Malkin: Do What I Say, Not What I’ve Committed Every Fiber Of My Being To Relentlessly Doing Over And Over And Over Again, 24/7, To Infinity and Beyond
Michelle Malkin says we should all just ease up on the politicking all the time:
All in the family: Politics and perspective
By Michelle Malkin
February 4, 2008 08:05 AM… as we start the week and head toward the high-stakes Super Tuesday contest, remember: There is more to life than politics.
Repeat after me: There is more to life than politics.
There is more to life than politics! There is more to life than politics! Jamil Hussein is going to murder me in my sleep if we don’t build a fiery moat along the Mexifascist border and dig through Graeme Frost’s garbage! Oops, sorry, what was I supposed to be repeating again?
When I’m not working, I’m quilting with my daughter, taking my son to his violin lessons, playing Monopoly Jr. 10 times in a row, giggling over “Make Way for Dumb Bunnies,” enjoying friends and family, loving and living life. I’ve learned over the years to work to live, not to live to work. It took time to learn that lesson. And it required making some tough (and not so tough) personal and professional choices. Best decisions I’ve ever made.
“Personal and professional choices.” It’s an unusual way to phrase “getting the sack from Fox News for idiotically tilting with Geraldo Rivera” … but I like it.
What prompted me to share all this with you? Well, there’s a story today in the NYT about Democratic families squabbling over politics. It’s a reminder of how ridiculous things can get when you let politics define your life …
You’ve got to love Michelle. In a post about taking a break from politics, she can’t help but wag her finger at the liberals. And there’s absolutely NOTHING political about that. Y’hear? Y’hear me, you weaselly little Dhimmicrats? I. AM. NOT. AFRAID!
In other news, my dog just told me that there’s more to life than licking your balls.
Brad adds: This coming from the woman who taunted Cindy Sheehan by posting her divorce papers online and who stalked the Frost family in order to prove that they were secret billionaires. Family values, thy name is Malkin.
Funny that she’s wagging the finger at teh dirty liberals, when on the other side of the aisle, all hell has broken loose since they hate their likely nominee. To the extent that direct mail godfather Richard Viguerie sent out a blast email today, imploring conservatives to draft an acceptably conservative candidate.
Fred Thompson, 2.0.
I once asked my dad why dogs licked their balls and he answered, “Because they can.”
“Menfolk. Sweet Jesus…”
I’m sorry to cross-thread but this just laid me out !
I hope McCain has graphic nightmares about his being tortured, and then cries sweet sweet tears at the torture-endorsing GOP whore he has become.
And what do you think she’s quilting with her daughter? I imagine little mise-en-scène featuring Ted Kennedy’s car going over Dike Bridge at Chappaquiddick, etc. etc.
Geraldo Rivera is a leftwing conquista who should be imprisoned for treason. Michelle Malkin was right for tearing him a new one on the O’reilly Factor. The southern border must be secured and the illegal aliens must leave. The easiest way to force the 12-20 million illegal aliens to leave our great nation is to enforce the law and crack down on any employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien. I suggest a mandatory ten year prison sentence for any such employer. In essence you would deny the illegal aliens jobs and also housing and medical care and the overwhelming majority would self deport. And the few thousand who remain for whatever reason will then be easily rounded up and deported. It is that simple. Alan Keyes is just the right man to elect as President. All the things I have mentioned he will do if elected President.
The easiest way to force the 12-20 million illegal aliens to leave our great nation is to enforce the law and crack down on any employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien. I suggest a mandatory ten year prison sentence for any such employer.
I hate to say this but…I like your plan!
Not because it will punish the poor brown people who have come here and are working hard to improve their lives, but because it will lead to the imprisonment of most major GOP contributors.
The easiest way to force the 12-20 million illegal aliens to leave our great nation is to enforce the law and crack down on any employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien. I suggest a mandatory ten year prison sentence for any such employer. In essence you would deny the illegal aliens jobs and also housing and medical care and the overwhelming majority would self deport.
The only question, Chris, is whether the money we save by Judeo-Christianistically tossing people out into the cold will be more than we spend on building all the new prisons needed to hold the farmers and contractors we lock up under the Keynes plan.
In other words, I think you need to look at this in a more coldly calculating fashion, instead of being such an impulsive bleeding-heart liberal about the immigration issue.
