Pick Your Super Bowl Score

Couple hours to kickoff. Predict the final score in comments.

Me: Patriots 59, Giants 10.


Comments: 197


Pats 73, Giants 0.

Just like in 1940, when the Bears mauled the Redskins. Back then, they didn’t have nets behind the goalposts. The Bears kicked so many extra points into the stands, they ran out of footballs.





Patriots 30, Giants25

Commercials: $23,568,241.75

Beer: 23,568,241.75 total litres.

Well, that’s my house, anyway.


Giants 24, Patriots 21.

(I’m a New Yorker, so this has no basis is reality, and I also thought that “President Giuliani” was a genuine possibility back in the summer. Now excuse me while I check my Segway stock.)


As long as AFC’s score ends in a “4” and NFC’s score ends in a “3,” I’ll be happy. Let’s hear it for intra-office gambling!


Patriots – a zillion
Giants – blue

And with that the Giants will beat the spread.

Place your bets.


Pats 73, Giants 0.

Just like in 1940, when the Bears mauled the Redskins. Back then, they didn’t have nets behind the goalposts. The Bears kicked so many extra points into the stands, they ran out of footballs.

Ah hell, I don’t give a rat’s ass who wins. Who wants to watch a bunch of pampered millionnaires play a pale imitation of what football used to be? Back in the days of leather helmets, muddy fields and sixty-minute men, now that was football. Imagine what George Halas would have said to Sid Luckman if he’d complained of “turf toe.”

Pape Bear would have told him to stop being such a fucking weenie and get his crybaby ass back out on the field.


the giants are gonna damn win


eli manning or r.w. mcquarters takes the mvp


Patriots’ video equipment fails, coaching staff struggles to make calls, but Eli chokes in big game. Patriots 28 Giants 17


What, the Super Bowl is today? So which gangs of overpaid spandex-pantsed steroid-freaks are going to butt heads with one another? Oh wait, I don’t care.


I was going to make a Patriots, 429.23981, Giants 3i joke, but Raznor beat me to the whole non-(counting-) number thing with “blue”.


Happily, /giuliani is now a reality.


Wingnut celebrating the superbowl (warning, may upset some stomachs)


Patriots: sin [ ? | n = 0 ? ? | -1? / (2n + 1) ]² * 4! + 1

Giants: cos (2?/5) * (1 + ?5) / 2 * F(9)


grrrr… stupid unicode


Patriots in a laugher – let’s say, 45-16.


Patriots between 0 and infinity; Bill Kristol, still 100% wrong.


Patriots: sin [ SIGMA | n = 0 –> inf. | -1 ^ n / (2n + 1) ] ^2 * 4! + 1

Giants: cos (2*pi/5) * [1 + sqrt (5)] / 2 * F(9)

(…and yes, these actually *do* produce integers)


I didn’t even know until now who was playing. 🙂

Final score? Advertisers eleventy-one, healthy American hearts 0.


Giants: 3

Patriots: – 13


Enjoy the game, football fans. I’m going to watch the Caribbean Series tonight.

Smiling Mortician

Aesthetes 49, Philistines 2


Patriots Eight Billion, Giants A GOOGLEPLEX. And a cow.


Giants bus crashes on the way to the game. Eli was driving.


Oh shit, I forgot again! That’s what you get for not having a TV and reading foreign newspapers. So I’m guessing it is a bad day to knock on doors for Obama?

Or maybe… maybe I will knock on doors for Hillary. *evil grin* When do these things usually start?


Superbowl Schmooperbowl.

I’m making Cajun red beans and rice and cornbread, with sausages (eww gross) on the side for the flesh-eaters in the house. Then the spouse and I are gonna watch the Pink Floyd concert DVD my brother got me for my birthday. Then I’m goin’ to bed at a decent hour because I start a new job bright and early in the a.m.

Gonna miss wasting away the hours that make up the dull day by surfing the InternetsTubes, but then again, I get health insurance.

