When you’re feeling sad and blue…

… you can always count on Adam Yoshida to cheer you up.

Earlier this week we offered an overly simplistic and inaccurate “back of the envelope” estimate about Kerry’s tax proposal. A few people pointed this out, and ever since then we’ve felt very silly about the whole thing. At last, we’ve found a reason to feel better about ourselves: by making fun of those less gifted than us. Canada’s Adam Yoshida writes:

Think about it this way (and this is a very basic, back-of-the-envelope calculation). The deficit is roughly $422 billion a year at the present time. So, in order to close it, you?d need to raise that much in additional revenue. [Emphasis added.]

That had to be a pretty big envelope.

How long will it be until Chicago’s economics department starts including Yoshida’s principle in its classes?

For every American job sent overseas there’s a job sent into the United States by some foreign nation.

Life is so simple when you’re young, single, and living in your parents’ basement.

[This post has not been edited — don’t let Frederick tell you otherwise!]


Comments: 11


At last, we’ve found a reason to feel better about ourselves: by making those less gifted than us.

Now you’re taking credit for making Adam Yoshida?!


Frederick, somebody’s going to accuse you (as I saw happen the other day) of “being *so* Usenet” one of these days!


Oh, idea – maybe you should just arrange for Seb to email you all his posts for proofreading first, and then you could send them back with corrections and a bill…


Now you just have to convince Seb that it’s better to pay you hush money, er, consulting fees – than to put up with your comments!


My favorite passage in Mr. Yoshida’s rant has to be:

What do you think would start happening to these jobs if a Kerry Administration began punishing US companies that hire overseas (read: throwing people out of work in foreign nations)?

So what have we learned today, kids?

a.) fostering unemployment in the USA is A-OK so long as we’re employing thousands upon thousands of people at 30 cents an hour overseas.
b.) eliminating subsidy loopholes for companies shipping US jobs overseas is “punishment.”

Tune in next week for more “news from Adam Yoshida’s ass”


It’s not the economy, stupid — it’s Stupid’s economy!



Would someone in the US please take Yoshida away from our fair land and give him a nice home where he can spew wingnuttery without polluting our air?


Why, don’t you have rubber rooms up there?

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Would someone in the US please take Yoshida away from our fair land and give him a nice home where he can spew wingnuttery without polluting our air?

Hell, if Bush is (re)elected, I say give him a job in the Administration!


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