Liberals: Not Just Fascists, Also Vampires

And the Pantload is our Buffy:

Similarly, now that I drive a stake through the heart of what Tom Wolfe calls the greatest hoax of modern history, [Timothy Noah] gripes “we knew that already.” Sorry, not buying it.

Next up: ‘How Fascist Liberals’ Opposition to a Silver Standard Proves They Are Werewolves’


Comments: 252

Arky The Blasphemer

See? See? Tom Wolfe agrees with me! Now you gotta do what I say. Pathetic little shart bag.


My God, he really is that conceited! Like my 18 month old kid, running around the house telling everyone “Come see the big great poopie I made in the potty!” Only for her, at the time, it *was* admirable.


Well, see, since Jonah Goldberg doesn’t actually know anything, he can’t believe that there are other people out there who do, in fact, know things.


I’m sorry to go off-topic, but that zinger from yesterday along the lines of
Vote Republican: We can ruin the country in 8 years, but it takes 12 to kill it

Is there anyone entrepreneurial enough to submit art to that effect to Would the coiner license their phrasing? Because I would


buy that bumper sticker.

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“At first Noah takes the “nothing to see here folks” approach so common out there.”

Maybe he takes said approach because there isn’t.


Interesting that Load de Pant would compare his thesis to a mythological creature. One doesn’t exist in reality, and the other … doesn’t exist in reality.


oh god the stupid- the smugness- the deep hurting- it has long gone from milli-swank levels to giga-swanks. I swear to god I am stupidier person from the contact radition from being on the same planet as the Pantload.


Everyone knows that liberal fascists…unlike their conservative communist counterparts…are decidedly in favor of the gold-pressed latinum standard.

This allows us to bypass the whole Vampirism Question. Snap!


Cool, can I be a True Ancestor? Failing that, lets get all together and turn L.A. into an Anarch Free State. Down with the Camarilla!


LARP geeks unite!


Uh, Camarilla should’ve been linked to it’s wikipedia entry:
In this case they probably would be the so-called Dems in Congress&co(GOP is Sabbath) 😉


Of course you’d write this, D. A. The werewolf is the vampire of liberal fascism.


Judging by Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe also seems to think that black people are vicious howling pack animals that like to sate their bloodlust by devouring innocent white stockbrokers.

So somehow I’m not surprised


Seriously, what the fuck is Tom Wolfe’s problem, anyway?


You people are so behind the times.

Obviously the GOP are the Invictus or Lancea et Sanctum, depending on which blood-sucking jerk you talk to. Camarilla and Sabbat is so… mid-90s.


the Pantload is our Buffy

*picturing Fudgie in a cheerleader outfit*

Oh god. I just gagged.

And vomited.

I ga-vomited!


Well, see, since Jonah Goldberg doesn’t actually know anything, he can’t believe that there are other people out there who do, in fact, know things.

Which is, of course, central to his point!


“Knowing things” is for liberal fascist statist corporatist pacifist mass murderers.


Seriously, what the fuck is Tom Wolfe’s problem, anyway?

He hasn’t written anything close to worth reading in almost four decades and it’s starting to piss him off. That and he’s had it with everyone asking him what Hunter Thompson was really like.


Lancea et Sanctum? This isn’t Rome…


I just finished Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test for the first time. Brilliant. Why is he now stumping for one of the most hilarious examples of wingnut delusion?


Why, oh why do I keep clicking on the damn links and trying to read that diarrhetic stream of cranial feces? I’m like homer Simpson, poking myself in the eye again and again and…

Please, I beg of you, no more links to the scumpond.

And take this carton of ice cream away from me while you’re at it.


I still think that Wolfe thought he was reviewing a work of fiction.


So, does anybody know … is Pantload still claiming to be a “Pulitzer-nominee”?



Goldberg: “Nazi is short for National Socialists!! THEY WERE SOCIALISTS!”

Wolfe: “Nazis were socialists! No one ever suspected that until now!”

Noah: “Well, everybody knew that they called themselves socialists…”

Goldberg: “Oh, yeah, sure. Tom Wolfe says NOBODY even suspected they were liberal lefty socialist leftocrats until I published that fact. In your FACE, fascist!”



Jonah: Now that I’ve proved I’m mega-awesome, other people are trying to say I’m less than mega-awesome, but guess what, Tom Wolfe, shyeah, SEE YA, wouldn’t wanna be ya, self high-five, air guitar, macarena, etc.


The Vampire is the Jew of Liberal Fascism.


Apparently he had to take some time out to read “his book.”

As most readers know, I’ve been pretty distracted by the book

But what the fuck – W is a liberal fascist?

George W. Bush moved the party leftward and/or damaged the image of the GOP in many respects precisely because he was given the benefit of the doubt by conservatives who saw him as “one of us.”


teh Pantload:
“I’ll post more about Franco later (there’s ample evidence he wasn’t even a fascist, but simply a strongman).”

He denies that Franco was ever a fascist? My mindboggling boggle meter is broke now.

Goldburgs “shtick” is very simple. Just keep redefining words to mean what you want, whenever you need them. Just keep doing that shamelessly and without rhyme or reason over and over. It really doesn’t have to make sense and this is really all there is or ever will be to Jonah Goldberg. There will never be any further depth to him than that.


If I were buying a white, linen suit, I’d ask Tom Wolfe’s opinion. When it comes to intellectual history, I’ll stick with the janitor, thanks.


But what the fuck – W is a liberal fascist?

Yeah, compassionate conservatism, blah blah. We’ve seen that from him before. Of course, Bush never actually did anything compassionate, but we’re talking about the penetrating analytical mind that bases his ideological classifications on criteria like “‘socialist’ is IN THE NAME, yo!” and “Hitler ate vegetables.” So to him, I’m sure the fact that Bush half-heartedly acted like he gave a crap about poor people was enough to stamp him as a liberal, which is enough to stamp him as a fascist/progressive/McCarthyite/whatever.

There are two categories of human beings in his world, evidently:
1. Jonah Goldberg and like 3 people he knows, and
2. 6 billion fascists.


It was the insistance of “amnesty” for illegal aliens and his neglect to drown the government in the bathtub that retroactively pissed off the right. In reality they just don’t want to be associated with a loser.


“In the greatest hoax of modern history, Russia’s ruling “socialist workers party,” the Communists, established themselves as the polar opposites of their two socialist clones, the National Socialist German Workers Party (quicknamed “the Nazis”) and Italy’s Marxist-inspired Fascisti, by branding both as “the fascists.”