Innocent Bystander

I was forced off the pre-game when Neil Cavutto showed up on my screen. What a way to ruin a Super-Bowl. Happy to report, Patriots enter the history books undefeated, 31-21 over a game, but outmatched Giant’s team.


so, when does spring training start? and how much longer until the red sox win the series again? 🙂


I’ll take the dodgers over the rangers 8 to 2.


Giants: 17
And a wardrobe malfunction.


First overtime in Super Bowl history:

Pats 27 Jints 24

MVP: Randy Moss

Best commercial: Budweiser

Chrisaultionvinry St. Jaboogpert: still a douche


Pats play down to the level of the NY miscreants and squeak out 31-27 in a sloppy game. During the postgame press conference, Belichek is arrested by the seargant at arms of the senate. Of all times for the Democrats to finally grow a spine.


The only sport that matters has already been played…the Rangers gave up the game’s first three goals but came back and beat the Habs 5-3.


MzNicky, sounds yummy, especially with the sausage-free option.

I’m having some veg-curious friends over after the primaries on Tuesday to make a big batch of my famous eggplant parm. It’s a good group cooking activity.

Today I can appreciate a small part of what it must be like to be Jewish on Christmas. I think I’ll get Chinese takeout and make a feast of it.


PS: Good luck at your new job. If it is anything like my job, you will still find dull patches to waste on the tubes. 😉


Gonna miss wasting away the hours that make up the dull day by surfing the InternetsTubes, but then again, I get health insurance.

Good luck, MzNicky.

I need a new borg, too. *sniff*


Mz Nicks: Hopefully there are no net nannies in your new place of employment and you can still receive the mental health insurance SN provides.



Though there are many reasons to want Belichek in cuffs, and nobody wants to see the Sergeant at Arms get a workout more than I. the thought of the two together is a bit disturbing.


Oh, good luck on the new gig. I need to get off my lard ass and get one of those myself.


MzNicky – a new job is kinda, BIG NEWS. How come we’re only hearing about it now? What does the new gig entail? Just curious.

I’m staying in and ignoring the Stupor Bowl while continuing to nurse the cold/flu I woke up with yesterday….


Thanks guys! The only problem I foresee with being employed again is that I have to, you know, go to work. I think it’ll be cool though. Seems like a good bunch of people, I’ll still be at the university, and I get to have an office and benefits and stuff. Will definitely be checkin’ in at S,N when I can. This is practically the only blog I read anymore.

Today I can appreciate a small part of what it must be like to be Jewish on Christmas. I think I’ll get Chinese takeout and make a feast of it.

pedestrian: I know how you feel. I feel that way almost all the time. That’s what happens when you’re a feminazi-atheisticBuddhish-librulfascio-veggiecommie living in teh Bible Belt. SuperTuesday eggplant parm sounds like an excellent idea. Group effort, even better.


Jennifer — It’s a position in the university’s media relations dept. (Spin-doctor, I think is the correct title.) Didn’t mention it before cuz I don’t wanna clutter up the place with personal bizness, but looks like a slow night and a slow thread. Got laid off from my beloved magazine editor job in 1994, went back to school and got a master’s and almost a PhD, taught journalism for 3 years, don’t wanna do that again. After 14 years without, full-time pay and sweet sweet benefits feels like Christmas morning.


PS — Jennifer: Hope you feel better soon. Colds suck.


a hard fought 0-0 tie game will be settled at 4 in the morning when both team coaches do keg stands on the 50 yard line. The first to spike the empty keg is the winner.


Well, congratulations. Sounds like an interesting job, which is more than can be said for a lot of them. Hope it works out to be all that you want it to be.


Patriots 26, Giants 17


Screw you guys, I’m watching the Puppy Bowl.


The game is about to begin, and how does Fox choose to launch its coverage? With a recitation of the Declaration of Independence!



I call foul! Or Fowl, maybe. I

just started to prepare the requested Buffalo wings, and have discovered that Fosters Farm no longer packages what they call “drumettes” – meaning only the nice meaty part of the chicken wing, cut like a mini-drumstick.

