More awesome campaign advice from Michelle Malkin

The pearls-o-wisdom keep on comin’:

So, Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John McCain. He extolled McCain for “reach[ing] across the political aisle to get things done.”

We’ll hear that annoying platitude a bazillion and one times through Super Tuesday and beyond.

To which I say: When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done?”

“The Republican Party: Vote for us so we can sit on our fat asses and get rich off of kickbacks and slush funds.”

If that ain’t bumper sticker material, I don’t know what is.

UPDATE: Two prime LOLs in the comments.


‘Vote Republican. You can wreck a country in 8 years, but it takes 12 years to kill it’


The Republican Party – “When we’re not drowning Government in the bath tub, we wear our diapers out to the airport and have sex with random men!”


Comments: 53


The top priority, really, is to get thing undone.

And they’ve been doing a bang-up job, I’d say.


She’s retarded. AND she pads her back-button function thing. That BITCH!


She conveniently forgets that Larry the Cable Guy is second only to Isaiah Berlin among GOP ideologues.


The top priority for Republicans is obstructionism. It must suck for Michelle to see the demise of her relevance along with the GOP.


I’ll note that one for when the Republican convention comes to St Paul. My pickup truck is going to turn into a billboard display that would make Clearchannel envious if Clearchannel weren’t right wing shills.

Back tailgate is going to say ‘Vote Republican. You can wreck a country in 8 years, but it takes 12 years to kill it’.


The Republican Party – “When we’re not drowning Government in the bath tub, we wear our diapers out to the airport and have sex with random men!”

But I guess when Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge are your heroes, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Apoligies for referencing beyond my mastery. I meant Milton Friedman, not Isaiah Berlin.

I hope this shit isn’t on the final.


Effin’ anchor babies!

Arky - Chuthuhlusexual

To which I say: When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done?”

If only Michelle would take the same attitude towards her Blahg. Or any form of communication for that matter.


When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done?”

Oh, I don’t know, maybe anytime they could use such bullshit molecule-deep “get things done” rhetoric to spin Democrats as obstructionists? Just like their top priority is “straight up or down votes” until they decide to filibuster something. Every day it’s a brand new world.


Vote Republican, or let Diebold do it for you!


The priority has always been to use the political process, which certainly includes filibustering, a legitimate tactic. Libdems just can’t cope.


Actually the priority of the Republicans has always been to work with the *spirit* of the political process. Anything important enough to be dealt with by the legislature deserves a straight up-or-down vote. Democrats are wimps.


The Republican Party stands for limited government. The Republican Party has always stood for limited government. The nanny-state democrat party wants to reduce the chocolate ration.


I am concerned that a democrat president wouldn’t have good relations with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has always been our ally in The War Against Terror.


apparently Ms. Malkin has more free time these days since she has been relieve of her guest duties on Faux news lately. I couldn’t read this and have no idea why someone would publish it.


Looks like DC’s male escort service industry is up in arms here about the coming loss of business, when the Pukes are kicked out of power. Sorry Mr. McLargehuge, maybe you can ply your trade further south in Virginia. They’re pretty in-bred in the southwest of the state, they’re bound to love ya!


Inbred hicks have little or no money.


Shorter Malkin: Vote Republican. We Just Got Our Fiddles Tuned!


I THINK those are fake trolls.

It’s just … the real trolls are so damn dumb it’s often hard to tell.

Your cue, Dr. BLT …


Once again, I find this a very scary trend.

Isn’t it almost a guarantee now that something Malkin and the rest of the right-of-Genghis-Khan blogosphere hate something, the majority of other Americans want it: SCHIP, non-involvement with Terry Schiavo, etc.

The alienation of the hardcore Bush people/shrieking Republicans like Malkin is the best thing that could happen to McCain. The absolute best thing.

There are far more people that don’t listen to them than listen to them, and McCain, if he’s smart, can use that to project safety to moderates. And let’s face it, Republicans will vote Republican no matter what. Like all elections, this is about what moderates/independents think.

And if McCain can campaign smart, he can get some Democrats on his side, too. Remember the absolutely unbelievable rumor that John Kerry wanted to approach McCain as his running mate? This represented a deep-seated desire among many people…including a few Democrats. Not many, but that’s fine, with regards to key battleground states.

Of course, McCain has since become a party hack, like every other Republican…but if he can play up his anti-Bush identity like he did back in 2004…


We’ll hear that annoying platitude a bazillion and one times through Super Tuesday and beyond.

Shit, I actually agree with Michelle. That “reaching across the aisle” platitude is annoying horseshit no matter where it’s coming from.


