From the Sadly, No! Inbox

Kids today, with their YouTubes and their video editing skills:

Watch the whole thing. More here.


Comments: 86


It’s all small change.


THAT is fucking hysterical.

I’m going to link this on my blog RIGHT NOW.

Hey, was somebody talking about a Ho Chi Minh fan club? I was at work and only scanned Sadly, No very quickly on my break. And I got home and I had a package from Amazon and it was William Duiker’s book on Ho Chi Minh that I ordered two days ago! Awesome!

I’m down for a Ho Chi Minh fan club.


Well they’re right on message for our new economy. We’re all gonna be making change.

As Walmart cashiers.


Change, you see it’s all over for you and me, girl.

humbert dinglepencker

Now that put this whole process in perspective for me. Thanx!


When everyone is saying it, you know you’re in for more of the same old shit.

I wonder how with all these agents of “change” having been in office all these years things have gotten into the fucked up mess they’re in.


I’m gonna vote for whoever puts more change in my pockets!

P.S. Loved that vid.


So, what’s the point? Are we making fun of politicians for wanting to change things in a country that is currently headed off a cliff?

Do we not think that a black person being elected president would be a big change? Heck, Hillary is the least likely candidate to make changes but having a woman become president would still be a pretty big change.

I’m sorry, I don’t get it.


I’m sorry, I don’t get it.

It’s a good song. You’re overthinking the thing.


I hope someone does the same, but with right wing pundits, and set to “My Michelle” from Guns n Roses. That would be teh luxxxor…

Incontinentia Buttocks

When everyone is saying it, you know you’re in for more of the same old shit.

I wonder how with all these agents of “change” having been in office all these years things have gotten into the fucked up mess they’re in.

Thanks, Jillian. You basically answered Notorious P.A.T.’s question before s/he asked it.

As for the notion that electing a woman or a black person is itself a change…well, yes. But we need particular sorts of change and whether or not the particular black person or woman in question will bring the sort of change we need is not a simple function of their race or gender. Condi Rice, Alan Keyes, or Liddy Dole would bring none of the change we need. Margaret Thatcher created huge changes in Britain…but not of the right sort.

So an argument for either Obama or Clinton as serious agents of the right sort of change has to be based on more than just their identities and the fact that they both say “change” a lot.


More here.

I particularly like the Workplace Authority parody and the “Ice Ice Baby” video (I have a soft spot for Vanilla Ice).


More proof that David Bowie rules our world. Take that, Electric Six!


Great. Just great. Now someone’s going to tell me that Fred Thompson is the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers’ eyes.


Evolution is slowly, randomly perfecting our species. One day everyone will be David Bowie.


I’m with Notorious P.A.T. I don’t get the sudden ‘cynicism’ of deriding candidates for pushing change. For one thing, they’ve always done it. For another, has there ever been a greater actual need for it?

Video is clever, but it pushes the meme that if the MSM just continues to make fun of the candidates’ mantra for change (there was a particularly odious bit of hamminess the other day on NPR offered by Siegel and Norris), then they are successfully discharging their duties of skepticism.


For one thing, they’ve always done it. For another, has there ever been a greater actual need for it?

No, there has never been a greater actual need for it, at least not in my lifetime, which is why mouthing the word “change” while, for example, planning to leave the troops in Iraq for an unspecified period of time after taking office or advocating to force everyone to buy health insurance while doing nothing to address the fact that the reason everyone doesn’t already have it is because 1) they can’t afford it or 2) the insurers refuse to extend coverage to them and 3) ignoring the massive turd in the punchbowl that is the health insurance industry which is what has fucked our “health care” system 9 ways to Sunday to begin with just isn’t good enough. Saying “I’m for change” while bullshit of this type continues to issue from your mouth makes a mockery out of the idea of change.


“Evolution is slowly, randomly perfecting our species. One day everyone will be David Bowie.”

Total nonsense.

