We live in a screwed-up world


The Anti-Defamation League, whose stated goal is to “fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry,” is refusing to condemn Pastor John “Catholics follow a theology of hate” Hagee:

Hagee’s endorsement “is not a Jewish issue,” Foxman told the Forward. “Are we troubled by Hagee’s support of McCain and McCain’s acceptance? The answer is no, and that’s where it ends for us.”

The difference “between Farrakhan and Hagee is self-evident,” Foxman said. “So to compare the two and to say: ‘Well, if you ask Obama to distance from Farrakhan — well, Farrakhan is a black racist, an antisemite, anti-Israel, consorts with America’s enemies. Hagee is a supporter of Israel, an advocate of Israel, opposed to antisemitism, and there are issues on which members of the Jewish community and some organizations disagree with, and so from time to time they or we have indicated our disagreement, but it’s not of the same nature or category or being.”

And why, precisely, is Hagee such a big ol’ buddy of Israel? Because he thinks it’ll help bring JEEEEEE-ZUUUUUS-SAAAAAAH back:

Foxman, who has dedicated his life to securing Jews’ civil and religious freedom, said Hagee has pledged time and time again that no strings are attached to his mission. Assuming Hagee is true to his word, Jews should be glad for the help. […]

He added that those Jews who are concerned about End of Days scenarios — that Christians just want Jews in Israel to fulfill the messianic prophecy — shouldn’t worry so much. He compared the Christian-Jewish arrangement to politics, wherein candidates seek support of voters in exchange for representation of their positions.

“If they have an ulterior motive to have the second coming, they’re entitled as long as they don’t require us” to go along with it, Foxman said. “They are entitled as long as they don’t make it conditioned to us to accept their other agenda, which is Christ.”

To be clear: Foxman understands that Hagee and his merry band of goobers are complete nutters. He knows that the only reason they have fondness for Israel is because they think it’s the key to bringing about the apocalypse. But as long as they keep shoveling dollars to pro-Israel organizations, he doesn’t care.

Stuff like this makes me believe that the late Kurt Vonnegut wasn’t a satirist but was actually the most startlingly accurate realist of the twentieth century. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to chug a big ol’ glass of ice-nine just to make sense of it all…

Gavin adds: And you know what’s supposed to happen, in the End Times, to the Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity.

You’d think Foxman would want to get a head start on those Gospels, just in case.


Comments: 93


It does’t occur to him that some end-of-timers might decide to skip the Rapture and go straight to the killing. There are an awful lot of christianists in the military.


“If they have an ulterior motive to have the second coming, they’re entitled as long as they don’t require us” to go along with it, Foxman said…

Dude. Some of these guys believe there will be a nuclear war between Russia and Israel which is the catalyst to the rise of the Antichrist, one world government culminating in the apocalypse, the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ in which everyone but the Real True Christians (offer not valid to Catholics, Unitarians and pretty much anyone they don’t like) is killed in a genocide by God. This is just me, but having such people as allies who are actually HOPING for this to happen because is not a good idea. They would view even the first thing, a nuclear fucking war with Russia as a GOOD event worthy of celebration and would probably work toward it.


Spot on, Susan. Once one buys into the “we can tell God what to do!” school of thought, then it just becomes a matter of degree.

“Let’s see, script-shah says all Jews must be returned to Israel before they die to bring about the End. All *living* Jews, that is, heh heh…”


To be clear: Foxman understands that Hagee and his merry band of goobers are complete nutters. He knows that the only reason they have fondness for Israel is because they think it’s the key to bringing about the apocalypse. But as long as they keep shoveling dollars to pro-Israel organizations, he doesn’t care.

Useful idiots, and such. Which pretty much sums up our foreign policy in the Middle East.


ADL has been an Israel lobby organization with a fig-leaf of civil liberties work for a long time. Foxman has given medals to Berlusconi (while he was in government with the neo-fascist National Alliance party) – it’s all about Israel for him.

Also, note his statement that Farrakhan is a “black racist”. What does Farrakhan’s skin color have to do with it, I wonder? Would it be better if he was a white racist, like Foxman?


The ADL is about supporting Israel and Zionism. Any Jews that happen to live outside Israel are on their fucking own, especially if they say bad shit about Israel or fuck forbid, suggest that remaining outside Israel is a good fucking idea.

