Uh-oh! They’re onto us!
Oh crap! The Tennessee Republican Party is onto Barry X’s plan to turn America into West Allahstan:
The Tennessee Republican Party today joins a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.
“It’s time to set the record straight about Barack Obama and where he really stands on vital issues such as national security and the security of Israel,” said Robin Smith, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. “Voters need to know about two items that surfaced today which strongly suggest that an Obama presidency will view Israel as a problem rather than a partner for peace in the Middle East.
Obama, (pictured dressed in Muslim attire in a 2006 visit to Africa) has on the campaign trail pledged to rapidly remove American soldiers from Iraq regardless of the resulting instability and the creation of opening that would be filled by Islamic extremists, like Al Qaeda, in Iraq’s government and military.
Obama has pledged to hold a Muslim Summit to determine Middle East policy with the very leaders that have as their goal to remove Israel from the map, referenced Jews to be “dogs” and “pigs,” among other vile references.
Well, there goes our plan to run a stealth candidate. Maybe Obama should just bust Mumia out of the clink now, so we can start the Revolution before they figure everything out.
Above: While scandalously refusing to wear a flag pin on the outside of his lapel,
Obama proudly wears this pin on the inside. No, it’s true, ask a black person.
[Via Yglesias.]
Does anyone know any recipes or serving suggestions for a big bag of dicks?
That’s one bitchin’ toga the O-face is sporting.
I’m thinking you’d want to ask a Republican about that. What’s Bob Allen doing these days?
This non-story is so utterly retarded I’m starting to get a migraine every time some wingnut mentions it. That purposefully-ignorant Muslim = EVIL crap…argh. I hope this bullshit dies out when the Redoublechins are thrown out of power.
Have they forgotten?
ZOMG!!1! The big bag of dicks returns!
I liked the suggestion here a few days ago that, once elected, Obama should just bust out a different racial stereotype for every SOTU address. Rapper w/lots of bling, Rastaman, Malcolm X, etc etc.
Swear to god, before this campaign is over, the Republitards are going to be running ads that say “don’t vote for the n***er.”
It’s who they are, man. They won’t be able to stop themselves.
This non-story is so utterly retarded I’m starting to get a migraine every time some wingnut mentions it.
Get used to it. It ain’t stoppin’ ’til November.
Did the Tennessee Republican Party just dispute the indisputable fact that Iraq is a stable Middle East democracy?
Get used to it. It ain’t stoppin’ ’til November.
I’d agree, except it’s going to last a lot longer than that.
Get used to it. It ain’t stoppin’ ’til November.
And if Obama wins, not even then.
This is starting to remind me of Eno’s quote about how The Velvet Underground sold very few records, but everyone who bought one started a band.
As these paranoid freaks get more shrill and hysterical, their audience is going to drop to a point where they won’t be able to affect the vote, but every single one of them is going to have an arsenal* . This is going to get very scary before it’s over.
*arsenal could also = a cubbyhole stuffed with enough cheetos and mountain dew to last for 4 years
Every time “bag of dicks” surfaces, I get the Felix the Kat theme stuck in my head. Why is that?
Because you’re laughing so much your sides hurt and your heart is going pitter pat?
I ululate in solidarity with Obama.
Obama has pledged to hold a Muslim Summit to determine Middle East policy with the very leaders that have as their goal to remove Israel from the map, referenced Jews to be “dogs” and “pigs,” among other vile references.
Obama turned himself into dogs and pigs by making reference to the existence of Jews? No, even when taken literally this sentence is a grammatical nightmare. This kind of writing makes the baby Buckly cry.
Brad what makes you think it’ll stop in November?
d’oh. Bill beat me to it. well played, sir.
Shouldn’t that read, “Robin Hitler Smith” of the Tennessee Republican Party?
I hereby call Automatic Middle Name Of Hitler bullshit on racist republican scumbags–ie, ALL OF THEM.
Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East
Whoa, slow up there, Tennessee Republican Party! Stay on message. Didn’t you hear about the miracle that is Iraq and Afghanistan?
It’ll never stop, it will just escalate. What would stop them? Leadership? Taste? Empathy? Concern for the nation? Shame?
