Happy Happy Joy Joy


ABOVE: Bill Kristol

Bill Kristol throws a pie in his own face with his latest New York Times op-ed.

One reason conservatives have been able to navigate the rapids of modern America is that they’ve often gone out of their way to make their case with good cheer.

You know like when they said: “Liberals who question the war in Iraq are terrorist-supporting traitors. Have a nice day!” Or when they stalk seriously ill twelve-year olds because they have appeared in a commercial advocating health insurance for other twelve-year olds. Or when they claimed that all liberals are fascists, but say it with a smiley face . . . of Adolph Hitler. [Clif adds: And how could I forget mentioning that cheerful conservative Trent Lott, who publicly hoped that lightning would strike Hillary Clinton before she could take her seat in the Senate?]

But wait, there is more good cheer from the pie man:

William F. Buckley, the father of the conservative movement, skewered liberals, but always with wit and élan.

You’ll have to forgive Kristol because he was apparently trapped in an underground catacomb in the middle of North Dakota when Saint Bill called Gore Vidal a queer and threatened to punch him in the “goddamn face” while on national television.

Now it’s time for Kristol to spread a little good cheer himself:

If a Democrat wins the presidency, he or she will almost certainly have a Democratic Congress to work with. That Congress will not impede a course of dishonorable retreat abroad.


Comments: 84


How much does Kristol pay the guy who shoves the carrot up his ass to get that Cheshire grin?


How much does Kristol pay the guy who shoves the carrot up his ass to get that Cheshire grin?

Don’t be silly. The carrots aren’t what gives him the insane grin. The carrots are just gerbil bait.

Didn’t you know? “Wit and elan” Wm F Buckley invented gerbil felching.


I realize that Wikipedia links are almost a moot point, but this entry seems to capture Billy-Boy near-perfectly.



When I look at Kristol’s eyes for any length of time, I can’t help but think that, if he hadn’t found a career as a political pundit, he would’ve become a mass murderer or serial killer.

Oh, wait.


Anyone got a Youtube link to the episode of Real Time with Bill Maher where D. L. Hughley tells Kristol the following?

“You must be on drugs. I got a cousin in rehab, and he says some of the same shit you do.”


Ah, the perfect peace of the sociopath.

Civilized countries put folks like that away. We give them New York Times columns.


I have never seen a better photoshop of Kristol. That sick sadistic smile of his was made to be framed in that outfit. Even the pudgy little fingers are wringing with evil delight over the thoughts flowing thru that twisted mind.


Hiya, LittlePig. When are you gonna move your digs to over here?


The New York Times must be very proud.


Moar war! Billy want moar war! Waahaahaah! [Tears head off puppy.]


“They can choose to stand aside from history while having a temper tantrum. But they should consider that the American people might then choose not to invite them back into a position of responsibility for quite a while to come. ”

So true! The American people is quite OK with having their kids killed in Iraq, with mountains of public debt, inept and corrupt government, diminished constitutional rights, toxic xenophobia and racial hatred… etc… but one thing they would absolutely not tolerate is a temper tantrum…

… wait! Isn’t John McCain known for temper tantrums? Darn! The conservatives are in a real pickle here. If they throw a temper tantrum when McCain gets the nomination, that’s bad. But what if they don’t and then McCain throws a tantrum himself? …Anyway…


… wait! Isn’t John McCain known for temper tantrums? Darn! The conservatives are in a real pickle here. If they throw a temper tantrum when McCain gets the nomination, that’s bad. But what if they don’t and then McCain throws a tantrum himself? …Anyway…


That photoshop is absolutely precious.


Well, you have to understand that Kristol isn’t wrong here. It’s easy to say “hey, you’re a faggot traitor” with a light heart and a spring in your step. And then the faggot traitors prove they’re all serious and angry when they get pissed off about being called faggot traitors, so that just makes you even lighter-hearted and wittier!


What kind of patriot uses such a Franco-unAmerican word like “élan”? Or are the French our best buddies again?


That smile is creepy. It’s the smile of a predator waiting for the mammoth to slowly die in the tar pits.

Kristol is threatening the McCain bashers, who are pissed off because McCain isn’t racist enough for them. The very fact that he supported a black child instead of preaching boot-strap prosperity pisses them off no end. He doesn’t even have the decency to bow and scrape before the Jeebus nuts. They hate him, especially because he and his followers are calling Mittens gay. If Mitten’s fans fight back they look weak and if they don’t fight back they look weak. Welcome to the liberal world.


