti Liberation Army).
Can it be akin to the nefarious Caliphate?
No, I’M the real Spar… – Rugged In Montana!
I’m Rugged In Montana!
I’m Rugged In Montana! Everyone else is clearly a liberal parody. How dare they liberally parody me!
Gosh darn it, I’M RUGGED IN MONTANA and will someone get these rugs off of me??
Ah wish ah knew how to quit yew!
It was me, yes. I don’t specifically recall the zombies being involved, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Pretty much everything’s about zombies these days.
If you haven’t read Dr Laura’s “Care and Feeding of Husbands” book, you owe it to yourself to do so. Just keep the barf bags handy. I was on page sixteen or so when I concluded that if any husband of mine ever handed me this thing, I’d divorce his ass in a hurry.
Could ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© or others familiar with the banking industry help me with this?
If what the article describes is true, is it safe to assume that the suspicious transactions reported by the banks to the IRS were checks or something similar (money order, cashier’s check) written to one of Emperor’s Club VIP’s shell companies? Would another type of transaction be identified as a movement of cash?
Amanda had a pretty good debunking of Prager.
Let’s get down to the serious questions. Does RB prefer “unearthily” or “unearthlily” for a JanusNode Adverb file?
I thought you couldn’t trust anyone who lives east of 1-5?
Can Dennis explain why my mother spent the ’50’s, ’60’s, ’70’s, and part of the ’80’s drunk and unhappy while being a stay-at-home mom raising seven children? She was obviously depressed and self-medicating. She was very gregarious, spent hours on the phone because she was trapped out in the boonies (real rural boonies, not even a suburb) with a house full of small children. IMHO, she would have been much happier out working. In which case my dad wouldn’t have had to work several jobs to support us, and we might have actually seen him occasionally.
An equally logical premise to that of Dennis is that TV has shown us the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and most of us won’t attain them either.
P. S. Mom didn’t get happy once the kids were raised, she just drank more. She died early of heart disease, which surprised me because after all the beatings and psychological abuse I took from her, I didn’t know she had one.
I’d like the new, improved Rugged (Now with More Pemmican!) to alter his name somewhat so I can read him without having to read the other, unimproved one.
I’m Drug Ed in Montana™, Dammit!
A Currency Transaction Report (CTR) is filed by financial institutions that engage in a currency transaction in excess of $10,000.
Brains brains brains
I’m goin’ for a brain
Brains brains brains
I’m gonna eat some brain
I like eatin’ brains
Tasty tasty brains
[2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th verses same as the first]
Here is the tune.
Does RB prefer “unearthily” or “unearthlily” for a JanusNode Adverb file?
My Kingsley Amis just died. He was drunken and bitter.
I hate grammar.
Hi J–, although I’m obviously Drug Ed in Montana™²³®©, I have had chats with this person you refer to regarding the Bank Secrecy Act.
Note: Layering.
The fact is, these rules are laid out so broadly, just about any well-heeled individual (this would include Spitzer and his contacts, I suppose), could fall into suspicion by somebody somewhere and get reported.
The thing that sets off the alarm bells, of course, is the opportunity for selective enforcement.
This administration isn’t going to catch the likes of Dave Vitter (or for that matter, whoever was spending White House nights with Jeff Gannon) because they don’t want to.
Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
Dammit, I screwed up. That’s what comes from doing all these drugs. Curse you, Mountain Girl!
I meant structuring.
I hate grammar.
I like it as a toy and for making fun of it using its own rules (e.g. “That is a rule up with which I will not put”). But for the most part I agree with the more open-minded linguists that any utterance that is understood is correct.
Even by that yardstick, though, the gall of K-Lo and Doughbob calling themselves “editors” entitles them to a good round of being pointed and laughed at.
SamFromUtah queried:
The same group that I linked to originally probably has the exact figures for AD meds by state but I wasn’t able to locate anything available on the nets. They have, however, published stimulant scripts (e.g., Ritalin) for children ages 5-14 by state (1999 data). Louisiana distinguishes itself at the top followed by a cluster of NC, MO and AL. Utah is about two-thirds down in the pack. The bottom five (high to low): NJ,CA,CO,NV, and DC.
