Yippee! David “D-Ho” Horowitz has a new zany campaign designed to make all Muslims look like deranged killers! Stalkin’ Malkin has the details:

The David Horowitz Freedom Center announced that it will distribute a Declaration Against Genocide and ask individuals and groups, particularly those on American college campuses, to sign it. The Declaration notes that the Sudanese and other Africans have been victims of a slow motion genocide, and that Islamo fascists in the Middle East are preparing a new genocide against the Jews and can be found here.

In describing the objectives of this new initiative, David Horowitz, President of the Freedom Center, said: “We are asking all campus groups to repudiate the genocidal passage in the Islamic Hadith which reads: “The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: ‘The time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!’”

This is such a fun little game. I can only hope that Mr. Ho will consider penning a similar petition for Christian students that asks them to repudiate:

  • Capital punishment for children who swear at their parents, as advocated in Exodus 21:15.
  • The mass execution of people who urinate on walls, as advocated in 1 Kings 16:11.
  • The enslavement of heathens, as advocated in Psalms 2:8.

And so on. And so forth.

Incidentally, I’m still waiting for Barack Obama to repudiate Cuba Gooding Jr.’s decision to make Snow Dogs.

Gavin adds: The quote above seems to come from the Sahih al-Bukhari, a Sunni commentary on the Koran. Not very shockingly, when you try to track down the actual text, no such literal translation of any such phrase seems to exist, except at right-wing blogs and websites, where it’s always cited without a book or verse number.


Comments: 77


I’ll repudiate the entire book.


I noticed yesterday that The National Review was starting to push the idea that, because Obama is the product of a black/white marriage, that his parents must have been Communists (don’t ask, it’s too tedious to get into).

But more to the point, I wonder how they deal with Horowitz’ lineage?


This is such a fun little game. I can only hope that Mr. Ho will consider penning a similar petition for Christian students that asks them to repudiate:

Dude, not for nothing, but a lot of the citations you gave kinda have to deal with the Jooooz too (Exodus is kind of a defining moment for the tribe). So they have to sign too, or else D-Ho will like be a TOTAL cobag.


And when people quibble with part of the petition, he’ll be like “Ooooh, you guys are Pro-Genocide!”


“Slow-motion genocide?” Gee, I didn’t know D-Ho cared about the Palestinians.


The Palestinians don’t exist, remember?


MIght I point out that the “black” Africans in Darfur being killed by the physically indistinguishable “Arabs” are also Muslim? Yes there is genocide going on in Sudan, with ethnic Arabs killing tribal Africans, but the Arabs all have extensive African ancestry (the difference is more linguistic than “racial”) and that every one in the region (as opposed to southern Sudan which has many Christians and animists) are Muslim.


Hey, lay off Snow Dogs. My daughters like it, and it’s heaps better than “Boat Trip”, “Norbit”, or “Daddy Day Camp”.

A more pertinent question might be, “When will Barack repudiate Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s agent selection process?”


Oooh, fun with crusty old tomes!

I love how the Rightards are selectively righteous in their fundamentalism.

The Old Testament is a complete and utter mess. There’s more sociopathic behavior in one chapter of that book than in all of the Hannibal Lecter books combined.


It sounds a little like this passage:

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

I grew up in fundamentalist churches. They don’t exactly skip over this part. It’s where we get the whole “fuck it all, let Jesus sort it out” approach to foreign policy.

Muslims, historically, have not committed genocide against the Jews. Christians have. Many, many, many times over. There were the Crusades, the pogroms during the Black Death, the Inquisition, the Holocaust – Muslims did not do these things.

If D-Ho wants me to write up a statement repudiating the Christian tendency to commit genocide against the Jews, I’m all signatures.


Is this the same goober who organized that hugely successful campus sit-in I can’t remember the name or purpose of anymore?


