Against all odds
Posted on February 10th, 2008 by
If FoxNews is right (link until they fix it — scroll down, right side), Obama will have a really hard time winning the nomination given Clinton’s lead:
Don’t count 0 out.
If FoxNews is right (link until they fix it — scroll down, right side), Obama will have a really hard time winning the nomination given Clinton’s lead:
Don’t count 0 out.
(comments are closed)
They are just the best at everything they do.
Because Fox is, y’know, real news. They’re very careful about making sure all their reportage is 100% accurate. They’re even more reliable than the Weekly World News.
And wrestling is the only sport that isn’t fixed.
Well the number at the bottom is indeed the total of the numbers above it. Credit where credit’s due.
Everyone else must pay cash.
Bah, Obama can’t win outside of states with surpluses of guilty liberals, states with a massive black bloc vote, and caucus states.
Yay, Obama wins a state where his Cook County thugs intimidate supporters of other candidates to support him. That’s so reflective of how elections are really held.
The fact is that Hillary will squash Obama today in Maine, and she will squash him in Texas and Ohio.
Ohio won’t be like my state of Missouri, which was stolen by the Cook County/Obama machine. Where they invented new ballots of out of thin air in KC, Columbia, and STL to put Obama over the top.
Hillary is ruthless and evil enough to just squash Obama and remove him from the national scene.
Much like how Gene McCarthy was rendered irrevelant in 1972 after 1968.. Barack Obama is on the road to obscurity.
It’s tough for me to choose which candidate I want John McCain to defeat.
Obama is a drug-dealing ex-Muslim, Clinton is a criminal and a socialist.
But defeating Clinton will remove her from influence in America. That’s a lot better.
The fact is that Hillary is backed by a bunch of braindead feminists and Obama is backed by a bunch of pothead stoners.
Wow. Teh Crazy is strong in the comments over there. I don’t think I’ve ever waded into those before.
Unfortunately, they’re moderated, so my little gem will never see the light of day.
Over there, justme? Look above you.
Didja see that they labeled McCain a Democrat, a few days back?
You can’t spell Fox News without l337.
Well boil my britches. Now I have to eat my words…
I can’t wait to see what sort of response it gets.
Oddly enough, I have no white liberal guilt until guys like Gary Ruppert start talking. Then I’m just embarrassed as all fuck to be part of his race. Of course, I also don’t spend a lot of time thinking of Clinton as The Woman Candidate until guys like Gary (and Chris Matthews) open their mouths.
So keep it up, boys. A little backlash against your “identity politics” bullshit would be a good lesson for you straight white males voting republican.
The fact is that MSNBC and the Clinton campaign staged the Schuster incident in order to increase support for Clinton.
Hillary will do anything to win, and that much is obvious so far. When she wins the nomination, I expect the most strongly anti-military campaign ever from her followers.
Hillary’s plan for housing involves an idea that was developed by left-wing crackpot Lyndon LaRouche. Hillary’s plan for health care involves mandatory health insurance and will lead to mandatory mental health screenings which will lead to the condemnation of Christians as insane, as part of the End times.
Gary, mandatory mental health screening leading to someone diagnosing you as crazy is not proof of conspiracy, nor even inaccuracy.
Gary can’t be real.
He’s just some mean liberal pretending to be a conservative just to make conservatives look stupid.
Like Mallard Fillmore. And Ann Coulter. And Rush Limbaugh. And Mike Huckabee. And Jonah Goldberg. And Brit Hume. And Fox News.
Mean liberals. All of them.
It’s part of the conspiracy to wipe out Christianity in America.
Both Obama and Clinton are obvious atheists, and we need someone like John McCain now.
The very idea of a Republican not backing McCain or backing Clinton is just plan insanity.
I voted for Mitt Romney on February 5th, and Mitt gets it. If Democrats win in November, then America loses.
I voted for Mitt Romney on February 5th, and Mitt gets it.
You’ve been watching too many horror movies, Gary.
Wait, what? I thought Clinton was pagan, not atheist. I’d have sworn I keep hearing people call her a witch…
Dude, elections REALLY get Gary riled up. He’s in rare form.
I’m sure all the liberal scum who frequent S,N! are grateful to Gary for his thoughts on how Republicans should vote in their primaries. But wouldn’t it be a good idea to copy that advice to other places, like the Fox website linked above, so that actual Republicans could read it as well? I mean, we swine always appreciate the pearls we receive, but we’d hate to think that you were neglecting the rest of the barnyard.
