I had been hesitant to support Barrack Obama, but now that I know he condones violent revolution in the service of a proletarian dictatorship, sign me the fuck up.
Now if only those rumors about him being a stealth Muslim candidate were true, I’d have my dream man. Nothin’ says lovin’ like atheistic Sharia Law, baby!
Also, Roy points us to this astonishing piece from DoughBob LoadPants:
As I discuss at length in the book, totalitarianism was for Mussolini a way of uniting businesses, classes, regions, religions, institutions and people from “all walks of life” — in Obama’s words — in a common cause for the common good.
In other words, asking people to look beyond racial, religious and class differences is now the most fascist thing a politician can do.
Get outta here, ya maniac!
Best way to sneak in a “stealth Muslim” candidate is to name him Barack Hussein Obama.
Shorter Doughynut: If I can’t kick poor people I don’t want to be a part of your revolution!
Shorter Jonah: “But enough about me – what do you think of my book?”
I seem to recall someone who ran for office who promised to be “a uniter, not a divider.” And he in fact did turn out to be a fascist, just not a liberal one.
I also seem to recall Der Lodenhosen cheering him on from the sidelines in creating or worsening virtually every major disaster of the past 7 years.
Is he just going to keep this up until he reaches a critical mass of stupidity, after which he will implode and collapse into a tiny ball of suet?
You all seem to be ignoring the fact that Obama supporters put a Che flag in his offices in Houston, but refuses to put an American flag in there.
Barack Obama can’t win in November. He hasn’t won a primary in a single swing state. A good chunk of Hillary voters will become “McCain Democrats” due to the disgusting racist tactics of the Obama campaign.
While Hillary has a slight chance. McCain will defeat Obama by at least 15 points.
McCain is a moderate conservative, middle of the pack.
Obama is the most liberal senator, more liberal than a Socialist senator from Vermont.
Obama can’t win.
I thought you said there weren’t any Obama supporters in the south? That the liberals will take over the world? Make up your mind.
Ten points off your House for the wrong answer.
From Lone Star State, via the link:
Clearly he should have laid off the banks. Everything else would look great on an application for a job in the fourth branch of the U.S. government.
>> McCain is a moderate conservative, middle of the pack.
Now you’ve made my head hurt. While Hannity, Ingraham, Limbaugh. Coulter and all the other chattering heads of Wingnutia are telling us that McCain can’t win *because* he’s moderate and middle of the pack, you’re telling us that this is *the reason* that McCain’s going to win. While some of the wingnuts say they’ll vote for Hillary of McCain is running, you say that Hillary voters will switch to McCain if Obama runs. I’m just not smart enough for teh politicks.
I’ve been waiting for solid proof that wingtrolls misuse grammar for nefarious purposes, and here it is. With a single subject-verb disagreement, supporters subtly become the candidate, and thus is a new meme born. Good show, Gary. Those months of pretending not to grasp standard English usage have paid off. Go pick up your sweet, sweet Netvocates booty.
Um, we don’t have any socialist senators.
Should be Lone Star Times @ 1:55 above. My bad.
McCain is a moderate conservative, middle of the pack in the same way that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The media (and he) keep saying it’s so, so clearly it must be. The guy is a neo-con, plain and simple.
>. I’m just not smart enough for teh politicks.
Open teh Overton Window!
Mcain is a “moderate” mental patient. He is almost lucid at times!
Obama on the other hand, its a populist centrist, who is lucid all the time, except when he talks about religion.
More Goldberg:
What of Czar Nicholas II? He spoke in religious terms. Was he a fascist or a classical liberal? The debate topics are endless, in a moronically Manichaean way.
Um, we don’t have any socialist senators.
Oh come on. Out with it.
Can we all agree to pielist anyone doing that frist! thing?
Ugh. No. Bad.
And bradrocket, html, everyone, get over it. It’s Obama or the DLC. That’s what we call a no-brainer.
I think there should be a way to set a boobytrap if someone does the “frist” thing.
There is. Frist into the spam filter.
Like, say, make it come up on the page as “I voted for Alan Keyes!”?
Not a bad idea.
Okay, all you crypto-guevaristas. Explain this.
It’s Obama or the DLC.
“I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC.”
Explain this.
Every soul needs redemption, and Obama is here to unify us with Che AND Hitler, the T-shirt of which has not yet been manufactured.
Ohhhh, rb, I dream of the day when the Dems blacklist the DLC and purge their ranks of them. Who says a hint of McCarthy is always bad?
The thing about DoughBob is that he’s starting to make think about Billy Jack:
I mean I try, I really try not to click through, but when I see a line like “Anyway, one point several readers have made is that Reagan and countless others have used religious rhetoric and, presumably, I don’t think Reagan is a fascist.” and I think of the number of years that [I’m] going to have to carry in [my] memory… the savagery of this idiotic moment of yours… I just go BERSERK!
The thing about DoughBob is that he’s starting to make think about Billy Jack:
Nah. Don’t worry about it. Go beat some Canadians to death.
You’ll feel better for it. Trust me…
What is it, a full moon? Stryx is a berserker, ADB is Grouchy McGrumpynuts. Isn’t it cocktail hour yet for you people?
That’s it. Smiling Mortician is off the blog roll!
a commie-facist, stealth muslim who favors violent revolution, and who has fathered at least one black child
and you say he’s a proletarian too ???
sign me up
(watch out for exploding repuglitards)
Geez, if you think this is grouchy, good thing you didn’t know me between, say, 2001 and 2006.
Che Guevara, the chief executioner of Fidel Castro’s brutal revolution, was a bank robber, a cold-blooded murderer, an enthusiastic torturer and generally an evil, sociopathic bastard.