I say Obama should bust out now, too. I wanna vote for the United States of Shaft.
“…a growing chorus of Americans…”
Illiteracy is also on the rise. Coincidence?
And I’ll add that none other than Karl Rove advised them to drop the whole “Hussein” angle, and they explicitly refused.
Karl Rove is now the voice of reason in the Republican Party.
Karl Rove is now the voice of reason in the Republican Party.
Get outta here! You have GOT to be joking.
The Tennessee Republican Party (or as we call them here in the Volunteer State, the North Mississippi Republican Party) should have more important things on its mind. Like worrying about Georgia coming to steal our vital fluids.
Wait, isn’t what we’ve had for the last seven years the United States of Shaft?
Hey,if Rove keeps it up maybe he’ll become the voice of treason in the Republican party.
Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East
The only one left now that Lebanon has been destabilised.
Why the fuck should Obama be concerned with the security of Israel? And that’s asked as a goy who at one point, seriously inquired about serving in the IDF (terminal goyism and my hesitance to renounce my citizenship kept me home).
Don’t the Israelis have an army? An air force? They damned sure better have, because we subsidize it, or is the IDF nothing more than Blackwater for the chosen people?
I work with an older lady who is a Republican. She’s nice enough, but still a gooper. She wouldn’t vote for Romney during the primary, solely because he’s a “damn Mormon”. She voted for Bush twice, but thinks he is doing a lousy job now and can’t wait for him to get out of office.
This kind of thing, calling Obama a Muslim, is only going to resonate with people like her. People who weren’t planning on voting Dem anyway. It’s a sad, pathetic, last ditch effort to stem the coming Democratic Deluge. A doomed attempt to stop the inevitable end of the Republican party as we have known it.
Loyal patriots that we are, we are obligated to help these goopers-treading-water out in the way that will benefit our country the most…by tossing them an anchor.
Now who wants to go around with me, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, and urge people to convert to Islam?!
Allahu Akbar
Wait, isn’t what we’ve had for the last seven years the United States of Shaft?
How ’bout the United States of Deliverance?
Well, I definitely felt a “shaft”.
And nobody told me I had to squeal like a pig. I just did naturally.
There’s no such thing as the Tennessee Republican party. They’re actually called the Jungle Drum Party.
Hey, is Turkey not in the Middle East anymore? They have a stable democracy. And they also receive huge amounts of U.S. aid.
Oh, and remember:
If you’re going to practice the “bitchslap theory of politics,” you have to remember to SLAP THE BITCH.
Here endeth the lesson.
Hrm…*snorf* where did I put those rose colored contacts…
Ah, there they are. I’m reminded of the case some years back when a Florida school floated the idea of including LGB (and maybe even T) in their non-discrim. This being a school in a fairly red part of FL the board members and community leaders were, at first, not inclined to do it. But their shriveled little hearts had just enough blood left to see the sense of having a discussion about it.
The opposition was so vile, nasty, violent, mindlessly vicious that they all changed their minds. When they enacted the new protections they explained why they unanimously voted for it. Paraphrasing their reasoning, “It was the outpouring of hatred and unveiled violence of the people against it that showed just why this measure is so needed.”
I’m going to think hopeful thoughts; thoughts that a similar scenario could well play itself out across the nation over the next 9 months.
Then I’ll take the contacts out and go back to the gin.
Praise the lord and pass the bottle, because people are human, but The People are bastards.
Does anyone know any recipes or serving suggestions for a big bag of dicks?
I believe they are traditionally served sharply against the back of the fReichtard skull. Don’t forget to swing from your hips, and calculate the arc carefully if you are standing in a crowded basement or CPAC conference room.
We could also revive the Irish Jumpstart:
i) Cup left hand over fReichtard’s right ear;
ii) Swing right hand sharply and with force against wingnut’s left ear.
No, these ancient rituals won’t make our fReichtards any less annoying, but it will help lower *our* collective blood pressure levels.
The Tennessee Republican Party should listen to Tony Blankley. He’s got it figured out–maybe.
How to Beat Obama (Maybe)
The Republicans must systematically make a hundred tightly argued, irrefutable critiques of very specific examples of Obama’s policy being wrong for at least 60 percent of America.