I guess if were she and all my hopes and dreams for world domination and the annihilation of people not American and white were crushed, I’d be quilting too.
Anyone who contributes to or turns a blind eye to illegal immigration should be punished no matter what there party affiliation. In fact I think Bush’s federal attorney Republican Johnny Sutton (the scumbag who imprisoned those brave border patrol agents Ramos and Compean for doing there jobs) shoud be disbared and imprisoned for his treason.
No matter what the cost my liberal friend, it will be worth it! The survival of our nation and Great American Culture is at stake!
When she’s not quilting she’s jumping up and down in her backyard in a schoolgirl outfit. More role modeling for her daughter…
“Great American Culture”
I always go to Vegas for this but then, I’m old fashioned.
Your dog lied…
Of course, another downside to St. Chris’ otherwise brilliant plan would be the complete lack of U.S.-grown produce in our stores, which maybe wouldn’t be such a bad thing, since we would also have no more prep cooks with which to staff our fine dining establishments.
Which reminds me, how goes the appeal for Federal Grant money to replace the grill that was completely ravaged and destroyed by the monsoonicainadoquake a few months back?
Must be easy to spend time with your kids (She has KIDS?!) when you don’t have a real job, isn’t it, Malkin?
I know St. James is a concern troll of the fakest class, but damn, does that not reek of Nazi propaganda.
We must protect the Fatherland from the seditious evil Thoughts! This is the land of the Superior Race!
With the illegal aliens out of the way normal American teenagers would take up the jobs cooking in our nations resturants.
OT, but I just stumbled across someone who seems to believe that everything would be well again if we just found a new Herbert Hoover.
Where in fuck do these people come from?
“…normal American teenagers would take up the jobs cooking”
Uhm, no thanks. I’d much rather take my chances with anybody besides a teenager with a spatula.
“…normal American teenagers would take up the jobs cooking”
All of you are fortunate that my childrens are now “young adults”.
“In other news, my dog just told me that there’s more to life than licking your balls.”
Lies! Your dog lies!
(Oh damn aubanel beat me to it….)
I’m encouraged that Conservatives are willing to pay the extra cost for food, goods and services so that employers can hire good Americans at a decent living wage rather than immigrants. I know it may increase the average American’s outgoing by many percentiles, but it is great to know Conservatives are prepared to make that sacrifice.
Sorry? You said they aren’t? Then which Americans are prepared to work for minimum and below-minimum wage? Oh? Those ones are already fully employed? You mean there aren’t armies of Americans willing to work for peanuts? Except for the ones who already are?
Then who is going to fill all these cooking jobs?
I’d just like to note that Chris St. Troll’s definition of “doing their jobs” is shooting an unarmed man.
Brave, brave men, that shoot a fleeing, unarmed man.
Chris spends so much time in SadlyNo comment threads his friends must think he’s turned.
I still love TBogg’s imagining of Michelle Malkin home-school alphabet lessons:
M is for Muslim,
They’ll cut off your head.
N is for New York Times,
They want you Dead.
Notice Michelle doesn’t mention her husband. Or is it just too complicated for Jesse to sockpuppet in the third person?
Srsly, though, if all the Major Vices, err Voices, of Conservatardism want to wrap themselves up in the few remaining shreds of their dignity and self-respect and retreat into the wilderness, until
the King Under the Mountain returnswe peons realize that only The One True Political Faith can save us… I would be just fine with that. Perhaps Michelle’s son will assist me whilst I play the world’s tiniest violin in sympathy with her (not).Oh, well, aubanel beat me to it. I figured someone would. Can’t expect that low hanging fruit to just swing there forever, so to speak.
Malkin has spawned?!?!?! Oh Noez!!!!
Eh, I’m sure they’ll grow up to be truly caring individuals who positively contribute to society.
Are those monkeys flying out of my butt?
Ted, that is almost Gashlycrumb Tinies brilliant.
Lesley, I really didn’t need to see that. Normally, I’ll watch just about anything that involves jumping up and down with pom-poms, but that may have just poisoned that trough for good. I’ll check once my vision comes back.
Anyone who contributes to or turns a blind eye to illegal immigration should be punished no matter what there party affiliation.
