Nina Mussolini May

Nina May

ABOVE: Nina Imelda Evita Mussolini
Pinochet May

Most of the wingnuts have been busy for the past several days parading around relics of Saint WFB in a monstrance and recounting stories of various miracles that could support canonization. But not Nina May. No siree. She’s got her eye straight on the ball and reminds us that Barack Obama’s middle name is Hussein:

Most people know that the past Iraqi Dictator’s name was Saddam Hussein, and ironically, Hussein is Barak [sic] Obama’s middle name.

Of course, most people know how to spell “Barack” as well, but I suppose the missing “c” makes it look more Moooooslim.

John McCain … chastised a surrogate for using Barak’s [sic] full name, apologizing for the implications …. Everyone is missing the obvious point of that entire discussion. If we as a nation are off limits as far as mentioning a possible president’s middle name because it might offend him, and others who have that name and possible evil intent against the nation, then it is a no-brainer that Obama should never be close to that office.

It is a no-brainer in the sense that only someone completely lacking in a brain would think that what Nina said makes any sense at all. Is she really saying that someone who has a middle name with unpleasant connotations can’t be President. Er, ‘fraid so:

If we are censoring ourselves, and implying that to mention his middle name is offensive, inflammatory, derogatory or degrading, then how in the world is he to stand in front of the world and answer the question [sic], “ I Barak [sic] Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”? Will he interrupt and make the announcement that we are never allowed to mention his middle name?

Because of course if Obama doesn’t say his middle name the oath of office is invalid; and if he has to say it on inauguration day to become President, then it’s okay for us to say it over and over again. Apparently everything Nina learned about making arguments she learned on a sixth-grade playground.

Seb adds: Nina is the fancy version of Kerry L. Marsala:

She is also an accomplished artist with her oils and watercolors in galleries around the world and the U.S.


Comments: 95


and ironically, Hussein is Barak [sic] Obama’s middle name.

That’s not irony, twit. Go back to school and stop embarassing yourself in public.

guitarist manqué

Hey, Nina, how about a big bag of dicks?

guitarist manqué

Oh well, missed it by that much.


John McCain … chastised a surrogate

That’s “John Sidney McCain III chastised a surrogate.” Sounds so much more apropos.


If we as a nation are off limits as far as mentioning a possible president’s middle name because it might offend him, and others who have that name and possible evil intent against the nation, then it is a no-brainer that Obama should never be close to that office.

How does one get from there to there?

It boggles the mind.


Geeze, I don’t even wanna look, but is that thing married? ‘Cause I imagine after a few too many months of banging Batshit McPsychogiggles, I’d be ready to stick it in a syphilitic, three-legged porcupine on the snooker tables down at Barnies, no matter what people say about me on St. Patrick’s Day.


Yeah, remember how Clancy Fitzgerald McMoinahan tried to shoot a banker once, and John Kennedy had the same middle name?

There you go; he should never have been president, because he was a papist.


which quite a lot of people were saying at the time, Jim

Arky "I Just Get These Headaches" The Blasphemer

Most people know that one of past explore Christopher Columbus’ ships was called the Nina. Ironically fRightWank clown Nina May is also named Nina. Therefore she must be full of seamen.

SRSLY. I want to meet the creatures who don’t know the past Iraqi Dictator’s name. They’d have to be dumber than people who capitalize dictator and misuse the word ironic.


Most people know that the past Iraqi Dictator’s name was Saddam Hussein, and ironically, Hussein is Barak [sic] Obama’s middle name.

The “O RLY?” fad has gone the way of “All your base” and various “OWN3D” riffs, replaced by lolcats and fail pics, but dang if there ever was a quote deserving of a certain snow owl.


Richard Mihouse Nixon never should have been president because 20 years a wacky television cartoon featured a character of the same name. It is a no brainer that America can not elect presidents who share names with cartoon characters.


“20 years later,” rather.