Because, you know, the American media as shaped in part by Rovian slime attacks, is so well adapted to that kind of campaign. Tim Russert will step patiently through such arguments when McCain and Obama debate. And Obama’s background as a star law student at Harvard won’t give him any advantage in such a situation.
I can hardly wait until McCain starts his closely reasoned argument against Obama starting to withdraw our troops from Iraq combined with his critique against Obama ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent.
Can we at least agree that Barack should nominate Bootsy Collins for the Supreme Court?
Straight out of wanker Halperin’s “How McCain can Beat Obama” piece on his blog. I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!
Swear to god, before this campaign is over, the Republitards are going to be running ads that say “don’t vote for the……”
Oh, lo’dy, lo’d, he’s despit! Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy…
The overall lesson to take away from the Democratic primary season so far is that big charges against Obama backfire on the accuser.
Yes, listen to Blakely.
If Obama can be defeated, it will not be with a meat cleaver but with a surgeon’s scalpel. This is difficult in a national campaign in which the public, almost of necessity, must be communicated with by slogans. But Obama is the master responding to blustery charges with wry, dry irony.
Blakely seems to know that in a battle of wits, no conservative will win.
“Can we at least agree that Barack should nominate Bootsy Collins for the Supreme Court?”
One Nation Under A Groove, indeed.
Actually, Bootsy should be Poet Laureate.
You just know the fools who brought us “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” will come out with “It’s the White House, not the Black House”
Shorter TenGOP: “The Jew is the white male of the … er … Whut wuz I sayin’?”
Like an overcooked bag of dicks, this is going to backfire in their faces. The average red meat chompin’ Tennessee Republickan don’t care to much for no Jews. When he sees his party is wringing its paws over them people, he won’t be too pleased.
Seems to me “a growing chorus of Americans” are more and more begining to look hopefully and perhaps even impatiently toward an Obama presidency. And many of them have absolutely no fear that he is a terrorist.
For that matter, I thought he was running for president of the United States of America, not Israel. Isn’t it a GOOD thing that he is more interested in the health and well being of America and Americans than he is in Israelis? I mean, don’t they have their OWN damn president?
The Tennessee Republicans are passionately concerned about the survival of Israel because they need a place to ship their twenty or thirty remaining Jews, and building ovens just costs too much money that could be better spent subsidizing NASCAR.
The Naboo are using the Jar-Jar as muscle against YOU. So, what’re you gonna do about it … JEDI?!
Haw, haw, haw.
Know what makes this even richer?
Before landing in this current gig as Republican shill, the TNGOP communications director in question, Bill Hobbs, was forced to resign his paid position at Belmont University because he posted anti-Islamic cartoons on his website. (His unpaid position at the time was as communications director for Bryson For Governor.)
Local coverage here: http://www.news2wkrn.com/vv/category/archive/hobbsgate-2006/
All us Black men, even us Mulattoes and Quadroons who self identify as Black, wear the Panther pin on the waist band of our BLACK underwear. (okay, maybe I really do . . . I ain’t sayin)
I mean, don’t they have their OWN damn president?
I am quietly confident that presidential elections in Israel are dominated by debate on vital issues such as national security and the security of the USA.
Actually, Bootsy should be Poet Laureate
And to maintain Security of the First World, he’ll nominate Professor Griff.
I’m surprised the TNGOP hasn’t pointed out that, as a black man, he ought to feel comfortable working in a large white (somewhat) Southern mansion with a bunch of rich crackers telling him what to do.
So if Obama wants a Clinton on his ticket, he’s going to get George?
I would like to point out that Obama has yet to apologize for the Martin Lawrence/Raven Symone team-up College Road Trip.
Yes mikey, but he’s a [whisper] Jewish [/whisper] president. So he isn’t be a real president like GeeDubya.
Praise the lord and pass the bottle, because people are human, but The People are bastards.
Exactly. It’s like all the people I work with. Individually, they’re great folk. Put ’em all together and their all idjits.
Actually, Bootsy should be Poet Laureate.
Minister of Culture!
