Hot Sexy Swankery


ABOVE: Pastor Swank putting
the ‘Y’ in ‘YMCA’

Yeah, I know that Gavin has already posted on this, but you can never have too much Swank on a Sunday. I’m sure Pastor Swank would probably even agree himself. Well, actually, I had a draft on Pastor Swank’s fulminations on the drag “mass” in San Diego, but Gavin scooped me by posting his first while I was busy watching AMC’s “Breaking Bad” on my DVR trying to pick up a few tips about cooking meth to pay for health care. You never know when that might come in handy.

Anyway, my interest in the post started with the promisingly provocative title “San Diego: homosexuals plan ‘hot’ sexy mass.” I can immediately hear some of you Sadlynauts thinking to yourselves that this would sure beat one of those “save-the-blastocysts” guitar masses that usually go down on Sunday.

And my interest was further piqued by the first sentence:

What if Christians mocked homosexuals in a sanctuary?

I suppose the Pastor sees some fine theological distinctions between saying all homosexuals will burn forever in the fiery pits of hell and mocking them.

They would be hauled over the coals.

stand on a stage with John McCain while endorsing him.

However, homosexuals in San Diego make it regular display in a Catholic sanctuary.

Homosexuals are mocking homosexuals in Catholic sanctuaries? You mean there are homosexual priests? And they are mocking other homosexuals? I really should go to church more often. That sounds pretty entertaining.

It should be burnt to the ground, denounced as the dancing field for demons. Instead, the day is set for the sexiest most obscene homosexual display during scheduled Mass.

This is the second time he’s called the affair “sexy.” Am I the only one who thinks that the idea of undulating, sweating, half-naked gay demons is giving Pastor Swank a little woody behind the pulpit? After all, this isn’t the first time the good Pastor has felt this way.


Comments: 40


No No No! I’m sorry but if that guy walked into a leather bar, all would flee. I, speaking for all gay men, refuse to be associated with that representation of gay teh hot. He wouldn’t even get past the bouncer at the sexy obscene Mass. Yucko (shudder)(grumbles and goes to bed to unimaginable nightmares).


homosexuals plan ‘hot’ sexy mass
One of the signs of advancing age is that you become to prefer the low-key celebration of phatic communion.

It has occurred to me that cosmologists would evoke far more popular interest in their discipline if they talked less about cold dark matter, and more about hot sexy mass.
On that topic, I’m not quite sure where Dancing Field Theory fits into contemporary physics, but it could be a development of quantum gravity.


Truely, a wingnut artifact so compelling it deserves at least two treatments. Frankly, I could hear yet more snark about this particular Swank-fit.


one thing Swank isn’t is a hot sexy mass, even with the ball cap and lavender background. (good job clif!)


i’m not clear on what swank’s confused about in his confusing essay.

Doctorb Science

And the bundt and — and the filling rose up in flames, and all the raisins turned into demons. And I put my hands up, and I said, demonic raisins, I rebuke you!


The more Talibangelical ‘Fundamentalist Christians’ have always been a little lucibrius about the Catholic Church… aka “the Great Harlot, dressed in red, riding upon the Seven-Horned Beast, that shall signal the APOCALYPSE!!!!11!”, or so they believe Revelations tells them. Mentioning the G.H. and the Hot Gheys in the same email was guaranteed to set the more combustible sWankers to foaming and twitching. Think of it as taking dog whistle politics up to eleven.

And it’s hardly March yet. How many of Sadly, No!’s favorite subjects for mockery will be dead of apoplexies or self-inflicted hematomas before the Repubs even get to their October Surprise? If the RNC doesn’t dial it back a bit, they’re going to wipe out some of their most dependable voters well in advance of the absentee balloting.

Sure, Obama’s MUPpets (those who believe in the Magical Unity Pony) can be a little over-the-top as well — but the core MUPpet demographic is young and strong and relatively healthy. The kind of flailing and glossolalia that constitutes a healthy aerobic workout for an Obama-bot is going to kill the cheeto-eating wrinklies in the pastor’s basement congregation.


Swank is getting his talking points from Homosexuals Blaspheme Christ and Mock Christians Again and Again

“What would homosexuals say if Christians mocked homosexuality by dressing up like flamboyant homosexuals and gathered monthly to burn rainbow flags? The Christians would be accused of being hateful bigots. Yet, every month homosexuals gather for a drunken “Mass” while dressed in drag as nuns.” said Rev. Gary Cass, of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. “This is Christian bashing pure and simple, yet no one condemns it. You have to be willfully ignorant to miss the double standard.”

On January 28th, 2008 the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence sent out a press advisory promoting “Sisters Saturday Night Mass.” According to their release, the San Diego Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will present a “Leather Mass” at Bacchus House, Saturday March 8th 2008.

