It’s modern-ish…

If you’re a little tax haven country (we’re looking at you, Liechtenstein!) and you’re trying to counter this perception:

Liechtensteiners are touchy about portrayals of their country as some sort of backwater that refuses to adapt to modernity.

Our advice is to come up with something better than this (continuing directly):

After all, women in Liechtenstein got the right to vote in 1984…

Because that’s just plain sad. Besides — while we’re not sure where everyone stands on Liechtenstein, we bet many would be happy to let them call themselves modern, as long as it’s “modern, headed by a hereditary monarch tax haven, Liechtenstein.”


Comments: 147


while we’re not sure where everyone stands on Liechtenstein

Towards the back and a bit off to one side.


The problem, sadly, is similar to the problem of the Laffer Curve, in that the third axis is ignored, therefore trying to fit a 3D shape into a 2D picture.

In reality, the depth of his fecklessness covers BOTH stupidity and lying. It’s a giant sphere of Feckless, and we are but mere members of Lineworld attempting to grasp the edges of it.


Blast, something’s really wrong. This comment was meant for the other thread.


The fact is, Licktenstine sent .28 soldiers to assist our efforts in Iraq. Of course you lierbals would malign them.


“The label white collar criminal is not something we sought or gave ourselves,” said Kenneth Lay, chief executive of Enron. “It is something that came from the grand jury investigation.”

That is central to their point, by the way.

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist

This sounds like typical Luxembourger propaganda!

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist


I bet the Andorrans put you up to this!


I don’t know about anyone else, but personally, I’m sick of the Swiss.

You got a problem with that, Belgium?


I read somewhere that their pre-industrial economy is dependent almost entirely on making Pinot Grand Fenwick wine.


Come hide your profits in Andorra, where women were granted the right to vote 14 years before women in Liechtenstein.


Hey, Thorlac. I didn’t see you.

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist

S’ok. I was gonna say San Marino, but I preferred the one that reminds me of Bewitched.


There probably wasn’t anyone worth voting for before 1894 anyway.


No, Gary. Lickdemsteins only sent 20. It’s well documented, on film even.


European microstates… extending the franchise to women… Vatican City…
I’m not saying anything.


Oh, there’s nothing impeding women from voting the Vatican, so long as they’re members of the College of Cardinals.


voting in the Vatican. The in is central to my point.


Tax rates are too high to begin with, not surprisingly in socialist Europe as well. Leichenstien it seems is one of the few European Nations left with any backbone.

The Swiss are probably the most liberty minded people in all of Europe. For example, in Switzerland all male citizens ages 18-50 are required to own and train with their nations battle rifle.

Thats the way it was in America until the left and the pc crowd took a dump on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, denying that the second amendment protects an individual right to bear arms.

Our nations Founding Fathers would be appalled if they could see the extent to which the socialist left has gutted our Constitution and our glorious Bill of Rights.



TWENTY wealthy Australians are being investigated by the Tax Office for tax evasion after squirreling between $200,000 and millions of dollars each in secret bank accounts in the tax haven of Liechtenstein.


Holy Crap. Swiss women couldn’t vote until 1968.


And, Rugged, women in Switzerland got the vote (for federal elections) in 1971! (And not until 1991 in the canton of Appenzell Inner Rhoden.)

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist

For example, in Switzerland all male citizens ages 18-50 are required to own and train with their nations battle rifle.

Thats the way it was in America until the left and the pc crowd took a dump on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights…

Hmmm…actually, during the 1968 presidential election, Nixon campaigned on a promise to end the draft. And while he did try to extend it for a bit, conscription ended during his time in office. Damn liberal!


There is no draft in Switzerland either.

It is called the unorganized militia which was created by Congress in the 1792 Militia Act which the Federal government unconstitutionally abolished with the so called National Guard Act of 1916 which replaced the Constitutionally authorized citizen militia with a government controlled force.

The purpose of the second amendment and the unorganized militia is to protect the citizenry from its government which is what the pc crowd running our nations law schools won’t tell you!

Daniel Pipes or Charles Krauthammer (like there's a difference)

Liechtenstein? Bomb ’em! Bomb ’em back to fucking Stone Age. Turn the whole crappy country into fucking glass. DIe! Die! Die! Fucking Liechtensteinians! I fucking HATE them! Nuke ’em!! Nuke ’em!!


For example, in Switzerland all male citizens ages 18-50 are required to own and train with their nations battle rifle.

