The infamous “I drink your milkshake!” is, in part, a real quote. Paul Thomas Anderson found the metaphor in congressional transcripts from the 1920’s Teapot Dome scandal, in which New Mexico Republican Senator Albert Fall was convicted of accepting bribes for oil drilling rights to various lands. According to Anderson, “I think it was Albert Fall, who was asked to describe drainage before Congress. And his way of describing it was, ‘If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake, and my straw reaches across the room …’ – IMDB
Is this video a subtle jab at the failure of Mittmentum and his #1 cheerleader, Hugh Hewitt, since Hugh’s milkshakes actually drive boys from the yard?
I think I shall assume as much, since it amuses me to do so.
I don’t understand any of that. I’m not real sure I even understand the references. I’d be more upset, but I tend to go through most of my day like this, so c’est la vie.
The recess by House Democrats amounts to a judgment that losing the generous support of trial lawyers, the Democratic Party’s most important financial base, would be more dangerous than losing the anti-terrorist issue to Republicans. Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against the phone companies for giving individuals’ personal information to intelligence agencies without a warrant. Mike McConnell, the nonpartisan director of national intelligence, says delay in congressional action deters cooperation in detecting terrorism.
Next thing you know, Traitor Bob will blame the trial lawyers for outing CIA agents.
“I think it was Albert Fall, who was asked to describe drainage before Congress. And his way of describing it was, ‘If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake, and my straw reaches across the room …’
Is this “slant drilling”? Which is what Saddam was doing to Kuwait? Or was it, Kuwait was doing to Saddam? Whatever. It’s all good. Or maybe it’s all bad.
Is this “slant drilling”? Which is what Saddam was doing to Kuwait? Or was it, Kuwait was doing to Saddam?
Kuwait doing it to Saddam with US backing – I believe this was the major reason he invaded Kuwait. Scant to no coverage on this fact in the US (no surprise there).
Ok, look. It’s a holiday. A nice, slow monday morning with coffee, the newspaper, soft music, a fire in the ‘place, just hangin, y’know?
So I check out Teh Sadly and there, a new post with a vid link.
Know what? Uh uh. Not gonna click it. Plenty of day ahead to get angry and cynical. Later stupid obnoxious trolls will appear to say stupid, obnoxious things. Later there’ll be news from somewhere of some women and kids dying hard and ugly. Later a politician or pundit will make some outrageous, appallingly dishonest statement.
Lots of time to come back to the video. Just not yet…
As videos go, mikey, this one’s not likely to get the Angry Party going too early. Bob Novak’s column, on the other hand. Well, that’s probably somewhere you don’t really want to go right now.
I’m kinda surprised that “I drink your milkshake!” (and absurd variants thereof) hasn’t become a more popular snark riposte on the Intertubes already. To starkly absurd and batshit crazy in its original form and context I suppose.
Didn’t read it ’cause I didn’t feel like logging in, but the teaser line for his piece, “For Democrats, helping trial lawyers is more important than protecting America.” was more than enough for me. (pukes)
The mountain of lies that is the story of Barack Hussein Obama is going to avalanche and destroy Obama’s campaign.
For one thing, he’s a White/arab mix. As shown by journalist Kenneth Lamb, Obama is 50% White, 44% arab, and 6% Black.
That goes against the lies of himself and the media that he is a black person. Granted, the fact that someone who is half-white claiming to be anything other than Mixed is grounds for checking Obama forms to see how much fraud he committed claiming to be black.
You need to be 1/8th (12.5%) of a race to even claim such a status. Obama is not even close to being African-American and cannot be the first African-American President.
Obama’s autobiography is a work of fiction. As Kenneth Lamb says “Sen. Obama’s autobiography is filled with “composite” characters, rearranged timelines, and fantasy events that never occurred”
Lamb also notes the following: “The question no one wants to answer – particularly Mr. Obama and his supporters, is, “Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father’s side have an Arabic name?”
The answer is obvious: They have Arabic names because his father’s side of the family tree is Arabic.”
In fact, official Kenyan government documents say that Obama’s Kenyan relatives were arabic and not Black.
Obama has lied about his racial background for his entire adult life to get ahead in life. In fact Lamb proves that Obama descended from arab slave traders.
Obama is DOA against John McCain.
While Obama’s grandfather was a Muslim arab cook, McCain’s grandfather was fighting for America in the Navy.
Shorter Bob:
Thanks to Katrina, I have discovered that New Orleans isn’t just an adult Disneyworld where I can get drunk and grope chicks. During the offseason, it also makes a great laboratory for civilizing the negroes.
Whatever you do, DO NOT imagine Bob Novak and Mark Noonan having angry sex. I said DON’T imagine it!
Slant drilling is actually encroaching on the other person’s property underground, pretty much what it sounds like. On the other hand, I think drainage (aka. DRAAAAAAAAAAAINAGGGGGE) is where you have a big underground sea of oil that spans several properties, and a person sitting on a “deeper” part of the sea drills straight down and starts to bring it up, necessarily drying up the “shallower” parts.
I’ve been hanging about for a couple years. There was already an established presence of a Gary Ruppert entity when I first came by. At first, he made me angry. Then, as I came to understand blogs and trolls and bears, oh my, he seemed, well, not so bad. Brad kind of adopted him as the sadly no pet troll. To this day, I haven’t been willing to add him to my pie script, as he seems as much a resident of the neighborhood as any of the rest of us. An unpleasant resident to be sure, but what are you gonna do?
But lately? I don’t know if it’s me, Gary or the decline of everything of value in the world around me, but he’s begining to seem kind of evil. Like you took in a stray cat only to discover it’s going around the neighborhood eating babies. To whatever extent the Ruppert entity is “real”, whatever that really means, I think it represents the crisis of political dialog we find ourselves in. Anybody can say anything and find allies that will back it up, so there is no firm ground, no “ground truth”. Allegations, accusations, insane rantings. Where does one stop and the next begin?
And it all seems not just a political position, but tinged now with hatred and smoldering violence. Too much conflation of religion, politics and patriotism, until something had to be forced to the side. That turned out to be humanity. No longer can anyone be honestly said to be working for the common good. It’s all about me, my interests, am I winning? And what do I have to be willing to do to make sure I DO win?
Gary and his ilk are just another symptom. Can anybody look me in the eye and assure me the disease isn’t fatal?
We’ve been through a lot of bad times, but there’s something in human nature that hates hypocracy, violence, repression and shame. It has to be inflicted on us, driven down into our souls. If we could stop people from raising their children to be frustrated people who hate themselves and everyone else, we might have a chance.
Gary and his ilk are just another symptom. Can anybody look me in the eye and assure me the disease isn’t fatal?
I worked at Starbucks for a number of years and watched it evolve from a very progressive, almost democratic corporation to something frightful. When I started we got generous benefits, stock options, and the right to veto changes in company policy. We didn’t advertise, we did most of the decorating ourselves, and each store was given a budget and “volunteer hours” to use for the local good cause of it’s choice. Naturally we developed a hard-core cadre of employees who were more like fans.
The more the company changed, the more they tried to force employees to like them. It was absolutely surreal. Vast amounts of time and money go into trying to maintain employees that look happy and empowered and that “corner coffeeshop feeling”. Of course no amount of propoganda will convince workers that they aren’t being exploited or customers that they aren’t at the latest McDonalds. In fact, my father worked at McDonalds when it first opened and said that it went through almost the exact same cycle. So now Starbucks employees do what McDonald’s empoloyees do – they steal, they sabatoge, they give effusive lip service and then get their revenge when the cameras are off.
Somehow the US did the same thing. Our early democracy wasn’t perfect, but it really was a communal effort. We had an active and engaged citizenry that felt empowered and wanted to pitch in to make it work. These days, the more we are told we have the greatest country on earth, the less we believe it. We are employees, that’s all. We pay lip service, we behave when the cameras are on, and then we find little ways to steal and sabatoge when nobody is looking. Gary is just the pimply kiss-ass assistant manager who rats out the cashiers who smoke pot out back, then empties the safe at the end of the night.