Sure, we drop bombs on civilian populations, but we do it with wit and elan.


I think little Billy needs to hold up a cartoon sign that reads “I’m a stinker.”


It’s easy to say “hey, you’re a faggot traitor” with a light heart and a spring in your step.

In fact, when someone goes around calling everyone “faggot traitor” my first suspicion is, “light in the loafers”.


I think Kristol is right.

I just think that he and the people he talks to and imagines talking to become happy and cheerful about things that would normally be considered psychopathic or sociopathic or a lovely combination that’s central to my point.

When they talk about bombing countries back to pre-Stone age times, they get happy and cheerful, and anyone who harshes their mellow on that is seen as a Gloomy Gus.


True, that is an A-Class photoshop there. Kristol is getting creepier looking by the year it seems, too. He just took creepy and keeps stretching it out as much as he is that smile.

You guys know way too much about Buckley. I guess I missed most of the really fun stuff, although I do want to go on one of his “NR Cruises” just for kicks. I used to put on “Firing Line” when I was in junior high before it got canceled just for the fun of hearing him talk because I could scarcely believe my Mom’s impressions of him. I even named a cat after him once. A kitten. Then it died of kidney failure at one year old. I’ve always felt really guilty about that.

How well known is this stuff posted here about NR back during the Civil Rights movement and all? I mean I realize I grew up in Liberal Democrat Central and was taught from the age of 5 that Ronald Reagan was evil, but even I didn’t learn this stuff. Were my parents just trying to shield me?


Is it possible to make a pie out of hammers? I wonder how aerodynamic it would be. Sexy violence!


Aww, look! Little Billy has some shit running down his chin.


ROFL Arky. Good point though, Billy and his Play-Group were rather a bit cheerful about going to war the 1st & 2nd times and still are about Iran…..maybe we could learn from their cheerful enthusiasm and crush them. It is Super Tuesday, after all.

Oops, forgot, need to go harass Malkin….BBL.


Kristol looks like the fat cenobyte from the Hellraiser series. I said that with wit and elan.



Bill Kristol: the very definition of being between a rock and a set of rotating knives.


Ok, it’s getting hard to keep track of ’em all, but I think it goes something like this:

Indeed, wit, elan and brussels sprouts are central to my point.



“That Congress will not impede a course of dishonorable retreat abroad.”

The only people that would be dishonored by withdrawal are the lunatics who continue to cheer for more blood…cheer with wit and elan.


Good hire, New York Times.


Good cheer?

Is Rush Limbaugh the Falstaff of Republicans? A big, fat, jolly, and cheeky fellow, with a mug of ale in one hand and a wench on his knee, full of laughter and mirth and joie de vivre?

Oh yesiree, Mr. Kristol. Y’all are such warm, jolly, and lovely creatures.


Kristol claiming graciousness…Malkin advising against obsession…what’s going on here?

Maybe it’s because it’s Super Tuesday and their grand, infallible worldview has produced such stellar candidates as McCain and Romney.

Trilateral Chairman

One reason conservatives have been able to navigate the rapids of modern America is that they’ve often gone out of their way to make their case with good cheer.

Two words: Newt Gingrich.


good cheer.

Bob Novak.


One reason conservatives have been able to navigate the rapids of modern America

When I read that, I get a mental picture of Aguirre, the Wrath of God.


How about we pull back the soldiers, but continue to cannonade the Iraqis with Kristol and his fellow travelers? From a great height, like maybe from space. It would be hard to lose such sources of such good cheer and elan, but I think it’s a sacrifice many in this country would be willing to make.


Bill Kristol in North Dakota? Not likely. North Dakotans, whether conservative or liberal, can smell a fake or a charlatan from miles away.

Trilateral Chairman

How about we pull back the soldiers, but continue to cannonade the Iraqis with Kristol and his fellow travelers?

I have often thought that K-Lo could do a lot of damage if dropped from low earth orbit.*

*Yes, I know she’d burn up on re-entry. I am not subtly advocating her death here; it’s just a joke.


Hey, I just think if he and his compatriots so dearly long to rain death on the Iraqis, they ought to be willing to be that raining death. No need to tell them about reentry…

Trilateral Chairman

Toby: I’m not, God help me, going to speculate on the survivability of K-Lo’s various bits.


“When I read that, I get a mental picture of Aguirre, the Wrath of God.”

