I Don’t Know Why The Caged Bird Bites The Hand That Feeds It
Michelle Obama: For the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.
Wingnutosphere: ZOMFG!!!1! Michelle Obama hates America! Why, they’d be speaking German in Cambodia if it warn’t fer us! And what about the goddam Olympics? No, there aren’t many black people in the Winter Olympics, I meant the ones in the summer, wiseass! She went to Harvard, for God’s sake! Can’t she at least be proud of that breeding ground for liberal fascism? The goddam fucking rugrats from the Anacostia projects I took a fucking cocksucking couple of hours out of my motherfucking goddam cocking day to work with that one time were sure as assbanging shit proud of this here motherfucking tittysucking anal stringwarted country! FUUUUUUCKKKKK! GAHHHHHHKKK! MRMMMBBPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!! MICHELLE. OBAMA. DOES. NOT. SPEAK. FOR. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Michelle Obama: Wow, that feeling didn’t last very long.
UPDATE: The Wankeress takes a break from comparing the tribulations of her Lenten chocolate fast to those of an Auschwitz victim, to note that TEH HITLERIES! THEY R EVERYWHERE HATING AMERICA!
UPDATE II: Don Surber floats some trial-balloon spin on Michelle Obama …
No contest. The winner is the one who said: “I have and always will be proud of my country.”
Michelle Obama. Millionaire. Harvard Law grad. Wife of a senator. A person who has been afforded the best of opportunities in that land of opportunity that we call the United States, told a crowd in Milwaukee this: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”
Cindy McCain. Also a millionaire. USC educated. Wife of a senator. A person who has been afforded the best of opportunities in that land of opportunity that we call the United States, told a crowd in Brookfield, Wisc.: “I am proud of my country. I don’t know about you? If you heard those words earlier, I am very proud of my country.”
So, Don, you’re saying that the elite should be proud of their country because they get to be elite in it. Gotcha. It’s one way to look at patriotism. But it’s a little short on Mom and apple pie and playing golf on the moon. You know, the stuff that’s supposed to make all us non-millionaire, state-school congressmen’s wives bleed red-white-and-blue.
So back to the drawing board of slime for you, mister.
UPDATE III: Victor Davis Tiberius Pontius Pilate Jefferson Monroe Chinese Gordon Father Tom Coughlin Hanson advises that ungrateful welp Michelle Obama (Damn Her Eyes For Impudence!) and her ingrate of a layabout of a husband to make haste for Boston to seek the counsel of a cynical old cigar-chomping campaign-scarred potato-faced Irish drunk. You know, to find out what plays with the kids casting votes in America these days.
UPDATE IV: Malkin weighs in, of course. Wouldn’t miss this one for all the garbage in Graeme Frost’s alleyway. Lots of funny stuff in the comments, but the person who thinks Don King is the shining example of an American for Michelle Obama to learn from, takes the cake:
On February 19th, 2008 at 10:42 am, SpeakEasy said:
Mrs Obama needs to spend an hour with Don King. Yes, that Don King, the boxing promoter. He can help her to see all the wonderful things in America that are hidden in plain site. If you have never heard him speak about his love of our country, you should. He is truly an American success story and he knows why.
The lowlife who refers to Michelle as a termagant as a close second, though. He gets quadruple bonus points for antiquated, doubly offensive, nonsensical construction.
GD, are we doing that Atrios thing now?
Hi D.! I’m here drinking and my budgie died so I need some love.
Sorry to hear that RB. The title of this post is a bit awkward for you right now, I guess. I have to go get my eyes examined. No, really, that’s what I have to do now. My advice: Drink more.
RB, sorry to hear about your bird.
I”m raising my glass.
Stupid Haloscan.
Ditto with sympathy about your budgie. Loosing a pet is really a hard thing to deal with. People who aren’t owned and cared for by pets can’t imagine…. Hugs.
spell check is my friend, but not like my cat.
sorry, I panicked
Jeezis, I was trying to do Atrios comments. For the record, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the budgie-loving party.
As the companion of 3 cats I offer you my condolences and 2nd what gbear says.
Hearing the bile the past couple of weeks from the right, it looks like they have chosen Obama as the canidate they are gonna face. Ether that or they have run out of Vince Foster jokes for the time being.
Hugs, RB. A botched joke can cause extreme psychic pain, people who don’t botch jokes just don’t understand.
Please, no fristing.
I expect this bullshit from the reichwingers, but it’s Taylor Marsh’s post that really bothers me.
“ZOMG Michelle Osama haets America, why on earth would a black woman have any issue at all with America? Doesn’t she know America is the greatest country to ever exist on this or any other world and everything is perfect? (P.S. Vote Hillary so she can solve the problems in America.)”
Why don’t I just lay it out? I. Am. Not. Even. Slightly. Proud. Of. America. The last time our government did anything good was over ten years before I was born. In my life I’ve watched the USA become the wealthiest third-world country on the planet, which is impressive I guess, but worthy of pride? All of our fabulous wealth is in the hands of an elite few, and I’m supposed to be proud of that? We’d rather let sick children die than not get a tiny tax cut while billionaires save millions, and I’m supposed to be proud? Our laws and policy are decided by whacko fundie Christianists, and I’m supposed to be proud? We’re torturing innocent people while half the country cheers, and I’M SUPPOSED TO BE PROUD OF THAT? Fuck you, Taylor Marsh.
Eet ees too mal for joo loose jour tweety bird.
Oh, and I’m really glad that Mrs. Obama does not speak for them. Otherwise I’d have to hate her.
I meant to point out that Marsh’s was worse because she’s supposedly a Democrat. Sorry, got a bit carried away there.
The real question is: why hasn’t Obama called for an apology from Jrod for his anti-American remarks? It raises serious questions.
It’s almost like conservabots are primed to hate a black woman. But that can’t be true. What can it be?
Hey look, for the first time Michelle is “really proud” of her country.
And for the first time Michelle is “proud of her country”
Because her America-hating needed some clumsy editing to be “really” clear to everyone. Supposedly MSNBC played her unedited comments early in the day and a clip with the “really” edited out later in the day. Stay classy, liberal media.
There ees a beeg deeference between ‘really proud’, ‘proud’ and ‘muy caliente mucho gusto really proud’ of joor country.
Dear Sirs,
I would like to complain about the Righteous Bubba post on budgie-loving. Most of my Bubbas have budgies and only a few of them love them regularly (in the biblical sense.)
Thank you.
Vice Admiral Two-sheds FascistPhil
PS I believe this only strengthens my point.
people who don’t botch jokes just don’t understand.
Oh how I understand.
Righteous Bubba said,
February 20, 2008 at 3:19
Jeezis, I was trying to do Atrios comments. For the record, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the budgie-loving party.
I take back my toast, PAL!
P.S. Most bird pets in my family when I was a youngster met an untimely end. (We had three cats, go figure!)
But there was one canary who lived to a ripe old age. He loved singing whenever people were in the dining room watching the TV.
Here’s a taste from the comments over at Marsh’s shithole blog”
Seriously WTF. You either love America totally and unconditionally at all times for everything it does or you’re rooting for Saddam to personally rape and kill our astronauts.
I’m so sick of this garbage. How about we spent a little less time worrying about whether we love America enough and a little more time worrying about making it worthy of that love.
Eet ees too mal for joo loose jour tweety bird.
This was one of my favourite Althouses.
Sigh. Back in those days I never needed anyone. And botching jokes was just for fun. Those days are gone.
