I Am Not Ready To Concede Defeat In The Coming Race War
And neither is Michelle Malkin, commenting on something that somebody said about something, somewhere:
So, Britain takes a step away from self-immolation. Perhaps too little, too late–but as least an encouraging sign that not they’re not all ready to submit completely. Not just yet, anyway …
Like Michelle, I am all for having massive freak-outs whenever and wherever Muslims are recognized as existing or having concerns. Nor am I unwilling to beat a strategic retreat from a Race War battleground country when it becomes clear that the Mullahs have gained the upper hand. But I must agree with Michelle that Britain is just not there yet, unlike countries like France, Sweden and Iceland, which are quite simply Caliphates as far as I’m concerned.
That said, I’m sympathetic to Judeo-Christians who draw a sharper line than I do on these matters. Current statistics put the U.K.’s Muslims at 2.7 percent of the overall population. That’s a nudge or three under the ‘magic number’ of 3 percent that I generally look to before declaring a country a lost cause to the Musselman hordes.
Still, I have heard compelling arguments from 2.5-percenters who urge me to move my threshold downward … and I remain willing to be convinced, as I’m sure does Michelle.
2.7 Percent ?
Oh My GOD that almost the Bahai population and you know what kind of monsters they’ve been!
True enough, and the Ba’hai don’t even have terrible Djinn to move all our houses to the bottom of the sea in a single night.
My favorite comment over at MM’s place:
Yes, yes! A fatwah! Man, that’ll put a spoke in those sharia-approving Anglicans’ wheel.
Um, unless the commenter really meant “fawtah,” in which case I guess we could send Doughbob . . .
As Mitt Romney said: because I refuse to surrender to the terrorists, I am quitting.
A fatwah! Man,
Come on now, those pictures of Rowan Williams with the scary eyebrows must mean something.
I remember a few years ago when all the MA wingnuts were desperately scouring the countryside for some sign of the black hand of the Muzlam. All they found was that big new mosque that was being built in Roxbury. I guess one of the leaders had some sort of friendship with this other person who was associated with a large Muslim charity that also had a connection to a Hezbollah charity.
Unfortunately around here you can shit bricks until you sweat mortar, but the islamofascists in city hall won’t pay attention unless you can help them recruit children for their interracial pagan orgy workshops.
Anyway, the mosque looks real nice now that they finished it. I went to sign up for a bomb-making class but it had a waiting list. Maybe next semester.
As Mitt Romney said: because I refuse to surrender to the terrorists, I am quitting.
Please, that’s his reason for taking a shit in the morning.
I think the most under-appreciated aspect of Malkin et. al.’s loathsomeness is what giant fucking pussies they all are. If you temporarily overlook their insanity about impending ‘dhimmitude’ in places like Britain and look at their ravings through the lens of their own warped logic, you can see more clearly what a cowardly bunch this is. So they’re constantly writing off entire countries, even continents, based on little more than a temporary rhetorical setback. It’s beyond pathetic. Can you imagine a Charles Johnson or a Malkin in Churchill’s place during the Battle of Britain? No, you can’t, because there wouldn’t have even been a Battle of Britain … they’d have surrendered to the Nazis following the first shot fired in Poland.
Not under-appreciated here, I should say, but rather by the general public.
But Troop Malkin’s fear of all things Euro does cut down a bit on the Ugly American sightings in the EU. This can only be called good.
Note for people not familiar with the Church of England: Bishops exist to say stupid and/or controversial shit which will get either the Daily Mail, or The Guardians knickers in a twist, depending on weather it is progressive or horribly regressive. This is the only function of these people.
The Church of England itself exists primarily to maintain national monuments and buildings of historic interest. It also serves as a social club for old biddies, and the provider of some religious looking pomp and circumstance, for coronations, weddings, funerals, etc, because the average Briton does not have much time for religion, but knows what it should look like.
Does Michelle realize that to the average knuckledragger she looks exactly like a terrist?
Sadly, No.
Imagine if the next Archbishop of Canterbury actually did have “I will not surrender” tattooed on his/her chest in Arabic..
Methinks that Michelle would not be so pleased. Especially when all the reports from Canterbury Cathedral, the scene of her failed suicide bombing, identified her as a brown person.
Malkin must really hate Cheap Trick.
The reason you have no objection to sharia law is because you, as an alleged male, would be the primary beneficiary. You would be able to slap around your bitches without fear of arrest. You would be able to have multiple wives and divorce them at the drop of a hat. You would be allowed to murder an uppity female family member in the name of honor.
Since you libruls are at the very least totalitarians (if not fascists), sharia law would be a wet dream come true.
That’s true, DW. Like the Malkin commenter who says:
We should all refrain from informing him that being a racist loudmouth is still very much the “in” thing to do in pubs throughout Britain.
