The Final Countdown

I’m just peeking out from under my end-of-term pile of papers to commemorate the glorious new era we enter today.

There are exactly three hundred sixty five days left in the worst administration this country has ever been unlucky enough to know. Barring any last minute impeachments, of course.

The final countdown commences!


Comments: 71


I’ve been waiting for a post to be named this for a while.

However, I’ve always thought that it would be in the context of an Arrested Development reference.


And thanks to the wacky timestamp on these posts, we’re even closer than that!


We’re leaving for Venus! A living hell for Chris Matthews!


Damn you! Now I’ve got Svensk synth-hörn stuck in my head!


But yes, I’m psyched. There were times when I was fairly certain I’d be in Alberto G’s Camp for Wayward Libruls by this point.


Blue Buddha, that second link is awesome—just what Europe and their crappy song deserve.

And I notice it’s “We’re heading for Venus,” not “leaving.” I believe this only strengthens my point.


Damn it, I was hoping there’d be a magic show by Gob Bluth to go with this clip.


Yup, one more year of President Bush, a year or so of President McCain, and then Vice President Huckabee can take over for the next decade. But at least every testicle in the country will be safe. (Except those in detainment camps)


Bush can do a lot more damage in this last year. Everyone in power has pretty much given up on trying to make anything good happen and the end-timers are going to start seeing this year as the Time Square ball drop to oblivion. Another month of this fucking soulless criminal bastard is a month too long. He has been planetary syphilis.


In the last days of the German Reich they speeded up their horrors. Bush/Cheney aren’t finished yet.


It’s too late to fix. But I’m too old to care.

The slide has begun, and Barack/Hillary are going to be devoured whole for not saving our nation. You know, the one Bush wrecked.

What will we see? Where will the insulated, delusional, bigoted, intolerant, fundamentalist american population take us? And what can we do to survive it. And do we even WANT to survive it?

By 2025, the US will not be a single nation. Blood will have flown in the streets. I don’t fucking care. I’ve had it up to here with the bigotry, the exceptionalism, the taboos. Fuck every one of these heartless pricks that constitute america. And it’s mindless, idiot, american idol worshiping base.

I’ll go. Sure. I’m a dinosaur. But attention authoritarian theocratic motherfuckers. I will NOT go easy. So “let’s roll”.



Has there ever been a band named for a geographic location that was any good? Boston? No. Kansas? No. Asia? No. Chicago? Sadly, No.


I can agree with you Jay, but Berlin had a couple of decent songs. But maybe they took their name from Irving Berlin.


Timbuk 3 was kind of fun. Does that count?

I played drums in a progressive-slash-commercial band in the mid-80’s. That video just brings back a flood of The Way We Were. Not in a good way. Thank god I moved on before I went brain dead (well, musically anyway).

Mikey, I think there’s still going to be an intact country in 2025 but it’s going to be a LOT more third world. I hope so anyway. I don’t think we’re all going to wind up in Road Warrior.


Oops. Didn’t mean to say that I hope we’re more third world. Meant to say that I hope we’re not shooting each other in the streets.


Arky – Cthulhusexual said,

January 21, 2008 at 3:12

Damn you! Now I’ve got Svensk synth-hörn stuck in my head!

Neue Slowenische Kunst! Ironically fascist… just like Jonah’s latest pantload.




Damn, mikey. Even though I think probably a lot of what you envision will come to pass.

But it’s just a matter of time before Doug Watts shows up to scold you for that display of intemperance.


2008’s a leap year.


Oh don’t worry about Ol’Huck. If McCain gets the nomination, Lieberman will be his VP, mark my words.

And if a President Lieberliar isn’t enough to scare the bejeezus out of you… (or would it be scare the bemozes? Sadly, I don’t know.) …if that don’t skeer ya, I don’t know what would.

But yes, our ‘Bush is Gone’ fêtes have to be something special. They have to make the celebrations on Coruscant after the death of the Emperor look tame by comparison! Then we can create a New Jedi Order, and all will be well with the galaxy.

Three hundred sixty five days?
Sadly (for you, not for me), No!
2008 is a leap year.
Heh, heh, heh.


But the new president takes office on the 20th.

