


Comments: 87


USO tour?

So which one’s got the ping-pong balls and which one dances with the snake?


Serving in Iraq ia for the little people.


Tisk-tisk, Master Kenobi. Jenna’s going to lay down cover fire while NotJenna leads a platoon of Marines into Fallujah to rescue an orphaned kitty.


Pics or stfu! 🙂


But what does Bill Buckley’s tombstone have to say?


Shouldn’t you have some sirens, or something?


So Jenna’s got the ping-pong balls and NotJenna feeds the kitty to the snake?

Got it.



no ping-pong balls. Malkin got there first and used ’em all up.


That’s no way to win a war. Put Laura behind the wheel of a Bradley and let her loose in Baghdad. That’ll end yer war.


Aw, c/mon. they’ll just hang out in the Green Zone,drinking margaritas.


I think we are onto something. This warn needs the Twins. Only they can end this conflict and bring order to Mesopotamia.


They’re there, but all the actual soldiering is being done by Mia Baxter and a ghostwriter-to-be-named-later.


RB: they’re ripping on Drudge for having blown Prince Harry’s cover in Afghanistan. Or so I think. My morning Drambuie hasn’t kicked in quite yet.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Just the twins aren’t enough to get the job done.

What America needs is a whole platoon of Bushes!

Military Service Eligible Children of Jeb Bush
George P. Bush
Noelle Bush
John Ellis Bush Jr.

Military Service Eligible Children of Neil Bush
Lauren Bush
Pierce Bush

Military Service Eligible Children of Marvin Bush
Marshall Bush

Military Service Eligible Children of Dorothy Bush
Samuel LeBlond
Ellie LeBlond

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Oh, and If al Quaeda found out that the Gary Booger-Saul St. James gang were headed over there, they’d surrender immediately!


In other breaking news:

The Republican National Convention has launched a new version of its official website, http://www.gopconvention2008.com, added a convention blog. New features include a section for bloggers covering the convention, and a Convention Insider tab that allows the general public to ask questions of convention organizers. The new site touts itself as “tech-savvy” and RNC blogger, Matt Burns, says that it’s part of an effort to make the RNC “fun, exciting and energizing.”

I just can’t add anything to that.


Oops, the link either isn’t up yet, or it’s not working because of the comma at the end of com. Sorry about that.


Love that blink tag!

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

…and let’s not forget Jonah Goldberg and his fat ass, which could be used as bait for an ambush.

Jonah could be left out in the public square in Fallujah with a sandwich board reading, in Arabic,

“Hey, Iraqis! We’re throwing your you small, crappy little country against the wall, just to show the world we mean business!”

Man, I’m on fire today!


What America needs is a whole platoon of Bushes!

Shortest. Lived. Platoon. EVAH.

Your Uncle Bastard

Bushwacking joke optional, here.

Rugged in Montana

In this war against islamofascism America shall emerge triumphant just as we have in all wars that the left didn’t force us to surrender. We defeated the British, the Barbary pirates, the Indians, Mexicans, Spanish, Germans, Italians, Japanese and Russians and now we shall defeat the islamofascists. By mocking our President in a time of war you are encouraging our nations enemies in a time of war. I hope you liberals realize what you are doing and reconsider.


We’re not dead yet, ye scurvy wanker


Take that, Indians! That’ll teach you to occupy land that your ancestors had lived on for thousands of years!


in all wars that the left didn’t force us to surrender

At least you admit we can make you roll over and beg for mercy whenever we fucking well please.

We also are the ones forcing you to touch yourself at night.

Drugged in Montana



Rugged in Montana…like Brokeback Mountain rugged? Yummy


“In this war against islamofascism to secure the fatherland America Germany shall emerge triumphant just as we have in all wars that the left Jews didn’t force us to surrender. ”

You know, switching a few words around doesn’t defend you against accusations of plagiarism. Also, we lost 1812. They burned the White House, we achieved none of our objectives, it wrecked the economy, and our national debt skyrocketed.

Unless Mr. Madison was a conservative at the beginning of his term and a leftist at the end, I’m not sure how you can blame the libs.