DA, everyone knoes the dhimmicrats are the surrender-nazis.
We’re fighting them from under our beds over here, because we’re too afraid to enlist and fight for Halliburton over there!
(Besides, where would we get our life preserving bags of Cheetos™ and cans of Dew™? From KBR?)
Sharia Law is the “Spock’s Beard” of theocratic wingnuts. Sharia Law is exactly what they want in the U.S. — except run by non-size-ist white people.
“I would love to visit England again, but I would keep one thing in mind this time. Keep my mouth shut! I could get charged with “hate speech” for upsetting anyone.”
Good idea! Believe me, The average Briton appreciates it VERY much when a visiting right wing american gasbag keeps his mouth shut!
And the mosques DO have loudspeakers going at prayer time. So what? The church bells make just as much of a racket.
Which is nothing like Christian healthcare workers in the U.S. who refuse to do things that go against their religion.
Yeah! You keep your feeble dollar and stupid ass right at home. That’ll show those Brits!
those pictures of Rowan Williams with the scary eyebrows
I’ll have you know, RB, that those are the Eyebrows of Righteous Infallibility. No matter what the Arch-bish wears when he goes to a fancy-dress party, people assume that he’s trying to be the Ayatollah Khomenei, thanks to those eyebrows.
It won’t be long before London will have blaring loudspeakers calling the moslems to prayer several times a day.
But because the Brits have sunk so far into the quagmire of political-correctness, and made so many concessions to disability lobby groups, there will be an interpreter for the deaf standing up there beside the muzzein, spelling out the call to prayer in sign language.
Seriously, the projection in these folks is off the charts. It is an endless litany of fantasies about the leftings “surrendering” to Islam and “giving up their women” etc. It’s like a combination of Red Dawn and submissive S&M fan fiction.
And the mosques DO have loudspeakers going at prayer time. So what? The church bells make just as much of a racket.
The principle’s the same. The Mohmedans don’t come ’round here wavin’ bells at us! We don’t get Buddhists playing bagpipes in our bathroom! Or Hindus harmonizing in the hall! The Shintus don’t come here shattering sheet glass in the shithouse, shouting slogans-
Taoists in tow trucks …
It’s like a combination of Red Dawn and submissive S&M fan fiction.
Are you saying if a person did nothing but watch Red Dawn and internet pr0n all day long, he/she/or it would end up writing editorials for the WaPo that read just like Bob Novak’s or Charles Kauthammer’s?
I’m intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newletter.
Random Idiot, that’s not quite true. We are seeing a resurgence of fundamentalism here through movements such as the Alpha Course. That said, the country remains, so far as I can see, overwhelmingly secular. Secularism is a long-standing urban tradition going back at least to Victorian times. The urban working classes a hundred and fifty years ago knew very little religion, and that which they did practice was a street tradition closer to something like Santeria than orthodox worship.
Against the background of wishy-washy Anglicanism, Muslims seem like a more energized and active bunch. That’s why they frighten the Richard Littlejohn tendency. If British Muslims were as tepid as most Anglicans here, I doubt they’d get the same press. Hindus, for example, are almost completely ignored by the right-wing tabs.
Unlike all those fecking church bells!
Is he suggesting that Septics should shut their gobs? Too bloody right!
Remember, these are the same dimwits who claim that Rotterdam is majority non-white because the native Dutch population is only 54%, that Moroccans have rendered whites in Utrecht a minority by building up their own numbers to a whopping 6% of the population, and that, despite the fact that there are more Irish immigrants in New York City than there are foreign immigrants in all of Ireland, “no country has ever accepted, never mind assimilated, the volumes of immigrants now present” in Ireland. They’re also the same people who think that in America, minorities pretty much run the country, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of elected and appointed public officials are and have always been wealthy white Christian males.
Why, if you didn’t know better, you’d think their preferred percentage of Muslims, blacks, immigrants, etc., would be zero! But that would be downright nutty, ha ha.
Do priests in hospitals in the Irish Republic still have veto over medical treatments?
However, we do get bloody Krishnans dancing in the streets. Bastards!
Taoists in tow trucks …
Completely OT, but I like the idea of a Tao Truck company. “Our policy is to remain still until the car tows itself.”
I also believe that a tow-away firm called the Topless Towers of Ilium would go a long way towards assuaging people’s anger about their parking fines.
Come on people! We all know the real threat is from the Jedis!
Why oh why can’t you see it?!?
Yes, I am a devoted Jedi.
It is amazing the kind of brown straw man the american wingnut can create. These people know NOTHING about european muslims. NOTHING.
The thing about muslim nurses is complete bollocks. Blatant fabrication. The hue and cry over Sharia law is crap too. British law allows for people to settle civil disputes via ANY law, court, or system they like. Civil cases only, not criminal cases. You could settle a dispute over a dog by arm wrestling match if you both agreed to it.
