Shorter Tom Maguire
Posted on February 22nd, 2008 by Brad
Above: Conclusive proof that Maguire is a communist sympathizer
- Although I am enraged that the New York Times would print second-hand rumors about John McCain having an affair, I think this paper-thin Politico article conclusively proves that Barack Obama is a terrorist sympathizer.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
UPDATE: Just to be clear, I think there is a lot to criticize in how the Times reported the charges of infidelity against McCain. If you’d like to read some smart criticism of the Times that doesn’t include the bizarre “Obama-is-a-stealth-candidate-for-terrorists” moon-bayings of Tom Maguire, I recommend checking out Greg Sargent.
If Barack Hussein Osama X is President and he goes through with his promise to surrender to all the Mooozlim terrists and make us do the homo-Sharia-na-na-na law, then a movement will arise among Great American Patriot Conservatives to defy illegitimate authority until the last Chinese product is sold at the last Wal-Mart.
If Barack Hussein Osama X is President and he goes through with his promise to surrender to all the Mooozlim terrists and make us do the homo-Sharia-na-na-na law, then a movement will arise among Great American Patio Conservatives to defy illegitimate authority until the last Chinese product is sold at the last Wal-Mart.
When Glass Hous Boys was here the other day ranting about Ayers, I can’t believe that I didn’t assert:
Eric Rudolph is the face of the modern conservative movement.
rinse, lather, repeat
It does wonders for washing trolls out.
Bill Ayers has reappeared! I can feel the limitless evil of terminal narcissism emanating from his reptilian leer.
(See the last half of this big, fat thread for all the terrifying details.)
Not for nothin’, but who exactly the fuck is Tom Maguire?
And his commenters are sure special:
I’m not even sure what that means, even in context. Asians won’t vote for Obama? Jews will because they’re all idiots? (I wonder if the commenter knows who the driving personalities are behind the neocon movement.)
Oh, goodness.
Obama met with Bill Moyers?
His campaign’s over.
I mean, how dare he tag along with a state senator who was meeting some of the constituents that she may have supported?
And I mean, Bill Moyers. If it’s not political suicide to meet with him, it’s–
Oh, wait. Bill Ayers? Nevermind. I actually have more respect for Obama now.
P.S. I’m glad to see you saying something about that idiotic McCain article.
Shorter entire right wing, from Maguire to Jay Ambrose to Matt Drudge:
Yeah, you COULD read Greg Sargent, or you could take a peek at the smoking gun that vindicates the Times decision to print:
Times is punching back. Using the media to do it. Bravo.
Shorter McCain:
I wasn’t BANGING her. It was just ordinary political graft. Nothing to see. Disperse!
Jamey- there is a story to be written about McCain’s ties to lobbyists. He clearly has tons of ’em and he’s obviously not the straight-talkin’ maverick that he and his media pals portray him as.
But the Times chose specifically to LEAD with rumors about an affair that were given by anonymous sources who only said they SUSPECTED it was going on. That’s a major no-no, and it detracts from the actual information about what McCain did or did not do for lobbyists.
WaPo’s story did much, much better by ignoring the affair aspects and focus solely on McCain’s advisors’ concerns about being too cozy with lobbyists.
What Brad said.
If there’s some actual meat to the story, it might be worth running, but right now all I see is “OMFG! This guy, like totally told me that McCain and some lobbyist like, you know…Oh, and I can’t tell you who it is and no one else backs up my story.”
Maybe it’s true. Maybe it isn’t. But that’s why we don’t expect that in the New York Times, while we would expect it in the New York Post.
Ho-mo-mo-Ma Sharia.
But the Times chose specifically to LEAD with rumors about an affair that were given by anonymous sources who only said they SUSPECTED it was going on.
Brad, that’s because the New York Times sucks. I thought Bob Somerby raised you better than that.
Anyway both the WaPo follow story and this new Newsweek story take the lobbying angle the Times buried and put it front and center. That Newsweek story has St. Maverick contradicting himself in a sworn affidavit.
Which means this story will only build from here. Soon, who knows, the media might even notice that he has lobbyists running his campaign and that one of his right-hand men, Rick Renzi has just been indicted on a staggering array of charges.
The real meat is this tidbit from Newsweek:
“A sworn deposition that Sen. John McCain gave in a lawsuit more than five years ago appears to contradict one part of a sweeping denial that his campaign issued this week to rebut a New York Times story about his ties to a Washington lobbyist.”
He’s lying now, or he lied under oath.
John McCain’s boner is fair game if he’s running for the boner-restraint party.
…not that the Times article was brilliant…
Look, the real problem is that NOBODY in America or anywhere else wants to think about John McCain naked and sweaty.
Hey, we all like a bit of the porn, and attractive people knockin knees can be a nice little thought in the back room of the cortex, but John McCain? Having Sex? With a HUMAN?
Just. Yuck…
“knockin knees” mikey? Um…. I might be doing this wrong….
the outrage from all of these people at the use of ANONYMOUS SOURCES!!! is so disgusting. I can’t believe I am disgusted by it. I should’ve known.
“knockin knees” mikey? Um…. I might be doing this wrong….
Now you understand what athletes are putting on the line.
Wait a second, I didn’t think the issue was the exact nature of his relationship with a telecom lobbyist while telecom legislation was before his committee but, rather, that there was ANY sort of close relationship with a telecom lobbyist while pertinent legislation was before his committee.
The story reads that they had a relationship so close that even his closest aides didn’t know if it was romantic or not. Hell, the dude can fuck sheep for all I care… as long as there’s not sheep legislation before him in committee.
John McCain? Having Sex? With a HUMAN?
Yeah, somehow the human bit actually makes it worse. If it were a goat or an ostrich or something it would still be disgusting, but it wouldn’t feel like the universe is coming unglued.
*dry heave*
Don’t come a-rockin when our knees are a-knockin’
(that was a b-side)
Senator McCain, you have a call from Dolly on line two…
With a HUMAN?
as opposed to with CindyBot2000.
From Joe Coanson in Salon today:
Eight years ago, when McCain’s connection with Iseman alarmed his staffers, the most lucrative lobbying contracts won by Alcalde & Fay were with the cruise ship industry. In 2001 alone, Iseman’s firm received well over a million dollars from passenger ship companies and interest groups, which include local port authorities in Florida as well as companies such as Carnival Cruises. That year, the International Council of Cruise Lines paid Alcalde & Fay a fee of $990,600, by far the largest amount from a single interest that the firm has earned during the past decade. Iseman herself is a longtime registered lobbyist for Carnival.
It may be just a coincidence that around the same time, McCain became a dedicated sponsor of bills to deregulate the cruise and passenger ship industries, which have been hobbled for decades by protectionism and national security laws. Year after year, he promoted legislation that would have permitted greater freedom for foreign-flag cruise ships to operate in U.S. coastal waters, even while he occasionally scolded the cruise operators for persistent safety problems on their boats. During those years, he became known as the best friend of the port authorities, cruise lines and others seeking to rewrite laws dating back to 1886 that protect American ships from foreign competition.
I’m sure it was something that long offended the old Navy man.
There might not be something “illegal” with this, but it ain’t reform, you know?
Anonymous sources have identified the aforementioned Sheep Lobbyist !
There is no accusation that the candidate did in fact have an affair with the sheep, merely that the sheep lobbied him to ease rules regulating the sheep sex industry.
Oh please, that sheep was a total slut. Raise your hand if you did not have sex with that sheep.
Oh you can all go to hell!
Mr Garrison, Newsweek on line three…
Apart from everything else, just what do these people have against Sharia Law anyway? Isn’t it basically everything they want in America?
Apart from everything else, just what do these people have against Sharia Law anyway? Isn’t it basically everything they want in America?
I think it’s one of these Judean People’s Front vs. People’s Front of Judea situations.
Basically, all these people hate free will. They’re still pissed Adam and Eve ate the apple, because otherwise they could live in Paradise, be taken care of, and never have to have a conscious thought. Like crawling back into the womb.
Which, considering how anti-womb they are, is another of life’s little ironies.
RedState is ready to compromise on the war now. They are willing to abandon Iraq to the certain doom and destruction and genocide that they have predicted, but only if the Democrats promise to fuck up America just as badly. No, seriously.
I’m late to this picnic, but Brad @ Feb 22 @ 20:33 got it right. McCain’s ties to lobbyists are the worrisome issue, not the innuendo of an affair.
Since the Times had weeks to do the story, you’d think they could have written a powerful, clear account instead of the convoluted mess they published. Others are doing what the Times should have done.
This nation urgently needs to know: did John McCain receive oral sex from Vicki Iseman?
The Democrats need to put aside all other business and start a congressional inquiry IMMEDIATELY.
First order of business: call Mr. McCain and Ms. Iseman to testify.
I think this paper-thin Politico article conclusively proves that Barack Obama is a terrorist sympathizer.
Shorter Brad – I can’t actually read, but my acolytes can’t actually clink links, either, so it’s all good.
Not-Much-Longer Tom Maguire: Geez, a negative story on Obama! Is this a sign of the media backlash I have been forlornly predicting for almost two months, and dare we hope for more?
To Be Fair – an irregular reader might not easily or immediately pick up on my actual point. And Brad clearly has the problems associated with irregularity.
knockin’ knees…You know…bumpin’ uglies, layin’ some pipe, laying wood, playing hide the salami, makin’ bacon, waxing the giraffe, gettin’ busy, the ol’ in-out in-out, clam slammin’, diving off the half-meter headboard, gettin’ jiggy, climbing Mt. Baldy, pickle tickle, the horizontal Mambo.
Boff, boink bonk, hump, screw, nail, shag…
Shorter Tom: Ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem, poopy joke.
By the way, the poopy joke seems to be extremely popular among conservatives. Your Jonah Goldbergs and your sad little trolls use it all the time, as if they see the world as continuous cycle of consumption and evacuation.
McCain’s ties to lobbyists are the worrisome issue
Well sure, worrisome to me and other people who can think properly. Worrisome to the sex-ninny party is what that smell is on McCain’s weenie.
Hey, what is this thing next to the keyboard?
Do I need it?
My desk would be SO MUCH neater if I could just put it in a drawer…
Tom- oh come now! You cannot argue that this was your point:
Geez, a negative story on Obama! Is this a sign of the media backlash I have been forlornly predicting for almost two months, and dare we hope for more?
When what you actually wrote was this:
Here is another ripple beneath the surface of the Obama campaign – Ben Smith of The Politico reports that Obama is unrepentant about his association with unrepentant Weatherman Bill Ayers. […]
Just another Friend of Barack.
Nowhere in your post did you throw in any qualifications about how the article was absurdly thin- this graf is the actual “meat” of the story:
“I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.”
Obama and Palmer “were both there,” he said.
Obama’s connections to Ayers and Dorhn have been noted in some fleeting news coverage in the past. But the visit by Obama to their home — part of a campaign courtship — reflects more extensive interaction than has been previously reported.
So: you’ve got Obama visiting the guy’s home at the behest of a local politico who ID’d Obama as her successor. That’s it. That’s the most “extensive interaction” from what has been reported previously. And from this, you consider this guy “a friend of Barrack?” Come ON.
Off topic, but Muir really brought out the stoopid again in today’s Day By Day. It’s more Michelle Obama-bashing by our cherry-haired gal…this time, Mrs. Obama is elitest! And looks down on the poor! This leads me to two thoughts:
1) Uh, what? Where the hell is this coming from? You doofi gonna offer any specifics?
2) I’m sure that Muir and pals spoke out against Babs Bush’s treatment of the poor as members of some subhuman species post-Katrina, and if I were to trudge through the archives of Muir’s hideous website I’d find multiple strips dealing with this. I’m positive of this. Absolutely.
Since when did randroid social darwinists care so much about the poor? Keep grasping, guys.
Megan’s taking a beating.
She has some comically inept stuff in the comments.
He’s lying now, or he lied under oath.
But Bill Clinton did too!
There’s your wingnut rebuttal right there.
I would think that if Tom wanted us to know that this was the start of the media backlash he predicted, the post would contain some indication of that. Maybe a sentence like, “This is the start of the media backlash against Obama that I’ve been predicting.”