Now they just label the package “party wings” and you get a package that’s half “drumettes” and half the flat part of the wing with very little meat.

Yet another example of corporate greed!


Or maybe… maybe I will knock on doors for Hillary. *evil grin* When do these things usually start?

From my outsiders’ experience, you’ll be wasting your shoeleather. During the simple American folk festival known as Sooperbowel, when you knock on peoples’ doors, either they’re away at a party/bar ‘celebrating’, or they’re making so much noise that they won’t hear you knocking anyway.

Spousal unit and I may go to our favorite Chinese restaurant just to enjoy the quiet.


The game is about to begin, and how does Fox choose to launch its coverage? With a recitation of the Declaration of Independence!

They wanted to use the “constitution” but couldn’t remember the name of said document and thus sent an intern for that “thingy with the pursuit of happiness in it”.


(As for why they wanted the constitution, I can only suspect they mistook it for an ancient football rulebook)


“They wanted to use the ‘Constitution'”

They’d have to find it first, then rinse it off…


Forget the Democraps with their “no blood for tea” bullcookies, Fox shows King George we mean business!

Smiling Mortician

Now they just label the package “party wings” and you get a package that’s half “drumettes” and half the flat part of the wing with very little meat.

You could always invite Hucklebee over. I hear he likes the skin best.


Hey, it’s on the BBC! That means it won’t cut away to commercials every five steps anyone takes! And it’s in the east, so it’s earlier! If only I understood this pointy rugby thing.


“FAUX wanted to use the ‘Constitution’”

They’d have to find it first, then rinse it off…

They’d have to find it first, then rinse Rupert Murchoch’s shit off of it.


The Rangers had a Homecoming.
In Harlem late last night.


From my outsiders’ experience, you’ll be wasting your shoeleather. During the simple American folk festival known as Sooperbowel, when you knock on peoples’ doors, either they’re away at a party/bar ‘celebrating’, or they’re making so much noise that they won’t hear you knocking anyway.

Yeah – my evil intent was to help Obama by reinforcing the whole “bitch reads durin football?!” meme, but I think that qualifies as only slightly less underhanded than tire-slashing. And you are right, I would probably just be ignored any old how. Unless I slapped some Hillary stickers on some bricks and aimed for plasma…NO! GET BEHIND ME SATAN!!


I’m really not a Hillary hater. And I have no great illusions about Obama, either. But hey, I’m a vegetarian pacifist who doesn’t like sports – I have to vent my aggression somewhere.


Big return by Moroni?

Isn’t he a Mormon?


Patriots: 27
Giants: 13

(Right now the Giants are ahead 3-0, 4:52 left in the 1st quarter, so I’m not cheating [much].)


I have to vent my aggression somewhere.

As a new day dawns, so too will another Jonah Goldberg post.

Trilateral Chairman

To my astonishment, Madam Chairwoman actually wants to watch the game. We’re both half-watching and half-doing other stuff, hence my presence here.

I have no prediction, and I don’t much care. I do, however, want Brady to get his ass sacked a few times, just because. (Apologies to our hosts, but I’m originally from the New York area, so….)


Pats 38-G-men 24
Maroney MVP. Close till late third,like most of their big games. Moss breaks their heart with long catch in 3rd. Eli 2 interceptions. Maroney pounds the yards in 4th.


“wasting away the hours that make up the dull day…”

I see what you did there. Pink would be proud…


Patriots 42, Giants 10


Trilateral Chairman

Mmm. Looks like Lifewater just helped free Michael Jackson’s tit from the wringer.


I predict that none of the commercials will be worth a shit, even though lots of idiots will guffaw like donkeys over them. You know, pretty much like every year.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

The Super Bowl: Who Stole the Soul?
by Dave Zirin

…the Super Bowl is first and foremost a two week entertainment festival for the rich and shameless: a corporate Woodstock with suits and sports cars subbing for ponchos and patchouli. Less free love and drugs, more hookers and scotch….



Tom Petty: Better than the average half-time entermatainer.

Who’s with me?


