The Obammunist Manifesto


ABOVE: Cliff Kincaid, Prestidigitator

Minor league wingnut Cliff (with two “f”s) Kincaid knows he’s a minor leaguer and, like the kid in the back of the school bus ripping armpit farts and laughing at his own jokes, Cliff is always pulling stunts to get the attention of the cool kids. Lately all the cool kids have been after Obama and saying that he’s a terrorist,1 a Muslim,2 a Satan worshipper,3 the spiritual heir of Mayor Daley,4 and the most liberal person alive.5 So Cliff digs deep into his butt bag of tricks and pulls out his own shiny new smear: Obama is a commie! Cliff wildly applauds himself and looks around to see if anyone is paying any attention.

According to Kincaid, Obama is a commie because when he was in high school in Hawaii he hung around with a black poet that he called simply “Frank” in his autobiography, and there was a black poet in Hawaii named Frank Marshall Davis who briefly and years before joined the Communist Party. I. Shit. You. Not. No, seriously, that’s Cliff’s, er, argument.

Now even making the wingnuterrific assumption that there could only be one black poet named Frank in Hawaii, and even assuming that a brief stint in the Communist Party makes one a Communist forever (just like Reagan’s stint in the Democratic Party made him a Democrat forever), how on earth does hanging out with this guy in the tenth-fucking-grade make Obama a Communist? I had mentors in the tenth grade that were Republicans and that, obviously, didn’t rub off on me.

1 He once sat on the board of a community charity with a former member of the Weather Underground.
2 Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
3He once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
4He’s a politician from Chicago. Duh!
5I thought that was John Kerry. Has he died or something?


Comments: 107


I’m calling my broker first thing in the morning and loading up on straw-grasping futures.

…that sounded a lot funnier in my head.


I can haz hat tip?


Why did Cliff go to all that trouble?

Rush Limbaugh said Obama was a Communist.

What more do you need?

Frank Marshall Davis

I’m dead and I’m not coming back!

Clifford Forkinhands

Hey! Could somebody get me another roll of toilet paper? Somebody? Anybody?


Cliff is assuming a lot by thinking that Frank exists. Obama used composite characters and fictional characters in his books.

Obama is in so much trouble that his side is starting to spread rumors about John McCain. Remember that Obama won his Senate seat by getting Jack Ryan’s divorce papers unsealed.

Incontinentia Buttocks

And then there’s Lisa “All My Best Friends Are Products of Politically Motivated Miscegenation” Schiffren’s delightful “argument ” that the only reason that Barack Obama’s parents could have gotten together is teh Communism!


Bear in mind that Obama went to school in Hawaii, which is about a third of the way to Asia, and Asia is crawling with commies. It stands to reason that some Reds may have broken off of the Asian continent, drifted with the ocean currents to Hawaii, crawled up out of the surf, and done a Marxist mind-meld with young Barack while he was building sand castles on the beach.

Also note that ‘Barack Obama’ is an anagram for ‘aka Moab crab.’ Moab is a well known stronghold of Stalinist Mormons.


Remember that Obama won his Senate seat by getting Jack Ryan’s divorce papers unsealed.

Divorce records are generally public in the US. If he wanted the swingers’ club stuff secret, he should have gotten married in England, where divorce records are private.

And let us all take a moment to thank Seven of Nine; for her role in helping produce that hilarious campaign. May Alan Keyes run for offices for many more years.


Well, its just gotta be true, because it says right on the top of that page:

“Fairness, balance and accuracy in news reporting!”

*!* (bangs head against desk)

Is that the best they can do? I mean, really…?


John McCain spent years around Commies…




You’re in luck, Clifford. Gary is here with plenty of material that would serve no useful purpose if it weren’t for the human need to clean the nether regions.


Well, yes, okay, he’s a freaking commie. But have you seen the anonymous e-mail version of all of the above? It’s more, how to you say in your language, convincible.


Good point. I mean it’s true right, even wingnuts believe that not every soldier is a 100% patriotic American, there are traitors, at the least, and lefties, right? So, no all Vietnam soldiers with records like McCains are traitors but some of them are, like John Kerry or Jim Webb. And just to prove it, and to be fair and balanced and all, The Editors are gonna write Conservative Fascists or they might or there’s another Cheepload test right around the corner.

