Shorter JDL-type* Bimbots

‘Prez Takes Left-Wing Tack: Bush Likes Dead Jews More Than Live Ones’

‘NY Protest: Jew Hatred at Annapolis’

‘Bush Is No Longer Worthy of The Title “President”’

‘Contiguous? UPDATE: The Final Solution’

Above: ‘”Peace” is just another word for killing all teh Jews!’

  • Anyone who would try to engender peace between the Chosen People of Israel and the subhuman vermin known as ‘Palestinians’ is objectively anti-Semitic and an enabler of another Holocaust — and that includes you, Mr. President.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

* q.v., cf.


Comments: 41


Next thing you know, they’ll want to put all the Palestinians in camps…oh wait.


Hate to be a pedant, but your c.f. should be cf, as it represents only one word (the Latin ‘confer’).

On the Photos: Try outs for 28 Months Later?


Blarg. M-W says you’re right. I’ve been making that error for years. Anyway, I’ll fix it.


Those pictures are scary – they look like one of those “Dangers of Meth” ads.


“there’s no such thing as a Palestinian.” “There’s no such thing as settlements”. “There is no such thing as give back — give back implies it was not yours. Israel is ours.”

i keep reading those lines, trying to come up with something. for the life of me i don’t know what to say to that. please, someone make this funny or something, it’s making me want to cry…


2003: Bush is teh only 1 who can saves us from the MoslemoArabIranian threat and finalishly stand up for teh Israelijews for teh firs time in all the years of the U.S. Americans not helpin teh Israelijews.

2008: Bush is teh fif columnis who betrayd us allz and wants Israel be destructed and o god i hopes i die b4 teh Kalfidate concurs us.


Israel is ours.

I want my share


Uh….tell me again why it is we’ve been continually lectured about our lack of patriotism for our country by the likes of these folks, whose primary allegiance clearly lies elsewhere?


What a coincidence, I was just remarking on how Bush’s wish that we had bombed Auschwitz might have, you know, killed a bunch of innocent Jews.

Now that right and left are in agreement that Bush doesn’t deserve to be called President, perhaps the righties will join us lefties in our calls for impeachment.

Should I hold my breath on that one?


Honestly, I should know better than to look at the comments at Atlas, rife as they are with cheerful calls to genocide and “two-legged animal”-type racism.

Also? Shit, these people are dumb. One commenter was confused as to why the West Bank is on the east side of Israel.


One commenter was confused as to why the West Bank is on the east side of Israel.



Why are you showing us pictures of Zombie Pron Queens? Have we done something to offend?

Maybe this explains the fRighties contempt/fear of women. Liberal = Fascist. Woman = Makeup Caked She Creature.

‘Bush Is No Longer Worthy of The Title “President”’

Yep, they’re looking for a way to blame Bush (a Republican, placed in the White House by Republican voters last I checked) on someone else (Democrats, libruls). His refusal to slaughter every non-Jewish or Christian brown person in the region is one of the many bleating points you can expect to hear in the coming months. Don’t be surprised when you see FUX News running his picture with a (D) after it ala Foley.

Maybe J-Load will write a book called Stealth Librul Fascists to explain how Bush is really a raving librul who tricked R voters, twice!

Smiling Mortician


I’m relieved you didn’t follow up on the breath-holding thing, SB.

But seriously? I’m with mextremist. There’s no funny here. Oh, I get that Debbie and Pammy and whoever-she-is are ridiculous, but the old man with the mile-deep eliminationist streak? Sad. Sad and scary and I think I wanna go back to bed now.


whose primary allegiance clearly lies elsewhere?

It’s not to the state of Israel, where such Kahanist views are beyond the pale.

It’s to ‘Israel’, the American political and religious concept, in which there is generally little intellectual space for Gay Pride Tel Aviv, but lots for Left Behind.


“This would have ended the Holocaust earlier and saved hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Jewish–and non-Jewish–lives, the victims of Hitler’s mad plan. But there was no Monica to testify at a grand jury hearing that day or anything of the sort.”