I say it’ll be Pats 7 Giants 3 at halftime.


Breaking OT news – Maria Shriver showed up at an Obama event at UCLA with Michelle Obama, Caroline Kennedy and Oprah. She endorsed Obama!

Ah-nold’s turn to say “WTF???’


She gave quite a speech too. As she tells it, she wasn’t on the schedule, she just came over spontaneously from a horse show without putting on makeup or brushing her hair.


Who cares. It’s two NY teams anyway. City or suburb? Doesn’t matter from my vantage point.


Also, who cares if it’s Hillary or Obama? Just in general, why would anyone care?


Er, when was the Superbowl about hippies or fair trade or being healthy? It’s always been about two professional sports teams playing against each other while a whole lot of people watch and get crap sold to them.


christian h. said,

February 4, 2008 at 3:45

Also, who cares if it’s Hillary or Obama? Just in general, why would anyone care?

Why are you even bothering to type this, if you don’t even care?


Who cares. It’s two NY teams anyway.

Foxborough, Mass. is in New York? News to me.


I assume that he meant that Boston is becoming a suburb of NYC, which is just overstated enough to be true.


This is still a humorous blog? And a post about the Super Bowl? So maybe I’m fucking allowed to suggest that Hillary is about as far from Obama as NY from Boston?


***Geek Flag Flying High***


***Geek Flag Flying High***



christian h. said,

February 4, 2008 at 3:57

This is still a humorous blog?

It was until you showed up.

Trilateral Chairman

Ah-nold’s turn to say “WTF???’

Ahnold is entirely accustomed to Maria pulling that on him, btw. She’s a staunch Democrat (for obvious reasons) and has done it ever since she pulled a Lysistrata when he came out for W.


I’ve had a very weird day.

I’m trying to catch up.

Kinda looks like golden boy might have a problem.

But the “scrappy” giants can’t really do shit.

Will it really end 7-3 or even 7-6?

Man, that would suck.

I’ve got hella chili and kickass guac on the table. And a very large and infinitely refillable scotch glass to carry me over. So to that extent, I guess I don’t care. But it would be fun to see Eli come back and win thing.

Oopps. And on schedule he throws a what, fifty yard pass?



You know what, thunder, I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, or just can’t stand anyone being disrespectful towards whatever candidate you think is the saviour. But then you should maybe stop reading anything for the next 6 months or so, to avoid getting hurt.


Ummmm Houston, there seems to be a problem….


christian h. said, blah blah blah

I recall reading some messages from a “libvet”, recently. They sounded just like you, whiney, and stupid.


The Puppy Bowl is more fun!


You know what, thunder, I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, or just can’t stand anyone being disrespectful towards whatever candidate you think is the saviour. But then you should maybe stop reading anything for the next 6 months or so, to avoid getting hurt.

Gonna tell you youngsters a little story. I’ve been in bunkers in the VERY early seventies when politics, race, religion and policy were discussed in what can only be described as a “freewheeling” manner. But here’s the thing. EVERY montherfucker in that discussion had at LEAST two, and more likely three or four lethal weapons. And yet, imagine this. We managed to have our discussion, disagree, and NOBODY got killed.

You assholes think you can find a way to have a conversation without putting your finger on the trigger words?

Give it a shot. You’ll feel good about yourself…



So far you’re half right. the Giants have 10 points right now.

You’re 52 points off on the Pats though


Gonna tell you youngsters

I got carded! I got carded!

Last time it happened, I was in my mid-thirties. But I’m pretty sure the clerk was just trying to make me feel good.


The Puppy Bowl is more fun!

If the puppies are well-seasoned I agree.


I apologize to thunder. I honestly wasn’t even trying to make a comment about either Hillary or Obama, but simply juxtaposing two “who cares?” comments as a little harmless fun. It clearly backfired, my bad.

I’m happy that people can get excited about things or candidates, even if they aren’t mine.


I’m happy that people can get excited about things or candidates, even if they aren’t mine.