All this quote from Tome Wolfe demonstrates is that Wolfe does not know what the fuck he is talking about, which wouldn’t be the first time, either. It is not logically sound or historically sound, and if Goldberg does not know this by now there is no point in educating him.

In any case, Wolfe is a leering, panty-sniffing reactionary who cares more for good taste than human welfare. He ought to know there is more to emulating Dickens than sheer page-counts.


the white linen suit is the Hilter mustache of Liberal Fascism.


Mock if you will. But I’m going to be naughty.

I’m going to be a naughty vampire god.


The fact that Tom Wolfe invented the so called New Journalism is enough to damn him to hell for eternity.


I doubt Tom Wofe actually wrote that – way too few exclamation points!

Perhaps he is now so senile that he, like Anthony Flew, has others writing in his name. Or maybe he’s become an angry limp-dick has-been.




the white linen suit is the Hilter mustache of Liberal Fascism.

No, that is the white labcoat. The white linen suit is a similar, but noticeably thinner moustache.

What it lacks in bushy luster it makes up in ego.






The white man is the Kristy Swanson of the Liberal Fascism.


Grand Moff Texan said,

February 1, 2008 at 22:55

If I were buying a white, linen suit, I’d ask Tom Wolfe’s opinion. When it comes to intellectual history, I’ll stick with the janitor, thanks.

