Choking the Ruberry Chicken

John Ruberry

ABOVE: John Ruberry

The Pajama Medias superstar and not-so-swift “Marathon Pundit,” a/k/a John Ruberry, engages in a little not-so-swift-boating of Barack Obama:

Now a (gasp!) tenured education professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, [Bill Ayers is] a campaign issue for Barack Obama.

Ayers was once a member of Weather Underground, an anti-war group that bombed public buildings to protest the War in Vietnam.

So what is the connection between Obama and Ayers that has Ruberry piddling in his pundit pants? Is Ayers a member of Obama’s campaign? Has Obama publicly praised Ayers and claimed him as a dear friend? Has he had sex with Ayers in a bathroom stall? Did they share a toothbrush? Er, no:

Ayers is The Woods Fund board chairman, and a young state senator, who like Ayers is living in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, is a fellow board member–that person of course is Barack Obama.

Obama and Ayers were on the Woods Fund board between 1999 and 2002. Other notable terrorist-sympathizers that have served on the Board of the Woods Fund include senior officers from UBS, BP and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, as well as the President of McCormack Theological Seminary, all of whom I guess must now renounce all participation in politics, apologize for their lapses of judgment, and just go into hiding forever.

What’s next? Obama was seen speaking to someone who is a next door neighbor to someone who went to school with Ted Kaczynski? I think Ruberry has spent too much time playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.


Comments: 344


The fact is, you liberals will never admit, but he nailed it. Here is proof that Barack Osama Hussein is a muslim terrorist sympathizer who hates USA, worked with terrorists, and will sell out USA as soon as he is elected (or more likely, selected, by the liberal media and the corrupt Dem estabishment of voter fraud and illegal and dead voters), this is why patriots need to be ready for such an event and not accept the destruction of our republic. Be worried.


The fact is, sodomizing donkeys is good stuff. The fact is, cows? Not so much.


So this means Rudi G. is a coke dealer and M.C. Cain likes to have anonymous sex in public toilets. OK.

And we hardly need to mention the man who was governor of the state that unleashed the satanic horrors of Gay Marriage on the world causing civilization to crumble and dogs and cats to live together.

Works for me.


…this is why patriots need to be ready for such an event and not accept the destruction of our republic. Be worried.

How can we expect the Patriots to be ready for anything if they aren’t allowed to tape their opponents?


Not to defend these wingnuts, but these idiots have to write about something and their readers love conspiracies. Wingnut’s love talking about “connections” and allowing their readers to “draw the right conclusion” from whatever bile it is they’ve managed to cough up during the night.

Once they’re out of office they’ll go back to being the mostly harmless but annoying cranks they’ve historically been.

The real challenge is going to trying to clean up the media that has been wallowing in this filth for so long. That’s much tougher.


They got nothin’. Good,it’s about time. They’re also trying to float the stealth muslim thing ,Coulter’s out there with her “B.Hussein Obama”schtick again.

The problem for the wingnuts this time is all they have is the tactics they used on Bill Clinton. For some reason,they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that this same exact template is going to continue working for them no matter who the Democratic candidate is. They lack imagination and creativity,so it’s bound to come back and bite them eventually.

Smiling Mortician

This most recent Gary sounds much more convincing if read aloud in a bad Russian accent.


Don’t joke about Teddy Kaczynski, it’ll give them ideas. He was a postdoc at Northwestern (in ILLINOIS, Obama’s HOME STATE). He mailed a letter bomb to UIC.

P.S.: As a mathematician, it is clearly my duty to apologize for Kaczynski’s actions, as well as for those of Ahmed Chalabi. Still, I won’t. Sue me.


So the biggest tactic Republicans have to play is Name Jokes?


The wingnuts are just winding up the crazy. Maybe it’s about time the conservatives self-destructed. From the looks of their followers, it won’t take long until they thoroughly reveal their racist, violent core.



True, but probably because a) he omits the “the” before USA, and b) everybody sounds more convincing with a bad Russian accent.

The next GR quote, about sodomizing donkeys, needs no such help. It’s convincing on its face.


Oh, sure. Goof on an obscure wingnut for buying off on the Obama-supports-terrorism meme when Bloomberg News is promoting the very same story. I guarantee Bloomberg News has a far bigger audience than Marathon Pundit.

For some really unhinged ranting about Obama supporting terrorism, I suggest Larry Johnson’s blog, No Quarter. Johnson, formerly with the CIA, is a frequent contributor to Josh Marshall’s TPM Cafe.

“As Democrats and Independents weigh who they want to run against John McCain in the fall, answer this question. Can you support a candidate who is friends with terrorists? Can you support a candidate who takes money from terrorists? Well, if Obama is your man you have some problems…”


I used to live in Hyde Park and if you were involved in progressive politics there you crossed paths with Bill Ayres. He knew everybody and had a hand in almost everything.

Which was fine. He’s a guy with tons of energy and commitment who did some really stupid things 35 years ago. He served his time, there’s no lifetime ban from civilized society. It’s really lowered my opinion of Ben Smith that he’s promoting this stuff.


I hope this is the “best” they’ve got on Obama, because it isn’t much.

It certainly fits their Orwellian template of the future though, where you must be scrupulously careful of who you associate with or else you’ll end up in a re-education camp a la Khmer Rouge. They see their plans and ideas as the ultimate in patriotism that will save the republic from a fate worse than death, just like the Khmer boys did.

The sad thing is how long it took to bring those bastards to justice; I’m hoping for a faster time table for the Bush criminal gang. Warm up that plane headed for The Hague, we’ve got some cargo!


If they want to play the guilt-by-association game, we can always bring up Charles Keating….


Astute Observer said,

February 17, 2008 at 19:22

Oh, sure. Goof on an obscure wingnut for buying off on the Obama-supports-terrorism meme when Bloomberg News is promoting the very same story. I guarantee Bloomberg News has a far bigger audience than Marathon Pundit.

At least Bloomberg frames it in the context of “Republicans will probably use this against him” instead of “zOMFG he’s a terrerrisss!!11oneoneone”.


From the looks of their followers, it won’t take long until they thoroughly reveal their racist, violent core.

Yep. Our next tarrist attack will be 100% Made in the USA and it will be just as fugly as the foreign sort.

“As [Republicans] and Independents weigh who they want to run against John [Kerry] in the fall, answer this question. Can you support a candidate who is friends with terrorists? Can you support a candidate who takes money from terrorists? Well, if [Bush] is your man you have some problems…”

We got pictures!

Completely OT: Why hasn’t everyone in Saudi Arabia died of a massive Cognitive Dissonance attack? On the one hand their customs include hand holding by men. On the the other their laws include imprisonment and exectution of gay men. What kind of sick joke is that?



How’s Obama going to explain that away?


McCain has a lot of weaknesses; it’s why the conservatives are so frightened and shrill. The Christianists wanted Huckabee, the racists don’t like his immigration views, the money people don’t like his view on campaign reform. That leaves the security nuts. The Right Wing Noise Machine has been attacking him for weeks, and now face loss of power and an angry man’s revenge if McCain is elected. Plus the shadier parts of his past–if the Democratic Party can’t exploit these fault lines they are too weak to exist.






No wonder Ruberry is afraid.


I think the bigger problem is that to walk and hold hands, someone needs to use the left hand. The left hand is the unclean one.


How do you get a job at Pajamas, anyway? Do you send in stuff you’ve scrippled on napkins or does it actually require that you know how to type (albeit with two fingers, moving your lips the whole time…)


Goot point, Hysterical. Does anyone know if there is some sort of social pecking (heh) order implied by who is the right hander and who is the left hander in the situation described above?


Once they’re out of office they’ll go back to being the mostly harmless but annoying cranks they’ve historically been.


Don’t be so sure of that. The far right wing may very well step up their campaign of domestic terrorism again. The ‘militia’ and ‘patriot’ movements have been unheard from for the past decade, but if a Democrat wins the presidency they could start to get violent again.

Wingnuts are stupid and childish, but they really, really love violence.


How do you get a job at Pajamas, anyway? Do you send in stuff you’ve scrippled on napkins or does it actually require that you know how to type (albeit with two fingers, moving your lips the whole time…)

Actually, you can use four fingers, but they have to be on the same hand. That leaves the other hand free for….um…multi-tasking. The napkin can come in handy for many uses.


Gary, did you know McCain was born a within 2 years and 50 miles from fellow Panamanian Manuel Noriega? JUST SAY NO TO PANAMANIAN STRONG MEN!


What about Obama’s 1999 Limo Sex and Drug Party? IMHO, Larry Sinclair seems to be a very sincere person who only has the country’s best interest at heart.


Yeah, Larry Sinclair looks just like the kind of guy you would meet in an “upscale lounge” and then leave with in his limo.

The baseball cap is central to my point.


It doesn’t matter if it’s Obama or Clinton. This election is going to bring out the worst sort of codeword, dogwhistle campaign attacks you can imagine. It doesn’t matter if its the racists, the women haters (some of the worst of whom are democrats), the clintonly deranged or the worst of the far right theocratic christianist authoritarian scum, this here general election campaign is very likely to be the ugliest in american history.

And speaking of ugly elections, think about Pakistan. Musharraf KNOWS he has to rig the election, because the outcome of fair voting is a foregone conclusion. But exactly BECAUSE the outcome is so clear, any vote-rigging he does will be obvious to everyone.

So, does he want to be removed by a hostile parliament or by violent revolution and a possible breakup of the country? There’s no doubt what will happen. Musharraf’s party will win by at least ten-fifteen percent – a massive fraud. And then the blood will begin to spill in earnest…


Smiling Mortician

this here general election campaign is very likely to be the ugliest in american history.

Some mornings I get up and the sun is shining. The coffee’s already brewing and it smells great. It’s a weekend and I don’t have more than a few hours of work that absolutely has to get done so I’m looking forward to some pleasure reading, some music, some carefully prepared food. On such days I sometimes try to imagine that the world is a better place than it is.