You just know the fools who brought us “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” will come out with “It’s the White House, not the Black House”
Actually, I’m wondering why they haven’t already.
Pharcyde – Runnin’
Lookit that big white house. Nice servants.
They may be onto us, but we still have the Obama campaign’s stealth theme song (from 4:29).
Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
Hey Sadly, No! hosts…you made that cool graph thingy yesterday; could you design for us a Farrakhanometer? Or maybe kind of a “Six Degrees of Louis Farrakhan” thingy. Which would be really cool, actually, because there is only one degree of separation between Louis Farrakhan and pretty much the entire GOP, since they’re the white devils he’s always on about.
The Obama camp started this story with the cooperation of the far-right.
Barack Obama is trying to buy the election. He’s outspending Clinton 4 to 1 in Ohio and failing to gain ground. He’s behind by 25 points in Dennis Kucinich’s Congressional district.
Obama is the choice of the far left and the choice of McCain backers.
Clinton is the choice of real Democrats.
Exit pol results for Democrats
CA: 57/38 Clinton
CT: 50/48 Clinton
FL: 52/35 Clinton
MA: 58/41 Clinton
MO: 50/47 Clinton
The Washington Primary results show that the Caucus system disenfranchises real Democrats. In the caucuses, Obama won easily due to his Chicago intimidation tactics. But in an election with a secret ballot, Obama couldn’t win a majority of votes.
Barack Obama is waging a racist and sexist campaign and I don’t intend to endorse that behavior with my vote.
Barack Obama is not ready,even George W. Bush had more experience than Obama.
Hey Ira, that’s pretty funny!
By the way, you want an egg and a cup of coffee with all that spam?
Question: Was future National Security Director dood from a few threads back same dood as Clay Davis on the Wire? He sounded like him, except he never said “sheeeeeeeeeeiiiiit”.
So I followed the links to the actual site, to make sure I got the full feel of teh stoopid, and read it all the way to the end. Where I found this:
My Irony ‘O Meter imploded so quickly I now have my very own living room singularity.
You’re not gonna believe this, but Josh Marshall just totally ripped me off on the “Six Degrees of Louis Farrakhan” thing. Check out the time stamps. Grrrr.
A real Officious Pedant would have inserted [sic] after the spelling error in the Clarification.
There’s also this, Officious Pedant.
Those dastardly Democrats and their dirty tricks—foiled once again by the brave, selfless souls at the TGOP!
Clinton-Collins ’08
Bringin’ the funk since before Obama could drive.
Also, in order to diffuse attempts by Democrats and the Left to divert attention
There is nothing to say about the ‘defuse -> diffuse’ WordCrime that has not already been said.
Hillary Clinton and Phil Collins?
That makes a weird kind of repulsive, Middle-of-the-road balding-boomer kind of sense.
Vote Collins-Collins in ’08. Help Bootsy and Catfish make the White House all the way live!
Here’s a Clinton-Collins ’08 pairing for all you traditionalists: George Clinton, colonial governor of New York, with Thomas Collins, colonial governor of Delaware. A conservative’s dream ticket!
Tom Collins – Bloody Mary 08!
I think everyone everywhere should say Obama’s full name as often as possible as early on as possible:
Then it’s just background noise with an eventual “so what?” response.
PS, wasn’t King Hussein our friend?
Saddam Hussein was our friend.
This is central to my point.
I swore I wouldn’t contrast Obama and Clinton again, but Ira moved me to break that vow before it even learned to walk.
Is Obama buying all those record-breaking crowds, too, Ira? Clinton’s are starting to look like that photo-op shot of the Saddam statue coming down, where you have to stay close-up or observers will realize there’s hardly anyone there.
By all means carry on wishing your version of reality into being, good luck with that.
Does anyone know any recipes or serving suggestions for a big bag of dicks?
Here I feel obliged to quote the Malleus Maleficarum, just to prove that people have been asking the same question for centuries:
As if there isn’t enough hypocrisy in the Republican Party this pair just can’t manufacture enough of it.
The Malleus Maleficarum was the Drudge Report of its day.
Alright, Herr Clyde, that’s got me completely creeped out.