Wolfe seems to be fitting into his own description of intellectual fatuousness quite nicely:

~~~I hasten to point out the difference between an intellectual and a person of intellectual achievement. An intellectual is a person knowledgeable in one field who speaks out only in others. When Noam Chomsky was merely the most original, arresting, and widely talked-about linguistic theorist in America, he was never referred to as a leading American intellectual. That came only after he expressed his outrage over American involvement in the war in Vietnam, about which he knew nothing, since he read The Nation instead of Parade. It was the outrage that gained him entry into that “charming aristocracy,” to borrow the words of Catulle Mendes. Or as Marshall McLuhan once put it, “Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity.” ~~~~~~~~

Note his long admiration of all things National Review.


Xenos said,

In any case, Wolfe is a leering, panty-sniffing reactionary who cares more for “good taste” than human welfare.

Sorry, just felt compelled to correct the punctuation. Anyone who’s ever gotten an eyeful of Wolfe in his 19th century bayou pimp drag couldn’t possibly mean “good taste” literally.


Next up: Liberals are Frankenstein: How their devotion to fascism, socialism, communism, racism, sexism and classism makes them the scariest monster ever!


The fact that literally generations of scholars have poured over the roots of political movements in early 20th century societies, including popular political movements and their interlinking connections, in no way contradicts my argument that I am the first to make a stupid argument about fascism in such detail or with such care; indeed, it is central to my point.


Wolfe has always been like this — but he used to be great nonetheless, even with smug politics.

And while his novels suck, he can still turn a phrase with the best of them. Until now. I fear that anyone and anything that gets sucked into defending the deepest suck of Goldebergian logic will fall into the Pantload, never to write coherently again.


We R all the Isms!


Sadly, No
bumper sticker.
Only Pantload.

Arky The Blasphemer

Underpants are the Jew of Johan LœdedHösen’s wardrobe.


Really, aside from The Lockhorns, and Marilyn vos Savant when she’s talking about probability, there’s nothing worth reading in Parade. WTF is the Werewolfe (the Displacer Beast of liberal fascism) on about?


American involvement in the war in Vietnam, about which he knew nothing, since he read The Nation instead of Parade.

Does anyone have any clue what Wolfe is trying to say here, other than “big words r teh badd?”


People seem really thrown by the Tom Wolfe endorsement, but let’s be honest–for all its myriad flaws, Liberal Fascism’s a better book than I Am Charlotte Simmons. Hell, Liberal Fascism’s a better first-person account of the sex life of a female undergrad than I Am Charlotte Simmons.


Jonah’s just aligned himself with the weirdos who think the current elite evolved from outer space lizards. i agree some of them resemble lizards, but come on!

and anyway, if we’re vampires why is Cheney’s neck free of tooth marks?


I recall the exact moment Tom Wolfe jumped the shark into insanity and loonie tunes thinking.

Remember his Rococo Marxists essay for the Millenial edition of Harper’s? Talk about craaaaaazy! This was Cuckoo for Rococopuffs crazy.

As a writer I admired Wolfe for his essays, books, and his one great novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, but the man had obviously lost his mind. Everything he has written since then has been pure rubbish, I mean just fucking awful. He is ending his distingushed writing career much like Woody Hayes ended his coaching career, with futile and stupid and crazy behavior that will taint his legacy forever.

Anyhow, just sayin’.


The biggest hoax in modern history was assuming that A Man In Full would be a great book. Wolfie totally phoned that one in.


I gather that Jo’berg finds it impressive that he points out that Woodrow Wilson had some repressive policies.

Do you think it’s fair to mention that some people, particularly people at the time, who were at the brunt end of Wilson’s Red Scare, were openly objecting to it as such?

And that those objecting to it were the same leftists who were the target of said repression?

No, it’s not fair, because even though they were alive and pointing it out at the time, only Jo’butt can see it in its proper light of just being more evidence that fascism is “of the left”, except that “left” and “right” have no meaning for Goldsphincter, as they turn out to just be synonyms for “mean and repressive and meddly” and for “freedom freedom freedom awesome freedom freedom freedom”.


Well, he (Wolfe) seems to let on that his intellectual/stylistic hero is William F. Buckley. So maybe he is sort of a poor man’s Buckley.


Germany is once again trying to create a generations of Nazis, this time by distributing to schoolchildren an educational tract about the Nazi era as a comic book, yet there is no sign whatsoever that Jonah Goldberg was consulted by the German government so as to protect the children from liberal fascist indoctrination, you know, hugging them and telling them what they should do and believe!!!


LF just sank from #2 to #3 in politics on Amazon. What bumped Goldberg down? Why, Gingrich’s new book!

Oh sweet shadenfreude.


The fact is, you liberals just HATE HATE HATE the success of this book and Mr. Goldberg and the hard work he put into an original thesis and reasoned discoursive arguments. You hate that he has exposed you as aligned idiologically with Nazis, which you are and he has proof, and footnotes. I plan to be up front when he does his book tour of the Heartland.


No, it’s not fair, because even though they were alive and pointing it out at the time, only Jo’butt can see it in its proper light of just being more evidence that fascism is “of the left”, except that “left” and “right” have no meaning for Goldsphincter, as they turn out to just be synonyms for “mean and repressive and meddly” and for “freedom freedom freedom awesome freedom freedom freedom”.

Emics and etics, El Cid. Goldberg thinks he’s written the right-wing’s Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture. Call him the Marvin Harris of Second-Generation Movement Conservatives.


What Jonah confuses with “Die Fahne Hoch.”

The fact that Tom Wolfe is too fucking stupid to even know that the Communist Party Russia, while it used to be called Russian Social Democratic Workers Party, was certainly never called “Socialist Workers Party” is central to Jonah’s point.


for all its myriad flaws, Liberal Fascism’s a better book than I Am Charlotte Simmons

Not to mention “A Man in Full.” I mean, jeez.

I once received a hand-written letter from Tom Wolfe, back in my editorial assistant days. I called his publicist to see if I could interview him for something or other. Teh publicist took my questions over the phone, and I figured that was the end of it. But the next week I received a two-page letter from him with the answers to my Q’s. All written in calligraphy n’ shit. I had it posted up on my office wall for years, til he started sucking so bad, then I took it down. And now, what with the Doughy endorsement and all, I’m ashamed I even brought it up.


Except for the fact that kajillion years ago I read “The Right Stuff”, I have absolutely no knowledge or insight to contribute to this thread.

But as you can see, that in no way prevents me from contributing anyway.

Oh. I really liked “Buffy”, so I guess I have just about as much expertise on Vampires as I do on Tom Wolfe.

I hope you have found this comment pithy and insightful rather than fascist.

Please carry on….



Well well well, it looks like someone has finally exposed the left as the fascists that they are. And all you lefty turds can do is WHINE WHINE WHINE because you have no arguements to disprove Jonah so you do all that you know how resort to childish name calling like your’re in the second grade! You liebruls cannot compete with an intellectual giant like Jonah Goldberg because deep down inside you know he’s right.


please tell me the book isn’t that long.


You liebruls cannot compete with an intellectual giant like Jonah Goldberg because deep down inside you know he’s right.



Niewart and Jonah, over at the General’s place.


