Apparently He Didn’t Purge Them All

Charles “Bugsy” Johnson, the world-notorious racist and crackpot over at the sty of spite and villainy that is Little Green Footballs, is still doing that trick that he does:
William F. Buckley has passed away at the age of 82, at his home in Stamford, Connecticut. One of his greatest achievements was to purge the conservative movement of its far-right nut cases, the racists and crackpots who poisoned the well for too long. He’ll be greatly missed.
If you ever catch Johnson in your kitchen chugging your orange juice from the carton, just watch: His writings will soon feature charges of flagrant orange-juice-chugging by Muslims, by immigrants, indeed by the shockingly brazen carton-gulpers at the liberal Huffington Post:
UPDATE at 2/27/08 9:27:37 am:
They’ve turned off comments at the Huffington Post, because they know what will happen: William F. Buckley Dead At 82 – Politics on The Huffington Post.
Mr. Johnson is, of course, the most fabled comment micromanager in the world blogosphere, by some necessity. LGF even has special software that changes formerly rife terms such as ‘sand nigger’ into neutral words like ‘Arab.’ There’s now a large satellite community of wackadoos and Nazi-sympathizers who’ve been exiled from LGF after falling afoul of Johnson’s zealous, often arbitrary, and apparently full-time comment-policing.
Just like Bill Buckley! — in someone’s mind, at least.

Meanwhile, Misha, the chief racist and crackpot over at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, provides a nearly opposite take on Buckley:
I can’t express my sorrow at the passing of William F. Buckley in words, all I can say is that it is yet another proof of the times that we’re in that he should pass at the same time that the conservatism he fathered dies, raped to death by the likes of Juanita McVain and his RINO opportunist ass-lickers.
I suppose that you could call it a mercy that G-d called him home before he had to witness conservatism being stabbed between the ribs one more time by dickless RINO wonders telling us that if we only went back to our abusive husband one more time and kissed his ass, everything would be better THIS time and, besides, if we told the SOB to go fuck himself, we’d only have ourselves to blame for the repeated beatings we’d received.
I suppose you could, but I’m still going to miss him.
G-d knows that we need actual conservatives like him now more than ever, in a time where the only thing we seem to have no shortage of is milquetoast pissants eager to lick the hand that has slapped them in the face repeatedly.
…And here’s the post just below that one:
Can We Start Building the Gallows Already?
Will the Hollyweird liberals wear flag lapel pins to express their support for their country?
Will they wear yellow ribbons to express their support for the troops?
Will they wear orange ribbons to express their support for child-murdering terrorists captured in the field and now detained at Gitmo?
Rope, Crossbeam, Hollyweird Terrorist Sympathizer.
You know the drill.
Apropos Buckley and far-right nutcases, clearly one of these two gentlemen must be in error. On the other hand, they agree on so many other particulars.
A big bag of dicks would hit the spot right about now.
We’ve already covered this subject exhaustively in comments, but I just don’t think it can be emphasized enough: the devolution from Buckley to the current crowd of grunting oafs is so shockingly steep I can barely wrap my mind around it. And that’s keeping in mind that Buckley was a complete asswipe.
Is Misha really a bad xerox of Jonah Goldberg? Why do all the fake macho conservative bloggers look the same? Did their nebbish appearance create sexual frustration which created a well of hate? Or did they start letting themselves go when they realized the joys of the internet?
chickenhawk or egg, people?
Yay! A Chuckles Johnson smackdown! It’s been a while.
What’s great is that about 85% of them are worth him flipping around in his grave.
Nice to see that Chuck has already done the “You Are A Idiot” redirect for the link.
A local MN public radio news program made the mistake of inviting Johnson in for a call in program after the NYT had broken the news about the extent of domestic surveilance (I think). Johnson was advocating for charging the paper with treason. I was driving to a meeting so I got to hear most of it and it was just a scream. Johnson basically told every caller that their point was irrelevant or that he’d refuse to answer such stupid questions from the callers. The host of the show tends to be a ‘devil’s advocate’ conservative, shooting out all of the conservative talking points while trying to maintain his neutral demeanor, but he was just completely flummoxed by Johnson’s whacko snotty replies to every caller, and the show just collapsed into increasingly hostile callers trying to find a way to actually debate points with Johnson, who was having none of it. Man, it was bad.