…the Jews; who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

And of course there was the Lutheran Jihad:

He argued that the Jews were no longer the chosen people, but were “the devil’s people.” They were “base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth. The synagogue was a “defiled bride, yes, an incorrigible whore and an evil slut …” and Jews were full of the “devil’s feces … which they wallow in like swine.” He advocated setting synagogues on fire, destroying Jewish prayerbooks, forbidding rabbis from preaching, seizing Jews’ property and money, smashing up their homes, and ensuring that these “poisonous envenomed worms” be forced into labor or expelled “for all time.” He also seemed to sanction their murder, writing “We are at fault in not slaying them.”


Aren’t there any Lutherans in government that Pam should be warning us about?


I love that site so much. Any time someone gets uppity about Muslims being a religion of evil. Copy/paste/win. I can’t remember where it is, but I know there’s a passage in there where God orders the Israelites (God’s Bitch Six Millennia and Counting!) to find land, and then to slaughter and enslave the peaceful, defenseless people who already, in technicality, live on said land.


Hilarious that NRO Obama’s family were communists theme. They aren’t even embarrassed that American communists were on the right side of history and morality by supporting civil rights.

not surprising, just funny.


Is “slow genocide” what Liberal Fascists’ suppost? Since we are only second cousins of the Nazis?


Muslims Against Sharia is proud to be the first Muslim organization to sign Declaration Against Genocide!



I’ve long been an advocate of the enslavement of heathens and the summary execution of wall-pissers.


I’m actually very much in favor of harsh punishment for people who pisseth against walls.

I mean, totally disgusting.


Oh, come on! By signing that you are legitimizing it.

Do you really want to validate anything coming from this guy?


I wish that I hadn’t gone to that Muslims Against Sharia site. Really I do. I have seen similar websites and literature that does the same thing to gay people. “Homosexuals Against Faggotry” or something along those lines. It just makes me ill.


Aha! Thanks for the link, t4toby – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week was the event I couldn’t remember the name of. Must have been a pretty big deal to make that much of an impression on me!


Since immediately after my entry someone came along who really did want to crack down on wall-pissers, let me make it clear that my post at 21:53 was facetious. Actually, I believe people should piss all over the place with no restrictions whatsoever. Wheee!


I’m pissing right now!


Homiciding wall pissethers? What about the ones who wipe boogers under chairs?


But but but, if you don’t sign it, you’re clearly pro-genocide!

Liberal ivory tower types are such fascists.


I can’t remember where it is, but I know there’s a passage in there where God orders the Israelites (God’s Bitch Six Millennia and Counting!) to find land, and then to slaughter and enslave the peaceful, defenseless people who already, in technicality, live on said land.

AH HA! So it was GOD who told them to treat the Palestinians like that? I knew it was somebody’s fault.


I have relatives that are/were Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Mormoms. If I start repudiating I’d probably never get to stop.


For the first time in my adult life I’m proud of America. Not because of […] I’m proud becuase we can now piss on walls in peace! The days of the jihad against wall-pissers are over. Rejoice wall pissers. Rejoice America.

Scuse me while I take a dump….


If not with piss, what?

If not on walls, where?

If not out of drunken urgency, why?



AH HA! So it was GOD who told them to treat the Palestinians like that? I knew it was somebody’s fault.

He comes up with a lot of mischievous instructions like that, sometimes even telling both sides in a war that he’s on their side. What a scamp!


Actually, I believe people should piss all over the place with no restrictions whatsoever. Wheee!i



This passage?:

Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite. Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.) Exodus, Chapter 34, verses 11-14

Or maybe this one?:

Deuteronomy 7:2 says, “And when the Lord your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them; then you must utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, and show no mercy to them.”

Or this one?:

Joshua 10:40 states, “So Joshua smote the whole land; he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded.”


Slightly OT–is Michelle Malkin’s husband Jewish? Or does he just have that last name for fun?




That LGF story is indeed hilarious. If it proves popular, they could drop by the LGF comments and write a new one pretty much every day.