Is it fatal? You bet. The big box corporations only look profitable on paper because they hide their true costs. Eventually our stock is going to collapse and we will have to devolve into something poorer, less efficient, and localized. Gary won’t go away though, and there still won’t be anything to do but ignore him.
But lately? I don’t know if it’s me, Gary or the decline of everything of value in the world around me, but he’s begining to seem kind of evil. Like you took in a stray cat only to discover it’s going around the neighborhood eating babies. To whatever extent the Ruppert entity is “real”, whatever that really means, I think it represents the crisis of political dialog we find ourselves in.
Sadly, Yes!
Although in the case of interweb trollz, it’s more like realizing that the stray dog you let into the house is eating out of the cat’s litter box, not because it’s starving or micronutrient-deprived, but because dogs just do that, it’s hardwired, and the only real solution is to move the litter box somewhere the dog can’t reach it. Or else move the dog somewhere *it* can’t reach *you.* Pie! — it’s not just for breakfast any more…
Speaking of Romney, have any of his sons signed up for military duty yet now that dad doesn’t need them to drive the winnebago?
No, now they are serving America by performing in a touring musical act about the capital gains tax. Marie Osmond is a very special guest. Costumes are fabulous.
Mikey, remember when conservatives bellowed that Bill Clinton was setting a horrible example for children, and that if the President could lie and get away with it, then kids would naturally assume that they could do it too?
Well, what actually did happen is that conservatives took over the government and proceeded to set the example that violence is the solution, that everybody should be in it only for themselves, and that free-thinking was something not to be tolerated. And it wasn’t just kids who were paying attention. They’ve set the tone for the whole country for the past eight years, long enough for it to take root.
But I sincerely believe that those roots are shallow, and that it’s still possible to change the tone.
But I sincerely believe that those roots are shallow, and that it’s still possible to change the tone.
Thanks for that. I believe this too, but I couldn’t tell you why. I’m hoping the public is getting somewhat clued-in to how awful Gingrich/Rove/etc.-type pitbull politics are. That’s the part of the whole Magical Unity Pony trip that appeals to me; the idea that even when people disagree they don’t have to wish each other dead.
Well, what actually did happen is that conservatives took over the government and proceeded to set the example that violence is the solution, that everybody should be in it only for themselves, and that free-thinking was something not to be tolerated…They’ve set the tone for the whole country for the past eight years, long enough for it to take root.
But I sincerely believe that those roots are shallow, and that it’s still possible to change the tone.
Nah, this kind of vicious, self-centered, dualistic thinking is endemic to the lower reaches of *all* forms of human political endeavour — like knotweed or kudzu in a meadow. These weeds are designed to thrive in marginal environments, sunless corners, sandy angles, trodden edges. Problems develop when the meadow is under stress, and the underground knotweed runners start to flourish and choke out more productive plants. Our beleagured nation is due for a good political pruning, where the shallow, ugly roots of neoCONservatism and its toxic offspring are exposed to daylight and left to wither, and the beneficient plants can seed and develop unencumbered.
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
It is ridiculous to pretend that ’08 is a contest between two opposing but valid world views, Democratic or Republican.. Rather it is a contest between a reality-based politics and one based entirely upon myths and chimera like “straight-shooting,” “compassionate conservatism,” and “winning wars on terror.”
Too many people in this country have forgotten how to feel shame – unsurprising given the shamelessness of our political and business “leaders”. If we could develop a magic Shame-O-Matic, that right there would fix a lot of what’s wrong.
But since there’s no such thing as magic, we have to do it the tedious old fashioned way, by challenging each and every instance of shameless behavoir as it occurs. Which is not easy to do when impeachment is “off the table”.
And what Sam said. I once shamed an entire table full of wingnuts at a company dinner by telling them, in so many words, that Fox News could take its faux patriotism and stick it up O’Reilly’s ass, because no one who really cares about the country would seek to tear it apart by telling one group of people outrageous lies and slanders about a different group just because they disagree, and that anyone who does this does in fact have an agenda, but that agenda has nothing to do with “what’s best for the country”, so you tell ME who’s a patriot! By the time I was done voicing this opinion (not rabidly but quietly and reasonably) not a person at the table could look me the eye, though there were murmurs of agreement all around.
Of course, when we got back to the hotel they all went back to their rooms and turned the TV to Fox News, but at the very least they knew from then on out to tone the bullshit level way low when I was around, so there was a net positive.
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
Where “unity” means that Democrats should happily knuckle under to the worst war-mongering, poor-people-kicking, environment-despoiling and so on impulses of the Republicans (and blue dogs), I agree.
In fact, I’ll avoid using the word “unity” just because it’s come to mean that. What’s a good substitute? “Acting like civilized, mature human beings” is kind of the sense I have in mind, but I think even that has come to mean “Do whatever Gee Dumbya orders you to.”
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
Whoa, Mikey — beware the wrath of the Magical Unity Pony True Believers!
Srsly, if (when) Obama takes over, that’s when us Cynical Old Bustards are really going to be essential to the political process. Because the South Africans had the right order: First comes the Truth (exposing the full web of lies, corruption & criminality that kept the old order in power), then comes the Reconciliation. Letting the vicious perverts like Cheney and Romney slither off into the halflight of the wingnut welfare system only ensures that our grandchildren will be re-victimized by those same monsters and their spawn. As our Celtic ancestors eventually learned: Forgive, but never Forget!
Did the right thing, Jenn. It *does* make a difference. Not immediately, not every time. Just ask anyone who’s hit the air bakes in a family/friends/office conversation with “Gay jokes aren’t appropriate or funny” or “I don’t want to hear bigoted nonsense. Please stop that.”
It takes time and repeated applicaiton but eventually, the tides turn. Thanks to Jenn for saying that and to everyone who’s done similar.
Okay, children, what tha h-e-double hockeystix is that crazy cockamamie video thing supposed to be about, fer cryin’ out loud in the morning? I seriously don’t have a single clue, and I know I’m not THAT old yet. Ribber-shibber.
So the same Neo-Confederates that have been whining about the South and the misunderstanding of the peculiar institution of slavery for decades are now apparently outraged about the institution of slavery vis a vis Obama’s great, great, great grandpappy.
I can’t keep up with the accelerated mental degradation of the modern day conservative movement.
They do indeed create their own realities at such a furious pace it simply is too exhausting to refute.
Slant drilling is actually encroaching on the other person’s property underground, pretty much what it sounds like. On the other hand, I think drainage (aka. DRAAAAAAAAAAAINAGGGGGE) is where you have a big underground sea of oil that spans several properties, and a person sitting on a “deeper” part of the sea drills straight down and starts to bring it up, necessarily drying up the “shallower” parts.
Basically, yes, but it really depends on who goes first, even if you sit on the sitty bit of the reservoir, you can suck out the oil if you get in there first. Happens even between countries when the reservoir crosses the national boundary.
Obama is Arab-American
I, for one, welcome oue new Arab American overlords
Is this the new ‘nut talking point? The “we’re not racists because we won’t attack Obama (just now) for being black, but Arabs are genetically programmed to be suicide bombers” sort of thing?
Gary @ 21:14 sounds like Real Gary. He’s back! Only Real Gary would use ‘avalanche’ as a verb, or try to convince us that Kenyans are not really Africans.
Yes, he does sound angrier and meaner-spirited than he used to be, but he does have to compete with the angry guy in the previous thread, the one with the Bill Ayer issues.
You need to be 1/8th (12.5%) of a race to even claim such a status.
Is Gary working by the Nuremburg Laws, or those South African apartheid manuals on how to assign individuals to racial category according to ancestry and skin colour?
Christ Chris, I quit watching TV 20 years ago so I wouldn’t have to subject myself to this kind of stupid. Isn’t your Billy Kristol inflatable doll is getting lonesome?
I love the “he’s not African American” argument, too. The child of a Kenyan father, from the Luo tribe, and a Kansan mother isn’t African American because his name or grandfather’s religion magically makes him Semitic?
Barack Obama Sr, obvious Arab, with Jr Saudi, Omani, Qatari? You decide! family tree Note his Luo Grandfather converted to Islam from the Christianity more common among the Luo, but was Kenyan, as were his parents.