For anyone to get charged with “hate speech” is rare. It applies mostly to anything broadcast, or published, not something said in the pub. The penalty for ranting about how evil muslims are is to simply have people look the other way. The BNP types are not remotely acceptable in polite society. In general, the British tolerance for racist remarks is somewhat lower than it is in the average all-white american community.
As an indicator of how marginalised the British racist is.. Look at their party affiliation. In the US, there is not really such a thing as “too right wing for the republican party”. Here, there certainly is. We have the BNP (outright facists) and the UKIP (gibbering europhobes) to house anyone who goes beyond the line of acceptable conservative views.
As seen spraypainted on a wall: “Celts, Vikings, Romans, Picts, Saxons, Angles, Normans, Blacks, Pakis.. GO HOME”
Not to mention the celtic revivalists, insisting on their right to hold sky-clad ceremonies down High Street Kennington. Bloody distracting, it was.
3%? 2.5%?! Wake up, you fools! One single Islamic-type individual automatically forms an ‘enclave’, and once they form enclaves they begin emitting Mooslama-rays to convert the entire surrounding region into a caliphate. I thought everyone knew that.
It takes real courage to be gutless.
Friday, 21 February, 2003, 13:34 GMT
From the UK Jedi Link sidebar:
There is no rush to war: we waited 12 years and then went through the United Nations – Tony Blair
Fuck you, Tony.
It takes real courage to be gutless.
All we have to fear is all there is to fear which is like, a lot.
Meanwhile, here in the valley of silicon, land of khaki and concrete tilt-up, stripmall satay and faux pho, whites ARE actually the minority, as of 2006. And while the damn place is just butt ugly and the business culture is soul-numbing, the tolerance and diversity is a complete and utter joy. And oddly, San Hose is the nations least violent big city. And if you take away Notreno/Sureno gangbangers shooting each others sisters, it’s unlike any urban area you can imagine.
People who fear diversity are making up their own demons. It actually has a tremendously positive effect upon a community…
As a student of the civil wars, or ‘The Wars of the Three Kingdoms’ as it is fashionable to call them these days, it’s fascinating to see how much the anti-Papist rhetoric resembles the anti-Muslim speech of today. Reading the wartime newspapers, such as the Mercurius Politicus, reveals a savage hatred of ‘Malignants’. ‘Godly’ propaganda painted the Papist as something akin to a crazed jihadi. Catholics were baby-butchering pack animals controlled by their priests. (Baby-killing papists comes up time and again in pamphlets and engravings.) A sectary of the 17th Century would be very much at home with the Daily Mail set today.
Those dastardly Mohammedans are up to even worse tricks:
Minister warns of in-breeding risk for Muslims
Arranged marriages between British Asians raise the risk of in-breeding and birth defects, a Government minister has said.
Arranged marriages are common among several British Asian groups, but intermarriage of relatives is a particular characteristic of people of Pakistani origin.
It is estimated that more than 55 per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins, resulting in an increasing rate of genetic defects and high rates of infant mortality.
Figures show that British Pakistani children account for as many as one third of birth defects despite making up only three per cent of all UK births.
The likelihood of unrelated couples having the same variant genes that cause recessive disorders are estimated to be 100-1. Between first cousins, the odds increase to as much as one in eight.
In Bradford, more than three quarters of all Pakistani marriages are believed to be between first cousins. In 2005, the city’s Royal Infirmary Hospital said it had identified more than 140 different recessive disorders among local children, compared with the usual 20-30.
Health warning: This article is from the Torygraph which is as about as right-wing as the NYT!
random idiot said,
As seen spraypainted on a wall: “Celts, Vikings, Romans, Picts, Saxons, Angles, Normans, Blacks, Pakis.. GO HOME”
There would be no one left to turn out the lights.
You never find the fear of diversity inside areas which actually HAVE it. I live in a city with a big Asian population, which has both world class curry and brilliant ales. How can that ever be anything but a blessing?
No, you find the fear in the areas CLOSE to the multicultural cities. The nearby small towns full of working class whites, and the isolated enclaves of new moneyed whites. People who have only met the “other” as the occasional individual, rather than seeing a culture and community. People who are distant enough from it all to be unable to really see it up close, but close enough to see it, and recognise it as strange and foreign.
The vast majority of this fear is very petty. Only very occasionally does it get really ugly. Ignorance alone doesn’t cause hatred. There has to be something nasty inside a person to change fear of the unknown into blind hatred. Dissect Malkin, and I suspect you will find foetid steaming piles of whatever this corrupting agent is.
Where’s that, may I ask? Brum? Bradford? Other?
