Shorter Roger L. Simon

Bobby Kennedy and Why Obama Unnerves Me


  • Both Bobby Kennedy and Barack Obama let people speak Mexican at their campaign rallies, which made me feel like I was in some crappy little village in Mexico, eating greasy goat burritos and listening to someone running for caudillo.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 82


We get it, we get it. Obama=inspiring=cult=empty=danger!!! WIll Robinson!!!

That’s the best talking point they could come up with? Pathetic.


Goof grief, have you read the echo chamber over in comments on that post? I should know better than to click through a Sadly link on a Sunday morning before I’ve overdosed on coffee, but still… eeeyucch!

Now I have to go take a very hot shower to wash off the slime.


Conservatives seem to be perfectly content in their Supply Side Cult, as they await the agency of the Invisible Hand to reveal the occulted identity of the Twelfth Reagan incarnation, who yet walks this earth.


I’m not sure I get how the quip and the photoshoped pic fung shway each other. Then again, I’m posting on a Sunday morning when I ought to be getting some split tail and scrambled eggs, so what do I know?

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue

“Another way to look at this is as an issue of the separation of church and state–for me one of the most important values of our society”

“A cult of personality was developing and I was beginning to feel nauseated by it.”

Looks like April will be a perfect storm of all the things Roger hates: cults, religion & politics mixing, and a couple of fascist sympathizers getiing all buddy-buddy. Let’s all hope his hat keeps his head from exploding. The world needs more Moses Wine.


@$!#$# Nader is running AGAIN!

*hold arms out-stretched to the sky*



“@$!#$# Nader is running AGAIN!”

Damn, there goes Obama’s youth vote.


I too clicked over to see the comments. Weeeeiird.


What are you all talking about? Those comments are great! First out the gate is a superbly-informed guy who says, “Many people are getting weired-out by the Obama craziness. Even left-wing radio talk show host Taylor Marsh is asking some serious questions,” and you don’t have to go much further down before you hit the jackpot: “Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism is a must read for this election season. He explains the connections between fascism, progressivism, and liberalism and the roles of Wilson, FDR, JFK and LBJ in making them the center of American politics. He discusses Hillary as the prime example of Liberal Fascism in current politics. The book was written before Obama’s ascent, but it is clear that he is the very model of a liberal fascist politician.”

But let’s not overlook Roger’s very serious concern that Obama supporters are eroding the separation of church and state. And then this: “Christ said ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ for a very good reason. I’m not a Christian but I thank him for that. Those words made democracy possible.”

I mean, that’s some primo Alan Keyes-quality wingnuttery right there.


Taylor Marsh: Making laughing, crying and vomiting at the same time all too possible. The Antidote To Rational Thought.


“@$!#$# Nader is running AGAIN!”

Damn, there goes Obama’s youth vote.

I’m sorry, who is this Nader? Was he one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Obama (peace be upon him)?


I hear that Hitler also wore hats!



Two or three days before Robert Kennedy was assassinated in the early morning hours of June 5, 1968- its hard to remember now – I attended a rally for RFK in East Los Angeles. The audience was almost entirely Mexican or Mexican-American – there were very few of us gringos.

A rally in East LA with a mostly Chicano crowd. Shocking.

More Simon:

Every time I hear “Si se puede!” I get queasy. I didn’t when I heard it years ago at Cesar Chavez farmworker rallies, when it had a specific reference, but I do here. It’s as if rhetoric has been stolen in a form – almost deliberately – devoid of content.

Here are some things Simon either dosn’t know or doesn’t care to mention: the UFW loaned the Robert Kennedy campaign organizers for its get out the vote effort in East LA. Marshall Ganz, the UFW’s chief organizer, was among them; recently he’s helped the Obama campaign with its field operation.

Simon doesn’t have a problem with the farmworkers movement, which specifically and publicly used Catholicism as a political tool, but he does have a problem with some undefined, unstructured religion he insist is developing around the Obama campaign. Call it the heretical, St. Ronald-rejecting Church of Charisma. Down with Charismaism!

Simon again (my emphasis):

I don’t want fainting spells at political rallies, anymore than I want cries of “Viva!” I want concerned voters. I’m worried.

Yes, all that ¡Viva Bush! paraphernalia is quite worrisome.