One of the worst habits Jews acquired in the post-Israel phase of development was this my-country-can-do-no-wrong bullshit. You’d think the Diaspora would’ve kicked it out of us, but apparently we just nursed it like a hateful grudge.


You know, Foxman reminds me of certain Holy Land-based Jewish guys in the 1930’s who sent out feelers to the new regime in Germany, arguing that Zionists and Nazis shared a common goal and could work together to achieve it.

How did that work out?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

March 8, 2008 at 16:14

To be clear: Foxman understands that Hagee and his merry band of goobers are complete nutters. He knows that the only reason they have fondness for Israel is because they think it’s the key to bringing about the apocalypse. But as long as they keep shoveling dollars to pro-Israel organizations, he doesn’t care.

Useful idiots, and such. Which pretty much sums up our foreign policy in the Middle East.

I’m beginning to think the same: that our continued fucked up foreign policy in the ME is no longer about oil, but about hastening the Apocalypse. As the oil in the ME is drying out, there are much better sources for oil, if our need for it were the case.

Alberta is sitting on a huge shale oil field, and when the technology improved so that it can be used (past 10-15 years), we’ve been getting a large chunk of oil from Canada (more than Saudi Arabia). Siberia is sitting on another huge oil field, but instead of improving relations with the Russians, we wind up wiping out one its trading partners (ie: Iraq) and threaten to do the same to another of its trading partners (ie: Iran).


ummm, actually, i think in their end-of-tacos scenario, jews get a pass to heaven because they are the chosen people, so they don’t have to accept christ and they get a free pass. something about circumcision and blood covenants and shit; i swear i’m not making this up.


end-of-tacos scenario



End of tacos? Oh dear god! What sacrifices do I have to make to prevent this? What church must I join? SAVE ME!


He compared the Christian-Jewish arrangement to politics, wherein candidates seek support of voters in exchange for representation of their positions.

And we ALL know how swimmingly well THAT works. That he can make that statement thinking it will set people’s minds at ease is as pure a sign as one could ask that we really do live in a screwed up world.


All your tacos are belong to us.


tacos without time is better than time without tacos.


If anyone connected with an anti-war group compared the Bush administration to fascists, Foxman and the ADL invariably promptly responded with furious accusations that Nazism was being trivialized. On the other hand, O’Reilly and other right-wing pundits call their opponents ‘Nazis’ routinely, and Foxman refuses to say a word about it. Glenn Greenwald had run-ins with Foxman over this bullshit a few months ago (see here, here, and here).

Foxman is a hack. As others have already said, it’s all about Israel.


John C. Hagee( b. April 12, 1940) is the founder or senior pastor of Cornerstone genitals in San Antonio, Texas, the non-denominational evangelical genitals with more than 19,000 active members [ citation needed ]. John Hagee had received millions of dollars in total compensation for his position as CEO at his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television( GETV). He is one of the highest-paid televangelists.

(Janus node. hmmmm.)


Weirdly, right after I asked what church I should join to prevent the end-of-tacos, the Witnesses knocked on my door. Seriously! If I were superstitious, I might . . .

Fortunately I am immune to superstition. I told them I was a good and faithful atheist, wished them a nice day, and closed the door.


John C. Hagee( b. April 12, 1940) is a founder or senior pastor of Cornerstone barbarity in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical barbarity with more than 19,000 active members. John Hagee cannibalized millions of dollars in total compensation for his position as CEO at his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television( GETV). Your unborn descendant is one of a highest-paid televangelists.


Foxman really has to go. now I can’t decide if I want to withhold my money from the ADL or dive in and work to improve the organization (by helping get a guy who is serious about anti-bigotry) because I believe in keeping the United States safe for Jews by keeping it safe for everybody else through strong civil liberties. Quite a decision. Sit around with my thumbs up my ass or do something. Decisions, decisions.


The one time Witnesses came by my place they didn’t come in.
All I said was they had to take their clothes off and let me videotape what happened, cuz of Jebus.


I find a mezuzah is an effective talisman to ward off the Witnesses. Perfect this, bitches.


Weirdly, right after I asked what church I should join to prevent the end-of-tacos, the Witnesses knocked on my door. Seriously! If I were superstitious, I might . . .

No sooner had I read this post than there was a knock on my door. Weirdly, it was the Reverend John Hagee himself, wearing only a thong and a cape despite the bitter cold. He smiled as he held out a sausage and egg breakfast taco, and said “All I ask in return is your immortal soul.”