Sounds like current administration. Give Che a haircut and a suit and the GOP would want him to be McCain’s neo-con running mate
Che was a cold-blooded murderer? Does that mean he only killed reptiles? And fish. Oh, and I guess amphibians. And naked mole rats, the only cold-blooded mammals? Excepting Charles Krauthammer, obviously.
Au contraire, as them foreigners say. It’s true that Che’s methods and motivations were unforgivably uncouth, but it’s perfectly socially acceptable to rob financial institutions as long as you do it from the inside.
Goldberg thinks that when people point out the inanity and stupidity, the self-contradicting nature of his books they are trying to “convince” him! What is the use of pointing out to a complete idiot that he is an idiot? the reply will be “I remain unpersuaded.”
Actually, we do if he’s allowed to label himself.
Bernie Sanders I-VT
You can thank us later.
java phil from VT
Yep, this is horrible. I suggest Houston Republicans put up flag of US-supported mass-murdering Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista as a protest.
I shall never “frist” again.
Very sorry…
crawling back into my hole…
Um, we don’t have any socialist senators.
I think Gary(?) was referring to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who won his seat campaigning as a Socialist.
Obama-Sanders 2008! Venceremos!
Go do it to a day’s worth of posts from McArdle and all will be forgiven. Or you could just buy the next round.
Goldberg: “I don’t thing Regan *is* a fascist.”
Can’t argue with that!
Sometimes I just feel like crashing my car into something. It’s a good car tho, hate to waste it.
“Go do it to a day’s worth of posts from McArdle and all will be forgiven”
Wouldn’t that be “FIST?”
Just like the insane do not realize that they’re insane, the stupid do not realize that they’re stupid.
I’m trying to formulate some sort of Guevaran corollary to Godwin’s law. Because whenever I see some right-winger post something about how “all those damn hippies with their Che t-shirts, they have NO IDEA WHAT A MONSTER HE REALLY WAS”, I know they’re about to say something that illustrates that they, themselves, know pretty much nothing about Che Guevara.
Also, I assume everyone going batshit over the Cuban flag is equally repulsed by the presence of Confederate flags all over the Republican south, right? Right? Of course right.
To Obama’s staffers – People, people! How can you be effective cryptocommunists if you’re being so uncrypto about it?
Srsly. Do the Redtards think that commieslamomexohomofascist infiltrators would be so obvious? Only an idiot…
Oh, wait.
Um, we don’t have any socialist senators.
Sure we do–all the ones who have a (D) after their name, silly! Haven’t the wingnut blogs taught you anything? They’re all socialists, every last one of ’em! They’d all be Stalin if only they didn’t spend so much time hating the troops!
Bernie Sanders is no more a socialist than I am a circus elephant.
Sorry, but that particular idea just sort of pisses me off. He’s NOT a socialist if he’s not a party member, any more than Joe Lieberman is a Democrat at this point.
And in practice, Sanders is about as socialist as Lieberman is democrat – for which, see my circus elephant above.
Forgive my pissiness – today was the first round of mandated NCLB testing at my school, and I’m tired and cranky. Had one student completely freeze up under all the damn pressure and fail something she should have passed. If the Democrats don’t get their crap together on NCLB, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Stupid fuckers, the lot of them.
Grr. Argh.
“I remain unpersuaded.”
Also known as the “Don’t attack me for my opinion” defense.
I have a friend who got the Obama-is a-stealth-Muslim,-wouldn’t-say-the pledge- got-sworn-in-on-the-Koran e-mail that was floating around. Even after proving to the sender that the accusations were false, the sender maintained that she was being attacked simply because she had a different opinion.
Some rightwingers can’t tell the difference between opinion and lies.
MLP assumes logic on the part of everyone. Back to the library, Mister Pierce.
Mort, for me it’s a combination of overwork, cabin fever, and a raging cold that’s making me bounce offa the walls.
Right now I’m sitting in my office with several hours of work to do and staring at a bottle of rum, wondering how bad the interaction with the handful of cold meds could possibly be…..
you might as well consider that a warning, and an apology, for any other posting I do tonight.
Keep fighting the good fight Jillian.
I’m trying to figure out if there’s some way to tie NCLB to fascism.
billy pilgrim, I just thew in the towel and came home from my borg.
Teh job makes my brain hurt, and I suspect it’s a lost cause anyway.
Cheers! *hic*
Barack Obama would bring about the ruin of this Great Nation with his far-left socialist agenda of tax and spend, gun control, race baiting, and unlimited abortions and gay rights.
I wish we had nominated a more Conservative candidate than John McCain so the Republican base would be more fired up.
My suggestions for next election, do not allow anyone other than previously registered Republicans to vote in Republican primaries. That means no independents and no newly registered “republicans” as democrats can briefly change their party affiliation to vote for a moderate like McCain.
That will ensure that only a Conservative will get the Republican nomination.
When did “socialist” become a dirty word to you yanks? By observing modern politics, it is pretty clear that “socialist” is the opposite of “sociopath”.
It boggles the mind. The most left wing american is the one that advocates nationalized healthcare.. and the most right wing european is the one that advocates national healthcare with a side order of racist bullshit.
It is true. Socialism for the americans is like masturbation is for the catholics. They do it as little as possible, and do their best to ignore the relief it brings.
Why do the fake trolls think this is funny?
Jeebus, random idiot. Why masturbate when you can have seventeen kids instead?
Hang in there Jillian. NLCB is the worst.
I don’t disagree with your point but if Bernie wants to call himself a socialist, who am I to argue? Hell, he could call himself the Wide Stance Play Doh and Bacon Box Turtle lover and he’d still be a damn fine public servant.
Imagine pointing out to Doughypants that he has stinky-poopy toilet paper trailing from his shoe. His response:
I am not persuaded there is toilet paper on my shoe. If their is it isn’t poopy. If it is poopy, it’s not smelly. It it is smelly poop, it’s ok because it’s Conservative poop. Poop is what the conservatives excel at. (Witness St.James/Saul/booger etc)
NCLB is even worse than NLCB though. (Oy…time for some scotch.)