The fact is, you liberals just HATE HATE HATE the success of this book

Yeeesssss, Gary, stomp your tiny little feet in your rage. Let the tears flow. Let it out, boy. Let. It. Out.


… the left as the fascists that they are … you lefty turds … WHINE WHINE WHINE because you have no arguements … so you do all that you know how resort to childish name calling



MzNicky: ebay.


Since you liberal-fascists are not only vampires, but vegetarian-whole-food vampires, it would make more sense for Johan to write about “driving a steak through your hearts” (or your ♥s).


Olberman just dropped a “Sadly, No”

Hi Keith!!



Vampire bats are particularly apt as examples of fascists, since they have a socialised welfare system of food-sharing to keep another alive — also they probably subject one another to unwanted hugs.

Normally D. Sidhe would be writing this comment, but something must have delayed her.


Isn’t Chris St. James the black dude in the commercials selling Ripple, or is it Sparkling White Zinfindel”


I dunno if that’s quite how Sidhe would put it, Smut; needs more zombies.


“lebruls cannot compete with an intellectual giant like Jonah Goldberg because deep down inside you know he’s Right. . . ”

Deep down in my Bowels I know it…


Just my 2¢


Good point, Tigrismus. The zombies seem to be otherwise occupied. Perhaps they’re all sending letters to Johan’s blog.


Sidhe would offer a recipe for vampire bat oatmeal with cheezits and crumbled doritos….



I wouldn’t worry too much about Wolfe. Acid Test was extensively rewritten by Kesey, which is why it isn’t a snooty “isn’t it fun to slum with commoners and their quaint ways” piece like everything else Wolfe produced at the time.
As for the person who called Bonfire a masterpiece……..
I don’t know how to snark that, but holy shit are you wrong.
Goddamn I hated having to read that crap.
The Right Stuff has its charms, but it’s basically textual Riefenstahlism.
I hope Wolfe’s ways die with him.


Further proof that liberalism is vampirism is fascism is communism: the Havana connection.


Maybe the zombies got caught in the?without their ?? The fact is there isn’t a zombie symbol proves unicode is fascist.




I hope Wolfe’s ways die with him.

I hope 9/11/Rudy/9/11’s stupendous success in the GOOPer primary gives him angina.



The secret lair of the anti-liberal fascist partisan resistance has been located.

You know what to do.


You know what I hate?

I hate how about 10 posts show up here on days when I can’t be online, and then on the weekend, there’s one or two for the whole weekend.

Dangit, I needs my Sadly, No! entertainment on the weekend! Can’t you save some of the goodies back to keep a gal occupied in her free time?


El Cid said,

February 2, 2008 at 3:49

The secret lair of the anti-liberal fascist partisan resistance has been located.

You know what to do.

Take off every “ZIG” for great justice?


The fact is there isn’t a zombie symbol proves unicode is fascist.
We’ll have to make do with the snowman symbol ☃.


You could always go find keefer at mark noonan’s blogs for victory, Jennifer. He always is thrilled when I stop by.
Goopy might be there, too, tho not often if it was him.


Sidhe would offer a recipe for vampire bat oatmeal with cheezits and crumbled doritos….

* 1 quart blood
* 12 ounces bread crumbs
* 1/2 lb. suet
* Salt and pepper, to taste
* 1 quart milk
* 1 cup cooked barley
* 1 cup dry rolled oats
* 1 ounce ground mint

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl; pour into a large kettle and bring to a boil. Pour into a wide shallow bowl and season again if necessary. Chill thoroughly, until firm. When cold it may be cut into slices and fried.


There’s also &2620; ( &9760; ?) if I can get anything to work.






I’d like to use the infinity symbol, but alt 0236 ain’t gittin her done.

Tim (the other one)

“Besides, I think the weakness of his review says a lot about the strengths of my book”

Game, Set, and Match , bitches !

only if the game’s Calvinball…


☠ ∞


tigrismus: Huh. Never thought of eBay. Think someone would actually pay for it?


∞ or &amp#8734; both give you ∞
We trust ITTDGY to use this information wisely.


I think the treatment the left gave conservative speakers on college campuses such as Ann Coulter, Tom Tancredo, Jim Gilchrest and David Horowitz pretty much sums up Jonah’s thesis about the left being fascist.


Should be “∞”.




We trust ITTDGY to use this information wisely.

Just like SM trusts me not to post the ACDC sheepshagging video again?


Bloody hell. That should have been ∞, spelling out the ampersand to stop the website from translating it straight into the symbol, but strange things seem to happen when you put quote marks around things.


Think someone would actually pay for it?

Worth trying if you don’t want it! Of course, it might be worth more once his space-suit-clad body is found with the air hose wrapped around his neck and 2 rocket-shaped dildos in very low-ass-orbits…


Good point. I hope it happens soon.


Attention, all you high-ASCII having html-rendering geek loving pedants.

WordPress is NOT W3C compliant. Not all conventions that work in the html wild work in wordpress comments.

You are playing in a sandbox with arbitrary rules.

But experimentation? That’s a very good thing.

Please proceed….



The fact is, WordPress is like Hitler.


WordPress is ☭.



That kix ASS!!



I can’t believe that J is smearing the revolution by associating it with WordPress. That’s so fascist! Typical liberal…

(N.B.: I believe that being incoherent only strengthens my point.)


Mikey is the very personafication of a leftwing fascist. He would have made a good little gestapo agent under Hitler.

Smiling Mortician

high-ASCII having html-rendering geek loving pedants.

Better than most pages on my Shakespearean-Insult-a-Day calendar.

Smiling Mortician

Also, likely no one cares, but I agree with Jennifer — not so much that I’m bitter about the dearth of weekend posts, but rather that I resent having to miss so much fresh amusement during my gulag workdays.

Anyway. More ACDC sheepshagging, if you please, Thunder.


Mikey is the very personafication of a leftwing fascist. He would have made a good little gestapo agent under Hitler.

Doods right, even if he can’t spell. I killed a bunch of people that I’d likely have been friends with if we could have talked. But we never got the chance. I did Nixon’s bidding because I lacked the courage to go to Canada and resist.

I’m sorry, and I hope the tolerance and peace I’ve promoted since can somehow offset the horror and brutality I brought to those kind and peaceful people.

But you, chickenshit motherfucker, have no standing to make judgements, and you and your mom ought to be embarrassed to even weigh in on this discussion…



Life begins at conception.


Homosexualtiy is like a cancer that eats away at the moral fabric of a society. We desperately need a Federal Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution banning all abortions and physican assisted suicide.


Stupidity begins at “Submit Comment”…


Then once again America’s laws will reflect the morality of the silent majority.


Who left this delicious pie on the window sill?



It’s really quite simple.

See, Hitler and the communists were sworn enemies. Now, since El Whale-o has revealed to us that Hitler was a leftist, that can only mean the the poor German communists, imprisoned and executed in their thousands were actually persecuted right-wingers, like Senor Whale. What Little Lord Pant-a-load is trying to tell us is that he is a Communist! He’s been trying to send us a coded love letter all this time in the form of his magnum pantloadus Liberal Fascism, and we’ve been ignoring him. Why don’t we respond to his overtures? Well, he forgot one thing. We’re actually fascists.

Told you it was simple!



Smiling Mortician


Oh, J—. This is now bookmarked, and I am now nerdily dangerous.


Closeted Conservative Cocksuckers Hall of Fame

J. Edgar Hoover
Roy Cohn
Larry “Widestance” Craig
Rev. Ted Haggard
Rep. Mark Foley
Representative Bob Allen
Chris St. James


I’ve figured out the Boosh Stimulus Package:

Tacos for the poor, dinners for the upper class.


Bowmore 12-y-o.
Trust me, I’m a Herr Doktor.


jen: Because I would SO buy that bumper sticker.

Here’s my quick-and-dirty mock-up:–vote-repub-sm.png–vote repub-lg.png