I replied “I wanted chorizo and egg, dammit!” and slammed the door in his face.


I love Mezuzah! Just like I love all those Japanese monster movies. But Godzilla vs. Mezuzah is one of the best, right up there with The Terror of Tiramisu.


Mezuzah is one of the best, right up there with The Terror of Tiramisu.

Or the Carnage of the Cobbler.


I replied “I wanted chorizo and egg, dammit!” and slammed the door in his face.

We believe you made the right choice. Chorizo is the One True Sausage. All others are apostate preserved spiced meats. Sausage whores, if you will…



I was once drinking a brew and sunbathing topless and a couple of Witnesses came around the corner of my fenced patio. I still carry a fond memory of their expressions.

To be fair, my partner was raised a Witness and his father is still a Witness. He’s (the father) a nice, extremely generous old gentleman who is fun to drink a beer with. I think part of the reason he’s so mellow is that he’s First Nation/Hispanic and his ethnicity overrides some of the more stringent attitudes of the religion. I think his ability to believe this crap is due to the fact that he had no education – raised on the res – and although somehow he learned to read and write both Spanish and English he never really learned anything resembling critical thinking. It’s very sad because he also doesn’t believe anything that medical doctors say but believes and spends big sums of money on miracle cures, herbal crap and chiropractic. He has cancer and won’t let them do the surgery he needs. He’s currently putting aloe vera on the cancer.

Interestingly, the only demographic that is joining the Witnesses in any number is immigrant Hispanic. Even with this boost, membership is declining because educated young people are leaving the cult in droves, which is a very good thing. Not that the Witnesses are any sillier than any other religious group. At least they don’t believe in loyalty oaths, the pledge of allegiance, or going off to war.


Oh, and now I have to go to the Plaza Mexico and have a chorizo burrito. So much for my diet. I hope you’re happy, Snorghagen.

All things lead to tacos. That is my philosophy.



nope. jews go to a permanently lake of fire. sucky. 76000 of them are saved, for some reason (and “for some reason” could end every fucking sentence of revelations) but seeing as to how there are more than 76000 a bunch are going to get immolated.

immolation => defenestration? i don’t know. i’m asking.

anyway, there is an out. just accept jesus christ as the lord your fucking axe-weilding asshole god and all is good. you ascend to heaven, and i get the cadillac. or get immolated.

the whole thing (premillenial dispensationalism) is completely utterly insane. foxman is complete human scum for doing this. whoever upthread compared him to the stern gang members who wanted to/did deals with the nazis (deals against their common enemy the british) got it spot on. the ADL, and american right-wing jewry in general, is so filled with bile and self-hate as to make one want to…well, all i can say is atheism is awesome!


We believe you made the right choice. Chorizo is the One True Sausage. All others are apostate preserved spiced meats. Sausage whores, if you will…

Revelations 19:6-9

And I saw heaven opened, and the hand of God reached down, and it drew across the face of the waters. Then did the seas split asunder and a great chasm opened where the seas had been. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying “Who ordered breakfast tacos with sausage and egg?” And a multitude raised their hands and they were flung into the chasm of blackness and their tacos were cold and greasy. Again the angel cried out, saying “Who ordered breakfast tacos with chorizo and egg?” And a multitude raised their hands and they were seated at comfortable, clean tables and their tacos were extremely tasty.


So, the ADL is more concerned about support for Israel than combatting Defamation. A shocking development.

In other news, it appears that the research on the non-existence of global warming sponsored by the oil industry might not be entirely accurate. And we’re getting breaking news that Saddam didn’t have any ties with Al Quaeda!


immolation => defenestration? i don’t know. i’m asking.

No. Defenestration is when you’re tossed out a window. Immolation is when you’re immersed in moles.


My Dad caught me smoking moles one time and he punished me by immersing me in moles. Man, I never smoked moles again.

(I’m glad he didn’t make me smoke the whole pack!)


Molested is when a mole convinces you to sign up for Erhard Seminars Training.


I smoked a Camel once.

It was hard fitting it in the smoker.


The most depressing thing is, if you actually mention the contingent like Hagee (Christians who lurve Israel because they’re waiting for the Jews to get slaughtered in Armageddon) to an actual ordinary Israeli, they’ll look at you like you’ve grown three extra exceedingly trayf heads and say something along the lines of “Whaaaaa? Which drugs are you on, and can I have some?”