You know, someone who wears Misha’s type of facial hair (*cough* jailhouse pussy *cough*) might want to go easy on the oral references…
I always enjoy how, in this specimen’s world, he can write asslickers, kissed his ass, go fuck himself, etc. but he has to spell it G_d, lest the holy brimstone rain down upon his pointy head. Classic.
one question: who in the fuck is this G-d character these morons go on and on about?
Gid? Gad?
Note the cute faux-religiosity in how Misha uses “G_d” as if the rest of his vile bilge is unobjectionable to the Big Man in the Sky, but using that middle letter would go right over the line.
I am so bored by people who think using the word “Hollyweird” is clever. Hey, Misha, how many actual orange ribbons did you count at the Oscars anyway? Three? Four? That’s right. That makes this a whole town of people who can’t wait to be blowed up by teh eeeeeviiillll Arabs.
Can anyone clue me into what that title is a reference to???
Jaunita McCain…………………..Someone has not received the marching orders yet.
And the locker room misogyny on display in that spatula city paragraph, lets just say that Lord Spatula has himself some issues.
“raped to death”
“milquetoast pissants”
Methinks Mr. Johnson is typing on his keyboard with much anger. Real men type with two fingers as hard as they can.
This chihuahua is the “Rottweilor” Misha?
Are you serious?
This is the dork we used to give swirlies to in the Boy’s Room. The momma’s boy in the AV club.
Now the picture makes it clear. No wonder I always had the feeling that his blogging was over compensating for something “missing”.
Don’t worry Misha, we won’t let those big bad liberals hurt ya!
You know, I don’t condone torture when practiced by the state, but if some private citizens decided to abduct and slowly torture Misha until he either died or recanted his ways, I’d certainly hope the local DA saw fit plea it down to a misdemeanor. Just saying’.
One of his greatest achievements was to purge the conservative movement of its far-right nut cases, the racists and crackpots who poisoned the well for too long.
Besides Robert Welch and the John Birch Society, I don’t know who else would go on this list of the purged.
Misha types “G-d” for all his Orthodox Jewish readers who print out his posts and study them like new additions to the Talmud.
I read that Misha thing three times and I still can’t figure it out. It is so sweetly ironic that he can mangle the English language while eulogizing Buckley, who used the written word like a painter.
And I really have to rethink my own facial hair at this point….
Misha types “G-d” for all his Orthodox Jewish readers who print out his posts and study them like new additions to the Talmud.
Hmmm, then what does the mysterious “J-” stand for? Jehova? I’m on to you pal!
There’s a strange man at the door. He says he’s called Bill Ayers, but he’s leerily grinning at me. What should I do?
They’ve coined a new word for this level of wankery over at The Poor Man:
We’ve already covered this subject exhaustively in comments, but I just don’t think it can be emphasized enough: the devolution from Buckley to the current crowd of grunting oafs is so shockingly steep I can barely wrap my mind around it. And that’s keeping in mind that Buckley was a complete asswipe.
Reprinted for emphasis.
Can you imagine future conservatives, trying to find relevant intellectual quotes from the Modern GOP? “A minimum wage increase? If I may quote from our intellectual forebear Charles Johnson: ‘FAGORT WIF ROPE ME HANG U BICTH!!’ And let’s not forget these words from Glenn Beck: (hits self in face with wrench)”
I know I’m not all that smart, but you’re kidding about the LGF software, right?
If I may quote from our intellectual forebear Charles Johnson: ‘FAGORT WIF ROPE ME HANG U BICTH!!’
Scott, that’s some funny shit. I encourage further examples.
No, that’s for real, Chris. Back when I used to read that site occasionally (why, Jebus, why?), I would sometimes see a comment along the lines of
from someone who was unfamiliar with the software. It’s there out of necessity.
