
Holy crap. Bill Quick is still holding out hope for a Fred Thompson preznincy:


[The Republicans] have to learn that if they want conservative votes, they have to nominate candidates conservatives would want to vote for.

This strategy is the only one that offers any hope of changing the leftward move of the GOP in the future. Sitting out won’t do it — they can spin the reasons why you sat out. Voting Democrat won’t do it, they can spin it that the GOP candidates weren’t liberal enough. Even voting “None of the Above” won’t do it, because that doesn’t specify what you want instead of none of the above.

Very true, since no rational person would assume you’d want Fred Thompson.

Look, doofus, conservatives had a chance to vote for Fred Thompson in many states. Fred won 14% of the vote in Iowa, 1.2% in New Hampshire, 3.7% in Michigan, 8% in Nevada and 16% in South Carolina. If those numbers look sucky, then it’s because, well, they’re sucky. Fred’s campaign stunk because the only constituency it polled well with was Internet nerd boys — and as fans of Firefly will tell you (sniff!), getting lots of love from web dorks doesn’t bring home the bacon.

I’m pretty sure that if this notion starts to get traction, Fred Thompson will publicly oppose it. Don’t worry, and don’t listen to him. This isn’t really about Fred Thompson. It’s about the future of the Republican party. Fred ran because he hoped to influence that, but he failed. Now it’s time for the rest of us to take a crack at it.

In other words, Bill’s asking his readers to go out of their way to nominate an admitted failure as the Republican nominee. I think historians will look back upon this passage as the quintessential warblogger statement.

So remember: Just write in Fred Thompson’s name when it comes time to cast your vote. (There’s nothing stopping you from writing it in for other offices, either).

Fred for Licking County Sanitation Commissioner! Fred for Toledo Animal Control Officer! Just nominate him, you assholes!! NOMINATE HIM!!!!


Comments: 64


All your base are belong to Fred…


So remember: Just write in Fred Thompson’s name when it comes time to cast your vote. (There’s nothing stopping you from writing it in for other offices, either).

I strongly second this proposal and recommend that ALL GOP voters write in the names of people that aren’t running or people that are running and have no chance of winning nationally, like my man Mike Huckabee. Or better yet, just write in Jesus.


I’m pretty sure that if this notion starts to get traction, Fred Thompson will publicly oppose it. Don’t worry, and don’t listen to him. This isn’t really about Fred Thompson. It’s about the future of the Republican party.

It’s about another chance to scope out his wife. Jesus, from the sound of the above they’re planning to kidnap her and will refuse to hand her over until Fred gets back in the race.

Tara the anti-social social worker

“the leftward move of the GOP”???????

OK, I’m gonna have to drink a WHOLE lot more before that starts making sense.


Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea, its about time us Grass-Roots Conservatives let the Republican Party know that we are tired of its leftward tilt and nominating of rinos to public office. I will seriously consider this.


and as fans of Firefly will tell you, getting lots of love from web dorks doesn’t bring home the bacon.

Sure, rub it in, whydoncha?



It’s about another chance to scope out his wife.

I think that’s probably right. The reason I want Firefly back on the air is because I miss seeing Jewel Staite on my teevee. Sigh.


“the leftward move of the GOP”???????

Yeah, that jumped out at me too, but I just couldn’t figure out any sane way to comment on it. I mean, what the fuck GOP is he talking about? It certainly can’t be the Republican party…

[scratches head in utter consternation]


LFL- “the leftward drift of the GOP” = not wanting to deport illegal immigrants enough, paying lip service to environmental and middle-class economic concerns, etc.



I thought that “leftward move” stuff was confusing at first, too. Then I remembered: Fascism is a phenomenon of the Left!

How will writing in Fred Thompson help end the Republican party’s drift toward fascism? By helping ensure the Reagan coalition splinters and the party is thoroughly defeated at the polls, forcing it to completely reconsider its positions on basically everything.

Hope that clears things up.


Brad, she’s on Stargate Atlantis now.


Tig- I know, but that’d mean having to sit through Stargate Atlantis.


I’m a Kucinich woman, but even I’m not crazy enough to believe the Democratic Party gives a flying fuck about keeping me happy. They take me for granted because what am I gonna do, vote for McCain? They’re absolutely right.

Suck it up, Fredheads. Centrism rules the day, and the center’s a lot closer to you troglodytes than it is to me, so give the persecuted whining a rest. The DNC owns me, and unless you’re a complete political moron the RNC owns you.


