I don’t even know what to say anymore


Holy cow. Larry Kudlow’s latest attempt to sledgehammer reality’s bollocks is shocking even by his standards. Look at the advice he’s giving to Bush for the State of the Union addy:

You have offered important ideas on free-market solutions for health, education, and Social Security. And you have made it clear that faith is a key part of our national life and our daily personal lives.

While all is never perfect, you have delivered on the most fundamental hopes for the nation: peace and prosperity.

In Kudlow’s world, “peace” = “two endless wars” and “prosperity” = “subprime mortgage collapse,” “the highest level of wholesale inflation in a quarter of a century” and “stagnating real wages.” Whatever drugs Kudlow’s downing every morning, I want some of ’em.


Comments: 113


What do you mean George McGovern lost? Everyone I know voted for him!


And then the alarm clock went off.


What makes you think that Larry Kudlow will ever have to fight a war, take a subprime mortgage, or earn workman’s wages?


What he means by “peace and prosperity”

Peace: I feel very peaceful, why don’t you? Dead brown people make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside….

Prosperity: I have a net worth of over a million Euros. Anyone who doesn’t, isn’t really a human being.


Oh, great, so Bush’s accomplishments, in addition to two endless wars and a failing economy are his failure to gut Social Security, an increasingly fucked health care system, a sham scorecard for education, and weakening the separation of church & state.

Clap hands!


Peace and prosperity? This has been the most stressful, painful, insane 7 years I have ever lived. My heair is white. I look like Clooney. Peace and prosperity? Mutherfucker.


And as usual, the list of what’s out of step with reality is longer than that. Peace = a destabilizing nuclear Pakistan? Prosperity = an insane deficit, China purchasing our debt so they have us by the nads, rising oil prices with no plan to kick oil, health care that’s like blackmail?

There really is something to the notion that these people are fucking insane. I’d like to be all understanding and think their opinion is just as valid. In theory, perhaps. But observed facts indicate they aren’t just mendacious liars, but that the cheese is also sliding off their crackers.


Whatever drugs Kudlow’s downing every morning, I want some of ‘em.
Cocaine, maybe? Or perhaps the Hazledon intervention took, and now he’s just zonked out of his mind on pure hubris.


Does reality have bollocks?


You don’t know what to say because there is nothing to say. This is as much a frank admission as any kudlow could make that his only job, his prime duty, is to protect the regime he serves. Why marvel that he comes out with nonsense like this? It isn’t nonsense in kudlow’s world or to his masters, it’s reality.

Once again, this isn’t a debate between two sides, both who want the best for this country. One side decided, about thirty years ago, that being in power was its own reward. And for what it’s worth, they were right. They shifted billions of dollars to “their” group. kudlow is just running interference for them.


Peace, becasue nobody in his immediate circle has to go off and fight in any shooting wars like those idiot volunteers. Prosperity, because he’s all right, Jack, and the top 1% is still doing very well, thank you.

My dream is to see an all-out gladiatorial duel to the death between Kudlow and Cramer. There will be blood.


I look like Clooney

What did you look like before?


Who is the fluffer and who is the fluffee in Larry’s world?


While all is never perfect, you have delivered on the most fundamental hopes for the nation: peace and prosperity.

Aside from the obvious stupid here, there’s also bonus stupid to be had: it implies that the Clinton years were times of violence and economic stagnation.


The Bush Administration years remembered:

“It was like passing a gallstone for eight years.”


Remember the ads about your brain on drugs? This is the same guy who said that Paul Krugman was not a respected economist.


Wow. I joke about how conservatives seem to come from Bizarro World, but this is just insane.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — November is going to hurt like a bitch for these idiots. Get ready to say hello to a Democratic president and a solid majority in both houses. Might even have enough in the Senate to block a filibuster.

All the denial in the world isn’t going to save you, schmucks.


Stay optimistic.” That about sums up what’s left of conservative policy in 2008. Keep your fingers crossed. Carry a rabbit’s foot. Walk on the sunny side of the street. Turn that frown upside down. Whatever you do, don’t face reality ‘cuz it burns, it burns!


I’m enjoying the discussions about Fox News’ Bret Baier doing a little piece on Bush’s legacy:

We talked a lot about President Lincoln. And there’s going to be a lot of people out there who watch this hour and say, is he trying to equate himself with Lincoln?