When I’m sitting here on the floor at four aye emm, eyes screwed shut, clutching my best machete and rocking back and forth moaning, occasionally flailingly lashing out as the squigling, wriggling dicks eating oats on my carpet, I want you to consider your accountability.
And try not to laugh…
When they wrote the Malleus Maleficarum. Kramer and Sprengler were the Serious Pundits of the time. I like to think that my ancestors were meanwhile printing LOLdick woodcuts (with ungrammatical captions).
Lots of ergot in the bread then.
Obama is the choice of the far left and the choice of McCain backers.
How’s THAT work out, Ira? So the far lefties AND the Right Wing Hawks support him? You really got some ‘splainin to do for that to make sense.
Smut Clyde said,
February 28, 2008 at 3:33
Lots of ergot in the bread then.
Same as it ever was.
Hey, Smut, if you want penis cookery, think Chinese (a film review I wrote all by myself!).
mikey said:
By the way, you want an egg and a cup of coffee with all that spam?
Did someone say spam?
Maybe it’s the ergot in the bread…
Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East
Exactly, if by “stable” you mean “likely to start bombing neighboring countries at the drop of a hat” and by “democracy” you mean “nation where a large percentage of the population lives in a virtual state of apartheid”.
Pharcyde – Runnin’
Now don’t be wishin’ of switchin’ any positions with me
cuz when you in my position, it ain’t never easy
to do any type of maintaining cuz all this gaming and famin’ from
campaignin’ is hella strainin’ to the brain and…
But I can’t keep runnin’ I just gotta keep keen and cunnin’…
Those fuckstains probably think “Somali” is somewhere in Italy.
But I must say I am shocked, shocked that they would let a simple fact get in the way of desire to
make complete assholes of themselvesDefend Teh Holey Land!Today I am joining a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the economy and the future of the nation Beliz. Hussein, (shown here in full Nazzi attire) has said that he wants to close some corporate tax loopholes, thus destabilizing Beliz’s economy as a corporate tax-haven.
Hussein needs to explain himself…
How’s THAT work out, Ira? So the far lefties AND the Right Wing Hawks support him? You really got some ’splainin to do for that to make sense.
Yeah, you would think that someone who could pull together such a diverse coalition should be president – since it’s a democracy and all.
Rejected from urbandictionary:
Sadly, No! (aka “S,N!”) is a left-wing blog widely known for clever photoshops and irreverent, 8th grade-level humor. While most of the big-name liberal bloggers focus on politics or news, S,N!, oddly enough, focus almost exclusively on right-wing blogs.
The S,N! blogging team consists (mostly) of D. Aristophanes, Brad R., Gavin M., Travis, HTML Mencken, and a few inconsequential stragglers, including a token female. HTML Mencken was originally known by his nom-de-blog “Retardo Montalban” but changed it in a vain effort to be “taken more seriously”.
Most right-wing bloggers regard S,N! as little more than gnats and mosquitos, i.e. mildly annoying, but insignificant and easily swatted away.
Man: Can you think of a blog that’s lamer than this one?
Woman: Sadly, No!
iseewhatyoudidthere said,
February 28, 2008 at 5:35
Rejected from urbandictionary:
Doughy Pantload submitted rejected lolconblurb, or was it Chris Muir?
We should hz a poll.
Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam.
Scrubbed off of a bathroom stall partition:
That little mosquito things he’s so big and annoying but i don’t even give a shit about him. He’s just a weak stupid little fucker who bred in a swamp somewhere and probably fucks his cousins and his uncle and leaves tracks in his underwear. If he’s so smart, why can’t he find better things to do than bite people? I mean, is there anything more pathetic than that?
I come for the photoshops, but I stay for the irreverent 8th grade humor. Is that so wrong?
There are many things on eocould call Israel. “Stable” isn’t very high on the list.
“Obama has pledged to hold a Muslim Summit to determine Middle East policy with the very leaders that have as their goal to remove Israel from the map, referenced Jews to be “dogs” and “pigs,” among other vile references.”
Thank god civilized white Christian nations would never have people refer to the raghead camel fuckers in such a vile, derogatory manor. It’s so unbecoming!
Ira Ruppert is boring.