You never find the fear of diversity inside areas which actually HAVE it.
Uhhh…seems a little broad to me.
In reply to your comment about British Christian fundamentalism, eg the alpha course..
Yeah, the “evangelical” nonsense has been spilling over into the UK in the last decade or so. I have god-bothering family members, so I have seen a little of it. The scale and fervour is nothing like what is seen in the US. The “born again” mob are pretty liberal. Opposition to abortion is non existent, denial of evolution is thankfully very scarce. Generally, that movement is unconcerned with politics, and is not a large enough group for any politician to attempt to pander to them, as is seen with US republicans in the last 20 years or so.
Regardless, the anglican church remains in decline, as have all the churches which havn’t gone down the “happy clappy” route. There still remains a big chunk of the population which consider the evangelical movement far too stuck up its own arse, and far too undignified. Everyone believes that god is one of their countrymen.. Well, would an English god be seen dead with a tambourine? I don’t think so.
British secularism isn’t just an urban phenomenon either. Farmers tended to believe in god merely to have someone to curse when it rained on the crops.
Religion has worn out its political role in the UK. I do think the decline of churchgoing over the last few hundred years has a lot to do with a rejection of the idea that religion should have any political role, simply because it had been abused so many times.
Likewise.. British muslims are moving towards the idea of a British Allah. As I was told once.. “da prophet din’ say nuffin abaht da weed innit”
Current statistics put the U.K.’s Muslims at 2.7 percent of the overall population.
Yeah, but that’s not counting the stealth muslims. They could number in the severals.
Do we have anything like a fawtah? (sp?)
Dunno about fawtah, but there is “fawt” (???) meaning (per Wehr) “escape”.
Yeah, run, bitches, run!
Not compared with the stealth atheists! You wouldn’t believe how many Brits are down as being CofE when they havn’t been to church in their lives. The majority religion in the country is in fact, Manchester United footy team.
I remember a few years ago when all the MA wingnuts were desperately scouring the countryside for some sign of the black hand of the Muzlam.
Meanwhile, there’s been an Islamic center in Quincy, not bothering anybody, for seventy years.
So, have you guys seen this yet? The trailer is a little hard to get through without gagging, but as Madeline Albright might say, the price is worth it. In my humble opinion, this looks positively fraught with comic possibilites.
Yurp has had a lot of wars over the issue, perhaps to the point that radical religion has kind of bled out.
In the states, we haven’t had a serious war at home for a century and a half. The idea of our homes being bombed and our families being butchered over religion or anything else is not even a remote possibility. Our religious freaks are fine with war and destruction, because the bombs are always falling on someone else.
Mikey, the pho in San Jose is better than the pho in Saigon. Seriously. Nothing faux about it. (And they’re both way better than the crap they call pho up in Hanoi.) Try the places down on Tully west of the highway.
Wingers are afraid because they know how much influence just the top 1% has. Nearly 3%? Aieee!
And besides,
They say immigrants steal the hubcaps
Of the respected gentlemen
They say it would be wine an’ roses
If England were for Englishmen again
2.7% is the Maginot Line of Liberal Fascism.
Zsa. I had some vietnamese techs working for me in the mid ’90s that used to take me to places down off Tully where nobody even spoke english. The Pho was fabulous, as was the coffee (YUM!), although it would embarass me because they would order for me and they would all get regular bowls and I’d get a ceramic LAKE. Never could convince ’em that I’d be happy with the same size as they got.
I came up with that “strip mall satay and faux Pho” construction a few days ago in a wonderful little noodle house in Milpitas I go to, and I’ve just been desperate to find a place to use it, like an itch I couldn’t scratch, y’know? So I forced it in, pounding the square phrase into the round context with a rhetorical hammer the size of my head. Sorry if it clanged off of reality, but all in all, now that I’ve written that phrase down I feel much better…
I don’t want to alarm anyone but…
I was on the U of M west bank the other day and passed by the building where Bob Dylan once performed at. It is, or was, a small performance space on the 2nd floor. Long ago there was a coffee house there and as I understand it Dylan performed there way back… might have been in 1959.
It’s now a Mosque.
Surely the end times are upon us.
Do we have anything like a fawtah? (sp?)
Classically hilarious. By the way, who’s “we,” do you suppose?
Wow. I’ve missed you guyz this week. I’ve rediscovered an unsettling fact about the workplace: They expect you to work.
2.7% is the Maginot Line of Liberal Fascism.
Or its Mendoza Line.
I’ve rediscovered an unsettling fact about the workplace: They expect you to work.
What is this “work” of which you speak?
Yeah, the coffee is freakin’ amazing. I’ve said it before: I miss California. I have to drive a half hour down to Orlando nowadays to get anything like that.