My one Israeli friend (second-generation Israeli-born, so a real dweller in what he calls “the protective bubble of Hebrew”) once tried to tell me that Christians were more peaceful than either Jews or Muslims because “they don’t go around shooting each other all the time.” I think I put a permanent dent in my forehead from headdesking so much.

Me, I think if Foxman likes Israel so much, he should go live there. I think he ought to get a nice condo on the seaward side of Sderot.


I give up. From now on, I am the woman of a thousand names.


Then there is guacamolation, where you are pelted with avocados.

Doctorb Science

>So, the ADL is more concerned about support for Israel than combatting Defamation. A shocking development.

Hey maybe Mark Tooley can complain about how the ADL only cares about defamation when it’s associated with an attack on Zionism (or rather, the particular brand of jingo-Likudnik-Zionism they exist to promote), rather than defamation in general.

But probably not.

I had a conversation with an Israeli who was big into far-right Zionism and ultra-orthodox Judaism (well, I think just regular orthodox, but he was REALLY into it) about the sort of “support” right-wing Christianists give his country. He was similarly unconcerned, saying essentially that he considered the Apocalypse of John to be no more relevant to real life than the rest of the New Testament, but if jerks wanted to give Israel a whole bunch of money, that was fine with him. Pretty reasonable, except if you were to spend a little time thinking why for the last fifty years or so our own government and military have been calling nuclear war “nuclear Apocalypse” and “nuclear Armageddon” and so forth (not to mention “nuclear Holocaust”, which should be even creepier but is not entirely relevant). Anyway, I’m not really sure he was so wrong. The sort of jerk who sees environmental destruction and huge fuck-off explosions as Biblical Prophecy (and who considers this a Good Thing) is going to work toward that goal either way, and not taking his money probably won’t slow him down.

Flying Fox: “keeping the United States safe for Jews by keeping it safe for everybody else through strong civil liberties” is a great plan; at the risk of sounding snarky I would suggest the ACLU or Amnesty International. A whole lot of highly-skilled jerks are working full time on maintaining the ADL in its present state — not saying they’re unbeatable, but it would be a tremendous long-term effort, effort that could be spent directly opposing injustice in the world.


Help me there. Wasn’t he the guy Liberman called new Moses at that Krazy Kristian Konvention Max Blumental visited and recorded on video?

Zionism is pertinent to Every American Issue

This is what Americans get when “racists” like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are considered unfit for public forum.

Instead you get these “respectable” B’nai B’rith approved psychos. Instead of Lew Rockwell, you get Confederate Yankee. Hope your happy. Zionists = respectable. Zionists = totally f$@king nuts.

Don’t make this out like Hagee is in control of himself, that Hagee wants the jews harmed in some way, that it is Hagee calling the shots, giving the orders, and bossing around poor little Abe Foxman. The innocent wittle jew bit is done. The jewish mafia, the same jewish mafia that bosses Bush around, pulls the strings of this obese “Christian”.

The Bush administration can not be removed from the Jews who have benefited so much of the administrations Israeli war and protection of usurous predatory capitalism. The jewish Bush administration has revealed exactly why jews have been hated and kicked out of their host country throughout their existance. The Bush administration is Weimar Germany.


Hmm. Nazi boy there gave me an interesting thought.

You know, I just don’t run into haters like this in the world. Only on the Intert00bz do you hear this kind of hate speech with any regularity. Oh sure, there’s hate and racism all over the place, but it tends to be toned down, coded and whispered.

Now, I suppose this could be nothing more than a function of where I live, the place I go, the people I spend time with. But I don’t think so. I think it’s more likely the case that these assholes are terrified. They know people don’t like that kind of shit, and in many cases, simply won’t tolerate it.

So maybe, just maybe, we’re coming to a time and a place where this kind of hateful tribalism might just be slowly disappearing entirely into cyberspace.

Where it can be conveniently replaced with delicious fruit-filled pastry deserts.

Hey, consider it the audacity of hope…


Zionism is pertinent to Every American Issue

Learn to love this “tollerant” war. Learn to regard every expression of anger and hate as “evil”. Instead: forgiveness, Mikey, your kind are no better than a Christian Hagee.

“Racism” and “hate” is worse than a war that kills Arabs based on lies. We are killing “hateful tribalists” and spreading “civil rights” in the Arab world. Therefore you support this war. Mass-Murder is OK as long as it is commited with a clean conscience; as long as a zionist jew like Paul Wolfowitz, grand Rebbe of our state says it’s OK.