Fuck off, asshole.


wow unless there is a scoring bonanza you are way off
bit it is tom brady so who knows?


christian h is a classic concern troll.

But at least he had the good manners to apologize.


I just called to order a pizza and realized as the phone was rining that they might be swamped with super-bowl orders. Luckily that rush was over. I spent the afternoon downloading a program to burn my record collection to computer files, so I don’t think I’ll be paying much attention to the game. First LP that went digital was Confections of Love by I, Brute Force (my actual first choice had a skip that could not be corrected). If anyone here knows that LP they win a prize. First prize is a download of the song ‘To Sit On A Sandwich’. Second prize is that song plus ‘Tapeworm Of Love’. 1966 was a good year for goofy music…


I got carded! I got carded!

I went out last night to one of those gay clubs where all the guys are hot, shirtless, and under 25 and all the girls are hotter, dressed to kill, and gropier than the boys are. Not usually my thing, but friends dragged me.

Anyway, the only thing that made the night worthwhile was seeing a pervy old codger being turned away at the door because he didn’t have ID. I mean, the guy had to have been at least 60. How often do you see that?


I thought my crime was being a non-concern troll. Could y’all please decide? Seriously, though, I was not intending any political statement whatsoever.


christian h. said,

February 4, 2008 at 4:33

Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!


Ah to be young and cardable with no pain in your joints. You zygotes have it all. Enjoy it while you can… we’re not immortal after all.

(anyone else never believe they’d get old before the age of thirty?)


MY faultless prediction is New England 14 New York 10. I bet ANYONE that I will be proven right.


thunder is one of those amazing people who see a statement that could be interpreted as disagreeing with them and see a troll. I never knew they really existed, but there you go.

A little advice: your name-calling skills are pitiful. You should brush up a little. “Stupid” “asshole” “whiny”? You can do better. Or so one hopes.


Hey, now, I didn’t get old before the age of thirty. Gone to seed since, though.


heh, that sentence was baaaaaaaad. 🙂

let’s put it this way, when I was young I’d look at older people and think i’m never going to be like that…ever ever ever.


“(anyone else never believe they’d get old before the age of thirty?)”

Forget about old, I expected to be dead well before the big three-oh.


Shoulda bet me huh?


anyone else never believe they’d get old before the age of thirty?

I’m aging as fast as I can! *reaches for cigarettes*


I was never a Clinton or Obama fan, I was for Edwards.

I’ve never been a Giants or New England fan, I’ve always been for the Redskins.

Anyone who reads these threads would know that.

I had to make a difficult decision, Patriots – Giants. Yay Giants.


I agree. On both counts. I honestly apologize, my goal was not to upset anyone – it was just a joke gone wrong. Let’s drink on the Pats going down!


Looks like things didn’t get fun ’til the fourth quarter anyway, which works just fine since the Puppy Bowl’s 3 hours long.




Giants 14 Pats 10…


I now dread the ubiquitous presence of another Manning.



Wait, I don’t even like football…


mextremist said,

February 4, 2008 at 5:05

Giants 14 Pats 10…

I believe that makes my 9-11 call quite a bit closer than some others.



Too Baaaaddd!


Just a quick thatnk you to Tom “Overrated” Brady and Bill “Cheater” Belecheck..thanks for not making us share our record with you!!


Pretty classless way to end the game by the Pats.


My goodness gracious, in the words of me sainted grandmama, Nina Sagner.

That was well worth watching.

Like 2000 with an outcome.


gonna make more goodies….



fucking dolphins


I missed the Puppy Bowl for this?


[…] song that the evil pink commies at Sadly, No! and the Poorman will not be playing this […]


Looks like its just not “inevitable”‘s year.


Well, considering the Patriots’ run has coincided with Bush’s years in the White House, this might just bode well.
I kniw, that’s silly, but still.


The only negative I can see from the Pats losing is that the ’72 Dolphins get to continue being vicious assholes.


So whats the O/U on the Sports guy column this week?


Screw you, Brady! Screw you, Belicheat! Take your “perfect season” and shove it!