So, Romney should be wearing stripes and campaigning from the big house…
Also, great, you get modern teenagers to actually work, period, much less for minimum wage doing scut work.
Lesley said,
Chris spends so much time in SadlyNo comment threads his friends must think he’s turned.
He has. Kind of like milk does.
There is no way Chris St. James is for real.
Is there?
Surely someone who is really that dumb would have been captured and eaten by wild dogs many times over.
Wouldn’t he?
Or is that just wishful thinking?
RWS wrote:
You must not eat out a lot! 🙂
Your dog is dead wrong.
eaten by wild dogs many times over
Well, offhand, I’d say he’s been through that chute at least once.
Apropos of nothing whatsoever, this video made me incredibly happy when I saw it the other day. The reaction at the end, applause and such, gave me a wee bit more hope for humanity.
Lesley said,
February 5, 2008 at 10:06
Chris spends so much time in SadlyNo comment threads his friends must think he’s turned.
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence. (His friends?)
I think we’re the closest thing he’s got to friends.
Oh, apart from all those sleepovers with his totally not-made-up friends Bastion, Gary and Saul.
justme,I love that video. The little kid doing the rock out horns when everyone’s applauding is hilarious. New Yorkers have this rep for not noticing anything going on around them and being extremely cranky, I thought it was cool how the vid showed exactly the opposite.
“Within the family, for the first time you have different opinions,” Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Republican governor of California and Ms. Shriver’s husband, told The San Francisco Chronicle last week, around the same time Mr. Obama was calling his wife and coaxing her to his side.
Lock up your wives and daughters, Obama’s on the prowl!
She reproduced? Oh my.
OT, but I just stumbled across someone who seems to believe that everything would be well again if we just found a new Herbert Hoover.
Where in fuck do these people come from?
Notice Michelle doesn’t mention her husband.
My guess is that’s who she’s playing Monopoly Jr. 10 times in a row with. Of course, I’m also assuming that the giggling over “Make Way for Dumb Bunnies” is with Hugh Hewitt or Rush.
Does she think non-Democrats don’t “squabble” about politics within the family? Is she on crack?
This year’s GOP campaign will be based upon the “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CRISIS!”.
By next election, this crisis will have been relegated to the junkyard along with previous campaign crises, such as the “FETUS CRISIS!”, ‘FLAG BURNING CRISIS!’ ‘HOMOSEXUAL WEDDING CRISIS!” “OH MY GOD— TERROR ALERT CRISIS!” and of course the never-to-be-forgotten ‘WHO WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A BEER WITH? CRISIS”.
Unfortunately for the GOP, their once seemingly-endless supply of fools who would believe this shit is finally dwindling, leaving only out-and-out morons **cough** Chris St. James ** cough** still standing there singing along with the bouncing ball at the top of their lungs.
Did I forget to mention the “TERRY SHIAVO CRISIS”—?
Holy shit, wingnut whimsey gives me the creeps.
When I’m not completely ruining my childrens’ lives and any chance for them to have social lives in the future by doing bad impressions of a grand mal seizure in a cheerleading outfit, I’m quilting with my daughter, taking my son to his violin lessons, playing Monopoly Jr. 10 times in a row, giggling over “Make Way for Internment Camps,” lecturing friends and family, trying to patent my particuar form of temper tantrum and living the very life and lifestyle I am actively promoting that we deny millions the world over.
P.S. Thank you Satan for making me just enough of a minority to get my foot in the door, and that deal we made was just super. Enjoy that soul, it’s amazing what you can do without one! Give me an “S”!! (twitch, twitch, spasm, crash)
Justme & Dhalgren–that was my initial reaction. This news that she has spawned is truly shocking and dreadful.
Just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Running on a fiercely anti-immigrant platform when you’ve got John McCain at the top of your ticket sounds like a pretty dumb idea to me, but hey, what do I know?
Chris didn’t get the memo. The whole purpose behind today’s conservative anti-immigration fervor is to create a powerless underclass to serve as a pool of extremely cheap labor for farmers, contractors and rich white people who are too lazy to clean their McMansions. More hate –> fewer rights –> asking for a raise gets you deported –> lower labor costs.
It’s a Republican thing, remember? It’s not for putting rich people in prison, it’s for making them richer.