“The Sisters would like to invite all to come and dance and frolic in the name of “Kink Fetish Fantasy”… [t]he Sisters have a fun night planned for all who attend, Come dressed in your most “SINFULL” Leather Fetish Wear. We have hot music… lots of irreverent Sister fun on stage, and just when you’re pumped up from dancing, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will present our Confessional Contest, with prizes for the “Hottest” confession!”

I wonder why gay people fetishize Catholic ritual and the dress of Catholic religious orders? (Pastor Swank, get over yourself. The point isn’t to mock “Christian” ritual–it’s to tap into the red hot erotic energy linked to CATHOLIC religious garb and ritual.)

Could it be the determined effort of a significant number of Catholic priests to exploit children for sexual gratification? Could it be the long-time efforts of celibate priests and nuns to imbue sexuality with a sense of horror, chaos and loss of control in order to demonize sensuality for the young and prevent them from reproducing outside of marriage? Could it be the long-ago decision of the Catholic hierarchy to take the tiger of sex by the tail and attempt to harness its energy for the glory and promulgation of the Church of Rome?

At any rate, the Catholic Church’s efforts to reinforce its primacy as the source of powerful erotic images and conflicted sexual narratives has not gone unrewarded.

Apparently more gay men fantasize about being sexually active nuns than active nuns fantasize about–anything. Because there aren’t very many nuns anymore.
Catholic nuns and monks decline

Arky "I just get these headaches" The Blasphemer

I suppose the Pastor sees some fine theological distinctions between saying all homosexuals will burn forever in the fiery pits of hell and mocking them.

Ah, but you see the TalEvan only wants to help us poor deluded ‘mos shed our pants wicked non-procreative ways before God drop kicks into hell. Alongside the Catholics. If the SPI were to express their concern for the Bible-humpers’ souls because they regularly disobey the word of Jesus, Pastorbator Wank and his pals wouldn’t have a problem.

OK, that’s a huge lie. Nothing makes a Bible-humper lose his rag like a scripture quoting f^g. Especially when they realize they only have one verse to support their “argument” and you’ve got a dozen. But it suuure is fun.

How many of Sadly, No!’s favorite subjects for mockery will be dead of apoplexies or self-inflicted hematomas before the Repubs even get to their October Surprise?

Don’t forget the 23% increase in unfortunate wetsuit incidents.


You know, it’s quite easy to speak in tongues. And I think that’s what the good pastor is doing. This:

This is God’s Word. We all know that this is the biblical story of inspiration God. He published a paper. Therefore, the moral standards of the Word of God and the Bible so to speak. Dialogue tells us that God’s creation is a sad answer.

Pope on the floor to learn more about the Bible and all Muslims a foreign language is not a morality play?

We also know that Islam and Muslims. If you use this method, and God and talk with you. For example, the largest number of votes, regardless of their status, and the truth of the Bible, the Pope lies, lies and lies.

makes as much sense to me as this:

God has spoken. It is in the divine revelation known as the Bible. There is no publication that exceeds the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, to quote the moral base from the Bible is to speak the Word of God. To speak the dialogue of man is to dishonor the Creator God and His revelation.

Will the Pope speak everything to the Muslims from the biblical moral detail or will he play waffling diplomatic jargon games?

Muslims also know that to lie is permitted by Islam. It is a dialogue technique permitted by Allah. Therefore, most biblical believers hold that whatever Muslim voices state to the Pope will be laden with lies lies lies and more lies.

once you run it through that awesome Google translator as many times as the Bible’s been translated. And they’re a respectable company, not some guys eating dodgy mushrooms in the desert.

My apologies to everyone for silly translations. I was raised Catholic, and stupid religion riles me up.


Goddammit, Clyde, you beat me to the cosmology joke. I should just post without reading all the other comments from now on. That might work.


Speaking of the pastor who thinks it’s time never for homo nups global, I’ve been seeing this W Magazine cover on my coffee table for months, and assuming that at some point one of the SadNo crew would give it a go, and, bupkes. Feh.

I can haz parrodi? kthxbai.


Blasphemy is fun! What else is new?


Yeah, I know that Gavin has already posted on this, but you can never have too much Swank on a Sunday.

Yes, I agree. Who’s next?

Rev. Janus Ruppert

Terrorists would be hauled over the coals. terrorists would be castigated by every communist organization Theywide. America is still the land of opportunity. terrorists would be disciplined by Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Throw in Barack teh terrorist as well.
The fact is, homosexuals in San Diego make it regular display in a Catholic sanctuary. terrorists have been reported to the authorities. Seemingly Rome is inept at shutting down the place. In truth, it should be burnt to the ground, denounced as the dancing field for demons. God bless the Heartland.


How come Swank doesn’t mention the It’s Raining Men! bacchanalia taking place in the same “church” on March 27?

BTW, since when have Catholics started worshipping the Roman gods?