Has Michelle Malkin been spiking Taylor Marsh’s Kool-Aid?
The real question is: why hasn’t Obama called for an apology from Jrod for his anti-American remarks?
Why hasn’t the liberal media demanded that Obama apologize for Jrod’s America-hating remarks? Could it be that he agrees??
Next up: The Supreme Court: Protecting you from privacy.
“I’m so sick of this garbage. How about we spent a little less time worrying about whether we love America enough and a little more time worrying about making it worthy of that love.”
Or, to paraphrase Babs’ mother in Funny Girl, “Love it a little less, help it a little more!”
(God, I’m almost too gay to function!)
The fact jis, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
The fact jis
The fact is that Eric Carmen is not going to improve the situation.
Mrs. O is just getting her first taste of life under Clinton rules, and it appears to be bitter. And her base is clearly not taking it well.
I say this as sincerely friendly advice for the coming months: suck it up. Some of us have been listening to this since 1992, and it’s never going to stop, and BO’s political machine has been riding this hobby horse to his own advantage since South Carolina. His unwillingness to *change* that part of politicking is just one reason I see him as the cynical candidate.
As for proud moments, I was proud of the same-sex marriages Gavin Newsome presided over in 2004, but he was apparently too much of a DFH to be seen in a photograph with the Anointed one — back in the same year: Three years before his team made the “mistake” of befriending McClurkin.
Oh, Gary, you little spitfire, you. So do you now pretend to love McCain, or does your pretend heart still belong to Mittens?
Didn’t Frank SInatra used to call his dick his “bird.”? I just bring this up because I know you libruls are homos and all.
don’t you ever call me an ‘all’ again, you jerk.
Bubba, thanks.
That was one of the funniest unintentionally funny things I’ve read in a long time.
You oughta wait a couple weeks and just randomly put up a sad post on the death of your raccoon.
Seriously, you’re onto some comedy gold here, my friend..
She’s not proud of our space shuttle launches. In her heart, I believe she was happy when the shuttles exploded
I’m not proud when the shuttle launches, yet I wasn’t happy when it exploded. Does that make me crazy? I’m starting to think I might be crazy.
Jeezis, I was trying to do Atrios comments.
Please. Just don’t. You’re way funnier than that and you don’t want to start a trend for 500+ comment threads in which half of everything said is an inside joke about one or another of about 5 different people.
Mrs. O haz a base?
Who doz it belong to?
If you’re not bloody well proud when the shuttle launch is delayed, you hate America.
You oughta wait a couple weeks and just randomly put up a sad post on the death of your raccoon.
Hmmm…I’ll get to work on a JanusNode “Death of Pet” module…
Why not start here, Bubba?
I might be proud of Michelle’s country if Obama’s elected.
Btw, speaking of Republican shitheads, there’s more on Senator Buttars’ “ugly like a black baby” comment and his defense of it over at blurbomat.
Apparently he’s now saying he wasn’t referring to anything human. Oh, and he’s outraged.
The fact is, you have to love America whether America is lovable or not. Otherwise the Islamofascists will win!
See, RB? You’re not the only one whose [fictional] budgie has died.
I wonder if I can embed. . .
. . .nope.
I can’t even imagine having to deal with sexism and racism every day. For her, her statement is true.
Conservatives love to talk about responsibility and facing tough truths–as long as it flatters them, and someone else actually faces the truth and fulfills the responsibilities.
I’m watching McCain’s victory lap, er… speech right now — did he have a stroke or something? The left side of his face is drooping. Maybe the campaign is a bit much for him — it’s probably a good thing that he isn’t going to have to campaign very hard for a while. I don’t think his health could take it.
you don’t want to start a trend for 500+ comment threads in which half of everything said is an inside joke about one or another of about 5 different people.
Thank you, Jennifer. I’ll be less polite–“frist” posters, eat a giant bag of dicks. Then fuck off.
Um, which five?
Little Boots – go read one of them; you’ll figure it out quickly enough.
Well, they’re calling Wisconsin for Obama. Now I’m proud of America, too!
Well, they’re calling Wisconsin for Obama.
I saw that – they were calling it with 0% reporting. A bit hasty, but I’m thinking the MUP is in with a chance.
Taylor Marsh is to Barack Obama as Ann Coulter is to John McCain. Wildly unbalanced, screechy hatred.
This woman is a Democrat?
I can’t even imagine having to deal with sexism and racism every day. For her, her statement is true.
Well Cindy McCain is a rich skinny white woman and she just loves. her country.
Yeah, you better love your country, bitch
Gee, I have NO idea what Michelle Obama means when she says she isn’t like totally proud of our country, especially after the last 7 years. Hasn’t budgie-brain Bush being our fearless, articulate leader filled her heart with pride? I think republicans should really run on this.
Giant posters with Bush’s face and:
“I can haz proud!!!11!!”
written underneath
Are we still allowed to do “I can haz?” Or will we be punished with a giant bag of dicks soon too?
Fuck, I want to make a Rodeo Queen/Dancing Queen joke but I can only stand so much ABBA.
I had a mental picture of Bubba wandering into his kitchen one morning and finding a pitiful gree-blue-yellow parakeet lying stiff on the bottom of the page, it’s tiny body barely blocking a (cough) essay by Joe Klein…oh the humanity!
It’s little spats like this that really confuse me, why is it such a big deal with the wingnuts to say what Mrs O said. Why do they consider it treason to not be very proud, all the fucken time, about being an American. Jesus, comments like this in Europe would pass without any reaction. It reminds me of some kind of Stalinist ‘love the motherland shick’.
Second point, why do these toss pots all think that it was exclusively the US that brought down the Berlin wall. Why old Raygun may have had something to do with it, old Baldy in the Kremlin should get the kudos.
Thirdly, its a bit rich for these GoP assholes to go on about the ‘cult of personality’ around Obama, when these fucks turned GWB into some kind of action hero, super stud back in the day (seems funny, I know).
Well, maybe someone ought to call Cindy, and by default, McCain on it, and ask him how proud he is about the record of George W. Bush. I know he’s already dancing around it, but let’s get it all out in the open, John. Let’s tie you irrevocably to Bush. I like that hug photo. Let’s blow that one up a lot.
For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of Jane Fonda’s cunt.
August 6, 2001 made me proud to be an American.
Even a bitter dimwitted messianic Riyadhi puppet can become President in America!
OK, you can go now. You’ve covered your ass.
Shorter Wingnuttia:
Thup. Thup. Thup.
Will Obama bring the Atriots and the Sadlynots together? That is the ultimate test.
They’re going nuts with the not-so-crypto-racism over here. Some samples:
Little Boots – there are many fine Atriots and some of them come around here regularly. Most of them, I think, just haven’t yet become completely bored with 500+ comment threads that are all about the same 5 or so people. Or they haven’t found out yet how superior places like Sadly, No! comments thread are.
Hmm. Pride, huh?
Well, pride’s a funny thing. Be honest. What have you been PROUD of?
Ever been proud of your COUNTRY?
I haven’t. What has a national entity ever done to make me, a solitary human, proud? I’ve been proud of my squad. I’ve been proud of my friends. I’ve been proud of my sisters, my uncles, my friends.
Think about what pride is. What it means. What engenders pride. Tell me why you’d be proud of your nation. You hold other people at risk with threats of horrific killing. You appoprtion wealth based upon some weird algorithm that’s one part inheritence and two parts accident. Many of us get ground up in the wheels of national commerce, and we only seek survival, not pride.
