May 2007 called, it wants its joke back

Jonah “Le Load du Pantalon” Goldberg* writes:

Not Quite Just In [Jonah Goldberg]

From the great minds think alike dept.

Cal Thomas opens his column today: “This just in: Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.”

Here’s how I opened mine, back in October: “Ronald Reagan is dead, and he’s not coming back.”

And here’s how Philip V. Brennan (!) opened the fourth paragraph of his Newsmax column in May 2007:

Ronald Reagan is dead. He is not coming back[.]

So Jonah can claim “credit” for moving his insight from the fourth to the first paragraph. Well done, Monsieur!

Some internet dude giving another perspective in 2004:

The bastard’s dead and gone and not coming back[.].

(* Via Roy).


Comments: 65


Zombie Ronald Reagan would indeed be a candidate guaranteed to win the Presidency.


Plagiarism is a conservative value. In fact, it is as sacred a pillar or conservatism as vote suppression and racism. And that is central to my point.


Plagiarism is a conservative value. In fact, it is as sacred a pillar or conservatism as vote suppression and racism. And that is central to MY point.

Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

Are we sure Ronald Reagan is not merely really dead, but really most sincerely dead? And do we trust the Doughy Pantload as a source on whether the Gipper is dead or alive? Brrrrrr.


Plagiarism is a conservative value. In fact, it is as sacred a pillar or conservatism as sock-puppetry.


If Jonah doesn’t watch out, Ben Domenech is going to sue him for copying his methods.


Mediocre minds think alike! (Does he really think that comment is ‘great”?


“Ronald Reagan is dead, and he’s not coming back, no matter how often we fellate his corpse.”


After all, they copy and repeat the daily talking points sent out by Rove or his replacement, and claim the points are their original thoughts. Naturally they think it’s ok to copy each other. It’s only wrong when they get plagarized.



September 03, 2006
Hitler is Dead, and He’s Not Coming Back
By Steve Chapman


Rules, people! First one to ‘copy’ is paying homage.
Second one to ‘plagiarize’ is a fucking deadbeat.


Tom Lehrer called it ‘research’



Conservatism is Dead, and it’s Not Coming Back
by thereisnospoon
Tue Jan 30, 2007 at 08:44:59 PM PST


Chevy Chase circa 1975 “Fransico Franco is still dead.


Or perhaps I meant “Francisco.”


That line is prescient…

Other great quotes:

“Ronald Reagan was not Ronald Reagan before he became Ronald Reagan”, Bill Bennet

“Mandela is dead! Saddam killed him”, G.W.Bush

“G.W.Bush is dead and he’s not coming back”, Krassen
(It’s never to early to claim inventorship of a great line…)


Good call Jonah- since He’s dead and is not coming back is SUCH an original statement- I mean I’ve only heard it in action movies repeated for the last 20 years- and I think General Sheridan might have even coined the phrase in the Civil War.

Fuck you, you fucking hack.


Mousie is dead and he’s not coming back.”

Jerry is dead and he is not coming back.”

Jesus is dead and he is not coming back.”


lest you forget, there was also the famed Bush/Zombie Reagan ticket of 2004, which may predate all of the above:

Sure you might say “well this is a reanimated corpse and is therefore not exactly dead!”

Arky "I Just Get These Headaches" The Blasphemer

The fRight has been dabbling in necromancy I see.


Your guess is as good as mine, Larry. But one thing’s sure. Inspector Clay is dead…murdered…and somebody’s responsible!


Didn’t one of these brainless wonders just recently accuse a Democrat of plagriaism because she happened to use the word “Iditarod” while comparing Hillary Clinton and Susan Butcher, first woman to win the Iditarod? Apparently “Iditarod” already had dibseys on it because some knuckleheaded right wing cartoonist used it in some random joke.


Spam filter ate my comment, but it seems Joseph Farah beat Jonah too, hopefully brutally:

Goldberg’s column seems like a rewrite of Farah’s.


Such a great fucking insight from the great Bonah Loadillini! Thank god we have the Corner blog to give us such intelligent commentary.

Jonah’s dignity is dead and it’s not coming back.


Jonah’s dignity is dead and it’s not coming back.

It’s not dead, it’s pining for the fjords!

Smiling Mortician

Jonah’s dignity is dead and it’s not coming back.

Can something stillborn truly be said to have died? Discuss.


Jonah’s cat’s breath smells like cat food.


Wow. Jonah said something stupid?

No shit. Whoda thunk it?

I’m kinda thinking that it might make more sense to wait until he says something intelligent, respectable or even vaguely defensible and THEN make the announcement.

For that would be a big deal, indeed…


Smiling Mortician

wait until he says something intelligent

‘K. Well, if nobody minds, I think I’ll have a drink while we’re waiting. And some dinner. Maybe a coupla kids and a career. But keep me posted.