So it IS 365 days.

Suck it, Bush!


Jay said,

January 21, 2008 at 3:39

Saint Etienne


J— said,

January 21, 2008 at 3:19

Blue Buddha, that second link is awesome—just what Europe and their crappy song deserve.

Yes… nothing like a single note keyboard, monotone lead singer, and shitty guitar solo to make that song better


in responce to your music selection i shall post this


I’m also glad that the next bunch of people to clog up the Metro system on their way to Inaugural parties won’t be rhinestone cowboy boot wearing assholes who look skittish when ever melanin enhanced people get within two yards.

‘Course, if pHuckabee should happen to get in they won’t be allowed on the trains at all. I’m pretty sure the ban on animals extends to rattlesnakes, even if they are being used for religious purposes.


Dude, I saw Kansas in 1980, they were awesome!


Has there ever been a band named for a geographic location that was any good? Boston? No. Kansas? No. Asia? No. Chicago? Sadly, No.

I would add America to the bad list. For the good list: Does MC5 count? I like Boston’s first album. Wait until mikey gets back and hears what you’ve said about them. And a second for Berlin, just based on “The Metro.”


Barack/Hillary are going to be devoured whole for not saving our nation.

Possible, though any Dem that gets in will likely have a sizable majority in Congress (same position Bush was in for his first 6 years), so if they don’t improve things at least a little, they’ll have themselves to blame.

But look on the bright side–at least the government will run. Dems are shitty at a lot of things, but I’m pretty sure they could keep a whole city from drowning.


And Nazareth ain’t too bad. Now you’re messing with a son of a bitch!


Totally off topic, but I feel compelled to pass this on as part of our ongoing conversation on All Things Jonah: The Editors has some thoughts on reviewing Liberal Fascism.


What’s with all the negativity about the future? It’s gonna be great! We’ll have monorails and space elevators and nuclear-powered personal waste disposal units and disposable socks and penile enhancement on demand and free gasoline and continual triple-strength orgasms. Every job will be fun, everything will be clean, and nothing will smell bad.


As far as the band/place name thing, the Tulsa All-Stars were excellent the one time I saw them, but I think they were just an impromptu gathering of local blues musicians.


Does MC5 count?

Works for me. Mitch Ryder fronted a band called Detroit for a while in the 70’s. Steve Hunter on Guitar and John Bandanjek on Drums. They didn’t get much commercial traction but they recorded a way cool version of Lou Reed’s ‘Rock and Roll’.

I always thought Nazareth’s take on the old folk chestnut ‘Morning Dew’ was pretty cool. Of course it wasn’t folk or a chestnut by the time they got done with it. Their version of ‘Love Hurts’ was one of the worst cover songs ever, although Jim Capaldi’s cover of the same song came real close. Don’t be messin with the Everly Brothers.


I’ve got all sorts of thoughts there. But just to simplify, gbear?

I give you “Please don’t judas me”. Nazareth got it, even if THEY didn’t know it at the time.

And Boston? Best band in history? You guys needed to be there in ’76. You would have GOT how amazing and groundbreaking they were.

But you’d rather listen to the stories, and pass along the legends.

Shoulda been there. You’d have been better for the experience…



Snorghagen said,

January 21, 2008 at 5:00

What’s with all the negativity about the future? It’s gonna be great! We’ll have monorails and space elevators and nuclear-powered personal waste disposal units and disposable socks and penile enhancement on demand and free gasoline and continual triple-strength orgasms. Every job will be fun, everything will be clean, and nothing will smell bad.


Dude… Japan is already like that. Well, except for the space elevators and free gasoline.


The truth is, George W. Bush has been a Great President and will go down in history as a Great Leader and Visionary like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. You mark my words it may be hard to see now (how much harder for Lincoln’s generation?) but history will be kind to George W. Bush and will remember him as the man who stood up for Western Civilization when no one else would, as the man who stood up in the face of evil and triumphed. God bless President Bush! I for one shall miss him when he leaves office.


…a [good] band named for a geographic location

Buffalo Springfield. Two points!


Dude… Japan is already like that. Well, except for the space elevators and free gasoline.

Regrettably, there are still some things that smell bad in Japan. And there are other, related dangers as well.