Thats the way it was in America until the left and the pc crowd took a dump on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, denying that the second amendment protects an individual right to bear arms.

Ok, deal. We’ll go with the “Swiss model”, which is, as you say, philosophically similar to that of early America.

1) Everyone serves in the militia.
2) Strict neutrality in foreign affairs.
3) “National Defence” means, unless we are invaded, we don’t fight.


“All opposing arguments crumble before my super-awesome argument-winning argument”.

(h/t to Kiki)

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist

unconstitutionally abolished

Why “unconstitutionally”? Because you don’t agree with what replaced it?


Rugged in Montana

that name is Teh Gay!


Unconstitutional because the unorganized milita and the second amendment which allowed it was according to the 1792 Milita Act and the original intent of the Framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights was supposed to be made up of all able bodied male citizens ages 18-45 the main purpose of which was to protect the citizenry form its governmet not to protect the government from its citizenry which is why the so called “National Guard” was formed.


Let’s see.

limitations on Second amendment = appalling dump on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

destruction of First amendment, Fourth amendment, habeas corpus, everything else but the second amendment = just what the founding fathers wanted.


Rugged in Montana

that name is Teh Gay!

Yeah I just assumed he was a gay porn star. Would I know any of your work, Mr. Montana? Buck Naked Broncos, was it? Or Bareback Mounting III, perhaps?


Ok, deal. We’ll go with the “Swiss model”, which is, as you say, philosophically similar to that of early America.

I demand better skiing and official multilingualism, too.


protect the citizenry from its government

So, Rugged One, how do you feel about the Patriot Act?


You know, just once I wish S,N! would get a real, honest-to-god conservative commenter, maybe even someone with, I dunno, actual debating skills. These recent (fake) trolls are just boring and disruptive, which, I suppose, is their raison d’etre.

Roggered in Montana

“All opposing arguments crumble before my super-awesome argument-winning argument”… except, of course, for the ones that prove to be central to my point.


I admit I’m a bit skeptical about the patriot act.

If however it is only directed towards foreign terrorists I have no problem with it.

If however it is directed towards any Americn citizen than I have a big problem with it.


I preferred the one that reminds me of Bewitched.

The Bewitched character is Endora, with an “E,” who also appears in the Bible:

“Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.”

See I Samuel 28: 7-15


For example, in Switzerland all male citizens ages 18-50 are required to own and train with their nations battle rifle.

Oh, this is a GREAT idea. ‘Cause one of America’s biggest problem is not enough people have access to effective firepower.

Fucking tool…



And let’s not forget just outright fixing to fuck over people from having access to the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh or Eighth amendments.

But just as long as they take your stupid rifles so you can start killing the “government” when it stops being your bestest old buddy old pal Republicans.

Fuck you, Montana.


If however it is only directed towards foreign terrorists I have no problem with it.

How about when its directed toward innocent foreigners? the problem is that you can’t guarantee that it’s “only” directed at terrorists, citizen or otherwise.

So far, it’s completely been directed at primarily innocent people, because only one person so far has been convicted under it.


I demand better skiing and official multilingualism, too.

Yeah! And lots of strapping blonde milkmaids who hand out cocoa with tiny marshmallows in it.


“…the main purpose of which was to protect the citizenry form its governmet not to protect the government from its citizenry which is why the so called “National Guard” was formed.”

The framers of the Constitution were terrified of popular rule. They were heavily influenced by Plato’s observation that “too much” democracy leads to despotism. That is why voting rights were restricted to white male property-holders, the Senate was elected by the state legislators, and even the President was chosen by the Electoral College, not the voters directly.

The idea that they wanted every idiot with two hands to have the firepower to overthrow the government is so funny I nearly shat myself reading it.


I never liked those tiny marshmallows.

I dunno, they just don’t taste right.

Gimme a couple of the big ones and that’ll do me just fine..



I’m with you mikey.

all i want to know is how they get sweetened polystyrene to dissolve in hot liquid.


I never liked those tiny marshmallows.

Oh, well, the milkmaids can hand out plain cocoa or big marshmallows too. All things are possible in the liberal fascist utopia.


Have you seen those new marshmallow….um….rods (for want of a better word)?

Wands? Sticks?


Oh, well, the milkmaids can hand out plain cocoa or big marshmallows too. All things are possible in the liberal fascist utopia.