The fact is, I just saw the Valley of Elah, and it is a hate-USA liberal anti-war bias-fest straight out of Hollywood that of course has Sarandon in it and makes soldiers out to be killers without conscience and their mission to be a lie, which is intolerable given the sacrafice of our troops for freedom. This DVD needs to be burned in large piles by patriots.


Burn all you want Gary. Just make sure to have a reciept.

Smiling Mortician

This DVD needs to be burned in large piles by patriots.

Great suggestion, Gary. I think all my friends should see this film, so I’m going to burn many, many copies of it for them.


Ummm, thanks, Ralph, but your act is getting pretty stale. I think it’s time you sat down over there next to Sanjaya, mmmmm-kay?!


Fake Gary’s drooling hatred of a movie he hasn’t watched is the best advertisement its producers could ask for.


I bet Sarandon would even work a deal on volume…


Thanks for the recommendation, Gary. Are there any other movies you hate which might interest me?


I think we have a new slogan: Obama be with you.


And also with you.


Let us live together in peace, to love and serve The Obama.


This report just in:

A large gathering of trolls gathered today to burn copies of The Valley of Evah while eating cheetos and freedom fries. They held an impromptu spelling bee afterwards which ended in a draw due to the fact that nobody could spell the word sacrifice. Film at eleven.


Fun fact: the first hot dog eating contest, according to the legend, happened when a German and an Irishman got into a friendly dispute over who was the better American; the best way they could think of to settle this was by seeing who could eat more Nathan’s hot dogs.

There’s really not much you can add to that, so I’m not gonna.


Hell, I bet you could get empty boxes with the cover art but no DVD for next to nothing.

They are just going to be tossed onto a bonfire anyway?


Nickle each I bet.

I even bet Sarandon would pay to ship them to you…


The most hateful image is one of Tommy Lee Jones flying a US flag upside down on purpose at the end after correcting an immigrant earlier on how to fly it like hes drivine into an anti American rage by the death of his son. Pure liberal hate.


One conventionally flies the flag upside down as a distress signal, Gary. It’s in the Flag Code and everything.


A good DVD-burning will show who’s a fascist and who isn’t.

Nazis never burned any DVDs. Liberals don’t burn them either. This is central to my point.


BREAKING: Dozens of Republicans were hospitalized with injuries after a massive bonfire burned out of control in Podunk, Iowa. The victims were burning DVDs in protest when the smoke and flames spread to the participants and their cars. Several SUVs caught fire but the damage was confined to the protestors’ property. More protestors were injured when they jumped from the roofs of their cars, prayed for God to catch them.

“As God is my witness, I thought Republicans could fly,” said one injured protestor.


Good old Roger Simon. I have tremendous respect for former lefties who were willing to abandon their beliefs in response to the manifest greatness of George W. Bush.

Simon on Obama:

It’s as if rhetoric has been stolen in a form – almost deliberately – devoid of content.

Empty rhetoric devoid of content? I thought that the Republican Party had a copyright on all empty rhetoric devoid of content.

And I especially liked the commenter who believes that Obama’s election will bring on the end times.

Gary Ruppert's Great Grandfather

Gary – you come in the house now and eat your freedom fries. You know Momma doesn’t like when you play in traffic…


One important reason is Cynthia McKinney Obama reveals her shame towards America: The fact that he doesn’t wear a big number. Think of America on 9/11. As firefighters defied death to that. Never time to the anti-business class warfare doesn’t wear a moderate on business and the muslims institute shania law. The fact is, anti-business class warfare doesn’t work in 2008.

Bill Clinton was a paragon of conservative virtue, and Jimmy Carter in 2004. He lost.

Ditto for these corporations. Their livelihoods depend on 9/11.

As firefighters defied death to namesteal me. I have to know about the downfall of reasons why the downfall of them.


“And I especially liked the commenter who believes that Obama’s election will bring on the end times”

You mean that’s not true?……..OMG


…Obama’s election will bring on the end times…

You know, after al Qaeda nuking us because the Democrat Party won the 2006 midterms, and then when we all died of terrorism when the PAA “extention” ran out… after all that, the end times just don’t scare me like they used to.


fly it like hes drivine into an anti American rage

Is that anything like being driven into a ravine?


Ralph Nader is a goat-blowing assclown.

Here’s to hoping that he can no longer find enough delusional souls to sign petitions to get him on the ballot in any state.