“The New Nixon” – that’s a laugh and a half. If you’d told anyone in ’74 there would be an even worse president after Nixon they wouldn’t have believed it possible.
Any minute now, Hugh Hewitt’s going to begin a telethon to raise funds for “The New GW Bush” library.
He’ll enlist, Lesley, just as soon as eccentrics in Berkeley stop carrying signs. Thank the Lord that those riot police showed up to protect those not-at-all-crazy rightwing protesters from the vegans and lesbians and pacifists!
Sarge, I’m only eighteen, I got a ruptured spleen
And I always carry a purse
I got eyes like a bat, and my feet are flat, and my asthma’s getting worse
Yes, think of my career, my sweetheart dear, and my poor old invalid aunt
Besides, I ain’t no fool, I’m a-goin’ to school
And I’m working in a DEE-fense plant
I’ve got a dislocated disc and a wracked up back
I’m allergic to flowers and bugs
And when the bombshell hits, I get epileptic fits
And I’m addicted to a thousand drugs
I got the weakness woes, I can’t touch my toes
I can hardly reach my knees
And if the enemy came close to me
I’d probably start to sneeze
Ooh, I hate Chou En Lai, and I hope he dies,
One thing you gotta see
That someone’s gotta go over there
And that someone isn’t me
So I wish you well, Sarge, give ’em Hell!
Kill me a thousand or so
And if you ever get a war without blood and gore
I’ll be the first to go
Chris, playing Mortal Combat in your cheeto and sperm covered basement doesn’t count.
Is this the new ‘nut talking point? The “we’re not racists because we won’t attack Obama (just now) for being black, but Arabs are genetically programmed to be suicide bombers” sort of thing?
You know, every time I think these sacks of shit can’t sink any lower, they go and prove me wrong. What I love about the old ‘Arab’ thingy is that it is obvious that these wankers think that Arab=Muslim. Not realizing, off course that there are quite a lot of Christian, Jewish, as well as Atheist Arabs. Should you not have some minimum qualifications to make bigoted comments?
I should think a veteran would have too much dignity to troll liberal websites. This all has the whiff of someone inside a men’s room stall protesting he was just practicing sign language.
You know all the time you liberals spent mocking my military service could have been sent looking at the link I gave you showing you how disgusting and unPatriotic you liberal left ilk at code pink are. Maybe just maybe you will all suddenly sprout a conscience and a sense of National Pride and condemn code pink and the Berkeley city coucil?
I am 100% descended from freed American slaves. We settled Freedman’s Town in Houston. This, I believe, makes Gary an octaroon. Indeed it is central to his point above.
Gary is also related to Chris St James on his mother’s uncle’s wife’s brother’s cousin’s side. That side of the family to a trip to Israel in 1975 and adopted the Jewish orphan Saul.
and isn’t Chris St.James getting a little desparate, here? To paraphrase him: “Didja check out my link? Huh? Huh, C’mon,guys, check out my link! Isn’t it cool, huh?”
Y’know, fuckhead, we tend to have a different definition of patriotism than “lockstep belief in what cheney and limbaugh tell me to believe”.
See, the america I fought for is a nation that embraces different beliefs and differing opinons, and allows political dissent. You are a fan of a non-democratic dictatorship. I am a believer in american democracy….
Maybe just maybe you will all suddenly sprout a conscience and a sense of National Pride and condemn code pink and the Berkeley city coucil?
Yeah, I clicked. I saw lots of liberals calling conservatives traitors and conservatives calling liberals traitors. We wear pink, you deface flags by draping them on your bodies. I couldn’t see that one group was crazier than the other, but I am glad that the riot police were there.
Oh, that one woman who had the temerity to put the word “clitorus” on her sign might have given me a little National Pride – but when I tried to sing the anthem it came out as O Canada, which I don’t actually know the words to. Come to think of it, I may have just had gas.
I tend to recall certain liberals remark snidely that America and President Bush doesn’t care about Africa or the African people because they have no oil and America and Bush are imperialist warmongering oil hogs blah blah blah…
Well you liberals couldn’t be more wrong. President Bush has sent 30 billion dollars in humanitarian aid to Africa during his term to fight against hiv and malaria, compared to only 500 million dollars during Bill Clinton’s term. Because of President Bush’s humanitarian aid new cases of malaria in Zamibia were reduced to only 5% this last year compared to 40% in 2003!
Maybe this is why President Bush recieved such a warm welcome by the African people during his recent trip to Tanzania.
Hey, Chris, it’s surprising you are putting so much stake in what the people of Tanzania think of Bush, seeing as how you have such a poor opinion of other East African people, those of Kenyan descent.
and isn’t Chris St.James getting a little desparate, here? To paraphrase him: “Didja check out my link? Huh? Huh, C’mon,guys, check out my link! Isn’t it cool, huh?”
It’s a link to that no good, creepy stalker, Zombietime. I wouldn’t click his link, anymore that I would NAMBLA, which I understand Chris/Saul/GR are very familiar with.
But if you take all those layers of dangling oniony nothingness and drop them into a deep fryer, suddenly you’re a hit in every chain restaurant in America. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…
What an incredible number of layers!
Don’t we get to the heart of it soon?
No, I’m damned if we do. RIght down to the centre
there’s nothing but layers — smaller and smaller….
Nature is witty!
But if you take all those layers of dangling oniony nothingness and drop them into a deep fryer, suddenly you’re a hit in every chain restaurant in America. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…
That deep-frying trolls would increase their utility?
But where will we get the test-tasters for verification?
Now does anyone know about Brazilians because I swear some of them are Black but they tell me they are Spanish.
While I was in Colombia I had a little fling with a guy who said he was Brazilian. Nevertheless, he kept asking me if I had ever been to Venezuela and whether I hated Chavez. Chavez is a touchy subject in Colombia so I try not to get into it, but I repeatedly assured him that I don’t have any big problem with Uncle Hugo and that Bush is taking up all my free hatred at the moment. Then he wanted to know my feelings on black people. Now, I have gotten into enough fruitless arguments in South America with racist white people to know that it is better to just skirt around the issue. After several awkward conversations like this I began to wish that I had just told him I was Canadian. Canadians don’t get asked about George Bush and racism, they get asked if it is cold where they live.
Finally I had to go meet another friend and we parted ways. After he left, my other buddy asked where he was from. Brazil, I said. No he isn’t. Really, are you sure? Well, he doesn’t look Brazilian and he doesn’t have a Portuguese accent. Oh. Where is he from? Well, he was black, so probably from the coast. He was black? Yeah, you couldn’t tell? I could not. One reason may be that South America didn’t have our marriage laws. I don’t really blame him for worrying that I hate black people. Also, a lot of our cues relating to dress and dialect become useless in other countries.
Finally we pieced together that he was Venezuelan and he just didn’t want to admit it to an American. At least we aren’t the only ones who have to lie when we travel.
#Chris St. James said,
I am a war veteran I was in the 101st Airborne during the first Gulf War. I served from 1988-1992. 101st fighting keyboarders battalion.
Careful. If you type the phrase ‘boring, spamming asshole’ three times, Dr BLT magically appears and starts posting links to the 28 new songs he’s written about how Hillary has cooties.
How come every internet troll pretends to have been a member of the 101st Airborne? If the 101st had as many members as have claimed to be members, it would be bigger than the combined forces of all branches of the military currently in Iraq.
Besides, in the case of these trolls, it’s the 101st Chairborne.
Funny about George Bush visiting the Zamibians in Rwanda – if you go back and read about the hate-radio broadcasts that accompanied the Interhamwe, it sounds an awful lot like the posts by Chris St. James and the recent version of Gary Ruppert. (Gary 2.0?)
Another Closet-Case-Conservative inducted to the CCC Hall of Fame; wins coveted “J. Edgar” award for being arrested DUI in black cocktail dress!
Yeah I’ve seen this story buzzing around. The problem is, he isn’t a Republican or a Bush appointee. Bankruptcy judges are appointed to 14 year terms by the circuit court of appeals and all of his political contributions have been to Democrats.
I also don’t see anything wrong with him wearing a cocktail dress and blue eyeshadow. If he were a hompophobic hypocrite, sure, but as far as I know, he never breathed a word against anyone. We don’t even know that he is gay, only that he is married and likes to wear women’s clothing.
