Shorter Paul Berman
- I want a president who has a superior understanding of foreign affairs, i.e., someone willing to bomb small countries that pose no actual threat to the United States.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Lord, please save us from the Quiet Americans. They are entirely too loud.
UPDATE: Oh lord, the wanking — it never stops:
Both Matthew Yglesias and The Nation’s Ari Berman are appalled at two of the endorsements contained in our “TNR Primary;” those of liberal intellectual Paul Berman and law professor Alan Dershowitz, both of whom endorsed Hillary Clinton. […]
Yglesias, as per usual, doesn’t have anything to offer other than snide remarks, referring to “Paul ‘al-Qaeda is totalitarian so we should fight it by invading Iraq’ Berman” and “Alan ‘everyone who disagrees with me is an anti-Semite’ Dershowitz.” These penetrating insights from the namesake of the laughably titled, “Yglesias Award,” bestowed upon individuals “who actually criticize their own side, make enemies among political allies, and generally risk something for the sake of saying what they believe.” This is actually a fitting descriptor for men like John McCain, Paul Berman and Alan Dershowitz.
Heaven knows where the Left’s moral compass would turn if we didn’t have Alan Dershowitz around to tell us how we should embrace torture. Clearly, his is a profile in noble contrarian courage.
Holy crap, it’s evil Republican Gustav Mahler!
“The contempt and insults thrown at Hillary Clinton have always loomed in my eyes as flattering celebrations of her virtues, which, for some reason, have been presented upside down, with their feet waving in the air.”
Okay, this is an entry in one of those “bad prose” contests, right? No one who writes for a living actually wrote this. This first sentence’s metaphors are so mixed I fell off my chair.
Scott Le Mew from LG&M leenked to a good piece een The Nation from 2005 on Berman, written by Stephen Holmes.
Pfui the war-monger-crats breeng up the hairballs.
Devious, is she? Unprincipled? Out for Number One?–so many ways of saying, a canny politician. I cannot imagine that, in American politics right now, canniness is something to dread.
Adding, the media’s nonstop Hillary bash-o-rama makes me sick too, but what the hell kind of argument is this? “You say she’s evil? Well, good politicians are always evil, so nyah! I win times infinity!”
I don’t know who is more clue resistant, people who think invading Iraq was a good idea or people who don’t believe that the resulting shit sandwich must be devoured in its entirety before we can cleanse our palate. Oh wait, it’s these “post-racial era” idiots. Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi just celebrated Robert E. Lee day on MLK day. They’re using Prof. Harold Hill’s “think method”.
I want a president who has a superior understanding of foreign affairs, i.e., someone who will bomb small countries that pose no actual threat to the United States.
Actually, this philosophy will serve us well in understanding why when the Vogon Constructor fleet implements the byway thru our sector.
Actually, this philosophy will serve us well in understanding why when the Vogon Constructor fleet implements the byway thru our sector.
Look, the plans have been on display for months.
They’re using Prof. Harold Hill’s “think method”.
Karl Rove wrote the Minuet in D?
Dershowitz is a liberal?
These penetrating insights from the namesake of the laughably titled, “Yglesias Award,” bestowed upon individuals “who actually criticize their own side, make enemies among political allies, and generally risk something for the sake of saying what they believe.” This is actually a fitting descriptor for men like John McCain, Paul Berman and Alan Dershowitz.
Is there anything more infuriating than the persistent notion that jerkoff “centrism” is de facto brave and courageous and principled?
Also, does the fact that “what they believe” is wrong or misguided ever enter into the discussion? Or are they just owed blanket acclaim, no questions asked, because someone on “their side” disapproves of their positions?
[updated pic, btw]
Wow. That guy is the spitting image of Assrocket in 15 years. Or after a particularly long bender.
At a glance, I thought this post was about MC Paul Barman, which would’ve been kind of weird.
Also, does the fact that “what they believe” is wrong or misguided ever enter into the discussion? Or are they just owed blanket acclaim, no questions asked, because someone on “their side” disapproves of their positions?
No and yes.
This has been another edition of…
“Heaven knows where the Left’s moral compass would turn if we didn’t have Alan Dershowitz around to tell us how we should embrace torture, so long as we are torturing Arabs and Muslims.”
Corrected. No charge.
Eh, I’d rather listen to MC Hawking
Mini-Mart has a long list of synonyms for ‘self-hating Jew’, doesn’t he?
Hey, he got some great Prince Paul beats on that EP of his. Plus…uhhhh…um…did I mention the Prince Paul production?
Alan Dershowitz has written columns arguing in favor of animal welfare, so in that respect he holds a liberal position I guess.