Evolution isn’t real.

God created David Bowie that way in a single day, and if he wanted you to be David Bowie he damn well would have made you David Bowie.


“Have you ever heard a word so many times it completely loses all meaning?”


The game is always to mention “change” in hazy, undefined ways which might be heard by those who think you want the same “change” they do, but may not really know.

Say what you want about George W. Bush, but he has indeed brought “change” into the nation, in a big way.


God created David Bowie that way in a single day, and if he wanted you to be David Bowie he damn well would have made you David Bowie.

Yep, and all those glittery jumpsuits and spiky haircuts in the “fossil record” were only put there by god to test yer faith.


GunTotinSteroidRabbi said, blah blah blah heresy heresy heresy

You’ll know the Bowie Rapture because you’ll float in a most peculiar way
and the stars will look very different that day.


If humans came from Monkees, HOW COME THERE ARE STILL MONKEES???


If humans came from Monkees, HOW COME THERE ARE STILL MONKEES???

Because Mickey Dolenz rules our world!


Can you spare some change??


“Are we making fun of politicians for wanting to change things in a country that is currently headed off a cliff?”

No, we’re making fun of politicians for discovering a word that voters respond well to, then mouthing it mindlessly at every opportunity in a transparent attempt at manipulating those voters. With the exception of Kucinich and (arguably) Edwards, the only change I see offered by any of them is an increase in the number of times we get to hear them say the word.

“Change” is the new “9/11”

Smiling Mortician

I give the video an 8 — it’s got a beat, y’know? But I’m reserving the higher marks for kingubu’s effort with its sheer scary-carnival effect. Up, down, around, faster and faster, all you want is to get off that ride, but you just can’t stop.


Shalom, gentlemen.


Thanks for Teh Luv, Mr. Mortician.

Sadly, it seems that it took me too long to pull the trigger on that and the Colmes take-down and Daily Show interview have become the documents of record for Der Pantload’s mendacity.

Ah, well…


That really is amazing, kingubu.

Lenin is a fascist because Jobutt says he is. It is thus impossible for “left” and “right” to mean anything. Anything at all. “Right” is anything Goldsphincter likes, “Left” anything he doesn’t.

Smiling Mortician

the Colmes take-down and Daily Show interview have become the documents of record for Der Pantload’s mendacity

Oh, I don’t know. Colmes actually did a better job than Stewart, I thought — didn’t let him get away with quite as much. Your record, on the other hand, lets him get away with exactly nothing, and it does it without any words but his own. I say send it to Stewart. Maybe he’ll run it — after all, nothing in it was written by a WGA member . . .


The truth is, the only change that needs to be made is THE RIGHT CHANGE! The Right change such as these.

1. Secure our borders, deport the 12-20 million illegal aliens and declare English the National language.

2. Energy independence by drilling in ANWR and off our Nation’s coasts.

3. Affordable health care by restricting class action lawsuits, removing burdensome regulations and allowing competition amongst medical and pharmacutical companies so the free market can have its way and the costs of medical care will go down.

4. Abolish the IRS and enact the fair tax plan.

5. Appoint Strict Constructionist Judges to all levels of the Federal Court System.

6. Privatize social security.

7. Federally define marriage as being between one man and one woman.

8. Establish Nation wide Missle Defense.

9. Balance the Federal budget and veto any spending bill that is over the limit.

10. Abolish most Federal cabinet level departments with the execption of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury. This would reestablish the Federal principle of limited governmet envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

These ten simple Conservative Principles are what is needed to enact the Right Change in America!


“Have you ever heard a word so many times it completely loses all meaning?”



Far left?

Judicial activism?


Free market?

Liberal media?

Liberal academia?

Ronal Reagan?



I miss Bruce.


Jennifer: Saying “I’m for change” while bullshit of this type continues to issue from your mouth makes a mockery out of the idea of change.