He’s not. You know how some message boards and comments automatically censor cussing? Chuckles tuned his to automatically filter racial slurs that refer to Muslims and Arabs.
What did all these dorky sadists do with themselves before the internet?
Not at all, no. Every comment goes through a filter that checks it against a list of racist or violent terms. Another formerly-popular one is ‘nuke Mecca.’
Misha in comments to his gallows post:
They’ll find out soon enough that we hate them more than they hate us. AND that we have all the guns.
He’s playing all the old hits.
You can learn all you need to know about Lord Spatula by reading up on his famous encounter with the Reverend Mykeru. Enter this into the Wayback Machine:
It’s an Internet classic. Misha makes a brief appearance, too.
To me, he looks more like Lee Harvey Oswald with a goatee. Maybe it’s the smirk.
You know, someone who wears Misha’s type of facial hair (*cough* jailhouse pussy *cough*) might want to go easy on the oral references…
I think you’re onto something.
….dickless RINO wonders telling us that if we only went back to our abusive husband one more time and kissed his ass, everything would be better THIS time …..
I know Misha ain’t the brightest, but apparently he’s not aware that Buckley was very critical of Bush, at least when it came to Iraq and foreign policy?
Misha’s rape metaphor isn’t surprising, but the familiar lynching threat is all the more striking and ironic given Johnson’s complaints about commenters on the Buckley post. Of course, anyone can mine a negative comment, and a poster’s words deserve far more weight, but try telling that to Bill O’Reilly, who just recently accused Arriana Huffington as being as bad as the Nazis and the KKK.
Tortured cats. Fed antifreeze to their neighbors’ dogs. Molested children. Worked as security guards.
Many of them still do these things even though they now have broadband. Virtual sadism is just so unsatisfying when compared to the real thing.
Here’s the link.
try telling that to Bill O’Reilly, who just recently accused Arriana Huffington as being as bad as the Nazis and the KKK.
Jeeesyus Christ, is it Imus time for O’Reilly YET?!?!?! (INTERROBANG)
Flattering, Five of Diamonds, but sadly, no. That’s my name, like Colonel N— in A Hero of Our Time or Prince K— in Under Western Eyes, but without the military or noble title.
…try telling that to Bill O’Reilly, who just recently accused Arriana Huffington as being as bad as the Nazis and the KKK.
Projection artists, right to the final* scene.
*At least I hope this is their final scene. I want to see an election this November that so completely humbles these fcukers that they never try pulling what they’ve pulled these past seven years again in my lifetime.
Can we start calling “Charles Johnson”, “Chuck Dick”?
I don’t think taking people off the air is any way to deal with a problem.
I’ve been thinking about it. Where do you want the vile, racist (true) fascists?
Right out in the open where you can see ’em.
Jailhouse Pussy = Wingnut Face Mullet.
Its all becoming clear…
Chuck Dick and His Magical Ponytail.
Misha sure do have a purty little mouth tho.
“Nice to see that Chuck has already done the “You Are A Idiot” redirect for the link.”
As for the “You are an idiot” URL redirect, if you’re using Firefox, I recommend a great little add-on, “Ref Control”.
Once installed, you can set it to give you straight access to LGF.
If you want it, of course. Mostly I have it just to foil Johnson’s attempt to foil me.
thunder sez–
“I want to see an election this November that so completely humbles these fcukers…”
Me, too, but nothing will humble them. To be thus humbled requires an ability to perceive (correctly) and respond appropriately to objective events. See where I’m goin’ with this? Ain’t gonna happen. If they could be humbled, they wouldn’t be wingnutz.
I know “Spatula City” from Weird Al’s one and only movie, “UHF”. It is rather dated now, unfortunately, but still has some great bits. One of them is a fake commercial for a store that only sells spatulas.
Unfortunately it seems the
bit is no longer linking. Any other info on this situation? It’s new to me, love to hear more…
Hmmm, then what does the mysterious “J-” stand for? Jehova? I’m on to you pal!