I never make it all the way to noon, though.


I think the bigger problem is that to walk and hold hands, someone needs to use the left hand. The left hand is the unclean one.

Hmm, good point. But how does it work, status wise? Does the person of higher status get to use HIS left hand, so that the person of lessor status has to make contact with the Higher One’s unclean hand? Can we analyze those photos of Bush n’ Bandar to see whether Bush is Bandar’s unclean-handholder? (or do we already know the answer?)


Ayers is The Woods Fund board chairman, and a young state senator, who like Ayers is living in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, is a fellow board member–that person of course is Barack Obama.

Once again with punctuation and sentence structure that makes a fucking lick of sense, please.


This tenuous association stuff is fun! As the title of this thread shows, John Ruberry’s last name looks a lot like the word ‘rubbery’, as in rubber-like. Since many sex toys are rubbery, I think we can safely conclude that John Ruberry is a dildo.

A Gary Ruppert impersonator wrote:

The fact is, sodomizing donkeys is good stuff.

Not for everyone.


The remnants of the radical 60s hippie left is rallying behind muslim terrorist B. Hussein Obama and the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam to overthrow our American Republic and establish an Islamic State. The terrorists, negro supremicists and their far left allies will be met by Patriotic Americans with guns who know how to use them. Fear for you’re lives treasonous scum! We will get you!


How do you get a job at Pajamas, anyway?

Pajamas does actually have one blogger worth reading. I wish he’d move somewhere else.


Wow, so Chris St. James, you’re threatening to assassinate Barak Obama with a gun? Time to call the FBI…….


I don’t normally pay attention to Saul/Booger/Chris, but I feel compelled to point out that “Fear for your lives treasonous scum!” does sound great when spoken with a bad Russian accent.


I heartily recommend “Barbeque’n With Bobby” as an authentic source of inspiration for entertaining your guests at all of your OBAMA IN ’08 dos.


Pajamas does actually have one blogger worth reading. I wish he’d move somewhere else.

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been writing to the Manolo to ask what he thinks of the new Knight Rider movie that is being shown on the television this night.

No, he seems to have found a good home.


Ted Kaczynski grew up in Evergreen Park, IL, a suburb of Chicago. B. HUSSEIN Obama is a senator who represents the state of Illinois, to include Evergreen Park. Coincidence? I think not.


Wait, is the Manolo at PJ’s? I can’t believe it.


This is the only remotely political quote I saw on the front page:

Running the race, in the past few months Barack Obama has suffered a loss of five pounds. Is he fasting until we accede to his demands for bi-partisanship? Please, Barack, if it didn’t work for the Mahatma, will it work for you?

Maybe he should stick to the shoes and let his customers protect themselves from the big bad tax hikes.


Maybe he should stick to the shoes and let his customers protect themselves from the big bad tax hikes.

Agreed, but I don’t read the Manolo for politics – I just blip over that stuff like I blip over the sports posts here.


The fact is,


Jesus Christ, however many threats this Saul/Booger/Chris shithead has to make before his ass gets banned, it’s way past too fucking many.


Let me guess. Rubbery wasn’t upset with George for giving the bin Laden family a free pass to fly home shortly after 9/11.


I love it when conservatives talk aobut the dirty fucking hippies. The Summer of Love was in 1968. It is now 2008. That is 40 years, for those who went to Liberty U. A 25-year-old in 1968 collects Social Security now. What are they going to do, burn their AARP cards?

Oh, well. These are the same financially struggling people who are told by multi-millionaires on the radio and tv that tax cuts for multi-millionaires are a good thing, and they believe them!


We don’t have to wait for them to be banned. We can (a) totally ignore them or (b) dismantle them into itty bitty pieces.

I favor (b), but I have a low tolerance for threats.


When is McCain going to apologize for that well-known black conservative rapist, Eldridge Cleaver? Or is that too much to ask for?


BTW, Cleaver was also a Mormon, a fact that Mitt “Magic Underwear” Romney never brought up in case you hadn’t noticed.


“will be met by Patriotic Americans with guns who know how to use them”

Guns know how to use Patriotic Americans?

Sadly, yes.


I ignore it as best I can(it’s on my Greasemonkey kill list, but still shows on RSS), and I have no problem with folks tearing it a couple dozen new ones, but why give it a platform at all when it insists on repeatedly breaking the rules?


“I don’t normally pay attention to Saul/Booger/Chris, but I feel compelled to point out that “Fear for your lives treasonous scum!” does sound great when spoken with a bad Russian accent.”

I prefer to imagine it spoken by Darth Vader.


Y’know, I’ll bet that as a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution McCain had close connections with any number of Latin American “strong men”. The Weathermen, at least, made an effort not to kill anyone with their bombs.
I wonder if McCain ever visited our torture teaching camp, what’s it called, the School of America?


True, tigrismus. They get a naught thrill when they break the rules, so it’s kind of hopeless to think they’ll follow that one rule–don’t threaten to harm someone. The gary thing stopped, but if it merely changed its name, it has given up its right to a civil response, or even a snarky one.


Susan of Texas said,

February 17, 2008 at 22:46

I love it when conservatives talk aobut the dirty fucking hippies. The Summer of Love was in 1968. It is now 2008. That is 40 years, for those who went to Liberty U. A 25-year-old in 1968 collects Social Security now. What are they going to do, burn their AARP cards?

…or as 25 year old kids say these days, “What’s a hippie?”

What make the conservative talk about DFH even funnier is when they blame liberals for living in the past on top of that.

The Urban Guerilla


McCain and Eldridge Cleaver were foot soldiers together during the so-called “Reagan Revolution.” During the Reagan administration, the California GOP political machine ran Eldridge as a candidate in a few local races, albeit unsucessfully.


“I think the bigger problem is that to walk and hold hands, someone needs to use the left hand. The left hand is the unclean one.”

Hey, no problemo.

Just join right hand to right hand, then start walking.

See where it gets you?

That is central to my point.


tigrismus – I agree with you, Booger has gone too far and should be permanently banned. He shows up in firefox for me too even though I have him in the grease monkey script. I do ignore him but this one was an exception. Time for you to go Booger.


As a liberal fascist, I eagerly support the banning of booger. Although we should waterboard him first.


Instead of banning him, how about replacing his posts wth random Jimmy Carter quotes?


Just join right hand to right hand, then start walking.
See where it gets you?

“The people runnin’ round in circles
Don’t know what they’re headed for…”
Mose Allison. ‘Everybody’s Crying Mercy’


Chris St. James said,

February 17, 2008 at 21:57

The threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. It is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation.


I’m pretty sure saul st. booger gets beat up, has his lunch money taken and is left upside down with a wedgie in a dumpster almost every day, so that makes me smile. I’m pretty sure the chubby little buck toothed motherfucker continues to have trouble learning to control his mouth, in spite of the fact that he can’t back up his bullshit to sixth grade girls.

Now, while these perfectly reasonable assumptions do give me a certain amount of pleasure, I would infinitely prefer it if the nasty little asshole wasn’t in my life at all. To be honest, I lack the proprietors broad sense of inclusiveness. Its a shortcoming I’ll just have to learn to live with…



Fear for you’re lives treasonous scum! We will get you!

It’s “your”, dummy…


Separated at Birth? Is MJ Harper Johan Goldberg’s sibling?

Mark Liberman at the Blog “Language Log” reviews a book which postulates that the French language evolved FROM ENGLISH, and what we consider the original Latin is just a “shorthand” of Italian, developed in AD 400 or thereabouts:

M.J. Harper’s “The Secret History of the English Language”.

” . . . Harper finds the idea that Latin developed into the modern Romance languages too implausible to believe.

Fortunately, there’s a much more reasonable explanation that meets all the facts: Latin is not a natural language. When written, Latin takes up approximately half the space of written Italian or written French (or written English, German, or any natural European language). Since Latin appears to have come into existence in the first half of the first millennium BC, which was the time when alphabets were first spreading through the Mediterranean basin, it seems a reasonable working hypothesis to assume that Latin was originally a shorthand compiled by Italian speakers for the purposes of written (confidential? commercial?) communication.

So the history, according to Harper, is that English developed into French, which developed into Provençal, which developed into Italian; and then at some point, say around 400 B.C., some Italian merchants developed Latin as a form of shorthand. “


That “you’re” isn’t an accident, actor212. Booger/chris/saul is a parody troll.

A very boring parody troll.


I don’t normally pay attention to Saul/Booger/Chris, but I feel compelled to point out that “Fear for your lives treasonous scum!” does sound great when spoken with a bad Russian accent.
…after breathing helium.
A Marvin-the-Martian voice works for me.


The fact is,,,


Here is the Language Log link. (I wouldn’t be surprised if Mikey already knows it)




Hey, frankly, I think our trolls are little ass wiping weenies, but I still think it’s not appropriate for them to talk about getting guns and shooting people. Particularly in the wake of someone doing just that at NIU.

If Chris St. James had said something like he posted while enrolled at a school, he’d have been expelled. If he’s said it at work, he’d be sent to HR. If he’s said it in an airport, he’d be hustled down to security. If he’d said it in a restaurant, the staff would have called 911. Reasonable people don’t say shit like that.

I just wish these trolls would leave a referral number so we could get back to their employers’ main office when they step across the line.


The fact is, Ayn Rand rocks.


Instead of banning him, how about replacing his posts wth random Jimmy Carter quotes?

Oh, I like this idea. Would he see them, too, when he posted?


Ayn Rand is the Scrooge McDuck of Conservative Communism.


