Yamahama! It’s fright night!

Michelle Malkin at her, uh, how shall we say… well, put your morning coffee away and take a look.


Comments: 19


put your morning coffee away and take a look

Sadly, I was drinking my night tea and did not heed your advice. Now I have to clean up the screen and desk. Next time I think you need a better warning.


Why hasn’t she been interred yet? After all, she’s a Fillippina and the Phillipines have a lot of Muslim terrorists.


Saw that show. She totally wigged out. Couldn’t take the fact that the audience kept laughing at her. Maher tried to treat her with some respect and calm her down, but she barely held it together the entire show. Guess it offended her dignity. Andy Sullivan didn’t get that flustered when Gore Vidal was mocking the crap out of him to his face. But Malkin looked like she wanted to go into a full-on rant and then crawl under the table. Too bad. Maybe she’d be better at handling being put into a prison for being born to Phillipino parents.


Imagine Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, and Ann Coulter locked up in a little tiny room somewhere.

It would be a scientific breakthrough: the first nuclear reaction achieved without the use of radioactive materials.

In the words of Basil Fawlty, “Give my regards to the Earth’s core!”


I’ve always thought of Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and now, Michelle Malkin, as being radioactive materials, unstable and poisonous in even tiny doses.


vaara, it sounds like you’re casting for a Conservative Family Theatre production of “No exit.”

The idea of that is rather nauseating, I admit. (Though the image of AC as the aggressive lesbian seductress is rather funny.)


anyone have links to any parts of the show? I missed it.


Hopefully it will find its way on bittorrent soon…


In fairness, if I were trying to defend an argument that reprehensible, I would look even worse.


Geez, folks, thanks a lot. Another fond fantasy shot to hell.


um, merl, maybe ’cause she isn’t dead yet?

[ducking and running like hell]


“Sadly, I was drinking my night tea and did not heed your advice. Now I have to clean up the screen and desk. Next time I think you need a better warning.” -Pete M.

Pete, don’t you normally have to clean the screen and desk after looking at pictures of Michelle?

Oh, I did it again. I really do feel shame when I write this stuff. I’m not just saying that.


One door closes, another opens.

I caught Michelle Malkin’s appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time last week. Screen shots here (via Atrios & Sadly, No!). She characterised it this morning to Brian Lamb and viewers of C-Span’s Washington Journal as having been “treated roughly” while…


HAHA oh thats great how you freeze frame someone in the middle of talking and then to make those witty comments about how she looks.

The humor is a little subtle for most people I’ll grant you but you guys are hilarious.


One door closes, another opens.

I caught Michelle Malkin’s appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time last week. Screen shots here (via Atrios & Sadly, No!). She characterised it this morning to Brian Lamb and viewers of C-Span’s Washington Journal as having been “treated roughly” while…


Ignorance shines through the comments from liberals who are stunned to find a person of color who doesn’t have the same ill-concieved and illogical views that they have. And trashing Malkin as looking like an “asian ho” or something to that effect and calling her a racist because of her views…how bizarre….and coming from folks who claim a more honorable and moral position than the right wing, or just her for that matter.


Well said scruffy. Then again, I don’t really expect anything less from the Left (or right for that matter). The two sides talk out of both sides of their collective faces.

Those pics are a cheap shot, especially when everyone (Dems & Reps included) knows Mickey Malkin is hot!


I think you owe Michelle Malkin a very big apology. You badgered her and wouldn’t let her finish one sentence. Why?????


Michelle Malkin is an extremely intelligent and quite attractive woman. You are all simply intimidated and jealous, liberals who need something and someone to cry and whine about…go ahead and cry, she’s still more famous than you.


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