We’ve got one of those? Really?
Where can I sign up?
Not good! Neither of the candidates have the 2025 delegates required to win the democratic nomination! Alarums!
Both Obama and Clinton are obvious atheists
Wasn’t the idea supposed to be Obama’s a Muslim, Gary? Y’know, those Muslims look down on atheism pretty hard. About the same level of distaste as you have for everyone that isn’t you.
Could you stay somewhat consistent for once? I’m not asking you to be honest, just consistent in lying.
Patkin, no. Obama’s a perfidious *ex* Muslim, who wants to destroy Christianity uh, because he’s nostalgic, or a sleeper, or something. Presumably he doesn’t want to destroy Islam, or Gary’d be all over him.
If FoxNews is right
That’s a pretty fucking major suspension of disbelief right there, matey.
Re: Obama is a Muslim. Obama isn’t just a Muslim… he’s a secret Muslim. So right now he’s pretending to be a Christian while really secretly pretending to be an atheist as part of a conspiracy to destroy Christianity. But that’s just his cover story in case he’s outed for hating Christianity. After he seizes power however, he’ll secretly bring about Sharia law in America and surrender to the terrorists and everybody will be powerless to stop him.
So it’s not an inconsistency for him to be both an atheist and a secret Muslim. It’s just a very, very, very crazy conspiracy theory. Although I must note, that I would be proud if a real live Muslim-Feminist-Socialist-Atheist-Pothead was a serious contender for the presidency. After all, how has electing Right wing-Supposedly-Christian-Cokehead-Failed-Businessmen worked out anyways?
According to some wingnuts, atheism is a form of Islam … I shit you not!
I prefer the term “stealth Muslim” myself,it’s got a bit more of an elite feel to it than just plain old”secret”. And I’m all about the elite-ness thing,don’tcha know.
There is a psychiatric / pharmaceutical plan to “suicide screen” every
child in the United States before they graduate from high school.
Evidence exists that shows massive pharmaceutical backing that will
result in even more overdrugging of kids with psychiatric drugs .
Can you take a moment to view this very short video? Click here:
And then sign and forward this petition to your associates
and everyone you know? It already has over 23, 800 signatures.
According to some wingnuts, atheism is a form of Islam … I shit you not!
Initially Islam was viewed by some Christians as some sort of arian heresy.
“The fact is that MSNBC and the Clinton campaign staged the Schuster incident in order to increase support for Clinton.”
Sheer genius!
Similar to the 2000/2004 system of Bush Rangers, Bush Pioneers etc., Obama fundraisers are divided into Secret, Covert, and Stealth Muslims, in increasing order of dhimmitude.
As an ex-Christian, I have to say that Obama strikes me as the candidate closest to Christianity in his overall approach to politics. McCain doesn’t seem to have a religious bone in his body, and I think faith is pretty much pro forma with Hillary (which doesn’t mean it’s an act). As for the smarmy Huckabee, I think he’s probably sincere about his faith in the way of a guy who doesn’t have a clue about what sincerity or honesty mean.
I kind of like Obama anyway.
If 0 wins the nomination, I’m voting for purple!
Imagine for a moment the field day Confederate Yankee and his army of half-wits would have if, say, AP or Agence France Presse had made that same mistake. They’d be all “MSM” this and “MSM” that, and “Conspiracy!” and “We’re waiting for an apology” and “today marks two months since the fifth day of that poll-reporting error, and the only acceptable response is for someone to resign. The silence speaks volumes.”
But if it’s Fox? Not so much.
Olberman has a piece last week on how FAUX NOISE often refers to caught Repugs as Demos. It makes troll idiots like gary feel better. & The delegate total errors are still there.
I am 0.
No, I am 0!
Does this post need a soundtrack? Seriously, I’m available. Call me?
When considering the math skills (or lack thereof) of America’s Shittiest News Network™, I always find it instructive to hearken back to Sept. 11, 2001, when Fox was reporting 30,000 dead in the WTC collapse. They were only off by a factor of 10, which by Fox standards, is well within the usual margin of error.
To go off topic for a moment, I also like to recall that in the 2 weeks following 9/11, Fox’s ratings sucked wind – no one was watching them. In other words, even the most brain-dead Fox viewers seem to subconsciously understand that when they need factual information, they’d better go somewhere else.