Oh, and the comments over there are hysterical. I especially love the one about Ayers becoming Obama’s “Willie Horton”.

I guess because they’re both black, but WTF, who knows?


Did you all see this comment?

What is forgotten here is that RFK was a power-crazed, murderous SOB who was hip deep in CIA plots to murder foreign figures. His extra-legal activities that have come to light (read “Legacy of Ashes”) place him with J. Edgar Hoover as among most abhorrent government officials of the 20th century. If ever a politician deserved his fate, a very good case could be made that Sirhan Sirhan spared this country from a true, secretive liberal fascist.



What Gary St. JanusNode said.


Seems like Nader entering the race is all the more reason for Democrats to vote for Obama in the remaining primaries. I can see a lot of Obama supporters switching to Nader if Hillary heads the ticket, but I can’t see many Hillary supporters doing so if Obama does.

And I can see a lot of Indpendents who would hold their nose and vote McCain instead of HIllary go for Nader instead – but I don’t see this happening if Obama is the candidate.

Of course, the most likely response I predict for Nader’s entrance into the race is one gigantic yawn.


I especially love the one about Ayers becoming Obama’s “Willie Horton”.

Oh, I like this. Because “Willie Horton” says more about the unethical behavior about the people using the device than it does about it’s target.


Current Wikipedia entry:

Darth Nader (born February 27, 1934) is an American attorney, author, lecturer and political activist in the areas of consumer rights, humanitarianism, environmentalism and democratic government. He is also…


Hey mikey you were right about the rain. It started raining at 9:30 last night and its still raining now.


The fact is, here is more liberal bias science at work, lies, easily disproved, all to make USA weak and allow UN to dictate how we live:


That was obviously fake Gary. No misspellings and no way real Gary reads BBC.

CD burning wingnut

They held an impromptu spelling bee afterwards which ended in a draw due to the fact that nobody could spell the word sacrifice

Wasn’t sacrifice that movie where Al Pacino winds up with his face in a pile of cocaine?


Michael Bérubé said,

February 24, 2008 at 17:43

I hear that Hitler also wore hats!



OMG not just hats…BLACK HATS!


First you get votes, then you get the power, then you get the white weeemen….


The fact is,




Jim: Oh boys, lookee what I got heyuh.
Bart: Hey, where the white women at?

I wonder if Gary has seen ‘Blazing Saddles’? That should wind up on his ‘Burn It’ list too. It may be time for a large-scale re-release of that movie. Quotes from the movie have been showing up in the comments a lot lately. It’s time has come again.


Umm, and did I say it’s time for Blazing Saddles? Gaa, must be Sunday morning…


The guy who wrote “Scenes from a Mall” should not talk about nausea.


Nader, pttui!

If you didn’t think it was all about his ego last time, he’s now making it as clear as he possibly can.


Nader is just padding his resume…


Adiós, Senador McCain.


Here’s one for the Nader crowd:

McCain: The new ‘Unsafe At Any Speed’


Sorry, I had to go out last night and only finished this just now (Sun., 10 am).

Suggestion for a new national anthem:

The Fact Is, America is Awesome

The fact is
America is awesome

We have people who have teeth
Some above and some beneath
And a smile their faces wreath
As they floss ‘em
‘Cause we’re awesome

The fact is,
America is awesome
We have diff’rent kinds of meatballs
Yummy, tasty can’t-be-beat balls
Like-to-knock-you-off-your-seat balls
And we sauce ‘em
‘Cause we’re awesome


We succumb ta ya
And your fruited mountains purple
With the plains of liberty

Go to hell, senor,
If you’re such a freakin’ doofus
That you cannot plainly see—

The fact is
America is awesome
To accept congratulations
From the folks of other nations
We will send them invitations
And emboss ‘em.

Cause we’re awesome

With our ballads and our salads
As we toss ‘em.

So we raise our glasses high
And we order extra pie
No American
Hysteric can deny
That the fact is
America is awesome.
From sea to shining sea.


Anyone who would vote for Nader at this point would stay home and eat wet bread if he weren’t running, so he’s not going to spoil much of anything.

Oh, and I’m really getting sick of ignorant, power-worshipping right wing assholes referring to the president as the “commander-in-chief”, as in “the odds are strongly in favor of John McCain becoming our next commander-in-chief.” Shut the fuck up.