Is MJ Harper Johan Goldberg’s sibling?
The blurb from Amazon certainly reads as if it were originally written for LibFascism, and had a few words changed:

In a hugely enjoyable read, not to mention gloriously corrosive prose, M.J. Harper slashes and burns through the whole of accepted academic thought about the history of the English language. According to Harper: The English language does not derive from an Anglo-Saxon language. French, Italian, and Spanish did not descend from Latin. Middle English is a wholly imaginary language created by well-meaning but deluded academics. Most of the entries in the Oxford English Dictionary are wrong. And that’s just the beginning. Part revisionist history, part treatise on the origins of the English language, and part impassioned argument against academia, The Secret History of the English Language is essential reading for language lovers, history buffs, Anglophiles, and anyone who has ever thought twice about what they’ve learned in school.


I’ve thought MORE than twice about everything I learned in PE….



The Patriots should have taped Eli Manning.

To his locker.


I can’t wait for The Multiplication Tables Scandal: Everything you thought you knew is wrong


Die earthling scum!


Does the person of higher status get to use HIS left hand, so that the person of lessor status has to make contact with the Higher One’s unclean hand? Can we analyze those photos of Bush n’ Bandar to see whether Bush is Bandar’s unclean-handholder? (or do we already know the answer?)

The fact is, Bush was supposed to be walking backwards but forgot to do it. He fucked up again.

Gary Jones' Locker

Avarst, ye swabbies!


Fozzetti said,

February 18, 2008 at 0:12

So the history, according to Harper, is that English developed into French, which developed into Provençal, which developed into Italian; and then at some point, say around 400 B.C., some Italian merchants developed Latin as a form of shorthand. “

Yeah, because we’ve seen all those 3,000 year old English manuscripts floating around. What the Hell is he trying to prove? That Jesus didn’t speak Aramaic, but instead spoke flowery Elizabethan English, just like the KJV?


Susan of Texas said,

February 18, 2008 at 0:44

I can’t wait for The Multiplication Tables Scandal: Everything you thought you knew is wrong

That book would be written by this guy.


I’m in agreement with the gang upthread. Making death threats is a pretty decent reason to ban someone from posting.

But on a contradictory note, I would like to add that “Fear for your lives treasonous scum!” is just crying out for a pirate treatment. The quote practically has a parrot clinging to it, and would look absolutely fabulous in pirate attire.


Grrrrrrrrr. Gary Jones beat me to it. Shiver me timbers.



The Most Noodly FSM welcomes all, even the brain-damaged. (ramen)


That book would be written by this guy.

(with link to the Time Cube site)

Lots of good sound thinking at that website.

Nature has no choice but to bring forth a hell upon evil cubelessness. Know it to be of your own making.

Right on! Goddamn cubeless bastards are gonna get what they deserve one of these days.


Maybe my belief that I’m waging an apocalyptic War of Civilization against The Uniquely Evil Enemy is grounded in a psychological need?

Maybe this is an extremely common need if I look to the past… rather than an objective assessment or any sort of political belief or ideological conviction?

Maybe I’m exaggerating the threat posed by The Uniquely Evil Enemy in order to inflate my own importance?

Maybe it gives a sense of purpose and power to convince myself that I’m waging an all-important, though totally risk-free, war?


White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

What the Hell is he trying to prove? That Jesus didn’t speak Aramaic, but instead spoke flowery Elizabethan English, just like the KJV?

Reminds me of a golden oldie story from my youth in West Virginia…

Once upon a time in the 1950’s, the WV Senate was debating a controversial bill requiring that one term of a foreign language be a state requirement in order to graduate from high school.

Senator Turnipseed, R- Hayseed Hollow, stood up in the chamber to denounce this proposal.

“Mr. Speaker! English was good enough for Jesus Christ, and it ought to be good enough for the high schools of West Virginia.”

(And if this didn’t really happen, well, it should have…)


(And if this didn’t really happen, well, it should have…)

I’d be on the didn’t side. On the other hand somebody must have said it.

Smiling Mortician

I find that Time Cube Guy is best enjoyed by randomly copying and pasting chunks of his text into gloriously Beat poetry:

evil android singularity
YOU are a Cubic Creature
until Word is cornered, Math is fictitious
Opposite sexes equate a zero value existence
Singularity God impossible.
cyclop perspective
lobotomized analytical
4 corner days
4 corner days
simple ignored math indicts you evil
6 sides constitutes a sextet — not a Cube
Opposites de-god Religion
cow-dung ambrosia
Big Brother icepick
Until cornered, word is fictitious
harmonic rotating zero
I will wager
educated stupid
You have not the mentality
I am flabbergasted
hired pedants
the powerful antipode
Biblistic Selfnic Bastardism
I possess data
debunks 1 sex gods
I have $10,000.00
rotate a 4 corner face
(as in plus
and minus)
womanless queer likeness
Educated cubeless stupid
a psychiatrist examining my behavior
(nose, 2 ears and back corner)
“Why something rather than nothing?”


Mort, you need

You can turn text examples into rules that spit out similar text.

God BELIEF succumbs to The Cubic Law of Nature. The damn bastards suppress free speech, by denying Time Cube and they will agree with every claim I make. But at the same time for the evil bastards have ignored their obligation to their humanity fellowship to research Time Cube, and a curse of evil adults to bury 77,000 tons of nuclear waste burial should be made a monument to Scholasticism’s evil singularity to exist. Humans exist as plus and minus values of opposite creation – depicted by opposite sexes – not queer singularity. You’ve been educated stupid human Word Animal – kneel, you educated stupid word animals are singularity stupid.


(And if this didn’t really happen, well, it should have…)
Apocryphal or not, the story inspired a fine song by Don McGlashan & the Muttonbirds
(who are nearly as good as Time Cube Guy and the Corporate Clusterfuck).


cow-dung ambrosia
Big Brother icepick
Until cornered, word is fictitious
harmonic rotating zero

Damn! That is good.

Speaking of poetry, remember these gems? My favorite is Glass Box.


Susan of Texas: Re the multiplication & division tables being wrong. I think my 4th grader just proven that. She insists that 5 into 480 goes 960 times. “NO MOM!” she insists, the ‘9’ goes above the ‘4’ in 480. “No it does NOT” I reply. She’s writing a book now proving her thesis. But she at least has the excuse of being only 10.


Middle English is a wholly imaginary language created by well-meaning but deluded academics.

Turns out that Chaucer was just a horrific speller who knew how to work his connections in the royal court. Damn you academia! Dampne yowe unte hælle!!


Re the multiplication & division tables being wrong. I think my 4th grader just proven that.
Another reason to bring back Napier’s Bones. Not only are they calculating tools, they can be sharpened and thrown with deadly effect if a maddened swordsman bursts into the classroom.

The quote practically has a parrot clinging to it, and would look absolutely fabulous in pirate attire.
I have to agree; ‘Chris St. James’ would make a fine pirate name. It has that authentic 17th-century buccaneering ring. Here’s the artist’s impression.

Speaking of poetry, remember these gems? My favorite is Glass Box.
Can I haz per4mance by Laurie Anderson? kthnxbai.

Smiling Mortician

Thanks for janusnode, RB. Now I know what to do with that stack of student essays I’ve been avoiding.

And yes, Snorghagen. These two lines in particular

cow-dung ambrosia
Big Brother icepick

made me involuntarily add “Goo goo g’joob.”


So I was going to make a spicy chicken and wild mushroom pita for lunch. I sauteed some chicken with cayenne, curry powder and a little cumin with the wild mushrooms. I was going to go with shredded lettuce and diced tomato with a garlic Vinaigrette. While the chicken and mushrooms were in the pan, I discovered the pita bread was moldy. Shit. But not a serious problem. Turned ’em into quesadillas with shredded cheese, diced peppers and the tomato, they were really good served with sour cream and avocado slices.

Just to compound matters, I just took a loaf of banana nut bread out of the oven. Smells really good in here.

Earlier this afternoon I cleaned the shower. I find that to be an interesting household task. While I will frequently perform household maintenance tasks naked, cleaning the shower is the only task where that is a requirement. Contrarian that I am, I considered a bathing suit. But that would be truly silly.

This has been another episode of “Life with mikey”. Tune in next week when we consider a new sofa…



made me involuntarily add “Goo goo g’joob.”

Huh. I always thought that was “Coo coo c’choo”.

Always a point of interest to read a different translation…



mikey, I did some chores this morning after I got dressed to go out. Since I always get splashed when I do dishes, I dug out this cool old hostess apron I got at a garage sale. I got home and resumed my chores, and I put on the apron again. And I put on motown, because the Big Chill was on last night and got me in that mood. So here I am mopping and listening to motown in my apron and just digging the whole thing. Must be that kind of a day (and believe me those kind of days are rare for me).


Can anyone else picture the fake Gary from the first post conspiring with Natasha against moose and squirrel?

Gary Jones' Locker

Gary goes all Kung Fu on a homicidal invader’s ass.


Righteous Bubba said,

February 18, 2008 at 1:53

Mort, you need

You can turn text examples into rules that spit out similar text.

Awesome! That’s just like the dada Engine, which unfortunately fizzled out over five years ago. =(

Homicidal invader

Eat pirate cutlass, pantalooned fool!


A trophy for everyone! You ALL win this thread.
The mother-of-all-tongues and timecube guy…by the time I got this far I was laughing so hard I’d completely forgotten what the original post was about.
Well done all!
Must go, the giggles are starting…


That’s just like the dada Engine, which unfortunately fizzled out over five years ago. =(

At least The Nietzsche Family Circus is still in operation.


Hey, I just noticed the rainbow unicorn on Rubbery’s t-shirt. Is it real or Photoshopped?


Pastor Swank via JanusNode Markov chain:

The Republican candidates have remained firm in their allegiance to biblical ethics by staying true to pro-life. Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Hillarys to find still another clergyman duped enough to permit a religious renegade to mount the pulpit, give forth anti-Bible material and then performs a wedding ceremony for a godless America. Their deity is not imagined. It has its basis in reality, unfortunately. We have been slung, not by our own self-driven, stubborn children. (5) Having done our best as parents, we can at least have the clean conscience by which he can go right or wrong. No one can make another person do anything, finally, no matter how disheveled D.C. Knocks itself out.
So it’s true. It IS true.