If someone had diagnosed my schizophrenia when I was still in school, I think I’d have been a lot better off. The devil is in the details, of course, but mental health screening for schoolkids isn’t inherently a bad idea. Parents need to be allowed to seek second opinions and they and their doctors and mental health professionals and children all need to be able to make a decision together as to what kind of treatment, if any, is appropriate.
A better use of time than asking people to spam their friends might be educating parents as to what sorts of options they have. As far as I know, if your local school screens your kid for hearing loss, you still have the right–some might say duty–to a second opinion.
Keep in mind I’m schizophrenic. I’m literally a paranoid crazy. And believe me I have no love for the drug companies, especially not when I’m wide awake all night hallucinating zombies well after I’ve stopped taking the goddamned Inderal and with apparently permanent aggravating muscle spasms nobody bothered to warn me were a side effect of Abilify. And I still don’t see this, despite what I’ve read, as some sort of first step in the conspiracy to turn kids into hypermedicated apathetic veal for the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies.
looks like Gary Ruppert is scared to death, as he should be. It’s too bad his many fantasies aren’t true, including the atheist angle; it would be far better for America if the religious kept their beliefs to themselves, instead of engaging in the totalitatrianism of shoving their dogma down everyone else’s throats. the idea of any republican staying with that crew of traitors and losers, led by the liar McCain, is just insanity. But tthey’ve already proven hiow sick they are.
I am Candidate Zero.
Some people call me Maurice.
They keep trying to pray away the coming Obama landslide, but once again, reality takes a steaming dump on the “we make our own reality” crowd. Welcome to our Universe, boys.
And it’s interesting…though not unexpected…that the media is still in denial about the Huckabee phenomenon. They keep trying to pray him away too, but it’s looking increasingly like the bulk of Pukes prefer him to McCain. The Party muckeemucks will never coronate him voluntarily though, so the coming bloodbath should be spectacular to watch.
Make sure to stock up plenty of popcorn.
I’ve got to wonder why conservatives feel so weak and helpless and impotent and limp in the face of the liberal menace. Do they know something we don’t know?
Thanks, Gary!
I read your Mitt comment and laughed and laughed and laughed. It’s been a tough week and I needed your special brand of comic relief.
Keep up the hilarious work! More so if you are also Amy G.!
I’m a little surprised they didn’t pull one of their fuckface “mistakes” and put McCain or Ron Paul on the Dem list.
I agree with D. Sidhe wholeheartedly. If I had been diagnosed in high school, I might have avoided a great deal of pain, hardship and lost time. While I have no love for the drug companies, and I despise the drugs that I am on some days because of their many side effects, I can tell you one thing about schizophrenia: Yeah the drugs are bad, but the one thing worse than being on them is being off them. And while I may disagree with the drug company mentality that taking pills is the biggest part of treatment for the mentally ill (and it in some ways infects the medical community), I will not accept that they aren’t a big help.
So if one is interested in promoting better mental heath, one should perhaps (as D. Sidhe suggested) promote better education of parents and the public at large. Believe me, if you want to know what makes the biggest difference for success or failure in a mental patient’s life, it is the support and love of friends and family.
This will be the election of the scared, white males. America will see just how much a craven bunch these white, male Christian conservatives really are.
The are like DEFNS in falling down, only afraid to fight at all, except online with words like “crush, destroy, and beat”.
It is funny and pathetic to watch grown men in fear of women, Hispanics, gays, Blacks and anyone who doesn’t think or look like them.
Funny I say.
I need to give this 0 a closer look.
Perhaps we all should.
It’s as if they really don’t care about the facts. That can’t be the case. Can it?
True… however, Zero the Hero needs to look out for Captain Capricorn. Fortunately, he has the support of the Octave Doctors and Potheaded Pixies.
ifthethunderdontgetya wrote:
=>boblinde wrote:
…Saddam’s father was one of Hitler’s trusted allies…<=
Nazis, eh? Perhaps you’d like to google up Prescott Bush and same.
But let’s get to Saddam and all those atrocities you mention. Remember the 1980s? When Saddam was gassing the Kurds, fighting the Iranians, and was also the friend of Donald Rumsfeld, Ronald Reagan and GHW Bush, etc.?