J— : It’s weird, man! Just because they pay you, they think you should do things for them, like produce stuff and go to meetings and wear normal clothes. And get this: Did you know there are other Web sites on the InterTubes besides news sites and blogs and Google and wikipedia?! Seriously! I’m scared.
MzNicky – you need to catch up by reading Leonard’s CPAC coverage in its entirety …
Did you know there are other Web sites on the InterTubes besides news sites and blogs and Google and wikipedia?!
What? This must be some secondary or tertiary level of InterTubes with which I am unfamiliar. The InterTubes’ primary purpose is one’s personal entertainment. It would be irresponsible of this thing called work to interfere with that.
They have Muslims on Coronation St. The takeover is practically complete.
As for the massive cultural differences between the UK and the US-well, the biggest one by far is the British tendency to feel embarassed whenever anyone does anything extreme (or even impolite.) Noone has ever accused Americans of a surfeit of shame.
You mean to suggest that they DON’T pay me to read and comment on blogs and search for new places to have lunch and new recipes to cook for dinner?
I’m gonna need a minute here…
Wow. I’ve missed you guyz this week. I’ve rediscovered an unsettling fact about the workplace: They expect you to work.
P.S. Thank goodness for aquatigre.
Otherwise, I’d spend all Sunday long bumming out about my impending Monday at teh Borg.
What’s also hilarious is that the Malkin types tend to go on about their love of Israel, which is a far more institutionalized sharia country than anywhere in Europe. If a 2.7% Muslim population is going to take over the UK, why can’t a 20% Arab population take over Israel?
When I play “Medieval Total War” on my computer, I like to play one of the Muslim (notice how the MM commenters spell it “moslem” is lower case?) factions and kick crusader ass. Does this make me a fifth columnist?
To those who dismiss the caliphatic threat, I say: Remember the Moors in Spain! They actually left people in peace, even the Jews! The horror! We need to start a Reconquista now! Sign up at MM’s place!
(Phew, I feel out of breath typing all those exclamation marks. Racist hysteria is hard work.)
Hey!!! What the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m no fooking Papist!!
Laugh all you want, Liebrals! But we all know what will happen when you let Dhimmi…Mooslum…ragdolls…. I dunno, what ever the derogative name de jour is, population above the critical mass of 7%
Hey!!! What the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m no fooking Papist!!
I find your bouffantilism…disturbing.
I doubt you are Godly.
Israel, which is a far more institutionalized sharia country than anywhere in Europe.
Aren’t you being a bit harsh about the influence of the Ultra-Orthodox parties?
Dear Folks,
I am really concerned that we are so becoming pre-ocupied with the muzlims and the mexicans that we are somehow ignoring the looming threat of a colored President. Remember, we have still not solved the negro problem in this country!
It’s hilarious in a pathetic way, really. People think that way about the US, too.
There are, what, a couple thousand of us in this country (over-simplifying because there aren’t official numbers), but somehow WE OWN IT!!!!!! IT’S OURZ, BITCHES, AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU ANCHOR BABIES CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!!11!!!!
It’s sort of like being afraid of a dog with dull teeth and no bark, weighing less than 40lbs….that is invisible because it doesn’t exist.
Dibs on ‘KALIF8’ as a personalised numberplate.
Just as long as I can have ‘I – SLAM’.
Thanks to Ben Stein’s movie trailer (see Moxie above at 0:07), I now know that the selfless martyrs who challenge “neo-Darwinism” either get sent to Auschwitz or get eaten by cheetahs. So sad.
mikey —
Make your own ph?. I highly recommend that recipe.
Blasted WordPress and their lack of Unicode support… That ph? should be pho, only with the funny accent marks.
J— said,
February 11, 2008 at 2:15
Thanks to Ben Stein’s movie trailer (see Moxie above at 0:07), I now know that the selfless martyrs who challenge “neo-Darwinism” either get sent to Auschwitz or get eaten by cheetahs. So sad.
Ben Stein’s movie trailer does not make me wonder about a higher intelligence.
It makes me wonder when will Ben Stein stop sucking every Republican cock that comes down the freeway?
And he gets bonus points for the immediate plunge into Dennis the Peasant mode.
Yes, we’re funded by Exxon, and richer than most everyone on the planet. See the violence inherent in the system!
This will happen as well:
Damn, static. Never even considered the possibilty. Hell, I’m in. I’ll do it next weekend. Pretty sure it’ll be one of those cases of “hmm, good, but it ain’t Pho”, but on the other hand I’m pretty sure it will smell fabulous all weekend.
Hell yeah…
mikey —
I made it a couple of weeks ago; the spices were a little more pronounced than many (most) restaurant versions. Still – it was tasty, tasty, tasty.