Well said.

seepeesate: With the exception of Kucinich and (arguably) Edwards, the only change I see offered by any of them is an increase in the number of times we get to hear them say the word.

And you’ll notice that not only the media but the fucking Democratic party itself is working damned hard to marginalize both of them. They’d go to the same ridiculous lengths to keep Edwards off the stage as they have to keep Kucinich off if he wasn’t still getting decent respect in the polls.

My friends, I’ve reached the conclusion that this country is Teh Fucked.


…higher marks for kingubu’s effort “

Nice stuff. Staccato rhythm. Punchy.

I was most amazed by teh Load’s ability to simultaneously speak and sip water. Now he just needs a dummy and a good agent.


Two comments for today:

1) I was at Borders bookstore in St Paul last night to buy a copy of the history of Creem magazine (coolest magazine thru the 80’s) and just for the heck of it I looked around for Doughy’s book. It was REALLY hard to find (they had 3 copies). It may be hot on Amazon, but it ain’t shit in a place where people who actually READ books go to shop. Unfortunately they still had a Glenn Beck book on the front table. Asshole.

2) On the way home from Borders, Fresh Air was running an old interview with Chuck Norris. He was witty, modest and personable even when Terry asked about how a scene in which he was being tortured was incredibly erotic in a bondage-y kind of way to both men and women (that was pretty funny). He sounded like a mellow California dude. Couldn’t believe I was listening to an ultra-macho Hucklebee supporter. Wonder what happened?

Great video above. Some really thoughtful editing in the lead-up to the payoff.


The truth is, the only change that needs to be made is THE RIGHT CHANGE! The Right change such as these.

1. Secure our borders, deport the 12-20 million illegal aliens and declare English the National language.

2. Energy independence by drilling in ANWR and off our Nation’s coasts.

3. Affordable health care by restricting class action lawsuits, removing burdensome regulations and allowing competition amongst medical and pharmacutical companies so the free market can have its way and the costs of medical care will go down.

4. Abolish the IRS and enact the fair tax plan.

5. Appoint Strict Constructionist Judges to all levels of the Federal Court System.

6. Privatize social security.

7. Federally define marriage as being between one man and one woman.

8. Establish Nation wide Missle Defense.

9. Balance the Federal budget and veto any spending bill that is over the limit.

10. Abolish most Federal cabinet level departments with the execption of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury. This would reestablish the Federal principle of limited governmet envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

These ten simple Conservative Principles are what is needed to enact the Right Change in America!

I agree. I also think that we should make the fact our country was founded on judeo-christian values and continues to be informed by them EXPLICIT in all laws and our constitution. Shalom.


If humans came from Monkees, HOW COME THERE ARE STILL MONKEES???

Because Mickey Dolenz rules our world!

I think you may have your Circus Boys mixed up. Mickey may have played Circus Boy on TV, but Bush is the evil and definitive Circus Boy. Wish we could cancel the show a year early.


just for the heck of it I looked around for Doughy’s book. It was REALLY hard to find (they had 3 copies). It may be hot on Amazon, but it ain’t shit in a place where people who actually READ books go to shop. Unfortunately they still had a Glenn Beck book on the front table. Asshole.

The truth is, this is hard-left bias in bookstores. It does not reflect the free market and reasoned discourse and balance at all. I’ll bet all teh copies were sold out, and being liberals, they could not bother to restock them. If I see bookstores not stocking enough conservative books, I protest to the manager and to corporate.


’cause it’s just unpossible that 80% of Americans don’t read books, and of the remaining 20% fewer than one in twenty are the kind of consie crybaby represented by our trolls.


The truth is, that hard-left bookstore bias is also in libraries. They never get dozens of copies of conservative books, only the screeds from Micahel Moore-on and Al Bore. They have pro-there-is-global warming and pro-gay books, nothing from the other side to balance viewpoints. This is facism. Shalom.