National pride, as a concept, died on the battlefields of the first world war. Now its about who we are. Finding a way to live together.
Pride? Fuck a whole bunch of that. Give me peaceful coexistence. Show me a way forward. I may not puff out my chest, but I’ll be delighted to try to make the world a place that works for everyone…
superior places like Sadly, No! comments thread
Now that’s exactly what I needed to hear after the day I’ve had. No, really, you don’t fucking wanna know.
Did Obama smoke crack? I thought he snorted coke. You know, just like the guy “jill” voted for. Twice. I guess he was a good “kinds example” though, being a spoiled rich white guy.
So this means Taylor Marsh is what, a week away from calling voting for Obama sexist?
I’ve seen that meme starting to bump around some of the old guard blogs.
Chris Matthews is one thing, having a problem with DLC style corporate loving is another. I was especially disappointed in Wolcott.
smoked crack””’wrote a book”””’wants to be president””””’what kinds example will he set for the young people
There’s your problem – “wrote a book”. Gee Dumbya never did that, which is why all is forgiven.
Plus he snorted nice white-people coke, not that nasty street shit.
Well, I’m sure as hell proud of the space shuttle. And I’m damn proud of the many technologically advanced gas pumps that can be found at conveniently located gasoline emporiums throughout this great land. I’m also proud of the countless hard-working and efficient can openers that perform their tasks daily in millions of American homes. I’m very proud indeed of the billions of upstanding American dust mites that live in our wonderful American carpets and tirelessly eat the many nutritious American skin flakes we all produce.
I’m just proud all over about every goddamned thing in this fabulous country, except of course people who are in any way less proud than I am, who should all be imprisoned.
One thing you have to give the Atriots– they can run an open thread into the hundreds like 5 times a day.
‘Round here you have to give someone a sammich or something to get into that level.
I miss Ilya.
“tigrismus said,
February 20, 2008 at 5:06
Did Obama smoke crack? I thought he snorted coke. You know, just like the guy “jill” voted for. Twice. I guess he was a good “kinds example” though, being a spoiled rich white guy”
Well that and he never wrote a book.
I really don’t get where this Obama=antichrist stuff is coming from. Just because the guy is actually likeable and charismatic, he’s secretly worse than Hitler? They’re just scared. Obama getting elected would be a complete rejection of everything they stand for. This crap is only going to get more vile.
Mess is more?
“snorted coke”
tried to read a book
“got made to into pretendzident”
what kind of example will he set for the young people?
Teh suck example, sets he.
I visit Atriot’s place sometimes. Met some nice folks, (internet wise).
And I’m not drinking to poor Bubba’s dead racoon. Fool me once, pity the fool…um not gonna get fooled again.
Mikey, I disagree.
This nation made me proud when a poor struggling author was able to write a book that became a best seller. That humble book was about pets. And that simple, humble book was one day read by the stupidest man ever to become President, on the same day that our hand-crafted religious psychotics turned on us and destroyed one of the greatest testaments to the engineering prowess of our land, a wonder of the world. Just like it was foretold.
A nation that can produce My Pet Goat is a nation that makes me proud.
At 53 years old, Cindy McCain is so phsically and mentally disabled from her 2004 stroke that I doubt that she could even speak for more than five minutes at a time. As such, it is unlikely she will make many gaffes. On the other hand, she has short term memory loss so she probably won’t even remember what she said today when she wakes up tomorrow.
If Senator Obama had interceded with the DEA to keep his drug addicted wife out of prison after she ripped off her own charity for drugs, he wouldn’t be running for president, that’s for sure. .
Can you imagine what the wingnuts would say if Michelle Obama had been a stoned cold junkie who bullied the Bangladesh government into letting her whisk two babies out of the country? Cindy McCain was so whacked out that she did not even mention to her husband beforehand that she was bringing a baby home.
Cindy McCain once promised to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings for the rest of her life. I wonder how that’s going.
I know this is a relatively minor issue in the scheme of things but I was annoyed that Hillary Clinton had to turn down a Vogue photo shoot because she thought she would look to femine, i.e. weak.
Meanwhile, on the right, John and Cindy McCain posed for fashion photos which were published in Harper’s Bazaar’s July 2007 issue. I can’t find the pix online but from what I remember, the McCains looked exactly like the vapid wealthy elitists they really are.
Well that and he never wrote a book.
I bet jill””’ thinks he did.
There’s currently a recommended diary on Daily Kos that I think addresses all of this very nicely.
Quit yer flinching, Chicken Little!
I dunno, I personally would like a First Lady with high standards, what’s wrong with that? I don’t want a First lady that is all like “OMG, America, goood job, I am so proud of you, you so didn’t invade another country today, and you only borrowed a mere quarter of a gazzilion from the Chinese today. Well done! I ma all mushy and squishy”
I stand corrected. The, not My.
And what’s this?
Actually, the Voting Rights Act made me proud, and so did the Civil Rights Act.
So did Lawrence v Texas and Loving.
I thought well of the Marshall Plan.
I don’t say they counterbalance everything filthy about us, but there have been acts of conspicuous decency sprinkled in there every now and then.
Until this week, I had the pleasure of not knowing about Taylor Marsh. Unfortunately, I visited her site a couple of days ago. Taking a quick look at her message boards, I thought “wow, these supposed Democrats aren’t racist, but they’re coming up to that line.” Now with the “go back to Africa” posts, I’m thinking they may live comfortably on the other side of that line. Really freaking pathetic, but not surprising, that some Clinton supporters have sunk this low.
This does bring up another of those elephants in the room – the fact that wingers and a fair number of Democrats poo themselves at an implication that someone might not be unquestioningly proud of America is telling. I didn’t interpret Michelle Obama’s statement the way the feces-flingers have, FWIW, and even if I thought she meant what they said she did, I would have found it refreshing that she could come out and say it.
There are heresies on the campaign trail, and even skating near one will bring down a major shitstorm. It doesn’t help that there are a zillion shitstorms looking for a reason to happen.
No really, America made me proud when MC5 put out Kick out the Jams.
Cindybot 5000 sez:
“I just wanted to make the statement that I have, and always will be, proud of my country.”
But is she “really” proud?
And the fact that Michelle has apparently purposefully, been misquoted, is beginning to be noticed.
Yeah, the Millstone-ess purposely misquotes Michelle Obama in her post on the subject. Leaves out the “really” …
whoa, wait a minute. The right wing has constantly been saying that America was hit by terrorists because we’re gay-loving feminazis; that our popular culture is godless and horrible; that our schools suck, that our institutions of higher learning are biased, depraved, and full of scared weeny boys who won’t throw their laptops at killers. The right wing has been saying that our free press is biased; that our government is incompetent and corrupt; that our major cities are cesspools.
But it’s Michelle Obama who’s the one talking trash about America?
Why do they consider it treason to not be very proud, all the fucken time, about being an American.
It takes hard work and dedication to be born in America, what with the gay marriages and all the abortions. Plenty of reason for pride right there.
A subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless.
And also: What did Walcott do? I missed it. Yes, I know, I could go there and see. But it’s been a long day.
And what’s this?
Oh thanks a LOT Stryx. I had been planning on getting to bed early tonight, but then you HAD to post that link….
Wolcott had a post a week or so back, and sort of again today, where he, imho, way overemphasized the role gender and the right are playing in Hillary’s loss of momentum and didn’t even glancingly acknowledge that there are quite legitimate reasons for the left to go with Obama. Granted, he was focusing on Matthews and the anti-Hillary right, but they don’t vote in Dem primaries.