I once met a seemingly sane man, a man who wears a suit and tie every day and had an mid-level job in the gubbermint. We had a few drinks and he told me, warned me, that Teh Joos ran the world. He would respond to your WCM in charge argument by saying Teh Joos are so clever they get the WCMs to do their bidding so no one will know it is Teh Joos pulling the strings.
Were they pulling his strings, I asked.
No, of course not. He knew the truth.
What about the rest of the people in the bar? You sir, this man says we’re all being controlled by Jews. What do you think of that?
I wonder if he made ever made it home?
I foresaw this happening from the moment they ran with that “crazy Pakis blowing people up” storyline on Coronation St
Now I want to know what the hell Archbishop Williams was talking about. CNN is vague as hell about what he said and doesn’t seem to agree with Random Idiot that civil cases can be settled in any way both parties agree to.
I think I actually know less for having read two different CNN pieces on this speech.
Incidentally, I’m pretty sure that British law features aspects of every legal system designed in the history of mankind, because some laws are almost universal. I’m pretty sure Sharia frowns on theft and murder, just like every other legal system.
I’ve been reviewing the canon this weekend…
Cooking up the books
A respected occupation
The anchor and foundation of multi-corporations
They don’t believe in crime
They don’t know that it exists
But to understand
What’s right and wrong
The lawyers work in shifts
I’m pretty sure Sharia frowns on theft and murder, just like every other legal system.
That’s just what they’d like you to believe.
[knowing look, slow nod, and — OMG — was that a creepy nuff-said wink?]
Next thing you know the crazy surrender-crats will be suggesting we adopt some of the principles of those crazy ancient Assyrian Iraqi Akkadians into our laws, or maybe even some crazy wandering Semitic tribesmen.
Nah, it’s the English… they just want you to think that it’s the Jews. Or maybe it’s the Albanians, hiding behind the English who are hiding behind the Jews.
My understanding is that he wasn’t saying anything radically different from what is already a legal practice: That contract disputes can be resolved acording to whatever parties agree upon, be it Sharia law or the Drunken Sailor’s Code of Conduct.
All the fury is not because of what he said, but because he said it as a head of a Major Christian Church.
The vibe I get is: Are we in a Holy Crusade or what?
If I’m reading the article correctly, the Archbishop’s remarks were actually pretty innocuous. He was just pointing out similarities between British law and Sharia law. Just goes to show that England has as many crazies as we do here. Those eyebrows, though…
Are we in a Holy Crusade or what?
If I was to be just straight out honest, my first reaction to reading this was “Damn, I hope so. I’ll take an amazing amount of pleasure in going over and fighting the christianists. And no, I expect no mercy if I’m captured.”
Shameful, I guess, but these people with their arrogant hatred make me want to turn against them in every way…
British law features aspects of every legal system designed in the history of mankind, because
some laws are almost universalBritish lawyers are worse than software user groups when it comes to installing new features.Or maybe it’s the Albanians, hiding behind the English who are hiding behind the Jews.
Fucking Albanians.
or the Drunken Sailor’s Code of Conduct.
Finally, a law I can get behind.
Snorhagen, I must confess. It’s really Teh Ghey. We even made J. Edgar Hoover live with a man his entire life, just because we could.
In fact, when ever HQ feels things are a bit too quiet they call random RightWankers and tell them to hit on cops, put on suspenders and a bra and pick up male prostitutes, snort meth off male prostitutes, sexually assault other Republicans, you name it. David Vitter thinks he’s cute. We specifically said diapers with a male prostitute. He says his secretary messed up the message. Rest assured he’ll pay. He’ll pay.
[Mad scientist laughter]
It is clear from the evidence we have heard today that when Blind Pew slipped you the Black Spot, it had been drawn up by a properly-convened council of your peers, strictly according to the Pyrates’ Code. Therefore, Captain Bones, this court rejects your appeal.
British law is a wonderful thing. 1000 years of accumulated crap. Complicated, but it seems to work. Of course, what archbishop has a proper understanding of the law? Probably not that one.
The thing is, the only people inclined to pay any attention to what an archbishop says, are the ones who are a bit strange to say the least. The kind of people who write letters to the editor. That kind of person.
To be honest, the main uproar is going on within the C of E itself. This however, is what they do. One of them says something that pisses off the other half, and they all squabble for years, whilst everyone else rolls their eyes and ignores it.
Of course, no matter how hysterical the British tabloid press could get, it takes a genuine wingnut to actually label it a race war. Thanks for clearing that up for us Michelle..
Do we have anything like a fawtah? (sp?)
I believe that commenter is thinking of a lynching.
As seen spraypainted on a wall: “Celts, Vikings, Romans, Picts, Saxons, Angles, Normans, Blacks, Pakis.. GO HOME”
So does that mean that Yankees are welcome there? Glad to hear there is at least one place on earth where that is the case.
