And another one…

Arrrrrgh… K-Lo:

Bay State Blues [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

I just got to Boston, about just as the West Virginia news dropped. It’s dreary here with no signs I’ve seen of an election going on, outside of the newspapers. I figure Boston is still in mourning over football, and could really use a hometown boost.

By “hometown boost,” I assume she means a Mitt Romney win. K-Lo, as a born-and-bred Masshole, let me be the first to tell you that we positively can’t stand Mitt, especially since he started using his contempt for us as a way to boost his right-wing credentials. Even the Republicans in this state hate his guts, since he basically did nothing as governor except using it as a platform to run for president. Nothing would make them happier than to see him go down in flames.


Comments: 40


I figure Boston is still in mourning over football, and could really use a hometown boost.

Brad, maybe you’ll both be right, in that case!


We need to “double” Guantanamo Bay. That would cheer everyone up.


K.J. Lopez voted for Romney today because conservatism is a temperament and Romney has it.

K.J. Lopez does not know how to write, and yet she is an editor. I am confused.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Do I need to even get into the ideology?

How the hell is she an editor, writing like that? Come ON, man…


It’s been said before but bears repeating. She cannot write worth a shit. “…about just as…” Oy. And the comma placements. That is not an independent clause at the end!


K. Lo has to use the extra commas to maintain the universe’s natural balance vis a vis Tom Wolfe’s exclamation points. Our essential virtual punctuations must be protected!


… but she knows what Love is.


I really want to believe that Romney doesn’t have a chance in Mass, but has anyone seen pollster lately?


Here’s a boost – Pitchers and Catchers report in 8 days.


Speaking of local, our local apostate, AhhhNuld endorsed the National apostate, McCain. Jeez, this is like cancer endorsing kidney disease.

Then his wife came out for Obama.

Let’s hear it for proportional delegates!




How the hell is she an editor, writing like that? Come ON, man…

Do you ask why the sun does not rise in the west?

Do you ask why platypuses are mammals?

Do you ask if His load is doughy?

Ask not that which is un-understandable.


Can we just call her Violet from now on?



She “flirted” with Thompson, McCain and Giuliani. She was just a whore for the men of right, until she saw Mitt battling clones. She’s K.Lo.


there are two closely related reasons that an overwhelming victory for Mitt in the Republican primary is perfectly compatible with the seething hatred we all feel for his weasely little soul. First, a substantial chunk of the Republican base hated Mitt so much that they aren’t Republicans anymore. Second, Republicans are now only 12.5% of the electorate.

There are probably more Giants fans.


The sun rises in the East? Platypuses are mammals?

DAMN that liberalfascistleftwing university. They gave me FALSE propaganda!


Er, um, so maybe that should have gone into the other thread.


And if you go back to The Corner and scroll up and they are talking about “McCain Derangement Syndrome.” Jonah chimes with…. a link to a YouTube video of a talking dog. They must be so proud.


Well, Mitt Romney doing nothing as Governor of Massechussettteeesss beats him having done anything at all in the job, considering his track record and policies.


I’m amazed that Romney is doing so well in the Massachusetts polls. By starting his run for President almost as soon as he arrived in the governor’s office, he burned what little credibility the Massachusetts Republican Party had left (as a fiscally responsible counterweight to the hacks in the Democratic-dominated legislature). He repudiated the positions he took to get elected governor. He took every opportunity to piss on the state that elected him. And Massachusetts Republicans want him to be their standard-bearer in the Presidential election? Are they like domestic-abuse victims crawling back to their abusers?


I baked you a comment but you ated it.


Basically I pointed out that Republicans in Massachusetts now = 12%, lowest ever. I had a link but I think that was the problem. He was such an ass that he drove over 30,000 to actually change registration. So 60% of the remainder isn’t as impressive as it seems.


My linked comment got munched, as well.


It’s dreary here with no signs I’ve seen of an election going on, outside of the newspapers.

how funny, because in the Bay Area it’s rocking, with excited people everywhere. Prepare to go down in flames GOP.

Tim (the other one)

“I just got to Boston, about just as the West Virginia news dropped”

Didn’t Levon Helm sing this ?



Don’t take our regional excitement as an indicator. We’re so deep blue here that the rest of the country is an alien land in comparison.

That said, it’s interesting to note how many times I’ve heard the name Obama in reverential tones in passing conversations. It’s getting kinda Twilight Zone-level strange.