I prefer a milkman. I also want the fresh steaming blood of a Christian with extra flag ash, hold the nutmeg. And an abortion on the side. To go.


I prefer a milkman.

They, too, are available! Do you want the Swiss kind or the All-American sort in the natty pressed uniform?


Or there’s always the Canadian style milkman for those who like ’em rough.


This one is cute. I can’t tell if he is picking up the milk or delivering it.


Oh and look! He can dance!


Swiss… liberty minded people… all male citizens ages 18-50 are required to own and train with their nations battle rifle.
Yay Switzerland, where freedom is compulsory!
This is the country that invented the fondue. I rest my case.


Well, someone had to quote Harry Lime:

“Don’t be so gloomy. After all it’s not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love – they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long Holly. “


If it wasn’t for the clock, I’d still be in bed, dreaming of a world without Montana.


The art of trolling seems to have died ca. 1997. Herr Ober! Konnen wir bitte neue Arschlocher haben?

Note: ‘Arschloch’ is reputed to be the olde english word for ‘tory.’ How about that.


The cuckoo clock isn’t Swiss, it’s from the Black Forest in Germany.


You don’t believe Orson Welles?


The “cuc-koo” sound of a cuckoo clock is created by two tiny gedackt (pipes) in the clock, with bellows attached to their bottoms. The clock’s mechanism activates the bellows to send a puff of air into each pipe alternately when the clock strikes.

File under crap you just didn’t realize how much you needed to know…


Or maybe I just wanted to say “bellows attached to their bottoms”


I hear that the Swiss Alps are fairly drafty.


“bellows attached to their bottoms”

The writer? Attached to people’s bottoms? Attached how, exactly?
Or would that be his son the *coff* *hrm* “writer” ?


The fact is, Licktenstine sent .28 soldiers to assist our efforts in Iraq. Of course you lierbals would malign them.

Gary’s original post read “The Lickin’mine Monster” and “point two eight,” but tears and urine shorted his keyboard and it was lost before it could be sent.


[Clears throat]:

Oben am jungen Rhein
Lehnet sich Liechtenstein
An Alpenhöh’n.
Dies liebe Heimatland,
Das teure Vaterland,
Hat Gottesweise Hand
Für uns erseh’n.

Hoch lebe Liechtenstein
Blühend am jungen Rhein,
Glücklich und treu.
Hoch leb’ der Fürst vom Land,
Hoch unser Vaterland,
Durch Bruderliebe-Band
I do love the Gazoogle.


What’s a battle rifle?


And if you’ve never been to Lichtenstein… you’re missing out on a single-street capital full of Japanese tourists (Vaduz) buying postage stamps, Swiss watches and paying 5SF for a Lichtenstein visa stamp in their passports. (confession: I bought one. it was the only thing in the whole country I could afford).

Fun trivia: Lichtenstein is the only territory to have been refused admission to the Swiss Confederation. It is also the home of the last German-speaking monarch in the world.


Attached to people’s bottoms? Attached how, exactly?

Ask Dean Swift. He described a method of priestly inspiration that remains as plausible as any.


What’s a battle rifle?

When tweetle beetles battle with rifles in a raffle
they call it a tweetle beetle raffle rifle battle.
When beetles battle beetles in a raffle rifle battle
and the beetle battle raffle is a raffle in a bottle…


The difference between a battle rifle and an assault rifle, oh edible one, is that an assault rifle fires a less powerful (midrange) round, filling the slot between the pistol rounds fired by submachine guns and the full power rounds fired by a battle rifle. Assault rifle rounds (5.56×45, 7.62×39 etc) are smaller and lighter, allowing the soldier to carry many more in his basic load. The also are more effective in full auto due to substantially lower recoil. The downside is they are less effective, and only considered effective at all out to 350 meters.

A battle rifle fires a full power round (7.62x51NATO, .308, .30-06 etc) are effective out to a thousand meters, packs a tremendous punch and kicks pretty hard. Full auto without a bipod tends to be futile.

Given an option, I will select my G3 Battle Rifle over my Mini14 Poodle Shooter every single time.



Now a Mini Poodle Shooter vs. little battle rifle in a tweetle beetle battle in a puddle full of noodles…


the only territory to have been refused admission to the Swiss Confederation
Unfortunately the various cantons that were accepted are now bound by vows of secrecy, and unable to tell the world about the initiation ceremony, but there are rumours that the skull of Barbarossa is involved somehow.

the home of the last German-speaking monarch in the world
Ahem. Google “Margrethe Denmark multilingual”…


Erm, sorry

I misspoke: the only German-speaking monarchy in the world.