If you really wanna compare NCLB to fascism, just let me know.
Ever since its inception, our schools have turned into training grounds that would make the Hitlerjugend look tame. Mandatory uniforms? Check. Military training classes in high school? Check. Physical labor as punishment for disciplinary infractions? Check. Highly structured classes that deny any chance of individual creative expression? Check, and check. All that matters is passing that damn test. It’s fricking awful.
“unlimited abortions”?
Does that mean everyone can get one?
I can haz aborshin plz? kthxbai.
Cuz being a male, I’ve always felt deprived.
Hey, Chris St. James, you total pussy! It was fun watching you not show up at CPAC! Way to avoid getting your ass beat like a dog, and thanks for trolling!
Sorry, I have the flu.
Barack Obama would bring about the ruin of this Great Nation with his far-left socialist agenda of tax and spend, gun control, race baiting, and unlimited abortions and gay rights.
Party on, Garth!
IFTDGY, my job is mine own, small businessguy toiling outside the borg.
But: teh job makes my brain hurt, and I suspect it’s a lost cause anyway.
The problem with Sanders calling himself a socialist is that he ISN’T. And however good he may be, an actual socialist would be better. And unless we’re clear about the distinction between socialists and wishy-washy crapheaded moron feel good liberal Democrats, we’ll never get any fricking movement toward humane politics in this country.
The only thing the Democrats have going for them is that they aren’t raging asshole theocrats like the Republicans, and they are the only bulwark against the aforementioned raging asshole theocrats. Bernie Sanders might be the best of a bad lot, but that’s not much more than being the least painful occurrence of recurring herpes breakouts.
I need a hug.
Sorry, folks, but that’s not Che Guevera.
It’s the dude on the Zig Zag package.
I’m sorry. The funny escapes me again. Indeed, this is central to my point.
Hey, it’s Jillian!
Hosting tonights angry party? I’m in.
Grrrr. Smash.
Oh. And let me add my own touch. BOOM!
Billy and Thunder.
I tried so hard to get fired last week. I told my boss his company’s web page looked like a myspace page. I told him he was negative and rude and arrogant and unprofessional. I told him to just say the word, I’d go clean out my desk.
Fucker agreed with the first two, and gave me a raise. Goddam it.
So I’ve adopted, for the first time in decades, the “I simply don’t give a shit” survival strategy. It’ll reduce my booze bill, and I no longer dread mondays. Sure, I won’t last for long, but I already lasted longer than I thought I would friday afternoon….
Even though I am not particularly enthusiastic about John McCain I will still vote for him and he will crush any dem candidate you liberals nominate.
There is not one Red State that Northern liberals like Hitlery or B. Hussien Obama can bring into the democratic fold.
Hopefully McCain will pick one of the Conservatives from this list as his VP.
OK, everybody. Everybody? Pour a drink. Right now. Go ahead. We’ll wait.
Got it? Good. Now start drinking it. Not too fast, but certainly not too slow.
OK. Isn’t that better?
And J—, I want you to know I’d be deeply wounded if only I had a blog.
Mikey, you are still the most awesome dude I know. And I think you always will be. Glad to hear about the raise – wanna be my sugar daddy?
And I’m totally throwing an angry party tonight – I can’t stand seeing kids get messed with as part of some dumbass politician’s political agenda, and I had to watch that happen all damn day. I need extra hugs tonight.
[i]”The only thing the Democrats have going for them is that they aren’t raging asshole theocrats like the Republicans”[/i]
Well, there’s a good new campaign slogan for Obama. “At least I’m not an asshole”
Mikey – I told my boss his company’s web page looked like a myspace page.
I’m gobsmacked that that didn’t get you fired. Did your boss have any idea how serious an insult that was? You must be indispensable.
Jillian – I’m very sorry to hear how awful teaching is being. Hug, FWIW.
[hugs Jillian]
As a person who just finished a term on a local school board and who works as a teacher in real life, may I say that in my experience, school boards and state legislatures are typically as frustrated as teachers are about NCLB? I do hold out some hope that at least this Bushian travesty will be taken out back and shot under a new administration.
I just went through all my pockets and found some old hugs I had forgotten about, so they’re all for you, Jillian.
Teachers change lives.
Smiling Mortician said,
February 13, 2008 at 3:42
OK, everybody. Everybody? Pour a drink. Right now. Go ahead. We’ll wait.
I only got home a little while ago, and I’m already way ahead of you.
I bought some Moet & Chandon yesterday. Maybe that’ll cheer me up. . . . Later: Wow, those Frenchmen put the corks in *tight*. I had to use an adjustable wrench to remove it. Didn’t spill a drop though.
Hey Street James… ya know that little red squigly line that showed up underneath Hussien when you typed your comment? That means that it’s misspelled. It’s Hussein.
Try to get your islamofascisthomoabortionists right will ya?
I know quite a few teachers in our Public School System.
All of you have my support, and sympathy. My son is in the system too, and we’re teaching him a healthy disrespect for the kind of authority that makes him take these meaningless tests.
Hold on. We can get past it.
mikey: I once threw a drink on my former boss at his Halloween party, and didn’t get fired either. It was a very tense couple of weeks though, and I had the excuse of drinking. You must be VERY intimidating in person,…..
Going out to my Friend, the Smiling Mortician. For keepsies.
Try to get your islamofascisthomoabortionists right will ya?
No shit. And as a favor, perhaps you could say the same to your friend:
I have a friend who got the Obama-is a-stealth-Muslim,-wouldn’t-say-the pledge- got-sworn-in-on-the-Koran e-mail that was floating around.