His little tale over at Outside the Tent that you linked to makes it obvious. This guy is very, very gay. His description of that teenage boy could have been written by Mark Foley.


“What would homosexuals say if Christians mocked homosexuality by dressing up like flamboyant homosexuals and gathered monthly to burn rainbow flags?

ANSWER: Fabulous!



Catholics have been worshipping Roman-style teh G_d ever since there were Catholics. Most of what we think of as Christian rituals are bullshit made up by the Roman equivalent of dirty fucking hippies. The Christmas tree is the Yggdrasil of the Roman Catholic Church.


I wondered if Swank’s peculiar use of the phrase “regular display in a Catholic sanctuary” had something to do with the setting of the club. Is it one of the many clubs, gay or straight, across the country that are operating out of churches that have been abandoned by their organizations? The infamous “Sanctuary” in Seattle comes to mind – a big wood frame church near downtown that, having lost its congregation, sat vacant until turned into a nightclub that eventually closed due to a drug scandal.

So I googled the club, trying to see if there was any mention of it being in an old church building – nothing. Either that’s not the case, or the old church its in has been altered to the point of being unremarkable.

OTOH, some of the sites mention the fantastic interior decor – so that could be what Swank is talking about. He’d have had to experience it first-hand, though, if you know what I mean.


The Holy Roman Empire absorbed many of our rites, as well as those of other cultures. The Catholic Church has mutated into a form that Christ would not recognize.

That’s right. Evolution killled Christianity.


I mentioned in another thread I attended a memorial mass for a departed friend yesterday in a modern Catholic Church.

Christ would equally be appalled at the current music being used during services.

I’d much prefer decadent gay nuns wearing leather than having to listen to what sounds like a failed Broadway musical by Rim Rice and Elton John.


His description of that teenage boy could have been written text messaged from the House floor by Mark Foley.



His little tale over at Outside the Tent that you linked to makes it obvious. This guy is very, very gay. His description of that teenage boy could have been written by Mark Foley.

He’s gay, but I doubt that he’s a hypocritical closet case like Mark Foley or Ted Haggard. My hunch is that he sincerely believes that everyone lives in a dark 4′ x 4′ space surrounded by winter coats and christmas presents.


I found this link via Pam’s House Blend and Crooks & Liars. Rep. Sally Kern didn’t know she was being recorded and said what she really thinks.

“Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade”


Here in Seattle, a local pastor straps on his wetsuit and condemns Sen. Obama’s stance on gay marriage (which, apparently, isn’t wide enough for our Reverend):

Arky "I just get these headaches" The Blasphemer

gbear, before I follow that link: On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard will the Little Clip o’ Stoopid make me punch my monitor?
1 = A little finger nail flick
10 = Electrocution caused by head butting the screen.



Arky, the clip is produced by a pro-equal-rights group, so the visuals that go along with the audio are not punch-inducing, but the audio portion is about a nine. You may wind up ripping out your speakers, but your monitor is safe.


…of course the response by the Rep and the Xian right has been to condemn the dishonesty of the person who made the audio recording, so if you do any followup on that you’ll want to smash a christanist.


What if Christians mocked homosexuals in a sanctuary?

You mean like carrying signs that say “God Hates Fags” and marching around disrupting military funerals with them?



Well yes of course. It’s utterly dishonest to record the words of a politicain speaking to you. It’s not even their usual intellectual dishonesty. They want to take us back to the 12th Century, damnit, and they mean it!


I love that they accuse us of being traitors who are plotting against the country. I mean, it’s like something from a cheesy network mystery show aimed at senior citizens where the unrepentant criminal admits it all on tape at the end. She’s like, you know what, I would get in a whole lot of trouble for saying this, but fuck equal rights and constitutionally limited government. Just between us , we’re planning on making it so we get to round people up and reprogram them, *wink* *wink* if you know what I mean.

This is a CONGRESSwoman. When was the last time that a democratically elected liberal got caught admiting that she is only pretending to follow the constitution until they finish building the camps? Liberal fascists. Hmpf.


Sadly, the Congresswoman will meet her end when she mistakes a real bull for her sexual partners.


Clif darling, I think your blockquotes are a bit mangled.


What if Christians mocked homosexuals in a sanctuary?

That’d be totally inappropriate. Sanctuaries are for mocking baby killers. Public schools are for mocking homosexuals.


And, this outrage comes from the very same types who agree with Hagee’s description of the Catholic Church as a “whore” and the Pope as the “anti-Christ.” Strange bedfellows indeed. Or, perhaps not (“why, hello and welcome, Sisters Haggard, Craig and Foley”).


If homosexuals are mocking Christians in a sanctuary, their natural habitat, wouldn’t Swank think the counter would be for Christians to set up fake gay bars (or discos or some such) in which to mock homosexuality?


You’re meant to think “sexy” = BAD


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