Yeah, I know. She’s good, anyway, but maybe too clothed to make it worth your while…


Brad: “not wanting to deport illegal immigrants enough”

That isn’t exactly a tilt to the Left, after all most of beneficiaries of the undocumented workers are in fact the subcontractors to big business (think agricultural/food service corporations). So not wanting to deport them is in fact a very Rightist position, then again, so too is wanting to deport them because, you know, they don’t look or talk “right.”

As for paying lip service to environmental and middle-class economic concerns; It is an election year and the GOP candidates always make some mild mutterings to this effect during election year; tongue in cheek of course as everyone knows its just empty campaign rhetoric.


Nah, she’s still adorable. What I loved about her character on FF was her the neat mix of bubbly personality and mechanical know-how. She played it so, so awesomely. Seeing her in another role just isn’t as fun.


The truth is, Rudy Guliani despite the fact that he is a Patriot and a good man is no Conservative. He supports abortion rights, civil unions, gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens no of which are Conservative postions. John McCain who also is a Patriot and a good man is not a Conservative either. Though he is Conservative on some issues most notably Fiscal Conservatism, solid pro-life voting record and National Defense he has also done quite a bit to tick off the Conservative movement including proposing and leading along with Fat Teddy the charge for amnesty for illegal aliens, the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform which was an un-constitutional assault of free-speech, he opposes a federal ban on gay marriage, wants to shut down guantanamo bay and give terrorists access to lawyers and American criminal courts as opposed to military tribunals and he opposes harsh interrogation methods all of which are liberal positions and out of touch with the Republican partys Conservative base. Mike Huckabee though he is a staunch Social Conservative, defender of second amendment rights and a man of God also is not a complete Conservative. He supports amnesty for illegal aliens and said some in the anti illegal immigration movement are motivated by racism, he supports a nation wide ban on smoking and transfats, supports government regualation so in other words he is a big government or “compassionate Conservative” which is not good. So therefore the GOP unfortunately very recently started with a leftward tilt which needs to be fixed. I propose that any Republican candidate who runs for political office be required to support the GOP National Platform with no execeptions. And if once they deviate from the platform while in office they will lose all support of the National GOP and have to face a primary challenger. That my friends is an excellent way to weed out rinos and the National GOP should serioulsy consider it.


There’s another way to keep the flame alive, Fredheads. If Fred D. Thompson is the VP candidate, you won’t have to write in his name! It will be there already. Lisa Schriffen believes. Do you?


“I propose that any Republican candidate who runs for political office be required to support the GOP National Platform with no execeptions.”

How very Liberal Fascist of you…


Bill’s not too Quick!


I agree with Lisa Schriffen regardign the Republican write-in compaign. Obama can then run against Ronald Regan, The Rock, and 7 of 9.


Well, then, I’d say it’s not Ms. Staite you miss, but Kaylee! That was a fun show, and she was a fun character. It didn’t take itself as seriously as so many scifi shows do, much to their detriment.


the leftward move of the GOP”???????

Absolutely. The Republican National Committee now advocates political rule by workers’ and soldiers’ soviets, free distribution of hallucinogens, the right to commit homosexual acts on anyone’s front yard, and full frontal nudity in all presidential debates. You didn’t hear about this?


“[The Republicans] have to learn that if they want conservative votes, they have to nominate candidates conservatives would want to vote for.”

Thanks, Barney the Purple Dinosaur! It’s all so simple, now! Next, will you tell us, again, why sharing is good, and how our imagination is a window to endless worlds of wonder and joy?

She’s much smecksier when she’s not trying so damn hard. More “girl next door”, Ms. Staite!


neat mix of bubbly personality and mechanical know-how

S,N! loops back to an earlier thread…
Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come.


The only thing that can save the GOP now is a Sense of the Senate bill which denounces all other 2008 Presidential candidates and their messages.

I’m thinking maybe the Matthews/Lieberman bill. Or the USA AQUA VELVA Act.

And in the event that some other candidate wins the nomination or Presidency, Melanie Morgan can start a recall movement.

Thompson/Keyes 08!!