Smut Clyde: it would make more sense for Johan [Jonah] to write about “driving a steak through your hearts”

You’re only right about that. In fact, I’m really surprised he didn’t misspell “stake” since he got everything else completely wrong.

Chris Sans Shame: the treatment the left gave conservative speakers on college campuses such as Ann Coulter, Tom Tancredo, Jim Gilchrest and David Horowitz

See, Chrissy, the problem is that “conservative speakers” is an oxymoron, especially when you’re naming those particular ones. “Conservative ranters” or “mouth-breathers” or “mumbling insane idiots” would be much more accurate. I just hope the commenter who called liberals “turds” doesn’t accuse me of “childish name-calling” — oh, wait, that was you…


Jen, you’re probably long gone. I’m the guy who posted the Republicans/8 year/12 year line. I’ve got no plans to copywrite the line, but I do take donations (I’ll set up a fund at the Electric Fetus record store/head shop in Minneapolis. Oh boy). I would ask that you get the quote right though….your take on it at the top of this thread is a little different than the original.


I thought Bonfire was particularly good at capturing a moment in time. It completely evaded all the shitty things the rich parasites were doing, granted, but at least it was pretty up front about them being parasites (the “little golden crumbs”) and shitty ones at that. And it skewered liberal protests as just a few crackpots who show up to protest everything, but then, by and large, most of us don’t show up for much and there was a time in this fair land when lefty protests had a certain “Gathering of Eagles” je ne sais quoi pathos about them. He’s got the lazy, sensationalist, celebrity-obsessed media in there, which is good. It’s not Wall Street, but it’s a pretty decent snapshot of the eighties nonetheless.

A Man in Full was caca, pure and simple.


You liberals are gonna be cryin like a bunch of bedwetters come november when you discover Hitlery isn’t electable and Mitt Romney is elected President and continues Bush’s conservative legacy.


OMG Anonymous Prime, that looks almost too much like a political bumper sticker, lol. Very LOUD! Could I suggest a nice big ‘W’ in wreck?

Christ S. James, nothing could happen in november to make us cry half as hard as you’ve been crying in this thread. Why don’t you just go kick a dog or something.


On second thought, it’s fine as is. No tweaking necessary unless you want to. 🙂

On the other hand, Jesus S. Jammies needs a lot of tweaking.


Goldberg looks like he is going to contradict himself again with Franco. If Franco was just a decent conservative strongmen then why didn’t the liberal fascist Hitler try to exterminate him?


Who would have thought that Goldberg was a conspiracy nutcase? Someone should ask him if he is a figment of his own imagination.



Blue Buddha said,

February 2, 2008 at 1:40

LF just sank from #2 to #3 in politics on Amazon. What bumped Goldberg down? Why, Gingrich’s new book!

Oh sweet shadenfreude.

Well don’t forget, Amazon updates its rankings hourly.

That’s why it’s so hilarious that JG’s speakers bureau profiles him as having the …. #3 book at Amazon! To give them credit, they did remove the reference to him being a “Pulitzer-nominated” author.


Its like a slow motion train wreck on a loop…


? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Buggery bollocks. It didn’t work.


You are playing in a sandbox with arbitrary rules.

Well, that explains that Baby Ruth bar.



Chris St. James said
February 2, 2008 at 5:08

Life begins at conception.

If true, that means G-d aborts 20 womb-babies for every one that people do. So I think it is time to go marching with your signs in front of some churches, because until the creator fixes his intentional design flaws, the rest of us are just pikers when it comes to womb-baby-murder.

This could make a really good tort case, if you could just prove up personal jurisdiction. Since there are plenty of self-declared fiduciaries for G-d on earth, collecting damages would be easy and fun…


And what about all of God’s miscarriages and crib deaths and birth defects? God and His “perfect design” is heavily flawed.


Hey, gbear, I used to live in Steven’s Square. Your workplace still stink of incense?

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

In addition to his impressive track as a fetus-killer, God is a moral relativist who doesn’t necessarily disapprove of killing “born” babies either.

Psalm 137:

8 O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us-

9 he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.


✌ baby!


Ha! Just had to see if that worked. Sorry.


the treatment the left gave conservative speakers on college campuses such as Ann Coulter, Tom Tancredo, Jim Gilchrest and David Horowitz

Hey! I didn’t know they were college campuses. I thought they were—what was the phrase Mr. Leonard Pierce used?—oh yes, “human bowel movements.”

Teh troll is illiterate, which is central to my point.



In the book’s final pages, he [Goldberg] reveals his neo-liberalism (though he does not use the term). Since neo-liberalism, with its insistence on unfettered global trade and minimal government regulation of economic and social life, merely restates 19th-century laissez-faire, it is in fact the only contemporary political philosophy that significantly pre-dates both socialism and fascism. Unlike modern liberalism or modern conservatism, it shares not even a remote family resemblance with them. That is the only sense I can make of his overall argument.


Ever get the feeling nobody’s out there and you’re just basically sitting around talking to yourself? Anyway—

jennifer: Northern Sun can do custom-order bumper stickers, etc., but I think there’s like a 250 minimum or something.



This is central to my point.

Smiling Mortician

ψ ?


From his blog today:

David Harsanyi reports that Mississippi pols want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve fat customers

If you go to the link, you find that this is a measure put forth by a Mississippi Republican. Apparently, not only fascists are liberal – southern GOP members are too.


Zzyzx said,

February 2, 2008 at 17:51

From his blog today:

David Harsanyi reports that Mississippi pols want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve fat customers

If you go to the link, you find that this is a measure put forth by a Mississippi Republican. Apparently, not only fascists are liberal – southern GOP members are too.

I heard about that last night. It’s a pretty absurd law, in that not only will it be a nightmare to enforce, but also considering that at least 30% of people are obese in Mississippi, it would be very bad for business.

So did Jonah claim that a health law proposed in a deep red state by a Republican was somehow central to his point?

Smiling Mortician

Jonah claimed nothing. Just posted the one sentence under his huge Hitler smiley, next to a huge picture of Hillary Clinton, so readers could jump to the right conclusion. They’d have to click through at least two links to discover the GOP sponsorship, but why bother? Argument by innuendo has kept them pretty happy so far.


Smiling Mortician said,

February 2, 2008 at 18:17

Jonah claimed nothing. Just posted the one sentence under his huge Hitler smiley, next to a huge picture of Hillary Clinton, so readers could jump to the right conclusion.

That sounds about right, actually. The written word is too complex for most of his readers, so he must express his ideas using pictures. I’m surprised LF wasn’t filled with illustrations, and he hasn’t come out with a coloring book version “for kids” yet.


I think the attempted legislation is somehow central to DoughBob’s “nanny state” point, not that it has anything to do with liberals, or much of anything, really, except perhaps his fear that the next time he’s in Mississippi he’ll be refused at all the best bbq joints.


hahahahaha. DoughBob in Mississippi. I made a funny. I WISH his fat ass would somehow end up in Mississippi. That would be central to MY point.


OMG…tell me it’s just this cold and fever….please tell me I didn’t just see this video…..or hear it…..NNNNOOOOOO!!! Why? Why? Yes Lawn yes, I’ll do anything you say….

guitarist manqué