Pretty sure the sworn-in-on-the-Koran kerfuffle was about Keith Ellison, not Barack Obamaa. Crikey, the layers of mendacity one has to dig through just to find a point worth discussing . . .
I started drinking 5 hours ago.. That is my excuse for not knowing what tags work here anyway.
I must say, that whole “no child left behind” shite must be adding insult to injury.. for those people who are paying enough attention to see how counter-productive it is.
Man, y’all wanna smoke a bowl with me? I’m in a good mood. Been out playing country music at varying levels of competence for the past couple hours*, got a date tomorrow and, hey, weed never hurts.
So, yeah….*inhale*….who do I pass this to?
* Though I think I’m irritating my potential bandmates with the continual “Okay, here’s another Doug Sahm song I wanna do” but, dammit, they’re easy to dance to and only two chords.
I’d get angry if MSNBC weren’t singing sweet, sweet songs of Obama just maybe getting enough delegates to avoid an open convention.
You can have a hug, tho, Jillian.
N mikey? I found loudly talking shit about my boss in the workplace is a necessary element to pre-conditioning them. Just telling them off to their face can overwhelm their circuits. Talking shit about him in front of his office door, loudly, for weeks, then stepping it up in person worked wonders for me.
Fuckin MBAs. Business school is basically a scam where people pay to be made into borderline sociopaths.
When someone said there was a hussy at the door, Chris thought they said Hussein and hid under the bed.
When someone said Barack , Chris though they said barracks and hid from the “army recruiter.”
Jeez, Mikey. Now I’m feeling all “You’re Dorothy? Well, why didn’t you say so? That’s a horse of a different color!“
It was just a matter of time before Jonah came out with Obama=Mussolini. All part of continuing to flog a stupid book in the useless hope that it might sell.
Next, Jonah says Sesame Street is fascist because they advocate sharing.
I told my boss his company’s web page looked like a myspace page. I told him he was negative and rude and arrogant and unprofessional. I told him to just say the word, I’d go clean out my desk.
Whenever I say anything like that to my boss, she just touches me inappropriately.*
Working at home can be a real bigger.
*Roughly paraphrased from Red Meat comix.
And all the flipping Democrats SUPPORT the NCLB crappola.
Somebody please smack them all upside the head for me? I swear I’ll love you forever if you do.
You must be VERY intimidating in person
Actually, I sort of am. Imagine that old greybeard solo biker with the long grey hair and the big belly and the kind of used up sense of give a fuck on the rat harley at the gas station a hundred miles from the vacation spot you’re driving to with your family that keeps looking at your wife in a way that makes you think “Locomotive Breath”.
Except I HATE beards, so I only have the brushstache. Farah would hide in shame.
But I’d like to think that the reason I’m still employed is that replacing my weird, crazy broad and wild shallow skill set is hard…
“Crikey, the layers of mendacity one has to dig through just to find a point worth discussing . . .”
Conservative talking points in a nutshell.
“Liberal Fascism” in a nutshell.
Next, Jonah says Sesame Street is fascist because they advocate sharing.
I think he already has, actually. I know he’s cast aspersions on PBS anyway.
And all the flipping Democrats SUPPORT the NCLB crappola.
Well, not all of them. All those in positions of real power? Yeah, maybe. But still I’m holding out some hope.
So, yeah….*inhale*….who do I pass this to?
[Clears throat unobtrusively, holds out hand. Waits.]
Jillian, I think that during the “Surrender to Bush the Mighty” era, Democrats back the NCLB (Business Roundtable) crap, and if the Republicans lose this election cycle, it will be allowed to quietly die, in some fashion which won’t too badly embarrass its Democratic backers.
Hey Matt.
Let’s do some Guy Clark.
I can do “Let him Roll” start to finish without missing a word.
Can TOO!!!
A brushstache? Please mikey, say it aint so! nothing says “i havn’t had a sense of humour since 1970” like one of those.
All the cool kids have what looks like a dead sewer rat attached to their chin!
I love this:
Hey, idiot, twenty five or so years ago I was told I looked like Tom Selleck.
And twenty five years or so ago? That was actually a GOOD thing….
And I get girls I don’t know coming up to me and touching my beard… Puts you off shaving for life, I tell you.
*exhales, passes left to Mort*
I can do “Let him Roll” start to finish without missing a word.
Man, I cannot do that song or I will start bawling. I seen Guy do that song twice and lost it both times. Admittedly, the first time, I was tripping, but still. Reminds me of my pappaw.
Met Guy before, too. He’s a big mother.
And hey, lookit what I got in my e-mail today!
So.. Obama. Is he our favourite chocolate coloured charming young man on the ballot or what then?
Whatever you think about him.. Come on. He ain’t old, or white, yet he has a good shot at the presidency. That gives me some hope that America isn’t quite doomed yet.
When they went through his personal effects
In amongst the stubs from the welfare checks
Was a crumblin picture of a Girl in a Door
An address in Dallas, nothing more
Goddam it, if that song doesn’t touch your heart, it’s pretty much clear you don’t got one.
Here’s to your Pappaw and your own damn self…
Thanks, Matt.
And I know I’ve said this before, but dammit, I’d still like to meet your pappaw.
awww, mikey, I hang in biker bars.
bunch of teddy bears, as long as you can hold your liquor.
C’mon up for Harley fest. BOC is playing this year.
….pass that over here…..
And I get girls I don’t know coming up to me and drying their hands on my beard
I wish the owner of the Bar Bodega would fix the towel dispenser in the women’ toilet.
My beard isn’t that long! Nor do I ride a harley.. No, I ride a knackered two stroke bike held together with tie wraps.
Harleys arn’t for the hardcases any more. They are for people who want to tell the world “I am enough of a sucker to pay too much money for an inferior motorcycle”
NCLB, I assume is “No Child Left Behind?”. If so, how has it become a militaristic program to turn out little robots for the system?