However, note to Fox Business webmaster: there are these amazing labour-saving devices called ‘hyperlinks’. I hear all the kids are raving about them, and they look like they might catch on.

Principal Blackman

I think the funniest part of this whole thing is the phrase “The David Horowitz Freedom Center.”


Also, note to Fox Business: You CAN format press releases. It is a very-OK thing to do.

Also (again), note to Fox Business: Why, exactly, are you rolling with CAIR press releases? Are you unaware of your audience?


Bubba said,

A more pertinent question might be, “When will Barack repudiate Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s agent selection process?”

When I first caught a headline about Fidel Castro out of the corner of my eye, I thought it said Cuba Gooding had retired.

Then I thought, “Who’d notice?”


1 Sam 25:22 So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.

1 Sam 25:38 And it came to pass about ten days after, that the LORD smote Nabal, that he died.

1 Kings 14:10 Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.

1 Kings 16:11 And it came to pass, when he began to reign, as soon as he sat on his throne, that he slew all the house of Baasha: he left him not one that pisseth against a wall, neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends.

1 Kings 21:21 Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will take away thy posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel,

“A person could piss against a tree, he could piss on his mother, he could piss on his own breeches, and get off, but he must not piss against the wall — that would be going quite too far. The origin of the divine prejudice against this humble crime is not stated; but we know that the prejudice was very strong — so strong that nothing but a wholesale massacre of the people inhabiting the region where the wall was defiled could satisfy the Deity.” — Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth


I unequivocally repudiate talking rocks and trees.


I have an artistic license that says it’s OK. The wall is the canvas, and urine is my medium.
You don’t really want to know how I sign the completed artwork.



Heh, indizzle.


Babs Johnson For President!


The standard Christian response to that would, of course, be that that’s all OT, which is just, like, a prequel and stuff, totally superceded by the NT (except for the bits about killing the gays that we rather like), and so not to be taken literally.

At which point you counter with:

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children,and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. – Luke 14:26

When will D-Ho repudiate this message of hate?

And when will John McCain repudiate his own adultery?


Wait a minute. The word “pisseth” is in the BIBLE?

(strokes chin thoughtfully)

I think I may have underestimated this book…


Also (again), note to Fox Business: Why, exactly, are you rolling with CAIR press releases? Are you unaware of your audience?

All 6,000 of them?
I think that LGF gets a bigger audience.


I can’t remember where it is, but I know there’s a passage in there where God orders the Israelites (God’s Bitch Six Millennia and Counting!) to find land, and then to slaughter and enslave the peaceful, defenseless people who already, in technicality, live on said land.

I’m sorry I have to take a tiny exception to this. NOBODY at that time in the middle east was all that peaceful and defenseless. This is not a defense of wars for conquest, I’m just sayin…


And thanks, toby. I think that was satire. Yes, let’s just say it was satire.


NOBODY at that time in the middle east was all that peaceful and defenseless. This is not a defense of wars for conquest, I’m just sayin…

Yeah, the classic pattern was that vicious new hordes of barbarians would sweep in, become established as the ruling class, settle down, get fat, and then get conquered by the next wave. Even the decline of the Roman Empire was really just another turning of the tide in the same old ocean.

Total genocide would have been unusually cruel, but probably never happened. Modern genetic studies have shown that the Jews of Palestine are descendents of the people who had lived there for millenia before them. Basically, they just blended with the local population like everyone else had done and made up a big tough story for their grandkids.

It would have been logistically impossible and economically suicidal to wipe out the entire population anyway. (PS: No way Solomon had all those chicks.)


Talking trees? Whoa, bigtime Sid and Marty Krofft flashback!


Mr. Transportation by Foot-

That site hasn’t changed in a while, so I’m pretty sure it was a joke. But it seems too complex, and I’ve learned to never underestimate how crazy people can be when it comes to God (I went to school with the Westboro Baptist kids.)


He named his own organization after himself? Classy. Even Denny Crane has his limits.


He named his own organization after himself?