Ahh, J beat me to it. The cover of Buffalo Springfield’s box set has a photo of the nameplate that the band pried off one of the steamrollers.


For Snorghagen:

What a beautiful world this will be, what a glorious time to be free…


I wish we could still be that optimistic. Hey, where’d everybody go?


Manhattan Transfer
Mannheim Steamroller
Black Oak, Arkansas. . .

yep, looks like it’s true.
I’m a sucker for the Austin Lounge Lizards, however.


mikey said:

You would have GOT how amazing and groundbreaking they were.

No. No I wouldn’t have. Alabama and America are on the shit list, but MC5 is not – a geographic name that could also be the name of a street gang doesn’t count.

Speaking of bands named after heavy equipment, I lost my virginity in the back of my mom’s station wagon after an REO Speedwagon concert. Kind of bittersweet, don’t you think?


Black Oak Arkansas? The late, great Tommy Bolin’s brother (Johnnie) plays drums for them.


And Berlin. Berlin is on the shit list – any video with a guy looking like Bryan Ferry in caked on make-up gets no where.


Calexico, Little River Band, Portishead and Warsaw (which became Joy Division).


The Blind Boys of Alabama
The Texas Playboys


Snorghagen said,

January 21, 2008 at 6:21

The Blind Boys of Alabama
The Texas Playboys

Those could be street gang names. Not good street gang names, mind you. In fact, The Blind Boys of Alabama vs. The Blind Boys of Alabama would one funny fuckin’ rumble! But either one of them would beat the living shit out of Boston.


time to go to bed


Any other Detroit Pistons fans here whose blood gets really pumping when they hear that song?

Another vote here for Nazareth.

How about Little River Band?


I wish we could still be that optimistic.

I’ve always been a cynical, pessimistic bastard and proud of it, but after seven years of Bush I’m starting to feel like I’m suffering from pessimism overload. It’s becoming paralyzing. I could use a little optimism. Not too much, though.

Thanks for the IGY link, gbear – good song.

Those could be street gang names.




Just for you, Brad.


I’m supposed to be setting up an email server.

Instead I’m doing this, just because Jillian asked.


J- once I had a friend working at Best Buy during college and someone brought him a Nazareth CD and asked, “is this the same as Better Than Ezra?”. That one still kills me. We think that Z really threw him off.

Methinks he is now a bloggah.


Zs can be tricky.

And no doubt a successful bloggah, with lots of trackbacks and readthewholethangs.


What band do the liberal fascists at Sadly, No! use to represent the end of the Bush administration?


And where was Hitler from?


I rest my case, as I’ve been carrying it for ages and I’m not as fit as I used to be.


Morbid Fucking Angel, motherfucker!!

I don’t know. Personally I think the song titles are very representative of the entire Bush family. Such as Where the Slime Live. Actually most of the titles would do.

(This is an endorsement from Lex, not speaking for Sadly, No! I just wanted to answer Pantload, well, this Pantload here.)


Has there ever been a band named for a geographic location that was any good?

Brownsville Station? 🙂


Has there ever been a band named for a geographic location that was any good?
Georgia Satellites.
[joins witness protection scheme]


“Keep Your Hands to Yourself” and “Battleship Chains” rock!


“Battleship Chains”


Has there ever been a band named for a geographic location that was any good?



Incidentally I am annoyed that nobody told me about Emitt Rhodes, Beatles/Nilsson rip-off artiste par excellence..


North Mississippi All Stars. Fine band named for a shitty geographic location.


my crappy cover band covers this crappy song. it seemed appropriate. awful as it is, it is fun to play drunk.


God bless President Bush! I for one shall miss him when he leaves office.

Well, okay, that’s one.

Planetary Syphilis FTW!


The Final Countdown

Wait, does this mean that you’ll be travelling back in time to Dec. 6, 1941 aboard a Nimitz-class carrier? And If so, which one of you mooks is being played by Martin Sheen?


Regrettably, there are still some things that smell bad in Japan. And there are other, related dangers as well.

It won’t be just Sen. Larry Craig taking a wide stance in those places…


fingers crossed that 2009 will be better for you guys!


(comments are closed)