So clearly there isn’t an overall trend for generally medicating kids in Utah but maybe the data are somewhat different for ADs. In the adult population, Utah also ranks second highest in use of analgesics/anti-inflammatories (after MI) but does not rank in the top 5 for any other major class of medications.
The lack of alcohol and caffeine really takes it toll.
Thanks, cthulhu. The rumor I mentioned was just that, and I was curious to know if it was true. I’m surprised to see Utah that far down the list for stimulants for the kiddies.
But I’m out of touch with what family/kid life is like here, having no kids of my own and not paying much attention. About all I do there is vote to give the schools and SCHIP and all that more money, and cheer when odious nonsense like that voucher referendum goes down in flames. For a state that claims to worship children we sure get a lot of institutional attempts – some successful – to treat them like shit.
Look, that’s crazy. I’m nobody, an undereducated, underperforming, underachieviving doper with serious mental instability and a mean streak.
And even I know you do illegal transactions in cash. Greenbacks. Dough. You know, MONEY. Sure, dipshit, your credit card is all convenient and shit. Enjoying your convenience yet?
Damn, this is NOT hard. Buy drugs, sex, weapons, influence, whatever, but fer crissakes buy it with REAL MONEY, STUPID.
For getting laid, Spitzer should not have to resign.
For being a fucking idiot? Maybe….
There’s something seriously askew with the whole Spitzer story, Mikey. It’s pretty clear that the reason Bush was so eager for unlimited survellience is so that he could snoop on Democrats and then use his Regency University filled Justice Department to make sure that a Democrat-only jihad was put into place and worked.
The notion that this FISA fight was over “terror” looks more ridiculous every second.
Thanks, Drug Ed in Montana™³²®© , and please thank the person with whom you’ve discussed the Bank Secrecy Act.
Like mikey, I am amazed at the idea that the former attorney general of New York and its current governor would be so dumb, arrogant, or sloppy to purchase extra-legal services though transactions processes that left an evidentiary trail that included his name and the name of the recipient.
Shorter Preygrr: You chicks would be much happier if you’d suck my balls.
I wouldn’t call “OK, I’ll go! Just don’t call the police!!” much of a conversation.
Jesus Jump Roping Christ. If women start running around shooting guys at random I won’t like it, but I’ll understand.
“Via Newsday, some new details on the financial details of Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s money-moving — He called his bank to have his name taken off a wire transfer to the escort agency.
After the governor transferred $10,000 by breaking it into smaller amounts, he then called the bank asking that his name be removed from the transactions, the sources said.
Investigators tell Newsday the bank filed a report saying the transfer was suspicious and the I.R.S., thinking Spitzer might be being blackmailed, or that there might be an imposter involved, started an investigation.
Spitzer last year had wanted to wire transfer more than $10,000 from his branch to what turned out to be the front for the prostitution ring, QAT Consulting Group, which also uses a number of other names, in New Jersey, the sources said.
But Spitzer had the money broken down into several smaller amounts of under $10,000 each, apparently to avoid getting around federal regulations requiring the reporting of the transfer of $10,000 or more, the sources said.”
Must credit Talk Left
mikey said,
March 12, 2008 at 2:39
Look, that’s crazy. I’m nobody, an undereducated, underperforming, underachieviving doper with serious mental instability and a mean streak.
And even I know you do illegal transactions in cash. Greenbacks. Dough. You know, MONEY. Sure, dipshit, your credit card is all convenient and shit. Enjoying your convenience yet?
Make some withdrawals that total up to a chunk of cash, Mikey, and you will still put yourself at risk of a Suspicious Activity Report.
Anyone can file an SAR, and they can not be prosecuted or sued for filing one (even, if say, the SAR was filed because filer in question was mad at somebody and wanted to fcuk them up).
It’s Orwell, not democracy, we are talking about here.
Here’s the Newsday article Teh Bankers mentions.
Sure, thunder. But hell, even biker crank cookers know that.