I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.

And the President reflects on that. This is a President who is really reflecting on his place in history.

I’d be curious to know whose summary of Lincoln’s popularity that is – is it Baier, or it it our famously c-student Preznit, characterizing the country’s feelings toward Lincoln. When Lincoln “left office” certainly one guy hated him, but five months before that he was re-elected with an overwhelming popular majority.

It’s interesting to see how Bush and his sycophants are so invested in their bid to shape his image that they conveniently forget history, and the fact that Lincoln didn’t exactly leave office voluntarily.


Oh, the discussions about Bret Baier and Bush’s legacy take place on both Think Progress and Firedoglake.


W A R    I S    P E A C E
F R E E D O M     I S    S L A V E R Y
I G N O R A N C E    I S    S T R E N G T H


I don’t really like the mortgage mess being framed as the “subprime” mess. Predatory subprime mortgages were a problem since the last recession. Calling it the “subprime mortgage collapse” seems to be a way to blame those uppity not-so-well-to-do for the problems in the economy.


Whatever drugs Kudlow’s downing every morning, I want some of ‘em.

His own bottled piss most likely.


That dude’s mug looks like what Al Franken was trying to parody on the cover of “Lies and the Lying Liars”, only it’s even sillier.


Ah, yes, there’s that “optimism” thing again. Whenever a right-winger says “optimism,” they mean “fuck you, Jack, I’ve got mine.” Bank on it…

…with whatever you’ve got left after they finish sucking you dry, of course.


Calling it the “subprime mortgage collapse” seems to be a way to blame those uppity not-so-well-to-do for the problems in the economy

Well it is their fault. If they had just gone shopping after 9/11 like George Bush told them to. Come on people, you can’t all have maxed out your credit cards! The economy neeeeeeeeds you!!!!

Trilateral Chairman

Get ready to say hello to a Democratic president and a solid majority in both houses.

Sounds like a lot of Republicans have decided not to run in ’08. I know that Warner, Domenici, and Craig are retiring from the Senate; I’m not sure how many people are retiring from the House.


He’s sucking George’s dick, but behind his closed eyes, he’s secretly thinking of Bill.

Sadly, Kudlow hasn’t even come out to himself.


Trilateral Chairman said,

January 28, 2008 at 19:45

Get ready to say hello to a Democratic president and a solid majority in both houses.

Sounds like a lot of Republicans have decided not to run in ‘08. I know that Warner, Domenici, and Craig are retiring from the Senate; I’m not sure how many people are retiring from the House.

Trent Lott is also retiring from the Senate. As for the House, I know Doolittle (CA-4) and Hassert are jumping ship.


I believe over 20 House GOP retirements have been announced, though I can’t find a current list.

Life in the minority is no fun for these crooks, so they’re getting the fuck out of dodge. In the case of literal crooks like Hastert and Doolittle, they’re trying to slip out before they’re indicted and further embarrass the party (for these people, this counts as an act of selflessness).

Speaking of, let’s not forget that all 3 members of the Alaska delegation (Stevens, Murkowski, Young) could be due for a “vacation” sometime soon. The body count will continue to climb.

Arky - Chuthuhlusexual

A lot of people are vying for a chance to help Bush build his Legacy. Kudblow will have to do a bit better than a few mumbles about peace and prosperity.


I look like Clooney.

Dhalgren: Oh really?
[tosses head, flipping hair back over shoulder; tilts chin down and, arching eyebrow, looks upward provocatively]


While crazy, this isn’t surprising coming from the man who, just days before the 2006 midterm elections, exuberantly predicted that the GOP would increase its majority, rather than lose it — a reality so obvious that even dedicated Republican strategists were conceding it at the time.

Kudlow is a shameless cheerleader. He’s essentially admitted as much. He also genuinely loves George Bush for what he is: a Big-Business Republican who knows how to effectively gin up the evangelical masses to obsess over the three G’s, and vote against their own interests. This is exactly why he and other Wall Street conservatives want Mitt Romney to win the nomination.

Expect Kudlow to blame the stock market’s continued decline on the expectation of a Democrat taking office. That’s all he knows. Lord knows he’s got zero knowledge of economics and investing.