No difference whatsoever and Focus on the Hillarys is awesome.


RB – I thought that was genuine Swank. Makes you think, dunnit?

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Mikey, I clean the shower when I’m in the shower. Do one wall each day, just scrub it with one of those sponge ball things (a bunch of nylon fabric tied together that looks like a ball. Or a flower. Or a little man on a bicycle, depending on the age of the sponge) that I use to wash meself wid’. Makes it easy, and no bathing suit required.

I’m all into minimal cleaning: I find that some things I can do whenever I’m on the spot, as a habit, and that means less actual, formal, cleaning work. Got a fluffy cloth to wipe the basin after I brush me teef. Got a dust mop for a 4-minute swoop around the floors. Got a microfibre cloth in my desk drawer to polish the desk while I’m waiting for the computer to boot.

And I got rhythm: who could ask for anything more?


There’s actually a lot of reasons for this, not the least of which I was channel surfing a while ago, but I just need to say.

I hate cops with a white hot hatred that hates everything but hate.

Thank you. Move along. Nothing to see here…



I hate cops with a white hot hatred that hates everything but hate.

yo tambien

No difference whatsoever and Focus on the Hillarys is awesome.

In fact, Computer Swank demonstrates a level of understated self-awareness that is lacking in the original.


It’ll serve you right when SwankNet achieves sentience and launches a war nuclear global to wipe out the human race with fountains of blood.


Really, wingnuts, if your plots to take over the Federation United States are ever going to bear fruit, you are going to have put someone more like Servalan in charge, rather than this Rubbery fellow. His machinations are way too transparent, and I fear he is not nearly bloodthirsty enough to succeed.

And while he does look awfully gay in that shirt, I’m afraid he would not look nearly hot enough in a formal gown and stiletto heels.

Licensed Wingnut Appraiser

SwankNet achieves sentience and launches mounts a thick missile war nuclear global

A true swank always has at least one creepy homoerotic pun.


Gary Jones’ Locker said,
February 18, 2008 at 0:52

Avarst, ye swabbies!

It’s more a closet than a locket, I suspect…


That “you’re” isn’t an accident, actor212. Booger/chris/saul is a parody troll.

All the more reason to make him tow the line on grammar.


Middle English is a wholly imaginary language created by well-meaning but deluded academics.

Shakespeare, language fascist.


It’s more a closet than a locker, I suspect…

I protest that, landlubber. My manly crew would toss this piker into the deep where he belongs.


That linguistic wimp M. J. Harper doesn’t go far enough.

I’m working on a book that shows that the English language has never existed at all, and is only an imaginary construct of deluded academics. So-called ‘English literature’ has in fact been created entirely from the writings of Pastor Swank. ‘Shakespeare’ is a corrupted version of the phrase ‘Swank’s spear’.


Nick Danger: I hate cops, Grito.

Grito: Yeah, me too, Nick! I hate cops too!
Nick Danger: I’ve always hated cops. You know what I’m gonna do?

Grito: What, Nick? What are you gonna do?
Nick Danger: I’m going to turn in my badge….


You’re not the one that let me down
But thanks for offering….



Middle English is a wholly imaginary language created by well-meaning but deluded academics.

Shakespeare, language fascist.

Not to be an ass but… well, Shakespeare is usually considered Early Modern English. Fortunately for me, it is also KJV English. One advantage of growing up in an crazy right wing evangelical fundamentalist splinter cult is that I never had any problem understanding the ol’ Bard. He talked just like Jesus!


I never had any problem understanding the ol’ Bard. He talked just like Jesus!

That illiterate bastard spoke like me


The rainbow unicorn, Fozetti, was photoshopped. Sadly, Ruberry is real.


Test of the Sadly, No! GO Pervs! broadcast system.


Sorry I’m late. Been seining the Oort Cloud for fresh bait. Anyway, I’m just catching up on the thread and I have to say it sounds like this “TimeCube Guy” is suffering the initial stages of cuberty with his horhedrons raging and his singularity perpetually turgid from constant fantasies about cubic triangles.


Speaking of photoshop Clif, thanks for “bo-peeping” Amanda what’s-her-crazy-lady-name a week or so back.

The shepherd’s crook slew me.


actor212 said,
All the more reason to make him tow the line on grammar.

I sincerely hope that was intended as a joke about long-line trolling.


Harken unto the words of the TimeCube guy:

God entity is queer sex… God Believers must cease all sex with opposites and create babies from dirt…

Darn. The Southern Baptists are going to have to rewrite a few of their doctrines.


Mmm. My stay in East Texas is ending tomorrow. Tonight was pretty good – had some quality time with Mom after we’d had a few glasses of red wine. Heard some good stories; told some good ones myself.

But, man, it can be depressing, too. I don’t want to go into it now, but – families are difficult.


Well g, if you want to go into it later, this thread doesn’t seem to have anywhere else to go. I would actually like to hear about someone else’s family weirdness.

guitarist manqué

On some boats I’ve been on ‘tow the line’ means hanging on to a rope tied to the transom as the boat sails on in order to a. punish lazy crew or 2. enjoy a refreshing dip. The best time to do it is a hot day in a pod of dolphins.

It’s fun to imagine Saul St Shames being towed, gasping and bleating out Rushist talking points.


I sincerely hope that was intended as a joke about long-line trolling.

There was an element of that in my choice to pun, yes. Altho in truth, tow/toe is one of those bromides that, no matter which you use, someone will point out it was incorrect.

So I figured, if I am to be hoist on my own petar *grin*, I ought to at least have some fun with it.


I hate cops with a white hot hatred that hates everything but hate.

U might enjoy this.

Or, at least identify.


A more tuneful version of the same sentiment

Don’t know that I personally feel that way, but the songs are good.

The Hypocritical Left

Bill Ayers is criminal filth. He grew up rich and sheltered – his father was the chairman of Commonwealth Edison – and like the archetypical leftist, his sociopathic inability to relate to people led to bombs and killings.

Lemuel Pitkin tells us that Ayers has done his time and shouldn’t be banned from civilization. But Ayers recently said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers showed up smirking on the cover of the Chicago Tribune Magazine the week of September 11, 2001, the hateful face of leftist violence grinning at us all.

If I ever saw him on the street, I’d like to punch him in the face.


and like the archetypical leftist, his sociopathic inability to relate to people led to bombs and killings.

So, the Minutemen, the Militia Movement, the Ku Klux Klan and the Neo-Nazis are all “leftists”? Wow, who knew.


…like the archetypical leftist, his sociopathic inability to relate to people led to bombs and killings.

George Bush: “I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy.”

Barbara Bush: “But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it’s gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

Barbara Bush: “Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re going to move to Houston’… which is sort of scary, they all want to stay in Texas… And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this — this is working very well for them.”

Iraq Body Count:
Baghdad: suicide bomber kills 3, Karrada; 2 killed by car bomb, Qahira; 3 bodies.
Mosul: car bomb kills 3 policemen.
Baquba: 17-year-old Nadia Jameel is shot dead during random shooting.
Khalidiya: US forces kill taxi driver driving too close to their patrol.
Baiji: roadside bomb kills Awakening member.
Dhuluiya: gunmen kill woman in her house.
Tikrit: policeman is killed by roadside bomb.


George Bush: “I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy.”

Barbara Bush: “But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it’s gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

“Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re gonna move to Houston.’ What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they [Katrina victims] all want to stay in Texas… Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality, and so many of the people in the arenas here, you know, were underprivileged anyway. This is working very well for them”.[


the fact is that Barack Obama’s campaign is going to spiral the toilet after revelations that he plagirizes speeches, and after he loses Wisconsin.

There’s a reason why Obama is running from debates.

John McCain is a man of character who refused to take the easy way out of Vietnam when the VC offered him release before his fellow POWs.

Barack Obama is closer to a scumbag like Jane Fonda (the traitor who visited the Hanoi Hilton) than he is to John McCain.


Flop sweat. Desperation. Heh.


As well, the fact is that Hillary is now running to Obama’s left on a lot of issues, and Democrats will fall for her.

Obama is the most liberal Senator in America (more liberal than Ted Kennedy and Socialist Bernie Sanders) and he’s a sitting duck for us against moderate-conservative John McCain.

Obama is an untested rookie, and America knows better than to put such rookies in the White House after Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Plus, Obama exposed himself as a shady untrustworthy liar by going back on his pledge to take taxpayer welfare (aka public financing)

But he is the first liberal democrat to turn down an opportunity at welfare.


Peck Peck Peck.


I sometimes get the impression that, inside the mind of “Gary Ruppert”, there is a continual, heated, promiscuous, time-travelling orgy of “the liberals”. In this orgy, Jane Fonda does it with Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton couples with Bernardine Dohrn. And they all wipe their various bodily fluids on Gary’s face.


Speaking of smirking soicopaths and criminal filth, William Kristol has a new op-ed in NYT: Democrats Should Read Kipling. It’s the usual shameless bullshit, but the title is interesting

from Epitaphs of the war:


If any question why we died,
Tell them, because our fathers lied.


I could not dig: I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?

(Btw, is there any DWM author, who has been posthumuosly ass-raped by pundits more than Orwell?)


If Obama gets the nomination, don’t whine to me when “The Truth about Barack Obama” comes out in the fall, showing his links to extreme liberals and Islamists, therefore costing him the Presidency.


Obama is an untested rookie, and America knows better than to put such rookies in the White House after Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Oh Gary, you crack me up!


more frequently


Lemuel Pitkin tells us that Ayers has done his time and shouldn’t be banned from civilization. But Ayers recently said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”

George Washington is a man who did enough in the service of revolution.


SamFromUtah wrote: Pajamas does actually have one blogger worth reading. I wish he’d move somewhere else.