Mikey, your description of yourself above sounds fairly close to what thought. I kind of had you down as the older guy on American Chopper, but a bit rougher.
Righteous Bubba said,
February 13, 2008 at 4:15
And hey, lookit what I got in my e-mail today!
LOL! This is why I’ve become addicted to Sadly,No!
Thank you RB. Life seemed so much suckier a couple hours ago.
He was a character. My grandmother has basically decided she don’t give a damn anymore, so she’ll tell me ALL the stories of the stuff he did, and not all of it was pretty. Especially bad as he was to drink, and let me tell you, that man could put away cheap whiskey like nobody’s business.
As for me, I’m just glad he hated farming as much as he did so I didn’t have to grow up doing that. I never picked cotton, and it’s all ’cause my pappaw – the least sorry of his four brothers – hated farming worse than his father did.
My pappaw was the least sorry of his three brothers, rather. Which wasn’t saying a whole helluva lot if you knew my Uncle Stanley. I’m amazed nobody shot that sonofabitch.
They are for people who want to tell the world “I am enough of a sucker to pay too much money for an inferior motorcycle”
Oh no, my friend. There is a wealth of bikes worth owning, and riding.
Get yourself a ’63 Panhead or a ’79 Shovelhead and start building.
These are very, VERY righteous scoots….
And Matt?
Nickel for the Fiddler is “My Song”.
My birthday’s the 23d of June, so I just sub that line in.
Guy clark has told my life in song.
I realized in the early seventies that life comes with a soundtrack.
I just try to grok mine…
Sorry, I am a single cylinder addict, and a rat biker for life. If I ever build a big cruiser, it is going to be around a ford flathead v8.
Hey, I smell something……
Well all right!
May I? Hanx
BTW, I told you that wasn’t Che Guevara (scroll).
And, yes, I am quite proud of that #1 ranking in Google, thank you very much.
Now, who gets this next?
If I ever build a big cruiser, it is going to be around a ford flathead v8
Damn. I’d be delighted to run the road with you on that contraption.
Bring it on!!
What is Goldberg’s stated opinion of NCLB?
Hey, pass it over here, will ya? It’s been a real bad day and I need to mellow out.
Been alternating between wanting to curl up in the fetal position (my Dad is circling the drain) and putting a hole in a wall (HMO denied my request to be put on the transplant list).
Mikey: That or a tatra v8. It is russian, and aircooled. My current ride is semi-legal, and made of parts spanning the last 40 years. I’m not ashamed to admit that i wear bits of tyre inner tube over my boots to keep the rain out.
I have nothing but scorn for chrome fetishists.
random idiot:
Let me announce my newfound respect for you (english) guys.
We oughta run Riverside to El Paso, with not ONE fucking sober moment, then when our southwest madness is burned out, up thru Raton and back into Vegas for a party without concern for mores or morals.
At the end of the weekend, we’ll start a fire in a U-Stor to serve as a distraction and run for the county line. Out in the desert, we’ll laugh, shake hands and roll off. Me, north towards Reno and friends, you, onto the next chapter in your clearly storied existence.
Sign me up….
What is Goldberg’s stated opinion of NCLB?
Since NCLB entails government effort, he hates it.
“One of the tragic consequences of Bill Clinton’s success in the 1990s is that Republicans decided to mimic it. This is where “compassionate conservatism” and the No Child Left Behind Act come from.”
The man’s turned laziness, resentment, racism and elitism into a political philosophy. Goldbrickism–choosing to be a conservative so you do not have to think or act.
Hey Mikey, I’m two days behind you.
I’m mad too, but I’d already had a lifetime’s supply of booze by 1984, so I’ve been dealing with it by going to the record store. I’ve become such a good customer that tonight the clerk threw three CD samplers and a coupon for a local restaurant into the bag with my Low CDs.
Hey, pass it over here, will ya? It’s been a real bad day and I need to mellow out.
I just got home and started drinking. I’m trying to catch up with y’all.
I just learned that my car has been eaten by rats.
Well, I think all our cars have been rat-infested at one time or another. My cool little Mitsubishi spyder convertible had all its wiring eaten by rats 2 months after I bought it – it sat in the carport while I was on vacation.
My stodgy mom-car Sable wagon was running rough, so I started driving my kid’s VW, since it was more fun. The other day I opened the hood to check the oil in theVW and the rats had made a little warm nest on the engine by pulling insulation from the hood.
We finally took the Sable to the shop – Rats have eaten its hoses and wires.
So now we have to decide what to do.
The repair bill costs more than the Blue Book value.
Spouse drives the convertible, but now he wants a luxury car – with our income it will have to be a low-rent luxury car, but whatever. So I guess we either trade in the Rat-mobile, or donate it to charity, or something.
I don’t want to buy a luxury car, for fear that the rats will develop expensive tastes.
“we either trade in the Rat-mobile…”
Um, I was gonna ask for a ride, but nevermind. I’ll walk. It’s not that far.
Okay, Smiling Mortician is back on the blog roll. Until he gets a blog, and then he’s off again!
“Locomotive Breath” is about a choo-choo train, not a bike. Ha! Total ♙age by me!
Off to watch SpongebobCasablancaPants.
Look. Here’s the news.
WMD have gotten a bad rep, what with idiot boy ranting and cheny shooting people and bolton, the mustache of vengeance ™, but chemical weapons have a place in our modern arsenal, and do not necessarily qualify as some kind of evil thing.
Dead rats are way better than active rats, and clorine gas is very effective. Understand the concept of “Area Denial Weapons” and you’ll not have this problem again.
C’mon. You’re smarter, and WAY more lethal than the rats. Kill them, and end the problem…
I just learned that my car has been eaten by rats.
Isn’t that from the Czech-to-English phrasebook? (along with “My Tatra v8 is air-cooled”.)