There is nothing crybaby about standing up for free market principles, they are under attack in a do-gooder nannystate, self-hating toilet that is left-USA-stan.


Can you guys please stop thinking that your imitations of right wingers is funny? Really? I realize that you think it’s funny. I get that. Believe me. I do.

But it just isn’t. Or maybe you should spend some more time preparing and do fewer comments which actually contain humor.

It’s just so old.


I’ll bet all teh copies were sold out, and being liberals, they could not bother to restock them.

Right. Cuz why would BORDERS want to make money or something?


Saul anticpates my new book, Libraro-Fascism: Check it Out!


Anticipates, even.


saul’s new book, faux rabbis, will be out as soon as he/booger/faux gary can finish it.


Wow, fantastic! I’ll be putting up a link momentarily.

One small point: Since there’s no incumbent, isn’t it pretty obvious that there will be a change?


Saul’s new book, My Secret Life With Circus Boy, hits the bargain bins soon.


Faux rabbits?


Since there’s no incumbent, isn’t it pretty obvious that there will be a change?

It would be incumbent upon us to assume that, but can the Mittster really be considered a change? Just another beliefless rich bastard. Maybe a little less crazy (although saying ‘double gitmo’ is plenty crazy), but just as much a fool about the real world and real life.


Silly Rabbi.

Trolls are for Skids….



as the kids say “AWESOME!”

That’s one the Daily Show should show.

Tim (the other one)

“More proof that David Bowie rules our world.”

Waiter, check please……


That’s one the Daily Show should show.

Seems like a good fit for “Oddball”…



Anytime someone accuses a political candidate of being a flip-flopper, I just say they’re a change agent! Changagent. . .changent. All hail the new order!


I changed my socks today. I am the true agent of change!11


I agree with everything Saul and Bastion Booger says.


Sock Puppet said,

January 19, 2008 at 22:45

I agree with everything Saul and Bastion Booger says.

The fact is, I do too. If only the other conformist sheep here, who only act when the blast fax from DNC arrives, were able to form some original thought and reason discourse from an education instead of parroting talking points. You won’t listen to reason.


The fact is (Christ, now he’s got me doing it), liberals read books. Conservatives listen to talk radio. Liberals suck when they try to do talk radio (Air America, I’m talking about you). Conservatives suck when they try to do books. In a society that is, for the most part, voluntarily non-literate, this would seem to give conservatives a tremendous advantage.


You should try llistening to Mike .Malloy, Bob Kincaid, and Thom Hartmann.


I agree with Gary too. It is much better to get your talking points from the White House and the conservative think tanks than to be a sheep and base your views on your own senses and real-world observations. Liberals will disagree, but that’s because they hate America. I know they hate America because Bastion Booger said so.


Pablo, I’m not familiar with the first two. Thom Hartmann, like most of the AA crowd, has a little too much faith that the Dems are actually going to change anything. I’m a big Amy Goodman fan, however.

Sensible Conservative

This is for the trolls:

Please stop. You’re making the conservative movement look like a bunch of psychopathic idiots. It’s making us sensible conservatives look bad. All of my friends in the sensible conservative movement are becoming Democrats. It’s very lonely. I’m the only one at the meetings anymore. When I try to talk politics with other conservatives, I’m happy to find someone with a very basic understanding of grammar or logic.

I will give you credit for being better than the conservative candidate clown show the republican leadership has trotted out. You couldn’t possibly do as much damage to intelligent conservatism as the people we have leading us.

This has been brought to you by a sock puppet of Typical Republican.


“conservative movement”

Bollocks. That’s a contradiction in terms. Conservatives don’t move anywhere! Conservatism is all about sitting still, and moaning about how things were so much better when you were a lad. “movements” are for people who want to actually CHANGE things.


Ironically, the product of the so-called “conservative movement” resembles nothing so much as the product of another movement, that being a “bowel movement.”