So what Berman’s saying is, if I meet him in a dark alley, I have a moral imperative to mug his ass and take his wallet?
Oh wait, it’s these “post-racial era” idiots. Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi just celebrated Robert E. Lee day on MLK day.
Yes, and Arkansas carries the hideous racism one step further by also honoring Daisy Gaston Bates on President’s Day.
What a bunch of unrepentant racists are we.
Jennifer: I think you killed the thread.
These guys are simple bed-wetters of the Cheney variety.
No physical courage, period, end of story, even when we’re talking about physical courage in terms of the lightning-strike odds of going down in a terrorist attack. And boy, some people are sadly in need of an ill-to-poorly defined “enemy.” One wonders what deep dark secrets lurk in the minds of these chickenhawks. I say too many spankings, but this is merely conjecture.
WE must change the country! Before the brown, evil hordes do it for us!
The best thing about becoming a blogger is the understanding that I’m a lot smarter than quite a few so-called intellectuals on both sides. In fact, I now consider myself at least a geopolitical fucking genius of NSA proportions.
Thanks for the laughs, as always, boys and girls. Not sure if I would be doing so well without them. I’m not seeing a lot of light off in the distance.
I liked this bit, too:
But neither Hillary nor any other Democrat is responsible for Bush’s irresponsibility.
No, no responsibility at all on the Democratic Congress’ side, not only SINCE 2006, but before. Because they stood so tall and everything from the start of George The Lesser’s Reign of Stupid.
Christ, I hope the Buddhists are right. Because if they are, I’m going to bust my ass to get “credentials” for 20-25 years in my next life, and ride that train until I can buy a small country.
MC Paul Barman and MF Doom on “Holy Guacamole”:
Greater than 4-Stars
Greater than straight-A report cards,
Greater than poor-sports and divorce courts or sports bars.
Sorry, MzNicky, it was probably me.
I’m not blessed with teh funny, at least while writing.
That’s me…the threadkilla. Hit and run baybee!!!
“These penetrating insights from the namesake of the laughably titled, “Yglesias Award,” bestowed upon individuals “who actually criticize their own side, make enemies among political allies, and generally risk something for the sake of saying what they believe.”
Matt Yglesias has NOTHING TO DO with the Yglesias award. That’s something handed out by Andrew Sullivan, who’s not exactly a lefty. WTF? Seriously, dude, if you’re going to criticize Yglesias, at least criticize him for something HE HIMSELF ACTUALLY DOES. Wanker.
Is this the state government equivalent of not being racist because you totally have a black friend?
No, it’s more the equivalent of “I fricken’ live here and have never in at least the past 25 years heard anyone in the state mention “Lee’s birthday” while MLK Birthday is a state holiday.” Like one of those laws passed in the 20’s about how you aren’t allowed to buy underpants on Sundays or something that isn’t enforced. It’s still on the books but no one pays any attention to it.
Jennifer: As a lifelong resident and sometime-defender of the glorious border state of Tennessee, I’ve killed a few threads in my day too. Ain’t no thing. If some Yanqui or other learns a thing or two, then it’s all for the good really.
“Eh, I’d rather listen to MC Hawking.”
You got that right. Wheelmaster Stevie is tha shit, yo.
The oppressed cry out for Paul Berman’s loving bombs of freedoms to rain down upon their homes, schools and hospitals.
Jennifer: Fair enough, although you might want to consider that quite a few people wouldn’t know that, considering that there doesn’t seem to be any other obvious resource from which to learn that. I’d personally lean toward assuming that the government of every southern state isn’t entirely packed with unreformed racists, but it’s harder to assume innocence when, you know, whether or not it’s reasonable to fly the stars and bars over the South Carolina State House is a matter of recent controversy.
This is the blog post that finally nailed all of the queasiness i had ever felt about Dershowitz into a few small paragraphs.
About the best thing that can be said for the guy is that his column in Penthouse proved to me over the years that Playboy really did have good articles.
I love Lynyrd Skynyrd. Does that mean I am racist? I mean, they named that Curtis Loewe song about that black guy and all.
And to prevent any confusion, I’m certainly not saying that South Carolina and Arkansas are interchangable in terms of racial politics. What I mean is that when the statement “the Confederate flag flew over the capitol of one southern state until 2000, when it was relocated with a great deal of controversy to a somewhat less prominent location” is true, it’s a lot easier to believe a less innocent explanation for “some southern states officially honor a Confederate general on the same day as the country honors a prominent civil rights leader.”
I’m from Oregon, here. Vital center of the second Ku Klux Klan. Infamously banned blacks from residency until around World War II. Enthusiastic practitioner of institutional sterilization. Suffice it to say that I’m under no illusion that southern states are uniquely racist.