Squidward wishes he were Clemenza.
Also, why is it always g who has the rodent problems?
mikey, we’ve been at war with the rats as long as Europe has been at war with East Asia. We’ve got the poison bait, the snap-traps, and the electronic rat-zappers.
Over the last couple years, we’ve fought them on the beaches and in the basement. We’ve laid seige to them in the TV cabinet, where they set up a fort. We’ve had them running in the crawlspace.
These are canny, mean country rats. They sit on the deck and pick banjos while they eat the acorns from all the oaks trees. They stash the acorns in our cars, and eat the engine insulation for a refreshing salad.
When the geriatric malamute was alive and in his prime, they stayed away. In his decline, they became bold. The geriatric Rottweiller, in spite of his name, has chosen NOT to weil Rotts.
We’ve caught at least a rat a week for the past couple of years. They’re big suckers.
I’m gonna send ’em up the hill to Tim (the other one).
No Tim, just kidding. You probably have your own rats.
Any idea where the nest is, or where the nests are?
G: Spray the poison over the car electrics. It won’t hurt the car, but it will make the fuzzy buggers think twice.
Well, at one time the nest was in the TV cabinet. Now I think they like the crawlspace. But we keep trapping them.
g. That’s the point.
Brew your own. Look at the terrain. Understand where they are beating you. Mortars and air won’t help. You’ve got to design a CAMPAIGN, strategy that includes no mercy, and perhaps some risk.
You need to try to recognize their weakness, and create the most evil toxin that plays into that weakness. Remember. They are doctrinaire, and you are flexible. Be horrific. Become the rat avenger. Take their lives, and take their children’s lives.
Or not. Peaceful coexistence is an option. A fairly shitty one, but an option..
Spray the poison over the car electrics. It won’t hurt the car, but it will make the fuzzy buggers think twice.
Might be a good idea. I’ve also been told a solution of cayenne pepper works.
Maybe we just need a younger dog.
♙age – priceless.
You’re the ♔ (or ♕).
Smut Clyde is ♔. I stole it from him.
Oh, ok. Hanx – I didn’t see that thread. Maybe I need to read the sports threads after all.
So what is the deal with that Che flag in the background? Photo manipulation, justify context, or is the campaign just that stupid?
Well, if you keep clicking back to the source, you find that Fox News filmed it, and they have a disclaimer that says:
The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign.
Which means that they probably filmed someone’s personal office, or an office of another organization.
God knows I have some Obama supporting friends who’d have a Che flag in their office. Irony? Or maybe because they’re scholars of South American culture or political science? Who knows? Who cares? Isn’t it kind of like George Allen having his Confederate flag?
I had peaceful coexistence with a wasps’ nest, right outside my back door, for about four years, when they inexplicably moved on. I planted flowers and tomatoes right next to it, I mowed around it, I left them alone, and they left me alone. The only time they showed any hostility was when I mowed – a squadron would emerge as soon as I’d passed the nest, they’d buzz around a minute or two, then go back inside. The solution to this was to make rapid passes, and to mow in a big square. I’d mow closest to the nest the first time, then progressively further away with each pass. I actually became rather fond of them. They never stung cat, nor kid, nor me.
I don’t know if I could do that with rats, though. They’re dirty. Fortunately, as a life-long cat owner, mice and rats have been a real rarity. On the rare occasions we’ve had one in the house, however, the cats don’t seem to really even know what the little buggers actually are, let alone show any instinct to predate. Cat-food eatin’ wusses.
I’m not a fan of poisons. I almost have a phobia about them. When I was a child, my Gramps, who was tight with a buck, made some sort of homemade poison and put it around the foundation of our house, as we were being invaded by waterbugs. Well, we never had a single beetle or roach after that, but two of our cats not-so-mysteriously sickened and died around that time. Poison is scary stuff.
g, maybe they have the picture up because they just think Che is teh hawt! I know I do . . .
He is dead, though, and he’s not coming back.
Yeah, he IS teh hawt. I liked me some Motorcycle Diaries
I love that movie. I have the DVD. Fabulous scenery. It got me wanting to take a trip through South America. I’d want better transportation, though. I’m not much for traveling rough.
I remember listening to JFK’s Inauguration speech, particularly that line “ask not what you can do for your country…” and thinking….did he rip this off Mussolini? I wonder if the Grand Arbiter of Liberal Fascism has weighed in on this speech? Surely, he must have devoted an entire chapter to that speech.
Hey, speaking of JFK, fascism, Che, and all o’ that other good shit, has anybody read David Talbot’s book on the Kennedy brothers which, among other things, points to a meeting that Dick Goodwin had on JFK’s behalf with Che Guevara?
Or was it the Zig Zag guy?
NCLB, I assume is “No Child Left Behind?”. If so, how has it become a militaristic program to turn out little robots for the system?
Because that’s how it began, back in Texas. When I was in grad school in Houston 15 years ago, I taught with Writers in the Schools and we already had to fight against the standardized TAAS tests. Every minute we spent trying to encourage kids to play with language, own it and love it, rub your bootie on it, turn it upside down and bang on it, spelling does not count–that was a minute that the teachers couldn’t train the kids to pass the fucking test. The crappiest teachers were openly hostile but even the best teachers worried about it, because they knew—as we all know—that standardized test-taking is a skill quite separate from whatever underlying knowledge or ability the test is supposedly assessing. (In case you’re wondering: I must have known at some point what “TAAS” officially signified but I long ago ditched that in favor of “Totally Awful And Sucky,” provided by one of my third-graders.)
And that was during Ann Richards Time. Once Bush was elected governor, it only got worse. The KIPP schools are pretty successful. Cargo cult-style, Bush latched onto the most superficial aspect of their program, the easiest sell: standardized measurement. Bush picked HISD Superintendent Rod Paige as education secretary, based mainly on his record of reducing Houston’s high school dropout rate. Every teacher in Houston knew that record was a fraud. Pravda on the Hudson caught up in 2003 but Paige kept his job until 2005.