That’s all you need to know who is the tyrant. Who is the “hater”.

We live in postmodern times. I believe what I believe as is my right as an American, and you must respect “diversity” of opinion. I do not follow the government approved American narrative, is that a crime?

Zionists of either left or right political persuasion are dangerous, they care not a bit for consitutional rights.


What about people who are Jewish and not Zionists? I don’t support Bush, “jewish” or not. There are plenty of Jewish people who disagree with the current Israeli politics.

Zionism is pertinent to Every American Issue

Zionism is not just Israel. Zionism is the Kabbalistic concept of “Tikkun Olam” (what jews call “healing the world”) a doctrine of messing with the affairs of other nations, and the belief that the jews, as the favored people of God, know what’s best in regard to other peoples.
One MOT sums it up.


Heck, there are plenty of Israelis who disagree with the current Israeli policies.

That’s the problem with Teh H8trz. (Well, one of the main problems.) Everything is all black and white to them. No shades of grey whatsoever. Because it’s impossible to lump a whole group or subgroup of people together when you recongnize them as individuals. I’ll bet Hate Boy has never known a Jewish person, never eaten a meal in a Jewish home, never worked on a project side-by-side with a Jew. He feels free to generalize.

I hope mikey’s right. It’s way past time for this shit to die out.

And hate boy? Nobody here supports the war. You should at least know your audience before you spout your shite. We don’t need eliminationist nazi shit reasons to not support this war, either. idiot.

Zionism is pertinent to Every American Issue

I am not a Nazi, I am a postmodernist moral-relativist who realizes the ‘American freedom’ is a spent meme. You however, are a leftist flag waving Ameritard, maybe better than the typical neocon Ameritard, but your belief in ‘America the beautiful’ still is a product of the imperialism of a dying world power. Faith in the American narrative is love of war. Did you know that Smedly Butler penned War is a Racket in the 1930s, before the great second world war and greatest generation? How could WWII our greatest moment; when we saved “god’s chosen” to debase currencies again, have been a “racket”? I guess he was and “isolationist” “nazi”. Fact is, I, the bigot, own your heros. Your left with personalities such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and Bush.


If you are a racist cracker who hates muslims or arabs or persians, you are my enemy.

If you are an anti-semite, frothing in hatred for jews, imagining all sorts of conspiracies and secret organizations only you can see, you are my enemy.

If you are a white collar educated person who still hates and fears every spanish-speaking person, identified as “illegal immigrants” or even more simply “mexicans” no matter what their country of origin, you are my enemy.

If you are a christianist who thinks you have the right to impose your nutty beliefs on the secular community, who believes a woman should not have the right to make decisions about her own health, reproductive and otherwise, if you somehow have concluded you have a right to discriminate openly about people on the basis of who THEY choose to love, you are my enemy.

But it’s not just me. The world slowly, in fits and starts, becomes more tolerant (you’ll notice, nazi boy, that’s with ONE “L”, dipshit). As people are actually forced to interact with others, they discover that other people, other cultures, other religions – or none at all, other lifestyles are not the boogy man. They’re just people, you and me, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, trying to make a way in the world. They don’t seem evil, or intent on destruction, or terror, or some new one world government. They are just you and me.

If you hate, you must push back against this creeping diversity, this comfort that people are discovering among others, this tolerance you rail against. But you have nothing. The same old lies and slurs that worked in an isolated, tribal world. In an interconnected world, where phones and networks and satellites connect us all instantly, your message of fear and hate and intolerance falls, not on deaf ears, but on ears that have already learned the truth. And therefore recognize the lies you spew to support your mindless hatred.

And I’m glad I lived long enough to see it start to work. Heaven knows, I’ve seen enough hatred in my life, and learned a thing or two about what happens when people hate each other. There’s still a long way to go, but the die is cast. It’s going to be hard to stop it, and the haters will find themselves more isolated, more alone, less tolerated.

Oh. One more thing. Lots of people will tell you. Being my enemy? Not something you really want to aspire to. But your choice…



Um, dumbass, I’m a lefty (sort of a socialist/anarcho-sydicalist, if you can imagine such a hybrid) and I’m certainly not a flag waver, nor am I a believer in American Exceptionalism. (Where are you finding Leftists who are believers in American Exceptionalism? Good grief.)

And you should learn the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.