He definately shouldn’t have been driving drunk, though. Shame shame shame.
How come every internet troll pretends to have been a member of the 101st Airborne?
Good question, Jennifer, and one that I can’t answer.
But if you go over to Glenn Greenwald’s you’ll still be in time to witness several new assholes being carved for Mark Steyn and his colleagues in the 101st Chairborne.
“The Fun and Excitement of Civilization Wars (fought from afar)”
The confusion is over some sloppy reporting in the Globe. Bankruptcy court judges are not appointed by the president, they are appointed by the federal appeals court of their circuit for 14 year terms.
There are 90 U.S. bankruptcy courts, which, by statute, are units of the U.S. district courts. A U.S. bankruptcy judge presides over a bankruptcy case. The judge is appointed to a 14-year term by the judges of the local U.S. Court of Appeals and can be reappointed.
Here are his recent campaign contributions from his FEC filings:
Hmm… this is fun. While I was poking around in everyone’s campaign contributions I noticed this gentleman
T. Boone Pickens, Texas oil tycoon, has donated twice as much money as George Soros ever has, and 85% of it has gone to special interest groups such as Swiftboat Veterans for Truth and CPAC. I wonder why we never hear about his machinations in the liberal media?
Ruppert and St. James will only be satisfied when some minor official performs the pencil test on Obama’s hair to decide whether to classify him as Black or Kleurlinge.
I think I’m done reading comment threads at this site. I can’t believe you people are so willing to ‘engage’ an obvious troll. You really think the typist behind Gary/Chris/Saul/whatever actually believes any of the crap he’s spewing? He just likes seeing credulous idiots go apeshit, and having seen how readily you credulous idiots are willing to do so, I’m not even sure I can blame him.
Have fun validating a loser by tilting at a cardboard sign with the word ‘WINDMILL’ scrawled on it.
Awww, poor Althouse might have been canned for her deep and abiding devotion to Teh Crazy? That such a sha—
I can’t keep that up anymore. It’s frickin’ hilarious.
Well she did provide video footage of herself getting wasted in front of the tube every night for the last two years. I’m surprised it took them this long. How much you wanna bet that her classes were extended dish-fests on American Idol and what she had for breakfast that morning?
*hastily erects a maypole and invites Susan to a dance*
I don’t have a poor opinion of them, just pointing out the fact that Obama is liar because he claims to be black when he is really an arab.
Hey, if you’re gonna be a racist prick, you should just come out with it already and own it and say you don’t want a ni**er in a position of authority.
Maybe where you are it’s drinkin’ time, but where I am it’s first thing in the morning, and I simply wasn’t ready for that shit.
The infamous “I drink your milkshake!” is, in part, a real quote. Paul Thomas Anderson found the metaphor in congressional transcripts from the 1920’s Teapot Dome scandal, in which New Mexico Republican Senator Albert Fall was convicted of accepting bribes for oil drilling rights to various lands. According to Anderson, “I think it was Albert Fall, who was asked to describe drainage before Congress. And his way of describing it was, ‘If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake, and my straw reaches across the room …’ – IMDB
P.S. Bang.
Is this video a subtle jab at the failure of Mittmentum and his #1 cheerleader, Hugh Hewitt, since Hugh’s milkshakes actually drive boys from the yard?
I think I shall assume as much, since it amuses me to do so.
I don’t understand any of that. I’m not real sure I even understand the references. I’d be more upset, but I tend to go through most of my day like this, so c’est la vie.
I did.
Now if only we can do the same with Bill the Butcher and, say, 2pac. Stabbing a pig carcass set to “Hit ‘Em Up,” maybe?
I think it’d be genius. Have an all-Daniel Day-Lewis dance mix.
Oil companies are forever bringing the funk.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m just thankful that it wasn’t a “2 oil tycoons, 1 cup” video.
Holie Phuck!
Novak rejumps the shark.
The recess by House Democrats amounts to a judgment that losing the generous support of trial lawyers, the Democratic Party’s most important financial base, would be more dangerous than losing the anti-terrorist issue to Republicans. Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against the phone companies for giving individuals’ personal information to intelligence agencies without a warrant. Mike McConnell, the nonpartisan director of national intelligence, says delay in congressional action deters cooperation in detecting terrorism.
Next thing you know, Traitor Bob will blame the trial lawyers for outing CIA agents.
Damn spam filter.
Traitor Bob Novak has gone off the rails again in today’s WaPo.
No, but “2 oil tycoons, 1 cup” is regularly show on CSPAN.
Actually the number of oil tycoons is variable, and the legislators fight over the cup.
“I think it was Albert Fall, who was asked to describe drainage before Congress. And his way of describing it was, ‘If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake, and my straw reaches across the room …’
Is this “slant drilling”? Which is what Saddam was doing to Kuwait? Or was it, Kuwait was doing to Saddam? Whatever. It’s all good. Or maybe it’s all bad.
That video was not good and could have been.
The little Day-Lewis dance was fun looped.
Kuwait doing it to Saddam with US backing – I believe this was the major reason he invaded Kuwait. Scant to no coverage on this fact in the US (no surprise there).
BTW the video is down.
BTW the video is down.
That depends upon what ‘down’ is.
Ok, look. It’s a holiday. A nice, slow monday morning with coffee, the newspaper, soft music, a fire in the ‘place, just hangin, y’know?
So I check out Teh Sadly and there, a new post with a vid link.
Know what? Uh uh. Not gonna click it. Plenty of day ahead to get angry and cynical. Later stupid obnoxious trolls will appear to say stupid, obnoxious things. Later there’ll be news from somewhere of some women and kids dying hard and ugly. Later a politician or pundit will make some outrageous, appallingly dishonest statement.
Lots of time to come back to the video. Just not yet…
I, for example, am down with it. As the kids say.
Ok, look. It’s a holiday.
So it is! And, liberal Fascist that I am, I completely forgot about it and have been working all morning.
This is a downside of working at home and being a contractor, I guess.
As videos go, mikey, this one’s not likely to get the Angry Party going too early. Bob Novak’s column, on the other hand. Well, that’s probably somewhere you don’t really want to go right now.
I’m kinda surprised that “I drink your milkshake!” (and absurd variants thereof) hasn’t become a more popular snark riposte on the Intertubes already. To starkly absurd and batshit crazy in its original form and context I suppose.
And I’m not even stoned.
More of a WTF? party
Later a politician or pundit will make some outrageous, appallingly dishonest statement.
Bob Novak. My linkie is still in teh spam filter. Bad traitor Bob. Bad.
Re: Novakula.
Didn’t read it ’cause I didn’t feel like logging in, but the teaser line for his piece, “For Democrats, helping trial lawyers is more important than protecting America.” was more than enough for me. (pukes)
The mountain of lies that is the story of Barack Hussein Obama is going to avalanche and destroy Obama’s campaign.
For one thing, he’s a White/arab mix. As shown by journalist Kenneth Lamb, Obama is 50% White, 44% arab, and 6% Black.
That goes against the lies of himself and the media that he is a black person. Granted, the fact that someone who is half-white claiming to be anything other than Mixed is grounds for checking Obama forms to see how much fraud he committed claiming to be black.
You need to be 1/8th (12.5%) of a race to even claim such a status. Obama is not even close to being African-American and cannot be the first African-American President.
Obama’s autobiography is a work of fiction. As Kenneth Lamb says “Sen. Obama’s autobiography is filled with “composite” characters, rearranged timelines, and fantasy events that never occurred”
Lamb also notes the following: “The question no one wants to answer – particularly Mr. Obama and his supporters, is, “Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father’s side have an Arabic name?”
The answer is obvious: They have Arabic names because his father’s side of the family tree is Arabic.”
In fact, official Kenyan government documents say that Obama’s Kenyan relatives were arabic and not Black.
Obama has lied about his racial background for his entire adult life to get ahead in life. In fact Lamb proves that Obama descended from arab slave traders.
Obama is DOA against John McCain.
While Obama’s grandfather was a Muslim arab cook, McCain’s grandfather was fighting for America in the Navy.