Re the update: I’m shocked that the Anchoress has not included George Bush on her list of saints. In her view he’s more purely husbandly than Christ himself.
Or wait, not Matthews, Dowd. I agree with his critique of the media, it just annoys me that he fails to acknowledge there are legit gripes with Hillary, which might be the main reason she’s falling behind.
SenderC –
Yeah, I’m horrified and frightened that this element is crawling out from under the rocks in this crucial election year. I’ve always known it exists; I grew up around working-class white Democrats who didn’t actually know any black people but just “knew” they were intellectually superior to them. I’m not talking about the kind of people who would have burned crosses, but some of them were the kind of people who would take their kids out of school in the city and run to the suburbs to get them away from what they perceived to be the inferior elements.
I’d grown to think the racist Dems had mostly gotten old and died out, or had gone Reagan Democrat and thus been pretty much eradicated, but I’m beginning to have a sick, sinking suspicion that it’s still a lot more alive than I had believed. I sure do hope I’m wrong.
g that goes hand in hand (like our shrubinator and a Saudi prince) with platitudes for a limited government, ala Burke, and support for unchecked spying powers by the executive branch.
It does not make sense!
*plz turn spkrz up now plz*
I’m proud of the poop I made.
Look. Lookit my poop!
Go to bed, Jonah.
Hey, can I be the chick who hearts Al Gore?
Or the guy whose blog Atrios never links to?
Ridiculing someone else’s comment threads – meta, whiskey, sexy!
Ok, I’ll go with the wingnuts and Marsh on this. During my adult life I’ve found plenty of things to be proud of my country about. Wanting change after the bush disaster isn’t something to be proud of, it’s something to scream ‘Duh!!’ at.
It looks like Teh MSNBC teamed up with those crazy Conchords or at least did the editing for them.
I would post this on Taylor “Malkin” Marsh’s site but there’s that whole registration thing. I also value the remaining brain cell’s I was able to salvage from my last visit to that place. It’s getting a tad obsessive over there me thinks.
I seldom waste my time visiting the wingnuts sites. This lunatic is special. Without getting into anything deep, the quote on her banner from Chardin, he’d want it taken off that sight were he alive. I doubt he’d have much use for the wankeress or her politics.
We’ve got the spirit, yes we do!
We’ve got the spirit, how bout you!
I really think that’s the best way to pick our national leaders, because you can actually see.. well, hear, the spirit that people have so you can make a really good decision about who has more spirit and then you know that they deserve to be our leaders. Talk about participatory democracy!
It’s a method that could also be used to prevent wars, because, really – are you going to go to war against a nation that sounds like it has more spirit than you do? I know I wouldn’t…
I just got a new computer about a week ago and tonight I’m re-downloading Itunes and listening to all my old music I forgot I had. Fun! totally!
Old show tunes I forgot I had – “Ragtime”
“Just like that tune simple and clear
I’ve come to hear – New Music
Why can’t you hear the song?
His fingers stroke those keys
And every note says “please”
And every chord says “turn my way”
I thought I knew what love was
But these lovers play – New Music
Or – 7 Year Bitch – “The Scratch”
Or – Van Cliburn – “Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte.”
Sergio Mendez, Brazil ’66
“No really, America made me proud when MC5 put out Kick out the Jams.”
Mother fucker.
I am outraged.
That is all.
THis Iz wut makez me prood, mfers!
We Are Your Overlords!
*head explodes*
Seriously, where do pundits get this idea that what is great about America is that it makes some people really, really rich compared to other people? This is the mainstream media that is going to tear Obama a new one?
Seriously, where do pundits get this idea that what is great about America is that it makes some people really, really rich compared to other people?
I’m surprised their concept of American greatness runs even that deep. I figured it had gone from “America is great because of reasons X, Y, and Z” (pre-1980) to “America is great and if you disagree we’ll kill you” (1980-2000 except for Clinton years) to “America is great because if you disagree we’ll kill you.” (present).
A person who has been afforded the best of opportunities…, told a crowd in Brookfield, Wisc.:
A person was born into privilege, and therefore deserves special credence (not to mention your adulation) when she says:…
“Ungrateful welp”? That is the noise I make when the Frau Doktorin Penny puts on her Transport Security costume and announces that she wants to play the Airport Body Search game.
Sam… *sigh* God damn it Sam, you’re right.
I would like to think that electing a president who doesn’t wear a flag pin in his lapel is a step in the right direction but.. well, we all know that Obama’s going to say something stupid and sensible like, “If you’re cold, put on a sweater” and that is all the country will never forgive him for it.
*hums first few bars of “O Canada”*
well, we all know that Obama’s going to say something stupid and sensible like, “If you’re cold, put on a sweater” and that is all the country will never forgive him for it.
I’m hoping the public is more ready to hear something like that. Not betting the farm, but got my fingers crossed.
I saw that very Carter speech on PBS awhile back. It made me very sad to think “Here’s a sensible speech telling us to fucking well grow up and deal with the energy crisis, and the electorate shit itself in its haste to vote for a warmongering zombie rather than listen.” Or something like that.
I bet if McCain put on his best angry daddy voice and announced he was very disappointed in America and expected to see it shape up pronto or it would get its ears boxed like it wouldn’t believe buster we’d see the wingnutosphere forget all about immigration reform and the Gang of 14 and finally get fully behind him.
As for me, I could find lots of things about America to be proud of but that would be so arrogant. I missed the first few hundred years and even since I hit the scene I’ve had an immeasurably small impact on its successes and failures, its commission of good and bad deeds so who am I to be proud? I feel pride on a much smaller scale. Like I’m proud as hell of my son and of myself for keeping my budgie alive.
And one last totally OT but notable thing. It’s too bad Ace O Spades had not long ago been made familiar with the work of one Dr. Carla Pugh, surgeon and designer of fake body parts for medical training purposes.
So much unpleasantness could have been avoided.
So much unpleasantness could have been avoided.
Yes, but plenty of other unpleasantness could well have taken its place.
I’m still lovin’ the fact that D fell for Righteous and Galactic’s silliness in the first comments.
Comedy Gold, Jerry, Comedy Gold!
For most of the last 25 years the Obamas’ contacts have been largely confined to universities (Occidental, Columbia, Princeton, Harvard, Chicago) as both students and employees … or to the incestuous world of Chicago minority politics. These landscapes have proven liberal, sympathetic, and non-confrontational. I doubt very seriously in those environments that the Obamas have had any of their sometimes bewildering statements seriously cross-examined or questioned.
As opposed to the incestuous world of left coast cracker* politics? Gee, that Hoover Institute is a bastion of cross-examination, ain’t it? And what, Chico State, I mean, North California Directional State, I mean, Fresno U: it don’t have no confrontations at all, do it, Vic?
*Yes, D’Nesh D’Souz’A is a cracker, apostrophes notwithstanding.
When I think on what Michelle Obama has said, I am reminded of the words of Hesiod, which illuminate my thoughts on the matter:
Those lurk within the covered hive, and reap
With glutted maw the fruits of others’ toil;
Such evil did the Thunderer send to man
In woman’s form, and so he gave the sex,
Ill helpmates of intolerable toils.