I think it is time for a very serious cheerleading Youtube post by a minimally dressed Michelle malkin.



Even the Republicans in this state hate his guts, since he basically did nothing as governor except using it as a platform to run for president. Nothing would make them happier than to see him go down in flames.

True that. There are several in my family and they’re all going to McCain as far as I can tell. I’ll wager most of the MBA’s will go for Romney though.


Brad, if she’s in Beantown, I hope you’re out there cruising the ice cream shoppes for her.

Oh, & we’re all very sorry that the Patriots stink on ice!!


That’s some bad writing, there, K-Lo.


I’m starting to get excited about a McCain candidacy because the Gov of MN, Tim Pawlenty, has been sucking up flawlessly to the Grover Norquist crowd at the expense of everything else in MN (most notably our infrastucture) and is rumored to be a prime condender as McCain’s running mate. Hockey Boy Pawlenty is one of the up-and-coming neocon stars that really needs to be taken out ASAP, and a McCain/Pawlenty ticket might be just the…well….ticket to end his career.

‘Beware them both, and all of their degree, but more of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom…’


I just got to Boston, was feeling ’bout half past dead
I just need some place where I can lay my head
“Hey, Mittster, can you tell me, where a man might find a bed?”
He just grinned and shook my hand, “No” was all he said

/ G – Bm – C – G – / / / / (for you guitarists)

Take a load off Fanny, take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny, and you put the load right on me

(Apologies to Levon)


The only voter in my line who asked for a repub ballot here in MA did so very sheepishly. Afterwards I grabbed the fucker by the lapels and asked, “Haven’t you been paying any attention?!?”



The only voter in my line who asked for a repub ballot here in MA did so very sheepishly. Afterwards I grabbed the fucker by the lapels and asked, “Haven’t you been paying any attention?!?”

If he was sheepish he must be paying at least a little attention. Maybe he was casting a protest vote against Romney? A vote for Ron Paul does send a message…

I’ve voted in primaries as a republican before. All the candidates for governor on the DFL ticket were acceptable if bland, but on the GOP side there was a very good moderate against a total whacko religious nut who would have stood a chance had he survived the primary. A lot of DFLers must have switched over that year, because the good moderate won the primary, but so did a few of the totally freakin whacko unelectable candidates for the lower offices. We ruined everything.


The only thing that could improve the sight of Romney failing to win in his own (nominal) home state would be Willard actually showing a genuine human emotion, like grief or rage or even surprise. However, Shiny Plastic Action Romney is incapable of mere human responses, so there will be no 2008 equivalent of the “You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more” laugher. However, one or more of the five Mitt Sons may break down in tears on-camera if Daddy doesn’t reduce the burn rate on their prospective inheritance…

Also, stuff like the West Virginia McCain/Huckabee coalition leaves me terrified at the thought that Old John might actually offer pHuckabee his vice-presidential slot. Preacher Mike combines Dubya’s sunny gee-shucks affect with Giuliani’s thirst for eternal vengeance and the Rapture-ready anti-intellectualism of, well, every slopebrowed ‘Moral Majority’ thug from the last 30, or 230, years of American political history. And you know there’s a waiting list of Rapturists who wouldn’t mind sacrificing any number of Secret Service agents to the higher goal of disposing of McCain in the service of Jeebus’ Favrit Son.


Oy. And the comma placements. That is not an independent clause at the end!
Have you seen a picture of K-Lo? She added that comma because she ran out of breath.

Smiling Mortician

Afterwards I grabbed the fucker by the lapels and asked, “Haven’t you been paying any attention?!?”

This image makes me very happy. I shall replay it many times in my head.


my boyfriend is as liberal as they come, but he chose a republican ballot today specifically to vote against Romney and perhaps throw MA to McCain. Why? because he hates our former governor so much, he wanted Romney embarrassed like the asshole he is. didn’t work out, but i can’t fault him for trying…


Mitt has taken our home state, Brad. Proving once again that Massachusetts has become really effing stoopid since I left in 1995.


It’s dreary here with no signs I’ve seen of an election going on, outside of the newspapers.


Bitch got the major sucks goin’ on.


One of the ladies running the polls in my town (in which apparently we are all red-headed and inbred) said the turnout was huge for a primary, approaching 50%, and that most of those people(over 80%, she estimated) were voting Dem. My guess is the only folks turning out on a cold, rainy, nasty day were either a. actually excited(any Dem) or b. die-hard brain cases(Romney).


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