I’m going to second that. I want to see the NR bus tour of Mississippi Delta road houses and juke joints. Maybe Clif can go along and describe the hilarious goings-on. It’s different there, maybe that has something to do with why the music is so spooky, which is central to my joint.


I used to live in Steven’s Square. Your workplace still stink of incense?

I don’t work at the Fetus, I just spend way too much money there. It’s still the best overall music store in the Twin Cities, although there are a handfull of smaller independent stores still going (Let It Be records closed it’s store but is still online).

YES, the place still smells heavily of incense and it still feels like the mellow side of 1970. I always feel like an old hippie when I go there. Love it.


Oh, here I am.

Anonymous Prime, I love it! I like how the bumper sticker says –gbear in the corner. And I knew I didn’t have it exactly right, that’s why I said “along the lines of”, see? Too lazy to find it again, see? If S,N needs a fundraiser I suggest this.

Smiling Mortician

If S,N needs a fundraiser I suggest this.

I’ll buy one. My spousal unit spat coffee while looking at it, so I think that’s a second order. Pretty sure our son would take one as well. Oh, let’s just call it ten. How much do I owe?


G-d aborts 20 womb-babies for every one that people do. So I think it is time to go marching with your signs in front of some churches, because until the creator fixes his intentional design flaws, the rest of us are just pikers when it comes to womb-baby-murder.

St. Paul votes about 75% democratic (ex-mayor Norm Coleman got shot down by that margin when the rest of the state made him senator), so we’re heavily targeted by pro-life groups who buy up space on every Clearchannel-owned billboard they can get. You can’t drive to the grocery store without getting blasted with it. The new ubiquitous pro-life billboard around here is spouting about how god ‘knew’ your fetus’ soul. Given that these pro-life groups don’t think about the miscarriage side of baby-loss, I doubt that they realize they’re sending many women the message that god must have really hated your baby.

I’ve been wanting to get a billboard so I could slap up a cute baby pic and a message that says ‘When I’m 15, I’ll realize that I’m gay. Will you still love me then?’ along with some kind of message about how we’re all equal in god’s eyes. Make it in the exact same visual style as the fetus billboards.


Whoever posted that Entity Reference link (why yes, I am too lazy to scroll back up) will answer to Teh Ceiling Cat one day. I’m not kidding.


Just popped in to see if there’s a new thread, given that it’s the weekend, I have some free time, and I’m confined to the house with a cold.

Sadly, No!


I’ll buy one. In fact I’ll buy four or five to give away to some of my liebrul fascist fellow travelers. Hell, I bet the local Demoncrat offices would stock ’em.


We’re all here for you Jennifer! There’s been about 5 or 6 new blogging topics started in the comments thread, so just pick and choose and fire away!

My new question is: does anyone actually make money with bumper stickers?


jen: Anonymous Prime, I love it! I like how the bumper sticker says –gbear in the corner. And I knew I didn’t have it exactly right, that’s why I said “along the lines of”, see? Too lazy to find it again, see?

Relax. The gbear credit wasn’t meant as a swipe towards you; that was to cover my own ass, in case someone thinks I was trying to take credit for the quote. Besides, I did split the difference between your version and the original.


El Cid said, February 2, 2008 at 0:09

The fact that literally generations of scholars have poured over the roots of political movements in early 20th century societies, including popular political movements and their interlinking connections, in no way contradicts my argument that I am the first to make a stupid argument about fascism in such detail or with such care; indeed, it is central to my point.

And Michael Mann in the Washington Post review said

The only thing these links prove is that fascism contained elements that were in the mainstream of 20th-century politics. Following Goldberg’s logic, I could rewrite this book and berate American liberals not for being closet fascists but for being closet conservatives or closet Christian Democrats. But that would puzzle Americans, not shock them. Shock, it seems, sells books.

It is clear that Michael Mann stole every idea he ever had from Sadly No! as a dutiful liberal fascist. However, Mann should be applauded for boldly asserting that there is a logic to Goldberg’s unscholarship.


David Harsanyi reports that Mississippi pols want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve fat customers

Do they give you a choice of fried, broiled, or grilled?


Comment on: The McCain Divide?
Posted 2/1/2008 4:24 PM EST
GOP campaign slogan suggestion (ht to a commenter at Sadly, No!):

We can ruin a country in 8 years, but it takes 12 to kill it. Vote GOP in 2008!

I credited somebody, but did not remember it was you, gbear.


They had to dropped the grilled option because the grill kept bursting into flames. There’s only so much drippings those things can handle.


Is there any wonder why Haliburton moved its HQ to Dubai? How much do you want to bet that Cheney has a one way ticket to UAE that’s scheduled to leave on 1/21/09?


There is a good chance roe v. wade is going to be overturned soon after the november elections. Two States Georgia and Colorado have just passed laws defining life beginning at conception which would ban abortion in both States, of course planned parenthood is going to challege both laws which will hopefully go up to the now Conservative Supreme Court were roe v. wade has a good chance to be over turned. The Court is currently split between four Conservatives: John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Four liberals: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, John Paul Stevens and David Souter which the moderate Anthony Kennedy as the swing vote. So it could go either way with a fairly good chance of roe being overturned.


I’ll look back on this fondly as my viral weekend.


Here’s something that will really chap your asses liberals. A gay marriage ban has been put on Florida’s november ballot


Tell it to maf54.

“boring spammer d00d” should be your next nic.


Chris, anyone who excitedly uses the terms ‘chap’ and ‘asses’ in the same sentence has got sexuality issues. My guess is that you’re really turned on by man-on-man action, but horrified that it might be OK.

You’re always talking about how those in power are going to make things the way you want them to be. You are always counting on government to make life bearable for you. You are NEVER talking about what you’re doing to make your own life right.

You are just so fucked up inside. Using conservapedia to try to justify your views only adds evidence that you’re a loser.


Chris St. James said,

February 2, 2008 at 20:23

Here’s something that will really chap your asses liberals. A gay marriage ban has been put on Florida’s november ballot

You mean, like the 11 states that put it on their ballot during the 2004 election?

Wow… you’re four years late and $100 short.


Why would anyone cite an encyclopedia to talk about a forthcoming ballot issue? That would be like someone citing Wikipedia for a report about the Hillary/Obama debate the other night.

Wouldn’t you go to the source, the actual organization sponsoring the ballot issue?

That is, if you knew what you were talking about. But since it’s you, Chris, our special new troll – carry on. Burnish your credibility with those fabulous research skills.

Conservapedia. what a dork.


I would pay good money to help you get that billboard up, gbear.


Yeah, good luck with that one, Cristóbal Santiago Matamoros. In Florida referenda to amend the state constitution require at least 60% of the vote for passage. Republican Governor Crist, who signed the petition in 2006 when he was running for office, has now distanced himself from the initiative and has asked the Florida GOP not to provide it further funding. And the state already has on the books a law against same-sex marriages.


g: Here’s the sponsor group if you’re interested.


Thanks Alicia, I’m actually surprised that no one’s done it already. I sent an email to OutFrontMN with the idea and never heard back from them. I’ve never pursued what the cost would be because I can’t afford it anyway, but it just seems like one gay baby billboard along I-35 would provide a startling and hopefully memorable counterpoint to the dozens and dozens of ‘pro-life’ (until birth) billboards along that route.