Here’s a pic:
Reagan/GHW Bush administration officials supported Saddam right up until he invaded their even better friend, Kuwait. The Senate unaimously passed the Prevention of Genocide Act of 1988. In its original form, the legislation called for the following changes in US policy toward Iraq…
But the Administration and its allies in the House watered it down and eventually killed it.
If Saddam deserved to pay for his war crimes from the 1980s, why should his enablers get a free pass?
As to your implied claim that we’re helping the Iraqis, that’s rubbish.
They’d like us to leave, and for good reason. We’ve made their lives even worse, yet again.
For money and oil.
2/10/2008 12:10:01 PM
Don’t fuck with Mr. Zero.
When 0 chooses a running mate will they be ∞ ? Talk about skyrocketing numbers!
Jesus Christ, it’s a kidney-sales thread.
Ahh, the joy of RSS.
I don’t want to sell my kidney. But I’d go a few toes if the money’s right…
Mike Gravel said,
February 10, 2008 at 17:44
I am 0. No, I am 0!
I am Candidate Zero.
Some people call me Maurice.
Supplied your youtube.
I voted for Mitt Romney on February 5th in my home State of Alabama as well. Unfortunately he dropped out, so now I have to support McCain.
John McCain for all of his faults on immigration and campaign finance is a Patriot and a true American hero who will lead the GOP to victory in November.
No White Southerner would ever vote for Hillary or Obama. Bush carried 70% of the White Southern vote in 2004.
The Republican “L” the South, West and Midwest will propel the GOP to victory in November. No democrat can ever win the Presidency without breaking through the Republican “L”, and since both Clinton and Obama are leftist Northerners it ain’t gonna happen my liberal friends.
Bah, they corrected the graphic. It was funnier as it was before.
And boy are some of the comments there painful to read. And those are the ones that make it through the moderation! The reality-impairment on that site is mind-boggling. I half expect some of those goopers to seriously want Mighty Mouse as their candidtate. Well, unless MM turns out to be an islamofascist in favor of taxing rich people.
Shut up, booger.
You aren’t even mildly amusing.
Why don’t you found the internet school of mime, or something?
Yea, but Chris, isn’t having actually served in the armed services so, you know, non-republican? I’d stick with the deferment queens if I was you.
Hillary will do anything to win, and that much is obvious so far.
That’s obvious, from the fact that she has a challenger who’s slowly edging past her.
I myself served in the military. I was in the 101st Airborne in the first Gulf War. The majority of active duty military personel ARE REGISTERED REPUBLICANS! According to a 2003 poll 57% of active duty military personel are registered Republicans. That breaks down to 66% of Officers and 49% of Enlisted personel. In addition 53% of active duty military personel describe their political beliefs as either Conservative or Very Conservative. And 60% of military veterans voted for Bush in 2004. So you see the lefts “argument” about Conservatives being “chickenhawks” is not grounded in fact as the majority of Active Duty Military Personel are Conservative Republicans.
Jesus Christ, it’s a kidney-sales thread . . .
. . . from August 2004. Feeling the void now that Mister Leonard’s safely back in Texas? (Never thought I’d utter those last four words together.)
No White Southerner would ever vote for Hillary or Obama
Except for the ones who voted for Hillary and Obama.
So, Chris, how do you explain the fact that the total number of voters in the southern states who turned out for both Clinton and Obama was greater than the total number of voters who turned out for McCain, Huckabee, and Romney?
The number of White Southerners who vote democrat my liberal friend is miniscule compared to the number who vote Republican. The entire democrat party in the modern South is dominated by blacks. God bless Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Realignment!
The blacks went out in droves g, to vote for one of their own thats how I explain it while most Whites were somewhat disatisfied with their Republican choices so they figured they would just wait until november to vote GOP. I know I’m a White Southerner from Alabama as are all of my family and friends.
No White Southerner would ever vote for Hillary or Obama.
That’s right. Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Edwards are the honorary chairs of Draft Tancredo !!11!!!
Chris St. James said,
February 10, 2008 at 20:35
I myself served in the military. I was in the 101st Airborne in the first Gulf War.
Substantiation of deployment, plz, multiple-monikered parody troll.
“My liberal friends”? Christ, Rush Limbaugh has taken to trolling Sadly, No!, doubtless hoping Leonard will share his pills.