You couldn’t be more wrong, Sam. Manolo sucks ass. He’s a perfect fit for the rest of the no-talent douchebags over at PJM.



I take it you were one of the GOP-ers crowing about how “we were going to kick Democratic ass” in 2006 too.

Look at your party, it is in shambles. GOP presidential hearththrobs like Santorum and george Macaca Allen are election casualties. Tom Delay awaits indictment. Newt Gingrich is probably banging a new secretary who’s taking stenography for his new book about the wonders of green technology.

Stalwart GOP-ers like Bob Ney and Duke Cunningham are newly minted felons.

Your media heroes are a amalgam of freaks and perverts. Limbaugh is a thrice married and childless oxycontin junkie who vacations in the Dominican Republic with suitcases full of Vi*gra, grand dames of the self-procliamed ‘family values’ party are single and childless misanthropes like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

Even your dear leader who was fond of ignoring African-Americans, except the two affirmative action hires of Rice and Powell, is now reduced to running around Africa and getting accolades for what would clearly be described by you and your fellow travelers as a bunch of feel good welfarism.

The US economy is in shambles, the US military mired in Afghanistan, Iraq and the neo-cons are hoping to add Iran and Syria into the mix. Meanwhile Russia and China are laughing loudly. Russia looking at the US in the same way we looked at the Soviet Union in their daying days(Afghanistan played a big role in their demise too) and China is looking at America the way America looked at the Soviet Union too. China will be able to compete with our space race because they have all of our money. What was it Mao said about the the US selling the rope with which tio hang itself.

There is a whole new world out there Gary and a new younger generation will be hearing the name George W. Bush with the same contempt that you and your ilk used to spit out the name Jimmy Carter.

America is a weaker place because of Bushism and 30 yeers of conservative rule.

Enjoy the devolution baby.



Dudes, I’m totally taking Gary’s advice. His predictions about the 2006 race were Teh Awesome.


Speaking of smirking soicopaths and criminal filth, William Kristol has a new op-ed in NYT: Democrats Should Read Kipling.

Kristol: “Browsing through a used-book store Friday — in the Milwaukee airport, of all places — I came across a 1981 paperback collection of George Orwell’s essays.”

Of all places, indeed!


Thanks for the RNC update Gary!

You’re a good spy! Don’t ever let anyone tell you any differently.


You couldn’t be more wrong, Sam. Manolo sucks ass.

Oh, OK. Thanks for pointing that out. I see the error of my ways, now.


brought to you by Mountain Dew

In toinights show Noam Chomsky fights Ward Churchill in a barbedf wired cage, witH jane Fonda as special geusst referee

guitarist manqué

I keep thinking about what g said, why is it that the garysaulbot is here 24/7? Why isn’t he hanging with his own kind, grumbling about Bretton Woods and the grassy knoll and how awesome Rush is? Why does he poison our threads and generally do all he can to make us teh stoopid like him? Isn’t there some waiting room at the end of the universe full of Paultards, Tom Cruisites and followers of the ‘Secret Underwears’ where he can find fulfillment among his own kind? What have we done to call down this plague of trollitude?

Will no one rid me of this troublesome troll?


“Democrats Should Read Kipling”

Stay tuned for next week’s episode of “Advice from Your Mortal Enemies”!


“Why America should embrace German Hegemony” by Adolph Hitler.


“Crucifixion? What Crucifiction?” by Pontius Pilate.


“Advice for Rootless Cosmopolitans”

by Stalin


no matter which you use, someone will point out it was incorrect.

So I figured, if I am to be hoist on my own petar *grin*, I ought to at least have some fun with it.

It is actually “petard”…


Bob Novak has plenty of advice for Democrats, as well….

For the first time, New Orleans elites are concentrating on something other than Mardi Gras.

I think that what Bob is actually saying is,
“Thanks to Katrina, I have discovered that New Orleans isn’t just an adult Disneyworld where I can get drunk and grope chicks. During the offseason, it also makes a great laboratory for studying new ways to keep colored people from being so damned lazy!”

To which I reply,
“Bob, shouldn’t you be in jail right now?”


Hey, has anyone gone to Crazy PAmmy’s place to see her brilliant post? Never one to resort to racism (she prefers to call it “truth telling”), Pammy is trying to prove that Obama is actually an Arab, unseen Kenyan archival documents prove it. If you doubt her, check at the Kenyan archives!


Pam is pushing the Protocols of the Elders of Kenya.

More full throated lunacy from the Neo-Nazi set.

Replace the word Jew for the word Muslim for each and every anti-Islamofascist screed you see.

You’ll get the point rather quickly.



Actually, my brother used to go to the same gym as Senator Obama and our uncle was suite-mates with Ted Kaczynski at Harvard. True story. So, there you go, with degrees to spare.


One is hoist by or with one’s own petard but not on it. Please make a note of it and do not make me repeat myself.


After I pointed out that Manolo sucks ass, SamFromUtah wrote:

Oh, OK. Thanks for pointing that out. I see the error of my ways, now.

You’re welcome. Glad to be of service!

The Hypocritical Left


You compare unrepentent criminal terrorists like Ayers with George Washington.

See, once you get leftists to speak their minds, the ugly truth comes out.

The Hypocritical Left


One is hoist by or with one’s own petard but not on it.

I believe that the correct term for that is a “Reverse Slim Pickens”.


You compare unrepentent criminal terrorists like Ayers with George Washington.

Did George Washington repent? I must have missed it. I’m quite mad, you know.


The most common characteristic of Loyalist [British sympathizers] thought was its conservatism. Nearly all Loyalists of any consequence believed in the political status quo. Undoubtedly, this conservatism stemmed in part from a desire to preserve political power, but Loyalists also believed that any disruption of the traditional political arrangement was hazardous to the body politic. Furthermore, Loyalists tied their commitment to the status quo to their belief in aristocracy and deference….

Yet during the Revolutionary War, many of them suffered persecution at the hands of the revolutionaries. Each state governments passed a Test Act….[Anyone] who refused the oath could face several penalties, including imprisonment, disenfranchisement, additional taxes, land confiscation, and banishment. In November 1777, the Continental Congress recommended that the states confiscate Loyalists’ property… Also, by 1777 most states had passed legislation that declared loyalism a treasonous act….[S]ome executions occurred.”

Can’t you see the conservative colonists calling George Washington a traitor for disagreeing with King George?


You compare unrepentent criminal terrorists like Ayers with George Washington.


The Hypocritical Left

Excellent! You lefties are bold enough again to show your true colors.

And now come the praise for Mao, Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, and the whole cast of murderers and gangsters that are pleased to share your political ideology. Recasting society in their own image – with violence – criminal filth all.


Recasting society in their own image – with violence – criminal filth all.

You’re talking about Washington again, right?


Yawn. Somebody’s jealous he just has boring old McCain, whom nobody likes.


Better trolls plz


Yeah, most of the GOP who spend their time singing the praises of Teh Founders would have been Tories. That they have never understood this has long been a sad source of amusement for me.

And now, for something completely different, on the History Channel this morning The Presidents series episode included James Buchanan. My first thought was, “James Buchanan rejoice! You’re no longer in last place.” Arrrrr, there’s meme opportunity there, me buckoo.


Yeah, most of the GOP who spend their time singing the praises of Teh Founders would have been Tories. That they have never understood this has long been a sad source of amusement for me.

A great many loyalists in North America wound up as Canadians, who do not now, as a whole, seem to have suffered greatly for this difference.


I dunno, Guitar Manque, Gary’s just been around here a long time. He’s sort of part of the furniture.


The fact is that George Washington was a man who did not respect the legitimate authority of George III and led a violent rebellion against UK crown and empire and sold out UK loyalty and freedom for cheaper tea. He should have been captured and hung or taken out by an assassin’s bullet like that vicious shit Michael Collins.

I agree with my modern day doppelgänger, Gary, about donkey sex but not about cows. Maybe cows are not as hot as they were in my day but this is the fault of liberal traitors.


We R too hotteez.


And now come the praise for Mao, Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, and the whole cast of murderers and gangsters that are pleased to share your political ideology. Recasting society in their own image – with violence – criminal filth all.

Those are indeed some groovy dudes. They’re all over here right now, along with a very relaxed Uncle Ho, the sizzling Elena Ceausescu, the mighty Bela Kun, and that hard-rockin’ maniac Vyacheslav Molotov. Pol is firing up the double-headed dragon bong (they don’t call him ‘Pot’ for nothing), and we’re getting ready for a relaxing Presidents’ Day afternoon of formulating sinister Bolshevik plots and wallowing in criminal filth.


HypoLeft wrote:

Bill Ayers is criminal filth…. [etc.]

Fuck off, Bernard.


Do I really have to dredge up all the info on Cheney’s Haliburton’s ties with dictators all over the world, including one who boiled his enemies alive? Reagan and Iran-Contra? Rumsfeld and Saddam in the 1980s?

Please. Read something besides “Why Everyone Else is a Meanie and My Daddy President is Wonderful.”


Fuck off, Bernard.

Are you familiar with the entity that calls itself “The Hypocritical left”, Mrs. Tilton?


When did former 76ers coach Randy Ayers join the left?

The Hypocritical Left

Tilden –

Care to differ on my opinion of Bill Ayers? Oh dear – do tell how you love that bombing, terroristic scum bag.


Care to differ on my opinion of Bill Ayers? Oh dear – do tell how you love that bombing, terroristic scum bag.

Who said they loved him?


For that matter, who’s even heard of the man before today? When he was a criminal, I was watching Scoobie Doo cartoons. And I’m middle-aged.


The right-wing obsession with ‘the Sixties’ always manages to amaze me with its pure absurdity. I don’t really know why they are so fixated.


It’s like “The One Ring”- they seem to feel that if they could only destroy “The Sixties” once and for all, nothing could stop them.

The Hypocritical Left

Face it – Ayers is exactly what people think of when they think of the radical Left.