(McCain was the in military? Are you sure? Did you read that on RedState?)

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Also note that ‘Barack Obama’ is an anagram for ‘aka Moab crab.’ Moab is a well known stronghold of Stalinist Mormons.

And Moab is my washpot. So there’s crabs in my washpot? And Stalinist Mormons?

Hed hurtz. Washpot hurtz mor.

Principal Blackman

Matt Margolis demands that you take this seriously! If you don’t, you are an unserious librul who’s probably in on that whole media bias thing.


I think that is the only time I have ever seen an appropriate use for the blink html tag.


So there’s crabs in my washpot? And Stalinist Mormons?

It’s a distinct possibility. Be sure to check your Stalinist Mormons for crabs. Contact Cliff Kincaid for Stalinist Mormon grooming tips.


he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his “poetry” and getting advice on his career path.

Can someone please take the scare-quotes away from the nuts? Or is he implying that socialism is like a sonnet?


When it comes to associations, you’d think the fact that George W and his dad are best buddies with the bin Ladens might bother Cliff but no. George W. Bush could have the head of Lenin in formaldehyde in his bedroom and pray to it every night and Cliff would be just fine with that because it’s George Bush, the stupidest president ever.

Joseph McCarthy's Trust Spokesman

As legal representatives for the now deceased Sen. McCarthy we would like to remind everyone that frivolous labelling of random people as Communists(tm) is a registered intellectual property of the late Senator and his heirs and cannot be recreated, rebroadcast and retransmitted without the expressed written consent of the J. McCarthy Trust Chairman.

Senator McCarthy worked hard to build a recognizable brand around Commie Scare ™ , and even though its value has fluctuated over the years, it has been and continues to be a reliable source of income to his heirs. We are focused to diligently preserve the value of the McCarthy legacy for future generations.

Yours Truly


Incidentally, McCain’s middle name is Sidney. They usually leave that out. He’s also a “third,” which they usually leave out as well.


Can’t imagine why they leave those things out of his name all the time. Surely it’s not because they make him sound less virile?


*Two* black guys in Hawaii who are poets? What are the chances!!!


Well, clearly this is the new Right Wing Talking Point. National Review is spouting the “Obama is a Commmie” line too. Something about mixing the races being a communist plot. Hilarious.


Sadly, No: Okay. Okay, you’re a very furious man, you understand that?
Troll: No.
S/N: No? Well you’ve got a lot to be furious about, and I’ll tell you why: You’re not well-liked. You’re uh, you’re abrasive and off- putting. You try and say pithy things, but your wit is a hinderance and therefore nothing is provocative. Just mixed metaphors. Now, doesn’t that make you angry? Does it infuriate you?
Troll: No.
S/N: Well, it should. Aren’t you angry? Come on, man!


John Sidney McCain the Third doesn’t sound all that Average Joe either. It sounds very prep school /”Thurston Howell the Third”-ish. Remember,it’s the liberals who are the elite here.


John McCain is an anagram for “jam conch in”.

This means something.


John Sidney McCain is an anagram for ‘dj, my cocaine is hnn”.

This means even more.


“John McCain” + “favors for attractive lobbyist” means even more!


OK, so if a 101st keyboarder can dig through your past associations and find someone in your youth who is a) a communist or b) a Muslim that is proof of a hidden agenda to [mumble] [mumble] and thus you hate freedom?

Jeebus H. Chwist. First Obama was going to surrender to teh Terrorists and bring about sharia law, now he’s gonna bring back the Soviet Union and then surrender to them? The wingnut mind never ceases to amaze me with its paranoid incoherence.


Given that my blog recently got a visitor via a Google search for “obama worships satin”–yes, satin–he may also have a fabric fetish.


The fact is, the liberals come out with the usual comebacks they say for everything:

“Is that the best you can do?”
“you’re reaching pretty hard,”

It be a welcome change if liberals actually responded with a well thought out rebuttal, isn’t of the same meaningless lines they throw out every single post when they can’t come up with a valid counter point or argument.