Nope. As soon as you start immigrating, your name gets added to the end of the list.
Try Poland! They are still slightly pro-american!
I always forget Poland…
So does everyone else
If the archbishop says anything more complicated than “Cake or death?” I lose interest.
You learn to pay attention when he’s waving red-hot bits of domestic ironmongery and bellowing “It’s Poker Time!!”
[…] Hanxxors: Moxie in comments. […]
Hey, Someguy!
I think the word you were looking for was “pejorative”.
and don’t try to claim that is was a typo. Because the D is waaaaaaay over here on the right.
Glad to see none of you addressed my comment.
That’s because it’s true, FTW!!11!
Me: 1
S,N!: 0
Who will rid us of this Musselman priest?
Way back, Snorg.. said… No, you can’t, because there wouldn’t have even been a Battle of Britain … they’d have surrendered to the Nazis following the first shot fired in Poland.
No they wouldn’t, they would have been cheering the nazi’s on, no matter what old Doughboy thinks. Malkin & LGF are just present day versions.
When I play “Medieval Total War” on my computer, I like to play one of the Muslim (notice how the MM commenters spell it “moslem” is lower case?) factions and kick crusader ass. Does this make me a fifth columnist? Yes, but its the best way to win, and historically correct, Saladin’s boys were a tad more advanced than the European drunks, rapists and murderer’s that made up the ‘crusades’.
As for the Ha Noi pho comment, that is a bold statement….
Incidentally, I’m pretty sure that British law features aspects of every legal system designed in the history of mankind, because some laws are almost universal.
As dsquared noted, the shriekers including Mad Mel Phillips seem to have missed the role of the ECHR, and the convention now incorporated in the Human Rights Act, that means we’re not going to see Camilla wearing a burka.
Rowan Williams has a problem: he’s a smart, thoughtful man who says things that stupid tabloid journos — or should I say, relatively smart tabloid journos writing for stupid readers — distill into idiot versions. Part of his point was that British common law in various areas is the product of ecclesiastical law, and that having properly constituted third-party venues for settling civil disputes is better than cultural kangaroo courts. The Beth Din and certain Muslim tribunals already function in this regard.
Of course, to fixated lunatics like Malkin, who’d put herself in Gitmo for the cause, the ‘Judeo-Christian heritage’ is all that matters.
Way back, Snorg.. said… “No, you can’t, because there wouldn’t have even been a Battle of Britain … they’d have surrendered to the Nazis following the first shot fired in Poland.”
D. Aristophanes wrote that.
sorry, lazy arsed me, how long does it take to scroll back…….
I’m at my boldest in anonymous internet forums.
It’s true, though. The northern variant just isn’t as flavorful.
Okay, so that little bug at the bottom right of the film poster, MLI Designs? That’s the company that did the poster, advertising itself ON the poster. That’s just not done. What it means is that the producers didn’t want to spend the money to pay for the poster design and instead did a trade-services thing allowing the designer to put their logo on it. From the looks of that design, they got what they paid for, hnyuk hnyuk. It also means that the producers aren’t gonna throw good money into this sinkhole, not even the two thou it would’ve taken to get this hack designer to poo out this poster. Ben Stein himself being one of the producers.
The majority religion in the country is in fact, Manchester United footy team
The C of E being such a mild, innocuous thing, I used to wonder why Richard Dawkins always goes so mouth-frothing about religion. I mean, sure, if he were American and had to live surrounded by hookworm-infested snake-handlers, one would understand it. But can anything be more tepidly inoffensive than the Established Church?
But since you point out it’s MUplc he wants to shut down, it is suddenly all very clear to me, and I support him 110%.
Zsa is mostly right the pho is much better in the South. Still a good early morning Hanoi pho can be pretty darn tasty.
Zsa, if you’re in mid-Florida and find yourself in Jax there is really great pho there just off I-10 at the Cassatt Ave. exit. Vietnamese grocery too. Saturdays are family festivals with banh mi and all the fixin’s. The Orlando VN restaurants tend towards the upmarket, toning down the authentic.
Making real pho at home takes some real long broth cooking. Just sayin’.
Pho isn’t the only reason I married my wife, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was one of the reasons.
Chu’c mu`ng na(m mo+’i, y’all
I’m counting on my non-Protestant immigrant neighbors here personally. I mean, the local Obama campaign thought I was joking when I told them that this area would go completely Huckabee but I’ve been vindicated I tells ya!
Without our Hindus, newer Mexican Catholics, Muslims from various places, along with us fruitcake tree-huggers, we just wouldn’t have enough roadblocks for the fundies here. But everytime they try to plow right over us, here we are insisting that they can’t kick evolution out of the schools entirely. Da noive!!