Comes from wealth? Check.
Radicalized youth? Check.
Rage on behalf of “the people”? You got it.
Bombs and murders in service of his own furious narcissism? Yep.
And the capper – got away with it scot free? Oh yes.
He’s now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the pride of the academic Left.

Now, you ask who has heard of him. My guess is that his grinning, hateful face on a national news magazine the week of September 11 2001 introduced this icon of the Left to millions.

He is you, lefties. Embrace it, run from it, or just stand there looking vaguely embarrassed – Ayers is your poster child and your legacy. And the reason why your furious idiocies are transparent to the people you call stupid, the tens of millions who vote for conservatives and are glad to do so.

Ugly isn’t the half of it for you people.


Face it – Ayers is exactly what people think of when they think of the radical Left.

Not at all. Thanks to Rush they think of Hillary Clinton.


Don’t hold Bill Ayers too closely, “Hypocritical Left”. If you do, you may become infected by his voodoo wavy-gravy left-wing disease. Bill Ayres has powers that reach across space and time. If you say, “Bill Ayres” three times in front of the mirror at midnight, he will appear with a purple toupee and a hook for his left hand, and pull you through the mirror! It happened to a guy I knew in College.


And the reason why your furious idiocies are transparent…

I like the ‘furious idiocies’ phrase… but I’m afraid that you seem to be the only furious idiot currently active on this thread.


What national news magazine?


UIC is the pride of the Academic Left?

F#*K YEAH! Take that, Cal-Berkeley! Up yours, UW-Madison!

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Democrats Should Read Kipling

Republicans should read.


Wiat The Hypoicrital Left just described former marxist David Horowitz


Face it – Ayers is exactly what people think of when they think of the radical Left.

Not at all. Thanks to Rush they think of Hillary Clinton.

LOL – RB FTW!!!!111!!

The Hypocritical Left reminds me of Jose Chung. Snide, nasty, and completely oblivious of the incredibly breakable glass house he returns to after he casts his stones.


He is you, lefties. Embrace it, run from it, or just stand there looking vaguely embarrassed – Ayers is your poster child and your legacy.

Never heard of him.

I usually try to emulate Gandhi or Jesus, but if you say so…

The Hypocritical Left

Snorghagen – I like that phrase, too. It sums up the Left very well. If I could work in your terminal narcissism it would be dead on perfect.

Woman – Bill Ayers was profiled in the September 17, 2001 issue of the New York Times under the heading “No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives.” The same story ran in Parade magazine, appearing in tens of millions of households coast to coast. The cover picture has the hideously leering Ayers, grinning as he contemplates both the bombs he set and the soft, protected life he know leads.

“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.” – Bill Ayers, hero to the Left


Can I has furryous idiot tag?


that’s two


How long until Ward Churchill, whom I still know nothing about (except that supposedly he represents me), is brought up by Glass Houseboy?


That’s Hypocrite’s new Nom de Plume, BTW.

Glass Houseboy. Exclusively refer to it by that handle from now on.

That is all.


Will “the Hypocrital leeft” embrace poster boys for the republican party Fred Phelps and David Duke., along with thsoe reformed Klansem in the Minutemnen

The Hypocritical Left

FillB – the pride of the Left is, of course, Ayers. I’ve hit a nerve, because I’ve exposed you people for what you are.

The charge of hypocricy seems to hit home the most. You snark about harmless pudgy campus libertarians, and you praise vicious aggressive campus lefties. I never understood how people like Ayers – and Ward Churchill – could suck off the public tit and live such weak sheltered lives while screeching their rage at the very people that support them. Narcissism may be even more accurate a term for them – a black, empty, hate filled narcissism. There is little of politics remaining in the radical Left, just a frigid idiotic selfishness made happy only by the smashing of whatever anyone else has made.


Don’t forget Jack ‘Slimy’ Abramoff, Larry ‘Wide Stance’ Craig, Bob ‘Aren’t You Supposed to be Paying Me?’ Allen, Ted ‘Haggard’ Haggard, Planet Denny ‘Ohh, Look! Little Boys’ Hastert…

Shall I go on? For this is the face of the modern Republican Party.

Suck on that, Hypocritical Left Glass Houseboy.


The charge of hypocricy seems to hit home the most.

He who misspelled it dealt it.


You’re boring me, Houseboy. I mention Churchill three comments above yours, and like clockwork, you jump on it.

You, Houseboy, are an Ass Hat. An unimaginative one at that.


Yet another “hero of the Left” we have to look up to know who he even is. Hell, nowadays everyone thinks “Weather Underground” is just a website you check before you plan a picnic. Tell you what, though, just to make you happy I absolutely PROMISE not to vote for him for ANY office!

The Hypocritical Left

Oh dear, where has your precious snark gone? I’ve hit a nerve, boys and girls, and that’s because you’ve been exposed.

Bill Ayers.

That’s all it takes, and the hypocricy of the Left comes into full relief. One smirking, rich, tenured, Professor is all it takes to examine the American Left; one pampered rich boy who set bombs for other Americans to “fight the power” and is now a hero of the Left, who got away with his crimes and now leers his sickening serpent’s smile on the cover of our magazines.

Come, wipe those tears away and still your trembling chins. I’ll hit you again and again on this subject as much as I like, and no amount of “what about” -ery is going to bail you out.

Anyway, I know plenty of you lefties admire Ayers. Speaking of that, where is my favorite Violent Psycho Lefty?


Oh, Houseboy is the ‘Mikey Smells Like Shit’ guy. Classy.

Alright, man, explain how these ‘heroes’ of our could be people none of us have ever heard of?

My heroes are (historically) MLK and Gandhi, and (legendarily) Buddha and Jesus.

Where does some B-List revolutionary fit in with them?


“Hero of the Left”

Marti N Luther King
FrankliN Delano oosevelt

and some guy an internet sociopath seems to think reprensents the left


That’s all it takes,

What’s all it takes, o noble Quixote?


MLK, Jr, that is.



Are you familiar with the entity that calls itself “The Hypocritical left”, Mrs. Tilton?

Familiar enough with it as a type, alas, though I don’t know it personally. But I think this guy might be Glass Houseboy. Same tone, same obsessions.


I guess the houseboys are only going to get more shrill, angry and desperate. More racism, more accusations, more threats, more hatred. It’s all they know.


Orlando Bosch. My hero.


He who misspelled it dealt it.



From the mind of ‘The Hypocritical Left’:

criminal filth…sociopathic…the hateful face of leftist violence grinning at us all…furious idiocies…ugly…murderers and gangsters… bombing, terroristic scum bag… terminal narcissism…hideously leering… kill your parents…vicious aggressive campus lefties… screeching their rage… black, empty, hate filled narcissism…frigid idiotic selfishness… leers his sickening serpent’s smile on the cover of our magazines

Wow. Ease up on the meth, dude.



Let me introduce you to our presidents new best friend, President Karimov of Uzbekistan.

President Karimov government was awarded $500m in aid from the Bush administration in 2002. The SNB (Uzbekistan’s security service) received $79m of this sum.

The U.S. State Department web site states “Uzbekistan is not a democracy and does not have a free press. Many opponents of the government have fled, and others have been arrested.” and “The police force and the intelligence service use torture as a routine investigation technique.”

Nice friends you rightists have. Karimov had his enemies boiled alive.

Seven months before Sept. 11, 2001, the State Department issued a human rights report on Uzbekistan. It was a litany of horrors.

The police repeatedly tortured prisoners, State Department officials wrote, noting that the most common techniques were “beating, often with blunt weapons, and asphyxiation with a gas mask.” Separately, international human rights groups had reported that torture in Uzbek jails included boiling of body parts, using electroshock on genitals and plucking off fingernails and toenails with pliers. Two prisoners were boiled to death, the groups reported. The February 2001 State Department report stated bluntly: “Uzbekistan is an authoritarian state with limited civil rights.”

Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, however, the Bush administration turned to Uzbekistan as a partner in the global fight against terrorism. The nation, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, granted the United States the use of a military base for fighting the Taliban across the border in Afghanistan. President Bush welcomed Uzbek President Islam Karimov to the White House, and the United States has given Uzbekistan more than $500 million for border control and other security measures.

Now there is increasing evidence that the United States has sent terror suspects to Uzbekistan for detention and interrogation, even as Uzbekistan’s treatment of its own prisoners continues to earn it admonishments from around the world, including from the State Department.

Disgusting. And you support this man.


Hey, I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut that nobody here was planning on voting for Ayers! And I’ll bet that Glass House will vote for a pro-torture, pro-war candidate with the blood of innocents still wet on his hands before some here even get around to wikiing Ayers!


President Karimov of Uzbekistan is the face of the Neo-cons.

Come, wipe those tears away from you Cheeto-stained cheeks and still your GameFuel-dribbling chins. I’ll hit you again and again on this subject as much as I like, and no amount of “what about”-ery is going to bail you out.


In fact, Computer Swank demonstrates a level of understated self-awareness that is lacking in the original.

Yes, but what about the womb babies? Think of the poor womb babies!!!11!!


I can do this all day too. Lord knows there’s enough evidence of right-wing greed, venality, and perversity on the ‘net.


“No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives.”

Hey! That sounds like somebody I know!

Whatsamatter houseboy? I didn’t do enough for my country to earn the right to believe in whatever political ideology I choose? Hmm. Go ahead and tell us what you’ve done to earn the right to yours.

I’m all, as they say, ears…



Hey, I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut that nobody here was planning on voting for Ayers!

The gold standard was never as tasty as the doughnut standard.


I think we ran that venal little troll right on out of here.

Any time a Rightard mentions hypocrisy, I pull out the old Jesus card.

Like Colt .45, it works every time.

The Hypocritical Left

Ah, you rally, and you come up with….

Neocon slurs?
Gameboy references?