Um, sure. Here, let me fix it:

If we as a nation are off-limits as far as mentioning a possible president’s drunken-driving arrests and documented absenses from their armed service committments because it might offend him, and others who have drunken driving arrests and documented absenses from their armed service committments and possible evil intent against the nation, then it is a no-brainer that Bush should never have been close to that office.

There. That’s better.


Unsurprisingly, Chris Muir has been whining about the Hussein thing for a few columns now.

Yo, wingnuts: We *don’t care* if you want to use Obama’s name. Knock yourself out. But when you somehow imply that he’s a Manchurian candidate because his name is Semitic, well, that be the problem. We’re not trying to censor your bullshit. We’re just trying to say it’s bullshit.


Er, a few cartoons.


The sum of all dumb.


Once again something that makes about the same amount of sense read backwards.

It’s tough to do that.


She learned the definition of ‘irony’ from Alanis Morrissette.


I’d rather have a President (and we will! woohoo!), with a middle name of Hussein, than some bottle-blonde douchebag gooper wagging her finger at me and trying to convince me to vote for McInsane. Thank you, Nina…if that is in fact your real name! Sounds kind of dego-birdbrain to me!


Put another way, this kind of attack is effective where? Is this going to swing that mush-headed middle? I tend to doubt it.

It’s fun watching these rethug’s shit themselves trying to find some way to attack.


Well, one thing I’ve noticed about the way conservatives define censorship is that it’s broad enough to include any commentary or criticism that makes conservatives look foolish and/or dishonest.

Kind of like the way fundamentalist Christians define persecution.

Or the way Jonah defines fascism.

Or … the way any conservative defines … anything.


Is NRO really America’s Shittiest Website™?

Seems to me Clownhall is challenging for the title.

Nuff Ced MacGreavey

So where does this leave Willard in 2012? Does this mean we can’t make rat jokes?


And speaking of depressing:

You’d think the UN would avoid promoting authors who want to wipe them out of existence.


Oh for god’s sake, half the Jordanian royal family are Husseins. It’s not this rare terroristic name that only sleeper cell members use to identify themselves.


Hoosier X beat me to it. This is Goldbergian logic of the first water. If something is sort-of-similar to some point I want to make, it is central to (and proves) the point I want to make.

What she should be saying is this:

“It’s not the name ‘Hussein’ that is the problem. The problem is when people invoke it in a dishonest, slimy, smearing, character-assassinating way, implying things that are demonstrably not true. Therefore, when Barak (sic) becomes President, *those people should never be allowed to comment publicly on anything ever again.*”

There. Was that so hard?

Trilateral Chairman

Richard Mihouse Nixon never should have been president because 20 years a wacky television cartoon featured a character of the same name.

Worse yet–do you know what Ronald Reagan’s middle name was?


Yes, that’s right–WILSON! Reagan shared a name with the man that Jonah Goldberg has identified as the first American fascist. How the Republicans were gulled into nominating him is beyond my ken. Those fascists can be wily, though….


Ronald Wilson Reagan

6 6 6

This is central to my point.


John McCain…. McCain… McCain… Cain…
holy zomg John McCain killed his brother and became Dracula!

Wow, that was easy. Can I has paycheck? kthxbai.


Once again something that makes about the same amount of sense read backwards.,/i>


Name middle Obama’s [sic] Barak is Hussein, ironically, and Hussein Saddam was name Dictator’s Iraqi past the that know people most.

Well noted, professor fate!


Hussein was also the last powerful Safavid king of Persia (so sayeth Wikipedia, so sayeth we all).
Clearly, the fact that his first name would be the last name of Saddam Husein and the middle name of a presidential candidate 400 years later proves that he was unfit to call himself a descendant of Shah Ismail I, and Hussein should obviously have just handed power over to Tahmasp I.
In hindsight, it’s so, so clear.


Oh holy shit!
John McCain’s middle name is Sidney and ironically, as most people know, Sidney Prescott was the heroine of the Scream movie trilogy!
Are we, as American citizens, supposed to ignore the fact that he shares a name with someone beset by psychopaths, and who was often feckless and ineffectual when confronted by armed killers? Is this any indication of how Senator McCain would be as president – we will be repeatedly attacked by terrorists while he makes out with Skeet Ulrich?