Also, absolutely, When you randomly capitalize Things like that, I AM Totally OVERWHELMED by Your Argument. Excellent Strategery!!
While most Whites were somewhat disatisfied with their Republican choices.
To be true, this statement requires the statement, “all white southerners are registered Republicans” to be true; and the statement “there exist some white southerners who are Democrats” to be false.
I came to the realization the other day that with Mittens out of the race, there’s bound to be a lot less hilarity on the campaign trail this year. That kind of made me sad. I feared that I’d have to rely on the pig-ignorance of Gary to get me through until November; this prospect did not breathe new life into my spirts. However, Huckleberry appears to have some new legs, which promises to re-inject some new bat-shittery, numb-fuckery, nit-wittery, and possible fuck-stickery into this thing.
Most White Southerners are Registered Republicans and their numbers are growing every day while the number of White Southerners who are registered democrats has been steadily decreasing since the late 1960s.
To be true, this statement requires the statement, “all white southerners are registered Republicans” to be true; and the statement “there exist some white southerners who are Democrats” to be false.
I think it’s one of those things where the reichtards have a different idea of what words mean which, to them, is so self-evident that they don’t explain it. It then sails straight past normal people.
Like “American” – it seems as though it should mean “people who live in America”, but the tighty-righty definition has layers and layers of qualifications and litmus tests about ideological correctness that require that an “American” worthy of the term is white, Republican, and male.
I think the same thing is going on with this guy’s use of “white”, “Southern”, etc. “White” entails voting like a white man (Republican), Southern entails white and Republican, etc.
“So you see the lefts “argument” about Conservatives being “chickenhawks” is not grounded in fact as the majority of Active Duty Military Personel are Conservative Republicans.”
Dude, you just busted my fallacy meter.
Hey Chris, as long as you’re hanging out here having the edifying dialog with the Sadlys, clear something up for me, wouldya?
Why? Why do you and your buddies come here and spew crap at a bunch of people, who at their most charitable think you’re an idiot and an asshole? What, if anything other than a use for all that personal lubricant, do you think you’re accomplishing?
Mikey my liberal friend, I am trying to win converts to the Conservative movement of course. By winning over hearts and minds and explaining and articulating Conservative principles.
It’s the deepest mystery. Why would anyone spend time with people he disagrees with, trying desperately to antagonize them? It’s probably a blessing he’s doing it here, where we simply accept him with amused contempt at his douchbaggery, than if he went to some other site where he would be met with more fierce antipathy.
One wonders what Chris’s own circle thinks of him. I would imagine he’s not the most popular one in his set.
By winning over hearts and minds and explaining and articulating Conservative principles.
Now see, THAT comes closer than anything else to explain to me why the Bush Administration is so unsuccessful at winning hearts and minds in Iraq. If their attempts are anything like those of our Chrissie here, it’s no longer a mystery.
G, the obvious point here is that Chris/booger/Saul (and how many more) is NOT trying to win over hearts and minds.
It’s the standard “Look at me! Look at Me! LOOK AT ME!” parody troll.
Which is why I keep wondering if it’s not Annie Angel.
Same modus operandi.
The neo/theo/soc/def/chi-cons know that all black guys are hung like elephants and any woman who would run for office is a ball busting bitch. And then there is the Hillary teh Lezbian crap that keeps circulating through the inner tubes. They all know what teh dyke wants to do to teh willie. (Snip snip!)
So, they know the fate Conservative Penis hangs in the balance of the next election but they feel powerless to fend off the double threat of the Giant Dick and the Dick Whacker. It’s difficult to run a good campaign when you’re hunched over clutching your soft bits.
The Internet Troll is the Jew of Caller ID and *69.
I’m confused–is kidney failure supposed to be teh funny now?
You know, ’cause dialysis is such a fucking scream. The never-ending blood draws are a laugh riot. The hoping and waiting that someday, someone will die so that you can live just cracks me up.
Awesome. The trolls are all starting to blend into one Blob-like organism. It’s like the guy I knew in high school who would insist that we refer to him by his name spelled backward when he was pretending to be his evil twin.
Hey, Chris, if this doesn’t work try spelling your name backwards and refusing to use contractions. Or maybe start sticking extra Us into your words and telling us you’re from Canada.
Always amazed at how often a guy who wants to convince you he’s several people has barely enough personality for one person.