Those Saxe-Coburg-Gothas really let the team down.


High-end wristwatches. Appenzeller cheese. Calvin. The Swiss Franc. Cowbells. Gnomes of Zurich. The League of Nations. The International Telecommunications Union, and umpty-umpt other important international organizations, e.g., the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora. The
Swiss have many things to admire besides Alps and fondue, and don’t you forget it!


The Liechtensteiners, not so many, I’m afraid.


And when a pedant gives a pheasant to a peasant for a present, and the peasant’s very pleasant about the present from the pedant, then you call it a pleasant peasant present pheasant, pedant.

Chloe Teh Giant Poodle

Mini14 Poodle Shooter

Hey, now! Was that necessary?


And when a pedant gives a pheasant to a peasant for a present, and the peasant’s very pleasant about the present from the pedant, then you call it a pleasant peasant present pheasant, pedant.

Not bad, not bad at all. But I can’t get past it not rhyming. Go back and try again.

Smiling Mortician

High-end wristwatches. Appenzeller cheese. Calvin. The Swiss Franc. Cowbells. Gnomes of Zurich. The League of Nations. The International Telecommunications Union, and umpty-umpt other important international organizations, e.g., the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora. The Swiss have many things to admire besides Alps and fondue, and don’t you forget it!

Yes, but the country’s fucking closed on Tuesdays.


Maybe you could include ‘piss-ant’ somehow?


If everyone stands on Liechtenstein, wouldn’t at least some of us fall off?


Best of all, only the Swiss have those fabulous uniforms.

Can’t touch that you Lickdemshiners, no way.


Hell, if I ran a cool little tiny country in the middle of europe I’d only be OPEN one day a week.

And I’d keep changing it.

And keeping it a secret…


Smut "Pheasant plucker" Clyde

the only German-speaking monarchy in the world.
They do not count as a real monarchy unless they have hemophilia.


Best of all, only the Swiss have those fabulous uniforms.

Now those doods are RUGGED.

Wonder if they’re originally from Montana?

Just sayin…


Smut "Pheasant plucker" Clyde

Fully accessorised with SG 500 battle rifles in matching colours.


It takes a hard man to wear an outfit like the Swiss Guard. I mean, I can’t imagine them going out into combat with that color scheme and lasting long. No wonder they’re neutral.


Now a Mini Poodle Shooter vs. little battle rifle in a tweetle beetle battle in a puddle full of noodles…

If the Tolpuddle Martyrs had a poodleshooter, there would have been less trouble in Piddlehinton, Affpuddle, Puddletown, Briantspuddle and Tincleton.

View Larger Map

My spouse and I were driving around Dorset a couple years ago and came across the memorial to the Tolpuddle Martyrs, located along the Piddle River. We desperately needed to find a pub, because I had to tinkle.


Best of all, only the Swiss have those fabulous uniforms.

Geez, looks like a road company of “Kiss Me, Kate!”

Smiling Mortician

Sung entirely in Germo-Frenchic!


I’m pretty sure the Neo Sporin can address that Germo-Frenchic shit.

But if not, get yourself some Amoxicillin and you should be ok…



The fact is, Licktenstine sent .28 soldiers to assist our efforts in Iraq. Of course you lierbals would malign them.

Since Liechtenstein abolished its army in 1868, those were some fucking old soldiers.

And not only is Liechtenstein the last of the German-speaking monarchies, it was also the last home of a slick Ruritanian prince with a pencil-thin mustache. The late Franz Josef II had one that Don Ameche would’ve been proud of.

Those Saxe-Coburg-Gothas really let the team down.

Don’t you be bad-mouthin’ Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria!

Rugged in Montana

I personally think the M1A is the most powerful battle rifle ever made. Nothing quite cuts through cover like a .308!

Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.

The only reason politicans nowadays even propose such legislation as the 1968 Gun Control Act and the 1994 Clinton “Assault Weapons” Ban is because they are not in fear of losing their jobs and their lives!

If Americans were still Riflemen as our Founders intended no scumbag politican WOULD DARE PROPOSE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION!


Rugged in Montana said,

[oh, does it matter what he said?]

Can I piss in your mouth? If I’m going to have flu-induced coughing jags that make my bladder go weak, I might as well have some fun with them.