That way, his own readers wouldn’t think that he was offering a clearer picture of Obama as a terrorist sympathizer. Like his first commentator who notes that, “And a clearer picture of Obama emerges.” Of course Tom was quick to point out that HE didn’t believe the story and it of course meant nothing except a commentary on the media. Hence his use of the word “Obamanations.”
If Brad weren’t such a dumb liberal that would all be clear.
Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Hehhhhhhhhhh! Indeeeeeeeeeee! Heeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhiiiiiindeeeeee! hehhindooooooooo
All due respect, the Cindybot DOES seem like quite an advance over the current LauraBot. Doesn’t have that issue with the pinky finger, for one thing. The smile still needs work though.
How old is Tom Maguire?
He must be an old fart, because the issue of irregularity never even occurs to me.
He, Old Man Tom! Project much?
I heard they made something called Metamucil for old guys. I know its true, ’cause John “GET OFF MY LAWN!’ McCain told me so.
…I’m sorry, but Tom is tied up in the men’s restroom at the moment, can I connect you to his voice mail?
the front desk,
How’s he doing with that Larry Craig interview?
Hee hee! Poop!
It goes like this: Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap
But Bill Clinton did too!
and, umm, got impeached for it. Maybe we should start pre-emptive impeachment proceedings against McCain!!
let’s seeeeee…that interview is showing on his schedule… Oh! He’s meeting with him right now. Can I have him call you when he’s free?
There, doesn’t that read better than the rather dull NY Times headline, “Arizona Congressman Is Indicted”?
Oh, ahah! I see from the Politico article that
While Ayers and Dohrn may be thought of in Hyde Park as local activists, they’re better known nationally as two of the most notorious — and unrepentant — figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement.
So, let’s see what the story is here. 12 years ago, Obama met with a pair of local Chicago activists, who, 15 years prior to THAT did something bad in the name of radical politics, but not bad enough to get charged or convicted with a crime.
They have lived a crime-free life ever since. And when they did that Bad Thing, Obama was 11 years old, and living in Indonesia and Hawaii.
So, clearly, he’s an unrepentant DFH sixties radical…..
Gosh, I’m waiting for David Horowitz to jump in on this one.
I have now synthesized all these comments into the following new crime fighting cadre:
The Great American Boner Patrol.
Thank me later
All due respect, the Cindybot DOES seem like quite an advance over the current LauraBot.
Uh, Cindy McCain is brain-damaged. As First Lady, she would probably have to be briefed daily as to her husband’s name and her address.
From a 9/07 interview:
“In conversation, she will occasionally have trouble remembering certain facts, especially from the recent past, and if you look closely you realize she cannot make her right hand into a complete fist, which has affected her handwriting, if not her ability to grasp a gearshift knob. “It’s not bad,” she says, describing the damage to her hand. “I can function. I have short-term memory loss. I can remember all the major details of my life, but I sometimes can’t remember what happened last week.”
but not bad enough to get charged or convicted with a crime.
Wikipedia: Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn raised two children, Zayd and Malik, underground before turning themselves in in 1981, when most charges were dropped because prosecutorial misconduct during the long search for the fugitives.[1]
Shorter McCain: I wasn’t BANGING her. It was just ordinary political graft. Nothing to see. Disperse!
No, Sarcastro’s right; what McCain and his defenders are actually offering is “I was ONLY banging her! It had nothing to do with political graft — didn’t you read my campaign literature explaining that I am the Most Ethical Man in the Senate(c)? Nothing to see here — disperse!”
The NYT botched its presentation, because botching has become the default setting at the NYT, but McCain’s oft-proclaimed Ethical-ness is a genuine story. And there’s a certain poetic justice to the way he’s mousetrapped himself with Iseman: either he’s spending too much time snogging a cute blond, which appals the Huckaboobies, or he’s spending too much time snogging a lobbyist, which appals the JM-Is-The-Most-Electable back-room politicos. Of course, the simplest explanation is that Iseman is a floor wax and a dessert topping… she got some excellent legislative favors for her high-dollar clients, and whether getting those favors involved rides on anything more individualized than those clients’ corporate jets is important only to her, her gynecologist, and the Talibangelical wing of the modern RNC.
heh..heh…heh heh…Anne Laurie said “rides on” heh..ummm.heh heh…..
Uh, Cindy McCain is brain-damaged. As First Lady, she would probably have to be briefed daily as to her husband’s name and her address.
dammit, now I feel guilty.
Makes you wonder, though, why McCain is putting her through this?
just what do these people have against Sharia Law anyway? Isn’t it basically everything they want in America?
Same shit, different God.
Makes a difference to the god-botherers, but not to me.
Anne Laurie, I think it’s more than that. NOBODY should be forced to contemplate the possibility of John McCain’s ‘O’ face.
It’s like those old creepy Bob Dole Viagra ads.
[looking for brain bleach now]
Uh, Cindy McCain is brain-damaged…
Yeah, as the result of long-term drug abuse. Of course, those were “prescription painkillers” which she was alternately stealing from her personal Third World Charity Boutique and forging her employees’ names to obtain, so it’s not like she was some kind of lowlife JUNKIE or anything. The Rush Limpbaugh Defense: It’s illegitimate to pick on a rich unfortunate with “addiction issues”, unless of course the rich unfortunate is a Kennedy, because nothing’s as entertaining as making fun of a Kennedy. Oh, and both Michael Moore and Al Gore are FAT.
Makes you wonder, though, why McCain is putting her through this?
Yes, it does. Cindy McCain hinted in a 2005 Larry King interview that he was kind of put off about her stroke:
KING: Has the senator been very sympathetic?
MCCAIN: Yes. And I — please don’t — let me explain that. He was very confused in the beginning. He didn’t — like everyone in the family, how could it happen to my wife? I’m 18 years older than she is. It doesn’t happen to someone that’s younger than you are. So on his behalf, I think he’s trying to understand all this. It’s a lot for him to take in.
I suspect that Cindy McCain’s health is worse than has been disclosed. In October of last year, she fell in a Phoenix grocery store and hobbled around on crutches for awhile.
Is McCain putting his ambition before his wife’s well-being?
David Letterman said McCain reminds him of a Wal-Mart greeter.
That pretty much sums it up.
Where did old Constipation Boy go?
His bio on the HuffPo says he a ‘former Wall Streeter’.
Clears up quite a bit, actually.
Cindy McCain hinted in a 2005 Larry King interview that he was kind of put off about her stroke
One of the articles I posted yesterday in another thread, she said she went away to San Diego or someplace by herself for 4 months to do her rehab, and that he wasn’t happy with that.
Someone pointed out somewhere else – she was a young rich girl and he was an old poor guy. Doesn’t it usually work the other way around – the young poor one marries the old rich one for their money? What’s up with that?
A former employee whose name she was using to steal illegal drugs said, “During my short tenure at AVMT I have been surrounded by what on the surface appears to be the ultimate all-American family. In reality, I am working for a very sad, lonely woman whose marriage of convenience to a U.S. Senator has driven her to: distance herself from friends; cover feelings of despair with drugs; and replace lonely moments with self-indulgences.”
This woman shouldn’t have to handle the pressure of being first lady.
The clown car racing team over at Red State has jumped on this, too. Gasbag Paul Cella is doing the honors.
What makes anybody think he’d hang on to Cindy if he got elected? He’s probably planning on only one term anyway, so he wouldn’t have to give a shit what anybody thought of him. I can see him pulling a real classy Newt-Gingrichy move.
I can see him pulling a real classy Newt-Gingrichy move.
Maybe she could go on a long good-will mission to Afghanistan.
Not to go all honorable on y’all but I hated it when the press and the wingers jumped on Hillary; I hate it that Michelle is getting the same treatment and I think there’s something to be said for leaving the potential First Lady out of it.
McCain has given us plenty of rope to hang his slimy ass with, don’t drag her into it too.
Of course, that’s just OneMan’s opinion.
Of course, that’s just OneMan’s opinion.
Make that two.
Chris Bowers has asked for help with googlebombing
I hear and obey.
I’m late to this picnic, but Brad @ Feb 22 @ 20:33 got it right. McCain’s ties to lobbyists are the worrisome issue, not the innuendo of an affair.
True. But the lurid got our attention, didn’t it? And wasn’t that the point?
Since when did randroid social darwinists…
I read that as social arsonists.
Practically speaking, it doesn’t matter one way or another. We’re not going to change anything with our comments. But Cindy McCain shouldn’t be First Lady and that needs to be said. Imagine for one second if a Democratic candidate’s wife had that kind of history–drug abuse, theft, lying and covering it up, exposing innocent employees to criminal prosecution, and then her husband’s people trying to retaliate against one whistleblower by having him thrown in jail. My god, it’d be a Limbaughpalooza of hate and invective.
Shit, I was just trying to make a joke about the LauraBot…..
I SAID I felt guilty. Make that two of us for the asshole brigade, mikey….
We should form a 12 step program.
We are powerless behind our assholism…
But Cindy McCain shouldn’t be First Lady and that needs to be said.
I’ll accept any nitwit as first whatever.
All due respect, the Cindybot DOES seem like quite an advance over the current LauraBot.
The eyes are still dead inside.
I’ll accept any nitwit as first whatever.
I’ve had to vote against Bush four times. I’m tired of nitwits. I want someone who can do the darn job. THe First Lady doesn’t matter, but I’d rather she didn’t come attached to McCain.
Obama is unlikely to actually be a terrorist sympathizer; instead, like most liberals, he gets an atavistic thrill from the leftists who actually take their authoritarian philosophy seriously and put it into action.
Bill Ayers is, as I argued on a previous thread, unrepentant criminal filth. His grotesque existence is an embarrassment for the Left but one you can’t exactly run from; after all, his actions were completely in line with the coercive and totalitarian beliefs of the American Left.
What I always wonder about with these quiescent radicals is how much they might appreciate some new leftist radicals upsetting the tranquility in which they currently live. If it was OK for Bill Ayers to plant bombs and praise Charles Manson, why wouldn’t it be OK (by his reasoning) for some leftist radicals today to plant a bomb, for example, in his office? You see it’s only fun until someone gets hurt.
Since once of you brough it up, conservatives like me, who actually believe in the rule of law, applaud the arrest and conviction of Eric Rudolph. We don’t get a secret thrill from criminal violence, but that’s because we don’t believe in an all-encompassing totalitarian state forcing all of us to be “good”. That’s what Ayers presumably wanted, but now that violent filth is a tenured University professor, the archetype of the hypocritical left.
Mikey and Billy, just remember that when you get to the step where they ask you to surrender to a higher power, it’s not the phone company…
Oh right. Obviously no McCain means no Cindy. But she’s not an issue as such to me. She might be to the god-botherers in her husband’s party.
If it was OK for Bill Ayers to plant bombs and praise Charles Manson
And the person who said that was…
Hello, city police? There’s some kind of crazy man screaming nonsense in front of our building and bothering everyone. Could you please send a car by to chase him away? Thank you so much. Bye.
I dont’ know why the idea of her becoming first lady bugs me. Maybe it’s because of all the junk Sen. Clinton had to put up with. To say a first lady is off limits only seems to work for Republicans.
As with McCain’s boner Cindy’s a non-issue to me, but she might be an issue to McCain’s constituents. I think she’s news if a paper wants to print it, I wouldn’t.
There’s a funny karma involved in hugging slimeballs.
“Hi. My name is billy pilgrim.”
“Hi, asshole!”
Hypocritical Left,
Let me guess…..this is central to your point? I think I smell a pantload.
Bubba, I just want to GET away from talking about mcCain’s boners, O face, jism, squirts, spasms, and rectal urges.
I don’t have that much bleach….
It is a strange thing to see someone fight against their own imaginary enemy.
“If there were more Erich Rudolphs, Timothy McVeighs, Benjamin Smiths and Buford Furrows in America, we’d have a much nicer place to live. ”
“Hail Erich Rudolph. I’m just sad that he didn’t have a larger support network that could’ve kept him off the streets. We need to form communities so that we can protect each other like they do in Palestine, Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, Iraq and Chechnya. We will soon be under seige ourselves.