And, because every bit of Western culture is derived from classical Greece, I must inform you of the wisdom of Semonides, and his words that fit Mrs. Obama’s rashness:
The woman who resembles a mare is delicate and long-haired, unfit for drudgery or toil; she would not touch the mill, or lift the sieve, or clean the house out! She bathes twice or thrice a day, and anoints herself with myrrh; then she wears her hair combed out long and wavy, dressed with flowers. It follows that this woman is a rare sight to one’s guests; but to her husband she is a curse, unless he be a tyrant who prides himself on such expensive luxuries.
And what does Mr. Obama want to be, but a tyrant?
As an until-recently resident of that area, I’d also like to point out that Milwaukee is the relatively cosmopolitan area, with a diverse-but-rather-segregated population. Brookfield is one of the rather affluent, predominantly white suburbs. I guess we can tell just which people Cindy is proud of.
(And by the way, who taught that dimwit Don Surber how (not) to punctuate?)
The fact is that the next first lady will not be an insane raving moonbat like Cynthia McObama.
John McCain is a man with unquestionable integrity who served our nation and emerged a hero in war.
Barack Obama is a two-timing, smooth talking, drug-dealing, shady scumbag. I wouldn’t buy a car from him. He has no clue how to be a good President. He’s greener than the grass at Wrigley Field.
John McCain is a true leader. Barack Obama is a wannabe cult leader.
If a political candidate here started talking about being proud of ‘my country’ (it’s Australia here, for those who missed the briefing), we’d look at them askance. At least until very recently (the Abominable Howard years), one didn’t need to jump up and down shouting “Hallehujah! Praise Jeebus! I’m so proud of my country!” It was assumed that yes, ones’ own country was a pretty good place to be, we’re all fond of it, but no need to make a big song and dance about it. Anyone who did must be selling something.
There’s something about this compulsion to proclaim pride that makes me very uneasy about the US. It feels too Orwellian, too much like the conformity produced by fear: “I believe in The Party, and I believe it more than anyone else!” The social opprobrium that gets heaped on anyone who’s deemed insufficiently patriotic just reminds me of Teh Thought Police.
Isn’t that ironic? The folks who pride themselves on being the sole defenders of freedom are complicit in the kind of pack mentality that gave Orwell so much material.
The fact is that the next first lady will not be an insane raving moonbat like Cynthia McObama.
Okay, that’s just weird. What the fuck is Cynthia McObama?
Incidentally, I was proud of my country the day annieangel and shoelimpy were banned from Sadly, No.
Isn’t Cindy McCain a documented home wrecker? A former “other woman” who knowingly participated in an adulterous affair between a former POW and the woman who waited for him?
Bring it on, lady.
Ooops. That second question was meant to read “A former “other woman” who knowingly participated in an adulterous affair, coming between a former POW and the woman who waited for him?”
It’s late.
The fact is, Obama=Osama. Both are muslim cult leaders who will do everything they can to restore the caphilate and give us shania laws. Think of that when your friends the gays and womens libbers are up against the wall.
My cat Petie once climbed in my neighbor’s window and took her bird out of it’s cage and had it for dinner. She was on my porch crying, I looked behind her and there was Petie with a defeathered bird in his mouth. I felt terrible, but I still wanted to laugh. Defeathered birds look naked.
Well, SHE just lost my vote for President! Bitch!
“Think of that when your friends the gays and womens libbers are up against the wall.”
Together? I don’t think you fully understand what the definition of what “homosexual” is, Gary al Ruppert.
Given your track record Gary?
Saith the crawling ruppert-thing:
…who will do everything they can to…give us shania laws.
I’m sure there’s an absolutely devastating Shania Twain joke to be made here somewhere, but it’s pretty early in the morning and I’m just not seeing it.
Or else I am making it, on this date in 1997.
God, I’m tired.
I left a comment on Taylor Marsh:
Are you even aware of how ridiculous you sound to a normal person? Get a clue. No-one cares how much you ‘love’ the country. They care how much you can do for the country… if they care at all.
This is no longer second grade. This is adult reality.
Lets see if it makes it out of ‘moderation’. Ever notice how the dumber websites are the ones most attached to ‘security’ for the comments?
More hard cheese for Hillary.
Obama wins big in Wisconsin.
Mrs Obama needs to spend an hour with Don King. … He can help her to see all the wonderful things in America that are hidden in plain site.
Maybe Don King could even help Michelle how to spell “sight.”
The fact is, Obama=Osama. Both are muslim cult leaders who will do everything they can to restore the caphilate and give us shania laws.
1. When did the United Church of Christ get classified as Muslim?
2. I for one welcome our new Sha-na-na overlords. Let the Bowzer caliphate begin!
Isn’t Cindy McCain a documented home wrecker? A former “other woman” who knowingly participated in an adulterous affair between a former POW and the woman who waited for him?
Not just that, but also a pill addict who stole from her own charity.
No wonder she’s always been proud of America. When she was drugged out of her gourd, she was living a life of leisure and having an affair with a military man. For her, the ’80s must’ve seemed just like “Dynasty.”
First Lady Linda Evans?
Grease For Peace, TR.
To hell with Gary, I’m still shuddering at the thought of a bag of dicks.
Especially a weaponized bag of dicks. Stop using dicks as a weapon!
So this bigot misapplied a word that was a misapplication of a word that was a misapplication of a word. It really is turtles all the way down isn’t it?
“The fact is, Obama=Osama.”
OMGD! He’s right! We’ve never seen them in the same place at the same time.
The fact is, G.R. doesn’t know what a fact is.
Pride in America? I get all my pointers here:
Really makes my chest swell with manly robustness.
I haven’t read all the comments, but I saw Righteous Bubba’s post about the loss of his pet, so if you aer still here RB, you might find this comforting during a hard time:
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Goodnight, sweet budgie.
Hey, that reminds me.
Where is that one guy who conceived, financed, and organized the spectacular strike on America that left some 3000 dead and traumatized the nation?
What’s his name again? You know, the one we wanted dead or alive?
Wasn’t it Saddama or Odama or Husama or something?
See, after the epic fail of Kerry’sJokeGate in 2006, I figured the higher points of Wingnuttery would realize that manufactured outrage just won’t hold up to a PO-ed voting public. Tonight we are certainly NOT partying like it’s 2004.
And yet, it’s one thing after another with these clowns. Obama’s flag lapel. A ridiculous misquote of Bill Clinton. This. And yet, time after time, no one outside of the fightin’ 30%-ers gives a rat’s patoot.
Sorry, Chuckles McFootball, Bobo-boy, Surbhuman, InstaDoofus, Pantload, and the rest. It just doesn’t work anymore.
Actually, the Kerry joke saved a dozen House seats from flipping, and almost saved the GOP House and Senate majorities. But the media refused to fairly report on that topic. As they’re doing with Michelle “Cynthia” Obama
Michelle Obama: millionaire on account of her husband’s best selling books.
Cindy McCain: millionaire on account of her parents’ trust fund.
The winner is the one who said: “I have and always will be proud of my country.”
I quote Al Franken:
“But the media refused to fairly report on that topic.”
If by “fairly” you mean ” with perverted, paranoid and xenophobic worldview” then I agree.
Thank you, Cindy McCain! As one blonde to another:
After a week of Hillary desperation that nobody bought into, Cindy decides to pick up on Hillary’s “Big Mo” and pull another out of context “gotcha”?
That way, her cranky, “No, we can’t!” hubby can pick up all the “good will” generated by the Hillary weasels (that succeeded SOOOOO well in Wisconsin) and translate it into that Magic Barry Goldwater presidential momentum!