Capital letters and exclamation points, eh?

Sounds like the latest incarnation of Saul/Booger/Chris.


Umm, rugged, honey? Maybe you oughta stick to topics you are familiar with, doileys and high heels, perhaps?

The M1 Garand was NOT chambered in .308, and pretty much everybody who’s ever shot one fucking well knows that.

Let me introduce you to .30-06 Springfield. Now go away, idiot boy…



Snorghagen said,

February 27, 2008 at 4:09

Capital letters and exclamation points, eh?

Sounds like the latest incarnation of Saul/Booger/Chris.

No doubt, not to mention the spamming and obvious errors. Was everyone happy the other day when clif banned it (I think it was clif)?

More of that, plz.


Heh, My Own Private Idaho wants to put an assault rifle in the hands of every liberal, every gay guy, every black and hispanic guy, every asian. Not to mention the hands of his future wife/hostage victim.


Also, Montana’s advocating murdering politicians again.

But I’m sure he thinks we’re the ones who’re unhinged.

Rugged in Montana

I encourage you liberals to read Boston’s Gun Bible by Boston T. Party you might learn something.

Rugged in Montana

Yes .30-06 I know quite well.

Ever hear of a typo mikey?


I’m so sorry, I’m too busy reading Boston, Murder Capital of the World by B.O.D. Cadaver.


Ever hear of a typo mikey?

Yes, it’s quite difficult to type with one hand.


Boston T. Party, eh? That wouldn’t be one Kenneth W. Royce would it? Funny that you get all huffy about the Constitution and then gush over someone who’s claim to fame is neo-secessionism.

According to Royce, the Constitution was written not with the intention of creating a free society, but to create a political system of an ever-expanding Federal Government at the expense of individual rights and state prerogatives.

Go to Wyoming, ya wacko.


Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-
50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.

Rugged in Montana proposes a nation of female hostages, it appears.


g said,

February 27, 2008 at 4:47

Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-
50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.

Rugged in Montana proposes a nation of female hostages, it appears.

I think he’s just happy to see us.


John Brunner’s book was originally titled “Stand on Liechtenstein”, but his editors convinced him that ‘Zanzibar’ sounded better.


Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.
Rugged in Montana proposes a nation of female hostages, it appears.

g may prefer our ladies’ version with the mother-of-pearl inlay stock. Notice how the telescopic-sights clip doubles up as a lipstick holder.


“Unconstitutional because the unorganized milita and the second amendment which allowed it was according to the 1792 Milita Act and the original intent of the Framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights was supposed to be made up of all able bodied male citizens ages 18-45 the main purpose of which was to protect the citizenry form its governmet not to protect the government from its citizenry which is why the so called “National Guard” was formed.”

I call run-on sentence, among many, many other infractions.

Smiling Mortician

It’s the fused sentences that piss me off, Rightwingsnarkle. No goddamn punctuation at all. It’s fucking barbaric.


“It’s the fused sentences that piss me off…”

Agreed, Mort. (BTW, I’ve always wanted to say – love the name).

Kinda reminds me of Hunter S. Thompson’s merciless characterization of Hubert Humphrey in ‘Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 1972.’ I think it was something about “a rabbit on speed.”

And not a smart rabbit, either.


g may prefer our ladies’ version with the mother-of-pearl inlay stock. Notice how the telescopic-sights clip doubles up as a lipstick holder.

Only if it matches my shoes.

Major —— de Coverley

Not bad, not bad at all. But I can’t get past it not rhyming. Go back and try again.

Go back and check the fount for rhyming regularity.


Wasn’t Liechtenstein the country Flashman was Crown Prince of, once? He stole the Crown Jewels when he left.

Smiling Mortician

(BTW, I’ve always wanted to say – love the name)

Thanks, Rightwingsnarkle. Just in case you were curious, it’s from a poem I particularly like. It’s by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

The World Is a Beautiful Place

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don’t mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don’t mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don’t sing
all the time

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don’t mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn’t half bad
if it isn’t you

Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don’t much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places
or a bomb or two
now and then
in your upturned faces
or such other improprieties
as our Name Brand society
is prey to
with its men of distinction
and its men of extinction
and its priests
and other patrolmen

and its various segregations
and congressional investigations
and other constipations
that our fool flesh
is heir to

Yes the world is the best place of all
for a lot of such things as
making the fun scene
and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
and singing low songs and having inspirations
and walking around
looking at everything
and smelling flowers
and goosing statues
and even thinking
and kissing people and
making babies and wearing pants
and waving hats and
and going swimming in rivers
on picnics
in the middle of the summer
and just generally
‘living it up’
but then right in the middle of it
comes the smiling



Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don’t much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places

Dead minds in the higher places. Yes, indeed.