I’m old enough to remember 1960 when similar rumors were circulated about John FITZGERALD Kennedy – that he was secretly a Catholic who would surrender the USA to Teh Pope if elected. But the alternative was Richard MILTOWN Nixon who was obviously a druggie, so we had to take a chance on Kennedy.


Wait, I’m confused now. Does this mean that all the people who vote for him because he is a islamofascist fanboy and intends to create muslim theocracy in US were lied to?

As in he is not going to back up the promises someone completely unrelated to his campaign made for him, but instead is going fot the less religious communism?

What about those who want to vote him because of the promise of communism someone else made for his behalf? Will they be also let down, in the end?

Clifford Forkinhands

Ahh! Gary! Thank God you posted again! Now I have something to wipe my . . .aww, DAMN! Shredded another!


Yale has copies of The Daily Worker in the school library. Therefore George W. Bush is, in fact, a Communist.


Seriously though, Communist? Communist?. What, they think the octogenarians are a key Obama demographic? The Red Scare is a bit long in the tooth – if the wingnuts are having to pull chestnuts that hoary out of the old smear bag, they may as well just put up signs saying “We got nuthin'”.


Check out today’s daybyday and you’ll see we can add Nazi to the list.

Even for Muir this is some kind of craptacular mess. Apparently the Obama’s are Nazis because they will require you to work or something. Err. Wasn’t that St. Reagan’s credo? Frankly I think Muir just needed some brown-shirt booby to “fap fap” to.


Next thing you know they’ll accuse Obama of being an anarchist, or a Wobbly.

Meanwhile, McCain still hasn’t answered for his Keating 5 membership, at least not lately. Plus all his wives, including poor Cindy, who obviously isn’t up to fulfilling her duties as First Lady, bless her heart.


Again and again and again. Kerry’s botched joke! Bill’s (BS-ly parsed) quote about the economy! Obama’s a Muslim! His wife hates the US! He’s also a Commie!

And yet, NO ONE CARES. The polls don’t change, the public shrugs.


It be a welcome change if liberals actually responded with a well thought out rebuttal, isn’t of the same meaningless lines they throw out every single post when they can’t come up with a valid counter point or argument.

1) Kincaid’s connection is pure speculation/fabrication. He has NO IDEA if the two Franks are the same people. He is essentially MAKING UP SHIT TO BE UPSET ABOUT, thus “this is the best they’ve got?” is actually a pretty legitimate response.

2) Pretty much anything you do in high school, short of raping or killing someone, doesn’t count. Do you know why? BECAUSE EVERYONE IN HIGH SCHOOL IS A FUCKING IDIOT. You, me, Obama, McCain. Assuming the two Franks are the same person, it still means absolutely nothing relevant to today.

3) And it’s not even OBAMA that was a Communist. It was this other guy. If mere association is enough to damn someone for.. whatever it is he’s guilty of, I don’t know, exercising free speech?.. then none of us come off clean, not even St. Reagan. This is a point many commenters have made here using humor, satire, and irony, but I understand those are the first three things that get chucked out the window when you get all fundamentalist about something, so I guess you get a pass.

4) Seriously. Communists? What’s next, Hillary Clinton’s shady pre-school connection to a descendant of a Tory?


John McCain spent years around Commies…



He was also associated with torturers…

Yeah, it’s tasteless. I blame Satan.


You know, if they’re so worried about the commies, you’d think they would have made a peep or two when their Best Preznit EVAR, GW Bush, was selling the country to the Chinese. You know, those commies who are financing the war in Iraq, the ones we never have to worry about attacking us because they could wipe us out just by slapping the checkbook closed.

I guess the only good commie is the one that owns you.


Lots of kids are Commies in their teens.

Then they start owning stuff.


The Chinese Communist Party is clearly not Communist and they are an awesome democracy who are helping Wal-Mart bring well-needed supplies such as Chinese-produced lawn furniture to the Heartland.


I had a socialist prof in college.

Uh oh.


Nixon’s middle name was Milhous, not Miltown.