Damn. Liberals hate the Holocaust but love the dead Jews but they hate the live Jews and bush is a liberal who hates the live Jews and the white men are todays Jews and we should bomb something and why did the liberals elect Bush when he sucks as President even tho we did support his killing of Muslimofascists but not anymore because he wants peace with the Palistinians who we hate because we love all Jews and Monica gave Clinton a blowjob…

I think I have that straight, and those chicks are fucking idiots.


It’s to ‘Israel’, the American political and religious concept, in which there is generally little intellectual space for Gay Pride Tel Aviv, but lots for Left Behind.

Exactly. Evangelical fundamentalists know little and care less about Israel as a modern nation state, or multi-ethnic, politically and religiously pluralistic population that lives there. They learned everything that they need to know about the Jews from the Old Testament and the Book of Revelations.


It’s to ‘Israel’, the American political and religious concept, in which there is generally little intellectual space for Gay Pride Tel Aviv, but lots for Left Behind.

Bingo. To the beady eyed members of the Talevan the “Israelite” is someone to befriend … until Jesus comes along and starts sending them to hell for failing to accept Him as their personal savior.

It really is too fucked up, especially since those bottom feeders think their “Jewish Friends” don’t know what they’re up to.


Why, oh why the fuck cant anybody seem to separate “Jew” from “Israeli”. Judaism is not an ethnicity, or a nationality. It is a religion. Therefore anyone with an ounce of sense can see it should have no role in any political decision-making, anywhere.
Theocracy results in civil war if people cannot agree on which dogma to base it upon.
You just have to love the shameless way Shrub has ignored Palestine for 7 years, and pretends to get all concerned in the 11th hour of his presidency, in some vain hope of being remembered for something other than torture and war.

Israel needs some external pressure to give it a kick up the arse to get it to take action towards peace, which most Israelis want, but are too scared shitless by their putrid government to demand it loud enough.


mextremist said,

January 12, 2008 at 18:57

“there’s no such thing as a Palestinian.” “There’s no such thing as settlements”. “There is no such thing as give back — give back implies it was not yours. Israel is ours.”

i keep reading those lines, trying to come up with something. for the life of me i don’t know what to say to that. please, someone make this funny or something, it’s making me want to cry…

Just wait until you spring the concept of Palestinian Jew or Arab Jew on these harpies. Their heads will spin and spew split pea soup everywhere. Yes Virginia, there are indeed quite a few Yemeni (Arab) Jews in the world.


“there are indeed quite a few Yemeni (Arab) Jews in the world.”

…Like that “Jesus” bloke everyone is talking about?


How odd that our ‘rabbi’ isn’t here to bluster on about his special, very Jewish, relationship with Jesus and his close personal friend, Pat Robertson.

But yes, I just love this batshit eliminationistism in the context of Israel, a country that wouldn’t exist if the Jews of Europe hadn’t decided they were sick of the batshit eliminationists.


Also, the Palestinians are… y’know, Semitic. So that antisemitism label doesn’t really carry its load as far as it’s believed to.


Yep, they’re looking for a way to blame Bush (a Republican, placed in the White House by Republican voters last I checked) on someone else (Democrats, libruls). His refusal to slaughter every non-Jewish or Christian brown person in the region is one of the many bleating points you can expect to hear in the coming months. Don’t be surprised when you see FUX News running his picture with a (D) after it ala Foley.

I believe Arky’s got the meat of this putrid stew. After seven years of pretending that that “Palestinian question” didn’t exist, the Permanent Republican Party, Neocon Wing, sent Commander Codpiece off on a grip’n’grin thru darkest Midrabia as a distraction from all the other news stories concerning the inevitable results of seven years of Republican neglect-cum-mismanagement. Stock market’s fallen 5% in the new year? Joblessness, foreclosures, megacorporation bankruptcies (cf Citiwide) rising like the morning sun over Nola after Katrina? Primary voters deserting the Repubs at record rates? Quick, to the Batmobile Air Force One! Tell Dubya there’s plastic turkeys to serve and shoulders to massage — that’ll knock some of the Bad Cess off the front of the broadcasts, right?

I’m not cynical enough to believe that Cheney and his PNAC fellows were hoping that some towelhead would try suicide-bombing one of Dubya’s events, but I don’t think the possibility kept them from their rest, either. If the Republican candidates don’t get themselves properly sorted out by Super Tuesday, I bet a cookie we’ll see new personal initiatives from the C-Plus Augustus to bring pieces peace to Pakistan, Darfur, Kenya, Columbia, and Liberty Village in Miami as well as return trips you-know-where. Wonder what the resignation rates for Secret Service agents look like right about now?