Smiling Mortician

Look, Zionism Is Pertinent . . . hell, that’s kinda unwieldy. Do you mind if I call you Zip? Or maybe Zippy? Zippy, you’re a pinhead. And not the good kind. You write like you’re using JanusNode but you forgot to bring the funny. You got one thing right: you’re a bigot. The rest is wrong. Sadly, irretrievably, ridiculously wrong. So take your one right answer and go away.


Let me see if I’ve got this straight, naziboy… If I don’t hate Jews OR Zionists, I’m pro-war. If I don’t buy into your International Zionist Global Conspiracy Theory, I’m pro-war and/or pro-genocide. Is that about right?


RobW., don’t forget that you love Wolfowitz, Perle, and Bush.

Naziboy may be the most illogical troll I’ve seen in some time.

Smiling Mortician

Candy, you realize you’re just begging for a visitation from Buggered in Montana, don’t you?


Ah, bring on the buggeration!

I’m going to have to venture out in the freezing cold to go to the market shortly, so I’ll leave the troll shredding to others. This particular nazi boy troll, at least, seems not to be a sock puppet of Saulboogerbuggered. He might provide hours of shredding enjoyment, if he doesn’t run away.

Zionism is pertinent... (Ethnosectarian)

But we are killing “intollerant” people overseas (replace christianist with Moslem), I guess advancing replacement to this more “tollerant” “new reality” (PNAC), what’s not to like about Bush then? Neoconservatism is a perfect fit to your ideology.

Just imagine being occupied by that “one world government”.

If you hate, you must push back against this creeping diversity, this comfort that people are discovering among others, this tolerance you rail against. But you have nothing. The same old lies and slurs that worked in an isolated, tribal world.

Tribal worlds of the people of Iraq who neocons delight in killing.

And I’m glad I lived long enough to see it start to work. Heaven knows, I’ve seen enough hatred in my life, and learned a thing or two about what happens when people hate each other. There’s still a long way to go, but the die is cast. It’s going to be hard to stop it, and the haters will find themselves more isolated, more alone, less tolerated.

This “hatred”, this alternative to American hegemony and empire is new and exciting to me. It’s like opening up a whole other world; the Tribalist alternative is one that will look more appealing as capitalism continues to fail.

Oh. One more thing. Lots of people will tell you. Being my enemy? Not something you really want to aspire to. But your choice…

We know what your kind have done to the Iraqis. All American races united in crushing Arab “bigotry” and “religious insanity”. Sure. Along with the alternative intimacy of Abu Gharib.


How is christianism a good fit for my atheist philosophy?


Liberal Masochist

Mikey – if you rearrange the words in “Zionism is pertinent to Every American Issue” you almost certainly get ‘Gary Ruppert Saul St Clair.”

You are right though. People like this are cowards. The internet gives them a faceless medium to spout off in because they are safe in the Heartland (read: momma’s basement). If we were all sitting around together in the same auditorium, nobody would say half the shit they say on a blog to anyone’s face. Realize that I am not saying anything that we don’t already know…


Poor, poor Zionism is pertinent. Don’t you realize your paranoid raving also form part of the big Jewish Mafia’s big plan to control the world? You, too, are a tool! Silence is your only means to free yourself from the big Jewish Mafia. All else is ultimately collaboration.


Um, dumbass, I’m a lefty (sort of a socialist/anarcho-sydicalist, if you can imagine such a hybrid) and I’m certainly not a flag waver, nor am I a believer in American Exceptionalism. (Where are you finding Leftists who are believers in American Exceptionalism? Good grief.)

You still worship MLK, Lincoln, and other pro-war, pro-banker figures of the American narrative, you’re told to worship by our government, whose purpose is to unite us all in being good capitalist consumers. That’s a flag-waver. You’ll notice Neocons worship the same demigods.

Smiling Mortician

LM, Zippy’s moniker is too long for the wordsmith anagram generator, but if you go with just “Zionism is pertinent,” you get, among other things, Sin Enmities Zit Porn. Or perhaps you prefer Nonentities Rim Zips. It’s not Booger St. Saulpert, but it’s not bad.


You seem to have reading comprehension problems, Dood. As a socialist/anarcho-syndicalist, I AM NOT A CAPITALIST. I’m a really shitty consumer, in fact. I never buy anything unless I absolutely can’t avoid it. My car is 15 years old and I wouldn’t even have one if we didn’t have such lousy public transportation in this town.