Oakland avenged! Maybe the pats will go 18 -1 next year, too!
Must have been a video tape mal-function!


I’d just like to be the first one to say it:

This is why we PLAY the games….


[Runs and hides in the basement]



When two evil teams meet, something bad has to happen….

Jeff Lurie


Thirty? Thirty? Years old, is it? Bah. What wouldn’t I give to be spat in the face I MEAN thirty years old again! Well, not really. But children, trust me on this: Yer not old. I believe there are a few in the listening audience tonight who will back me up on that. Get back to me when you hit yer 50s. Now that’s old. ‘course by then I’ll be gone on to my next lifetime, or not, so it won’t matter anyway.




aschupanitz said,

February 4, 2008 at 5:11

The only negative I can see from the Pats losing is that the ‘72 Dolphins get to continue being vicious assholes.

John Riggins, baybee!

That demon has been exorcised. How ’bout we all work together and get rid of G.W.Bush and Dick Cheney?


Just think, right now, across the planet, bookies are considering suicide.


The mighty Brady…has struck out.


Yer not old. I believe there are a few in the listening audience tonight who will back me up on that. Get back to me when you hit yer 50s.

Let me fit my ear-trumpet so’s I can hear you, and I’ll tell you young-uns a thing or two.

If I only had my walker handy, I’d come across the room and give you a swat on the hiney!


Heh, we won some dough online!


Completely OT, but I just stumbled upon it and felt that I need to share it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTjRPugJ8CA – Phil Ochs, There but for fortune
Full text:

Show me a prison, show me a jail,
Show me a prisoner whose face has gone pale
And I’ll show you a young man with so many reasons why
And there but for fortune, may go you or I

Show me the alley, show me the train,
Show me a hobo who sleeps out in the rain,
And I’ll show you a young man with so many reasons why
There but for fortune, may go you or go I — you and I.

Show me the whiskey stains on the floor,
Show me the dunken man as he stumbles out the door,
And I’ll show you a young man with so many reasons why
There but for fortune, may go you or go I — you and I.

Show me the country where bombs had to fall,
Show me the ruins of buildings once so tall,
And I’ll show you a young land with so many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or go I — you and I.
You and I,
There but for fortune, go you or go I — you and I.

…probably the most touching refutation of the entire concept of the republican party platform (I can’t it more eloquently than that :/)


Hey pats fans,

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha oh shit, oh shit, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Fucking cheating fucks lost.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Old age ain’t for sissies…


So whats the O/U on the Sports guy column this week?

I’m going with “suicide”, but then I always bet my heart over my head.


g, I love you, but anybody who actually bet real money on this game needs a remedial sports wagering class.

Run by a lumpy, scarred thug…

just sayin…



It’s no longer a sign of youthful appearance to get carded. The bars in Minneapolis can get in big trouble if a patron doesn’t have an ID with them, so they card everyone just to see that they have it. I’m 53, grey bearded and bald but still get asked for the ID every time.


Hee hee. I don’t care about Merkin “football” (what does it have to do with feet?), but what with all the Patsblogging going on around here, I’m hugely amused about the current situation.

It’s that feeling of pointless Schadenfreude that I’m going for here.


So does this make the Sports Guy the Bill Kristol of professional sports?


Couple hours to kickoff. Predict the final score in comments.

Me: Patriots 59, Giants 10.

Or not.

The resident Colts fan is laughing like a mad scientist because the brother of his favourite QB won the SB and spanked the Pats.


Hey! The next Super Bowl will be played in a liberated country.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

“How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative”

Former GOP political operative Allen Raymond:

“The mouth-breathers who decide GOP primaries might allow people who steal their money and send their children to impossible wars to get away with anything, but they’ll cut no such slack for baby-killers,”



Well shit man, looks like I overestimated the Pats’ offense.


His Grace said,

February 4, 2008 at 0:00

Giants: 17
And a wardrobe malfunction.

Well, you got the Giants’ score right. Too bad you had to go dyslexic on the Patriots’ score.


g, I love you, but anybody who actually bet real money on this game needs a remedial sports wagering class.