Holy Defeated-Crap, I got too sick to remember to register for CPAC. Anyone going PLEASE manage to get video of her throwing a hissy fit! The ones I’ve seen are hilarious, and the ones I’ve heard about sound even better. She has only wigged out on me indirectly at YouTube, and I have no idea why she started hating me so much before I started giving her hell, but there you have it.
Now you all have done it, now I’ll have to go bug her some more…..
No problem. I’m sure the Malkinoids just make sure to have no family members who fail to be in lockstep with their sociopsychopathic agenda, and then they can all use wingnut welfare to bring their child up properly, with the right Mozart music and the correct pseudointellectual environment, and not at all like those lazy awful poor immigrant people who work all the time and find childcare where ever they can.
Looks like Michelle is an indicator species for wingnut “journalists” in the immediate post-Republican era. When your side is ready to get its ass handed to it on a platter, suddenly it’s time to talk about comity, bipartisanship and “there’s more to life than politics.”
Yes, Michelle, I’m sure we all agree that you and your daughter should spend more time at your neighborhood quilting bee. There’s more to life than this whole “journalism” thing, too, y’know. Take it from me.
Are these people predictable or what?
She must have fired at least one of her two nannies.
Michelle is part of what I call The Great Re-Branding. Seriously. Right before 9/11 at a certain point, certain younger parts of the conservative movement started trying to look really cool and re-brand conservatism as an alternative to that worn out old movement that had spawned “political correctness”. I don’t know, I never even bothered to check out Limbaugh or anything, but I remember college still in 99 having droves of people just not willing to go conservative but dead sick of the college town antics of the more left leaning folks, even if they loved the benefits of having several organic groceries, etc., the perks.
Then 9/11 happened, and for people who didn’t want to hear bitching about things being “our fault” but no war yet to see the errors of, these people were at least something different from what I’ve seen of their book sales and popularity of people like Sean Hannity with Gen X & Yers. These conservatives had re-branded to the point that people were at least willing to hear out someone like Malkin on TV.
I’m not excusing this shit, I’m just trying to make sense of it in a historical perspective. As most people know, I was pissed off for quite a bit longer about 9/11 than your average Sadly,No! fan. But frankly, having all of these fellow lifelong-liberals my parents’ age and older blaming the U.S. to me and preaching “peace” just was NOT what I wanted to hear in ’01. My reaction was to view their opinions as near extinction and completely out-moded. Then I fully heard out the hipper anti-Phyllis Schlafly cons and I realized that they were following the logical route of their rhetoric to Nazism.
OK, sorry for the tome there. Just playing devil’s advocate as usual (as opposed to being the devil’s advocate, Death Malkin).
I agree that much of the U.S. went psychotic in reaction to the 2001 attacks, and it’s too bad that psychopathy won out and people chose a sociopathic need to ‘feel good’ about the absolute most powerful nation on Earth instead of doing anything reasonable.
I’ve been sick of such classic American navel-gazing sociopathy and My Fellow Americans moaning about ‘the left’ making them feel bad ever since I was trying to get my fellow Americans to stop letting Reagan slaughter Central Americans and Southern Africans so that they could feel that they were kicking communism’s *ss.
So (and without reading any other comments; I am sure somebody else already hit this point) now that her insane brand of Rightwing fruitbar xenophobic conservatism has been repudiated in the polls, has no real standard bearer, and has pushed most of the country to turn away from them in distaste, she has decided that winner take all politics is not really all its cracked up to be?
Those grapes are pretty sour, aren’t they?
Cid–well, I’ll always feel that we didn’t need to feel “good” about doing anything, but that we had to respond. Which made me differ from most of my friends at the time. It was a pretty big shift for me though, having held (or at least had parents holding and being quite anti-Reagan-policy) throughout my family your views during the 80s, probably through the 90s as well. The polarization that had already begun, though, was exploited to a dreadful extreme in the wake of 9/11.
Even worse to try and justify invading Iraq for no good reason, by which time at least many had come to reject people like Malkin. Well, at least I was calling them all horrible names by that time in perfect harmony with my Dad while flipping channels.
OK, want to see some real ego though? In my quest to go bug Malkin I first had to hit her YouTube Channel (profile). Check this out! She lists herself as one of her own friends (her top friend, actually), her top favorites are all of HER, and somehow she holds “Director” status. That’s not too hard to get on YouTube, but still.