If you want to remain “respectable” and “above suspiscion”, you build up a “cash stash”. You do it here and there, a few hundred bucks at a time. You ATM out different amounts, $300 at a time, you deposit a legit check and take five hun in cash, you put it in an old ammo box in your study, and before you know it, you’ve got six or eight or a dozen thousand bucks just sitting there, untraceable, unconnected to who you are, ready to deliver golden showers and Hot FFM on demand, with Poppers and amazing peruvian coke.
Why has planning gone out of style? What the HELL is up with that?
I blame Bush, Bremmer and Brownie…
If this is true (from the Newsday piece):
then he’s a moron.
This, however (my emphasis):
sets off warning bells.
But mikey, your six or 8 or twelve thousand only got you a couple hours worth of what you thought you needed. Now how do you get through the next couple of weeks? And here’s that big bank account full of “cash”.
The other thing going on in this case that needs more mentioning is the leaking of every little detail to an eager lapdog press.
Want to know who was on Cheney’s Energy Task Force, years ago?
Can not have.
Want to know every damaging detail about
a covert CIA AgentDemocratic Governor? An eager press corpse is printing the GOP blast fax as we speak.Oh, don’t get me wrong, thunder.
I’ve been saying since the original story broke that the reason they wanted to be able to do surveillance without warrants was in order to wiretap political opponents, reporters and hostile investigators. There’s just no other requirement for it.
But I’m just saying. I’ve been a lawbreaker all my adult life. Although I prefer the term “outlaw”. It’s all romantic and crap, and hey, I’m still wanted in a couple of states. My point is simply this. Spitzer, or Villers or any of the others didn’t come up with this idea one day outta whole cloth. They had PLENTY of opportunity to decide they wanted to do it and set up a clean cash stash to work it, and keep it replenished. It’s crazy to say that they one day might run out of money. Not if they are thinking about their needs, factoring in what they want to do. A doper with money doesn’t RUN OUT OF CASH when he wants to get high. He KNOWS how to keep that pot full.
These fucks were just too arrogant, too stupid, too full of their position in the heirarchy to be bothered to do it right. So, as a successful criminal to an asshole? Fuck you, Eliot. You punched your ticket. Now take the ride…
Fuck you, Eliot. You punched your ticket. Now take the ride…
OK Mikey, but where does that leave the rest of us?
We’ve watched a lawless administration play calvin ball with the Constiturtion for seven years. We’ve seen them put a Democratic governor from Arkansas behind bars, on trumped up charges.
And in spite of the fact that most everybody hates them, and knows they are lying whenever their lips are moving, they can still command.
Where’s my hope, dammit?
Or, if you’re gonna wire payment to hire a sex worker, you send to the shell’s shell or the shell’s shell’s shell. Or you send from your shell to the shell, or from your shell’s shell. You don’t wire directly from your account to the obvious shell.
Where’s my hope, dammit?
Hope is in the eventual electoral backlash. Hopefully.
J— said,
March 12, 2008 at 3:36
J–, it’s the wires that set off the triggers. Following the wires isn’t any harder than following an i.p. address chain. Easier, actually, because spoofers automatically get tossed into the assumed trafficker-terrorist bin.
Yeah. I know. It’s fucked up when they keep getting away with it.
But what does it do for us to play along? To be like them. I HATE them. I hate the way they turn the rule of law into a joke and the instruments of government into another branch of the Republican Party.
But most of all, I don’t want to become them. If we’re going down, let’s not go down dirty. Let’s stand up for the values we’ve been demanding they live up to. Does that make us suckers? It very well might.
But if President Obama is going to mean anything, if there’s any hope of turning around this slide into corruption and third world lawlessness, we’ve got to say NO, we are NOT going to participate in politics as usual.
Hell. I might be disappointed again. Frankly, I suppose I’m expecting to. I don’t think we’re in a recoverable or even a sustainable situation. But my hope is that we all, as a people, can decide we don’t want to go down this path, we don’t want to become a third world dictatorship, that we value the first and the fourth amendments, that we care about the rule of law, and our constitution, and we want leaders that will live up to our highest ideals, and not our most base fears.