I think you are still reeling from being exposed. Ayers is the modern American Left, and feebly bleating “What about so-and-so?” isn’t going to save you. I am enjoying watching you flail about helplessly, your shallow wit unable to convey you to safe ground.

And Snorghagen, I’m glad you are enjoying my turn of phrase. Ayers is a smug, sadistic criminal who, in a mockery of all things just, preens himself in perfect safety from his academic perch. (though you’d enjoy that).


I think we ran that venal little troll right on out of here.

Yeesh! don’t jinx it!


I think we ran that venal little troll right on out of here.

Nah, he just had to report to the nurses’ station for his afternoon medications.

And Snorghagen, I’m glad you are enjoying my turn of phrase. Ayers is a smug, sadistic criminal who, in a mockery of all things just, preens himself in perfect safety from his academic perch. (though you’d enjoy that).

Yes, I am enjoying it, but please try to control the spittle-flecking.


HL wrote:

“He’s now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the pride of the academic Left.”

HL meant:

Ayers, the pride of the academic left, is now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Now, HL, I am saddened to learn that UIC, a fine member of the University of Illinois system, is NOT the pride of the academic Left.

But how are we supposed to appreciate how smart you are if you fail to grasp the basics of English composition?


“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.” – Bill Ayers, hero to the Left

Whoa! It’s THAT Bill Ayers ?!?! Thanks for letting me know – I need to go out and votefor him immediately. Is the ‘God’ nominaiton wrapped up yet?


Jeebs! Nw my wreless kyboardis ntonly lsing keystrokes, i’s transposing them. Fck!


Break up their cars and apartments.

How does one go about that, exactly?

I never understood how people like [Ruberry] – and [Jonah Goldberg] – could suck off the public tit and live such weak sheltered lives while screeching their rage at the very people that support them. Narcissism may be even more accurate a term for them – a black, empty, hate filled narcissism. There is little of politics remaining in the [fRightwing], just a frigid idiotic selfishness made happy only by the smashing of whatever anyone else has made.



Crap, PeeJ, that’s going to cost me a doughnut, darn your hide! TAKE IT BACK!


And there I was, complaining about the other trolls.



Ayers is the modern American Left

This statement is up for both the Hyperbolic Neo-Speak award as well as the Who the Hell Is That? plaque.


Break up their cars and apartments.
How does one go about that, exactly?

It requires superhuman leftwing powers.


Fortunately the JanusNode makes sense of all this.

Tells us that are bold enough again to punch him in their minds, the power and are enjoying watching you people. Break up rich and killings. Tells us that bombing, terroristic scum bag. Excellent! You got away and gangsters that Ayers – do enough. Ayers recently said, I like, and Ward Churchill – a black, empty, hate filled narcissism. There is now a term for other Americans to millions.
He is the academic perch. (though you’d enjoy that). Oh dear, where has made. Ugly isn’t going to relate to speak their cars and that’s because I’ve exposed you are enjoying watching you people for what about so-and-so? Isn’t the half of households coast to hit home the capper – Ayers has heard of our magazines. Come, wipe those tears away and apartments. Bring the University of all the hateful face of Commonwealth Edison – criminal who, in perfect safety from it, run from civilization. But Ayers recently said, I like, and girls, and that’s because I’ve exposed you lefties admire Ayers.


He is the academic perch.

Leftist fish!!!!


How does one go about that, exactly?

You use the dreaded left-bomb.


He is the academic perch.

Leftist fish!!!!

Yow! They’re in the water, where we can’t see ’em!


Leftist fish don’t know what water is.


Here,I’ll cover it for you tig.


Peej, what the fuck is that?

And where can I get one?


My statements don’t even make sense today. A sign that I better do the task that I’ve been putting off.


Curiously “advanced baconetics” is a phrase nobody has seen fit to give legitimacy to.


My statements don’t even make sense today.

It’s not necessary to make sense. It’s only necessary to hideously leer like a serpent.


That, my friends, is a bacon maple bar. Maybe you’d prefer one of these?

Available from Vodoo Donut in Portland. Available, I might add, at 2:45 a.m. when it’s most needed.


That’s a very generous offer, but you know if that’s not fair trade organic soy bacon you’ll have to turn in your Ayers/Churchill Fan Club card, and just before the big “We Love Terrorists!” gay abortion ball, too…


Err, Voodoo “Doughnut.” Still, the magic is in the hole!


It’s only necessary to hideously leer like a serpent.

Thanks, I’ll practice that today until my girlfreind tells me to knock it off.


Dare I call Barack Obama the nigger in the woodpile?


if that’s not fair trade organic soy bacon you’ll have to turn in your Ayers/Churchill Fan Club card

Seriously. Think of the little bacons squirming around without a mama.


Sure is. And the maple comes from Vermont! From left wing fascist hugging TREES!

Do I get VIP passes? Comped dead-baby-raspberry Cosmos?


That, my friends, is a bacon maple bar.

Proof of a benevolent Noodly Appendage, to be sure.


It’s a lefty free-love gala, I can virtually guarantee you’ll get passes.


Voodoo Donuts. Chocolate cock balls? Really.


Can we get some HTML Mencken action here, commenting on how we on Teh Left only believe in gay abortions and heroin? Cause that would be groovy, man…


Break up their cars and apartments

Tell the cars that the apartments thinks they’re fat. Tell the apartment that the cars think they’re better than apartments. Watch the chaos.


We like the cars
The cars that go Boom
We’re liberal
and funny
and we like the Boom.


More evidence that liberals are taking commands from Soros via his cappo, Bill Ayers.

Cars that go Boom? The violence is appalling!


That was not me leaving that last comment.


Tigre and Bunny in tha fuckin house cold wreckin shit. BOOM!!


See what happens when you leave me in here all alone? All the different voices in my head start to manifest themselves in lame attempts at humor.

Look over there! Nude Linsay Lohan As Marilyn!


That’s what I’m talking about.


Lindsay as Marilyn



Why does the spam filter hate me so? Isn’t my IP on the right side of the tracks? Does not my handle appear commonly in this good land?



Let the JanusNode deal with this idiotic spam filter:

May a misunderstanding’s lover make you ooze klutzy vital fluids, you ill-begotten horrible piece of crap!

Your failure to think of others is the best you can hope for, you contemptible madman!

May doing a good deed exploit your spouse, you flaming depressing ladybug-thigh!

May an accountant’s desire exploit you, you simple-minded insect-muncher!

You insufferable scurvy illness-bonehead, I hope that your sexual practice will wallow in your own mate!

May your lizard make you ooze dishonest brain tissue, you psychotic inept snake!


You’re too much, Bubba.

Well, I can see that I have thoroughly hijacked this thread.

And now I must go home to my (High-speed/Cable/Any Kind of Electronic Modern Convenience)-less home.

Adieu! And tell Billy Ayres I’ll call him later about that sweet moonbat welfare from Soros.


Hokay. No.

Honestly, I can deal with the fuckhead calling MY vital fluids “klutzy”. I can handle the atrocious insults such as “Ladybug-Thigh” and “Insect-Muncher”. But dood. Seriously. You keep baggin my lizard and you and me are gonna go round n round…



May an accountant’s desire exploit you

That’s a pretty terrifying curse.


‘Specially if you’ve met my accountant…



May a misunderstanding’s lover make you ooze klutzy vital fluids, you ill-begotten horrible piece of crap!

Righteous Bubba is all about the sweet talk tonight.


Late to the party, and trying to catch up.
Skimming through the earlier comments, I gather that this Ayers guy can leer like a serpent, but at the same time he’s sitting on a perch, preening his plumage. He sounds like the latest avatar of Quetzalcoatl.
I wonder what Ayer did to earn the undying, single-minded enmity of Hypocritical Left (since he doesn’t seem to have committed many crimes that the US govt. actually bothered to charge him for). Parked his car in the wrong place, perhaps.

Something about Hypocritical Left’s style is familiar. Here’s a comment from gotcha, from a thread back in November:

I taste hypocrisy when I visit this cesspool. Amid all your girlie whining about the Andy Stephenson incident, you conveniently forget …
So shut your filthy traps about “wingnut meanies” you pot-addled scumbags.


I wonder what Ayer did to earn the undying, single-minded enmity of Hypocritical Left

I believe he is responsible for the invasion of a country and the subsequent deaths of thousands of innocents.


Ayers showed up smirking on the cover of the Chicago Tribune Magazine the week of September 11, 2001, the hateful face of leftist violence grinning at us all.

Which is meaningful because newspaper magazines are not prepared ahead of time.

If I ever saw him on the street, I’d like to punch him in the face.

Here I actually salute HL’s wording – didn’t say he WOULD punch Ayers in the face – didn’t, in fact, say he wouldn’t run away with a yellow stream running down his leg into his shoe.


Ayers is the modern American Left

Just like Bill Buckley IS the modern American right.

Oh, for the days of semi-coherent conservatism…


Just like Bill Buckley IS the modern American right.

Or how about William Potter Gale? I mean, if you want it to be a little more symmetrically “what the whosis?”


Oh, I can’t tell you how pleased I was to see so many posts when I returned home after spending 5 hours in the center seat in the back row of a 737 with an 18 month old baby on her mom’s lap next to me, and another one screaming across the aisle.

How nice to see the Bill Ayers discussion fully addressed by our new friend, GlassHouse Boy. Bill Ayers sounds like a real serious customer. Am I missing something in his biography? – you know, the part where all charges were dropped? So he actually was never charged or convicted with anything?

He sounds like the latest avatar of Quetzalcoatl.

OMG! don’t tell me Bill Ayers is also a mexlamoaztlanconquistaliberofacist!!!!!

Hypocritical Left

Read this:

and you learn about the vicious, conniving Ayers. Sounds like the perfect background for a tenured position in American academia.


Nobody cares, Houseboy.

Hypocritical Left


Oh, but you do.