When the voters tell you that they’ve figured out the GOP “fear & smear” meme and outright reject it, do as much “fear & smear” as you can!
Give ’em what they want, Cindy! (And take some more pills darlin’. Something tells me you’ll be needing ’em!)
John McCain: In Your Heart, You Know He’s Reich!
So, Gary, what’s your take on Cindy McCain’s pill-stealing addiction?
If you haven’t read Tbogg on Cindy McPercoset yet, you really should.
Oh, I did read Tbogg. it’s pretty funny.
I actually don’t like these attacks on the spouse, but, in the immortal words of second grad – “she started it!”
And the right wing idiots like our resident trolls have absolutely no restraint in attacking the spouse of a candidate, so I say – let’s roll.
Shania law? Gary, the fact is you should go back to talking about tongue baths; at least you could spell it correctly.
Smear tactics by the left. There’s nothing to those charges, just a reflection of how so-caled feminist liberals hate conservative women.
There’s something about this compulsion to proclaim pride that makes me very uneasy about the US. It feels too Orwellian, too much like the conformity produced by fear: “I believe in The Party, and I believe it more than anyone else!” The social opprobrium that gets heaped on anyone who’s deemed insufficiently patriotic just reminds me of Teh Thought Police.
Isn’t that ironic? The folks who pride themselves on being the sole defenders of freedom are complicit in the kind of pack mentality that gave Orwell so much material.
Nope, Qetesh. It’s not ironic. It’s scary. You pretty much nailed the truth that they refuse to see (‘they’ as in you, Gary Ruppert ad nauseum).
Gary, why do you spend so much time here where you’re not liked?
Anyways, how will Obama make such charges without Deval Patrick using them first?
What kind of example is it if the President plagirizes others constantly?
I will note the leftist reaction is the usual hilarity, which includes trying to play a “gotcha” game. As if that minimizes the plagirism by the
PatrickObama campaign.Clinton has already launched 527s to take out the Obama campaign. But no matter what, we win. Neither Clinton or Obama can win.
Jeez, even the mainstream wingnuts are becoming unglued. In an op-ed column in today’s Sun-Sentinel, an old white guy I never heard of named Cal Thomas told his readers that hoping for good government is guaraneed to lead to despair, especially if Obama is the prez.
The best is when Cal warns us that Obama is so much like JFK and RFK, he is likely to be killed so don’t even thinking of voting for him because he will be dead soon anyway:
“Now we’re told (by members of the Kennedys, no less) that Sen. Barack Obama is the reincarnation of the hope that was lost when Jack was murdered in 1963 and Bobby was killed in 1968. And we watch another generation of the young become disciples of another young and handsome politician with a pretty wife and cute children. Will history repeat? God forbid…”
God forbid, indeed.
Then Cal craftily slips in the equation, Obama=redistribution of wealth, virtually sealing Obama’s fate.
I will note that the stammering and uncertainty by the Obama spokesman as to his candidate’s legisative achievements was hiliarious.
Obama is the least experienced candidate to possibly be nominated in decades. Even the woefully unprepared Jimmy Carter had more experience than Obama.
We’re going to hand over the car keys to someone who can’t drive? How is Obama going to deal with Pakistan? Iran? Cuba?
John McCain has the experience and wisdom to deal with our nation.
someone put something in Gary’s coffee this morning. He’s very active. Or maybe the wingnut welfare just got a budget boost?
Ahh, sweet Cal. Cal is one of those epically Sowellesque Op/Ed trolls who likes to be just vague enough that only the dogwhistle-listeners realize that “loss of moral clarity blah blah blah” equals “loss of our ability to lock gays up in internment camps.”
He’s usually pretty awful.
AND right on cue, there’s that dogwhistle. Heaven forbid! Wink wink wink wink wink.
By the way, top o’ the morning to Gary:
George W. Bush’s resume, pre-2000:
Failed business
Failed business
Failed business
Bad baseball owner
Governor of Texas (Governor of Texas’ duties: Read to first-graders, execute people)
But you lurved you some Mitt Romney, so really, how much can experience actually mean to you?
Gary, dude, um, GW Bush? AWOL pilot, failed businessman and pro forma Governor?
Here’s a fun game, Gar. Every time you
think upare given a talking point to run down Obama, just try substituting the word Bush for Obama.Projection. It’s not just for vomiting any more.
jnfr & g,
I can’t seem to find the tbogg post. Can you help me with a link?
Cindy is proud proud proud because she used her political connections to beat a major drug rap. Gary, um, she admitted it.
I await an actual statistical analysis of this, Gary.
Almost saved the House? ‘Twas no “almost” about that ’06 beatdown.
Ah yes, I remember Hugh Hewitt and his jiggly twins well: The Emm Ess Emm is biased if they don’t put that picture of the soldiers with the “HALP US JON CARRY” sign on the front page of every major metro in the country, because that was the real news, even though it was blatantly obvious that Kerry was referring to Bush the whole time. I also remember, upon hearing Kerry say that there was an “us” implied in the botched joke, that Tony Snow tried to determine where the us would go, thus giving us “Get stuck us in Iraq? Get stuck in us Iraq? I don’t get it! Tee hee!”
I also remember that the voting public couldn’t be bothered with all that one bit.
Tbogg is now at firedoglake.
Scroll down past lovable Don Surber for the Cindy McCain post.
Also, on the firedoglake main page there’s a post about Cindy – I haven’t read it yet, but off to go do so now.
an old white guy I never heard of named Cal Thomas
You never heard of Cal Thomas? Oh, you are missing some Grade A bullshit, my friend. He is the Pat Robertson of Fox News. He used to have this great show called “After Hours” where he would turn the lights real low and vex over the End Times while piano music tinkled in the background. He’s called gay people criminals, he’s compared Dutch euthanasia to the Holocaust, he’s called on Israel to forcibly expel the Palestinians… he’s a real laff factory, that one.
I liked him better when he had his 70s porn stache though.
Ah yes, Cal Thomas indeed. About five years ago, I responded to a piece that he did about gay marriage by calling it “…the most flatulent piece of pretzel logic that I’d read in ages’. It was fun to see that line in the Minneapolis Star-Trib (back before it went conservative).
Bush was a successful businessman and two-term governor of Texas.
Obama has been a Senator for 3 years and done nothing but talk.
Mitt Romney was also a successful businessman, which is more impressive than Obama’s 3 years of nothing.
‘In August 1994, a group of Valley journalists received an unusual phone call from Jay Smith, McCain’s political strategist…One by one, they went to the McCain home, where they heard an incredible story.
Cindy McCain, 40, told them that she had been a drug addict for three years. From 1989 to 1992, as the Keating Five made headlines, she was addicted to Percocet and Vicodin. Worse, she had stolen pills from the American Voluntary Medical Team, a relief organization that she founded to aid Third World countries.
“More than anything, I wanted to be able to face my children, for them to know I wasn’t lying to them,” she said at the time. “They’re too young to fully understand right now, but someday they will.”
Cindy blamed two back surgeries and the Keating Five scandal – a blend of physical and emotional pain – for hooking her on drugs.
Things started to unravel when a Drug Enforcement Administration audit found irregularities in the charity’s records, prompting an investigation, Cindy told the reporters.
In 1992, as the Keating affair surfaced again during McCain’s run for a second Senate term, Cindy’s parents confronted her about her drug use.
What had been clear to Cindy’s parents was lost on McCain, who said he had not noticed his wife’s addiction.