Well, just let me know if it ever gets serious and I will chip in with you.

BTW, good luck with the gay marriage in FL thingy; Republican Gov. Charlie Crist is widely rumored to be ‘light in the loafers’ himself – and by all accounts, even Dems think he’s a decent governor.


J – I am totally not interested. I’m just amused at Trolly’s methods.

Smiling Mortician

But since it’s you, Chris, our special new same old moldy troll – carry on.



The most irritating thing about the old moldy troll is that it’s a parody that no one finds amusing. Except, apparently, for itself.


Jeez, Chris st. saul, even I have more of a life than to hang out on rightwing boards dropping boring, stupid, pedantic DNC talking points into their cesspool. You are one pathetic idiot, no matter which theory of your motivation is actually true.

How come you can’t figure out that you’re supposed to at least TRY to be occasionally funny here?



Vlad Tepes, Liberal

Life begins at conception.

And ends with me.

Anyway, I just wanted to post how disappointed I am that Guiliani’s out. I admire his methods, and always hoped he’d eventually succumb to my will and choose me as his running mate: “Giuliani/Dr?culea: At Least Our Taxes Won’t Suck You Bone Dry!”

Vlad Tepes, Liberal

Blast. Unicode will henceforth be spitted on a pointy stick.


“Life begins at conception”?

I thought Life Begins at Forty.

Man, am I behind…


Also, FWIW: If life begins at conception, then what precedes conception? Not-life. But how can life emerge out of not-life? Isn’t this the basis of many “proofs” of God? That nothing living can be created out of “mere” unliving matter?

Ergo, life does not begin at conception. And God does not exist.

“I run rings around you logically.”


“Two States Georgia and Colorado have just passed laws defining life beginning at conception which would ban abortion in both States”

Wrong, dipshit. Colorado doesn’t vote on Constitutional amendments in the middle of the fucking Winter–we do that in November. We have passed no such law. You are either a really, really, really stupid fuck or a pathetic, attention-seeking liar. I’m guessing most likely, you’re large amounts of both.


If life begins at conception, then what precedes conception? Not-life. But how can life emerge out of not-life? Isn’t this the basis of many “proofs” of God? That nothing living can be created out of “mere” unliving matter?

Would this also mean that every sperm is NOT sacred? That sure lets us guys off the hook most days….


No, no, gbear. The sperms themselves are conceived in a small, fractal act of conception.

It’s like a picture on a label of a can of dogfood showing a man holding a can of dogfood, upon it’s label a picture of a man, holding a can of dogfood with that same picture on IT’S label….

So you see anything can have undergone it’s own act of conception and can therefore be alive and protected, unless we don’t want to protect it, then we gleefully kill it…



But wouldn’t that lead to the conclusion that god is in fact a canopener? Would this be central to conception’s point?


maybe csj means life begins with thinking; you know, like descartes?


Nope,didn’t pass here in GA either. What I think happened is someone made some statement or other on the floor of the GA house or senate and it was entered into the record,but it’s not a law.

Nice try nitwit.

Smiling Mortician

Yeah, I remember ol’ Two States Georgia. Used to hang out with Nicely Nicely Johnson and Harry the Horse at the oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York, as I recall.

Ganesh Bengal Cat

But wouldn’t that lead to the conclusion that god is in fact a canopener?

Like, duh.


Regardless of how long it takes for a case to reach the Supreme Court once Mitt Romney or John McCain is elected President ( I personally prefer Alan Keyes but he unfortunately only has 1% support nationally) and 88 year old fart John Paul Stevens retires and another Conservative Justice ( hopefully Mark Levin, keeps fingers crossed…) is appointed its only a matter of time before roe v.wade is overturned and the decision of abortion is returned to the States ( 22 of which including Arkansas said they would ban abortion if roe is overturned) were it should have been left in the first place.


Well, the upside of any overturn of Roe would be the final end of the political career of any of the anti-abortionite lunatics who have influenced policies since Reagan’s pre-decayed body was in office.

Very few of the Republicans who pretend to care about abortion (yet somehow couldn’t be troubled to do anything about it in the 4 years they maintained absolute power over every branch of government) would survive the resultant outrage.

No longer could they game for office on the issue of abortion by faking to be concerned about the subject, and no longer would women and women’s groups politely put up with the government asserting that it had the power to force women bear their fetuses until birth.


decision of abortion is returned to the States ( 22 of which including Arkansas said they would ban abortion if roe is overturned) were it should have been left in the first place.

Yay!! I dunno if its news around the country, but out here in Cali we’re, like, pretty strapped for cash. Kinda majorly fucked in the revenue/spending calculation. Now, there’s lots of reasons for this, and most of them are so painfully stupid and obvious that the amount of government and adminstrative eye-clenching, frantic clapping and loudly singing LaLaLaLa everything is SOO great Tralala that’s been required over the last fifteen years is legendary.

But get a bunch of states to criminalize abortion? California becomes a “destination”. Abortion vacations! Bring all those arkansas trailer park queens out here twice a year, maybe they can get an eye-tuck while they’re at it? HUGE revenue boon for us!



In a recent poll 63% of registered Republicans said that abortion should be always or almost always illegal. Thats a good percentage of the American public my liberal friend.


Go for it, pal, and we’ll see whose *ss gets kicked, fake unfunny parody troll #5,372.


And if you add the percentage of registered independents and democrats who believe the same the percentage of the American people who believe abortion should be illegal is a pretty sizable percentage of the public especially in the Southern and Midwestern States were the number of born again Christians is very high.


Again, get all your fake Cro-Magnon friends to manage to finally illegalize abortion because it makes them feel closer to Jesus, and then we shall see whose *ss gets kicked next.


Alan Keyes 08!



I can see it now. It would be like Vegas and weddings–only with abortions. Drive-through abort-o stands! Celeberty abortionists! Come one, come all…


Abortion vacations!

That reminds me of Mittens clutching his pearls at the idea of Massachusetts becoming the “Gay Vegas” after marriage was legalized. Maybe we can also be the Abortion Atlantic City! Ka-Ching!


There’s a reason abortion is still legal after nearly 8 years of a Republican president. Recent polls show 72% want abortion to be legal. As others already said, any politician who actually managed to get rid of it would inflame the liberals so much that no Republican would ever be elected again. Bush didn’t even try. He doesn’t care what social conservatives want. They’ll vote the way they’re told anyway.

So far, conservative cons failed at abortion and prayer, security cons failed at border security, and economic cons failed at the ownership society. Not to mention Iraq (no government after 5 years) and the huge deficit and social security, and energy independence and….


If you liberals really think fascism is a right-wing political ideology than how can you explain the fact as Jonah pointed out in his column that lassiez-faire capitalism has nothing to do with fascism?


I’m sorry, your question is too stupid for a response. Please try again.


63% of all Passenger Pigeons agree that things could be a lot worse.

Gawd, I googled Passenger Pigeons and found an article that blames their extinction on… guess…the Passenger Pigeon lifestyle:

How do you go from the most ever to zero in less than a century? The current consensus is that the passenger pigeon was done in by its way of life. Accustomed to a high-speed life on a continental scale, the pigeons couldn’t survive the invasion of humans who measured the world with transits and plotted section lines and property boundaries to the fraction of an inch.

Those stupid stubborn birds! I’m willing to bet that the writer of this 1986 tale of woe is now deeply imbedded as a Bush Administration scientific policy wonks.


I might have to move to the US after your next election, since my country’s going to hedoublehockeysticks. Our leader has decided Canada’s government scientists need to shut up. They are no longer allowed to speak without permission, any statements they have about their research has to be vetted through the environment minister’s office (which will put them into language the government prefers).

Unfortunately, to a man and woman, the current government is comprised of people who believe the earth was created 6000 years ago, that global warming is “natural”, and that stem cell research is evil.

Just as your country is dumping Bush, we’re electing a version of him. HELP!


Lesley, our current leader thinks the same thing about our government scientists.


Did anyone point out that there have never been any Marxist socialist movements or fascist movements before there were capitalist market economies?

Therefore the free market must be fascist!!!! ZOMG!!!


Lesley. the only advice I can give is DON’T RE-ELECT HIM.


I personally prefer Alan Keyes

Okay, now I know you’re joking.

63% of registered Republicans… Thats a good percentage of the American public

Lessee, 2/3 of 1/3 of 1/2, my God, that’s almost 10%!!! Oh Noez!!!

Alan Keyes 08!



White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Life begins at ejaculation.


well yeah, gbear, but my vote’s a drop in the bucket. As you’ll see from this thread, Canada has its fair share of neocon dumbasses who agree our scientists need to be censored cuz, after all, they’re biased.

It makes me want to cry. Plenty of sensible voices in that thread too, but neocons ignore all voices that don’t match their own.


biased in favour of science…I meant to say.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Sadly, Lesley, every idiotic thing that happens in the US happens in Canada 18 months later.

Obesity epidemic….handgun epidemic…imperial presidency/prime ministership…

The only hopeful note is that Canadians as a group don’t fall for the flagwaving, Biblethumping, gayhating shit like many of our US cousins.


I’ve met a few Canadian flag wavers but they always seem to be holding the American flag.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Yeah, those who refuse to wave that US flag are accused by the wingnuts of being anti-American.


I’ve been wanting to get a billboard so I could slap up a cute baby pic and a message that says ‘When I’m 15, I’ll realize that I’m gay. Will you still love me then?’ along with some kind of message about how we’re all equal in god’s eyes. Make it in the exact same visual style as the fetus billboards.

Can one just slap that text on top of the existing billboards? I certainly wouldn’t encourage vandalism. But if someone were to vandalize in that way, it would be really really awesome, funny, and beloved in the sight of God.


I’ve met a few Canadian flag wavers but they always seem to be holding the American flag.



Yeah, those who refuse to wave that US flag are accused by the wingnuts of being anti-American.

Does it count when it’s on fire?


I’ve been wanting to get a billboard…

Can one just slap that text on top of the existing billboards?

Frankly, that’s about the only way you’d get it up there. Sadly, most of the billboards are owned by wingnuts who are actualy choosy about what sort of political speech they’ll allow. I think it was during the Hackett/Schmidt OH-2 special election that people scrounged up enough dough to buy billboard time and were turned down by the company. I’m sure someone here remembers this better than I.

Apparently, not only isn’t freedom free, sometimes it cannot be bought at any price.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

None of us know for sure what Bush experienced during his time in the TANG.

All we know is that he survived and came home while many others did not.

What was it about Bush that was different?

Was it family heritage or was it his proclivity for compromising to get what he wants?


Or the fact that F102s don’t actually carry bombs, so he very conveniently didn’t have a specialty of value to the Air Force?

102s were interceptors. He woulda got called if the North Vietnamese air force was bombing the us or south Vietnam.

Damn. What a coincidence, eh?



None of us know for sure what Bush experienced during his time in the TANG…..All we know is that he survived and came home while many others did not.

Yeah. Those frat parties were tough. Many a young man failed to survive that much partying.


Sadly, most of the billboards are owned by wingnuts

You got that one right, justme. Clearchannel ownes most of the billboards in MN and they loves them some conservative advertisers, be it pro-life-until-birth types or right wing radio hacks. There are a couple of pro-union guys who own farms along I-35 and have smaller independent billboards on their property. Next time I’m making that drive I’ll try to get some phone numbers. I’ll start scouting the neighborhood billboards too. I’m near a busy street in a ‘distressed’ neighborhood so lots of the building owners added billboards to have a bit more income. Maybe I can find a politically sympatico sign maker to print it up.

As much as I would love to, I am NOT going to vandalize a billboard. I’ve only pulled one stupid prank in my life (not even as a wreckless youth. I had just turned 50) and I wound up spending two nights in the county jail. First run-in I’d EVER had with cops. I am SO gun shy now…


Alan Keyes 08!

You go with that, Chris! Rock on!! I think you ought to send him a hundred bucks or something, why not? You do support your candidates with your checkbook, don’t you?



am I a dangerous nerd now too?


Ooops not yet


YES!!! ♔


None of us know for sure what Bush experienced during his time in the TANG…

He turned orange. (He drank his spiked.)


god is in fact a canopener?

God is an iron.
[/Spider Robinson]

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

George W. Bush moved the party leftward

Fucking arseholificationery what?!? Leftwards?!?!? Jesus wanking into a handtowel, what the buggeryfuck has Jonah been smoking?

and/or damaged the image of the GOP in many respects precisely because he was given the benefit of the doubt by conservatives who saw him as “one of us.”

One of us, one of us, one of us…I can just see Dubya as the pencil-necked chicken-eating geek.


Hey, I can’t wait to see how the right wing Tory party of the UK ends up not being the “nanny state” party after offering, um, nannies.

Tories plan nurses at home for all new babies

Cameron urges maternity revolution
Pledge raises fear of ‘nanny state’

Nicholas Watt, political editor, The Observer, Sunday February 3 2008

A Conservative government would aim to provide a dedicated maternity nurse for every new mother in their home for up to six hours a day in the first week after the baby’s birth under radical plans to transform UK maternity care.

In a major shift in direction, which will prompt charges that the Tories are embracing the ‘nanny state’, David Cameron has told his front bench to examine plans that would lead to the appointment of thousands of new maternity nurses. He is impressed by a ground-breaking Dutch system under which nurses have a range of duties in the first week after birth, including:

Showing new mothers how to breastfeed and bathe their baby;

Looking after older children and making sure healthy meals are provided;

Taking care of laundry and light household cleaning;

Monitoring visitors to the mother’s home to ensure that rest times are not interrupted;

Keeping a diary with details of the mother and baby’s progress for use by doctors and midwives.

The fact that the more conservative party of the UK offers this actual “nanny state” intervention does not weaken my point that liberals are the true fascists. Indeed, it is central to my butt.


(comments are closed)