Heckuva… oh, fuck it. I can’t even joke about it. All this bullshit, it’s just a chunk of my adulthood. Meanwhile, millions of kids are getting screwed out of their one chance at an education, and that worthless pantload cashes royalty checks.
If there is a god, he’s a moron.
Hey, where’d everybody go?
I like the idea of a predator instead of poison, g. Poison’s too damn hard to control–there always seems to be collateral damage. Are the rats too big for a big, tough mouser of a cat to handle? I don’t know much about dog breeds, but I have to tell you that my boss has three Siberian Huskies and they are some serious hunters. All day long they go after squirrels and birds; when they can, they break out of the yard and kill cats and small dogs. They’re escape artists, but they’re good hunters. Cats have the advantage of being able to get into small spaces, but the right dog could be a big help.
Malamutes share many of the Husky characteristics, and we had a superb Malamute for 10 years, but he died in August.
We’re reluctant to get another dog, now. We still have the geriatric Rottweiler, and we’re wondering when his legs will simply stop working. Already there are days when he looks like Charlie Chaplin, he staggers and falters so much. It might be nice to be dog-free for a while.
Actually – we’ve been talking about making a big change. We’ve been in this rural area for about 11 years, and we’re now empty nesters. Maybe the thing to do would be to move into the city and live in a condo by the beach. Santa Monica or Venice or something like that.
Fewer rats; more public transportation, no coyotes or bobcats.
dogrose, we’re still here.
Ah, yes. The Czech-English dictionary.
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Wasn’t that Hungarian-English?
I want Doughbob to explain, using his serious and careful thesis, just why John Locke is not a fascist.
g, we have a Malamute / Shephard / Border Collie mix. I call him a Malamutt.
We also have rats, city rats that live in the overgrown right-of-way that runs behind the properties on our street. The ‘mutt has never, to my knowledge, captured any of them. However, when he was younger he would chase the squirrels to the corner of our property and then jump over the fence (at 4-1/2 feet, quite a leap) trying to catch them. Definitely a hunter; when we first got him I made the mistake of letting him loose in a neighborhood that had a house with chickens. By the time I caught him (after several laps around the house), he had a hen down and was plucking it with his teeth. That episode cost me another fourty bucks for my “free” dog.
We’re lucky…kill the parent rats and the kids every spring and we’re good for a year. It’s usually an unpleasant month or so and we all get on with our lives. Your infestation sounds much more challenging. Perhaps you should call in the pros?
Its true confession time. My job is to keep teenage girls from getting pregnant, and the one of my flock who’d be the absolute worst mother is maybe 8 weeks, maybe 12 weeks. She uses too many substances to keep track of little things like time on the rag. She already told her mother figure, so no assissted miscarraiges can happen. I also have an urban rat problem. I took in a tough trampy urban cat last year, but he hasn’t been able to help me tame ’em. I was a Edwards gal, but he bailed, and I’m thinking of going for Obama if things actually last til they get to Oregon, just because I don’t think I can stand 4 more years of Hilary sniping. Is that joint still floating around? Pass it this way.
If I ever build a big cruiser, it is going to be around a ford flathead v8.
Mikey and random idiot: Ooh, you’ve touched my button with that one.
Here ya go, if you haven’t yet seen it… Only $24,900 turnkey. I think they used to sell it in kit form, but I could be wrong.
Rigid frame, springer fork, classic cruiser. Dig the direct drive- with so much torque, who needs gears, anyway? Shifting’s a pain.
From the website:
“At 60 mph, engines turn approximately 2,700-2,800 RPM
Although overheating is generally not a problem, air must flow through the radiator for cooling.
Motorcycles are equipped with electric fans and coolant recovery.”
For desert riding, you’d probably want an oil cooler.
If big cruisers are your bag, it doesn’t get cooler than that. Yeah, there’s the Boss Hoss with the 350 Chevy, but that’s just crazy. I see them for sale all the time, but I seriously doubt any of the owners ever actually ride them.
Oh, wait. Did I say the 350 was crazy…?
Personally, my dream custom is an early BMW K1000RS (like what I ride now, but not so ratty) but with a stripped-down Porsche 6 cylinder, which really isn’t that much bigger than the stock inline-4… only an inch or so longer, but about 6 inches wider. A 3.0L boxer 6 with triple-throat Webers and top-mounted fan shroud, mated to a Powerglide 2-speed auto (strong and compact) adapted to the stock shaft drive. It ought to fit on the stock frame with a custom subframe mount, extreme low-profile custom 6into1 header, and a bit of fork rake added for front clearance. Might have to relocate the battery behind the seat. Lower fairing would have to go- but who’d want to hide that motor?
Yes, it’d be way over-powered. Too heavy. Less ground clearance for the twisty bits. But, damn, it’d be the ultimate sport-tourer and totally different. It seems like all the other radical customs are choppers, cruisers, or crotch-rockets.
I mean, have you ever heard an unmuffled Porsche motor come up on the cam? (evil grin) Sucker’d scream on every pass.
Yeah, I’m stupid like that.
Oops, that was me. Bela Lugosi’s dead. Undead. Whatever.
Just home from the pub. You people still doing rat stories?
The Frau Doktorin’s brother has a reputation for having a poorly-stocked kitchen. It’s not that he lacks the money, in fact the opposite is true; it’s just that his work is a higher priority. So he likes to stock up the cupboards and the freezer at infrequent intervals, and save his mind for higher things. His kids are used to coming home from school and finding that the only food available is potatoes or dried pasta or frozen mince.