Great, now you’ve given ME the mental image of Kinsky, hlaf-starved, stumbling around a raft chasing little monkies.


“HALF” starved, rather.


Kristol always makes his case with a shit-eating grin on his face. That’s good cheer, isn’t it?


How well known is this stuff posted here about NR back during the Civil Rights movement and all? I mean I realize I grew up in Liberal Democrat Central and was taught from the age of 5 that Ronald Reagan was evil, but even I didn’t learn this stuff. Were my parents just trying to shield me?

It’s well known enough — especially since I came of political age during the anti-apartheid movement and the NR thugs were all but writing in Afrikaans and we used to point out that they really hadn’t changed.

But I will give Buckley this — he was more creative and “witty” than any of the pigs who’ve come since, (standard PJ O’Rourke exemption here), even if he did call Vidal a queer (there are plenty of liberals who’ve said the same thing about the same guy — Gore’s both brilliant AND an asshole). And he is really and actually a conservative who said what he actually believed. I think it was awful, hateful, elitist nonsense, but he didn’t hide behind bullshit code words and pandering. I might not have been nice to argue against that old shitheel Papist, but then, he didn’t peddle in pure obtuseness like his progeny do.


When Dick Cheney told Pat Leahy to go fuck himself on the Senate floor, it was probably just a Simpsons reference or something.


ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

Congress will not impede a course of dishonorable retreat abroad.

I’ve been seeing that word ‘honorable’ and its variants pop up quite a bit lately. Think back, you other alte kachers, to the last time that meme was used as the determinant criteria in ending a disastrous war. Here’s a hint for the younguns: try googling ‘honorable’ and ‘Kissinger’. And it went on for years like that, “we must end it with honor.”

Jeebus, I don’t want to live through that nonsense again.


I don’t think it was controversial during and a few years after the Civil Rights Movement that a lot of white Americans opposed it, and not just Southerners, but conservatives in general.

People of the time — I’m just reporting what I’ve read from archival reactions — weren’t surprised and shocked that William F. Buckley didn’t like the CRM. It seemed exactly like the kinds of opinions these raving paranoiacs always held.

Which is why no one was surprised when Southern Democrats left their now-Civil Rights enabling party to become Republicans.

Maybe one of the reasons people didn’t learn about this is that the earlier generations forgot that you have to teach younger people things that may be obvious to you, but which they didn’t live through.


Good cheer? I thought his smile was gas.

Well, that explains the antipathy toward global warming.


Better, google “honorable ending war Kissinger”

There are probably better search terms but I just like having the antonyms ‘Kissinger’ and ‘honorable’ together for the anti-symmetry of it.


Billy Kristol:

Always Wrong.
Never in doubt.
Always a whore for AIPAC.

Christ's Left Nut

“Is Rush Limbaugh the Falstaff of Republicans? A big, fat, jolly, and cheeky fellow, with a mug of ale in one hand and a wench on his knee, full of laughter and mirth and joie de vivre?”

Change the ale to pills (half oxy, half viagra), make sure the wench is around 12 years old, and it’s just another wacky weekend at Casa de Limbaugh.

Arky The Blasphemer

In fact, when someone goes around calling everyone “faggot traitor” my first suspicion is, “light in the loafers”.

SInce Johan LoadedDoughnut has tried to redifine Liberal to = Fascist. I think someone could get at least 500 pages out of trying to prove that Homophobe = Rampant Pole Pirate. If we can get this country to the point where people shake their heads in sympathy (or snicker) when pHuckabee, Rev. Phelch and the like start blathering about teh ghey, I’d die a happy man.

The best part would be dedicating the book to Johan.


Reminds me of my stupid ex-wife: dare to hold a different opinion than hers and she capers around saying “you’re argumentative!”


I was going to say… I thought that having the words “honorable” and “Kissinger” in the same paragraph was tantamount to dividing by zero and would open up some sort of dreadful hole in spacetime.



check out Don Surbers blog post “Mellencamped.”

He gets the red ass in comments, then shuts the comment section down.


Hey, where did the Photoshop of Kristal go? I need something to launch my morning hacking cough at.


Mr Trilateral-

It would be irresponsible of us not to.


Yo, Luther!

Linkie, please?


good cheer.

Bob Novak.

Matt Drudge. Bill O’Really. “Dr.” Weiner-Savage. Ann Coulter, et al.