The truth is, the Conservative movement is marching on and will emerge triumphant. All the left can do is whine, bitch, moan and complain but nobody is going to listen to them because they wish to see America become a secular western european nannystate, this is contrary to the values of the Heartland. We worship God, love our Country, work hard and support our President and the troops. The left loves the devil and worships at his alter of idolatry and greed.


“marching on”

Marching backwards, to the moral standards of a time before indoor plumbing.

You know, if people back then couldn’t figure out basic hygiene, it is pretty likely they wern’t any better than us at basic ethics.


Didn’t I just say so?


Well, if it smells like a Pantload, and walks like a Pantload..


The only thing that is marching backwards is the left with their nostalgia for the 1960s radical hippie movement with all its pot smoking flag burning goodness. Face it you damned aging hippie fools, the 60s are OVER AND ARE NEVER COMING BACK! The Conservative movement initiated by William F. Buckley in 1955 and perfected by Ronald Reagan with his Grand Alliance of Economic Conservatives, Foreign Policy Conservatives and Social Conservatives is the wave of the future.


But guys, the country’s already based on Judeo-Christian principles. Look at how many Republican politicians have been outed. It’s downright Biblical, this flood of until-recently closeted queers.

I’ve finally figured out how Republicans look at themselves in the mirror. By smiling, pointing and saying “FABULOUS!”.


So, are you voting for John Jackson or Jack Johnson? /simpsons


A: Um, I wasn’t around for the ’60s, or ’70s for that matter, so could you please explain away why I’m on “teh l3ft”?
A: Erm, I grew up in “the Heartland”.


I am from the South. The Heartland wishes it were as good patriot American conservative as the South.


Hmm . . . let’s see.

1. Secure borders – pretty good despite being surrounded by extremely well-armed sworn enemies. No real immigration problem.

2. Energy independence – gobs of oil and natural gas reserves, mostly yet to be tapped, PLUS a nascent nuclear power program.

3. Affordable health care – it seems to me that everyone gets health care and class actions lawsuits are punishable by hanging. Kinda short on the “free market” thingie, perhaps.

4. Not sure about any IRS, but I think most government funding goes through the “church” anyway.

5. Strict Constructionist judges – OH yeah! Strictest, most constructionist in the WORLD!

6. No Social Security to even be worried about privatizing.

7. Marriage is abso-fuckin’-lutely defined as one man/one woman. “Homos” get hanged or worse.

8. Nationwide missile defense – workin’ on it.

9. No federal deficit.

10. Defense, State, Justice, Treasury – yeah, that’s pretty much it as far as “cabinet level departments go”.

WOW! Sounds like Conservative Heaven! Nothing needs “changing” at all!

OK! It’s settled then! Iran is DEFINITELY the place you trolls want to be!

So, here’s a deal for ya! You guys all go THERE and leave us to run this place the way we want. If our method is really so gawd-awful bad, you should be able to, in just a few years, waltz right back in, take over and fix it up just the way you’d like. You know, kinda like the way Iran is now!

I think it would be a SWEET deal for everyone concerned, don’t you agree?

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

God didn’t create David Bowie, because David Bowie is God. Quite Enough Done.

Incidentally, if anyone could do something similarly awesome with All The Madmen, I’d be ever so thrilled. (Note: the sound is original, but the visuals are something put together by some dude for political porpoises, of which I know naught. Interesting, but I’d rather have been watching DB aka God. Especially in the frock)


Feh. If David Bowie is God, and all things are created, then who created David Bowie?


I’m pretty sure Bastion wasn’t around in the 60’s either.


I’m down for a Ho Chi Minh fan club.

o/t, but if your wanting some crappy hcm memorabila, drop me a line.

Oh, and saul, how was teh gay polar bear sex in Alaska, have you found yourself?



But we need change here… right this moment. I have a 5 dollar bill… any one got change? The coke machine won’t take 5’s.

Peace & Be WIld!
James T.


Bigger cages, longer chains.


(comments are closed)