So a couple of years ago, Mehitabel the Abyssinian brings home this dead rat to show to us. It was enormous. About half her size. Naturally my immediate thought was to curl the bugger up on an old supermarket meat tray, wrap it up in clingfilm, and print out a nice no-frills label to stick on it (“Drainpipe Rabbit” claimed the label in the proper own-brand typography, along with a bar-code, a use-by date, and a “serving suggestion” stolen from the posters for ‘Desperate Living’. You would probably have done the same). Then we drove over the B-i-L’s house to hide the package in his freezer while he was still at work. Did I mention that we know where he hideshis spare house-key?
We weren’t visiting, a few days later when the B-i-L’s kids asked what was for dinner, and he told them to look in the freezer and see what was available. We heard about later. Apparently the first reaction was a shriek of outrage, as the realisation dawned on them that the contents of the package looked suspiciously un-rabbitlike. Their second reaction was to demand “Who would do such a sick thing?” The third reaction was to blame me.
Mr. Pierce–did those CPACers give you teh flu? See, I told you you needed me along to be your loyal protector…LOL. You have to wonder though how many other people at CPAC got the flu. Come to think of it, I shouldn’t have pulled the “I;m too sick to go” card, I should have gone and coughed through every speech shamelessly.
OK, one thing I love about people working on this campaign (Obama) is that you run into all sorts of political beliefs and backgrounds. The campaign alone has united many political square pegs.
That said, I fucking hate Che Guevara, and I don’t think it’s a winger thing to say that he was a psycho little mass-murdering shit. That said, being a Che-hater, I do love that this particular Che-lover has helped desecrate his memory by going in for the capitalist mass production of his image for sale. No better way to slam his real belief system while supposedly honoring him. You all can bash me however you want for saying that, I just hate Che.
Either way, this wasn’t in Obama’s office, it was someone else. Still, the mere image of that flag is enough to cause the ambulances to start showing up at my Grandfather’s retirement community, where he is on the young side at 85 and is in the smaller contingent of Cuban-Americans to have been born in Florida instead of in Cuba itself. I don’t know, that’s 16 floors of Che-hating oldsters who are mostly Democrat (the amount of signs already in windows for both Obama & Hillary as of last August was proof enough even if they weren’t all ranting about politics in the lobby). They’re hardly the only Hispanics for Obama though, despite what the talking heads keep insisting, and not all Florida Cubans are in the Miami exile community Republican camp either. Just my $.02.
Viva Jose Marti!
I’ve become a lot more Hispanic-aware since I met my (half-Nicaraguan, half-Colombian) wife, and goddamn do I hate the assumption that every Hispanic person in Florida is Cuban, and every Cuban will vote for whichever candidate hates Castro most.
It’s true that there’s a hard-line anti-Castro bloc of Hispanics in South Florida, and it’s good electoral politics for Republicans to go down there and make noise about the success of the economic blockade. On the other hand, there are a lot of Hispanic people in FL that recognize our Cuba policy as a Cold War relic and a human-rights violation to boot.
Oh, and the good news is that even the anti-Castro voters in Miami aren’t stupid. I really can’t wait for the realization to dawn on the Republican party that the anti-immigration propaganda has lost them the Hispanic vote for a generation. Permanent majority, my ass.
Who told you I was Cthonic?
I tried so hard to get fired last week. I told my boss his company’s web page looked like a myspace page. I told him he was negative and rude and arrogant and unprofessional. I told him to just say the word, I’d go clean out my desk.
Fucker agreed with the first two, and gave me a raise. Goddam it.
may i have your job?
maybe i should just try harder to be like you. is there a pill?
we had a big-ass roof rat invade our house through the stove hood vent one time. a good twelve-incher at least. weighed about as much as a cat. we tried to chase him out the back door but he escaped into the space behind the stove. finally, after he jumped on my head during a nap on the couch, we called the rat patrol. they left out strychnine traps, or whatever, in the basement, the toolshed outside, and various other crawlspaces and whatnot. no effect.
the only thing that worked was a good old fashioned spring-driven copper and wood neck-breaker. the satisfaction of seeing that bastard lying dead on my kitchen floor was what i imagine a guy would feel having brained a hapless burglar with a tire iron.
traps are bad if you have kids running around, but having them be bitten by rats is probably worse. so, you put them down at night before going to bed.
the big ones mind you, the ones that are hard to set, not those measly little ones for field mice.
i’m morally inconsistent i guess, like a chicken and fish-eating VINO (vegetarian in name only). i generally try to practice ahimsa, but when it’s a large mammal uninvited and running wild inside my four walls, i get medieval.
Well, ya know Il Duce stood on the balcony and announced:
“I’m a uniter, not a divider!”
Robert–yeah, living in Miami as a teen I think I went to school with kids from just about every country South of the border other than Mexico and Guatemala. Plenty of Cubans, but it all varies a lot between the Cubans between when they came here generally, which also goes along class lines in major ways. Well, people look down on the Mariels for instance. No one there considered me “Hispanic” other than my own relatives because I grew up in Georgia and don’t speak Spanish.
Still, people don’t hate Che because they are horribly anti-Castro so much as for what he did to people. I never was one to go along with friends who love his whole revolutionary icon image. To me he’s just a murdering meddler who happened to have a great photo snapped of him.
I don’t like our policy necessarily either, but I don’t like Castro either, even as a replacement for Batista, they’ve all just fucked up a place where I still have relatives I’ve never gotten to meet. Still, someone in charge of atrocities to so many who fled here (and their relatives), glorifying him doesn’t sit well with me.
Obama didn’t do this though, and that’s one thing I enjoy about his campaign. You meet all sorts of people coming from all kinds of angles working for the campaign. If I ran into some Che-lover at one of our rallies here, I’d just spit on them a little less…lol… It’s just that most of the idiots who are into Che Products don’t know shit about him and are just trying to look cool.
OK, sorry I got all un-snarky.
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