Well, it wasn’t a fuck of a lot of money. But – we won!!!! just saying.

Closeted Conservatard Cocksuckers!!!

“‘Don’t you know he’s a fag?’ Tommy must have said a dozen times before the meeting…. For some people, even the GOP is too diverse a community. Anyone with first-hand knowledge of the upper levels of the Republican power structure knows it could give the audience at a Rent marathon a run for its money. So you’d think party hacks like Tommy would have gotten over it by now.”

——Allen Raymond, How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative


Closeted Conservatard Cocksuckers!!!

Even the guys who didn’t expose undercover CIA operatives, proposition congressional pages, and send other people’s children off to die in an impossible war wouldn’t rat on the ones who did…. I was truly beginning to understand how few metaphysical limitations a person is up against once he decides that the truth is what he makes it. From then on, two plus two would equal whatever sum I found most useful.”



mikey, we are the fucking most clueless bettors in the world.

During a certain Kentucky Derby, a couple years ago, we ACTUALLY KNEW the owner of a horse that was running at 50-1 odds.

And we said, well, what the fuck, let’s put a hundred or so down just cause we know J___ and it’s his horse. We’d never done it before. So we went online, and tried to figure it out, but it was too complicated, so we turned away about 15 minutes before you couldn’t do it anymore, and said, “Well, who cares, he’s 50 -1 and we’d just lose that money anyway.”

Goddamn horse WON the Kentucky Derby. We literally fell on the floor crying.

What was worse, we had to tell our friend that we didn’t bet on his horse.


So whats the O/U on the Sports guy column this week?

I’m really hoping for “The Most Painful Loss Ever”. This would confirm my view of New England sports fans as the biggest whiners in history.


Tom Brady goes to SOTU and sits next to Laura, Tom Brady loses Super Bowl.

Coincidence? Don’t think so…


Gee. I almost forgot to come here. It is really too bad we won’t have New Englanders chuckling about winning both the Serious and the Super Bowel.

Oh. November. McCain 59, Clinton 10. LOL.


What was worse, we had to tell our friend that we didn’t bet on his horse.

Are you kidding, he should have thanked you! What are the odds that his horse would have won otherwise? I would say that they were at least… 50-1!!

I’ve long suspected that the only god is Irony.


Has anyone chosen Giants 17, Pats 14 yet? I’ve got a lucky feeling.

Out LiberalFascist Cocksucker

You do a disservice to all us with that moniker. But thanks for the heads-up.

19-0 The Perfect Season

I heard the Patriots copywrighted my name. I would like to humbly point out “The Most Overrated Team Ever” is also for sale.

Innocent Bystander

Truth be told, I have to say the Giants played one hell of a game tonight. It was one of the great finishes. When the Pats scored, I knew there was too much time left to start celebrating. When Eli somehow escaped that tackle and threw that 30 year pass that Toomer caught on top of his head….I had a really bad feeling about how it would end.

I know Brady takes a lot of hits outside New England, but he had one hell of a year…and he’s what, 30? They’ll be back. I really feel bad for this team that came within 30 seconds of a perfect season….pretty damn amazing.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Out LiberalFascist Cocksucker said,
February 4, 2008 at 6:15

You do a disservice to all us with that moniker.

Apologies, everyone. I’ll dial that down.


So, how’s that 59-10 blowout working for you? Not so hot? Such a shame. And here pretty-boy Brady was poised — poised, I tell ya — to go down as teh greatest evah.

Really. I’m weepy.


oh i’m sorry, i was doing something.

did this blog have an opinion about the game?

73-0? 59-10?


not so fucking much, my little wankers, not so muchly much.

and yes, that catch by david tyree is indeed the greatest play in the history of the super bowl. lynn republican fuckhead swann can eat me.



Eli – Hero/Champion
Bellichek – WhinyAssTittyBaby



Then the coach runs off the field before the game is over.



I aim to please


Yeah Giants!



Then the coach runs off the field before the game is over.