*throws stone*
Jeezus, not only do they all talk the same, they really do look the same to: damn goofy. What is with those ratty beards anyway? Do they think it makes them sophisticated? Masculine? “Serious”? Or do they all just copy one another?
And what the fuck is with all the talk about rape and dickless wonders and such? You assholes have had you’re way on just about everything for years now, you openly fantasize about torturing and murdering anyone you don’t like. And yet as soon as the other side puts up even mild resistance you start screaming about how they’re like an “abusive husband”?
Do these freaks have no self awareness at all? Or do they just enjoy flaunting their psychological hangups?
You know what they call small dogs like chihuahuas and toy poodles up in Alaska…?
bear bait.
Ref-control is good, but may I also introduce those who don’t use it to Interclue.
*throws stone*
Gaze with dread upon the magnificent bearded tigrismus.
tigrismus said,
February 28, 2008 at 21:00
Hmmm, then what does the mysterious “J-” stand for? Jehova? I’m on to you pal!
*throws stone*
Needs linkie!
If I may quote from our intellectual forebear Charles Johnson: ‘FAGORT WIF ROPE ME HANG U BICTH!!’
Scott, that’s some funny shit. I encourage further examples.
I actually tried, but I don’t have what it takes to channel the Primal-Scream Conservatives for more than a line or two… :/
You can learn all you need to know about Lord Spatula by reading up on his famous encounter with the Reverend Mykeru.
What ever happened to the Rev? He was the first blog I ever read. Had some seriously bad times, then ominously disappeared.
Does anybody know whatever became of him?
If I may quote from our intellectual forebear Jonah Goldberg:
Future wingnut sermons will start this way, i’m sure of it. Three hour sermons.
Mmmm..Mmmmm. p-tooie (spits out poodle bones)
It’ll be required reading at Religion U. Ha!
Enter the link into the Wayback Machine:
It’s really funny as hell.
I thought he was still around, but you’re right – is down.
Latin blog! Oh well, at least he’s still among the living.
They really call themselves minions?
Good lord, that’s pathetic.
Scroll down to the bottom of that link and you’ll see that this Lord Spatula/Steve Crager tool lives in a gated apartment complex that is home at least four registered sex offenders, at least one of whom is likely a friend of his.
And really, FOUR registered sex offenders in the same gated community?! Is the community gated to keep them in?
They really call themselves minions?
We wish to welcome you to minion land.
I like chopped green minions on a salad from time to time. Not to be confused with rapscallions, of course.
[slinks away]
Buckley’s not just really dead:
He’s really most sincerely dead.
Latin blog! Oh well, at least he’s still among the living.
That’s space-filling dummy text.
And really, FOUR registered sex offenders in the same gated community?!
Assuming a high percentage of Republican residents? That number’s probably a bit small…
My pet paleocon just died. He was very needy, and I didn’t need to give him anything.
Wow. The thought of domestic violence gets this guy so aroused he can’t even keep a single metaphor going for more than about 10 words. Conservatives were raped to death by ass lickers who stabbed them between the ribs between repeated beatings and slaps to the face? Somebody’s been mixing their gonzo porn with their poltiics again.
Does this guy just have no sense of perspective? Repeated beatings != slap in the face. Raped to death != ass licking. I suppose pointing out that returning to an abusive husband can and often does lead to violence on the level of being stabbed between the ribs, but somehow I don’t think Misha would notice or care about actual domestic violence versus metaphorical domestic violence.
I think using domestic violence metaphors is going on my list below mis-use of the term ‘lynching’ as evidence of sub-surface bias and hatred. Getting asked annoying questions by Congress is not “lynching”; having a mob of angry people of a different race put a noose around your neck and kill you by slow strangulation and beating is lynching. Having your party’s frontrunner for the nominee is not being raped to death. Suffering a long, debasing, physically agonizing experience culminating in death by exsanguination as a result of massive internal bleeding and hemmoraging is being raped to death. Anybody that tries to compare an internal shift in politics to a horrible, slow, agonizing way to be killed isnt’ doing so out of love for the former, they’re doing so because they just dont’ think the latter is really all that awful in comparison.