As Chester Doles, David Duke, Matthew Hale, Christine Greenwood, and many others have demonstrated, you do not have to be violent to have your life destroyed by the Jewish occupation forces and the pigs who are “just doing their job” in destroying our country and freedom.
You guys who think that revolutionaries make us look bad should go join the Republican party. I’m over you.”
Right-wing News, quoting Stormfront
“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”
– Ann Coulter
I’m not so interested in Cindy McCain’s fitness for office, since she isn’t running for one. I am, however, interested in her husband’s attempts to cover up her criminal acts and retaliate against the whistleblower who brought them to the attention of the DEA. I hear he’s running for office. The husband, not the whistleblower.
Oh, and GlassHausBoi seems now to be playing a game of I know I am but what am I, are you? or something.
The fact is, you liberals
Jeez, Bubba, those huggy pics have kind of a dom-sub vibe. I really, really wish I hadn’t looked.
I didn’t know any of that about Cindy either. Now I feel bad too.
I am, however, interested in her husband’s attempts to cover up her criminal acts and retaliate against the whistleblower who brought them to the attention of the DEA. I hear he’s running for office. The husband, not the whistleblower.
I’d give a pass to the defending the wife thing – I imagine that years hence if my daughter winds up burning down my house in a bong-addled stupor I’ll go to the wall for her. The whistleblower stuff sounds like actual juicy scandal.
Post-storm repairs are complete: I have teh internets again.
yay! we’ve been worried about you.
now make us laugh.
Hypocritical Left is officially Glass Houseboy.
Please refer to him by his official S, N! name .
Hey, Glass Houseboy!
Eric Rudolph gives you a boner, doesn’t he? He is what all of you Rightards secretly want to be, isn’t he?
You cannot deny that Eric Rudolph is the face of the modern conservative movement.
See how easy that is?
Jeez, Bubba, those huggy pics have kind of a dom-sub vibe.
I agree, Smiling Mort. Bush always looks like an abuser no matter who he’s hugging. He never looks like he’s connecting with the huggee or even in the same dimension as the huggee, he’s just plowing his way forward in time and space, and fuck everyone and everything else. It’s always creepy.
That’s right, Glassy.
A toast to the return of our friend Mencken!
Now write something, slacker…
I’m fairly certain that my earlier statement praising Rudolph’s arrest and conviction is enough answer to your pathetic response.
None of you can bring yourselves to condemn Ayers, for the simple reason that you are all hypocrites, savoring Ayer’s criminal activity and violently puerile actions while acting shocked – just shocked – that some criminals are not leftist.
The modern conservative movement is about limiting governmental power – including and especially the power to tax and thus control behavior. I am disgusted by the current administration, which bears no resemblence to conservatism, but we conservatives can say this and try to re-align our party to our ideals. Rudolph, etc never represented conservatism, but Bill Ayers, Ward Churchill, the Duke 88 etc really are the mainstream Left. It’s an incredibly bitter pill for you to swallow, but its evident you aren’t even trying to distance yourself from these people.
And that’s the fact you are all running from. I see your chins trembling as you try to snark your way out of it, but you can’t. Try again, hypocrites.
You know, with all this talk of Communist parents in the 1950’s, I was wondering something:
does that mean that David Horowitz is half-black?
I’m fairly certain that my earlier statement praising Rudolph’s arrest and conviction is enough answer to your pathetic response.
Good. Now denounce Ann Coulter, or you’re a violence-loving hypocrite.
So, HL, how badly did that grade in Professor Ayers’ class deep-six your GPA?
Bill Ayers, Ward Churchill, the Duke 88 etc really are the mainstream Left.
why of course they are! That’s why they appear on cable TV all the time as spokesmen, and get those HUGE fees for all the speaking engagements we hire them for. And those best-selling books of theirs – we offer huge discounts on their books on our websites!
Who is “the Duke 88?” I have no idea who you’re talking about.
“None of you can bring yourselves to condemn Ayers”
Ayers was, and still seems to be, an egotistical, unrepentant douchebag. He was an idealistic if highly delusional wannabe revolutionary in the 1960’s, and now makes money off his delirium today.
There, are you fucking happy?
Besides, if you knew anything about WU you would know that most people considered Dohrn the real brains of the operation.
Wiser, better leftists than myself have condemned Ayers plenty, starting with his former Weathermen compatriots Mark Rudd and Brian Flanagan. Others leftists who have criticized WU are too numerous to list, but range from tepid left-liberal Todd Gitlin to Marxist geographer and urban critic Mike Davis.
Bill Ayers is helping your career isn’t he? Apparently he likes you and you like him too.
Do you think that Bill Ayers wants you sexually? True, he is much older but do you think he visualizes scenarios, exchanges, fucking you?
Anne-Laurie said: “and whether getting those favors involved rides on anything more individualized than those clients’ corporate jets is important only to her, her gynecologist, and the Talibangelical wing of the modern RNC.”
Respectfully disagree. Any evidence (graphic, visual, or otherwise) would be of utmost importance to the public and must be disseminated urgently.
Gerontophilics Anonymous
All due respect, the Cindybot DOES seem like quite an advance over the current LauraBot.
The eyes are still dead inside.
Can you blame them? Poor things.
I’m secretly hoping for an expose involving McCain, an Intern, and a BJ. If he’s smoking a Cuban at the same time, that would be icing on the cake.
The modern conservative movement is about extending governmental power – including and especially the power to spy on, arrest, imprison, and torture anyone they consider an enemy.
Which includes most Americans.
Fixed your typo, hypocrite.
I think maybe Professor Ayers refused to be on GlassHouseBoy’s thesis committee.
Ok, alright, I guess I’m curious and bored enough.
Over to wiki. Type in Aye Why Eee Are Ess.
Here he is. Weather Underground. Those guys.
So lets see, Hysterical Left is so spun up, lets check this boy’s body count.
WHAT? Three?? That’s IT? And waitaminute, they were his FRIENDS and they were killed by ACCIDENT?
And let’s see here. Hmm, this is interesting. Looks like most of the bombings and acts of violence were incited and enabled by FBI/COINTELPRO infiltrators. Sheeesh. No wonder they couldn’t prosecute.
Hey Glassboy. You serious? This is your devil incarnate?
Hell, babe, in 1970 I killed more people, blew up more shit and basically did a whole bunch more evil than this guy’s worst wet dream. This was a sex and drugs dilettante terrorist. Dood, they called in to get the buildings evac’d before the bomb went off.
Man, Glassy, you need two things. A script for some better meds and something to fucking DO…
Still waiting for the hypocritical right to denounce Ann Coulter.
I think GlassHouseBoy doesn’t like Ayers cuz Ayers didn’t say “I’m sorry.”
I imagine that years hence if my daughter winds up burning down my house in a bong-addled stupor I’ll go to the wall for her.
If I’ve told my daughter once I’ve told her a thousand times, turn the stove off after spotting hash!
So a day after the McCain graft allegations, another Arizona GOP lawmaker is indicted on graft charges… What are the odds? You may think that the Republicans may be corrupt or something…
Hey, maybe someone can answer this because I’m at a loss. Aside from the lying bastard neocons who exploit rumours and petty events to bring down democrats, do most Americans really care about the sexual peccadilloes of their heads of state?
Wow, its amazing to watch someone work themselves into a frothy fear.
Leftests gonna get ya in yer sleep!
Based on Clinton’s approval numbers, I’d guess the answer is, ‘no.’
How on Earth did the authorities ever manage to hunt down those hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of Weather Underground terrorists?
I gather from much of the preceding discussion that it was a huge, huge movement, which destroyed vast swaths of developed infrastructure during the “turbulent ’60’s(c)” .
After all, it would have to be huge numbers, vast multitudes, because it’s physically impossible for small numbers of people to aim to blow up stuff, because otherwise how would such a movement prosper and grow for decades given how often amateur bombers blow themselves up?
Lesley, let’s see what Michael Gerson has to say. Just for laffs.
Sitting among the journalists, I experienced something like a flashback from a forgotten war. Late in the 2000 election campaign, Gov. George W. Bush — whom I worked for at the time — was forced to admit a youthful DUI conviction, which reinforced a public image of frat-boy recklessness.
Bush was 30 years old at the time of his ‘frat-boy recklessness’.
Even if the accusation of infidelity were true, this kind of past relationship is hardly disqualifying for high office anymore, given a series of more prurient precedents. An affair between adults is a far cry from President Bill Clinton’s exploitation of an intern, which involved not merely a failure of character but also an abuse of power.
Clinton did it!
(And Monica was a 22 year old former intern at the time of the alleged exploitation.)
But at this point, it is the Times and not the candidate that should be mortified. If this is all the Times has — sexual innuendo and anonymous sources — it really is a scandal.
Somebody get Judge Starr on the case, I’m sure he’ll get to the bottom of things.
It is refreshing to note your intellectual honesty on the McCain non-scandal. The New York Times is looking more and more like the National Inquirer everyday. In their eyes, McCain is…
Born to be Smeared (Lookin’ for the Blue Dress)
Dr BLT and SteppinSmear (parody)
but I guess…
That’s Politics
Dr BLT copyright 2008
As far as Obama is concerned, I must return the intellectual honesty by admitting that he’s got a lot going for him, much more than Hillary, who has two big buns and no beef (and I say that figure-atively). If it were a personality contest, I would vote for Obama. He’s one cool dude. But, he’s a little too far to the left in his views, so I’m voting for…
The Maverick
Dr BLT copyright 2008
If he’s smoking a Cuban at the same time, that would be icing on the cake.
I hereby denounce all douchebags.
Ayers – Douchebag
Churchill – Probably a douchebag. Never bothered to see why he got the Right all lathered up
Glass Houseboy – Double D Douchebag
I see your recovery is not going well, Dr. Sammich.
I’m sorry for your loss. I do expect your patriotic support of our next president, though. Or are you planning to flip-flop on this?
Well, at least now we know that we can rely on John McCain to keep our nation straight and steer the ship of state with a strong hand, because someone has “written” a terrible song to that effect.
steer the ship of state with a strong hand
Is that what the kids are calling it?
BLT. It’s always impressive to see you’re total immersion in and dedication to the DIY ethic. One man band, one man promotion machine, one man fan club.
HL, more in sadness than in anger, refers to himself thu:
“conservatives like me, who actually believe in the rule of law…”
Then the past seven years must have been sheer hell for you. My sympathies.
Unless you mean “believe in” the way children “believe in” Santa Claus. In which case, the last seven years, etc.
…refers to himself THUS:
(My sympathies made me type too fast.)
…moms like me, who actually believe in a committment to childrearing…
So a day after the McCain graft allegations, another Arizona GOP lawmaker is indicted on graft charges…
No, no, Krassen. It’s tastier than “another Arizona GOP lawmaker.” It’s Rick Renzi, aka McCain’s Arizona co-chair. Bad couple of days for St. John.
Leslie: #
” . .do most Americans really care about the sexual peccadilloes of their heads of state?”
They SHOULD: *IF* the same rep/senator is legislating on the issues. For instance, if Bill Clinton had tried to have a law passed making oral sex illegal, (or required for all presidents) *then* his blow job would be relavant.
“gbear said,
February 23, 2008 at 2:50
BLT. It’s always impressive to see you’re total immersion in and dedication to the DIY ethic. One man band, one man promotion machine, one man fan club.”
I believe it was Three Dog Night that once said in a song, “One is the Loneliest Number.” If you became a fan, it would be much less lonely.
“I see your recovery is not going well, Dr. Sammich.
I’m sorry for your loss. I do expect your patriotic support of our next president, though. Or are you planning to flip-flop on this?”
You see the sandwich as half empty, I see it as half full. And, no, I am not planning on doing any flip-flopping. I will continue to be every bit as consistent in my inconsistency as I am now.
“El Cid said,
February 23, 2008 at 2:47
Well, at least now we know that we can rely on John McCain to keep our nation straight and steer the ship of state with a strong hand, because someone has “written” a terrible song to that effect.”
So I guess this means you liked the other two songs? As Meatloaf once said in a song, “Two outa Three Ain’t Bad.”
Since the neocons and tabloid journalists are hell bent on petty judgements, I encourage McCain to hire insatiable psychopath Rachel Marsden in any capacity, as long as he also calls her an Intern.