Perhaps the wit and elan are more subtle. I’m not seeing it.


Found it.

He is an idiot. Someone points out that McCain is rich, and Surber sez that it is his wife’s money, and not McCain’s

Damn that dOOd’s dense.


Yep, Surber is in fact closely controlling comments, because when you’re getting spanked it’s best to reach for the plate-mail underoos.


Cold Metal Bra? Is that like plate mail underoos?

How about Squirrel Armor?


OK I’m so going to out myself.

t4toby, that stuff is cool! I shall have to get the full breastplate for the girlfriend.


Bill Kristol in North Dakota? Not likely. North Dakotans, whether conservative or liberal, can smell a fake or a charlatan from miles away.



I think marrying a rich person is a smart way to make money, maybe even smarter than being born into a wealthy family that made it’s money by trading with the Nazis during World War II.



One reason conservatives have been able to navigate the rapids of modern America

When I read that, I get a mental picture of Aguirre, the Wrath of God.

Funny, I think of Ned Beatty in “Deliverance”…


It’s been scary watching pathological bastards like Kristol smile their way through the past 8 years.


I knew, of all Sadlynaughts, that you would appreciate that, Snowwy.


Wait.. Walnut’s wife is 20 years younger than him.. AND she is the one with the money?

Either she is damaged goods, or Walnuts used to be pretty slick back in the day..


For my favorite bit of Buckley, here’s a youtube of him getting his ass handed to him with a fork already in it, by resolutely not-having-it Noam Chomsky.




Interesting notes relevant to the Bloody Bill Smile.


Yeah, well, in my lifetime it hasn’t been primarily the right wingers insulting & dismissing Noam Chomsky.

Instead he’s the handy method for well-meaning Sensible Liberals to quickly establish that they aren’t the crazy fringe Left Extreme, so they quickly condemn Noam Chomsky for arguments he hasn’t made.


Oh, villain, villain, smiling, evil villain! One may smile, and smile, and be a villain.


I have often thought that K-Lo could do a lot of damage if dropped from low earth orbit.

I think using mass-drivers is a violation of our treaty with the Narn.


Damned Ren & Stimpy vid gave me flashbacks. First time I saw that was in a hotel room in Vegas, at the tail end of a 3-day bender because I was stuck there on assignment over Christmas, and couldn’t think of anything better to do than melt my neocortex. About 1/2way through, I started wondering if the crazed, violent but still somehow funny bit I was watching was really on TV, or if I had finally slipped a cog.

The question still stands, although I’ve met John K. a couple of times since then, and I sympathize the Nickelodeon’s decision to fire him… the man is too twisted to take in large doses.

Oh yeah – back on comment thread: Kristol’s brand of lunacy and gleeful violence make Stinky Wizzleteats & the rest of Spumco seem rather charming and cuddly…


Anytime is a good time to listen to the Happy Happy Joy Joy song!


Cheese-Nazi, HammerPie is going to be my new handle. For everything.


It’s a true and damn shame re: the “reasonable” so-called Left itself dissing Chomsky. Rather than answering right-wing talking points that Chomsky “hates America”, by pointing out that what he’s doing is *keeping high standards* for American behavior.

But that would require standing up rather than giving up to get along. Which is what’s had us end up with this child for a President for 7 years now. I think that, largely thanks to the Netroots, we’re on our way out of this trend. Can’t be soon enough for me.


Kristol is as dumb as a pie full of hammers.


justme, happy to be of service.


It was Chomsky, not Vidal, who Buckley threatened to punch in the mouth. The exchange is shown in the excellent documentary, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media.


Chris said,

February 7, 2008 at 5:07

It was Chomsky, not Vidal, who Buckley threatened to punch in the mouth. The exchange is shown in the excellent documentary, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media.

Er, no, it was Vidal, not Chomsky. It’s a legendary incident. Follow the link, Chris, in my post and see for yourself. There’s a kinescope of the exchange at that link. For your convenience, here it is again:




My bad about not watching the Vidal exchange, but on another occasion Buckley did threaten to punch Chomsky “in the goddamn mouth” as seen in the doc that I mentioned.

That guy must have had some “anger issues”. A real prick, for sure.


Clif, you are technically correct because Buckley did not use the word “punch” with Chomsky. In the beginning of the Firing Line clip in Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky amiably says he will try not to lose his temper during their debate and Buckley responds by saying that if he did he “would smash you in the Goddamn face”.


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