Oh, and I’m really getting sick of ignorant, power-worshipping right wing assholes referring to the president as the “commander-in-chief”, as in “the odds are strongly in favor of John McCain becoming our next commander-in-chief.” Shut the fuck up.

Don’t worry, they’ll stop that C-in-C stuff right after Obama wins in November. Then they’ll return to worrying about the rule of law, congressional oversight, and other back-to-the-nineties concerns.


Oh, and I’m really getting sick of ignorant, power-worshipping right wing assholes referring to the president as the “commander-in-chief”, as in “the odds are strongly in favor of John McCain becoming our next commander-in-chief.” Shut the fuck up.

Good point. It could be worse though. They could refer to the president as the person who has the use of Air Force One, as in, “do we really want a man who has been rumored to be a Muslim to be in charge of Air Force One?”

I’m surprised they haven’t thought of that, actually.


H/T* MrWonderful!

*of course, having a hat to tip makes me just like Hitler.


I love this line from one of Simon’s more retarded commenters:

“I’ve always had a feeling that if RFK had become president he’d have turned out to be the Democratic Nixon”

What is one’s response to stupid of this magnitude?


Item #1: Mr. Wonderful – simply beautiful.

Item #2: Message to Nader


“I’ve always had a feeling that if RFK had become president he’d have turned out to be the Democratic Nixon”

What is one’s response to stupid of this magnitude?

“Sounds like a great book idea. I know this agent who for couple hundred bucks up front can make sure Regenery will publish. We’ll have to find a Vince Foster tie-in, but otherwise we’re golden.”


Bu-, bu-, bu- But I thought Nixon was a great president who just got railroaded by the Liberal Media(TM)!

Somebody forgot their talking points. (Or were the old talking points revised for the new millenium by those flip-flopping Republicans?)


” . . . allow the UN to dictate how we live.”

Can’t quite figure out how a slapdash organization with no real authority or economic leverage and an annual budget less than two weeks’ worth of Exxon/Mobil’s net profits can manage that. Gary, if you trolls are worried about the horrific possibility of “world government” and loss of sovereignty, you’re too late. Way too late. The supranational corporations are already there, dictating how we live.

You trolls and the folks at ClownHall only think you’re favored shills for the Corporatists, but you’re really just “marks” like the rest of us. It’s just that you’ve been thoroughly conned. All the more reason for us to point and laugh.


You trolls and the folks at ClownHall only think you’re favored shills for the Corporatists, but you’re really just “marks” like the rest of us.

No. They know that they are really Daddy’s favored children. They will continue to believe it as Daddy molests them and sells their bodies to pay for his Oil addiction. And they will always try to take it out on us. Some kinds of stupidity are indistinguishable from evil.


” . . . allow the UN to dictate how we live.”



Red Dawn: “… (sawing off a shotgun)”

Is THAT what the kids are calling it these days?


Oh, the comments on that Simon post are priceless:

…The book was written before Obama’s ascent, but it is clear that he is the very model of a liberal fascist politician.

Read it before it is too late….


Best comment evah!

The thing about electing the Christ is that you invite the apocalypse.


It was the year when they finally immanentized the Eschaton.


The thing about electing the Christ is that you invite the apocalypse.

Obama is the atheist Islamic Anti-Christ.


Sammy – “What is one’s response to stupid of this magnitude?”

Pointing and laughing. And drinking.


Michael Bérubé said,

February 24, 2008 at 17:24

What are you all talking about? Those comments are great! ,,, and you don’t have to go much further down before you hit the jackpot: “Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism is a must read for this election season. … The book was written before Obama’s ascent, but it is clear that he is the very model of a liberal fascist politician.”

I think Roger and his little buddies have the wrong politician in mind:

I am the very model of a fascist politician

My neocon advisers drive the country to oblivion
I know the ways of terrorists and quote their rants hysterical

To ruin the Constitution and inflate our fears chimerical.


Excellent. How about more?


Fuck Obama, I’m gonna start deifying that comment thread.
Obama really and truly terrifies them, doesn’t he?

Ralph Nader is officially the concern troll of presidential elections.


To ruin the Constitution and inflate our fears chimerical.

That is choice.

I imagine it sung in Kelsey Grammer’s Sideshow Bob voice.


Sorry, I just got here. What’s this about BVD’s being burned by parrots with large piles?


Um, I think the parrots have large PLIERS….



(comments are closed)