As bizarre as it may sound, this is actually a relevant question, inasmuch as for the past many years the Republican Party’s top priority has been to “fuck things up.”


Dagoril said,

February 1, 2008 at 0:12

Looks like DC’s male escort service industry is up in arms here about the coming loss of business, when the Pukes are kicked out of power. Sorry Mr. McLargehuge, maybe you can ply your trade further south in Virginia. They’re pretty in-bred in the southwest of the state, they’re bound to love ya!

Don’t worry Mr. McLargehuge, your clients won’t actually be leaving town. They’ll just move over to K Street, where they’ll have larger expense accounts.

(Might be a good time to raise your prices!)


Vote Republican, and Fuck You!

Principal Blackman

Vote Republican. You can wreck a country in 8 years, but it takes 12 years to kill it

For the muthafuckin’ win!


I thought she was going to write “When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to ‘reach across the aisle’?” but she went the complete other way with it and totally fooled me. Good one, Michelle.


What’s scary to me is that McCain is constantly portrayed as some sort of moderate, but his actual record is one of the most conservative in the Senate. He’ll pack the courts with even more right-wing judges than Bush has.



GOP 2008: If It’s Broke, Don’t Fix It!


Vote GOP. Thinking hurts!


McCain/Vader 2008
The Death Star that’s fully operational!

McCain/Cthulhu 2008
A kinder, gentler Apolocalypse!


A poor child in every pot, a blood sacrifice in every garage!

McCain/STFU 2008
STFU and swallow, America!


I love you all, but Jay B. gets my vote on this thread.


More like a “reach-around the aisle.”

By the way, Ah-nold sucks.


I just popped over to read the responses at hot gas and you can actually smell the desperation and bitterness over there. Very cool…



the ‘Take the Money and Run…Again’ Party


I think we need an irony tag. I’m having a hard time distinguishing between real trolls, fake trolls, and ironic trolls.


Think about this one, the slogan to unite both the religious crazies and the rich assholes that make up the core of the GOP base:

GOP ’08: “Pro-Life until the baby’s born, then let the Free Market decide its fate!”

I guess if you replace “the baby” with “American Democracy,” it might have the same impact.


So Ahnald is 4 McCain, Teddy Boy’s 4 Obama, and Bobby Jr.’s 4 Hillary. What about Maria? Huh? Anyone ever ask her who SHE likes? I didn’t think so.


The Party of Bank Accountability.


I love Crazy ol’ Malkin as much as the next guy but I’ve got to disagree with her assessment on this one. Now, just because a “moral” person might call the things they are doing “evil” does not mean that “stuff” isn’t “getting done.”


GOP: “If you’re broke, we won’t fix it.”

Eh? Eh?

Ah well…


g: I think we need an irony tag. I’m having a hard time distinguishing between real trolls, fake trolls, and ironic trolls.

Well, these comments are for an article where Michelle Malkin explicitly says that the Republicans should stop trying to “get things done” and focus on their strength, which is capsizing the government and making sure it can’t accomplish anything.

So we’re already at the point where Michelle Malkin is trolling the Republicans. We were through the looking glass before we even started.


The GOP: Screwing up the Economy for the Past 80 Years!


republians are to government what the special olympics are to the real olympics..


What about Maria? Huh? Anyone ever ask her who SHE likes?

Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her
Many a thing she ought to understand
But how do you make her stay
And listen to all you say
How do you keep a wave upon the sand

Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?
How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

I love you all, but Jay B. gets my vote on this thread.

Awww, come on D. Sidhe, I hardly ever get the win on this site. Besides, I’m going to post my zinger on my truck during the Republican convention. They’re invading my town. Maximum annoyance factor guaranteed!!


Republicans don’t give reach-arounds.


It’s true. Republicans prefer to get people and places done…not things.

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Well, then, they must absolutely hate DubyaCheney, because you must admit he got things done. Sure, they were hideous, heart-breaking, stupefyingly misery-making things, but they definitely got done. Like a dinner.

Republicans 08: We promise not to touch anything!

Pockmark Notorious

Vote Republican: Cause, well, fuck ’em.


So what is it with aisles at the moment? If we’re not “reaching across the aisle”, we’re “gravitat[ing] towards the liberal side of the aisle”. Aisles seem to be the Dustbin of History for 2008.
Will there be a cute usherette, selling popcorn?


Shit, I actually agree with Michelle. That “reaching across the aisle” platitude is annoying horseshit no matter where it’s coming from.

Oh, c’mon dude.
The “pull-my-finger” gag is always funny.


Republican mantra:

“Live like a Democrat. Vote Republican.”


Vote Republican, We Won’t Do Shit!


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