Maybe I will have more luck:
Shorter Bob:
Thanks to Katrina, I have discovered that New Orleans isn’t just an adult Disneyworld where I can get drunk and grope chicks. During the offseason, it also makes a great laboratory for civilizing the negroes.
Whatever you do, DO NOT imagine Bob Novak and Mark Noonan having angry sex. I said DON’T imagine it!
Oh, sorry I must have read his Valentines Day article. No wonder it was so full of love and human feeling. I’m not reading another one.
It really bothers me for some reason that he gets thrown onto the second lane, but lands on the first.
AHA! Proof!
According to atheist’s girlfreind, Gary Ruppert is not actually a small Lithuanian girl with rosy cheeks who likes to skip in mountain meadows!
I drink Ruppert’s milkshake! HA!!!1!11
While Obama’s grandfather was a Muslim arab cook, McCain’s grandfather was fighting for America in the Navy.
Don’t you mean he fought for the Colonies in the Navy?
If Bob Novak’s WaPo column is the bottom of the barrel, Bill Kristol’s NYT column is Freddy Got Fingered.
Slant drilling is actually encroaching on the other person’s property underground, pretty much what it sounds like. On the other hand, I think drainage (aka. DRAAAAAAAAAAAINAGGGGGE) is where you have a big underground sea of oil that spans several properties, and a person sitting on a “deeper” part of the sea drills straight down and starts to bring it up, necessarily drying up the “shallower” parts.
FuriousGeorge beat me to it.
Novak is balm for the soul compared to Kristol.
b’s explanation of drainage makes sense.
I routinely skip anything by “Gary Ruppert.” Is that wrong? Am I missing something?
Please, great gods of the internet, make a version of the milkshake scene with Elmer Fudd beating Bugs Bunny to death.
a milkshake is the Heller Bock of Liberal Fascism.
Am I missing something?
Not really
I’ve been hanging about for a couple years. There was already an established presence of a Gary Ruppert entity when I first came by. At first, he made me angry. Then, as I came to understand blogs and trolls and bears, oh my, he seemed, well, not so bad. Brad kind of adopted him as the sadly no pet troll. To this day, I haven’t been willing to add him to my pie script, as he seems as much a resident of the neighborhood as any of the rest of us. An unpleasant resident to be sure, but what are you gonna do?
But lately? I don’t know if it’s me, Gary or the decline of everything of value in the world around me, but he’s begining to seem kind of evil. Like you took in a stray cat only to discover it’s going around the neighborhood eating babies. To whatever extent the Ruppert entity is “real”, whatever that really means, I think it represents the crisis of political dialog we find ourselves in. Anybody can say anything and find allies that will back it up, so there is no firm ground, no “ground truth”. Allegations, accusations, insane rantings. Where does one stop and the next begin?
And it all seems not just a political position, but tinged now with hatred and smoldering violence. Too much conflation of religion, politics and patriotism, until something had to be forced to the side. That turned out to be humanity. No longer can anyone be honestly said to be working for the common good. It’s all about me, my interests, am I winning? And what do I have to be willing to do to make sure I DO win?
Gary and his ilk are just another symptom. Can anybody look me in the eye and assure me the disease isn’t fatal?
I think the present Gary is fake Gary, mikey.
But I can’t tell you the disease is not fatal.
We’ve been through a lot of bad times, but there’s something in human nature that hates hypocracy, violence, repression and shame. It has to be inflicted on us, driven down into our souls. If we could stop people from raising their children to be frustrated people who hate themselves and everyone else, we might have a chance.
McCain’s grandfather was fighting for America in the Navy.
in the War of 1812?
Then Obama will be our first Arab-American president.
now Gary is saying that Obama isn’t as balck as JohN mcCain
Bessie, get the hell out of my computer.
…and also I though Fred Thompson recieved the GarY Ruppert: Internet sociopath endorsement
Gary is annoying because he doesn’t evolve, doesn’t engage. He’s a perpetual broken record, spewing the same dumb shit day after day.
The CyberDyne algorithm that is Gary Ruppert yet lives?
Please tell him he is missed at ThinkProgress, and his crutch still stands next to the fireplace, carefully preserved.
Actually, I voted for Mitt Romney, but I’m supporting McCain now.
Anybody can say anything and find allies that will back it up, so there is no firm ground, no “ground truth”.
Ground truth as in ground beef. Always better fresh.
Dear Mr. Novak,
Fuck you.
The Democrats
Actually, I voted for Mitt Romney, but I’m supporting McCain now.
Of course you are, dear. Anything to avoid thinking for yourself.
Gary and his ilk are just another symptom. Can anybody look me in the eye and assure me the disease isn’t fatal?
I worked at Starbucks for a number of years and watched it evolve from a very progressive, almost democratic corporation to something frightful. When I started we got generous benefits, stock options, and the right to veto changes in company policy. We didn’t advertise, we did most of the decorating ourselves, and each store was given a budget and “volunteer hours” to use for the local good cause of it’s choice. Naturally we developed a hard-core cadre of employees who were more like fans.
The more the company changed, the more they tried to force employees to like them. It was absolutely surreal. Vast amounts of time and money go into trying to maintain employees that look happy and empowered and that “corner coffeeshop feeling”. Of course no amount of propoganda will convince workers that they aren’t being exploited or customers that they aren’t at the latest McDonalds. In fact, my father worked at McDonalds when it first opened and said that it went through almost the exact same cycle. So now Starbucks employees do what McDonald’s empoloyees do – they steal, they sabatoge, they give effusive lip service and then get their revenge when the cameras are off.
Somehow the US did the same thing. Our early democracy wasn’t perfect, but it really was a communal effort. We had an active and engaged citizenry that felt empowered and wanted to pitch in to make it work. These days, the more we are told we have the greatest country on earth, the less we believe it. We are employees, that’s all. We pay lip service, we behave when the cameras are on, and then we find little ways to steal and sabatoge when nobody is looking. Gary is just the pimply kiss-ass assistant manager who rats out the cashiers who smoke pot out back, then empties the safe at the end of the night.
Is it fatal? You bet. The big box corporations only look profitable on paper because they hide their true costs. Eventually our stock is going to collapse and we will have to devolve into something poorer, less efficient, and localized. Gary won’t go away though, and there still won’t be anything to do but ignore him.
Sadly, Yes!
Although in the case of interweb trollz, it’s more like realizing that the stray dog you let into the house is eating out of the cat’s litter box, not because it’s starving or micronutrient-deprived, but because dogs just do that, it’s hardwired, and the only real solution is to move the litter box somewhere the dog can’t reach it. Or else move the dog somewhere *it* can’t reach *you.* Pie! — it’s not just for breakfast any more…
Actually, I voted for Mitt Romney, but I’m supporting McCain now.
Hol’ up, you voted for Romney and you’re bitching about Obama being a rookie?
Speaking of Romney, have any of his sons signed up for military duty yet now that dad doesn’t need them to drive the winnebago?
Gary, maybe you can go with them.
Speaking of Romney, have any of his sons signed up for military duty yet now that dad doesn’t need them to drive the winnebago?
No, now they are serving America by performing in a touring musical act about the capital gains tax. Marie Osmond is a very special guest. Costumes are fabulous.
Mikey, remember when conservatives bellowed that Bill Clinton was setting a horrible example for children, and that if the President could lie and get away with it, then kids would naturally assume that they could do it too?
Well, what actually did happen is that conservatives took over the government and proceeded to set the example that violence is the solution, that everybody should be in it only for themselves, and that free-thinking was something not to be tolerated. And it wasn’t just kids who were paying attention. They’ve set the tone for the whole country for the past eight years, long enough for it to take root.
But I sincerely believe that those roots are shallow, and that it’s still possible to change the tone.
But I sincerely believe that those roots are shallow, and that it’s still possible to change the tone.
Thanks for that. I believe this too, but I couldn’t tell you why. I’m hoping the public is getting somewhat clued-in to how awful Gingrich/Rove/etc.-type pitbull politics are. That’s the part of the whole Magical Unity Pony trip that appeals to me; the idea that even when people disagree they don’t have to wish each other dead.