Geoffrey Pullum coined the word snowclone for these “some-assembly-required adaptable cliché frames for lazy journalists”. This was back in 2004, when he probably had no inkling that that a journalist could be sufficiently lazy and unprincipled to extend an “adaptable cliché frame” into a 450-page book.

The frame “X is dead and he’s not coming back” has not yet been added to the snowclone index.


the snowclone index

I’d buy that for an X!


Geoffrey Pullum Glen Whitman coined the word snowclone
and Geoffrey Pullum promoted it. My bad.


that Language Log site is a place where I could get lost for a long long time…..

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Suggested GOP slogan for 2008:

Join the “weekend at Ronnie’s” revolution!


My conclusion would NOT be that GREAT minds think alike just because a number of people – known for their insatiable repetion of conservative asshattery – said something that sounded like more conservative asshattery.


Wait! All those conservatives wrapping themselves in Zombie Reagan’s mangy hide?

That isn’t the same thing as Reagan coming back?

(I saw him in a 1938 film last night. Boy Meets Girl, with Jimmy Cagney and Pat O’Brian as crazy Hollywood screenwriters. I thought it was pretty funny. Reagan was only in it for a few minutes, as an announcer at a movie premiere. He was perfect. It was just after that the Peter Principle kicked in.)

Smiling Mortician

Reagan was only in it for a few minutes, as an announcer at a movie premiere. He was perfect.

Ah, if only he had stuck with that first career, living out his days as an inoffensively mediocre actor . . . but it’s best not to think of what might have been. [wistful sigh]


Is it even possible to plagiarize a really tired cliché?


“God is dead, [and he’s not coming back].” — Friedrich Nietzsche


Well, “Mr. #1 author” ‘s book fell from #22 last week to #34 this week at Amazon. Plus, he got bumped out of his oh-so-precious #2 spot in politics by none other than Barack Obama’s new book.

Smiling Mortician

That’s gotta hurt.


Ronald Reagan is dead. He is not coming back

There’s the first thing I thought of when I read that:

Ronald Reagan is dead. He is no longer here.
But on my blog, and in my Cheetos, he continues to live on.
Digging to pierce the tax bracket.
Even in obscurity, I can dig on.
And if I break through, it’s my victory.
Who do you think I am?
I am Jonah, not my hero, Reagan.
I am myself! Jonah the blogger!


I’m okay with this particular instance of plagiarism. Every time I read this statement, it lifts my spirits just a little…

Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.
Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.
Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.

Doesn’t that just put a little spring in your step?


Plus, he got bumped out of his oh-so-precious #2 spot in politics by none other than Barack Obama’s new book.



I don’t know, Mort.

He might have done a movie with Chevy Chase.

The horror.


“Where’s the rest of me?!?”


They buried him out on the old King’s Row.

Wingnuts didn’t know which way to go.

There were people all around wearing hippie-looking clotes.

Confused the neocon boys on the old King’s Row.

(Sorry, Tom.)


Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.
Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.
Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.

…ultimately I remain unpersuaded.


I prefer the Bauhaus version.


Me too.

Smiling Mortician

He might have done a movie with Chevy Chase.

and Goldie Hawn?

OK. Nevermind.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Ronald Reagan’s dead, but his true heir is in the White House, bankrupting the nation Ronald Reagan-style voodoo economics even as we speak.

Thanks a fuck of a lot, you stupid old geezer.


Ronald Reagan’s dead…

Now can we bury his fans with him?


Reminds me of an old SNL routine from 6 months after Generalissimo Franco died.

Chevy Chase announced on “Week-end Update” that “General Franco is still dead”


We’re going to need a bigger Reagan.


Oh, and I’m not coming back either.


I think he meant to say ‘piddling minds sometimes think sort of the same things’.


Ronald Reagan is dead? Say it ain’t so, Jonah!


Are we sure Ronald Reagan is not merely really dead, but really most sincerely dead?

Let’s dig the old bastard up and drop a house on him, just to be on the safe side.


Ronald Reagan’s not walking through that door, folks. Abraham Lincoln’s not walking through the door, and Dwight Eisenhower’s not walking through that door. And if they do walk through that door, they’re going to be zombies. The negativity in this town sucks.


Fred McKaig’s blog entry in “Appalachian Conservative”, 10/26/07 leads off the first graf: “Ronald Reagan is dead”. He leads off the second graf: “Ronald Reagan is not coming back.” I guess he thought if he split up those two sentences, nobody would notice the plagiarism. Someone needs to tell these guys about “Google”…

Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

But whose house should we drop on Ronald Reagan, just to make sure he’s dead? The Doughy Pantload’s? Tucker Carlson’s? Bill Kristol’s? Oh, the possibilities are endless!


Ronnie was gone before he was dead.


Cal Thomas opens his column today: “This just in: Ronald Reagan is dead and he’s not coming back.”

And the world is a better place without him. If I believed in God I’d thank him for taking that addle-brained phony fuckwit away from the GOP.


(comments are closed)