Doc Sammich, I believe that Jonah Goldberg has released a 21-st century version entitled “One is the Doughiest Number.”
Three Dog Night? How about XTC instead?
No Thugs In Our House.
It’s not about the sex with McCooCoo it is his cozy relationships with and the favors he does for contributors.
Yeah, me, I’m a conservative. My movement is dedicated to everything that hasn’t happened since conservatives took power in the 80’s, and not at all before then either. As a lifelong conservative and a big stickler for the rule of law, I’ve long admired how every administration that ran and ruled as self-described conservatives have eviscerated the Constitution increased government AND the surveillance state while I sat on my ass and bitched about Democrats. And when I don’t espouse my ultra-awesome conservative bonafides, I live in a big house surrounded by a moat filled with cotton candy and gummy bears which I use to train my ant army.
Lakeesha, I always heard it as ‘One is the Most Basement Entrenched Number’. Thanks for the correction.
No, the other two songs were just so sad I didn’t have the heart to even mock them. I’m just not a cruel person, and I thought I would leave them to ponder their misery on their own.
After experiencing “that’s politics” I shall now assume that any random exhalation by tired people hoping to change the subject from here on out are to be considered “songs” — which, on the plus side, fills the entire world with “songs”, just, unfortunately, the kinds of “songs” which have little (i.e., nothing) to do with the concept of “music” which many of us have also experienced.
Susan asks me to “denounce” Ann Coulter. Susan, denouncing is something Maoists like you do in your Orwellian groupthink sessions. I am no fan of the woman, although she is savvy enough to make a lot of money winding up liberals.
G snarks about the Duke 88, then admits he has no idea who they are. Look it up, G; they are the tenured professors at Duke who libeled their own kids when a race baiting prosecutor framed them. As for the reference to speaking engagements etc, perhaps you really don’t understand what professors do. Ayers (and until recently Churchill) live off the public tit. They spew venom at ordinary Americans while living in luxury off their taxes.
Ifthethunder and Mr Wonderful, yes I am thoroughly disgusted with Bush. The Republican expansion of government shows that all power corrupts, not just power in the hands of those with whom we politically disagree. That’s why conservatives wisely seek to restrict the power of the government, and want to ensure all people with power are subject to oversight and to checks and balances. I think that anyone who disagrees with that statement is not really a conservative; this is perhaps subject to debate. In any case, conservatives don’t have to live with tenured professors advocating the bombing of Americans; liberals do. Do you think your hand waving about Bush can make anyone forget that?
Finally, Mikey, it’s not about his body count. Any regular reader of S,N! realizes that you are lethal killing machine who would gladly drop anyone to the right of Pol Pot – I see as usual you’ve taken the opportunity to remind us of that fact. Ayers is criminal filth, sneering at an American public that he (rightly) believes he’s taken advantage of his entire life. Born to privilege and wealth, Ayers coupled his intense narcissism with his sociopathic disregard for other people; his girlfriend publically mocked the victims of Charles Manson while Ayers plotted the murder of American soldiers. Because of government misconduct, Ayers never had to answer for his crimes, and now inhabits a university sinecure which assures of him of lifelong comfort and security. He says he is “guilty as hell, and free as a bird”, a sociopath who leers at us with a vicious death’s grin. Compared to Ayers, Ward Churchill is a sad figure, pathetically claiming membership in a Native American tribe that tells him, puzzledly, that he simply isn’t one of them, a man who actually lost his secure perch by his own stupidity and intellectual dishonesty. Ayers is example of the crime that pays, an American Leftist who profits from and revels in his past crimes.
The loneliest number is in fact 40585.
This has been your daily moment of gratuitous maths geekery.
“Susan, denouncing is something Maoists like you do in your Orwellian groupthink sessions.”
LOL, as the kids say. I’m going to put that on my business card. Susan the Maoist. Available for Orwellian groupthink sessions. Reasonable fees.
Ayers is example of the crime that pays
Hmmmm, Enron, Enron, rings a bell but I can’t quite remember the details….
That’s why conservatives wisely seek to restrict the power of the government, and want to ensure all people with power are subject to oversight and to checks and balances.
When’s the last time that happened?
I specifically recall a reference to modern conservatism in your post.
Edmund Burke has been dead a couple of years or so, I believe.
Damn. Houseboy really is that fucking stupid.
The loneliest number is in fact 40585.
Well cut off my legs and call me shorty! You’re right! It is the lonliest number since the number one. And look! Two CAN be as sad as one! Who’da thunk it…
Oops. imagine closed italics. It isn’t hard to do.
This is not a word.
Like everything you say, it is manufactured from the diseased mind of someone who should get help.
you are lethal killing machine who would gladly drop anyone to the right of Pol Pot
Dood, try to concentrate. I’m a flatulent old man with high blood pressure and a history of addiction. Not much of a machine, sorry.
I am, however, unwilling to be intimidated by right wing assholes. Too much water under the bridge and not enough left to lose. So you keep frothing at the mouth about a washed up dillatente hippie incompetent bomber with a body count of ZERO.
In the meantime, my country, you know, the one I went to war for, will try to recover from the criminal behavior and violation of the oath of office represented by the fuckers who lied and cheated their way into office.
And when you and your ilk are marginalized and laughed at, when you count for nothing but a cautionary tale of what was and could have been again, and the people who love this nation and what it stands for take power and try to save everything that’s important, I can heave a heavy sigh of relief and go gently into the darkness of my future.
And if you guys want to tear this nation apart and spill blood in the streets, well, just make sure you’re up to what you wish for, ’cause some of us will dance with you…
There are many problems within modern conservatism, and my political interests lie there. Major problems are caused by framing conservatism as a “family values” movement – nonsense considering the social conservativism of a great many Democratic constituencies – or as some kind of “low tax” movement in and of itself. While I believe the power of the government to tax should be severely limited, I believe that only because the level of taxation is directly proportional to the amount of power the government exerts over its citizens.
Libertarianism, in my view, is garbage. Republicans may be accused of being born on third base and thinking they hit a triple, but libertarians think the same thing, only they also wonder why everyone else can’t hit a triple too.
Snark about this all you want children, my beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent. My disgust with modern conservatism is nothing compared to my contempt and visceral hatred of criminal scum like Ayers.
“Susan, denouncing is something Maoists like you do in your Orwellian groupthink sessions”
That’s rich, coming from the man who said this (“none of you can bring yourselves to condemn Ayers”) just up the thread.
Ayers (and until recently Churchill) live off the public tit
Umm, sadly no. Universityof Chicago is a private institution.
Mikey: I love you!
Snark about this all you want children, my beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent. Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me. My disgust with modern conservatism is nothing compared to my contempt and visceral hatred of criminal scum like Ayers.
Snark about this all you want children, my beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent.
Dream on. And go away, faux patriot. You are part of the pollution.
Isn’t there some right-wing blog audience you could be lecturing to?
We Sadly,No!sians aren’t interested in shifting deck chairs on the GOP Titanic.
We just want it to go away.
Susan, denouncing is something Maoists like you do in your Orwellian groupthink sessions
Results 1 – 10 of about 72 from for denounce
Results 1 – 10 of about 161 from for denounce.
HL describing Ayers:
…a sociopath who leers at us with a vicious death’s grin…
HL describing Ayers on the previous thread:
…the hateful face of leftist violence grinning at us all… his grinning, hateful face… the hideously leering Ayers… leers his sickening serpent’s smile…
HL describing his own mental state:
…my beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent…
Hedley Lamarr from ‘Blazing Saddles’ describing his own mental state:
…My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. …
My whole life is pointed in one direction.
as long as it’s not straight down….
And you don’t seek to restrict the power of corporations … why, exactly?
Um, fuck you? I guess that’s as politely as I can put it.
Ah, but does Ayers work at the University of Chicago? Sadly, No!
And if I do go away, thunder, does that make the ugly existence of Ayers go away? I don’t think so. Get used to it, hypocritical lefty, ordinary Americans can smell out criminal garbage like Ayers. (Notice how the snark recedes when the points really hit home….)
Oh, and take it easy, Flashback. No one is going to dance in the street with you. Spilling the blood of the Man is kind of a leftist fantasy, donchyaknow; I’m not comfortable in the company of the bomb throwers. Guess I’m not just not cut out to be a Leftist.
(Pssst, Leslie, that part of the ‘quote’ is lifted from Taxi Driver)
That’s some nice research right there, Snorghagen. Every last fucking word of it is central to my point.
thanks for the clarification…
I guess it has been the Season of The Indicted Campaign Chairman,
considering that Larry “Wide Stance” Craig was Romney’s campaign chairman…
“Hedley Lamarr from ‘Blazing Saddles’ describing his own mental state:
…My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. …”
Ha, awesome! My Dad, brother and I watch that movie every father’s day…
Here is Hedley Lamarr describing the modern GOP:
“I want rustlers, cutthroats, murders, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con-men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglars, horse thieves, bull-dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shitkickers, and Methodists!”
Well, not Mexican bandits…
So GHB, help me out here.
You want us to denounce Ayers who several of the good folks here have already conceded is a king-size asshole but for some reason that’s not acceptable.
Is this your “well thought out and internally consistent” conservatism at work? Or is it, perhaps, another case of IOKIYAR?
Just askin’.
“None of you can bring yourselves to condemn Ayers…”
The best part is *I did* condemn Ayers, and listed other “leftists” that did as well, and he has nothing to say about it….
The fact is, here in the Heartland
Y’know, if the Hysterical Left had an idea to offer, if he could write well in english, if he had a case to present and could present it in a coherent fashion, if he could get over his pathetic obsession with a forty year old incompetent wannabe terrorist and was willing to offer some kind of deep commitment and had some kind of personal history to back it all up, then just maybe he’d be…
Nah. He’d still be an asshole.
Sorry. Never mind…
Well, obviously, we didn’t mean it. Or we’re lulling “Classie” Freddie Glassie into a false sense of security. Y’know, just in time for us to throw bombs at him (like what, we’re still living in the 1910s?) Or something that means we have to listen to him again and again because he doesn’t have friends.
Perhaps he was dropped on his head as a child.
Wait — do I denounce Ayers for what he was doing related to domestic terrorism, or do I denounce him for something he’s doing now? And if so, what?
It would be handy if Republicans could publish a “Condemnations for Leftist Dummies” on a weekly basis, or something, so that we can be clear on who denounce this week, and exactly what constitutes an “acceptable” denunciation.
Like do we need to have spittle flying, a la David Horowitz, or a cold bimboish sneer, a la Coulter?
El Cid: I think we’re supposed to denounce Bill Ayers for being Bill Ayers. Because we’re Maoists and we’re supposed to denounce people. Unlike Glassie, who merely demands we denounce him but isn’t actually required to denounce his own bastards.
I think you bored the snark to death, Hypocrite. I condemn you for the foul deed, you simpering amphibian.
No, no, tigrismus. Don’t condemn him. That’s exactly what he wants you to do. Denounce him instead. That’ll really piss him off.
tigrismus said,
February 23, 2008 at 4:24
I think you bored the snark to death, Hypocrite. I condemn you for the foul deed, you simpering amphibian.
Think of the salamanders! I’m sure they would all denounce the hypocrite, if only their little fingers were powerful enough to use the keyboard.
I’ll denounce him AFTER I condemn him. First I have to abhor him, then blast him. Later I’ll execrate him. Thank goodness I ate my Wheaties!
I don’t think we’re really supposed to denounce Ayers. All we really need to do is to cower like the pathetic lefty weaklings we are before HL’s overwhelming moral power and irrefutable belief system.
And what are we, chopped liver? Besides, we’re holding out for objurgating.
Oh. Would that be quicker? Seems like that would save a lot of time and energy over chasing down some unknown doofus’ list of who I need to ‘condemn’.
And more relaxing. You can comfortably cower in a recliner chair or a couch while enjoying quality television programming.
Axolotl said,
February 23, 2008 at 4:37 (kill)
If it’s any comfort, I think you guys are adorable.