“I was stunned,” McCain said at the time. “Naturally, I felt enormous sadness for Cindy and a certain sense of guilt that I hadn’t detected it. I feel very sorry for what she went through, but I’m very proud she was able to come out of it. For her, it was like the Keating affair had been for me, a searing experience, and we both came out stronger. I think it has strengthened our marriage and our overall relationship.”‘
Conservatives ignore facts. That is why the economy is starting to unravel, we are at war and hated everywhere, and the nation is slowly crumbling around us.
More facts later.
Here’s the wikipedia article about Cindy McCain.
Cindy Hensley McCain
Aside from the drug story, I see that Cindy’s career as a teacher is even thinner than than of Laura Bush.
If ONLY Bush had just talked. Everytime he’s done anything, people die.
Here’s the wikipedia article about Cindy McCain.
I wanted to be a rodeo queen but my dad wouldn’t let me.
dammit that was supposed to be Gary.
Well now the joke is ruined.
Oh come on. You aren’t even trying.
Every single business venture Bush attempted was a bust. Getting bought out by your daddy’s big biz buddies doesn’t make you a success, it makes you a silver-spooned failure. Being born with connections already in tact doesn’t mean squat.
FWIW, my folks are both very successful despite growing up with very little. I’ve started from the bottom too, because I choose to make my own life.
My parents found REAL success. Getting a crutch from Poppy’s pals: Nothing.
Again, you aren’t even trying. Governor of Texas = Read to children, execute felons. Oh, and Bush also blitzed through a surplus, so we have to give him that. And he took credit for education reforms that happened 1) through work of previous state administrations and 2) because the feds were going to take Texas’ highway money away.
Thanks g. Hilariouz!
Gary said: “Bush was a successful businessman and two-term governor of Texas.”
It’s by this logic that one concludes Bush is the best president evar! Success = looting and running into the ground.
Although responding to Gary’s is fun, I’m feeling kinda gulity…like I’m picking on a brain injury patient.
Well at least your failed joke didn’t include a budgie. That would have been too much.
Oh Gary, Obama wasn’t born just before he joined the senate, you know. Bush was NEVER a successful businessman, and Mitt was successful as a slick-talking deal-maker who took part in looting formerly good companies and costing people jobs.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
You’re almost right. Unfortunately, EVERY dead animal goes to Rainbow bridge. So as you pet your long lost kitty, you look behind you and see….hundreds upon hundreds of chickens, their beady eyes focused on you. You remember hundreds upon hundreds of chicken dinners. But it’s too late. The pecking has begun.
Bush was a successful businessman
This is the standard by which all Gary statements should be measured.
Oh, my. I was just reading a little bit of fluff, a Harper’s Bazaar article about Cindy McCain.
Interesting – their entire relationship started by lying to one another:
“He was also 42, 18 years her senior, a difference Cindy “never noticed” until a year later, when, applying for their marriage license, “we discovered we’d both lied. I’d made myself three years older, he four younger. “
Although it looks like McCain has a pretty good assessment of Bush’s contribution to the country:
“When it came to the 2008 presidential marathon, however, it was Senator McCain who sealed the deal. “John said something so lovely,” she recalls, adding quickly, “from his perspective, I don’t believe it myself. He said: ‘I think you could bring style, grace, and elegance back to the White House.’ “
Confirming what we all know, that the Bushes are oafish boors.
Oh well, enough fun. Off to work.
So, Michelle has made enemies of the drug addict, the drunk, and the anchor baby?
I’m liking her more all the time.
Cindy McCain, 40, told them that she had been a drug addict for three years. From 1989 to 1992, as the Keating Five made headlines, she was addicted to Percocet and Vicodin. Worse, she had stolen pills from the American Voluntary Medical Team, a relief organization that she founded to aid Third World countries.
What that means is that Cindy McCain was a stoned cold junkie in 1991 when she bullied the Bangladesh government into letting her whisk two babies out of the country.
The fact that Cindy’s brains were fried when she decided to bring Baby Bridget home goes a long way towards explaining why she did not consult with her husband before making the monumental decision to adopt a baby from a foreign country.
Is anyone in the media going to ask Cindy McCain if she thinks it is okay for drug addicts to adopt babies from foreign countries?
Does John McCain believe that every drug addict in America deserves the same break that his wife got?
“When it came to the 2008 presidential marathon, however, it was Senator McCain who sealed the deal. “John said something so lovely,” she recalls, adding quickly, “from his perspective, I don’t believe it myself. He said: ‘I think you could bring style, grace, and elegance back to the White House.’ “
That’s if someone reminds Cindy every day that she actually lives in the White House.
From a very flattering story about Cindy by Paul Alexander in More, “Cindy McCain at Full Throttle”:
“McCain shows almost no signs of permanent damage from her stroke, which has been attributed to her failure to take her blood pressure medication regularly. “I was feeling fine, so I only took the medication once in a while,” she notes. In conversation, she will occasionally have trouble remembering certain facts, especially from the recent past, and if you look closely you realize she cannot make her right hand into a complete fist, which has affected her handwriting, if not her ability to grasp a gearshift knob. “It’s not bad,” she says, describing the damage to her hand. “I can function. I have short-term memory loss. I can remember all the major details of my life, but I sometimes can’t remember what happened last week.””
SUCCESS = getting rich through eminent domain abuse.
Obama’s wife/McCain’s mom ’08
[…] to now, as the excitable right has its collective knickers in a twist that Michelle Obama might have dared – dared! – say that for the first time in her adult life, she […]
Well, that article is interesting. Mainly, I am struck by the fact that she’s exactly my age, and our experiences couldn’t have been different.
Rich girl, went to USC and to grad school, yet still ended up living at home with Mom and Dad. After marrying McCain, he worked for her day; after he got elected, the family lived in her parent’s home and she worked for her dad, continuing until his death, where she became chair of his company.
And she says: “”Oh, I’m not a feminist,” she asserts. “I am an independent Western woman!” Western women, she says, learn to fend for themselves, and they understand full well that “you never know where life is going to take you.”
Yeah. Independent as long as Daddy’s there to give you a job and a place to live.
Other things about her are interesting – she’s really had a life of ill health. Blown out disc at 35; high blood pressure. That little unfortunate brush with pill addiction and theft – three years she managed to keep it a secret from her husband? Guess that’s not too hard, if he’s in DC and you’re living at home in Mom and Dad’s house.
A stroke at 50. She lived apart from McCain for 4 months while in rehab – says he “wasn’t happy” about her doing that. She’s only 53, and has memory loss and impaired physical dexterity? That’s a pretty harsh thing to bear, with decades of living ahead of you.
The other thing that struck me is that, even though the Rove-ites reached new lows by the rumors about her daughter in 2000, and it obviously pained her very much, she’s willing to let bygones be bygones. If it’d been me, I would be unable to forgive them, but she doesn’t seem to have a problem with it.
She’s done some good work with her charities, but it does seem like she operates quite independently of McCain – her causes don’t seem to be shared by him.
They seem like a couple that don’t spend much time together, and aren’t particularly candid with one another.
Bush’s business successes: http://alaric3rh.home.sprynet.com/science/bceo.html
As explained by Kevin Phillips in his book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, George W. Bush’s businesses fail but he makes millions. Among Mr. Bush’s business ventures:
Arbusto, an oil exploration company, lost money, but it got considerable investments (nearly $5 million) because even losing oil investments were useful as tax shelters.
Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. bought out Arbusto in 1984 and hired Mr. Bush to run the company’s oil interests in Midland, Texas. The oil business collapsed as oil prices plummeted by 1986, and Spectrum 7 Energy was near failure.
Harken Energy acquired Mr. Bush’s Spectrum 7 Energy shares, and he got Harken shares, a directorship, and a consulting arrangement in return. Harken, under Bush, brought in Saudi real estate tycoon Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh as a board member and a major investor. Over the next few years, Harken would turn out to have links to: Saudi money, CIA-connected Filipinos, the Harvard Endowment, the emir of Bahrain, and the shadowy Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
A 1991 internal SEC document suggested George W. Bush violated federal securities law at least 4 times in the late 1980s and early 1990s in selling Harken stock while serving as a director of Harken. This is essentially the same kind of activity that Martha Stewart is going to prison over. Except at the time of the investigation, Mr. Bush’s father was president and the case was quietly dropped.”
Bush’s role as Governor of Texas: http://www.bushwatch.com/governor.htm
“In the days following his victory, Bush made a concerted effort to become friends with Pete Laney, the speaker of the House, and Bob Bullock, the lieutenant governor — both Democrats. (Bullock died this June.) ‘Mr. Bush, we can make you a good governor,’ Laney said at the trio’s very first meeting, ‘if you let us.’ Bush did,” writes Alexander. “While Bush politicked, he let Laney and Bullock push through previously proposed reform bills on education, crime, welfare and tort — Bush’s ‘four little issues.’ Rove had picked those issues, as it turned out, because he knew bills on each were already in the legislature’s pipeline. Now Bush could take credit for the bills, even though he had nothing to do with creating them.” Dubya’s done the same thing with taxes: “‘Bush fought against the billion-dollar cut, but eventually he took credit for it.’ Says Senfronia Thompson, a Democratic state representative from Houston, ‘The governor has been able to benefit greatly from the hard work of the Texas legislature.’… ‘Bullock was really the governor during Bush’s first term,’ says Tom Pauken, the former Texas Republican Party chair. Columnist Molly Ivins agrees: Most of the time, ‘W. was bright enough to do what Bullock told him to do for four years, but as a result we have no evidence W. really knows how to govern.'”
Alexander’s thesis is what Bush knows is how to get money to get power to get more money. He has a vision, but it’s self-serving. For example, the Texas legislature passed a bill in both houses that would reign in the power of the HMO’s in a number of specific ways that would benefit the average man on the street. Bush vetoed the bill because it “imposes too much government regulation and unfairly impacts some health-care providers.” Alexander notes, “The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association released a statement applauding Bush’s veto. In the coming years, Bush would receive some $1 million in campaign contributions from insurance companies for his re-election bid.” Alexander goes on to give instances of “how Bush made money off the public.” For example, “during much of his first term, he held interest in Crescent Real Estate Equities, a company owned by Richard Rainwater. As governor, Bush approved Crescent Equities’ purchase of two office buildings from the state’s Teachers Retirement System. The state lost $44 million on one building, and wrote off $7 million in principal and $19.4 million in interest on the other, while Crescent profited handsomely.”
Another article:
How Cindy McCain was outed for drug addiction
C’mon, g, that’s gross. People are fucked up and they deal with it however they can. The only reason I’m not a junkie is that I couldn’t afford the good stuff back when these decisions tend to get made.
Let’s leave this at the fact that she’s in the my-country-right-or-wrong club. Those cats have overstayed their welcome anyway.
Yes, because God knows those of us who aren’t active Clinton supporters have had no stake in anything that’s happened in the last 16 years.
Paranoid Cindy:
“Acknowledging that McCain had made many enemies in Republican ranks, she added: “The only person my husband can trust is me.”
Let’s leave this at the fact that she’s in the my-country-right-or-wrong club.
More like my-country-club-right-or-wrong if you ask me.
Dirty Trick Alert!!
Revealed on today’s Thom Hartmann…
One of the most-circulated clips of Michelle Obama has been edited to remove the word “really” from the phrase “I am [really] proud…”
Get this out there!
I actually have a lot of sympathy for Cindy McCain.
However, let’s get real. Here’s the issue – she used a nationally televised podium to imply that Michelle Obama hates her country because of veiled implications parsed from her expression of pleasure at her husband’s election victory.
And in return she expects restraint, love and understanding, let-bygones-be-bygones for her drug stealing?
I mean, c’mon! Crucify one woman for an awkward turn of phrase, but hands off the one who should have gone to jail?
Clumsy Cindy:
“But she has gamely been back out on the trail this year, trudging through the New Hampshire snow in February. And, by October, hobbling around South Carolina in high heels and crutches, the latter the result of a fall at a Phoenix grocery store.”
And in return she expects restraint, love and understanding, let-bygones-be-bygones for her drug stealing?
How about adopting a baby by bypassing the rules when she was a stoned, cold junkie? How irresponsible was that?
Cindy Lou Hensley grew up in affluent circumstances in Phoenix, Arizona, the daughter and only child of James and Marguerite Hensley,who founded Hensley & Company in 1955.
Cindy Lou Who?
We’re going to hand over the car keys to someone who can’t drive?
I hope that’s not a veiled reference to Laura Bush, Gary. That would be tasteless.
Cindy Lou Who?
That’s what she has been asking herself. I know it is mean to make fun of someone who is handicapped with short term memory loss but doggone it, it feels good.
Please forgive me if this has already been pointed out, but…
Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade, anyone? The flag lapel pin a month or so ago reminded me of it as well…
I know it is mean to make fun of someone who is handicapped with short term memory loss…
I just remembered McCain’s joke about Chelsea Clinton. Now that was mean.
WaPo reporter: Mrs. McCain, last week you said you were very proud of your country.
Cindy McCain: I did?
I just remembered McCain’s joke about Chelsea Clinton. Now that was mean.
What joke was that?
McCain joking at a Republican fundraiser in 1998:
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno.
Oh, I don’t know what she expects, g, I’m just saying that line of attack’ll go over about as well as making fun of Rudy for being a cross-dresser.
And I’m not pulling an “it’s not about who they are etc.” Turnabout is most assuredly fair play. Thing is, we’re just SO BAD at it.
I just don’t see the upside in beating up a hophead. Maybe if we hadn’t made such a fuss about how the drug war is bullshit, y’know?
You beat me to the punchbowl.
Meanwhile, Taylor Marsh: Michelle Malkin’s brain under Amy Winehouse’s wig?
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Goodnight, sweet budgie.
That reminds me of the artist who turned up at a pet cemetery, wanting to arrange a funeral for his dead chicken “Blinky”. Blinky had died of natural causes. Not only was Blinky frozen stiff, but it was missing its head and its feathers and its internal organs, because the artist had bought it at a supermarket not long earlier.
Jeffrey Vallance. That’s the name. He’s also curated an exhibition of Thomas Kinkade paintings.
Cindy Lou Who?
That’s what she has been asking herself. I know it is mean to make fun of someone who is handicapped with short term memory loss but doggone it, it feels good.
Actually, I was being snarky. I meant it more like this.
And for gods sakes, people, leave me some comments! Validate my web existence.
To be fair, she should have phrased it differently. That phrasing is awkward at best and really revelatory at worst.
She could have said “I’ve never been prouder…”
And these are the folks who give us “hope” and can’t even turn an unscripted phrase?
You you should make changes to the post subject title Sadly, No! » I Don’t Know Why The Caged Bird Bites The Hand That Feeds It to something more better for your content you make. I loved the the writing nevertheless.