To be fair, it WAS his second choice.


Just didn’t fit comfortably on a business card.

You just had to make the font too small…



Wait a minute. The word “pisseth” is in the BIBLE?
That is why the literary stylists insist on the King James Version.


I have relatives that are/were Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Mormoms. If I start repudiating I’d probably never get to stop.

What you need is a way to get things pudiated once and for all. Then you can break the cycle of re-pudiation.


Muslims, historically, have not committed genocide against the Jews. Christians have. Many, many, many times over. There were the Crusades, the pogroms during the Black Death, the Inquisition, the Holocaust – Muslims did not do these things.

During the Crusades, it was not uncommon for rabbis to tell their followers to choose Islam if forced to choose between the Xians and the Moslem Infidels. Maimonides was one such forced convert.


I think the “piss against the wall” thing was a poetic way of saying “all males who are old enough to stand”.


So The Who, on the cover of their classic album Who’s Next, were asserting their adultitude then?


Horowitz has inspired me. I will now go around to every public place I can with a long list of clearly defined vows for morality for people to sign against all sorts of vile acts.

I’m sure everyone will want to sign my crazy forms because otherwise I’ll have caught them out and shown them to be genocidalists.

Also, I hope my list will catch all the hidden and uncaptured murderers out there because they will not be able to resist admitting their guilt on my long crazy list.


Ever heard of the New Testament, Bradley?


bleah: Yeah, it’s got great stuff like Matthew 5:18. “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Seriously, I don’t know where Christians get this idea that the Bible consists of the hardcore, intolerant, smitey Old Testament and the happy-clappy, redemptive New Testament. Any honest reading of the Gospels shows that in most cases, Jesus intensified existing Jewish law. Leviticus demands an eye for an eye, but the Gospels threaten hellfire for adultery of the heart.


Yeah, hellfire. BUT WITH BOTH EYES!!!


Well, assuming you don’t tear out your eye to keep it from making you sin.


You mean that story in which God is reborn and claims to be his own son, who he has predetermined will be viciously and painfully murdered? And whose actual flesh and blood body is magically distributed to his worshippers every week for them to eat and drink?

No weird violence there. Not that that stops Christians from inflicting violence in His name either.


“Capital punishment for children who swear at their parents,
as advocated in Exodus 21:15.”

Another typical Islamofascistical lie about Christians.

It’s Exodus 21:17 that prescribes death for children who curse their parents, not Exodus 21:15.




While Horowitz is getting people to sign off against the passage (not in the Q’uran, by the way) which says that the day of judgment will not arrive until the Jews are wiped out, someone might wish to alert him to the existence in the Bible (in the New Testament, no less!) of a passage which says the day of judgment will not arrive until the Jews are wiped out. (It’s Matthew 24, should you want to look it up yourself. He might also wish to be made aware of the book of Revelation, in which, among other things, it is made clear that good ol’ peace-loving Jesus will unleash a series of disasters on the world, including the loosing of an army of 200,000,000 angels riding fire-breathing horses who will execute a third of humanity; the dispatching of a pair of God’s prophets, whose assumption to heaven will be marked by an earthquake that kills 7000 people (that’s two 9/11s!); an attack by another army of blade-wielding angels that will kill thousands more; and, eventually, the annihilation of the entire human race.

Just FYI.


I dunno. I don’t have a real problem with the horrendous violence in the bible. Lotsa good stories have a lot of violence in them. Didn’t a buncha wingnuts groove on some movie about Thermopylae? Saving Ryan’s Privates? We were soldiers, once and dumb? Hell, if god had decent weapons like we’ve got now, he’da decimated the planet dozens of times.