Will we get that? History will tell the story. Pretty sure I’ll be disappointed by the process. But along with my G3 battle rifle and my 4″ Python? I’m gonna cling to my hope…
Yes, I was more commenting on Spitzer’s apparent lack of effort to blur the line between him and Emperor’s Club VIP. I know people who investigate money laundering are good at what they do, but in this case, all they would have to do is a quick check of QAT Consulting or QAT International to find they were fronts. A few more steps in the transaction chain would have at least complicating things a bit.
One thing that gets me is that Spitzer of all people should have known he had to be cautious. He should know very well what objectives current administration pursues and how it pursues them. If I know Bush has turned the Justice Department into a partisan sledgehammer, I’m sure he knows better. I’m also sure he knew he had enemies and people waiting to jump at any misstep because he was a rising star in his party, because he aggressively prosecuted white-collar crime on Wall Street, and because he’s been involved in a bitter fight with the GOP in Albany for some time.
J- is correct, Spitzer should have been doing a much better job of CYA. I don’t give a crap if he was buying hookers, but since he prosecuted that in the past it would have at least looked better if he wasn’t in there with a ball-gag like all the rest of them. Seriously, there must be something about politics that makes only the power-hungry want to compete in that arena, and they seem to be the same guys who are into paid sex as a power trip of some kind. Remember Kissinger’s comment along these lines? That was a revelation for this girl.
mikey is right as usual.
Personally, I’m in favor of women getting paid more than men. In fact, I wish my wife made so much more than me that I could stay home all day sitting on my ass drinking beer.
Me too, i keep hassling my wife to go out and work more, so i don’t have to sit here writing mind numbing reports on pipelines. Sleeping till noon, beer for lunch & learning to play the guitar in the afternoon sounds dandy to me.
The thing that sets off the alarm bells, of course, is the opportunity for selective enforcement. This administration isn’t going to catch the likes of Dave Vitter (or for that matter, whoever was spending White House nights with Jeff Gannon) because they don’t want to.
And of course, Mr. Spitzer’s little-head problem was the lead story on the evening news. Which left considerably less time and attention for the next two stories…
(a) Wall Street rejoices! The Fed has “fixed” the mortgage crisis by promising to buy all those bad sub-primes loans from Countrywide and Citibank!… using OUR tax dollars. What’s good for the loan sharks is good for Ammurika!
(b) The last Reality-Based American General in Iraq has quit, more-or-less under duress. Nook Eye-Ran Now, sez Dubya!
Remember when NSA “admitted” last week that they might have, um, “accidentally” listened to a few hundred thousand domestic phone calls, kinda by mistake? Uh-huh.
You ever wonder if these fvckers just don’t want the rest of us to survive until we get the chance to vote them out in November?
You ever wonder if these fvckers just don’t want the rest of us to survive until we get the chance to vote them out in November?
Not me, Anne Laurie. I think my opinion of just where these totalitarian scumbags are coming from is right on the mark.
The Master wants you, but he can’t have you. I want you!
mikey said,
March 12, 2008 at 3:49
(a bunch of very interesting stuff, and…)
Will we get that? History will tell the story. Pretty sure I’ll be disappointed by the process. But along with my G3 battle rifle and my 4? Python? I’m gonna cling to my hope…
Mikey, let’s just keep our 4″ Pythons to ourselves for the time being, shall we? By the way, I’m guessing that 4″ figure applies only when the water in the pool is really cold.
Wow…Dr. Laura said THAT? I knew she was a horrible, obnoxious, judgemental, hypocritical harpy, but I had not idea how completely, utterly ROCK STUPID she was.
If a guy spends $4,000 on a prostitute, my first thought is not, wow, his wife must not be inflating his ego enough. My first thought-especially if he’s a politician or other public figure-is likely to be: “He must be into some incredibly disgusting, kinky shit his wife wouldn’t dream of doing!”
That may not actually be the case, but it does seem the most plausible explanation. I mean, if I had $4,000 of disposable income, I wouldn’t waste it on a hooker.
Maybe he gets off on paying lots of money to women?
But yes, I hold women accountable for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.”
In other words, it’s all his wife’s fault.
Shorter Dr. Laura: She should have given up the buttseks.