If I may be permitted to flog this again.
i’m sick of the way papua new guinea is looking at us.
also, headhunters.
bombadier, set your liberal interventionist target towards papeete.
I grew up in Mississippi, and not only do I remember people talking about how they “really take the day off for Robert E. Lee”, but also sincere wishes that “they’d kill four more so I can have whole week off” with regards to Martin Luther King Day. I also remember signs up that said banks and whatnot would be closed for both MLK and REL, and later in Florida, for “Confederate Veterans Day”. Here in Georgia, I’m a two-hour drive from a group of folks who sincerely think the Confederacy was unequivocally Right, and keeping the familiar Confederate Flag* is basically why Sonny Perdue is our governor. Hell, I’m in what’s probably the most liberal town in the Peach State, and you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Confederate memorabilia store or some business proudly displaying the Stars ‘n’ Bars. One’s mileage, as is said, will vary, I suppose.
The governments of Southern states may not be packed with unrepentant racists and every Southerner might not be a knuckle-dragging bigoted moron. However, we do have more than our fair share of people who will deny to their dying day that their granddaddy ever did a single thing wrong – which is what a lot this nonsense really boils down to, frankly – and plenty of politicians who will exploit that tiny nugget of fear to the fullest.
* Yes, I know it wasn’t the actual flag of the CSA and so on and so forth. You know what I’m talking about, let’s please not split unnecessary hairs.
The contempt and insults thrown at Hillary Clinton have always loomed in my eyes as flattering celebrations of her virtues, which, for some reason, have been presented upside down, with their feet waving in the air.
It sounds as if the four personified Virtues (Faith, Hope, Chastity and Low Rat Cunning) got bored with hanging around all day painted on the spandrels of San Marco, and decided to spend a day at a theme park instead. There they bravely strapped themselves into the seats of one of those really stomach-churning rides that twists you around in all directions and finally hangs you upside-down to see how much small change falls out from your pockets. Unfortunately, passing paparazzi saw them in that unflattering position, mistook them for personified Vices, and took photographs which would eventually become part of the presidential primary campaign.
From much earlier in this now-stale thread, ¡El Gato Negro! wrote:
Thanks for the link. Berman’s moral contortions make strange reading.
His verbal contortions make strange reading, too:
The contempt and insults thrown at Hillary Clinton have always loomed in my eyes as flattering celebrations of her virtues, which, for some reason, have been presented upside down, with their feet waving in the air.
Hillary Clinton’s virtues turned upside down, with their feet waving in the air. I don’t know why, but somehow that seems distinctly lewd.
I predict a positive linear relationship between Republican self-hatred and Republican self haters calls for the bombing of uppity dark people who wear Che t-shirts in Bolivia and Venezuela …
It’s just a feeling …
Oh wait, it’s these “post-racial era” idiots. Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi just celebrated Robert E. Lee day on MLK day.
Yes, and Arkansas carries the hideous racism one step further by also honoring Daisy Gaston Bates on President’s Day.
What a bunch of unrepentant racists are we.
Turns out that when Arkansas first had MLK day it was separate from REL Day, & they got combined in 1986, signed off on by a governor who later became The First Black President™ and was recently in trouble for race-baiting the guy who he fears may replace him as The First Black President™.
Also, Daisy Gaston Bates was added only about 2001 to Washington’s Birthday. No multiple presidents. You know, that Lincoln feller, he was kind of a pain in the ass…
Oregon’s anti-black constitutional provision (put in at statehood as a resolution to the slavery problem in 1859 — no blacks, slave or free) remained in the state constitution until very recently, but was made a dead letter by the 14th Amendment, after which racism took on other forms — there was a popular Portland night spot in the 1950s which one entered by walking through the open mouth a huge blackface minstrel style Negro, for instance. Of course, Oregon’s KKK was mainly anti-Catholic — they controlled the state leg. for a period in the early ’20s and passed a law banning parochial schools, got overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court I believe. Still, when the white separatists and supremacists go into “where shall we have our Albinostan?” fantasy mode, t’isn’t Arkansas they think of, but the PNW,
Anyway, isn’t what we have to fear from Arkansas these days really their crypto-Dominionists? What is in that water in Hope?
And the breathing … In, out. In, out. In, out.
(Remind me to never let Gavin give me a wedgie.)
Also, Daisy Gaston Bates was added only about 2001 to Washington’s Birthday. No multiple presidents.
Yes, if Daisy Gaston Bates had only had the good manners to die 10 years sooner, we could point out how Arkansas only added recognition of her birthday to Washinton’s Birthday in 1991.
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