Svensker said,

January 28, 2008 at 19:00

Does reality have bollocks?

Reality has been struggling to survive on a diet of water and bread crusts. Not much left for her to sit on, really.

kindness said,

January 28, 2008 at 19:03

Who is the fluffer and who is the fluffee in Larry’s world?

GE pays Larry to fluff GE.

GE grows more prosperous each year, thanks to its war profits.

The tycoons who own most of GE sleep peacefully, knowing that every day, every week, every month, and every year more money flows into their pockets as the USA overpays for their products and inflicts them upon people around the world.


I believe over 20 House GOP retirements have been announced, though I can’t find a current list.

At least 25 so far. Rats, sinking ship, etc.


I have nothing witty to add. The above shiz from Kudlow is just fucking ridiculous squared.


And then his septum collapsed.


Sheesh, even Bush would think, “what an ass-kisser”.


closer to peace and prosperity = closer to second coming / apocalypse

Look, there’s one of the horsemen now. Can’t you smell it?


That boy has earned himself a patented Busherino-brand nickname. I think I’ll call him “Puckers.”


He thinks just like Bush, no wonder he loves him. He also loves Guiliani, whom he says will make the world safe for capitalism. Basically he’s a man-whore.

Nuff Ced MacGreavey

Thanks for the link Roy, I’d forgotten that Kudlow was a raging Cokehead, who lost his job and was sued by his wife to keep from blowing the family retirement account in a coke-crazed binge.

Now I understand why his insane ravings make sense to Bush and his fans.

Brain damage.


I think you have to imagine him dressed as Marilyn Monroe and jumping out of a cake while reciting this in a high, breathy voice for the full effect.


“Two endless wars”? Hoo boy, are you optimistic.

Third time’s the charm with Iran.

Adding: In Kudlow’s defense, he just said Bush “delivered” on peace and prosperity. The same way I used to “deliver on education” by giving flaming bags of dogshit to my teachers. I think the TP was construed as ticker tape, btw.

Adding again: Some guy named “Thomas Allen” has been posting here. I suppose it’s vaguely possible that some other guy has the same name I do. But that’s no excuse for him being funnier than I am, damn it.


Kudrow is probably correct to an extent. For people like him, Bush’s policies have been a resounding success. He has benefited from the subprime crisis, and stagflation. He has benefited from the war in Iraq. What is not to love as far as he is concerned?


Let’s not forget, however, that all these Republicans bailing out on Congress are not exactly headed out to pasture.

They will all be taking well-appointed positions at K Street firms continuing to milk their contacts and access to the benefit of the oligarchy they have always served.

Still following the Main Chance, that’s all they’re doing.

Trilateral Chairman

Here’s one list. The Senate retirees consist of Allard, Craig, Hagel, Domenici, and Warner (the last two in particular are HUGE). Lott already resigned. The more prominent House retirees include Duncan Hunter, Chip Pickering, and Ralph Regula.



From Larry’s coke addiction article:

“And Mr. Kudlow, who was President Ronald Reagan’s budget director and considered one of the brighter lights in the New York Republican Party…


Ironically, the banner ad currently at the top of the page with Kudlow’s “column” says:


OTOH, it does not say exactly HOW reading NR would contribute to one’s sanity. It certainly has not done anything for Kudlow’s. Or maybe that’s because he only writes for them and doesn’t read anything in the magazine (not a bad strategy, actually).


Kudlow’s GOT to be back on the Peruvian marching powder,either that or the damage from before is permanent. Either way,he shouldn’t be giving out financial advice to anyone.


Neither Kudlow nor Kramer are qualified to do anything more complicated than swab out toilet stalls.

Behold the power of Republican meritocracy!


The only way this makes sense is if he writes this shit, puts on the nitrous mask and laughs hysterically until he shits his depends. These people are not of this earth.


I call fake Bruce!


600 bucks and a few prayers in Bush’s State of the Union speech is something I can get behind. I heartily cheer this kind of stupid. So far it has done wonders to decimate the popularity of the Repuglican Party.


The more prominent House retirees include Duncan Hunter, Chip Pickering, and Ralph Regula.