Ho, hum
Well the only way I can imagine that reasonably explains the vehemence and spittle-flecked obsession that GlassHouse Boy has with an obscure ex-hippie who did some shitty stuff 38 years ago is one of the following:
1) Ayers rejected a romantic overture from GlassBoy.
2) Ayers stole away a lover from Glass Boy
3) Ayers beat Glass Boy out during a job search
4) and, my pick, Ayers rejected GlassBoy academically, either by giving him a bad grade, washing him out of a degree program, or making fun of a paper he gave at a conference.
What’s everyone else’s guess?
Cause there has to be some explanation for this kind of obsession – it’s like Bette Davis holding a grudge against Joan Crawford for losing a part to her.
Perhaps he was dropped on his head as a child.
His mamma should have used these cards.
“…my beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent.”
Well, thanks for clearing that up.
All we really need to do is to cower like the pathetic lefty weaklings we are before HL’s overwhelming moral power and irrefutable belief system.
Yeah. Seems like it’s just another angle of attack for houseboy. Another way of trying to cause fear, of going on attack, even in a ridiculous way.
Unless dude is seriously holding an unshakeable, gnawing, burning hatred of Bill Ayres in his mind. If that’s the case, it’s just insane, pathetic, and dangerous.
I had not seen those before. My first really good laugh of the day. Thanks.
As best as I can reason it, HL’s “argument” is that Ayers is “leftist” and that… um, I don’t know. That means everyone left of center is horrible and lives with leering grinning etc etc?
Do we need to start listing all the abhorrent people who have claimed a right-wing political affiliation?
No, we do not. No ideology has a monopoly on stupid college students or sociopathic assholes.
You would think you wouldn’t have to explain this to adults…
Oh hell yeah. I regularly cower under a comforter (think nuclear Blankie) in front of the fire with at least two iPods.
Cowering, like sex and tennis, is a joy when done right…
Ah, but Ayers is a lefty……
Which means he’s a fascist…..
Which, I think, just further proves my point….
Ditto El Cid. Lesley’s cards are ‘good laugh’ funny.
I think I hate Gene Simmons more than Bill Ayers. Ewwwwwwww.
Welcome back, HTML! (Cheers, applause, etc.)
Gerontophiliac, stop teasing Billy Pilgrim.
Dadanarchist, the Bush MisAdministration’s whole bidniz ethic is based on the Mexican bandits otherwise known as “crony capitalists” who ran their country (into the ground) as a klepocratic fiefdom during the Bush crime family’s sojourn in Texas. The traitors squatting in the Oval Office have spent seven busy years trying to turn America into a 1950s version of Tijuana — hellish for the lowly natives, but an idyllic vacation spot for wealthy expats in search of cheap mansions, pretty folk art, intoxicants, and properly humble peons.
As for the rest of you: If you keep throwing bread pellets at the Hysterical troll, it will never go the fvck away!
Did you finally sort out that Ayers isn’t at UC?
In any case, what draws my attention about Ayers is his position as the archetypical American Leftist: comes from money, sociopathic towards other people, indulged in violence as a game, engaged in what even he would describe as criminal activity, then got away scot-free and became a professor. The tenured professor who uses his or her position to spew hatred on ordinary Americans is almost a cliche at this point; witness the eighty-eight professors at Duke who signed a statement supporting the framing of their own students (see for a discussion of this phenomenon.)
I’m way past college, children, and actually have to earn a living for myself and my family. Most of you kids clearly aren’t there yet; some of you may not ever have to worry due to your family’s wealth or connections – the typical spoiled leftist scenario. Look at Ayers – his dad ran ComEd, and he got to blow up buildings and mock homicide victims! Doesn’t that sound like fun, lefties?
Just remember that his hideously smirking sociopathic visage graced a million magazine covers the week of 9/11, reminding ordinary Americans exactly what the Left is all about.
I always love it when the Democracts/left-wingers are cast as both people who want to take down hard-working disgustingly rich people and rich effete elites coming from privilege.
But you’re officially off the deep end, HL. You’ve cast us in roles you yourself created, so I’ll do a little turnabout… another dirty Leftist trick, I’m sure (keep capitalizing, that makes it sound scarier!):
The KKK were right-wingers who terrorized hundreds of thousands of people, with everything from simple scare tactics right up to rape, murder, and arson. Therefore all people claiming to be right-of-center are, in fact, rapists, murderers, and arsonists. Wait, sorry: “All people of the Right are all about rape, murder, arson, and racism, and also they have grinning leering visages that leer and grin and are also visages. That grin.”
By family, I’m thinking his pet fern that died last month. Which was totally a leftist plot and not that he forgot to water it with water.
Now I’m really confused – Bill Ayers is actually Osama ben Laden? WTF?
What sort of pathological shit are you smoking, twerp? You don’t know a god-damned thing about me or any of us. You don’t know what the fuck my family went through and survived (or didn’t).
What you seem to be stricken by as something special with Ayers and his sociologically upper class and privileged background is the whole fucking political elite, fuckhead, and in all your super hard-workin’ working class defender of all that’s right and good you’re apparently too fucking stupid to know what sorts of people dominate every fucking major sector of U.S. life you pseudo-intellectual dweeb.
Why don’t you go inspect the kinds of people who lead right wing “think tanks”? Or major academic institutions? What, you think if you hang about at the Washington Times you’ll watch the shift change as the proletarian staff emerges from their late-shift coal mining jobs to work their precious daylight hours on the paper?
Oh, and fuck you.
I think we should just run with this HL quote
Ayers is example of the crime that pays
and compile a list of those who’ve profited from crime, sorted by dollar amount, highest to lowest.
Then demand that HL denounce them.
I HUNGER!!!!!!!!!!!
Get your hideously smirking sociopathic visage right here.
I’m way past college, children,
Oh, I got it now. It’s number 2. Ayers scored with that hippie chick Glassie had his eye, after a show at the Filmore East. And she totally didn’t look at Glassie again.
And by the way, asshole, the only reason I’m commenting at this hour on this day is because my elite privileged ass still has work to do for the fucking business I help run all so’s I can hear from full of shit sub-Horowitzians like you.
By the way, nobody forced David Horowitz’ egocentric, elite ass into a very publicly volatile Black Panther group which later got someone he cared for killed, but no, no, that wasn’t the fault of the egos of assholes like him, no, no, it was those evil Commies who taught him wrong, or the danged lefties who were so romanticized — someone else, but not David Horowitz’ own vainglorious need to be at the very fucking center of the exotic and rebellious.
G: My guess? The first season of “St. Elsewhere” recently came out on DVD. The first half-dozen episodes include an arc about a baby-faced Leftwing Terrorist who blows up a bank, killing innocent people, putting a beautiful blonde in a coma, and incidentally getting himself photogenically injured enough to be handcuffed a hospital bed. The LT is shown spitting, literally, on all that is good and decent, not least his befuddled overindulgent upper-class parents; however, he is eventually murdered — uh, vigilanted? retributionated? — by the decent Midwestern husband of the beautiful blond. Ergo, Hysterical Foamer (or whoever faxes its talking points) has a Netflix subscription, or a jones for 80s medical dramas, or a crush on Howie Mandell (ewww!).
Hey, man, watering ferns is for elite lefto-fascists who can afford to pay their water bills without having to work in the Sahara milking incontinent camels for 22 hours a day.
Most of you kids clearly aren’t there yet; some of you may not ever have to worry due to your family’s wealth or connections – the typical spoiled leftist scenario.
Oh, man, you called that one, Glassie…, not so much. You got the U of I @ at Chicago right, though.
For pure amusement, I’ll have to filter all of Glassie’s comments through the lens of his extraordinary omniscience. If this represents the level of his accuracy of Glassie’s statements, then everything else he says is at an equal level of horseshittedness.
“When you have right on your side, you can do some pretty horrific things.”
Sounds like something a repentant neocon might say. The quote belongs to former Weather Underground member, Brian Flanagan.
This rabid hatred for Bill Ayers is nothing but projection. At least the weathermen have seen the error of their ways. Can’t say the same for the Bush apologists who continue to support atrocities in the name of right.
As for the rest of you: If you keep throwing bread pellets at the Hysterical troll, it will never go the fvck away!
Ah, c’mon. Poking sticks at paranoid obsessive nutcases is fun.
Pssst, HL – Bill Ayers put his boogers in your showerhead!
g, I suspect they were in a class together back in the day. Ayers became prof’s pet, answered all the questions and Glassie ended up with a B in the class because it was graded on a curve.
And GHB blames that for his failing to get into a postgrad program and his subsequent life which is surely a big bucket of fail.
“When you feel you have right on your side, you can do some pretty horrific things.”
If my recall is any good, one of the the biggest high profile dicks on the left in the seventies was Jerry Rubin. Oh my God, that guy had an unparalleled ego. Such a dick – and a sexist dick – he was. As could have been predicted, he “transformed” himself into a wall street broker. YUUUUUUUCK.
Same as he ever was.
Hmm. The lesson here?
In order to be a “believer”, you have to have a set of “beliefs”?
Thanks Hysterical boy! There’s clarity in that.
Of course, neither you nor Ayers qualifies, but it’s a worthwhile prism through which to see the political world.
El Cid,
Oh dear, the snark seems to have deserted you. One little name – Bill Ayers – and the hypocritical reality of the American Left comes crashing in on you.
Just to play along, can you please name the conservative members of think-tanks, newspapers, colleges etc who plotted bombing campaigns against Americans? Who were wanted by the FBI for decades? Who even now say that it might be necessary to use violence against Americans?
I can predict the kind of hand waving and “what about” nonsense you’ll come up with; weak doesn’t begin to describe it. Bill Ayers, criminal filty, icon of the American Left.
Oh, and Lesley? Ayers is unrepentant sociopathic leftism; even now he wonders if he did enough, and says he has no regrets about his criminal violence.
Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers…
I.P. Check of H.L. plz.
I’m guessing the same addy as saul booger st chris james, parody/attention troll.
HL, you are the shitstain that won’t quit stinking.
Yeah, Bill Ayers is such a big icon of mine that I had to Google him up to find out who he was – and I actually grew up in that era.
Sorry, HL, your obsession is sounding creepier and creepier. You really sound like you’re a few cowboys shy of a posse, if you know what I mean.
Also, what’s a criminal filty?
My guess is BLT.
Nah, just enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. You whine about conservatives who print mean things, and cuddle up to violent criminals who actually brag about planting bombs.
Have a sweet night, ladies.
I bet you say that to all the ladies, after your already on the other side of their locked door.
Don’t people tend to know who icons are?
Oh, and I love the little, craven, “Americans” caveat. Weasel word to avoid the School of the Americas and Pinochet and……..
I’m going to give a spotted owl a solar-powered gay abortion tomorrow in worshipful praise of Bill Ayers, God-King of the Left. Joins me in the most holy sacrament of Maoist Groupthink, comrades! Then we can spoon.
The neoconservatives feel that it is an excellent idea to kill millions of Iranians, and thousands of US troops, in an attack on Iran. They believe that this strategy is justified because they think it will keep Middle Easterners, and Americans, afraid, weak, and off-balance. They calculate that massive death among Americans and Iranians, not to mention the likely degradation of the global economy, is a small price to pay for their continued political dominance. This is an example of violence against americans used for ideological reasons by conservative members of think tanks.
During the time the weather underground was active, young men were being forced to serve in Vietnam where they were wounded, slaughtered, and in other ways irreparably damaged. Of course, that doesn’t count cuz it was legal murder, right?
I’m going to assume HL wouldn’t respond well to a draft.
This was going on when the weather underground was active, and this too, but context doesn’t interest HL.
ga ga ga ga ga
Have a sweet night, ladies.
Bye, misogynist!
Just to play along, can you please name the conservative members of think-tanks, newspapers, colleges etc who plotted bombing campaigns against Americans? Who were wanted by the FBI for decades? Who even now say that it might be necessary to use violence against Americans?
Oh, this is too easy!
Gordon Liddy, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck – there’s such a wealth of riches!
HL, how old are you? And when did you first learn about Ayers? I’m guessing this week?
tigrismus said,
February 23, 2008 at 5:45
I’m going to give a spotted owl a solar-powered gay abortion tomorrow in worshipful praise of Bill Ayers, God-King of the Left. Joins me in the most holy sacrament of Maoist Groupthink, comrades! Then we can spoon.