No one favorites their own videos…..what a dolt…
Dude, where’s my comment? Eh, Cid I answered you. I also linked to Malkin’s page at YouTube where she has herself as her own best friend, her own videos as her favorites (??!?) and Director status (not that hard to get, but somehow just insulting on a basic level).
With the illegal aliens out of the way normal American teenagers would take up the jobs cooking in our nations resturants.
Hell, Chris, do you ever go to restaurants? Do you have any idea what the work schedule is for kitchen staff? You gonna staff the restaurants with 15 year old high school dropouts?
How many honor-roll teenagers do you know who’d rather be slinging burgers instead of playing football or rehearsing for the school orchestra? Do you think the bus-boy job at Chili’s is better on your college app than gymnastics or swim team?
Cashiering at Hot Dog On A Stick does not equal prep cook at Babbo on a Friday night.
> So (and without reading any other comments; I am sure somebody else already hit this point) now that her insane brand of Rightwing fruitbar xenophobic conservatism has been repudiated in the polls, has no real standard bearer, and has pushed most of the country to turn away from them in distaste, she has decided that winner take all politics is not really all its cracked up to be?
Methinks you hit the nail on the head. As long as the rePIG cheerleaders thought they had the whole populace behind them, they loved bloviating. Now that the reality of their crimes and failures is making America hate them, they are suddenly interested in “other things”. Only the “really tough”* ones will stay the course.
Just chuck this latest irony on the pile of the pigs’ previous 12,954,552 ironies.
* (i.e, “well-paid”)
I’m sure it was an awesome and humbling response.
“In other news, my dog just told me that there’s more to life than licking your balls.”
Ack…ha…hahahahaha! It’s lines like this that make me love my S,N!
If Malkin’s daughter had any pride, she’d quilt her mother a nice, sturdy straight jacket.
Lex, WORD about the change to conservatism among the young.
I recently had an encounter with Teh Youth that surprised me. The spouse and I attended a family wedding in a suburb of a large midwestern city.
Around midnight, as the reception switched into drinking and dancing mode, spouse and I moved over to the hotel bar, and talked with some of the other wedding guests there.
There was a group of 4-5 young men and women, all college classmates of the bride & groom, all white. We chatted, and it became apparent that they were rather conservative; business majors, working in their first corporate jobs since graduation.
Now, my spouse does this thing that I’ve asked him not to do, but sometimes he just won’t stop. He’s good speaking with strangers, and he’ll talk about who he is, what his background is to try to find common ground with people.
All fine and good, but sometimes he brings me into and starts to describe my background – which has some Fun Facts, since I don’t really appear like a person who would have done those things – and I’ve asked him not to do that, because I’d rather decide myself about when and how much to reveal about my background
Anyway – so he says to these kids, “And she was the president of her union for many years….” (which is only partially true; he also tends to exaggerate) – and I saw, this look of UTTER LOATHING appear on the face of one of these kids.
I have seen many reactions to my spouse’s “outing” me – incomprehension; disbelief; pleased surprise; boredom; political fervor – but I have never, ever seen someone react with such ANTIPATHY to the idea that there in front of them was an actual hell-demon who belonged to a union. It was like he’d said, “And she eats babies for breakfast.”
> and I saw, this look of UTTER LOATHING appear on the face of one of these kids.
If this happens again, just tell him/her to pop an Oxy and chill. If it works for the FDA (Fat Drug Addict), it’ll work for them too.
pedestrian said,
February 5, 2008 at 15:52 (kill)
Karaoke tip; singing the All in the Family theme song with a friend or potential friend will result in wild applause every single time. But All in the Family was set in Queens. As was I in the 70s. At 8 I was convinced that Archie and the Dingbat were modeled on my friend Jimmy’s parents who were also harboring a hippie son in law. I wondered why they didn’t sue.
I remember a lot of liberals saying things like “There’s more to life than politics” after 2004, I think Malkin is gearing up for defeat.
I expect a decider apology coordinated with a general malkin “No mas” moment .
When this comes to fruition , I will bring several more of my candid expectations to the table , until then Hi Oh SiiillVa !