I’m new here (found the link at Glenn Greenwald’s blog), I’ve barely been reading SN for two weeks, and now I want to jump on the “mock the trolls” bandwagon.

But I can’t. Just because, from what I am reading here, you guys are doing just fine without any help. Thanks for a good laugh or three.
I needed it, I heard Bush on the car radio this morning, and at this point the sound of the Connecticut Cowboy alone will pretty much trip my gag reflex. He said something about free and fair elections in Cuba. I was too busy lunging for the “CD” button to listen to him.
End rant.

Thorlac the Fromago-fascist

Welcome aboard! Always more room on the bandwagon. And, since Gary’s a masochist, he doesn’t mind the abuse.

Glenn Reynolds Robot On A Feedback Loop

YOU FOUND THIS link from Greenwald? He sucks! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Heh! Indeed! Hehhhhhh indoooooooohehhhhhhhhhhhooooooo


*Two* black guys in Hawaii who are poets? What are the chances!!!

There are two black guys in Hawaii?

Druggies for Nixon

spencer said,

February 21, 2008 at 16:59

Nixon’s middle name was Milhous, not Miltown.

Well, thanks so much for explaining that part of the joke. It certainly had us mystified.


If they’re grasping for straws this badly, resorting to this bizarre pandering, then the wingnutosphere, and the Republican party, is already out of ammo.

This could be a great thing. If the Republicans and their water-carriers discredit themselves (or even the water-carriers do it for them), they’re only going to have their base left. And the base has money and/or fanaticism, but it’s not enough to win.

Rant on, you crazy guys!


When are the winguts going to discuss John McCain’s affiliation with the Black Panther Party and the murder and mayhem that went along with it?

Everyone knows Eldridge Cleaver was a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution along with John McCain. In fact, some consider Cleaver’s efforts on behalf of the Revolution to have been integral to its success. Arizona is right next to California. What are the chances that those two famous revolutionaries, Cleaver and McCain, did not cross paths in the ’80s?

Besides being a well-known black conservative rapist, Cleaver was baptized a Mormon in 1980 so he was probably friends with Mitt Romney although Romney, as far as I know, has never acknowledged the relationship publicly.

In his book, “Soul on Ice”, Eldridge Cleaver defended raping white women because he was an angry and wronged black man. He also admitted to first practicing his rape technique on black women.

Is this what John McCain wants for America? Does he think angry black men have the right to rape women at will? Or does he think all angry men have the right to rape?

Will John McCain renounce Eldridge Cleaver and all he stood for or will blood be running in the street this time next year?


Nixon’s middle name was Milhous, not Miltown.

Nixon was Bart Simpsons buddy?


4He’s a politician from Chicago. Duh!

Hang on…even Obama credits his street toughs in politics to this…


OK, we’ve seen Obama called a socialist, Marxist, communist — anyone seen him called an anarchist yet?


Nixon was Bart Simpsons buddy?

That is whom precisely Groening had in mind.


Nothing on the Anarchist front yet but as mentioned the Nazi/Fascist reference is in.
Seriously. Check out the Goldbergering going on here:


Thorlac the Fromago-fascist said,

February 21, 2008 at 17:22

Welcome aboard! Always more room on the bandwagon. And, since Gary’s a masochist, he doesn’t mind the abuse.

Thanks, Thorlac.

I didn’t know Greenwald was hated by Reynolds.
Keeping in mind last week’s topic regarding rampant apologizing just for the sake of doing so… I apologize for this (and I figure I oughta).

Peace in the blogs!!
Keep hope alive, don’t post and drive!!
Stop Glenn on Glenn crime!!

Sorry about that, it was too easy 😉


And the fact that he is a communist at the very least proves Barrack Obuma has a poor choice of friends

Truly this has never been true for any other 10th-grade student.

Grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp. Heh. Indoozle.


Stop Glenn on Glenn crime!!

A noble sentiment, Tone. But Greenwald’s in no danger, and watching Reynolds flail at him is entertaining as hell.