No, Lesley – they were college roommates, obviously, and HL has nursed a grudge for oh, these many bitter years!
Karl Rove dropping that virtual bomb on Valerie Plame was a proud patriotic moment.
It would be better not to respond to this hysterical moron. They seriously sound insane with hatred over… something. They are not interested in debate, but want to attack with any stupid thing they’ve got.
Looks like that link to the Kent State massacre scared him off. He asked for it! Stupid git.
I learned about Ayers a few days after 9/11, when I saw his hideous smug face on the cover of the newspaper’s magazine. The magazine, with atrocious timing, had featured him as the “unapologetic bomber.” Ayers deserves all the opprobrium and more that gets thrown at him. Safe in his tenured luxury, this psychopath has no morals, no regrets, and no worries.
So I’m told Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly are bomb throwers previously wanted by the FBI. Really? Are you sure about that, G? As sure as you were that Ayers wore the maroon of UC?
Face it, for violent mendacity there is nothing like the Left.
Listen folks, I’d love to stay and play in this thread, really I would.
But the 22nd happens to be the day that, each and every month like clockwork, a very large sum of money is automatically transferred from one of several trust funds into my PayPal account. Other transfers take place on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 29th (or 28th in non leap year Februaries).
And that means it’s time to order a bunch of shit online.
I like to go crazy at Amazon (each month’s wish list seems to get longer, but I always have plenty of money left over no matter what), then bid on stuff I’ll never even use at eBay (AuctionSniper’s the only way to go, baby), followed by a bunch of clicks at, and then all topped off by a spree at the all-night Chinese takeout/delivery joint. I always tip well.
Then, before I go to sleep, I’ll re-read selected passages from Abbie Hoffman’s classic “Steal This Book,” since it’s him I have to thank for all of this ill-gotten, undeserved, yet still very satisfying excessive wealth.
Every month. LIke Clockwork. Abbie Hoffman.
Ah, ha ha ha!
John McCain in 1998:
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because Janet Reno is her father.
Me in 2008:
Why does Cindy stay married to John McCain?
Because she is brain-damaged.
Fucking hilarious.
ok, so um, Ayers was a royal dick. he blew up a building and injured his friends.
so how about the Bush administration’s tens of thousands of needless casualties? Note: none of Bush’s friends have been wounded, though many, painfully and with great sorrow have become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
Oh, I forgot about the guy Cheney shot in the face whilst canned quail hunting.
wow, what kind of obsessive knucklehead, during the days of horror that followed 9/11, would, instead of caring about what was happening in his own country right at the moment, focus on a newspaper article that probably no one else had even bothered to read, about a guy whose bad deeds took place 30-odd years ago, and whose self-justifying ramblings were totally irrelevant?
All that horror going on, and what rocked your world was an ill-timed interview with an obscure sixties character?
HL, you’re a nut case, just like the crazy lady who thought David Letterman was going to marry her, or John Hinkley shooting Ronald Reagon over his obsession with Jodie Foster.
Seriously, you should get some help. Take your lithium and turn off the computer.
Palmbeachmaven, let’s be famous together.
Bill Ayers may have killed as many people as some number of white supremacist terrorists in the same period, but at least didn’t give billions of dollars and weapons to the fundamentalist Islamic terrorist warlord drug-smuggling killer mujahedeen who launched Osama bin Laden’s terrorist career, as well as the Taliban and Al Qa’ida who was sheltered by the Taliban, and who then went on to attack us on 9/11 because the sheltered, failed silver-spoon son of a President was too lazy and too arrogant in forgetting his failed business history to convene even one meeting on terrorism in his first 8 months in office, leading to the cover story which so offended our poor little FrontPageMag stinkoe here to bemoan the elitist left which won’t condemn criminals on command.
Dear Bill Ayers,
I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee. And I throw dog poop on your shoes.
HL’s outrage is all fake. He’s merely exploiting an opportunity to feel better about the atrocities he’s supported since 2003.
INTERIOR: A small, dingy apartment in a Midwestern college town.
HL, a no-longer young man wearing khakis and a Ronald Reagan tee shirt sits at his computer, A tiny round hamster sits on his shoulder, holding a slice of cucumber in its paws and nibbling at the edges.
HL: For five, long years I’ve stalked this man, Nancykins. .Every morning while my Pop-Tarts are popping I see his smeering,unrepetatent face, mocking me with his sordid past and academic respect. Every time I think of how the leftists worship his altar I choke on my Ovaltine. They must be warned!
THE HAMSTER slaps her forehead with one tiny paw.
HL: Sure, they mock me now, but if my Will to Power is strong enough they’ll see the errors of their ways, one by one. All I have to do is get every liberal in the country to admit Ayers is a bad, bad man and God wil once again smile upon this fertile land.
THE HAMSTER jumps down from HL’s shoulder to the desk where HL has resumed typing. She peers at the keyboard, and scampers to the Caps Lock button, pressing it down with her nose, then begins to type.
HL: (excited) What is it, girl? Have you thought of a way to rid this nation of the cursed man who has haunted my every moment? Nobody else realizes the danger, Nancykins. They’ve gone on with their lives, having kids and getting jobs and moving out of their parents’ basement. But I’ll never forget, as God is my witness!
THE HAMSTER points to the type on the monitor.
G, if you think there is no resonance between foreign terrorists (coddled by the Left) and domestic Leftist terrorism, I agree that you won’t understand why I paid attention to the Ayers article the week of 9/11. Somehow, though, I think I’m not the only one.
If all of you agree that Ayers is sociopathic criminal garbage – which he is – then can explain why he is on charitable boards, a tenured professor, paid speaker, etc? As GR would say, the fact is that only the Left manages to put filth like Ayers into presumbably respectable positions; no one could come up with a counter example on the conservative side.
Boy, I’m upsetting you children. You brag about your snark but except for a few much-appreciated chuckles, you’ve mostly acted like babies who’ve just been told there is no Santa Claus.
Susan of Texas wins the thread.
Henry Kissinger. Sailed with Fidel Castro’s original rebel group on the Granma in 1956 and became a core member of the revolutionary forces in the Sierra Maestra. Joined Che Guevara in Bolivia in 1967. Escaped into Brazil and singlehandedly hacked his way through the Amazon jungle. Slipped into New Jersey and set up a violent revolutionary cell in Teaneck in 1968. Implicated in several flushings of cherry bombs down high school bathroom toilets. Evaded the FBI by hiding in the White House.
Norman Podheretz. Traveled to Cuernavaca with Timothy Leary in 1960, and participated in early experiments with psilocybin. Resided at the Millbrook estate with Leary from 1963-1967, consuming massive amounts of hallucinogens. Adopted the name ‘Baba Rum Raisin’ in 1968 and founded a cult dedicated to leaving burning paper bags full of dog turds on porches. Never apprehended.
Paul Wolfowitz. Became a capo for the Genovese family in New York in the mid-1970s. Wolfowitz’s utterly ruthless rise to the top of the Five Families involved extensive blowing up of mailboxes and stuffing of potatoes in exhaust pipes. Wolfowitz was eventually tried and sentenced to become head of the World Bank.
That’s it. Hypocrictical asswipe gets pie.
What an idiot.
Meantime, I made some mushroom, cream, wine and butter gorp with some chicken and rice. I’m just waiting for it. It seems it will NOT be hurried. Ah well, it’s friday. Maybe I’ll chunk some sour cream in there…
What happened half a century ago by a few extremists who weren’t representative of the left is irrelevant. (Obviously HL wasn’t around then and knows precisely squat about what was going on).
If you’re going to rant about home grown terrorists, why not focus on the Oklahoma bombing or the abortion clinic bombers…none of whom are left wing btw.
Left manages to put filth like Ayers into presumbably respectable positions; no one could come up with a counter example on the conservative side.
Eat me.
Not bad, Susan, nor you either Snorghagen. For some reason I also find Tigris’s responses to be pretty damn funny.
The rest of you need to dry your tears. The Left is nasty, authoritarian, and thoroughly hypocritical. Why not embrace Bill Ayers – he is a smug, sociopathic, smirking sadist who embodies the violent and authoritarian impluses of the Left. When Americans think of American professors, they think of Ayers – your hypocricy is exposed.
Mikey is terrorizing my stomach with temptation. Damn leftist chefs!
mikey said,
February 23, 2008 at 6:37
That’s it. Hypocrictical asswipe gets pie.
What an idiot.
Agreed. Parody troll, or too stupid to know that he is one.
Same, same, in other words.
Boy, I’m upsetting you children.
My, my my. Somebody’s ability to read human emotions is a bit on the fritz. The lithium will do that to you.
There’s a fleck of spittle foam on your collar there – I can get you a tissue if you wish.
you won’t understand why I paid attention to the Ayers article the week of 9/11. Somehow, though, I think I’m not the only one.
Oh, I’m sure you’re not. There’s a little cadre of you, rumple-haired graduate students with axes to grind and grudges to nurse, disappointed former radicals like David Horowitz, ink-stained fingers twitching, clutching their 7 year old dog-earred copies of the New York Times article. Smoothing out the wrinkles in the newsprint carefully, parsing each word, reinforcing one another’s paranoia.
How jealous you must be that Ayers got all that attention, and yet no one else cares! You’re secretly furious at the victims of the WTC for overshadowing your own pet cause – Why, Why, is the world paying so much attention to these stockbrokers and secretaries, and ignoring the expose of your nemesis, the one whose come-uppance you’ve been praying for all these years? How cruel is fate, to have a national disaster overshadow your moment of triumph, when the one whose exposure you’ve longed for is relegated to yesterday’s news?
As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if our little guest isn’t the notorious David Horowitz himself – he’s just unhinged enough,isn’t he?
Dood, you don’t know much about history.
There was another September 11th. It was in 1973.
Thousands of people were tortured and murdered in the state soccer stadium in Santiago. Henry kissenger provided funding, CIA personnel, encouragement and political cover as Pinochet took power in a coup, overthrowing the legitimately elected president Allende, and commiting massive crimes against humanity.
Kissenger. You get that? Henry the K?
Not even mentioning East Timor or Sabra and Shatilla.
You are an idiot, Glassy-eyes. Go away….
I just dropped in the fresh mushrooms.
I think we’re about ready to go.
For something I pulled out of my ass while arguing with a right wing idiot and drinking heavily, I think it’s gonna be awesome. Rice is ready, and I’ll pour the gorp over the rice and garnish with grated monterey jack and scallions.
Then I’ll eat like seven pounds of it and sit here in a stupor.
Gotta love friday nights…
Not bad, Susan, nor you either Snorghagen. For some reason I also find Tigris’s responses to be pretty damn funny.
The parody troll tests and grades the SadlyNo comment thread just like a real perfessor.
Thanks, good buddy. All I ask from life is a chance to amuse psychotic trolls.
But unfortunately, even now Bill Ayers is somewhere safe and warm, with an evil unrepentant leer slowly spreading across his hideous narcissistic mug.
Sounds good, mikey. It’s tuna salad sandwiches for me tonight. Too much trouble to do anything else. It’s just me and the dog tonight, and he’s already eaten.
Ugh, that unrepentant smug sociopath makes me ill. He’s your baby, leftists, you change him.
I’m picturing g’s dog whipping up a meal for himself, like Gromit would.
Thank goodness I ate my Wheaties!
Boy, there’s an expression I haven’t heard in years. Funny.
Wait — why the hell is it my fucking responsibility to deal with some former criminal who I never created and never supported in any way? It’s my fault that David Horowitz worked with the Black Panthers?
He’s your baby, leftists, you change him.
the funny thing is, HL, you’re the one carrying him around with you, like he’s strapped to your chest like a Snugli.
We don’t give a shit about him.
I’m always amused by the strangeness of people like our HL. Or like the other trolls, who bring their own pet causes, their bete noires to this board, and yammer on about them, simultaneously trying to make us pay attention to someone we don’t know or care about, and demanding that we denounce or distance ourselves from them.