Nah, this kind of vicious, self-centered, dualistic thinking is endemic to the lower reaches of *all* forms of human political endeavour — like knotweed or kudzu in a meadow. These weeds are designed to thrive in marginal environments, sunless corners, sandy angles, trodden edges. Problems develop when the meadow is under stress, and the underground knotweed runners start to flourish and choke out more productive plants. Our beleagured nation is due for a good political pruning, where the shallow, ugly roots of neoCONservatism and its toxic offspring are exposed to daylight and left to wither, and the beneficient plants can seed and develop unencumbered.
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
Too many people in this country have forgotten how to feel shame – unsurprising given the shamelessness of our political and business “leaders”. If we could develop a magic Shame-O-Matic, that right there would fix a lot of what’s wrong.
But since there’s no such thing as magic, we have to do it the tedious old fashioned way, by challenging each and every instance of shameless behavoir as it occurs. Which is not easy to do when impeachment is “off the table”.
And what Sam said. I once shamed an entire table full of wingnuts at a company dinner by telling them, in so many words, that Fox News could take its faux patriotism and stick it up O’Reilly’s ass, because no one who really cares about the country would seek to tear it apart by telling one group of people outrageous lies and slanders about a different group just because they disagree, and that anyone who does this does in fact have an agenda, but that agenda has nothing to do with “what’s best for the country”, so you tell ME who’s a patriot! By the time I was done voicing this opinion (not rabidly but quietly and reasonably) not a person at the table could look me the eye, though there were murmurs of agreement all around.
Of course, when we got back to the hotel they all went back to their rooms and turned the TV to Fox News, but at the very least they knew from then on out to tone the bullshit level way low when I was around, so there was a net positive.
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
Where “unity” means that Democrats should happily knuckle under to the worst war-mongering, poor-people-kicking, environment-despoiling and so on impulses of the Republicans (and blue dogs), I agree.
In fact, I’ll avoid using the word “unity” just because it’s come to mean that. What’s a good substitute? “Acting like civilized, mature human beings” is kind of the sense I have in mind, but I think even that has come to mean “Do whatever Gee Dumbya orders you to.”
I don’t think there’s a safe haven in “unity” as it is currently defined.
Whoa, Mikey — beware the wrath of the Magical Unity Pony True Believers!
Srsly, if (when) Obama takes over, that’s when us Cynical Old Bustards are really going to be essential to the political process. Because the South Africans had the right order: First comes the Truth (exposing the full web of lies, corruption & criminality that kept the old order in power), then comes the Reconciliation. Letting the vicious perverts like Cheney and Romney slither off into the halflight of the wingnut welfare system only ensures that our grandchildren will be re-victimized by those same monsters and their spawn. As our Celtic ancestors eventually learned: Forgive, but never Forget!
First, truth; then, RICO; and then, reconciliation.
Did the right thing, Jenn. It *does* make a difference. Not immediately, not every time. Just ask anyone who’s hit the air bakes in a family/friends/office conversation with “Gay jokes aren’t appropriate or funny” or “I don’t want to hear bigoted nonsense. Please stop that.”
It takes time and repeated applicaiton but eventually, the tides turn. Thanks to Jenn for saying that and to everyone who’s done similar.
[*Sniff* I’m so proud of you I could cry]
Okay, children, what tha h-e-double hockeystix is that crazy cockamamie video thing supposed to be about, fer cryin’ out loud in the morning? I seriously don’t have a single clue, and I know I’m not THAT old yet. Ribber-shibber.
The first clue is that it ruins There Will Be Blood for those who haven’t seen it yet.
Please, find the George C.Deutsch you once reported on here.
He was the opposition researcher who falsified his NASA application and had to resign. He was an opposition researcher in the Rove War Room for 2004.
Where is he now?
It won’t ruin it for me because I hit stop five seconds after I hit play.
Daniel Day Lewis dances as well as Hitler doing the jig at Compeigne.
They are also both liberal fascists.
Here, watch this Sir Charles interview instead if you haven’t already seen it.
Dick Cheney Liberals are the Jews for Hitler of liberal fascism.
Here, watch this Sir Charles interview instead if you haven’t already seen it.
Good work Charles.
So the same Neo-Confederates that have been whining about the South and the misunderstanding of the peculiar institution of slavery for decades are now apparently outraged about the institution of slavery vis a vis Obama’s great, great, great grandpappy.
I can’t keep up with the accelerated mental degradation of the modern day conservative movement.
They do indeed create their own realities at such a furious pace it simply is too exhausting to refute.
Via TBogg, the Nixon library has a blog:
Slant drilling is actually encroaching on the other person’s property underground, pretty much what it sounds like. On the other hand, I think drainage (aka. DRAAAAAAAAAAAINAGGGGGE) is where you have a big underground sea of oil that spans several properties, and a person sitting on a “deeper” part of the sea drills straight down and starts to bring it up, necessarily drying up the “shallower” parts.
Basically, yes, but it really depends on who goes first, even if you sit on the sitty bit of the reservoir, you can suck out the oil if you get in there first. Happens even between countries when the reservoir crosses the national boundary.
Obama is Arab-American
I, for one, welcome oue new Arab American overlords
Obama is Arab-American…
Is this the new ‘nut talking point? The “we’re not racists because we won’t attack Obama (just now) for being black, but Arabs are genetically programmed to be suicide bombers” sort of thing?
Gary @ 21:14 sounds like Real Gary. He’s back! Only Real Gary would use ‘avalanche’ as a verb, or try to convince us that Kenyans are not really Africans.
Yes, he does sound angrier and meaner-spirited than he used to be, but he does have to compete with the angry guy in the previous thread, the one with the Bill Ayer issues.
You need to be 1/8th (12.5%) of a race to even claim such a status.
Is Gary working by the Nuremburg Laws, or those South African apartheid manuals on how to assign individuals to racial category according to ancestry and skin colour?
Barack Obama is not a real black man. Gary really nailed this one!
This means that Osama Obama is basing his entire campaign upon a lie in order to get votes.
Once the American people catch wind of this he will be dropped like the sack of crap that he is and John McCain will win this election by a landslide.
There is no way the American people will elect a muslim to the Presidency in this age of terror.
I thought this was the Age of Information. Or Age of Aquarius, I forget which.
Christ Chris, I quit watching TV 20 years ago so I wouldn’t have to subject myself to this kind of stupid. Isn’t your Billy Kristol inflatable doll is getting lonesome?
Saul st. booger showing up tells ME it’s time to go into the kitch.
Dinner time…
It’s the age of Aquamation.
The truth is fluid,
Hey lefty turds why don’t you check out your treasonous ilk in action in all their anti-American “glory”!
I love the “he’s not African American” argument, too. The child of a Kenyan father, from the Luo tribe, and a Kansan mother isn’t African American because his name or grandfather’s religion magically makes him Semitic?
Barack Obama Sr, obvious Arab, with Jr Saudi, Omani, Qatari? You decide!
family tree Note his Luo Grandfather converted to Islam from the Christianity more common among the Luo, but was Kenyan, as were his parents.
“The New Nixon” – that’s a laugh and a half. If you’d told anyone in ’74 there would be an even worse president after Nixon they wouldn’t have believed it possible.
Any minute now, Hugh Hewitt’s going to begin a telethon to raise funds for “The New GW Bush” library.
Chris St James, why haven’t you enlisted? When are you going to walk your talk? What’s your problem, boy? Are you a coward?
He’ll enlist, Lesley, just as soon as eccentrics in Berkeley stop carrying signs. Thank the Lord that those riot police showed up to protect those not-at-all-crazy rightwing protesters from the vegans and lesbians and pacifists!
Sarge, I’m only eighteen, I got a ruptured spleen
And I always carry a purse
I got eyes like a bat, and my feet are flat, and my asthma’s getting worse
Yes, think of my career, my sweetheart dear, and my poor old invalid aunt
Besides, I ain’t no fool, I’m a-goin’ to school
And I’m working in a DEE-fense plant
I’ve got a dislocated disc and a wracked up back
I’m allergic to flowers and bugs
And when the bombshell hits, I get epileptic fits
And I’m addicted to a thousand drugs
I got the weakness woes, I can’t touch my toes
I can hardly reach my knees
And if the enemy came close to me
I’d probably start to sneeze
Ooh, I hate Chou En Lai, and I hope he dies,
One thing you gotta see
That someone’s gotta go over there
And that someone isn’t me
So I wish you well, Sarge, give ’em Hell!