Nah, my problem with that silly old crappy story is the shit that we KNOW just didn’t happen. I mean, not just the talking snake, the verbal stylings of a small brushfire or the loaves, fishes and wine crap that were certainly nothing more than a buncha hungry, sober doods wishing for something to do. But I mean Jesus, the whole COMING BACK TO LIFE deal! What the hell’s up with that? When Buffy does it, not just once, slacker son of god, but TWICE and people are up in my grille going “mikey, that’s a TV show, it’s not real”, but some dood get’s ahold of some moldy bread like fourteen hundred years ago and writes down the SAME fucking story and all of a sudden it’s all “worship and pray”? I fuckin think NOT!


Count me out…




The other funny thing about the resurrection is, the way he does it. He doesn’t descend from heaven in a cloud of fire, he just kind of casually shows up among his friends in a room where they all happen to be. He hangs out for a few days, doesn’t really leave the house, and then goes with them to an isolated spot and goes back to heaven.

I mean, come on. That’s it? He was brought back from beyond the grave just to die again a few days later without having contact with anyone but his closest disciples? He didn’t even have anything important to say, just, ” Hey guys, I’m not dead. Now I’m going to leave for a little while again, but don’t worry, I’ll be back any day now, before any of you die, more then. ” Then they all died and 2000 years passed and still no Jesus. Seriously, it is right there in the New Testament – Jesus can’t say exactlly when he will return again, but when he does it’s going to be so big that this time everyone will see, and it will definately be within their lifetimes. So he cheats death just to fucking lie to his friends. What a pal. You know what it did, it made them all look like fools.


The Old Testament condones the violent deaths of children who make fun of bald-heads. Seems fair enough to me.
It also contains the first known description of insurance fraud.

Where’s that, Smut?

Habbakuk 2:1.

“I will stand upon my watch…” What does that mean, Smut?

Well it doesn’t explicitly say that he had previously over-insured it, but you can read between the lines.


I got a betta idea. We just need to get D. Whorowitz one of them BOP GUNS!! Then he can save us from TEH EVULZ!

En Garde!!! Defend Yo Self!!! I wonder if bop guns are covered under the second amendment, they should be!!!



Okay, “total extermination” may be going too far, at least for the first offense. On the other hand, I would be completely on board for implementation of a program whereby those who pisseth against a wall are smacked round the earhole with a mop handle, and then made to clean up after themselves properly. Otherwise, fellas, it’s gonna have to be the surgery which cured my tomcat of pisseth-ing against the walls, and I’m guessing you’d choose housework over neutering. Well, except for some of the more determined Keyboard Kommandos, who figure that they’ll never get to use those hormones anyway…

As for David Horowitz, I’m afraid it’s time for an intervention. He needs the full-scale Twelve Steps program, wherein he admits he is a vicious little pussbag hooked on the cheap high of intolerance, that alone he is incapable of restraining himself from calling for violence against others, and that he needs to find a Higher Power to help him make the fullest possible amends to those (on all points of the political spectrum) that he has sought so long and loudly to harm.

I’d suggest he start the reconciliation process by accepting an Obama campaign button from Ted Kennedy, but Teddy’s already suffered enough for his mistakes.


I’m late to this party, but it has to be said, the quote from the Quran is somewhat ‘interpreted’. I can’t actually find anything close to the quote DH uses (Jews hding behind ricks and trees, or something) , but I think he referring to Surah 9:111, the wingnut’s favorite:

Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah ? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.

A little different, eh? In fact, if you parse it a little, it seems to imply that, well Jews and Christians are OK, as long as they don’t fuck with the Muslims.


It’s not a Koranic quote, you see Lobbey; it’s a hadith, part of an oral tradition of commentary / clarification.
A Wiki entry informs me that the Monty-Python bit where Jews are trying to hide — but the rocks and trees are dobbing them in — comes from Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177.


The Declaration notes that the Sudanese and other Africans have been victims of a slow motion genocide
Out of curiosity, does he invite christians to repudiate the genocide in Rwanda, what with 74% of surviving Rwandans being christian? (1% muslim). Or wasn’t that sufficiently slow-motion?


[…] to Moonbat Rising in the comments at Sadly, No!] Disregarding “House”, of course. I love that show. […]


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