Guys, it’s not “rugged,” it’s rug-ged, as in wearing a–. Just look for the Montana guy in a pompadour toupee.


Jenna Bush has served as a role model to at least one Decatur, Illinois chickenhawk, and possibly more.


Matt Burns, says that it’s part of an effort to make the RNC “fun, exciting and energizing.”

Proposal: mash-up of Veronica’s Blog and the Bush Twins’ Oriental Adventure. That would be ‘fun, exciting, and energizing.’


…and let’s not forget Jonah Goldberg and his fat ass, which could be used as bait for an ambush

It’s pork. The Islamomuslofascists won’t bite.


White Male – not bad but I think it would be better to have a “reality” show called Baghdad House. Put all the neo-cons in it then allow viewers to evict one person each day. Once they are out, they are on their own in the middle of Baghdad!


The fact is, by blaming America first for al-Qaida in Iraq’s presence, Barack Obama shows the difference between being glib and being articulate and just why John McCain should be president of the United States.

It was as if Neville Chamberlain was blaming World War II on Winston Churchill, or if someone had claimed Hitler wouldn’t have invaded France if the British hadn’t put their expeditionary force there first.

In an incredible long-distance exchange with McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee for president, Sen. Obama first states that he would send soldiers back to Iraq “if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq.”

When McCain responded that “al-Qaida in Iraq” has that name because it is already there, Obama replied that there was “no such thing as al-Qaida in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq.”

Slick Willie, meet slicker Barack, who is blissfully unaware that terrorists hate us for what we are, not what we do.

There are many reasons why we liberated Iraq, and John McCain whispering in George Bush’s ear was not one of them. We did not “invade” Iraq. We went in under authority of U.N. Resolution 1441, which gave Saddam Hussein a “final opportunity” to give a full accounting of what happened to the WMD that the mass murderer used against his neighbors and own people, or there would be “serious consequences.” Saddam didn’t, and there were.

We’re sure Obama would rather have used some “aggressive personal diplomacy,” as he so glibly puts it, on Saddam. His policy would be to bomb an ally such as Pakistan while talking to a soon-to-be nuclear adversary such as Iran.

And as long as Obama’s borrowing phraseology from other politicians, we’re surprised he hasn’t paraphrased the words of the late William Borah, whom he rivals in naivete.

On hearing of the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, the Idaho senator lamented: “Lord, if only I could have talked with Hitler, all this might have been avoided.”

Ah, if only Barack had been able to talk with Saddam …

Whether we’re talking about Saddam’s Iraq, al-Qaida, or other states and terrorist groups, the fact is that they were and are linked by a common enemy and goal — they want the U.S. destroyed. They are allies as much as Germany, Japan and Italy were allies in World War II. They may not coordinate every jot and tittle of their efforts, but the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

That there were links was confirmed by Lee Hamilton, vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission, who said that the commission did not disagree with the administration’s assertion that there were connections between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

Added Thomas Kean, commission chairman: “There were contacts between Iraq and al-Qaida, a number of them, some of them a little shadowy. They were definitely there.”

Indeed there were. For example, Abdul Rahman Yasin, a member of the al-Qaida cell that detonated the 1993 World Trade Center bomb, found safe haven in Iraq, and documents recently found in Tikrit indicate that Saddam provided Yasin with both a home and a salary. Why?

Back in 1999, ABC News reported that Saddam had offered bin Laden asylum, citing their “long relationship” and a December 1998 meeting in Afghanistan between Osama and Iraqi intelligence chief Faruq Hijazi. And so on, and so on.

In 1998, the Clinton Justice Department alleged in an indictment against bin Laden that “al-Qaida reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al-Qaida would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al-Qaida would work cooperatively with the government of Iraq.”

As the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes has reported, reams of captured documents show that elite Iraqi military units trained some 8,000 al-Qaida terrorists. They belonged to groups such as Algeria’s GSPC, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ansar al Islam and the Sudanese Liberation Army, at camps in Samarra, in Ramadi and at Salman Pak, where a Boeing 707 fuselage was used for terrorist training.