Fred Thompson emanates greatness like a cheap cigar emanates stench, and I must say that I’m delighted that wingnuts are raising his campaign from the grave, like some kind of weird political living corpse. You know you’re providing inspiring leadership when your most fervent supporters write stuff like this about you: “I’m pretty sure that… Fred Thompson will publicly oppose it. Don’t worry, and don’t listen to him.” Yes indeed – it’s always a good idea to vote for someone who isn’t worth paying attention to.


i see Quick is still masturbating over 9/11 with his site picture.


…it’s always a good idea to vote for someone who isn’t worth paying attention to.

You mean like all the jackasses that voted for Bush? Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of Republicans.


I always suspected that Steven Stark (writing for the Boston Phoenix) was a bit of a crackpipe afficionado, and after reading his piece last week I’m inclined to suspect that he also likes to smoke a little crystal meth.

Basically, he lays out a scenario where Fred Thompson becomes a modern Warren G. Harding:

If McCain loses in Florida, the Republicans may well be headed to a deadlocked race and convention. And history teaches us that the likeliest candidate to emerge in that scenario is someone like Warren G. Harding: the prototypical, less-than-stellar candidate to which conventions turn when the going gets rough.

This year’s Harding? Believe it or not (are you sitting down?), despite the fact that he’s withdrawn from the race, is Fred Thompson.

The whole crazy mess is here.

That’s the thing about “pundits” – they need to keep dreaming up wacky shit in order to justify their existence. The idea of a brokered, messy, repub convention has an appeal, though.


Fred’s the modern Warren G. Harding. Now that’s something to be proud of.


“That’s the thing about “pundits” – they need to keep dreaming up wacky shit in order to justify their existence.”

LOL, absolutely.


Oh, if there’s one thing I want from a candidate it is his resemblance to one of history’s greatest nobodies and companion to history’s greatest embezzlers.

Remember Teapot Dome, motherfuckers.


“the leftward move of the GOP”

Did this statement make anyone else physically ill?


How is that GOP “Big Tent” doing these days? George Bush took a big shit in the punch bowl and all hell breaks loose. He and his cronies are jealously guarding the canapés while Huckabee and the band are circling the tent seven times and then Huck will play his final chord on his fender bass. Fred “Gramps” Thompson is asleep in a corner while Ron Paul has convinced his supporters to climb into the rafters and throw shit on everyone else. Looks to be an entertaining campaign season. I can hardly wait for these fuckwads to come here to St. Paul. I’m sure there must by a suitably safe distance to watch it all from. Somewhere on the west bank I guess.


Did this statement make anyone else physically ill?

Actually it just left me stunned and speechless. Who said teh stoopid lacks military application? If a cop yelled that at me I’d be stunned long enough for the tasers…


S,N! loops back to an earlier thread…
Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come

Ha. This thread has some gooey goo on it too, though it’s not blue now.


He and his cronies are jealously guarding the canapés while Huckabee and the band are circling the tent seven times and then Huck will play his final chord on his fender bass.

Pure-D brilliance.


About this “leftward move” nonsense, here’s how I figure it. The current Republican administration is probably the worst in American history: embarassingly corrupt, economically disastrous, inept at handling national crises and, you know, Iraq. We’ve all known this for some time, but now even the Republicans can’t help but acknowledge this, too.

What they can’t acknowledge is that they were ever wrong and liberals were ever right. So the problem for them can’t be a Republican ideology that caused a recession, a war, and a boatload of scandals – it’s got to be that they were right all along, but that the current administration just isn’t Republican enough. Leftward drift and liberals are fascists and la la la I can’t hear you …


What they can’t acknowledge is that they were ever wrong and liberals were ever right. So the problem for them can’t be a Republican ideology that caused a recession, a war, and a boatload of scandals – it’s got to be that they were right all along, but that the current administration just isn’t Republican enough. Leftward drift and liberals are fascists and la la la I can’t hear you …

Makes as much sense, no actually more sense, than most of the commentary in the Wingnut-o-sphere.


I finally realized who Fred reminded me of, and now it’s too late.

Fire Marshall Bill.


What they can’t acknowledge is that they were ever wrong and liberals were ever right. So the problem for them can’t be a Republican ideology that caused a recession, a war, and a boatload of scandals – it’s got to be that they were right all along, but that the current administration just isn’t Republican enough. Leftward drift and liberals are fascists and la la la I can’t hear you …</i

Don’t none of y’all remember last year, year before last, when there was a great big round of “Lord Bush is no true conservative” after it became harder and harder to ignore that Iraq was a horrible, irrevokable disaster? That’s just how these ideologues are. It’s not that their policies are bad or that they’re pea-brained, greed-driven, hate-filled zealots, and thus, too incompetent and nasty to actually govern.