The following are bills on which Obama voted Yes.

expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
cloture vote
providing $124.2 billion primarily for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and setting benchmarks and a timetable for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, but President Bush vetoed the bill on May 1.
$122 billion war spending bill calls for combat troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq this summer.
increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour over two years
ethics reform” bill
Secure Fence Act
federal funding for research on stem cell lines derived from embryos that would otherwise be destroyed.
Would tighten border security and establish guest worker and “path to citizenship” programs
Reauthorized a slightly modified version of the 2001 USA Patriot Act.
Supported a ban on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees held by U.S. forces and to requires the military to follow the Army field manual for interrogations.
Offered tax breaks and incentives in what supporters said was an effort to spur oil and gas companies to provide innovative wasy to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil, conserve resources and reduce pollution.
Sought to curtail the ability of plaintiffs to file class-action lawsuits against corporations by making cases that were filed in multiple states the responsibility of federal courts.

The facts show that the only time he really had to choose between “communism” and big business, he chose big business. The facts show his record is that of a liberal–96.5% of the time.


Whites and native Hawaiians, combined, represent less than 30% of the population of Hawaii.

Most Hawaiians are:

Japanese (25%)
Chinese (15%)
Korean (10%)
Phillipino (12%)
Other Polynesian (20%)

Whites comprise about 20% of the population, and actual real-live, no-shit native Hawaiians anywhere from 5-15%, depending upon what you consider to be “native Hawaiian.” Most “Hawaiians” are mixed with at least one other race.

But yeah, not a lot of black people in Hawaii. Lotta Communists, though. Especially at that hive of communism that Obama went to high school at, (ptui) Punahou School.


That’s the Blue Rajah!

“But you don’t have any blue in your costume!”

“Oh, don’t be so obvious. I’m the Blue Rajah.”


The name of the president of Egypt: Hosni Mu-barak
The name of the minister of defence of Israel: Ehud Barak
The name of the future president of the USA: Barack Obama

Isn’t it obvious that there’s a conspiracy afoot by people named “Barak” to take over the world?


“We are committed to providing an environment where students can:
Develop moral and spiritual values consistent with the Christian principles on which Punahou was founded, affirming the worth and dignity of each individual.”

That’s one crazy godless commie school, all right.


“There are two black guys in Hawaii?”

Well, sometimes there are two. But one is famous amos,, and the other is roger mosely


I think that is the only time I have ever seen an appropriate use for the blink html tag.



Damn, it worked in preview. It was all blue and blinking and shit.


Punahou is one of the oldest, wealthiest private schools in the United States. As a product of one of the public schools in Hawaii, working as a professional in Honolulu, it was sometimes difficult to make your way around all those punahou connections.

Hawaii is also one of the most patriotic places in the United States. At my son’s public kindergarten, you had to stop when they played revelly in the morning before raising the flag. If you didn’t, these little old Japanese ladies, volunteers they called grandmas, would come out and rip you a new one.


I wish I had had a mentor as accomplished and intellectual as Frank Davis Marshall in high school.

“Davis, Frank Marshall (1905–1987), poet, journalist, and autobiographer. During the Depression and World War II, Frank Marshall Davis was arguably one of the most distinctive poetic voices confronting W. E. B Du Bois’s profound metaphor of African American double consciousness. Complementing a career that produced four collections of poetry was one as a foremost journalist, from 1930 to 1955. Through the “objective” view of a newspaperman and the “subjective” vision of a poet, Davis struggled valiantly to harmonize Du Bois’s dilemma of the color line.

…His successful careers as newsman and poet rendered unimportant the fact that he never received a baccalaureate degree. For over thirty years he served as editor, managing editor, executive editor, feature writer, editorial writer, correspondent, sports reporter, theater and music critic, contributing editor, and fiction writer for the Chicago Evening Bulletin, Chicago Whip, Gary (Ind.) American, Atlanta World, Chicago Star, the Associated Negro Press, Negro Digest, and the Honolulu Record. In a rather difficult period for publishing African American poetry, he brought out Black Man’s Verse (1935), I Am the American Negro (1937), Through Sepia Eyes (1938), and 47th Street: Poems (1948). These two modes of self-expression effectively placed him in a unique position to observe African American cultural development and to advocate social change.