Perhaps Obama has an explanation for Iraqi intelligence operative Ahmed Hikmat Shaker helping one of the 9/11 hijackers get to Malaysia and attending the Kuala Lumpur meeting in January 2000 with two of the hijackers, a meeting roundly acknowledged to be the initial 9/11 planning session.

The charge that our liberation of Iraq has caused terrorists to flock to Iraq disproves Obama’s own argument that Iraq is not central to the war on terror. Better they flock to Iraq to be killed by American and Iraqi troops than flock to a Pittsburgh or Detroit to execute plans to kill Americans here.

A President McCain will understand that.


They’re wearing the Rumsfeld-approved body armor, I see.


…and let’s not forget Jonah Goldberg and his fat ass, which could be used as bait for an ambush

Jim: Oh boys, lookee what I got heyuh.
Jonah: Hey, where the brown people at?


Uh oh. The 70-mpg plug-in diesel hybrid is teh U-boat of Liberal Fascism.

Somebody tell Jonah.


Why they no has party hats?


Oops, I meant to send you here.

Break out the Enigma machine.


Servicing the troops?


The fact is, liberals cannot help us in the long war against islamofascism, especially since they appear to be allies of the enemy and stab us in the back by thwarting our efforts to prosecute the war on Islam, which this is, and which Iraq is only one front on. Islam and Western Civilization cannot co-exist on the same planet. Its us or them.


Hi Gary! Has the medication worn off again? Is the hospital looking for you?


Islam and Western Civilization cannot co-exist on the same planet. Its us or them.

Pass on both.


No connections have been made between Al Qa’ida and the Saddam Hussein era Iraq government, and no amount of fraudulent journalism from right wing simpletons will change that.

Right wingers are simply too cowardly to admit that they invaded Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with Al Qa’ida.

If they had any balls, they’d admit it, but they can’t; since all the right wing cheerleaders at home are service-avoiding mama’s boys, they aim to hide their real reasons behind “terrorism” arguments they can’t sustain.

Thankfully decades of liberal governance of the U.S. (as well as the liberals who established the U.S. Constitution) have prevented the right wingers from surrendering to the Islamic fundamentalist extremists they would love to surrender to, since the American right wing largely loves the world view of the Islamic fundamentalists to whom they excitedly gave billions of dollars and laudatory words and diplomatic protection in the 1980s.


Cid, you lost him at “fraudulent.”


I’m sure Vlemx News appreciates your plagiarism, Ruppertino.


The fact is, they plagarized me.


“charge that our liberation of Iraq has caused terrorists to flock to Iraq”

It wasn’t our “liberation” of Iraq that encouraged a few Jihadi to fight that seems to be the problem, brah.

The problem is that the country is a mashed up group of ethnicities that don’t particularly get along and our presence isn’t exactly encouraging them to play nice. Of course, if there were French soldiers patroling your neighborhood with machine guns, raping and murdering, you’d probably get some sand into your panties too.

Which, if you have been paying attention, was pretty much the best reason not to have gone in the first place. Aside from the obvious lack of weaponry.


“Of course, if there were French soldiers patroling your neighborhood with machine guns, raping and murdering, you’d probably get some sand into your panties too”

The fact is, this is pure hard left blood libel faggotry, our soldiers do NOT rape and kill the innocent, only terroristic insurgents. The French would, here, but we have a job to do and sometimes you have to break a few eggs, oh well we are STRONG for FREEDOM and liberals are weak. Bush is doing a great job.


“break a few egess” = kill a few civillians/?


Nobody is innocent in war, and nobody deserves our pity, our soldiers do not deserve your scorn, THEY ARE KEEPING YOU FREE. Please shut up.


Gavin, did you draw the tongue on Barney?

Nice touch.


You said Our Soldiers rape. YOU, sir, are a traitor!!!


our soldiers do NOT rape and kill the innocent

Gary, I have a serious question. How do you keep up the filter that only lets in facts that support your fantastical worldview? That’s some complex denial you have going on. Seek professional help.


Gavin, did you draw the tongue on Barney?

That’s not a tongue,that’s a bull’s-eye.


“Nobody is innocent in war”

gary has declared the americnn troops guilty and is therefore a traitorous lefitist


Why does this guy think his bit is still funny?