Ira, dood, I live in one of them thar caucus states – the first one, as a matter of fact – and Obama won because he had the most supporters show up. Truth! I was there, and not for Obama, either, but for Edwards, who also had more people show up than did Hillary. It’s kinda how that hands-on democracy caucus thing works.
The ultimate Obama campaign theme song.
Because it rolls so many of the stereotypes all into one…drug addled Negro rastaman who wants to kill whitey. All that’s missing is the HUSSEIN!!11!!
(PS sorry about the poor video quality; the youtube one got pulled down)
How’s THAT work out, Ira? So the far lefties AND the Right Wing Hawks support him? You really got some ’splainin to do for that to make sense.
the Republicans don’t really back Obama, but they vote for him because he’s weaker than Clinton.
How about this?
Obama is a certain loser in November.
I believe that only Democrats should pick Democratic nominees, and more Democrats have voted for Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama. I’m confident that the gang of bullies will not defeat Hillary in the primary.
But if Obama steals the nomination, then Roe v. Wade will be repealed because McCain will win by a landslide and he’ll appoint more Scalia clones to the Supreme Court.
God, the Hillary trolls are worse than the rightwing ones.
To hammer home the seriousness of voters trusting McCain more than Obama on the economy.
Most voters would trust a homeless bum on economics more than a Bush Republican.
But Obama is just not trustworthy. As well, he’s funded by the same Republicans who plotted to destroy Bill Clinton.
In order to save America, Hillary has to win.
The Republican-controlled Media put Obama on the frying pan, they kept the temperature nice, and they’re gradually turning the heat up, and he won’t know it until he’s a goner.
Only Hillary has the experience in fighting the Republican-controlled Media.
Obama is a little prissy crybaby who can’t take the heat.
The fact is, he’s a detective down in Texas and he knows just what the facts is. He makes his living off other people’s taxes.
He ain’t gonna let those two escape justice, either.
Who is this Ruppert? Rupert Murdoch?
Can you rebut me on the points?
Sure. There have been more Democratic voters in their primaries then there are Republicans. By a large number. Usually 2:1.
Even if those numbers are accurate (which I seriously doubt, but we’ll play your sandbox for fun) they don’t mean anything. You can poll the general population all the live long day till you turn blue in the face counting the cows coming home; that doesn’t mater. What you care about is LIKELY voters. 60% of the population could favor making puppies free, but if only 50% votes, and 51% of those who vote are part of the opposing 40% from the original poll, guess who wins?
But let’s take a closer look at your source, Ruppert.
Your source says NOTHING about where Clinton stands against McCain. It says NOTHING about who they polled, or how they were polled. It provides at-best partial data, it’s highly unconvincing in it’s results, and suspect in its motives. Your source would warrant a C+ form a lenient middle school science fair judge. Almost certainly, with 2 minutes worth of effort, I could find you another, better, poll that says the exact opposite. That, however, would be more effort then it’s worth.
That said, I’m going to go make me some fucking potstickers. Eff yeah.
Michelle Malkin: Cheerleader for Soros.
Video evidence:
Ira Allen is a fucking concern troll. He;s full of shit. I wouldnt be surprised if her were funded by the same shop that funds Gary, Saul, Kevin, and all the other trolls.
Never mind that Obama is on the record as a wholehearted supporter of Israel…
What kind of arrogant pricks think it’s an argument to show up somewhere, spew bad arguments and questionable “factoids” en masse, and then challenge others to respond to each and every lunatic ‘point’ asserted?
I mean, that’s the behavior of the global warming deniers, and the “Saddam Hussein was the worst genocidalist in history and we had to take him out” nuts.
“Obama has pledged to hold a Muslim Summit to determine Middle East policy with the very leaders that have as their goal to remove Israel from the map, referenced Jews to be “dogs” and “pigs,” among other vile references.””
And what the fuck do you suggest?
The current state of relations between Isreal and the rest of the middle east is intolerable, we don’t have the resources to blow up every muslim in the entire middle east, and Isreal has been trying to solve the terrorist problem with violence for decades, which I think is a long enough period that we can finally declare that it’s not fucking working.