If we’re not supposed to talk about this, then clearly he’s unfit to serve as president.


When I was eight years old, my family traveled to Jordan on vacation. Jordan is one of the more western friendly Islamic states in the Middle East. Some of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed there.

Their king at the time was named Hussein. I asked my dad about that, the first Iraq war only three or four years old at that point. He explained they had the same name but were not related and were two very different people. That was enough for me.

In summary, what has the entire wingnuttosphere in flames, I got over when I was eight years old.


The fact that this hasn’t been batted down yet shows the weakness of the Obama campaign.

Then again, as we saw in New Hampshire and on February 5th, Obama fails in the clutch.


Clearly you all fail to see the obvious connection. This is serious business, this Hussien/Hussien connection.

I mean look at. It’s the same word! Does this escape you? Does this not mean anything to you people? You’re blind, blind. …and in the kingdom of the blind, the Hussien shall not be king! But I digress… You’re blind if you cannot see the obvious connection. I mean, look at it. Its, you know, the same word… the. same. word.

…and way the argument was taken to the personal embarrassment level was quite deft indeed.

You fools. Obviously you want the tourists to win.


Here’s an idea:

Using Obama’s middle name isn’t just about the crypto-Muslim angle. It’s also kind of the mirror image of how conservatives like to drop the “-ic” from Democratic. It’s a childish name game they like to play because it rather predictably gets a rise out of people.


Well, the right is welcome to have their say, but I for one think it is notable that we may be about to elect Amiri Baraka as president only 7 years after a group of Iraqi advocates for socialized health care attacked us on 9/11.


Even beyond the 75% of the internet covered by Chuck Norris jokes, don’t forget the other incriminating associations of Walker, explored in the Alex Cox film.

Five of Diamonds

If we as a nation are off limits as far as mentioning a possible president’s middle name because it might offend him, and others who have that name and possible evil intent against the nation, then it is a no-brainer that Obama should never be close to that office.

Yes, please, let’s leave the presidential race in the hands of the racists. Ron Paul, it’s not too late to drum up that Stormfront endorsement!


they weren’t Iraqi, they were from Afghanistan.


“Sidney,” eh? Hmm, let’s see: Sidney … Sidney … Sidney … OMG!! SIDney Viscious was a notorious “punk rocker” NOT EVEN FROM AMERICA!!! Moreover, Sidney Viscious was also a heroin abuser, and probably killed his girlfriend in the Chelsea Hotel!! I am very weary of McCain because he has done little to reassure me that he is not a junkie, punk rocker from England, who stabbed his girlfriend to death in New York City.

What does the McCain camp have to hide?


My own middle name is Ralph (after one of my Dad’s brother’s who died young). It was a pretty unhip name to have as a teen in the late 60’s, but now everytime I mention it I get bonked on the head for having cost Gore the 2000 election. The wrong middle name is a bitch.


Ira, if you absent yourself, I promise to miss you for a couple of days. Please allow me to keep my promise.

Five of Diamonds

how in the world is he to stand in front of the world and answer the question [sic]

Well, I think we can sleep easy tonight knowing that the rest of the world is not comprised of imbred racist mouth-breathers from Bumfuck Missouri.

(I’m from Missouri so I can say that)

Arky "I Just Get These Headaches" The Blasphemer

Sidney is a city in Australia which is ironically a non-American country. Why do John McCain’s parents hate America?


I remember catching Sidney Viscuous at a gig. He was jello wrestling.

Five of Diamonds

John McCain’s middle name is Sidney? How do we know he’s not a sleeping cell of Australian terrorists who hate us for our lack of Vegemite?

John Sidney McCain, denounce your loyalty to radical Australiatarianism!


Mmm, blonde *and* stupid. Boy, I’d like to fuck her.


Don’t worry, when Hillary loses again tomorrow, Ira will do the only honorable thing possible. Harakiri.