There are lots of other big names on the list – including former approps cardinals Dave Hobson and Jim Walsh. In fact, surprisingly few of the 20-some are “nobodies.” These are powerful, senior Republicans who don’t like being in a less powerful position. And they know 2008 isn’t going to reverse their fortunes.


“peace” = “two endless wars”

This is why everyone should vote for McCain: he’s promising even more peace than Bush.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

…meanwhile, many physicists say that the GOP’s dense stupidity has created so much gravity, ‘reality’ itself has been forced willy-nilly to enter a whole new dimension!

And as evidence for that theory, I present the following new item:

Mitt Romney’s failure to eat fried chicken with the skin on is nothing short of blasphemy here in the South, according to GOP rival Mike Huckabee.

Romney, of Massachusetts, dug into a piece fried chicken at KFC while campaigning in Lutz, Florida on Saturday, but not before peeling off what most would consider the best part — the crispy skin.

Admittedly, KFC’s chicken doesn’t exactly stack up against the delectable kind that comes out of deep fryers in kitchens around the South, and Romney said he was looking for the healthiest option available to him for lunch.

Huckabee, looking ahead to a flotilla of southern states up for grabs on Super Tuesday, was told about the move by a reporter here in the Florida panhandle.

“I can tell you this,” he said, “any Southerner knows if you don’t eat the skin don’t bother calling it fried chicken.”

“So that’s good. I’m glad that he did that, because that means I’m going to win Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma … all these great Southern states that understand the best part of fried chicken is the skin, if you’re going to eat it that way.”


Ooo–when do we get a Bob Novak column titled “Romney’s Skin Gaffe?”

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

..and then there’s this:


Huckabee: US is just like Nazi Germany!


Because! Abortion is just like the Holocaust! Silly!


Because! Abortion is just like the Holocaust! Silly!

Ah, so it is the fetus that is the true Jew of liberal fascism!


“This is a President who is really reflecting on his place in history.”

He says this as though it’s amazing! A President thinking about his reputation years from now! I’m sure Lincoln & Washington never gave it a thought.

This is a President who *should* be thinking about the welfare of Americans. If he did he might have a better reputation.


…all these great Southern states that understand the best part of fried chicken is the skin, if you’re going to eat it that way.”

K, Huck, we’re all real proud of you for losing all that weight and all, but do you think you could not obsess about food quite so much? And if you must make everything about food, can you make it about food and not popcorn frier squirrel and KFC skin? I have my own lunch to keep down.

Thanks, buddy. Say hi to Jeebus for me.


K, Huck, we’re all real proud of you for losing all that weight and all, but do you think you could not obsess about food quite so much? And if you must make everything about food, can you make it about food and not popcorn frier squirrel and KFC skin? I have my own lunch to keep down.

Is the skin the best part of the squirrel? I’ll have to defer to Huck on that.

Those Chubby Huck pics are dee-lish. As much fun as his run has been, wouldn’t it have been even more fun if he was still rockin’ 3 bills and change?


Those Chubby Huck pics are dee-lish. As much fun as his run has been, wouldn’t it have been even more fun if he was still rockin’ 3 bills and change?

Just wait until after the election. Ben and Jerry will probably name a flavor after him to show their appreciation.


Maybe Mitt was just looking out for Cartman.


You have offered important ideas on free-market solutions for health, education, and Social Security. And you have made it clear that faith is a key part of our national life and our daily personal lives.

So, failure, failure, failure, and lunacy (maybe not the “daily personal lives” bit, however).

Um, we’re taking either Kudlow or Bush seriously….why, again?


“Ben and Jerry will probably name a flavor after him to show their appreciation.”

Squirrel and religious fundamentalism flavour?


When hell freezes over and Huckabee is president he’ll pass a law that says Americans who eat chicken must also eat the skin of the chicken. I’m sure he’ll find some biblical reference to go along with it.


In fact, under President Huckabee, we will begin transitioning to an all-fried-chicken-skin-based economy. Clothing will be both fun, functional, well-lubricated, and delicious! All cars’ exhausts will smell like — frying chicken!


Ben And Jerry’s Chuck-A-Huck™
Vanilla ice cream with grape Kool-Aid swirls.
Miniature white chocolate and milk chocolate squirrels.
Crunchy pink “hot” candy fetuses.