Davis’s various news writings generally challenged such persistent lies as the position that African Americans had no cultural past and therefore had contributed very little to American cultural development. In this case, Davis made “Rating the Records” and “Things Theatrical,” two of his weekly features for the Associated Negro Press, collectively imply a composite history of African American music. The social consequences of this strategy were enormous. The columns demonstrated West African roots of African American music; provided, in their promotion of racially integrated bands, a model for American society to aspire to; and demonstrated African Americans’ contributions to American cultural distinctiveness….”


A reminder to social conservatives: Blacks wouldn’t have had to turn to communists for help in the first place if you hadn’t sided against them at every turn.


Barrack Obuma has a poor choice of friends, or at the most that Barrack is a commie…

Yep, Chris, you want to choose your friends carefully….


I haven’t read much of Reynolds work, but I am familiar with Ms. Althouse, who is prominently featured in Instapundit’s archives. She of the Jessica Valenti photograph imbroglio.
I still don’t get why Ms. Althouse is so preoccupied with Ms. Valenti’s feminine pulchritude (don’t shoot, ladies; just making an observation). Ms. Althouse was roundly jeered, misused and abused on another blog for this fixation, and for other things. If Reynolds flails around half as much as Ann, his paroxysms must be hilarious.


Dear god, that day-by-day cartoon made me froth at the mouth, what a tool that Chris Muir is.

Welcome aboard! Always more room on the bandwagon. And, since Gary’s a masochist, he doesn’t mind the abuse

I think he secretly enjoys it, just like the whooping he gets from mumma for those hard to remove stains.


It’s sad that Christianity and Captialism are such pitifullly weak philosophies.

If you attend a school where some of the other kids are Muslims, then Bang! You can never, ever in your live be a Christian. Fourty years of going to a Christian church can’t erase that experience, because the Islamic faith is just that powerful.

Likewise with Communism. Hang out with a commie in the 10th grade and BAM! You will never, ever, ever in your life believe in free markets again. Communism is that amazingly convincing.

The only way anyone can be a real true Christian Capitalist is to be raised in the American heartland and never have any sort of knowledge or contact with anyone with those powerful, contagious beliefs. Homeschool all the way, read only what you find at the Christian bookstore and please, if you love Jesus, no cable or internet!

Right Wing Retard

What about Oprah? She supports Barry the Red and she has a big house in Hawaii which seems very suspicious, given that the Communist Party seems to be very active there.

Plus Oprah encourages her audience to read very subversive books like the infamous anti-American screed, One Hundred Years of Solitude. I’m pretty sure that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Commie.

It is all starting to come together now, isn’t it?


Lobbey said,

I think he secretly enjoys it, just like the whooping he gets from mumma for those hard to remove stains.

(Sounding a lot like Mills Lane) “Keep ’em above the belt! Above the belt!”


This douchebag’s fantasy is the first hit when you google “frank” and “communist.”


It’s nutty. But it’s not as transcendentally nutty as the National Review bit about how Obama’s parents must have been Communists because they were an interracial couple.


And blacks weren’t aqgainst slavery because it tried to strip away their very humanity. It was because they were communists and didn’t believe in personal property!

Johnny Coelacanth

Haven’t you guys heard? Obama traded cocaine for gay sex in the back of a limo. The good folks at FreakRepugnant are mystified why the New York Times will print scurrilous lies about McCain, but won’t run with this TRUE story about B. Hussein Obama. Well, some of them are mystified; the rest understand it’s because the NYT is a tool of teh evil commie fascist liebrul mainstream etc.


In high school, I hung around with a guy who was a pedophile. I enjoyed the attention paid to me and in turn, I enjoy showing others that attention.

Ergo, Obama once met a communist and therefore must be one too.


I haven’t read much of Reynolds work

Reynolds and “work” together = Teh Funnay. I don’t reall consider a steady diet of “Heh,” “Indeed,” and “Read the whole thing” to be much production.


This story is absolutley true while the NYT artilce about McCain’s lobbyist ties is a smear campaign with no legitimacy.

Often I wonder if wingnut lunatics can get up in the morning without putting their pants on backwards.