Unless the fall of the Texas firewall is rewritten as unimportant, since Texas is after all an unimportant state, and Guam becomes the new firewall. Or somesuch.


Even though Sydney, Australia is spelled with a “y” and not an “i,” I think the similarity to a non-American city is cause enough for concern. How do we know that McCain doesn’t secretly hold only allegiance to Paul Hogan? How do we know that McCain isn’t a sleeper cell patiently waiting to unleash a horde of rabid kangaroos upon teh Heartland the moment Yahoo Serious gives the word?

Moreover, any mockery of such very serious concerns is elitist and in violation of free speech.


Most of the wingnuts have been busy for the past several days parading around relics of Saint WFB in a monstrance
My suggestion for a reliquary.

Five of Diamonds

Dagoril said

Can’t she simply declare the 1.5 states she actually did win as firewall states that “matter”? That way, she can declare victory tonight.


I’ve been to Jordan Pond House for the popovers many times. If that place is any indication, the tourists are most definitely winning. Never met anyone named Hussein there, though.


No, no no. Keep it up.

Nina honey, love the hair, by the way, don’t listen to these people. They probably keep a couple of terrorist cells under their beds, for gawds sake. No, you are absolutely right – Hussein IS his name, and you have every right to call that to everyone’s attention. Hell, what kind of a terrorist/Hussein appeasing crybaby is McCain for saying the man’s NAME is off limits?

Nope, you just keep doing your job, NAY, your DUTY and point out his traitorous, foreign, islamic name every single chance you get. And encourage all your fellow thoughtful, patriotic american right wing pundits to do the same.

I mean, sure, it hasn’t been effective, it’s utterly meaningless and does seem to backfire every time you do it, but hey, look at it this way. What’s the worse that could happen?

President Hussein? OOoopppssss…



I’m just amazed that nobody ever told me that Saddam Hussein planned the 9/11 attacks and all that because his name was Hussein. Now that I know that, I understand the fRighties’ concern about Barak’s middle name.


Oh goody, Coulter Lite is back in the store shelves!

Mind you, I’ve been a fan of the bitter, burning taste of Coulter Classic.


It’s worse than y’all thought. John Sidney McCain III has a middle name that evokes Algernon Sidney, who was executed in 1683 for his involvement in a plot to kill King Charles II. Why does McCain’s middle name glorify an anti-monarchist conspirator bent on overthrowing the government?


By the way — since when do we even consider electing a leader of the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya to the highest office of our land?

Baraka Osama X probably led direct attacks against British Kenya Colony leaders throughout the 1950s, if I understand his name and how it sounds and what it makes me think of.

A machete-wielding jungle killer of our ally Britain’s finest colonial police, and the liberals want to make him our president — but first they introduce him to radical bomber Bill Ayers so that Osama X can add blowing up his friends to his murderous list.


Nasser Hussain was captain of the English international cricket team. Clearly, Barack Obama is British, and therefore ineligible to assume the office of the President.


Nina Hagen Vladimir May Mayevsky


Why is it suddenly off limits to mention the fact that John McCain has the same first name as an American gangster from the 1920s? Isn’t it important for people to know? Can the American people accept a man with such a name as their president?


John Gotti.

John McCain.

Think about it.


McCain’s first name is also slang for a bathroom and for a hooker’s customer. What did McCain do to give his name such a bad name?


McCain is the name of an international food company originally established in… CANADA!!!! And they make frozen FRENCH fries!!!one1! Has nobody thought of the consequences?


People please! You have to start at the beginning, you are getting way ahead of yourselve.

John McCain;

Cain, son of Adam and Eve, commits the first murder by killing his brother Abel, after God rejects Cain’s sacrifice but accepts Abel’s.

helllllooooo. Case closed.


Let us not forget the immortal song, “Adam Raised McCain.”
The song invites us to ask … Adam who?
We should really be asking ourselves: Adam where?