If I had a shiny gun,
I could have a world of fun
Speeding bullets through the brains
Of the folk who give me pains;

Or had I some poison gas,
I could make the moments pass
Bumping off a number of
People whom I do not love.

But I have no lethal weapon-
Thus does Fate our pleasure step on!
So they still are quick and well
Who should be, by rights, in hell.

– Dorothy Parker


My hairdresser is from Liechtenstein and he’s not gay. Hopefully, the cognitive dissonance will explode Rogered In Montana’s head.


What I have learned today: The chief exports of Liechtenstein are
(1) Postage stamps.
(2) False teeth.
(3) Pinot Grand Fenwick wine.
(4) Decimal fractions of soldiers.
(5) Non-gay hairdressers.


(5) Non-gay hairdressers.

What’s the sense in that?


John Brunner’s book was originally titled “Stand on Liechtenstein”, but his editors convinced him that ‘Zanzibar’ sounded better.
Whoa! How TF did I miss that one: so obvious! I claim senescence.

It’s been so many years….




Were you guys watching Top Gear last night when you came up with this? I swear this information came straight from Jeremy Clarkson’s mouth during their rest stop in Lichtenstein.


Lichtenstein is also one of the newer member of FIFA, and like Faroe Islands, Andorra & San Marino, get rogered like Rugged in Montana on a regular basis. In fact, if my memory serves me right, they have only ever won one game, against Azerbaijan about 10 years ago, not that anyone here cares.



Is that one of those acts the Bush administration ignored to spy on people?


Never has so much bollocks been spoken in a Sadly No posting:

28.03.2007 Liechtenstein 1 latvia 0
17.10.2007 Liechtenstein 3 Iceland 0
07.09.2005 Liechtenstein 3 Luxenbourg 0
09.10.2004 Liechtenstein 2 Portugal 2,

and it goes on, so much more my encyclopedic football knowledge….


they have only ever won one game, against Azerbaijan about 10 years ago, not that anyone here cares.

Hey! My Azerbaijani cousin will fuck you up but good!


Lichtenstein is also one of the newer member of FIFA
When they played England there was no end of confusion during the “Playing the National Anthems” part of the performance, because the Liechtensteiners are such lazy arses that they couldn’t even write their own national anthem; they just put new words to ‘God Save the King’. The band had to play the same music twice and none of the supporters in the audience knew which time they were supposed to be standing up.

Never has so much bollocks been spoken in a Sadly No posting:
There is some tough competition back in the archived threads.


The band had to play the same music twice and none of the supporters in the audience knew which time they were supposed to be standing up.

Holy crap, that’s fantastic.


Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.

Because there just aren’t enough angry young men killing each other — and all too many of the rest of us — already. The new troll seems to be a shill for NPG (Negative Population Growth).

Actually, I wouldn’t mind mandatory gun-handling classes in all high schools, as long as they’re paired with mandatory sex education classes. And on the grounds that the pro-sex-ed people get to vet the gun-handling curricula, and the pro-gun people get to vet the sex ed curricula. I think it would be… educational… to have an actual national discussion about what we want the next generation of voters to be learning about two of the most dangerous objects most of us will ever be expected to handle. (Well, yeah, there’s also automobiles, but most high schools teach drivers ed already.)

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Every single male American citizen between the ages of 18-50 should own and train with an M1A battle rifle.

Does that mean married guys get excused? I think that’s probably wise, given the number of gun-related spousal incidents, but I imagine Buggered in Montana wasn’t thinking of the safety of married women.

Anne Laurie, I love your idea. “Two of the most dangerous objects most of us will ever be expected to handle” is a great way to put it. Some millennia ago, when I spent a year teaching at a catholic high school, I attended a course on teaching students about sex and drugs (they never mentioned rock ‘n roll, oddly enough). There was a rather twee video with a mountain metaphor, which was intended to suggest that since kids will do whatever the hell they like anyway, the only sensible course was to teach them the facts and let them get on with it.