In 2000 I saw many, many car and yard signs for Bush/Cheney. The signs lingered for many years. By 2004 there were far fewer yard signs and the bumber stickers were faded and curling. Now there are virtually no political yard signs and most bumper stickers are for Obama and Clinton.
And I live less a relatively short distance from Bush’s parents.
And I’m a liberal feminist atheist.
In Texas.
And I’m a bad editor, sorry.
Zero gets the better of Obama by stealing his rhetoric. In particular, the great thing about Zero is that division by him is undefined.
Chris, look at the members of both branches of Congress and also the executive branch. Almost all of those who’ve served in the armed forces are Democrats. The Republicans could write the book on lame excuses to avoid service. Cheney had ‘more important things to do’. Bush just FUCKED OFF and had his dad fix everything. You’re just so wrong about so many things that it’s impossible to believe that you’re not just lying about the rest. No one believes you were actually in the military and no one is being ‘converted’ by your bullshit.
It’s gotten up to -7 here and the windchill is only -27 now, but it is super sunny out so running some errands should be more pleasant than chatting with Chris.
0 is a uniter, not a divider.
Fortunately, he has the support of the Octave Doctors and Potheaded Pixies.
Hare hare supermarket!
Hare hare hare supermarket!
Hare hare London bus!
Hare hare ladies’ lavatory!
“I am trying to win converts to the Conservative movement of course. By winning over hearts and minds and explaining and articulating Conservative principles.”
Chris, you are articulating your ass off !! Keep up the good work and be sure to randomly capitalize.
We just had one heck of a snowstorm in MA. Lightening flashing behind heavy snow driven horizontal by heavy winds. Thunder so loud it made me jump. It lasted 19 minutes.
Now, it’s warm and sunny. Right now, I see no clouds in the sky, although radar shows me more storms are headed this way.
And Chris/Gary/Amy/Whoever you are,
Thanks again for the laughs. Sure you’re going to convert us to conservatism. Sure you are. Just keep trying. Hee hee hee!
mikey, I believe Occam’s razor would lead to the conclusion that “nothing better to do with his time” is the only valid choice. Either a1) he’s chronically ill or is raised by nutjob parents, or a2) has poor social skills, and as a result he’s got very few friends, and gets really excited about the attention; b) he lives in a sufficiently isolated area and cannot afford the time investment it takes to see friends; or c) he only shows up here when he’s simply bored and has time on his hands.
Awesome. The trolls are all starting to blend into one Blob-like organism. It’s like the guy I knew in high school who would insist that we refer to him by his name spelled backward when he was pretending to be his evil twin.
“Chris” also tried that in high school. The only problem is, his real name is “Bob”.
Random Capitalization is a very Clever rhetorical device. It doesn’t cause the Reader to wonder wonder what the Fuck is up with the Dimwit who doesn’t know how to capitalize; No, it Does not. Rather, it gives a Subtle subconscious Strength to a Few Noble Words.
gbear said,
February 10, 2008 at 21:38 (kill)
0 is a uniter, not a divider.
Ahh, sweet release. I need a smoke.
Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the Iraq war.
Both top a new list of presidential candidates receiving campaign contributions from people who work for the four branches of the military and National Guard, according to a study released Thursday by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, an Illinois senator, brought in more donations from this group than any White House contender from either party. The Democrat announced Wednesday his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2008.
Paul, a Texas congressman and the only GOP presidential hopeful who supports an immediate troop withdrawal, comes in second.
The center tallied money from donors who list the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and National Guard as an employer. Overall, these donations are miniscule: Obama got 44 contributions worth about $27,000 and Paul 23 for about $19,300. Republican John McCain, an Iraq war supporter and Vietnam prisoner of war, was third with about $18,500 from 32 donors.
In 2004, military personnel contributed $1.2 million to presidential and congressional candidates, the center said. This year, those donations are about $200,000.
The Democrat announced Wednesday his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2008.
That would be a neat trick.
I prefer the term “stealth Muslim” myself
Indeed. Sufi Ninjas. Invisible in their black hijabs, they break into the houses of their enemies, evade the alarms, unroll their radar-absorbing prayer mats, and are gone again without anyone realising they were there.
Amy is probably real, likely with some valid concerns.