By mocking our President in a time of war you are encouraging our nations enemies in a time of war.

Somewhere in a cave in Afghanistan:

Terrorist operative – “Imam, I have great news to report!”

Osama bin Laden – “Tell me!”

Terrorist operative – “As you know, our operatives in the field must keep morale high. With the stress of battle, spirits have lagged.”

Osama bin Laden – “Has it taken a toll on the troops?”

Terrorist operative – “I fear it has, effendi. But great news from America!”

Osama bin Laden – “Yes?”

Terrrorist operative – “President Bush has been filmed in Africa attempting to dance! Our supporters at the Daily Show and Saturday Night Live will soon exploit this opportunity by mocking his lack of rhythm and lame white boy moves! it is a boon to the cause!”

Osama bin Laden – “Praise be to Allah! It shall give fresh inspiration to the troops!”


I always wonder what pasty, flabby, winger bed-wetters like GArY mean when they talk about “we” and “us” with respect to “fighting.”


Oh look, Rogered in Montana is back!

Trilateral Chairman

I’ve never quite understood all the enthusiasm for Jenna. Barb Jr. is the more physically attractive of the two, in my view (and possibly the smarter one, since she made it to Yale while Jenna didn’t).

I’m certainly open to counterargument, though.


Yeah Gary, and remember when Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intelligence in Prague, and when we couldn’t afford for the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud? Ah, good lies, good times.


Hey, did you all check out the new Hillary ad?

Who do you want answering the phone?

One hilarious Atrios commenter wrote:

Phone rings:

Hillary : “Hello?”

Voice on phone: “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” (hangs up)

I think this ad is crying out for the Sadly treatment.


Rug-ged Montanan: You forgot the Grenadians! Grenadines? Grenades?…er…


The Grenadine war was awesome! America protects its precious mixed drinks resources! Tequila Sunrises forever!


A story this important should be labeled DEVELOPING HARD!


“Morale goes Sproing! at the news. Bush Twins Enter Military; Service with a Smile.”


ummm, Ruppert?

dood, Islam and Christianity have already co-existed on the planet for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Just saying, maybe it’s not them, it’s you.


“Soldiers, don’t finish your jobs yet, ” begs Miss Bush. “We’re coming to Iraq as fast as we can.”


dood, Islam and Christianity have already co-existed on the planet for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Er, one millennium and change.


Trilateral, it’s the age old popularity: Jenna is a slut.


“We went in under authority of U.N. Resolution 1441”

Please post the precise wording of the passage(s) in UNR 1441 that explicitly grant(s) such authority. Frankly, I don’t believe you’ve read it, and I think you’re gambling that none of us have, either.


It’s cheerfulness that marks the finest tank crews.


Bubba, I’m counting on Gary not being so good with the numbers.


First the soldier slander, now kow-towing to the UN. Frankly, I think the gary’s losing it.


Holy crap, who put a nickel in Gary this morning?

Gary. Buddy. Listen to me. Don’t snort that stuff in the mornings. You’ll just have to bump again by eleven, then any hope you might have had to avoid paranoid amphetamine psychosis is gone.

Which can make for a long afternoon….



..and unfortunate lab accidents.


Holy crap, who put a nickel in Gary this morning?



Which Jenna are we sending? Drunken Girls Gone Wild, or re-virginized , never been group banged in the lobby of an Argentinian hotel betrothed Jenna? Inquiring minds want to know.


I love the chain email Gary cut and pasted into the LOST thread. My bet is that scholarships to Liberty U. are handed out to the home-schoolers who cut and paste the most pointless drivel in the most threads. It takes a special kind of mouth-breather to sit and do that all day.


This is pretty cool.

File it under “even a broken clock is right twice a day“.

It’s on Greenwald today…



Gary Ruppert said,

February 29, 2008 at 18:05

The fact is, liberals cannot help us in the long war against islamofascism…

But Jenna and NotJenna can blow them away, eh?

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Nobody is innocent in war

So you’re saying anyone who wants to attack American citizens should go right ahead?



But Jenna and NotJenna can blow them, eh?


You were just one word off the actual Bush strategy for “winning” in Iraq.


FUckn funny, man.


(comments are closed)