The school actually did, to some extent. Teach the facts, I meant. A friend of mine had a humorous incident involving a chair leg and a condom: the answer to the question of why you don’t pull them off from the tip being “Because it’ll bloody hurt!” accompanied by a ripping sound and a ricochet of very stretched rubber sproinging across the room.

Ah, better days than this, friends. By the way, I’d be obliged if our Buggered In Montana friend could explain exactly why he and his ilk (no-one nice has an ilk) get so frothed up about guns. I mean, they get all breathless about ‘defending ourselves and our freedoms’ and ‘right to bear arms’ (or should that be ‘bare arms’? Go ahead, matey, bare your arms, bare your legs, run around in the nicky noo nar for all I care), but I never could see what they were so afraid of.

So what is it, Buggered? Why are you so pants-wettingly shitscared that you have to have a gun to ‘defend’ yourself? Normal people don’t care that much, you know. Normal people either aren’t afraid of the normal function of the government, or are well aware that a single gun won’t protect diddly.

Does it just make you feel like a manly man?

Ahhh, fuck it. It’s Wednesday night, not even half way through the week, and I’m expecting sensible answers from a complete knobhead. I need a drink.


Anne and Qetesh, I think we all know he/she meant WHITE males. Darkies and slant-eyes don’t get guns. You know that.

Wonder who’s going to pay for these mandatory training, rifles, and ammunition for 60-70 million Americans. Can’t possibly be more the $50 billion.

I assume they mean M1A as in Garand rifle, which is pretty much short hand for “I don’t know much about reality, but I sure do play video games!” as the M1 is ill-suited for the city and close-quarters combat that would certainly be encountered. A far better choice would be something small and relatively low-powered, say an MP5, though preferably altered for a slightly slower rounds per second.


Life would be so groovy
If I owned an UZI

– Gangster Fun

Frankly, I’m OK with making tax havens like Liechtenstein sweat a bit. You’ve got bosses trying to get governments to weaken European labor laws and then dodging said governments at tax time. Way to use the economy like a joy rag. Now that I live in a country that actually spends its tax dollars more or less wisely, tax dodgers piss me off more than they used to.

Well, that’s it. I’ve officially burned the last of my bridges with the L-5 Society. I guess I won’t be buying a condo on the Freedom Ship either.

guitarist manqué

It’s great having Qetesh the QQ here to illustrate the old saw that it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. Here I’m just starting my Wednesday and hers is already over and it’s time to start drinking. Yippee!

(pours brandy into coffee)


I always thought that the expression was that it’s always 4:20 somewhere…


(5) Non-gay hairdressers.

What’s the sense in that?

Now, now, you don’t have to be gay to be a hairdresser. You only have to be vain, superficial, effete, and overcompensating for deep personal insecurities. I’m sure straight Liechtensteiners do just fine.


The fact is, in the heartland, your freedom usa hate, is biased.


Oh, great, Gary found Janus Node. Now he isn’t even trying to write real sentences.


I once LickedAStein. She was Jewish, and tasted like aloe vera.


Darkies and slant-eyes don’t get guns. You know that.

Nor do the bitchez, either.


We don’t need no stinkin’ guns.


The fact is, in the heartland, your freedom usa hate, is biased.

Oh great, somebody got, Kaye Grog,an in our G,ary,b,ot.



Wasn’t she in the X-Ray Spex?


OB-GYN Kenobi said,

February 27, 2008 at 20:08


Wasn’t she in the X-Ray Spex?

Oh Bondage, Up Yours!


The purpose of the second amendment and the unorganized militia is to protect the citizenry from its government

You know, I used to have some respect for the gun-rights enthusiasts, being aware that defending individual rights against government overreach has been a problem throughout history.

But the craven, gutless silence, if not active enthusiasm, of the NRA crowd in the face of the Chimp Administration’s egregiously illegal power grabs and fearmongering security-state, reveals them for what they really are — authoritarian, selfish jerks happy to see people who aren’t like them bullied and abused.

They have no principles of indivudal rights for all or limiting government power, only selfish assertion of rights for themselves and their toys, and to hell with the rest of the world. If/when the neocons starting herding people into camps, many of them will be eager kapos rounding up their neighbors using their personal weapons.


I don’t know if everyone *could* stand on Liechtenstein. It’s only 6×15 miles.

I did a report on it in sixth grade. Somehow, I missed the fact that women couldn’t vote at the time. They do have very artistic stamps, though.


Im grateful for the blog post. Really Cool.


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