It’s not unreasonable to predict that wholesale screening of school children will result in lots of borderline kids being misdiagnosed with ADHD and medicated unnecessarily. But to suggest that the answer to this is to refuse to screen at all, thereby leaving kids with severe mental illnesses to the whims of fate–and fundie parents who think the kid just has demons that need to be prayed/beaten away, for example–seems a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Screen the kids, teach the parents to talk to their kids and their kids’ doctors, educate folks about the pros and cons of medications and other treatments.
But too many kids have too many problems that their parents can’t or won’t help them with, and screening them for things like suicidal depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia, eating disorders (not to mention things like gay kids or kids being bullied who are afraid to say anything and kids who are headed for violent outbursts), is the best way to at least find the kids who need help.
Once we know where to start, we can get them and their parents the information they need to figure out what to do next.
Schools already screen for vision, hearing, lice, scoliosis, and the odd disease that crops up. If your child has a problem they send a letter home. No mass drugging/hospitalization involved.
I prefer to panic over peak oil and no federal reserves in the banks, myself.
I especially like candidate 0 (zero).
But to suggest that the answer to this is to refuse to screen at all…
Indeed. This is the place we now find ourselves, and it’s become one of my pet peeves (I call it “Fluffy”). We seem to have created a mindset where there are only two answers to any question. If you are not for X, you MUST be for Not X. If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists. If you don’t let the government have unlimited eavesdropping power, you’re against monitoring the calls of terrorists. If you support the Palestinian cause, you MUST be anti-semitic.
I know it’s been coming for a long time, but it really burst onto the scene when John Kerry was being bashed for “nuance”, and to alter one’s opinion as one gathered more and better data was defined as “flip flopping”. We have created a world where we can never solve a problem, for the only options for addressing anything are ALL or NOTHING. Global Climate Change? Bring the global economy to a halt or do nothing whatsoever. No phased approach, no incremental solutions, no “Study-Pilot-Implement”. Just Nukes or flowers. This is the most stupid, self-destructive path I’ve ever seen or heard of a society taking.
It’s like we’ve created a perfect solution for inaction, and now we get to watch everything grind to a halt…
Interesting Mikey. It is similar to one of my pet peeves about politics- the idea that there is one axis, with two directions. People are either ‘Left’ or ‘Right’. If you don’t believe in an absolute glibertarian corporatist clusterfuck, then you must be hankerin’ for a 100% centrally planned Soviet. I very much want some third party, any third party, to get prominent, exactly to call into question this sense of Dualism that seems to pervade damn near all political analysis in the USA. Even a Neo-nazi party would at least tend to split fascists from conservatives better. Dualism is the problem.
Also reminds me of Orcinus, where some of the stupider commenters have decided that, since Israel is seen as a problem state, the correct response is to become actual anti-semites. Because if Israel is ‘bad’, then absolute opposition to Israel must be ‘good’.
fluffy is someone else’s pet peeve too, Mikey;
Although these folks are a bit confused in both thinking that ‘fluffy’ is a good name for a german shepard, and in that they urge you to go buy oodles of yellow ribbons and flags “to show we will not forget 911 and all the people who have died in the name of freedom over the past 200 years.”
This would appear to back up Mikey’s argument about ‘nuance’ too.
Oh, and while you’re over there, ‘Check out Iraq Fluffy’s canine biscuits at Critter Confections.’
Poor poor exploited Fluffy.
betcha wish you woulda checked the dates on that site before you posted, dontcha, gbear?
Why, yes fluffy. You would be correct in that regard. Have a buscuit.
what the hell is a buscuit, gbear?
What baffles me is the constant harping on black voters going for Democrats, while white guys vote Republican. The Hydra-headed trolls, as well as the pundits ALL over the TV, keep going on about this, as if it means something.
So what? Unless we go back to the partial vote thing (which is probably the dog-whistle these folks are playing to), IT DOESN’T FRIGGING MATTER.
They are all Americans, and all their votes count the same.
I know, of course, that this bothers people like out favorite trolls. But until you admit that you’re stone cold racists who want to return to days of slavery, it STILL doesn’t matter. A vote is a vote.
But until you admit that you’re stone cold racists who want to return to days of slavery, it STILL doesn’t matter. A vote is a vote.
Not only is the white/black thing stupid, so are the pundits’ allegations about how women might want to vote for Clinton, simply because she is female. Even if that were the case, so what? Any halfway smart political strategist would simply conclude that if, in fact, women are more likely to vote for women, then they should start running more female candidates in order to win.