We don’t fucking care about your cause, HL. This is your obsession. You sleep, eat, and brood about Bill Ayers. His grin, smug or whatever, haunts YOUR dreams. It’s YOUR stomach lining that sours when you see him.
turn off your computer, and take your little scraps of newsprint out to the sidewalk and stop strangers on the street. Brandish your copy of the NYTimes article in their faces and demand that they acknowledge your point of view about a guy they’ve never heard of. Teach your little nieces and nephews his name, that is, until your sister or brother stops bringing the kiddies around to visit wacky old uncle HL. Write screeds to the local newspaper. Keep the flame alive, baby! Someday you’ll be able to say you told them so!
But fuck off here, eh?
Snorhagen; ” . . . You can comfortably cower in a recliner chair or a couch while enjoying quality television programming.”
Don’t forget strong drink.
Nah, he can’t be Horowitz. He’s gone on for paragraphs and paragraphs without mentioning Jane Fonda once. Cos, y’know, Fonda is the Glorious Traitor-In-Chief of the Left(TM).
Stop arguing with Hypocritical Left already. Are you fucking stupid, or what?
I’m picturing g’s dog whipping up a meal for himself, like Gromit would.
Would that he could, poor guy. He’s old. One of his legs is misshapen and doesn’t work right. My spouse says he looks like a 3- legged dog with a one-legged dog following after.
during the day he likes to sleep on the deck in the sun. This evening, though, when I came home there was a coyote in the driveway – when my headlights him it, he ran towards the lower yard, where Geriatric Rottweiler was waiting. Then as my car followed him toward the carport, the coyote skipped aside and ran down the gully. GR was very glad to see me, I think. I have a feeling he does not want to mess with a coyote at his advanced age.
He got some canned dog food and the broth from the can of tuna. And a dog cookie.
And above all, without mentioning David Horowitz once.
“And a dog cookie.”
Mmmmmmmmmmmm……dog cookies.
Just waiting for the Chinese food delivery guy to show up. You should see what I got on Amazon tonight.
I can relate. The coyote is the NVA Sapper of the wild. Those mothers will fuck you up.
The wacky random chicken and rice dinner turned out to be really good.
Kinda wish I knew what I did. I’d make it again.
Stop arguing with Hypocritical Left already. Are you fucking stupid, or what?
Um. Well, can’t remember a whole lotta people lining up to accuse me of being some kind of Rhodes Scholar. Just saying.
I’m watching the warriors try to keep up with the freakin atlanta hawks.
It’s sad when your team is built entirely around offense.
This can be one of those life’s lessons, if you choose….
g, I’m a sucker for every old dog in my neighbourhood. they’ve got the sweetest natures.
Jane Fonda? We’ve been having a Saturday night 70s film retrospective at my house the last few months thanks to the Broward County Library. Last week, we screened “Klute” in honor of Roy Scheider’s death. Jane Fonda was ever so hot!
Let me rephrase. A blog populated by Rhodes Scholars such as Sadly, No! should not lower itself to arguing with extremely dumb trolls like Hypocritical Left.
Barbarella, dude! I was ready to join the VC after I saw that one.
Plus, I blew up the local post office.
sorry, man. I just got bored and started riffing.
What’s your take on brussels sprouts, Barry?
I’m more afraid of racoons than coyotes. If I see a coyote I’ll risk passing by, but racoons scare the living crap out of me, especially when they’re in little gangs, which they usually are. I was chased once by one in an alley. I felt like a complete idiot screaming down that alley but that thing was after me!@
Have you seen The Daily Coyote? His best friend is a house cat.
I have no strong feelings about Brussels Sprouts. Why do you ask? (sensing brutal Internet takedown to follow).
I had this friend a back in the eighties named Phil. Phil was a REALLY good guy, but, to be honest, he just wasn’t bright. He was grilling chicken in Curry Villiage in Yosemity (Yeah, I KNOW you’re not supposed to cook in Curry) and a pack of raccoons came up. He had no problem shooing them away, right? Right. I was sitting on the steps of a tent-cabin with a beer and a joint watching them. The raccoons withdrew and talked it over. They faked a frontal assault on the chicken (and it was really sadly obvious. Clausewitz they weren’t). But poor Phil. Did I mention he wasn’t really bright? The main body of the raccoons took ALL the chicken while Phil was triumphantly shooing off the frontal feint. I was laughing so hard I had nothing to contribute.
The raccoons ate our chicken. We had jerky and trail mix. And we deserved it.
I love brussels sprouts, if they are prepared correctly. They should be sauteed lightly, and have some blue cheese or something mixed in. But don’t overcook them- they wilt & turn to mush.
when the Geriatric Malamute was still with us, we had to leave our back deck door open at night because GM needed to go out in the middle of the night, and he wasn’t good about waking us up and telling us.
We also had, as I’ve mentioned, the problem of the Rats. So we used to put the dog food dish up on the dining room table.
Well, imagine my spouse’s surprise one morning, at 3:00 a.m. while up to get a glass of water, encountering a racoon sitting on our dining room table, having himself a little dog food snack.
The coon was about the size of a large Butterball turkey.
Fortunately, he took off through the deck door.
That was a rough couple of months, with the Geriatric Malamute in his decline.
I’m concerned about the Geriatric Rottweiler. His appetite is down.
Barry, the brussels sprouts question is a test. I don’t know what the fuck the test means, because the verdict on brussels sprouts is very diverse. I like ’em. mikey hates ’em. But – we need to know your opinion on brussels sprouts.
I get racoons staring at me thru the window when I’m in the computer room. There’s a compost bin to climb on right outside the window. My neighbor puts out old bread for the birds, but the racoon gets it brings it over to my place, and softens it up in my birdbaths, leaving a mushy mess for me to clean up in the morning. I’ve seen my cats and the racoon eyeballing each other thru the screen window, and I usually bring that to a halt because I don’t know how well the screen would fare in an assault.
Now, it’s just not true that I hate brussels sprouts. I really don’t. I just do NOT accept that they’re edible. They might well serve as excellent decorations, or even ammunition for slingshots. There is just nothing you can do with them that would ever make them desirable, or even passable for eating…
Hey. It’s the weekend. Spouse is out of town. My goal this weekend is to clean out my clothes closet and get rid of anything I don’t wear anymore.
And then to go eat something good. Vietnamese? Salvadoran? Or go to a tacqueria? Malibu Seafood?
They might well serve as excellent decorations, or even ammunition for slingshots.
Hee hee. I suppose they’d make nice little green corsages!
When I was a kid, I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the taste of brussels sprouts, but I was fascinated by the appearance. They reminded me of these guys.
we need to know your opinion on brussels sprouts.
My recollection of brussels sprouts is that they are this untasty boiled thing that’s usually served full of water. Yeah, my parents weren’t gourmands.
So, to answer your question, no, I don’t like them.
Is this part of some government program on brussels sprouts? I’ve long suspected that Sadly, No! has ties to the national security community.
The coolest thing about brussels sprouts is the way they look when you buy them on the stem.
But I admit to liking them. Roasted in the oven, rolled in olive oil, with bacon.
Is anyone snowed in back east? CNN has one gorgeous picture of the Brooklyn Bridge and brownstones, shrouded in snow. here in CA its just cold and rainy.
I am going to go to bed with my book. ‘Night, all.
Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Almonds claims to make lovers out of BS haters. Not sure about the red wine vinegar though. Wouldn’t red wine be better?
Night, g.
Strange that it’s raining in CA. It was sunny and warm in Vancouver today. I got my first sunburn of the year today.
I’d go with napalm. Burn the Brussels Sprouts into ash.
Go get something yummy. Make it. Enjoy.
It’s a simple plan, but I’m a simple man. With a simple tan. Though my pimple ran, I had a dimple fan.
yeah, why ruin almonds and bacon with brussel sprouts?
For me dinner was grilled wild salmon marinated in teriyaki sauce with steamed eggplant, red peppers, yellow and green beans, peas, broccoli, spinach, and onions. For dessert, chopped empire apples drenched in lime juice and yogurt and topped with crumbled pecans.
It’s not what I’m used to but losing the Christmas weight means sacrifices right now.
I like raccoons. They and me seem to have developed and understanding. They and the armadillos gambol about the yard and don’t make a lot of racket, and in return they can eat whatever they can find outside. Hell if I care.
No, for me, the real problem cases are the possums and squirrels. The squirrels break into our attic, and the possums in our area aren’t so much down with the playing dead as they are with being mean-ass motherfuckers. They’ve fought with the feral cats and won the territory.
And then there’s the weird instance of the rabbits infesting the middle school across the street. Housing development tore down the small stretch of woods nearby, and the rabbits picked up shop and went all Watership Down on the area.
And the real kings of the hill are the buzzards. Turkey and/or black, doesn’t seem to matter, because those guys have entire conventions that make CPAC look like an elks lodge meeting.
Denunciations are the condemnations of liberal fascism.
The only time I’ve seen a raccoon was on the campus at UWash. It was engaged in a squabble with a raven over who had access rights to a rubbish bin… the raven seemed to be winning.
You people need a new thread.
Holy cats! Not this again!
Look, guys, I know this is the Maginot Line of Sadly No. But here’s the deal. Dice three slices bacon, cook em up in a pan over medium heat, saute about 1 cup diced sweet onion in the grease (with the bacon) then dump in a pound of brussel sprouts sliced in half, toss them around in the saute mix for a minute, then pour in 1 1/2 cups chicken broth, turn the heat to simmer, let them go for 30-45 minutes.
It’s delicious – the wife, who’s no fan of the sprouts, and her parents all went for these over Christmas.
A good braising will do wonders for anyone and anything.
How dumb do they think we are? Seriously. How often can you dramatically expand the power of the government then claim you are in favor of restricting it instead?
Conservatives think that talking a good game about less spending and less government power is good for them but in their heart of hearts they don’t believe a word of it. We have empirical proof of that.
Maybe Zombie Jeffrey Dahmer can post about how he’s totally opposed to eating meat. That would be more believable.
Who’s Bill Ayers? The only one who seems to care about him is HL.
Reminds me of all the hoohah over Ward Churchill. Remember that? A bunch of right-wing yahoos who never read Eichmann in Jerusalem wanted the entire “left” to denounce someone we never heard of.
Back then, it took me a few minutes to realize they meant me when they said “the extreme left.” (Obviously, now we know that anyone who wants to see FEWER Americans dying in Iraq is “the extreme left.” But back then, we were still capable of a little surprise at how stupid, dishonest and downright vile these conservatives can be.)
I second the call for a new thread. I was at work all night and I came here to this and I’m just not going to read all that.
Although from skimming, I get the impression that we have a new troll, who may be the dumbest ever.
You know now; of course, the McCrazies will be able to ‘safely’ ignore the abuse of power and flat out lies about Johnny’s influence peddling.
“Oh that sex smear was totally false so everything else is too.”
Its almost as if the NY Times wanted to undermine their own information and so wrapped it in a giant stinking turd.
But if I thought that, people would surely call me paranoid…
Hey, our next Bill Ayers Fan Club meeting is coming up. Have we scheduled who’s bringing the chips and dip and C4? This is a very important meeting, as we will begin to plan our national salvation campaign based on blowing up the last remaining Hardees franchise location, as evidence indicates that a lot of working class people eat there and we feel this is a good way to get back at our parents who deeded us the yacht.
g said,
February 23, 2008 at 8:11
Is anyone snowed in back east? CNN has one gorgeous picture of the Brooklyn Bridge and brownstones, shrouded in snow.
And then the rains came and washed all that snow away…
We can hz Brussels Sprouts war VII?
Gah! Still no new thread!! Are we doomed? We’ve done sprouts and urban wildlife. What else is left?
I’ll bake some carob vegan brownies for the next meeting of the Bill Ayers Fan Club.
If we don’t get a new thread soon, I’m going to have to go visit the Britney Spears gossip sites.
Who forgot to put the thread in the fridge? Sheesh, this thing is ripe. Not even braising and double smoked bacon can make this thing palatable.
Up to scorning.
Yesterday my spider Bumblemuffin was killed. Just this side of Baltimore is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When a spider dies that has been disenchantedly close to someone here, that goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There’s always some crap in the WaPo editorial pages to rant about:
“It’s yet another indication that Mr. Cheney thinks the normal rules of American democracy don’t apply to him.”