Sure was Cid, I pretty much agreed with you…LOL. Actually, it’s there now. Oh well.
g–it’s a weird thing to me, kind of like these evangelicals invading the suburbs. I had some rather interesting evangelical cousins growing up in Georgia, the ones that my Dad wouldn’t even acknowledge knowing from Mom’s side. They were not allowed to have anything to do with anything “secular”. Now I have neighbors like that, ones left too other than the ones I ran off! I call them all “Pottery Barn Ruby Ridge”.
It’s the sense of entitlement of being part of “the rest of us” that is so new to me. They’ll tell you straight out about their “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” within minutes of meeting and never ever think that this would strike anyone else as strange. Across the street, they’re nice as can be, but they still had their anti-gay marriage amendment in their garage from the ’04 elections (I moved back here in Sept. ’05) and would regularly be blaring Rush Limbaugh out of the garage while all the kids were out.
I’m scared to even ask about Malkin….LOL….No, things are definitely different. There is no stigma, there is almost a sense of “rebellious cool” (as in they see themselves as being rebelliously cool) about the way they are confidently making inroads into so many aspects of American life.
Perhaps, if restauarants were paying Americans to cook, they’d be forced to reduce their portion sizes from Ridiculously Huge down to merely Unhealthy.
Maybe our response to 9/11 should have been a huge movement of an international law enforcement operation the likes of which we haven’t seen, combining ruthless determination with the sort of post-WWII (some of it mythical, but still) dedication to principles of jurisprudence and democracy with which the U.S. had once been famed, rightly or wrongly.
Maybe our response to 9/11 should have been to massively revamp our whole policy apparatus so that the aggressive retards which have run U.S. foreign policy since, well, the entire Cold War, and particularly the nut squad which thought it was a great idea to hire an army of terrorists, fundamentalists, warlords, drug barons, and gangsters to overthrow the secular government of Afghanistan in order to destabilize the Soviet Union.
Maybe our response to 9/11 should have been to clearly overturn the domestic and international *ssholes who have run or carried out the U.S. idiotic, dangerous, and nutty right wing foreign policies since at least the Reagan administration.
Instead we had George Bush Senior celebrating because the first Iraq War cured the “Vietnam Syndrome” and then Junior proving that he had the balls to totally screw up the Middle East.
Yeah, “Maybe”. Maybe if Gore was at the helm, you could have got all of the above…
Make Way for Dumb Bunnies is by Dav Pilkey. He’s good. Some here will appreciate the recurring potty humor of his Captain Underpants series.
I hate it when people use “no everything is about politics” to mean “stop disagreeing with me, you partisan!”
I’m a fan of reading the Captain Underpants series with my son and after following the link to Pilkey’s site I’m going to get him World War Won next. Here’s a description:
Compromise? Peace? Saving the planet? Tsk, tsk. Does Malkintent know what kind of subversive her kids’ favorite author is?
C’mon, guys, she’s just paving the way for a career change. Time for her to join the well-paid ranks of the professional Do As I Say, Not As I Do anti-feminists, who gush over their families and chide other women for having “careers”.
I note she doesn’t mention things like cooking meals. Does Mr. Malkin do all the housework, or do they have questionably-documented servants for all that?
The Victorian, social-climbing pretentiousness of the family hobbies to which Ms. Malkin boorishly alludes–quilting, violin lessons–say a good dear more about her than her transparent claims of having found balance and perspective ever could.
Here at Casa litbrit, my lads and I much prefer a wholesome round of poker to Monopoly Jr.–I mean, which game will profit them more in life, I ask? We don’t quilt; we climb trees together and tear fabric apart in the process. And when we’re finished, we repair to the upstairs bar, bang the drums, plug in the axes, and see if we can get Mr. litbrit’s amp to go to eleven. And the semi-deaf dogs lick their balls approvingly.
That was supposed to be “good deal” not good dear, which is unintentionally racist, and I apologize. (However it’s kind of funny, wrong though that may be.)
Chris St. James’ new job, once his immigration plan is implemented:
lead boner at the meat packing factory
Playing with the kiddies. What a nice person she must be.
[…] Sadly, No! » Malkin: Do What I Say, Not What I’ve Committed Every Fiber Of My Being To Relentless… Family values, thy name is Malkin. (tags: malkin stupidity politics wingnuts wtf) […]