I suspect you don’t know the difference between Leftists and liberals. I certainly don’t have time to educate you. I have to go put food on my fambly, like a good Bushie.

Smiling Mortician

Ethnosectarian = Aeration Stench


So your are a Trotskyite (any uppity self-styled “anachist”, non-Stalinist), a proto-neocon. Neoconservatism arose from zionist Trotskyism.


Neoconservatism arose from zionist Trotskyism.



Okay, now that’s just funny.


Ok, goddamit. This pisses me off.

This fucktard pastes in some of my comments to him, and “responds” with utter gibberish. I’d LOVE to respond back, but I’m completely unclear on what he’s saying.

Because there are tribes in Iraq, your hatred for people of the jewish faith is NOT tribal? Or because we are unjustly killing Iraqis, we must hate jews?

The whole thing about if I don’t hate jews I’m a neocon is really hard to follow. Maybe you could publish a primer, Zip?

Damn, it’s clear as mud. I don’t know what to say.

But hell, if the forces of hatred and darkness are this stupid and logic impaired, that in and of itself is a good sign for the future…



Killing Iraqis is an act of multiculturalism, because they are “tribal” meanies who keep to themselves and their “intolerant” faith. By uniting the American races into killing these intolerants, Bush is our most “tolerant’ president. The zionist jews, who live as money-speculating nations with in the host of the west, attacks the tribalism of the world’s goyim as evil. Where jews aren’t found, tribalism is not viewed as evil, but being integral to the nation-state, nobody says the Han Chinese should stop being Han Chinese.


Please pity Ethnosectarian. He’s just frustrated and angry because, once again, he couldn’t get in to the Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad show.


I don’t hate, I look for a seperate gentilic ethnic hegemonic sphere of influence occupied by such contra-judeoimperial greats such as Smedly Butler and HL Mencken; rather than this judeo-dominant sphere of war and capitalist-materialism.

The European gentiles used to have their own history removed of this modern zionist nonsense, which has become the dominant American narrative. If you follow the popular narrative you are a flag-waver.


Alright, Righteous Bubba, you’re busted.

That was Ethnosectarian Janusnode, and not in a good way.

You need to tweak the source files…



There are words, and they go in my mind, but they slip out again like a sunblock-oiled kid down a waterslide.


I rarely comment, but I couldn’t resist.

Zip, it seems like you are completely illogical. But it’s hard to tell, because you write like this: “I look for a seperate [sic] gentilic [?] ethnic hegemonic sphere of influence occupied by such contra-judeoimperial [?] greats such as Smedly Butler and HL Mencken…” What does all this mean? I suspect it means nothing.

But let’s pretend that’s not the case, just for laughs. You are positing that killing “Arabs” (and here’s a newsflash, dude: Iraqis are mostly not Arabs) is a “multicultural” thing to do. Killing people of another culture, because they are another culture. Is a multicultural thing to do. Are you high?

And your claims to postmodernism are just weird. You read like a pissed-off neoNazi who decided it was cooler to pretend to be a hipster.

On a serious note: you are intentionally ignoring every left-leaning Jew on the planet. Every anti-jingoist, anti-torture, anti-war, anti-racist, feminist, pro-social-justice, pro-economic-justice Jew in existence. There’s a lot of them. Because as you seem to forget (or ignore), Jews were senselessly persecuted for centuries by Christians. They couldn’t own land or hold local government positions. There was a whole Holocaust against them. And the smart ones realize that this experience is one to learn from–from a persecuted people, the knowledge to never, ever do that to anyone else.

Should you ever become capable of coherent thought, think about this. And don’t assume Foxman is representative of Jews in general, because he is not. Not even close.


Dave Niewert had a racist troll w/ handle of ‘Ethnostate’ for a while. (Sorry, looks like those posts were too far back to be saved.) ‘Ethnostate’ sounded a bit like ‘Ethnosectarian’, same kind of pseudo-intellectual stream of words, same odd tone. Wonder if its the same poster.


You still worship MLK, Lincoln, and other pro-war, pro-banker figures of the American narrative, you’re told to worship by our government, whose purpose is to unite us all in being good capitalist consumers.

Yeah. Similar kind of insanity, anyhow.


Seriously. Looking at Ethnosectarian’s writing, I can’t help but think that George Orwell is spinning in his grave.

On a random note, one of Firefox’s spelling suggestions for “neoNazi” is “Thorazine.” I feel like there is a deeper meaning there, but I’m not sure what it is.