How come sxwarren shallot off so suddenly?
Somebody’s been mixing their gonzo porn with their poltiics again.
Don’t give RB ideas.
You know what they call small dogs like chihuahuas and toy poodles up in Alaska…?
Might I point out that small dogs are generally excellent company and many are loyal, brave, and teachable. They have nothing in common with the LGF crowd.
That’s space-filling dummy text.
Oh Smut, what have I done to deserve such vile treatment? OK, so I may not be smart, but I am petite, darn it! *sniffle*
child-murdering terrorists captured in the field and now detained at Gitmo
For a while I was puzzled by Misha’s counter-factual assumptions.
…a gated apartment complex that is home at least four registered sex offenders
…Then it all made sense.
Sorry, Smut.
Had to go take a leek in the allium.
Now, what were you saying?
The Lorem ipsum is space-filler! Not you, tig!
Oh no, not another small dog hugger again…
Don’t give RB ideas.
I have few of those, so I will mercilessly pimp Michelle Malkin cheerleading for Soros until the pie is forced down my throat.
Hey, you didn’t say I wasn’t a dummy! WHY YOU LITTLE!
Smut, I know, I’m joshing with you. I’ve used lorem ipsum texts before, I guess my sad little “jokes” are just too lame to be sans crutches.
It’s the style preferred by evil twins, late-inning relief pitchers with theme music, and post-apocalyptic overlords. I.e., “intimidating.”
I was just about to say that people who proudly claim the title of ‘minions’ are clearly members of a Borg chive mind. Nothing but arse-garlickers.
Smut Clyde said,
I was just about to say that people who proudly claim the title of ‘minions’ are clearly members of a Borg chive mind. Nothing but arse-garlickers.
That’s why I chop ’em up. No pun intended.
No, seriously, no pun. I got nothin’.
What did all these dorky sadists do with themselves before the internet?
Let’s just say there are billions of ant grandchildren who roll their eyes whenever Pappy starts in on his charred ass and The Great Magnifying Glass Cataclysm of 1991.
Nothing but arse-garlickers.
A pungent ardour wafts in from the right…
Y’all probably have guessed that I’m pretty new to the intert00bs, but Holy Shit! is that Mykeru thing funny.
Too bad the pictures no longer exist. I wanted to see the sex offender comparison.
One of his greatest achievements was to purge the conservative movement of its far-right nut cases, the racists and crackpots who poisoned the well for too long. He’ll be greatly missed.
Actually, this might be one of Chuckie Cheesies best pieces of writing.
You’ll note he makes no mention of the fact that by throwing them out, Buckley created the NEO conservative movement, peopled by assholes like Chuckie Cheese and the formerly liberal “Jews” whom, by constitution, Buckley was duty-bound to disgrace anyway…
What is it with hyper patriotic dipshits who aren’t even American? Kim Du Twat? South African import. Adam Yoshida? Canadianer. Emperor Misha the Ankle Biter? Also Not From Here. It’s like these guys are trying to compensate for not being natives by being ten times crazier. See also Steyn, Mark.
Kim of the Twat sounds like some sort of South African adventurer gone wrong, or maybe right.
Ain’t no evangelist like a convert.
Chuck Dick and His Magical Ponytail.
How much dick would a dickchuck chuck if a dickchuck could chuck dick?
It’s like these guys are trying to compensate for not being natives by being ten times crazier.
I think that we can include Michelle Malkin. She isn’t a foreigner, but she still has to overcompensate or her readers will assume that she is.
Sadly, yes.
Misha looked familiar to me and I finally realized he’s a dead ringer for a local gay bear who has a reputation for scrubbing himself rather enthusiastically at the Minneapolis YMCA after his workout. I have no firsthand knowledge of this, but it is widely circulated…
Whatever you say, g.