Also, you know, we’re trying to build up two muslim nations into stable allies. Telling the rest of the muslim world to sit and spin probably won’t help.
So if these assholes have a better idea then talking out our problems, I think they should have the decency to say what it is.
Christopher,of course they don’t have any clue what to do except throw more violence at the problem. The Black Guy scares the bejesus out of them,it’s really that simple.
Rasmussen is also the polling outfit that’s most likely to lean hard for Republicans. Of course they’re going to say McCain’s teh winnar…
Limbaugh: pro Hillary concern troll.
We Started Mrs. Clinton’s Slide, But Now We Need Her to Stay Alive
RushLimbaugh.com (subscription), CA – Feb 26, 2008
Now what does this tell us?
Since the concern troll came in and left his droppings all over the thread, let me repeat: the ultimate Obama campaign song.
The fact is, you flatter yourselves to think that this sty of a liberal circle jerk is worth one dollar from any netvocates clients. I do this out of patriotic duty, to expose the truth, to engage in reasoned debate, and debunk liberal left lies.
“Can we at least agree that Barack should nominate Bootsy Collins for the Supreme Court?”
And can he sit next to Clarence Thomas? Oh pleasepleaseplease???
When it comes to the economy, 45% prefer McCain while 39% trust Obama more.
On taxes, 42% trust McCain, 37% Obama.
Isn’t it fun to cherry-pick and omit information to support your point (whatever it might be)?
I went and read the Rasmussen Reports poll you linked to, and both of the above sets of numbers are essentially meaningless, given the +/- 3% margin of error the poll claims. And you didn’t bother to print the last paragraph:
Oh, and also, that site? Despite claims to being an “independent” pollster, Mr. Rasmussen proudly quotes Larry Kudlow and has a section full of columns out of the Creators Syndicate stable of wingnut commentators (Malkin, Dick Morris, Bob Novak, et al.). So maybe their poll is valid, maybe not; but they certainly don’t try very hard dispel the impression of bias.
Of course they don’t try to dispel the impression of bias. For their target audience (painfully stupid people), bias is a feature, not a bug.
this sty of a liberal circle jerk
You guys do circle jerks. We do daisy chains.
I do this out of patriotic duty, to expose the truth, to engage in reasoned debate, and debunk liberal left lies.
So, when do you start?
With Edwards out, I’ve got no horse in this race, and there’s plenty that I like (or can tell myself I like) about both candidates. But Ira, please, knock this “if Obama steals the election” bullshit off. Dude isn’t “stealing” anything – he’s just winning, big, by running a better campaign, crafting a more appealing image, and avoiding serious missteps. It’s playing politics, and despite all this talk about Clinton’s experience it’s starting to look like the youngster is a helluva lot better at it.
[…] from her fall," Farrakhan told the Nation of Islam’s annual Savior’s Day event Sunday. Sadly, No! Uh-oh! They’re onto us! […]
I call fake Gary on Ira Allen.
So Obama is the choice of the far left, but Dennis Kucinich’s constituents aren’t voting for him?
Evidence for this fairly extraordinary claim, please. Any shred will do.
Yeah, I remember when Obama swung New Hampshire his way after almost breaking into tears in front of a group of voters.
When’s Obama gonna apologize for O.J. Simpson?
Sadly, I don’t know if my mental health can take 8 months of this shit. Maybe that’s what they are hoping for in the end – that long before this campaign is over it gets so ugly that absolutely no one can stand to watch it anymore? I feel for Obama today, there are a lot of really vile people out there.
an Obama presidency will view Israel as a problem rather than a partner for peace in the Middle East.
I was awake all night, wondering who the other partners are supposed to be. Apparently not the other Middle Eastern countries, since Obama is a Bad Man for proposing to invite their leaders to a summit.
“I hereby call Automatic Middle Name Of Hitler bullshit on racist republican scumbags–ie, ALL OF THEM.”
Technically, it should be “Joe Adolph Wingnut.” “Hitler” is a last name.
This release originally referenced a photo of Sen. Obama and incorrectly termed it to be “”Muslim” garb. It is, in fact, Somali tribal garb…
Indeed, this is central to our point.
Somebody had to say it. And I don’t think anyone had yet.
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