People have an absolute right to vote or not vote for whoever the hell they want, for any reason, or for no reason. I thought that was understood, but I guess that once again I overestimated our media.
I could even stand for that craptastic punditry — if they would also write, every single day, about the white male identity vote. Na. Ga. Ha.
Personally, I want all republicans to shut the fuck up about identity politics unless they can prove they’re queer, female, non-Christian, or non-white. Because straight white Christian males voting for a GOP candidate *is* identity politics. And no, voting for a candidate who later turns out to be a deeply closeted gay male doesn’t count unless you knew he was gay when you voted for him.
Once again, I type slow. What Mortician said.
If I had a punk band, that’s what I’d name it.
corporatist clusterfuck
If I had
a punk bandanother cat, that’s what I’d name it.Corporatist Clusterfuck
If I had
a punk bandanother cata male child, that’s what I’d name it.mikey
Corporatist Clusterfuck and the Craptastic Punditocracy LIVE!
“So, Mr Cash…”
“Call me Johnny.”
“OK, Mr Johnny. I’m ringing you about this song on the record’s A-side.”
“A Boy called Corporatist Clusterfuck”?
“That’s the one.”
“You got a problem with it?”
“Well, Mr Johnny, the lyrics… they don’t exactly scan.”
“So sue me.”
Corporatist Clusterfuck
If I
had a punk band another cat a male childstarted a software company, that’s what I’d name it.Gary Ruppert said,
February 10, 2008 at 11:13
Bah, Obama can’t win outside of states with surpluses of guilty liberals, states with a massive black bloc vote, and caucus states.
The fact is that Hillary will squash Obama today in Maine, and she will squash him in Texas and Ohio.
Gary, you really ARE the dumbest fuck on the internets, aren’t you?:
Gary, you really ARE the dumbest fuck on the internets, aren’t you?
As they say, Sadly, No! Tragically, Gary isn’t even the dumbest fucking troll here. But he tries harder.
Oddly enough, I do need to come up with a software-company name. At the moment we’re registered under the name of Such-and-Such. But according to a potential customer, this is too frivolous for their corporatist paymasters, so they can only give us the contract if we come up with a more credible title.
I have a feeling that “Corporatist Clusterfuck” is not going to go down well either.
This thread was fine until you started in with the bad language. You should all go have a semi-colonoscopy so you can be as bright and true as I.
so sensitive.
How about “Bimmler, Clyde, and Smut”?
My mother named me DirtyFuckingHippie. So you can dispense with thinking that my name is “bad language”. Or you can take it up with Anita.
Good luck with that.
How about going with a hip, snappy ‘Such2’ ?
and the bumber stickers were faded and curling
Those would be the bummer stickers, then. Faded, curling, shabby little bringers of shame upon their drivers.
I like the sound of SmutSoft. I’d buy some of that, whatever you’re selling, Smut my man. Even though I’d prefer Corporatist Clusterfuck. And you can always justify it by pointing to the definition, which includes a small piece of ash or dirt (that’s smut, not clusterfuck. I think the meaning of clusterfuck is pretty well fixed and clear).
[…] in the Clinton campaign. It should also pull him just about even in total delegates, despite the most Herculean efforts of those scrupulously dedicated professionals at Fox News to convince everybody […]
Thank you for the suggestions. I value your input. I will share them with my colleague, along with my own suggestions (‘Bag-o-Hammers’, ‘Trebuchets-R-Us’, and ‘Yoyodyne’).
Yoyodyne…. awesome
Yoyodyne doesn’t exist.
Unfortunately, the Yoyodyne concept test went out of fashion in Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland.
Corporatist Clusterfuck
If I had a
punk band another cat male childa howitzer, that’s what I’d name it.Laugh-a while you can, monkey boy.
“But according to a potential customer, this is too frivolous for their corporatist paymasters, so they can only give us the contract if we come up with a more credible title.”
The only possible follow-up to Such and Such? Programs and Things.
At the moment I lean towards “Degenerate Solutions Ltd.”
The religious right is just jealous of John McCain’s huge caucus.
Gary Ruppert said,
Bah, Obama can’t win outside of states with surpluses of guilty liberals, states with a massive black bloc vote, and caucus states.
What, you mean like Idaho?