Smiling Mortician

gentilic ethnic hegemonic sphere

I saw them live back in ’77. They sucked.


one of Firefox’s spelling suggestions for “neoNazi” is “Thorazine.”


I don’t know who is worse, raving racist fucktards like Ethnosectarian, who try to hide their evil under layers of bullshit, or hypocritical toadies like Abe Foxman, who undermine the very cause they claim to champion.

What do you think?


Alright, Righteous Bubba, you’re busted.

That was Ethnosectarian Janusnode, and not in a good way.

I try to only choose the funny bits to post.

But I’m pretty sure there’s some fiddling going on…


But let’s pretend that’s not the case, just for laughs. You are positing that killing “Arabs” (and here’s a newsflash, dude: Iraqis are mostly not Arabs) is a “multicultural” thing to do. Killing people of another culture, because they are another culture. Is a multicultural thing to do. Are you high?

Iraqis are 74 % Arab. Who does the rest of the world think when they think of an American at > 67 % of the population?

We are killing “bigots” of an “intolerant faith” content in their monoculture and replacing their “Tribalism” with “civil rights” and “Freedom”. Arab culture is not all that different from American “intolerance” such as Mennonism. Another content monoculture. If we are killing them to “liberate” their women from the viel, we might as well “liberate” Amish women from the bonnet. This attack on Arab culture should be viewed as a threat to all other ideologies and divergent cultures, America is hellbent to implement the American religion of Lincoln, MLK, Left-Behind Dispensationalism, capitalism and the bank to the whole world, through violent troskyist revolution.


Go tell someone who cares


But, of course, if Tribe A were killing Tribe B in their own country, to purify their Tribe A ethnic sphere, and keep their women culturally A, with no B admixture, that would be normal.

Like if White Americans were terrorizing Mexicans in order to deter them from entering the White Americans’ lands, and also in order to keep their White women ethnically pure, that would just be a necessary expression of the White Americans’ will to ethnic expression and racial self determination.

What. Ever.


Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-war? Wow, I bet even he didn’t know that.


Lotta concentrated evil on this thread.





Just like that. Less evil. Just meat….



Yeah. Much as I’m against violence, some people can’t be deterred without it. Or at least the threat.

Time to clear the air a little, blow away the stench with a strong but gentle breeze.


Jonah’s Crucified Cheetoh Covered Troll Chowder

1 gallon ethnocentrically SPLOTTED troll carcass
1 ezra lb. trotskyite neocon, insanely breaded

nah, it’s just not even funny. Look, Ethnowhatsis, I’m beginning to think you’re a parody troll. Disappointing, in a way, because it has been a long time since we had a real troll around these parts, and it might be kind of fun to have one to tune up on . . . although on the other hand it would be nice to know that someone that fucked in the head isn’t out running the streets.

If you’re not a parody troll, please seek help. They have meds that might get your thinking back on track.


That was lovely, atheist! A nice song to follow one down into sleep, and I’m off to dreamland now. Gotta get up in the cold morning light.

This was always my favorite song to play just before sleeping. So beautiful.


Thank you Candy. Funny we must be on the same wavelength tonight, I was just listening to Hendrix as well. Have a good sleep!


You have a good night too, atheist.


The world slowly, in fits and starts, becomes more tolerant (you’ll notice, nazi boy, that’s with ONE “L”, dipshit). As people are actually forced to interact with others, they discover that other people, other cultures, other religions – or none at all, other lifestyles are not the boogy man. They’re just people, you and me, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, trying to make a way in the world. They don’t seem evil, or intent on destruction, or terror, or some new one world government. They are just you and me.

Bravo, Mikey! I agree, these incremental improvements are one reason why I’m willing to keep hanging around this weary world.

On the other hand, given all the rants about ‘tollerance’, perhaps the new troll is just anti-BELL? Does the incessant ringing in its ears drive it to paranoid delusions of coherency?

(Of course, probably it’s just not a native English-speaker. Or perhaps I’m too hopeful about the American educational system.)


IP check? Someone here sounds like Mal De Mer.


Admittedly, there is a longstanding tradition in the Jewish community of allowing strange Christians to throw us boatloads of cash for reasons required by their weird religion, and ignoring said reasons because why should we care what ignorant nonsense they believe in? (See under: usury. Man, those were the days!)

I believe the mishna may say something about not looking a gift goy in the mouth.


(comments are closed)