That was a completly classless move.



Couple hours to kickoff. Predict the final score in comments. Me: Patriots 59, Giants 10.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

-ha ha


I am really fuckin glad I didn’t know jack shit about either of these teams before they played.

I didn’t even watch the game until the 4th quarter.

From that vantage point, it was a good game.

And my spouse bet some money on it and we made out OK.

So I’m cooll


look, I’ll be serious for a second…its a big loss for all of us who wanted to see a perfect season, even as a Giants fan, it hurts me to see the Pats lose this opportunity…

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


As a Giants fan living in Patriots territory, all I have to say is: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha (etc.) !!!!!!!


Not that anyone will believe me, but my aim with this post was to jinx the Pats, in my own little way. No, really.

I hate the Pats. Ask HTML Mencken.


Well, the REAL winner was….ME, because I didn’t waste my time watchng.

Ha haha hahahahahaha!


Don’t worry, Pats. 18-1 is still pretty good. Belicheat – classless as always.





MzNicky, G: I was totally cool about the whole over-50 thing until that whippersnapper Douglas showed up, all in awe over a song I found pretty ghoddammed impressive back when Phil Ochs was still alive…

Now I just want to tell those little punks to get the fvck off my lawn, and if they break any windows with their stupid football their parents will be hearing from me!!!

Pedestrian: One of my college roommates used to complain, “I don’t mind being a plaything in the hands of God, but if He’s going to use me as a character I wish he had a better sense of plotting.”

Or, since around here the Lord of Irony is known as Murphy: “Gods come and go, but Murphy Rulez!”

Liberal Masochist (BJS)

cheaters never prosper or some such! Double manning mvps is just killing the pats fans!


All team hatin’ aside, that was one hell of a football game. Seriously.

Tim (the other one)

“All team hatin’ aside, that was one hell of a football game. Seriously.”

Totallly, just a great game. Spring Training in 26 days !


Pats just gave one up for the economy.


g — Of course, you are speaking of the horse that probably shouldn’t have been there anyway, #10 Giacomo. 51-1. My daughter was 2 at the time, and she was making her first Derby pick for me to throw $10 on for her. She saw the horse about 3 minutes to post and started screaming “10! 10!” I looked him up on my form (looking through the large line I had drawn through him) and thought “Oh, please, anyone but this horse — I think I’d rather set my $10 on fire.”

That was my worst two minutes in sports. Granted, it wasn’t $100 on the nose, but a $500+ take is nothing to sneeze at.


192 comments and counting, so I really can’t read them all – in the unlikely event that someone’s already made this point: I apologize. Didn’t mean to pile on.

Just in case though:

59-0? Is that what you said? I can’t even remember now. Something like that. At any rate, how do you like me now? Motherfucker? Eh?


All team hatin’ aside, that was one hell of a football game. Seriously.

It really, really was a great game. I was rooting for the Giants, so obviously I am pleased they won anyway, but it was so great to watch. All Superbowls should be that exciting, dammit.

It wasn’t until Eli Manning broke free of a certain-sack (seriously, the man is … uhm … not very mobile usually) and Tyree somehow caught that pass that I started to think, “Oh my God. Oh my God, the Giants might win.”

And they did! Eee!


I just got a phone call from Vice President Richard B. Cheney on a secure line from his unspecified location that’s pixellated on Google Maps. (Two minutes ago).

He says the score will be Patriots 24, Giants 10.

Right now, he realizes, most people think that it was Patriots 14, Giants 17.

However, the signal, he is assured by Fox News, was tampered with.

He wants me to assure you that in the weeks ahead, the majority of Americans will come to realize that the 14-17 score was devious Al Qaeda propaganda.

Ever since Iran helped Al Qaeda get nuclear materials to attack us with speedboats on 9-11, there has been a lot of disinformation out there.


“Spring Training in 26 days !”

Thank fucking Christ.


I knew the Pats would lose by a field goal when they passed up that field goal try on 4th and 13. The football gods like that kind of stuff.


(comments are closed)