Of course MalKKKin is a foreigner. Only white people come from America.
The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave
(That was the missus and my song when we first started dating.)
Kim of the Twat sounds like some sort of South African adventurer gone wrong, or maybe right.
I always figured it was a play on the first three integers in French (Ann Du Twah) or he was “Kim, Kim of the TOILET!”
Jee, think how racist and crackpot the Republican party would be without Buckley.
As for Mykeru (Michael Cortese), another Wayback Machine search found this final entry in his old blog, from a year ago:
…which indicates that he came through his tough times in good shape (“…any landing you can walk away from is a good one.”) but was dropping his Mykeru pseudonym and was folding up his blog for awhile.
So he seems to be okay.
John Hari’s description of the reaction to Buckley on a Neocon cruise ship is revealing:
“Aren’t you embarrassed by the absence of [WMDs in Iraq]?” Buckley snaps at Podhoretz. … The audience cheers Podhoretz. The nuanced doubts of Bill Buckley leave them confused. Doesn’t he sound like the liberal media? Later, over dinner, a tablemate from Denver calls Buckley “a coward”. His wife nods and says, “Buckley’s an old man,” tapping her head with her finger to suggest dementia.
At least Buckley seemed to have realized that the Neocons are whackos.
Hari’s article is worth a read:
>UNE_NegroFascist said,
>February 28, 2008 at 19:51
>Can anyone clue me into what that title is a reference to???
Mr. Spatula is Steve Crager. If you discounted all of the white supremacists and child molesters it could be reasonably argued that he is the worst person on the Internet.
The spatula handle comes from the fact that he ran a BBS back in the early 90’s when he flipped burgers for a living. He brags in his biography that he bought an expensive PC on a minimum wage salary. Read his father’s day posts for a perfect example of sub-humanity.
I started paying attention to the guy and the rest of the Rott crew after he threatened Rev. Mykeru (Google it) and then ran away like a pussy. In the last few months he managed to get himself banished from Misha’s blog, but he knows Misha’s real name, address, etc. so he hasn’t been fully banned.
Think about how terrible a person you have to be to be ostracized from that group…
Sorry, I didn’t see the links to Mykeru’s page on or the “spatula city” thing on UHF. I still think Crager picked the name because he used a spatula professionally for many years.
His full name was William F U Buckley.
I read through the Mykeru thing. And you say that Spatula fellow hasn’t changed his ways at all, and even declared “victory” in that little flame war? No self awareness and no shame. Anyway, that Mykeru seems like pretty cool guy (as George Costanza might say) to bad I never heard of him before and now he’s not blogging anymore.
Mr. Spatula is Steve Crager. If you discounted all of the white supremacists and child molesters it could be reasonably argued that he is the worst person on the Internet.
Based on some of the things the Spatula posted, I’m not at all convinced we need to give him a category separate from the two you’ve mentioned.
Buckley’s towering achievement was to forge modern conservativism. Yes, he did purge the Know-Nothings and the John Birch Society; not physically, of course, as leftists like to do when they are in power, but rather intellectually.
Buckley understood that that individualism was under threat from collectivism, and that only by clearly articulating the objections to collectivism could be contained. And guess what, liberals? It was, to Buckley’s credit. In so far as there is a resistance to the identity politics and state worship that liberals engage in, Buckley helped create the cadre of its intellectual defense.
Compare that to a leading liberal like Bill Ayers, who believed in violence in order to try to bring about a totalitarian state here in America, and you can see the difference. I know it burns you up, liberals. Ban me if you like – the truth really (really) hurts you.
Buckley’s bathhousing achievement was to forge neurotic conservativism. Yes, the way you have programmed yourself outclassed purge an increasing number of Know-Nothings and an increasing number of Dominique Birch wheel; not sororially, of course, as leftists like to opossum when many of us are in dream, but rather intellectually.