Could it be that Bruce Springsteen – a man so American that his music was a theme song for Ronald Reagan, mind you – planted information for us, lo these 20 years past, warning us that John McCain is really a product of the Muslim world?

And if we are not allowed to ask such questions, should such a man really become president?


Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy.
That is just about the most rock-stupid thing I’ve read in a long while. I mean, that what stupid in a way that was actually painful.


It also made me write “what” instead of “was”.


Of course, most people know how to spell “Barack” as well, but I suppose the missing “c” makes it look more Moooooslim.

Tell that to Ehud Barak.


John SIDNEY McCain III–a name so limp-wristedly lame-sounding that no REAL conservatard could believe he’d ever be effective in the Global War on Terra…. Right?


SRSLY. I want to meet the creatures who don’t know the past Iraqi Dictator’s name.

Osama bin Laden? I mean, he did bomb the World Trade Center at Pearl Harbor, didn’t they?

Arky "I Just Get These Headaches" The Blasphemer

[Hangs head in shame]

Sorry Legalize. I’m just another ignernt Uhmericun.

And mikey, I don’t have terrorist cells under my bed. I have them in my bed.


It rained today, reminding me that Barack Obama still hasn’t found a way to control the weather. I’ll bet his supporters will all commit mass suicide when they figure that out.

My sandwich at lunch was sub-par, just like Obama. If only voters weren’t so racist or sexist or elitist or otherwise untrue to my secret-inner-algorithm-of-what-constitutes-a-true-Democrat, President Hillary would surely be the Greatest President Ever and we would all have ponies, mine silver.


Obama smells, pass it on.


Did everyone see her “9/11 Series” of oil and watercolor paintings?


Tell that to Ehud Barak.


So Obama’s really Israeli?


There’s something Stalinesque in this one. Obviously she’s a conservative communist.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, so he’s a foreigner, and legacy babies shall not be allowed!


“Nasser Hussain was captain of the English international cricket team. Clearly, Barack Obama is British, and therefore ineligible to assume the office of the President.”

This becomes ironic (no, I mean just that really) in that McCain was not native born and may not be eligible to be President.


18. billy pilgrim said,
March 3, 2008 at 21:12
She learned the definition of ‘irony’ from Alanis Morrissette.



Oops, pardon my rampant caps lock.


“Nina’s art around the world”

Oy. She’s not the one who does the Bush Christmas card, is she?


McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, so he’s a foreigner.
He’s not a natural-born citizen? That is hilarious.



LOL. I am dying over here.


I cn hz “Panamanian candidate” googol-bom plz?
“Panamaniac” would also be sweet. kthnxbai.


Do I hear “Juan PanaMcCain?”


So I followed IFTTDGY’s Panama John McCain link.

This is where it starts to get a little crazy. “The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth,” begins 8 USC 1401(c ): “a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person.”

Is that for real? US citizenship can be passed on through birth, but only if one parent is a property-owner?


I am now dumber for having read this.


Heretofore, it is declared across these Lands that John McCain shall be referred to as “Panama Jack” McCain, a lovable yet rebellious maverick.


“Moooooslim” is precisely the way my great-great-aunt from Arkansas says it. She’s 80 something and her thoughts on Obama went like this:

“Well, first off he’s a Mooooooslim, and he might be working for them. Second off, he’s a nigger, and I’m not voting for one of them either”

That wouldn’t make a bad, shorter Nina.


“Everybody knows” that coincidences are mistaken for irony by people apparently more intelligent than this May person virtually every day.


Jesus Hussein Christ.


Charles Barkley’s Peccary Sticks

1 gallon talented peccary, grandly grilled
1 gallon veggie
3 pounds stingy cheese
6 portions cancerous horse skull


how in the world is he to stand in front of the world and answer the question [sic]

At least when he does say the oath of office, he’ll mean it. Not like Bush and Cheney TWICE lying through their teeth.

Heretofore, it is declared across these Lands that John McCain shall be referred to as “Panama Jack” McCain, a lovable yet rebellious maverick.

Panama Red?


(comments are closed)