Conservativism never fails. It’s only failed. So, if the ruling GOP is fucking up things left and right and the Boy King is an acknowledged waste of space, it’s not conservativism’s fault; they’re all just too liberal, that’s all.

It’s the same drive that keeps roy edroso busy, Conservative Rock Songs and “why doesn’t Hollywood cater to us right-wing loons?” bitching. It isn’t so much a political philosophy as a mystery cult.


I screwed up the tags, sorry. The first paragraph is the only one that should be in itallics.


I can hardly wait for these fuckwads to come here to St. Paul. I’m sure there must by a suitably safe distance to watch it all from. Somewhere on the west bank I guess.

I say we take off and watch the whole thing from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


1. Bill Quick is not aptly named.
2. Is it me or is that picture of Right Said Fred getting bigger?


(((((((Sitting out won’t do it — they can spin the reasons why you sat out. Voting Democrat won’t do it, they can spin it that the GOP candidates weren’t liberal enough. Even voting “None of the Above” won’t do it, because that doesn’t specify what you want instead of none of the above.))))))))))))

Does this mean that conservativeislamofascists are admitting that the country is really Liberal and not Conservative after all?


All your bass are belong to Huck…


I say we take off and watch the whole thing from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Even then, they might direct particle beams of aggressive stupidity at you, flinging your craft into the frozen emptiness of deep space.


I was watching Aliens again this morning–Hey, I have this expensively shiny new boxed set and I might as well get some mileage out of it–and this is the second time that has made me giggle here today.

As to Mr Thompson, I’ve been saying all along that the man is the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan, or at least just the exhumation of him.


Bastion Booger, try comma’s, it helps…..


Bastion Booger said,

January 28, 2008 at 1:05

Sucks to be you, doesn’t it boog?


I am prepared to write Fred Thompson’s name wherever it will help. Speaking of which, ladies, those lower-back tattoos you get to avoid bodily defacement you can actually see could be more thoughtfully composed.


I was trying to think of who Fred reminded me of and it was the mention of Firefly that got me an answer. My mind went to the other Whedon product, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Thompson (especially in that picture above) is a mirror image of the Gentlemen on the “Hush” episode.


Oh, if there’s one thing I want from a candidate it is his resemblance to one of history’s greatest nobodies and companion to history’s greatest embezzlers.
Wasn’t that a slogan from the 2000 election?


I remember trying to explain to a coworker – intelligent, well-traveled, thoughtful, a veteran – that I had actually witness people online complaining that they liked #43 as a person, but were disappointed that he wasn’t a _real_ conservative as President.

He was, understandable, appalled.

Fred’s departure reminded me of the vigorous tonguebathing Chris Muir was giving him at daybydaycartoon. I’d guess that Muir feels like a prize tool now, but if creating that comic strip didn’t do it, spreading his
(metaphorical) legs for Thompson probably won’t.


Can’t stop the Frednal.




Hey, There’s no “Compassion” about our Dog Catcher here in Toledo. We don’t need no whimpy eyed so-called conservative to take over here in Toledo. We have a true socio-path killing our puppies and keeping the city safe for Ceiling Cat.


I’m pretty sure that if this notion starts to get traction, Fred Thompson will publicly oppose it. Don’t worry, and don’t listen to him. This isn’t really about Fred Thompson. It’s about the future of the Republican party.

So, wait, the future of the Republican party is to “elect” a guy that failed, and force him to be president against his will?

Smiling Mortician

And what is their obsession with traction? Young Erick was all worried about Obama’s traction too. Traction, hell. It’s skid marks all the way.


Bill Quick = Donald
Fred Thompson = Mr. Science



Bastion Booger said,

January 28, 2008 at 1:05

The truth is, Rudy Guliani despite the fact that he is a Patriot and a good man is no Conservative. He supports abortion rights, civil unions, gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens no of which are Conservative postions.

Based on this last bit, Bush is no conservative, either, Boogs. Better brush up your talking points.


And what is their obsession with traction? Young Erick was all worried about Obama’s traction too.
Trevor the Traction Engine for 2008!


Thanks for proving you can’t actually read! Now we know why you lean left!


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