In other campaign news, Rudy Giuliani explains how a lack of endorsements from Florida newspapers is a Good Thing.

He’s going to do so well tomorrow.


I look like Clooney.



Ben & Jerry’s Huckleberry Swirl®: Vanilla ice cream swirled with huckleberries and crispy bits of fried-chicken skin.


Books by Huckabee:

Chicken skin your waist line!
Southern deep fry your life and wake up a whole new you!
Exploding the Myths about Chicken Skin!
Grilling is for sissies! Fry you mofos, FRY!



Thank you very much for allowing me to taste my lunch twice – once in each direction.



Every time I come on here I’m confused with your very own Bruce. I know this is going to be difficult, and may cause some inner turmoil, but there are at least three Bruce’s in the United States alone, you putz.


I know this is going to be difficult, and may cause some inner turmoil, but there are at least three Bruce’s in the United States alone, you putz.

That sounds more like Bruce, but I STILL CALL FAKE BRUCE.


Hmm. let’s see here. The original Bruce was stiff, pedantic and had no sense of humor.

Nope, that’s the real deal, Lucille…



Can’t be the real Bruce. As I recall he ran out sobbing hysterically and vowed to never come back.


See, now I know it’s fake Bruce, because *real* Bruce knows that he’s the one and only, ‘cept maybe for all those Aussie Bruces.

But wait! He’s got the style! He’s got the moves! I smell an impending indignant flounce out of this comment thread! Maybe he IS the real Bruce!

Feh, screw it. Why are we waiting for Bruce, anyway?


Sorry, dude, but if you’re not the Real Bruce, and I think it’s pretty clear you’re not, you’re gonna have to change your name.


Every time I come on here I’m confused with your very own Bruce. I know this is going to be difficult, and may cause some inner turmoil, but there are at least three Bruce’s in the United States alone, you putz.

Willis, Hornsby, Springsteen.

Guess you’re shit out of luck, Bruce.


Why are we waiting for Bruce, anyway?

Because that asshole Godot never shows up.


You have offered important ideas on free-market solutions for health…

Indeed! Vetoing expansions to SCHIP twice, even in the face of those helped most by it, shows you have an important idea about free-markeet solutions for health, and no other ideas!


From the brave, forward-looking vision of NCLB to the innovative thinking behind abstinence-only sex education, Bush has shown us all what the right way to go is, by so clearly defining what the wrong way must look like!

… and Social Security…

Spending the first year after re-election tryng valliantly to show how much better off we’d all be if the Social Security fund was invested in the market. Looking at the markets today, I think we can all agree on the merits of the “free-market solution” to Social Security, and we have President Bush to thank for that clarity!

And you have made it clear that faith is a key part of our national life and our daily personal lives.

Indeed! The highly successful Office of Faith-Based Initiatives has revitalized millions of churches nationwide and dramatically reduced poverty, hunger, food insecurity and homelessness. On a personal level, it is clear that faith, not facts, figures, studies, science, logic, or evidence, is a key part of both our President’s national policy and his personal life!


We need a better class of trolls. Where’s the class, the wit, the sense of competition?

I’m not asking for Oscar Wilde or Noel Coward. Just something better than blurg!!! or ptuie!!!


Maybe he got his column mixed up with one from the Clinton years or something. Maybe he lives on Bizzaro World and is just e-mailing his column in.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

We need a better class of trolls….I’m not asking for Oscar Wilde or Noel Coward…

That’s good, because the “class” (your word) of trolls we get around here don’t know who the fuck Oscar Wilde or Noel Coward are.


Why are so few people in your fourth estate articulating the notion that conservatism is broken? Broken in a fundamental way, possibly in the same way that other ideologies such as Soviet Communism are bust? Are people so invested in the party of property that they cannot face that capitalism delivers primarily to an elite?

Oh, I forgot. the fourth estate is all part and parcel of the elite these days.


Personally, I miss the Monty Python Bruces.


Am I the only one who reads Kudlow’s comments and find that they sound very, very sad, like he’s giving advice to a child who has to speak publicly but who is all down in the dumps because he feels very much like a huge failure, because his bad plays lost them the Little League championship or something?