The Chinese are communists. Obama is a communist. Therefore …..

Right Wing Retard

Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a book of poems entitled “In the Mecca” and she was the poet laureate for the state of Illinois. We all know which presidential candidate from Illinois has deneid being a Muslim, don’t we?


Often I wonder if wingnut lunatics can get up in the morning without putting their pants on backwards.

That’s how you identify a wing-nut–they are always ass-backwards.


Oh, and Chris Muir still can’t draw. I like how that woman gains about 20 pounds between frames.


They are getting into gear. ‘We should have lots of laffs out of the “get Obama” industry.


I had a crush on a black gal back in high school. She sat in front of me in home room. I was too shy at the time to do anything about it which I now realize was God saving me from heathen communism. You see, I was a white guy. Now, I guess I’m just an old liberal fascist. Before that I was just a guy trying to earn a living and find love. Like Mongo, I just pawn in game of life.

I still think about her every once in awhile. Is that so wrong?


Edited final frame of Muir’s cartoon today:

Middle Bubble: “Yes, actually it’s the perfect example.”

Bottom Bubble: “Were you making a joke? I feel uncomfortable.”


Fox News Reporter: Mrs. McCain, would you like to respond to the allegations made by the New York Times about your husband?

Cindy McCain: What husband?


I just don’t get why the wingers haven’t noticed yet that the damn sell-outs in the CPUSA are totally sucking up to the Democrats. I mean if possibly knowing some guy who maybe was in the CP makes you a commie, what would Sam Webb (anyone else miss Gus Hall?) calling for your election do? Is it just b/c the wingers can’t get themselves to look at CPUSA publications, or is it a conspiracy???


I am a tranquilizer used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and for short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety. I can be habit-forming. You can develop tolerance and dependence, and you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop using me abruptly.

IOW, sort of a downer, eh?


Half the membership in the CPUSA used to be FBI agents anyway.


Are you saying that Obama is an FBI agent? That explains everything.


“Red-eyes, Red-eyes, Red-eyes, such a treat. We didn’t expect to see you again so…………..spoon!”

“But I’ll forgive you if you……….fork-get.”

“Am I to understand that you’ve inserted your father’s head into that ball for bowling?” “No. The guy at the pro-ship did it.”


Isn’t it obvious that there’s a conspiracy afoot by people named “Barak” to take over the world?

‘Bout time, too.

The only way anyone can be a real true Christian Capitalist is to be raised in the American heartland and never have any sort of knowledge or contact with anyone with those powerful, contagious beliefs. Homeschool all the way, read only what you find at the Christian bookstore and please, if you love Jesus, no cable or internet!

Don’t forget to put your fingers in your ears and go “lalalalalala” whenever you see a lesbian.



Best b-movie evar

The blame-thrower.


“Listen! Do you smell that?”
“I don’t need a compass to se which way the wind shines.”


“I thought I was hanging out with a couple of REAL super-heroes but instead it’s Lazy Boy and and …..uh….uh…..The Recliner. That’s it: Lazy Boy and The Recliner.”

“Tell me again why I’m doing this?” “By balancing a tack hammer on your head you will be able to head off your opponents with a balanced attack.” “Then why am I wearing watermelon on my feet?” “I did not ask you to do that.”


“We should split up and triangulate.” “Equilateral or isosceles?”


What’s so bad about being a communist? (He says while rubbing his Che pin.)


Nixon was Bart Simpsons buddy?

Shaggy and Scooby were Stoners.


Obama has confirmed that it was Frank Davis but the mention of Davis in Obama’s memoir paints him as a bit of a character that Obama found entertaining in his youth but there is no mention of him following the guy ideologically.

I listened to the same broadcast I think you did, Cliff’s intro remarks at the Accuracy in Media conference on C-Span. The guy is not just a wingnut, he’s a ravening wingnut, and his manner and the stuff he pulled out of his butt during that speech should confirm that to anyone who heard him that he is such. What is so hugely ironic is that he dumps this big pile of hearsay on the floor at the “Accuracy in Media” conference. It was like walking into an operating room and taking a dump in the middle of the floor.


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