That’s been true of this entire Administration from day one, Mr. Hiatt.
You like to pick and choose the outrages you object to: you’re for the debacle in Iraq, against the torture, for the illegal spying, for letting Scooter Libby get off the hook for outing a CIA agent, for firing US Attorneys for political purposes.
It’s all part and parcel of the same thing: this Administration believes it is above the law. And you’re with them, rather than against them, far too often.
You ought to be fired.
*sniff* I’ll light a candle for Bumblemuffin, RB.
93 years ago my personable cow died. My question is to Allah… Why did it have to be my Fang Baby?
Brussels sprouts are the most reviled vegetable in existence, yet you vegefascists continue to apologize for its attacks on childhood appetites while a member of public school lunch menus in the 1970s.
No matter how much bacon you throw on it, you can’t deny its bitterness.
Go ahead–embrace Brassica oleracea, it’s your vegetable now.
And just for laughs, here’s the ,a href=” Pundit’s account of Bush’s thoughts as he finishes up his Africa trips:
Finally, Bush’s mind turned to other things, like napping. When he was asked how he thought Americans viewed his trip, he said, really, “I don’t have any idea. What are you writing about it? I don’t know what they think of it. Ask another question. I really don’t know. I’m focused on the trip. When I get home, I pick up a book and start reading it, and I’m sound asleep shortly thereafter. So I’m not — I don’t know. I really don’t know.” There’s no ellipses there. That’s the unedited answer.
My mind boggles that this idiot is the President of the United States.
I hope Janus finds a Janice, and they add lots of child Nodes to the family tree.
My pet mouse is dead.
My rat isn’t dead. The little @#$% lives on no matter what I do. He eats the bait off the trap. Then he shoves the trap out of the way so he can scamper around the house. He’s mocking me with his liberal rat way, I know it.
My rat is unrepentant criminal filth that has wreaked criminal destruction upon my spark-plug wires for years, and now lives in luxury off the public teat. He has never apologized for his hatred of America, nor his despicable act of chewing through the Rubbermaid dog-food bin. My disgust with the weak and ineffective liberal extermination industry is nothing compared to my contempt and visceral hatred of criminal scum like my rat.
My beliefs are well thought out and internally consistent. Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.
OK. I sat down here with my first cup of coffee, saw that we were hopelessly mired in rodents and brassicaceae, and stepped out onto the porch. Wandered around the neighborhood, sipping away at my coffee, enjoying the morning sun, poked my head in at driftglass, tiny revolution, rawstory, even peeked through the gates at Atrios, before slowly finding my way back home.
Still with the rodents.
I fear I’ll have to resort to actual work this morning — you’re just not giving me a good enough excuse to slack, people.
My disgust with modern conservatism is nothing compared to my contempt and visceral hatred of criminal scum like Ayers.
The calculus is a little off there: one party didn’t kill thousands in an ideological fervour.
Also, my latest rhinoceros just died impeccably and with all the uncomfortable garbage going on in the world a solemn irreplaceable rhinoceros story would make my week. I don’t know how he got stuck in that pencil case.
Yesterday my ermine Baby Bunt was killed. I blame the cruelty.
McCrazies or McMorons?
What do you think?
Okay, here’s something new–Jonah Du Pantload has taken up the case of Ayers, it seems.
Are we sure HL isn’t Jonah Goldberg? He has the style and wit of a Jonah, after all.
I like the McCrazies – this is the new ice cream treat you get with your Happy Meal, right? I like the little sprinkles on top and the strawberry swirl. And the fact that you shake it up in a cup with a lid.
The mold on my bathtub grout is doing poorly. Why must it suffer? It gives so much and asks so little in return.
Won’t someone give me a big, smelly Armenian man-hug?
So B. Hussein Osama not only has communist poets as friends, he also has violent terrorists.
Obama is a joke. Here you have a man who wants to be President of the United States and his wife says this is the first time in her adult life she is proud of America. And that whore wants to be First Lady?
Even worse, Obama himself refuses to wear a flag lapel pin and makes a big deal out of how he refuses to wear one. Even more disturbing is how he refuses to put his hand over his breast when during the National Anthum and his refusal to stand during the Pledge of Allegience.
He sounds to me like your typical hippie leftist who hates his Country and wants to transform it into a completely fictishous utopia never before seen by the world. His ideal America is one of socialist nannystate government, multicultualism, affirmative action poster boys in charge turning this Country into a politically correct fascist state like Britain, the banning of God and no private property rights.
That is not the America I know and love. The American people are too good to deserve a President who hates his Country.
Violin terrorists?
The mold on my bathtub grout is doing poorly. Why must it suffer? It gives so much and asks so little in return.
Won’t someone give me a big, smelly Armenian man-hug?
JanusNode integration forthcoming.
I’m also thinking of a more coherent GaryRuppertNode althought it may sound too coherent.
That’s a bass accusation, Snorhagen.
Man, the S,N! crew has turned into The Feelies of blogging.
Dude, I’ve had my share of bad typing and editing, but this just shows that either you’ve never read a book in your life or you’re in the 9th grade.
And failing English.
Gimme new thread.
Um, 9th graders who are failing english are the white male criminal scum of the public teat.
Nope. Guess I suck at that…
New thread production is up 500%, in accord with the Fasci-Liberal 5 year plan announced at the last party convention by Chairman Brad.
It’s standard parody troll fare.
Susan, I worked with a big fat Rush dittohead who was noting something called a ‘Facture Finish’ for some windows on a new building. I’d never heard of it and wondered if it was something I was supposed to know about. I finally went back to ask him if he did indeed mean ‘factory’. He did.
In keeping with the occasional dead pets theme, a poem of the day:
Reminds me of all the hoohah over Ward Churchill.
This whole thread reminds me of that. To this very day I have no idea who he is. The only reason his name’s familiar is because there was once a really famous guy also named Churchill. Oh, and also because the right can’t quit yapping about him.
Same with Ayers–first time I heard about him was this thread. The reason conservatives are obsessed with these relative nobodies is because that’s all they’ve got. When we, on the other hand, want to point to conservative sociopaths with a genuinely high body count, we’ve got any number of powerful people to choose from. You know, people with actual power over lives, not some fringe characters.
Hey Hypocritical Left, you’re bothered by a hideous smirk? Try living through 8 years of it on the face of a President as opposed to some historical asterisk that everybody but you has long forgotten.
I want to suck at the public tit. Where can it be found? Is there a line?
Snorghagen, there’s a big line. All of Cheney’s secret energy task force, Boeing, and every other large republican donating corporation is already in front of you.
Funny, it worked the same way in notorious liberal Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich.
The fact is, we here in the Heartland are on to you. The dems message of class warfare and sticking it to big business and the rich (who provide most jobs and wealth in the economy) does not play well here, we know that hard work must be rewarded, otherwise it is socialism, which is what Osama and Hitlery want.
Ha ha. Hey Bubba, looks like you got the GaryNode working.
It is?
The Right projects.
I, here in the heartland, think Gary is full of shit.
I live in Teh Heartland myself, and I seem to remember that we salt of the Earth midwesterners elected Obama to Congress some years back.
I’ll agree. Glass Houseboy is Jonah.
Fuck Ayers(whoever he is), and Fuck You, Jonah. Don’t you have your Wingnut Welfare to attend to?
Texas and Ohio primary news.
The Democratic electorates in the two states hold both candidates in high regard, with more than seven in 10 saying they would be satisfied with Obama or Clinton as their party’s nominee in November. More than six in 10 said they believe either candidate could defeat Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, in the general election, although when they were asked who has the better chance, Obama came out ahead by 11 percentage points in both Ohio and Texas.
I think this thing is just about over, and thank goodness for that.
Time to put an end to the circular firing squad and go after the goopers.
The fact is, Osama/Obama is a muslim who hates USA and loves terrorist, there is proof all over the internets but the media is too biased, they instead criticisise McCain over nothing. by the way, stop the bias in the media here in the heartland we are not impresed.
Do people from the Heartland ever get sick of being portrayed as gullible rubes by right-wing assholes?
I’m from Indiana. And I can answer: Yes, we do.
Stop speaking for the Heartland.
And, while you’re at it, stop speaking for Jesus. You’re embarrassing Him.
Maybe, but we Southerners appreciate you taking on the job for a while.
The Heartland is very unimpressed with conservative ninnies who keep repeating that Obama is a Muslim.
It’s like you only want stupid people on your side. Really stupid people. People stupid enough to be sad that George Allen crashed and burned.
(That was just mean. Sorry, Gary. I’ll try to be more politically correct next time so as not to hurt your feelings. I know how you people can be about political correctness when it suits you.)
Cindy McCain forged prescriptions for her Vicodin and Percocet addictions by using the DEA numbers of doctors who volunteered for her medical charity – and she forged them using the names of her unwitting employees.
When it became apparent she was going to be caught she called one of the doctors whose number she used (who was a personal friend with apparently no knowledge of her actions) and convinced him not to report her and promised never to use his DEA number again. He agreed, effectively making him a part of the conspiracy. Now instead of it being a story of Cindy McCain breaking the law it became a story of Dr. Feelgood providing drugs to hapless addicts.
The very next day she called the DEA and turned him in.
Opiate For the Mrs.
Speaking for all of Ohio, he typed grandiosely, you’re welcome, El Cid.
White Riot!
Fuckin’ aye. Good old-fashioned hard work gets you to the top every time. Let the life of George W. Bush be an inspiration to us all.
Indiana should be an honorary Southern state. Rural areas are covered with Confederate flags emblems and car horns that play Dixie.
And the state had a convention in the 1820s to discuss the adoption of slavery. Fortunately, the small farmers had taken advantage of the free status of the state to create a viable and successful economic system, and most Hoosiers at the time knew that slavery would create a rapacious plutocracy that would ruin Indiana like it was, at that point, ruining the Upper South.
we Southerners appreciate you taking on the job for a while.
And if the heartlanders and southerners ever get tired of it at the same time, there’s always us in Utah.
But then, an actual majority of us are gullible rubes. Romney took the Redoublechin primary here with 90%.
“Indiana should be an honorary Southern state.”
Plus there was that whole Klan-owning-the-entire-state-government thing back in the 1920s.
Sam, be fair.
Romney probably didn’t look like a bad candidate if you had to vote in the Republican primary. The alternatives were all Republicans. So what was a Utah Republican to do?
(Aside from stay home and wash the holy underwear.)
Once again, the left cannot help but worship its biggest idol of all time, Bill Ayers, by using three of the letters in his name in a coded attempt to praise him. Shameful.
If this keeps up, David Horowitz will join the Black Panthers until they kill one of his lady friends.
And if the heartlanders and southerners ever get tired of it at the same time, there’s always us in Utah.
On behalf of the great state of Washington, I’d volunteer to take one for the team, but, well, we’re just not nuts here.
Hm? Over there? No, no, there’s nothing on the east side of the mountains. Nothing to look at there. Move along.
Even worse, Obama himself refuses to wear a flag lapel pin and makes a big deal out of how he refuses to wear one. Even more disturbing is how he refuses to put his hand over his breast when during the National Anthum
It looks like they’re doing one-handed air quotation marks.
I’m always sorry when I follow a link over to Maguire’s place. Sheesh, what a cesspool.
Really, some of those comments are seriously disturbed.
Runs a clean ship, he does.
~~~Even worse, Obama himself refuses to wear a flag lapel pin ~~~
OMG, John McCain himself too ! (And Romney! And and and Hucakbee!!!!!)
Traitors on parade
~~~and makes a big deal out of how he refuses to wear one. ~~~
You mean he answered when someone asked him?
Well good Lord, when is someone gonna ask McCain, huh? (Or Romeny? Or or or Huckabee ???)
~~~Even more disturbing is how he refuses to put his hand over his breast when during the National Anthum~~~
You mean kinda like this?
Dirty Rotten Commie
~~~ and his refusal to stand during the Pledge of Allegience.~~~
You mean like this?
Tying shoelace
~~Where did old Constipation Boy go?
His bio on the HuffPo says he a ‘former Wall Streeter’.
Clears up quite a bit, actually. ~~~
Laughs up sleeve.