Buckley petrified that that individualism was next to threat onto collectivism , or that frantically by abusively pluckying your objections to collectivism could divorcee observed. Or rest what, phantoms? It was, to Buckley’s credit. In so far as there is one more resistance to identity politics and state worship that phantoms engage in, Buckley pleasured enable your cadre of its xenophobic cataclysm.
Compare that to one less be freeing synonymous like Theodora Ayers, who nullified in violence in decorate to make pathways to bring melodically each totalitarian state this place in America , or not enough of us ca feed the difference. Most people know it burns not enough of us up, synonymouses. B my own seed if not enough of us like-the nudity sweepinglysweepingly ( sweepingly) draw blood froms not enough of us.
RodeoBob said,
February 28, 2008 at 21:42
I suppose pointing out that returning to an abusive husband can and often does lead to violence on the level of being stabbed between the ribs, but somehow I don’t think Misha would notice or care about actual domestic violence versus metaphorical domestic violence.
You got that right. These bastards are the very ones complaining all the time about having to pay taxes for rape crisis centers and shelters for abused women, and how if only those bitches would just shut up and submit to their lords and masters like the inferior beings they are, all society’s problems would go away.
Ban me if you like, but all opposing arguments crumble before my super-awesome argument-winning argument.
Wow. Making the obligatory declaration of victory before anybody’s even replied is a new one.
HL is t3h WINNAR!11!
Misha is the tough guy who will gladly kick your ass if you come to his gated community. He refuses to meet anywhere else. He won’t even meet you on the corner. Nope. and if you refuse to come and try to ring in so he can call 911, you are the pussy.
I always pictured Misha like this. Imagine my disappointment upon reading this post.
@ HL: “Compare that to a leading liberal like Bill Ayers”. Bill Ayers? Leading liberal? Did I miss a meeting?
as to: Can We Start Building the Gallows Already?
I’d just like to say:
Wow, I really like the way those silver death’s heads on the collar tabs of your uniform really bring out the evil in your eyes!
Just what is it about insisting on absolute conformity with arbitrary and utterly trivial dress codes, jewelry, ribbons, and fetishistically display of the flag? Would the Japanese not have bombed Pearl Harbor if only we’d flown a lot more flags? It doesn’t quite work the same way as with garlic and vampires, y’know. Have you forgotten what country you live in and need the constant reminder, like you’re suffering from early onset Alzheimers? If Osama bin Laden put a yellow ribbon on his SUV, would that make everything alright again? I’m sure all those soldiers getting blown up are very impressed with the courage and sacrifice you’re making with your lapel pin.
Sadly, No. (couldn’t help myself, etc.)
As always, patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.
The treason is that of those people who could wait to through as much of our actual freedom and liberty under the bus, as they cower in fear behind the flag and wet themselves every time they hear a loud noise. You are not worthy.
Thanks, Snorghagen, that was some of the funniest shit I have read in some time.
Thanks for the background Jman!
Sweet sweet jeebus….
>merlallen said,
>February 29, 2008 at 13:53
>Misha is the tough guy who will gladly kick your ass if you come to his gated community. He >refuses to meet anywhere else. He won’t even meet you on the corner. Nope. and if you >refuse to come and try to ring in so he can call 911, you are the pussy
Actually, that’s Spatula. When Misha is called to the carpet he’ll post everything he can find to identify the challenger (real name, IP address, links to websites, blogs, email addys, etc.) and will then encourage his minions to virtually attack. All of which he does behind a cloak of anonymity.
One last post and then I’m done:
If anyone has the time or the patience (I have neither, at the moment) to comb through, see if the comments from the Crager posts are still available from They’re almost better than the original posts themselves.
The pinnacle was when one of Crager’s best friends from high school (a nice liberal fellow) popped up in Mykeru’s comments, horrified that his buddy Steve had turned into this raving Spatula lunatic. He eventually went over to SpatulaCity and confronted Crager in the SC comment section with a little dose of reality, as in you’re making an absolute fool of yourself and people you know in the real world are finding out about it.
Man, I wish the Rev had kept’s archives available to the public. A comedy clusterf*ck of that magnitude may never occur on the internet’s again.