I mean, if you read Kudlow’s praises, they’re pretty darn ethereal & graspy. They’re like the things you say to politely ‘thank’ someone for having been chair of some committee while everyone else is stupendously happy to see them gone, because etiquette seems to demand that you reach deeply up into your own *ss to try to pull out some something complimentary to say.


re: RodeoBob’s comment above about vetoing SCHIP

Here’s what takes the cake: the Chimp is making a dramatic scale back in earmarks the centerpiece of his speech tonight. He will refuse to sign spending bills unless earmarks are halved. Way to come in for some fiscal discipline in the 8th year… What a cynical bastard.

With the Democrats in power, NOW he goes after earmarks. And I am sure this means he’ll veto Iraq spending bills under the same sense of eliminating Congressional wastefulness…


White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Stay the course, Mr. President. Stay optimistic.

Yeah, you are right on the mark, El Cid.

Even this Stay the course, Mr. President meme has already been personally thrown on the shit-heap by Bu**sh** himself, remember?


Larry Kudlow is an embarrassment.


America’s greatness is grounded on optimism and freedom.

The only thing the country is optimistic about right now is replacing George. And freedom’s just another word for “we haven’t suspended habeas corpus on your ass yet, but we reserve the right to do so.”

You have spoken loudly in support of these great themes.

Of course. Bush had to speak loudly to be heard over the screams of the people he tortured.


Hang tough, Mr. President, on your pro-growth program of low tax rates, overspending vetoes, and the war against proliferating budget earmarks.

I must have missed a major part of the Bush’s first 6 years. Exactly when did these supposed “overspending vetoes” occur, and when were the battles fought in “the war against proliferating budget earmarks?”

Uh, huh. Thought so.

Larry, you are SUCH a tool.


Bush is better than Hillary would ever be as President. But I’m not here to argue about Bush’s legacy. History will sort that out.

Let’s focus on the future. Obama would make a great president if it were a personality contest. There is that little matter of his policies that gets in the way of me voting for him. So I’m now leaning towards McCain.


There is that little matter of his policies that gets in the way of me voting for him.

What are they?


The fact is, your citicicism of an inteligents mans economic analysis of the Bush Boom rings hollow. You are biased against success and hope. You are into classwar.


Gary has a point.


BTW, I wish I were Dr BLT.


BTW, I wish I were Dr BLT.

I can only assume, that being the case, that you are Dr. Mengele or Ted Bundy…



Gary’s been hangin out with marie jon, je pense. Ne rien de punctuation.

As for Larry, he sounds like someone writing in my eighth grader’s yearbook.

stay optimistic. stay cool and cute. have a radical summer, dude.


Don’t tell me Bruce is gone again… No! Noooooooooo…

not the original Bruce

No, I’m here, like shit on flies…oh no… wait.


Gary has a point.

You are probably correct.
Perhaps he should wear a hat.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

No, I’m here, like shit on flies…oh no… wait.

Eat shit, Bruce: ten million flies can’t be wrong!

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

Lesley, I second your call for the Python Bruces, seen here in their original glory courtesy of Youtube.

And without Youtubism, from the library of my very own alma mater no less, is the glorious audio of the philosophers’ drinking song. Seldom have I been so proud to be an Adelaide alumnus.

Just one minor correction to the text you cited, Lesley: the town is called Woolomoloo. God alone knows why. The original inhabitants of this land probably got decades of hilarity out of foisting crazy names on the whiteys, such as a small town I went through a few weeks back by the name of Moorooroo. Just try saying that once, much less three times fast when drunk. Yoish.


That is all.

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

You got one too many syllables in there, Smut my man: it’s “djabringabeeralong”. The Australian national anthem, mercifully brief, and entirely memorable (unlike most).


Not Dr. BLT said:

“Bush is better than Hillary would ever be as President. But I’m not here to argue about Bush’s legacy. History will sort that out.”

You just lost any credibility you might have had, if you had any to begin with.


Losing credibility with you is like winning the Nobel Peace Prize.


[…] Lawrence Kudlow, CNBC’s biggest cheerleader, actually said we’re probably in a recession. If he thinks “recession,” we’re probably headed for a major depression. […]


Enjoy Larry’s show, every night but I wonder why he allows Howard Dean on his show? He is an ass.\=

George Taylor,
Kelowna, BC


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