This one stings, because you know how pernicious his existence is to the Left’s thin facade of respectability. Ayers is a sneering bile-filled bigot, grown fat and content atop the university food chain. What better example to point out the stinking hypocricy and elitist hatred of America’s professors than Mr Weather Underground himself, Bill Ayers. A criminal who never comes to justice, a vile terrorist who not only doesn’t repent, but throws his acts cynically in our faces – that is exactly what people have in mind when they think of the Left that has taken over American higher education.

I think you care very deeply about this, Susan.


I’m a stupid asswipe, and I have no understanding of the world and the way people actually think, but I think you care very deeply about this, Susan. Please don’t question my delusions…


Hypocritical Left

Ah, the flashback kid checks in! You certainly do seem like an asswipe, Mikey, but I love you anyway. You have a nice big hard on for Ayers, don’t you?


A criminal who never comes to justice, a vile terrorist who not only doesn’t repent, but throws his acts cynically in our faces – that is exactly what people have in mind when they think of the Left that has taken over American higher education.

Well, you are right that Henry Kissinger has never been brought to justice, and that he was appointed to Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, and served as the Chancellor of the College of William and Mary – but most people wouldn’t call him a leftist

You want to know who I think the real traitors are? Cowardly little chickenshits like you who won’t put their own safety on the line, but have the guts to anonymously call a Vietnam vet “flashback kid”. You are just lucky you have liberals to protect the freedom you shit on.


I think maybe Hypocritcal Left might be a student who got a bad grade in Ayers’ class.

What a fucking loser.


I think you care very deeply about this, Susan.

Actually, I think YOU care very deeply about this, Hypocritical Loser, but I think it’s personal on your part, so why don’t you go make an appointment with your counselor, and work things out on your own?


The flashback kid!

Hee hee. That’s pretty good. I’ll own that.

Heh heh. Still chuckling.

See, here’s the thing, dickhead. You have to actually DO something, experience something, hold the line and make some kind of statement, in order to have the opportunity to be a “flashback kid”.

But here’s a real question. Why doesn’t my service carry any weight with you. Your president didn’t go. Vice prez? Nope. I went. I fought. I came home. Now I know we don’t agree with one another politically, but why would that cause you, the militarist one, to make light of my service?



An authoritarian grandfather who lived in Chicago lived in constant fear of hatred. He decided to study anti-realist religious theory. In the course of his studies, he met Bob Dylan, at that time very charismatic, who cured the problem with a fierce ornamental tasty protestation. Our little authoritarian grandfather (now egocentric and ageless) started a pig farm instead.

The Hypocritical Lecter

I think you care very deeply about this, Susan. You still wake up sometimes, don’t you? You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs.


…he met Bob Dylan, at that time very charismatic, who cured the problem with a fierce ornamental tasty protestation.

If anyone could cure a problem that way, it’d be ol’ Bob.

That JanusNode thing rocks.


Yeah I was trying to figure out what the hell fierce ornamental tasty protestation was. JanusNode, of course… sometimes nonsense makes the most sense.


So the Houseboy has started channelling Davey Horowitz. There’s a surprise. I expect he’ll demand any minute now that Obama distance himself from America’s Most Dangerous Professor.

I vaguely recall some old sci-fi thing I once saw; maybe it was a Star Trek episode. There was this bizarre alien entity, and it fed on people’s emotions. The Houseboy is basically that sort of alien, I think, though it feeds not on emotions but on attention. May I suggest that we withhold its nourishment and leave it to howl, alone and hungry, in the void?


Damn. We attract the dumbest trolls.


Yes, I think Mrs. Tilton has the best plan.




It wasn’t Star Trek, it was Red Dwarf…

Hypocritical Left

When the snark disappears and raw emotion flares on the surface, I know I’ve struck a nerve. The American Left is violent, hypocritical, and narcissistic; Ayers embodies all of these traits, and the faint echo heard here validates my statements.

Have a good one, children.

Hypocritical Left


Glad you like the line – feel free to use it.

Rather than ask me to genuflect at the feet of your service, why don’t you share what you really feel about Ayers? Now that would be interesting.


So what DID Professor Ayers write in the margins of your senior essay, that makes you so upset, HL?


But here’s a real question. Why doesn’t my service carry any weight with you. Your president didn’t go. Vice prez? Nope. I went. I fought. I came home. Now I know we don’t agree with one another politically, but why would that cause you, the militarist one, to make light of my service?

I have a hypothesis that it’s the same thing that made Rush call the returning vets who spoke out against the latest adventure in Iraq “phony soldiers.”

They can’t believe that someone who actually was there wouldn’t agree with their POV so those people cannot have possibly experienced war.

If they stipulate your legitimacy as a veteran, their world view would implode.


why don’t you share what you really feel about Ayers?


Never heard of him. Have no idea who he is or why you’re foaming at the mouth over him. He’s had zero impact on me or my worldview, and to be honest I can’t be assed to look him up on wiki.

He gets an authoritarian thug like you all spun up, so I give him points for that. Whatever he did in his life, it’s scum like you that are the real threat to america and the freedoms and ideals she represents.

But you go right ahead and let obscure figures from the distant past raise your blood pressure. I can’t for the life of me see a downside to that…



Here’s a suggestion: Mikey on the front page. And gay abortion.


Guys, he’s STRUCK A NERVE! Can’t you see? I mean, he certainly keeps repeating it often enough. Where are my smelling salts?

Chalk me up as another lifelong liberal (also ex-military, for what it’s worth) who’s never heard of Ayers. Then again, I don’t get mass talking-point emails to tell me what to think or who to hate.


Mikey getting a gay abortion on the front page.


Mikey getting a gay abortion on the front page

An Islamic gay abortion!


Mikey getting a gay abortion on the front page
An Islamic gay abortion!

From a Mexican!


That sounds like a sure-fire recipe for WIN!


Um. Will there be anesthetic?



All pain will be relieved by the sweet sound of the Dixie Chicks whistling La Marseillaise.


And large quantities of illegal(but fair trade) narcotics?


I think I like this Janus Node thingy. Soon as I can figure it out.

You are the ultimate example of a dishonest psychotic bimbo, you spider’s nose!
You unschooled kooky knave-madman, I hope that your rodent will wreck your own mate!
You are nothing more than a nude leg’s leg, you cobra’s cup!
You are the ultimate example of an impotent dolt, you trout’s thing!
You sodden lobotomized sack of flesh-snake, I hope that your experience will destroy your own descendants!
You lobotomized maniacal chump- zipperhead, why don’t you go mutilate your own boyfriend?!
You gibbering imbecile-goofball, I hope that your lizard will assassinate your own value system!
You disgusting pathetic alien-yob, why don’t you go tax your own manhood?!
May a gift torment you, you cancerous lobotomized tumour!
You are nothing more than a sad scurvy dolt, you myopic alien!

Hey, Houseboy, didja know Laura Bush killed a guy?


You are the ultimate example of a dishonest psychotic bimbo, you spider’s nose!
You unschooled kooky knave-madman, I hope that your rodent will wreck your own mate!
You are nothing more than a nude leg’s leg, you cobra’s cup!
You are the ultimate example of an impotent dolt, you trout’s thing!
You sodden lobotomized sack of flesh-snake, I hope that your experience will destroy your own descendants!
You lobotomized maniacal chump- zipperhead, why don’t you go mutilate your own boyfriend?!
You gibbering imbecile-goofball, I hope that your lizard will assassinate your own value system!
You disgusting pathetic alien-yob, why don’t you go tax your own manhood?!
May a gift torment you, you cancerous lobotomized tumour!
You are nothing more than a sad scurvy dolt, you myopic alien!

Wow,, the Desiderata!


and you learn about the vicious, conniving Ayers. Sounds like the perfect background for a tenured position in American academia.

Thus is revealed how Victor David Hanson & Glenn Reynolds still have jobs…


There was this bizarre alien entity, and it fed on people’s emotions.

Yes, and the Klingons were on board the Enterprise, they all had to start laughing at the energy lifeform.

The Day Of The Dove


My JanusNode can beat up your JanusNode.

You wanton decrepit bastard-piece of crap, why don’t you go hurt your own unknown?

May a lizard make you drip flea’s excretions, you grief-inducing fake!

May a hope bring displeasure to you, you blabbering disease-carrying benevolence-pitying!

Simplistic thinking is all you can hope for, you debauched turkey!

You are a contemptible being’s, you cadaver’s elephant!

Betrayal is the best you can hope for, you bastard vermin!

You are nothing more than a scurvy punk, you primitive ogre!


May an irresistible geneticist make de terrorists’ body drip scurvy bone marrow, terrorists depressin’ hoop case! A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare! Right on! A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare! Non-Americans hate freedom. uh dis ya’ may be sho’ nuff. We’re all kind’a oochin’ along.


A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare! Right on! A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare!

You might have hit a loop, there, bub.


You might have hit a loop, there, bub.

JanusNode was feeling it.


Heh. Indeedly-do.


A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare!
I am hearing this in the voice of Mark E. Smith.
Does JanusNode have a Video feature?


Does JanusNode have a Video feature?

If only.

Those with a Mac might want to check out

But look out. If you’re just fooling around beware of the module that renames a folder of files to whatever the hell it feels like.


beware of the module that renames a folder of files to whatever the hell it feels like.

In the ancient times, ’86 or so, there was a little Mac program simply called “Monkey” that would generate random mouse moves, clicks, and keystrokes – all while showing a little animated icon of a chimpanzee pounding on a Macintosh. It could diddle your system in an amazingly short time.


I am hearing this in the voice of Mark E. Smith.
Seems like all of Janus Node works better in the voice of Capt. Beefheart.


[…] Ruberry got his feelings hurt when we made fun of his ridiculous post on how Obama is a terrorist because he sat on a community fund board with […]


Who’s Bill Ayers? Should I get a t-shirt made or something?


Goog Afternoon, I adore your blog. It’s Unique. My personal choice is boots but that’s just me. sustain the work. I’ll be checking in soon for future updates.


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