Kill me a thousand or so
And if you ever get a war without blood and gore
I’ll be the first to go
(The great Phil Ochs)
I am a war veteran I was in the 101st Airborne during the first Gulf War. I served from 1988-1992.
Chris, playing Mortal Combat in your cheeto and sperm covered basement doesn’t count.
Is this the new ‘nut talking point? The “we’re not racists because we won’t attack Obama (just now) for being black, but Arabs are genetically programmed to be suicide bombers” sort of thing?
You know, every time I think these sacks of shit can’t sink any lower, they go and prove me wrong. What I love about the old ‘Arab’ thingy is that it is obvious that these wankers think that Arab=Muslim. Not realizing, off course that there are quite a lot of Christian, Jewish, as well as Atheist Arabs. Should you not have some minimum qualifications to make bigoted comments?
I should think a veteran would have too much dignity to troll liberal websites. This all has the whiff of someone inside a men’s room stall protesting he was just practicing sign language.
What I love about the old ‘Arab’ thingy is that it is obvious that these wankers think that Arab=Muslim.
Yup, and that Muslim = terrrrist. The ignorance, it has many layers like a stinky rotting onion.
Shrek: Conservatives are like onions.
Donkey: They stink?
Shrek: Yes. No.
Donkey: Oh, they make you cry.
Shrek: No!
Donkey: Oh, you leave em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin’ little white hairs.
Shrek: NO! Layers! Onions have layers. Conservatives have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers. [sighs]
Donkey: Oh, you both have layers. Oh. You know, not everybody likes onions.
How did you know I was thinking of that scene, Susan? I was going to say “like a stinky rotting parfait” but remembered that.
I’ve seen or heard the movie a lot, and now layers plus onions equals Shrek.
Hey, we have layers too!
We also have lawyers, from whom you will be hearing, if you continue to deny us full recognition.
Do lawyers have layers?
You know all the time you liberals spent mocking my military service could have been sent looking at the link I gave you showing you how disgusting and unPatriotic you liberal left ilk at code pink are. Maybe just maybe you will all suddenly sprout a conscience and a sense of National Pride and condemn code pink and the Berkeley city coucil?
and you make me cry too, brussell sprouts.
I call faux veggie trollery! It’s Brussels, you faker!
But checking out your link would have been a waste of our time, Chris. We already know it’s a crock; you posted it.
Why don’t you just check it out and see for yourselves my liberal friends?
I am 100% descended from freed American slaves. We settled Freedman’s Town in Houston. This, I believe, makes Gary an octaroon. Indeed it is central to his point above.
You can find other links for us if you want. I want something light, maybe a comedy, but no Meg Ryan.
Gary is also related to Chris St James on his mother’s uncle’s wife’s brother’s cousin’s side. That side of the family to a trip to Israel in 1975 and adopted the Jewish orphan Saul.
Oh, I love the conservative misunderstanding about race, ethnicity, and religion. They are such loveable ignoramuses, aren’t they?
and isn’t Chris St.James getting a little desparate, here? To paraphrase him: “Didja check out my link? Huh? Huh, C’mon,guys, check out my link! Isn’t it cool, huh?”
Why don’t you just check it out and see for yourselves my liberal friends?
How about because your credibility thusfar has been less than zero. You’re the Bill Kristol of trolls. You’re the reason scroll wheels exist.
Chris St. James said,
February 19, 2008 at 5:24
Why don’t you just check it out and see for yourselves my liberal friends?
We are not your friends. You have never served anyone. Drop dead, you boring, spamming asshole.
To keep Chris St. James happy, and to dispel any association with the city of anti-American socialist Eurocracy, we have changed our name.
You’re the reason scroll wheels exist.
Hah! I’m going to save this quote. I will cite you, gbear, when I reuse it!
Y’know, fuckhead, we tend to have a different definition of patriotism than “lockstep belief in what cheney and limbaugh tell me to believe”.
See, the america I fought for is a nation that embraces different beliefs and differing opinons, and allows political dissent. You are a fan of a non-democratic dictatorship. I am a believer in american democracy….
Maybe just maybe you will all suddenly sprout a conscience and a sense of National Pride and condemn code pink and the Berkeley city coucil?
Yeah, I clicked. I saw lots of liberals calling conservatives traitors and conservatives calling liberals traitors. We wear pink, you deface flags by draping them on your bodies. I couldn’t see that one group was crazier than the other, but I am glad that the riot police were there.
Oh, that one woman who had the temerity to put the word “clitorus” on her sign might have given me a little National Pride – but when I tried to sing the anthem it came out as O Canada, which I don’t actually know the words to. Come to think of it, I may have just had gas.
You traitor!!!
I tend to recall certain liberals remark snidely that America and President Bush doesn’t care about Africa or the African people because they have no oil and America and Bush are imperialist warmongering oil hogs blah blah blah…
Well you liberals couldn’t be more wrong. President Bush has sent 30 billion dollars in humanitarian aid to Africa during his term to fight against hiv and malaria, compared to only 500 million dollars during Bill Clinton’s term. Because of President Bush’s humanitarian aid new cases of malaria in Zamibia were reduced to only 5% this last year compared to 40% in 2003!
Maybe this is why President Bush recieved such a warm welcome by the African people during his recent trip to Tanzania.
Like you took in a stray cat only to discover it’s going around the neighborhood eating babies.
Once again, the anti-felinist blood libel.
well he’s more than welcome to stay.
Hey, Chris, it’s surprising you are putting so much stake in what the people of Tanzania think of Bush, seeing as how you have such a poor opinion of other East African people, those of Kenyan descent.
I don’t have a poor opinion of them, just pointing out the fact that Obama is liar because he claims to be black when he is really an arab.
new cases of malaria in Zamibia
Yes, Chris DOES know something about Africa.
Can we ban the phony, boring fukker now, plz?
Chris, define “black”. Define “arab”.
You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You’re an idiot, and a tool.
But DAMN, those Rwandan women are HOT!
Just sayin….
Gary did the research not me, I just believe what Gary said because he seems like a trust worthy Patriot. He kinda reminds me of myself.
All right. that’s it. Fuck off you clown.
and isn’t Chris St.James getting a little desparate, here? To paraphrase him: “Didja check out my link? Huh? Huh, C’mon,guys, check out my link! Isn’t it cool, huh?”
It’s a link to that no good, creepy stalker, Zombietime. I wouldn’t click his link, anymore that I would NAMBLA, which I understand Chris/Saul/GR are very familiar with.
Y’know, when you peel away all the layers of an onion, you’re left with . . . zip, nada, zilch, fuck all, a big honkin’ zero.
Just sayin’. Existentially speaking, of course.
But if you take all those layers of dangling oniony nothingness and drop them into a deep fryer, suddenly you’re a hit in every chain restaurant in America. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…
This thread hurt my scrolly finger.
What an incredible number of layers!
Don’t we get to the heart of it soon?
No, I’m damned if we do. RIght down to the centre
there’s nothing but layers — smaller and smaller….
Nature is witty!
Take that, Unamuno!
Hey, now that I think of it. That Sadat character looked like a Black guy passing himself off as an Arab.
This trickery has been going on for a long time now.
Now does anyone know about Brazilians because I swear some of them are Black but they tell me they are Spanish.
Bill Clinton could care less about Rwandans, but George W. Bush loves him some Zamibians.
But if you take all those layers of dangling oniony nothingness and drop them into a deep fryer, suddenly you’re a hit in every chain restaurant in America. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…
That deep-frying trolls would increase their utility?
But where will we get the test-tasters for verification?
Now does anyone know about Brazilians because I swear some of them are Black but they tell me they are Spanish.
Portuguese. (Sorry, that just always bothers me.)
Now does anyone know about Brazilians because I swear some of them are Black but they tell me they are Spanish.