Yeah yeah yeah. Malkin is an incompetent spokesperson. She’s a racist half wit. But what is going on with Islam in the West is not about racism, its about religious imperialism.
I am not going to convince anyone on the thread. Read about it if you want. All I will say is that Allah hates you. It’s up to you to figure out why and what it all means if you so desire.
Submission just ain’t for me.
“All I will say is that Allah hates you.”
Now that sounds like a conversation I really want to schedule time for.
Dude, I’ll say it slowly … “Allah” doesn’t fucking exist. So no, he doesn’t hate us any more than an equally fictional “God” loves us. You might be better off worrying about threats to, say, the Constitution rather than imaginary threats from imaginary beings.
There are some Muslims who hate us. There are quite a lot of Christians who hate us. Look up Dominionism some time. Ask yourself, is it a Muslim running for President who talks about governing according to biblical laws? Fuck no. It’s mutherfucking Mike Huckabee, and he’s pulling a steady 30% of the Republican vote.
Submission ain’t for me either. Difference is my eyes are open.
Kind of funny how all this hatred comes from people who believe in totally irrational things, huh?
Allah and Yahweh and poor Akhenaten
Psychics and mystics and talking with dead men
Gods in white togas all covered with bling,
These are my favorite irrational things
You liberals are all a bunch of fools especially those of you from the formerly Great Britian. You idiots you are an absolute disgrace to your ancestors! William the Conqueror and Richard the Lionheart would be UTTERLY ENRAGED AT YOUR LACK OF FAITH IN THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST WHICH YOUR NATION AND ITS LAWS WERE FOUNDED UPON AND WHICH MADE YOUR NATION THE MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY! You liberal Britons are a disgrace to Western Civilization with your politically correct happy talk punishing Conservatives and Christians and anyone who doesn’t bow at the alter of multi-culturalism which has been enforced upon the unwilling British people by your Countries liberal elites! You are a disgrace with your low birth rates while you let in mohammedean immigrants in your once Christian Nation while they multiply like rabbits and turn London into a third world cesspool with its skyrocketing crime rates and low standard of living and disease filled tenements! You disarm the lawabiding man amongst you through draconian gun control legislation and the outright prohibition of private firearms ownership while the mohammedean thugs prey upon your defenseless lawabiding men, rape your women and kidnap your children while your liberal elitist politicans are to cowardly and politically correct to step up to the plate and allow private gunownership, deport the mohammedeans, reestablish capital punishment and end multi-cultural tyranny! May the sane man and the Patriotic man amongst you Britons rise up and overthrow the yoke of socialist tyranny and reestablish your once Great Judeo-Christian Western Nation and defeat the mohammedean hordes and their socialist appeasers!
The misspelling “Britian” is, I have found, a highly reliable indicator that the writer is a power tool. I know I should just ignore you, Chris, but the pedagogue in me insists that I point this out:
For William the Conqueror and Richard the Lionheart to be outraged at anything in modern Britain (a country that did not, BTW, exist in their time), they would need first to speak English, which they did not. (They spoke a sort of gutter-French. They were foreign occupiers, you see.) But even if we magically transformed them into Anglophones, I think that what would really outrage them about modern Britain is that Britons have long since reduced their monarchs to expensively-coddled national pets. (They even went so far as to chop the head off one of them, something the Americans never managed with George III.)
Your admiration for illiterate unwashed mafiosi like William and Richard does make sense, though. From your rantings, it’s pretty clear that a brutal theocratic monarchy is what you hope for your own country. And your command of English is about as good as theirs.
You are a disgrace with your low birth rates…
Mr Blackitt: That’s what being a Protestant’s all about. That’s why it’s the church for me. That’s why it’s the church for anyone who respects the individual and the individual’s right to decide for him or herself. When Martin Luther nailed his protest up to the church door in 1517, he may not have realised the full significance of what he was doing. But four hundred years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas. And Protestantism doesn’t stop at the simple condom. Oh no! I can wear French Ticklers if I want.
We all need to say nice things to Susan of Texas now, in the hope that she will provide more verses about Irrational Things.
We all need to say nice things to Susan of Texas now, in the hope that she will provide more verses about Irrational Things.
Holy shit, I was going to do that for Taoists with tow trucks. Susan I salute you.
Regarding the MLI logo on the Expelled poster. If you look a tiny bit further you’ll find that logo is also on all the pages of the web site. Also, if you go to the Premise Media web site you’ll find the Creative Director of MLI Design did all the branding for the film. Notice also beside the MLI logo is the Motive Logo and the Rocky Mountain Logo. Motive is represented on the Premise Web site as well, as being responsible for the grass roots marketing and Rocky Mountain is the film’s distributor. It is not uncommon at all for distributors and marketers to be given credits… not on this planet anyway. Where do you hail from?