While I was in Colombia I had a little fling with a guy who said he was Brazilian. Nevertheless, he kept asking me if I had ever been to Venezuela and whether I hated Chavez. Chavez is a touchy subject in Colombia so I try not to get into it, but I repeatedly assured him that I don’t have any big problem with Uncle Hugo and that Bush is taking up all my free hatred at the moment. Then he wanted to know my feelings on black people. Now, I have gotten into enough fruitless arguments in South America with racist white people to know that it is better to just skirt around the issue. After several awkward conversations like this I began to wish that I had just told him I was Canadian. Canadians don’t get asked about George Bush and racism, they get asked if it is cold where they live.
Finally I had to go meet another friend and we parted ways. After he left, my other buddy asked where he was from. Brazil, I said. No he isn’t. Really, are you sure? Well, he doesn’t look Brazilian and he doesn’t have a Portuguese accent. Oh. Where is he from? Well, he was black, so probably from the coast. He was black? Yeah, you couldn’t tell? I could not. One reason may be that South America didn’t have our marriage laws. I don’t really blame him for worrying that I hate black people. Also, a lot of our cues relating to dress and dialect become useless in other countries.
Finally we pieced together that he was Venezuelan and he just didn’t want to admit it to an American. At least we aren’t the only ones who have to lie when we travel.
#Chris St. James said,
I am a war veteran I was in the
101st Airborne during the first Gulf War. I served from 1988-1992.101st fighting keyboarders battalion.fixed.
Canadians don’t get asked about George Bush
well……we do periodically, and the answer’s always the same. “MORON!”
Gary Ruppert said,
February 18, 2008 at 23:11
Actually, I voted for Mitt Romney, but I’m supporting McCain now.
Ya fuckin’ flip-flopper.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
Drop dead, you boring, spamming asshole.
Careful. If you type the phrase ‘boring, spamming asshole’ three times, Dr BLT magically appears and starts posting links to the 28 new songs he’s written about how Hillary has cooties.
Knock three times on the ceiling…
How come every internet troll pretends to have been a member of the 101st Airborne? If the 101st had as many members as have claimed to be members, it would be bigger than the combined forces of all branches of the military currently in Iraq.
Besides, in the case of these trolls, it’s the 101st Chairborne.
Another Closet-Case-Conservative inducted to the CCC Hall of Fame; wins coveted “J. Edgar” award for being arrested DUI in black cocktail dress!
Funny about George Bush visiting the Zamibians in Rwanda – if you go back and read about the hate-radio broadcasts that accompanied the Interhamwe, it sounds an awful lot like the posts by Chris St. James and the recent version of Gary Ruppert. (Gary 2.0?)
Another Closet-Case-Conservative inducted to the CCC Hall of Fame; wins coveted “J. Edgar” award for being arrested DUI in black cocktail dress!
Yeah I’ve seen this story buzzing around. The problem is, he isn’t a Republican or a Bush appointee. Bankruptcy judges are appointed to 14 year terms by the circuit court of appeals and all of his political contributions have been to Democrats.
I also don’t see anything wrong with him wearing a cocktail dress and blue eyeshadow. If he were a hompophobic hypocrite, sure, but as far as I know, he never breathed a word against anyone. We don’t even know that he is gay, only that he is married and likes to wear women’s clothing.
He definately shouldn’t have been driving drunk, though. Shame shame shame.
How come every internet troll pretends to have been a member of the 101st Airborne?
Good question, Jennifer, and one that I can’t answer.
But if you go over to Glenn Greenwald’s you’ll still be in time to witness several new assholes being carved for Mark Steyn and his colleagues in the 101st Chairborne.
“The Fun and Excitement of Civilization Wars (fought from afar)”
PS Forgot to mention— Gary/Chris/Saul, you should definitely read “The Fun and Excitement of Civilization Wars (fought from afar)” .
Why, it’s almost as if Glenn Greenwald was looking directly into your ‘soul’!
Another Closet-Case-Conservative inducted to the CCC Hall of Fame; wins coveted “J. Edgar” award for being arrested DUI in black cocktail dress!
Yeah I’ve seen this story buzzing around. The problem is, he isn’t a Republican or a Bush appointee.
He’s a Bush appointee from 2004 and recently gave money to Mitt Romney…
Knock three times on the ceiling…
Clank on the pipe if the answer is (Sadly) no.
The confusion is over some sloppy reporting in the Globe. Bankruptcy court judges are not appointed by the president, they are appointed by the federal appeals court of their circuit for 14 year terms.
Here are his recent campaign contributions from his FEC filings:
Hmm… this is fun. While I was poking around in everyone’s campaign contributions I noticed this gentleman
T. Boone Pickens, Texas oil tycoon, has donated twice as much money as George Soros ever has, and 85% of it has gone to special interest groups such as Swiftboat Veterans for Truth and CPAC. I wonder why we never hear about his machinations in the liberal media?
OK, you seem to have the correct facts, pedestrian.
Sorry, everyone, false alarm!
Regrettably, I’m going to have to cancel his membership in the CCC Hall of Fame and request the return of his coveted “J. Edgar” statuette.
Gary Ruppert said, “Obama has lied about his racial background for his entire adult life to get ahead in life.”
Yeah, ’cause everybody knows that being an African-American is a sure-fire ticket to success in America!
Ruppert and St. James will only be satisfied when some minor official performs the pencil test on Obama’s hair to decide whether to classify him as Black or Kleurlinge.
Furious George, the Spanish line was part of the joke.
hold up, a texas oil tycoon named t. boone pickens?
that is awesome!
Canadians don’t get asked about George Bush
well……we do periodically, and the answer’s always the same. “MORON!”
Quite true, Lesley, except here in Ontario most of us use an adjective to modify that noun.
Sadly, No-body can come up with a new post? Effin’ slackahs.
Boy, I need a new stapler.
On the bright side, Sadly No’s slackitude is resulting in a pretty darn productive work day for me. Not that anyone is noticing…
I think I’m done reading comment threads at this site. I can’t believe you people are so willing to ‘engage’ an obvious troll. You really think the typist behind Gary/Chris/Saul/whatever actually believes any of the crap he’s spewing? He just likes seeing credulous idiots go apeshit, and having seen how readily you credulous idiots are willing to do so, I’m not even sure I can blame him.
Have fun validating a loser by tilting at a cardboard sign with the word ‘WINDMILL’ scrawled on it.
Now does anyone know about Brazilians because I swear some of them are Black but they tell me they are Spanish.
Reminds me of a joke.
Josh Bolten is briefing the Presidnet and say a Brazilian soldier had been killed in Iraq.
“Oh my god, that’s horrible!” exclaims Bush.
“Um…how many’s in a brazilian, anyway?”
I think I’m done reading comment threads at this site.
Okay then! Bye!
BazillionsBrazilians of Angelina Jolies!I’m absolutely certain gilmore’s never coming back…
Althouse unemployed?
No great loss. Gilmore was objectively pro-troll-ist anyway.
Jesus, Smut, how do you do that?
I hacked into J–‘s computerised concordance of the S,N! archives.
Awww, poor Althouse might have been canned for her deep and abiding devotion to Teh Crazy? That such a sha—
I can’t keep that up anymore. It’s frickin’ hilarious.
Awww, poor Althouse might have been canned for her deep and abiding devotion to Teh Crazy? That such a sha—
I can’t keep that up anymore. It’s frickin’ hilarious.
Well she did provide video footage of herself getting wasted in front of the tube every night for the last two years. I’m surprised it took them this long. How much you wanna bet that her classes were extended dish-fests on American Idol and what she had for breakfast that morning?
*hastily erects a maypole and invites Susan to a dance*
At least keep track of who you are currently impersonating, schmendrick.
But this:
50% White, 44% arab, and 6% Black
is just hilarious. Pathetic, innumerate, and hilarious.
I dunno, Mo’s.
I find it pretty fucking sickening.
As if it’s in any way a valid criterion for anyone but an inbred, hillbilly racist cracker with a second grade education…
Hey, if you’re gonna be a racist prick, you should just come out with it already and own it and say you don’t want a ni**er in a position of authority.
That goes for you too, Taylor Marsh.