Blarg. M-W says you’re right. I’ve been making that error for years. Anyway, I’ll fix it.

S’okay. The important things I don’t know could fill a certain fascist’s pants.


Does anyone else think that Layla Elizabeth Gonzalez might give Marie Jon’ or Pastor Swank some competition in abusing the English language?

Now here we have Mr. Bush telling Israel how they should conduct business in their nation – how they should handle the effects and affects of terror on this already battered state.

What in the world is meant by the “affects” of terror on a nation?

It would behove any official within our government to take their orders from a dignitary or president from another nation.

I strongly suspect she meant the exact opposite of what she said in that sentence. And what’s with the British spelling?

This tantamounts to telling Israel not to protect herself from terror – allowing terror to reign.

Obviously it does not end and continues to fervor on in the small minds of such shameful presidents like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. . . .

Who knew that “tantamount” and “fervor” were verbs?


Come on, be fair…Bush PROMISED Bin Laden he’d do this, after he removed the infidel troops from Saudi Arabia and got rid of that apostate Saddam….


Fervor on my wayward son
There’ll be peas when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you tantamount no more.


ittdgy, I just about choked to death on a Butter Rum Lifesaver when I read “fervor on my wayward son.” My NY attorney (A. Ann Outhouse, law perfesser & well-known vinofile) will be in touch.

Trilateral Chairman

You know, I generally don’t venture comments on the whole Israeli-Palestinian issue, largely because (1) it’s too emotional, and (2) I’m not knowledgeable enough to have anything useful to add.

I will say this: Pam et al.’s gibbering has blessed me with the strongest sense of schadenfreude that I’ve experienced in a long, long time.

I particularly liked this:

Who in the world died and made Bush “god?” Most assuredly I tell you that the power and glory that comes along with the presidenency is very intoxicating.

It’s taken seven years, but they’re finally asking this question. Of course, I suspect they’ll go back to rank obedience as soon as Bush caves, just as they did after the Harriet Miers nomination.

(As for Layla Gonzales’s solecisms, I suspect she’s not a native English speaker. Cut her a break–you know what she means, and what she means is silly enough that you don’t need to dwell on her imperfect use of the language.)

Trilateral Chairman

Never mind. She’s from Chicago. Bash away.


Bush’s wish that we had bombed Auschwitz

Germany did not suffer from a mineshaft gap in the mid-40s.

“Dude *ear* did you ever imagine if every atom in your thumb, was like a solar system?”


I really hate judging people by their appearances, but when their character lacks content, what else is there?

Peroxide for Debbie Pimples.
Lipschtick for Layla Dipstick
and a
21 facelift salute for Skid Vicious

There really is no way to satirize these strange people after awhile. They’re just so dangerous to life they could stop photosynthesis by sucking the light out of the sun.



I think I’ve just given up women.


I hate Internet Nazis.



I mean, wow. Lemme see, on those islands were how many millions of people.

In occupied Europe there were how many TENS of millions? So we should multiply by a factor of at least ten for magnitude purposes.

Son, I think you stepped in your own dogma’s shit…


The HILL Chronicles » Blog Archive » I Am Honored To Be In Such Good Compaany – Moonbat rantings are great for my stats! Heh! said,

Shorter Queen of Duh: My stats went up because I’m an idiot, Thanks Sadly,No !!1!!

The only problem with being famous is there isn’t enough time to delete comments. Let me know if that happens.


Nazi comment has been deleted.


Pretzlenit Fookup just made a major anti-Iran saber-rattling speech in the ME. He’ll soon be back on the good side of these racist harpies– especially when the bombs start falling on the brown “cockroaches in a bottle” (to quote the ex-Israeli tourism minister on “Palestinians” (of which, “there are none”)) over in Iran.


Evangelical fundamentalists know little and care less about Israel as a modern nation state, or multi-ethnic, politically and religiously pluralistic population that lives there.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Neither do Israelis, or Zionists either.
So let’s start with them, okay?


(comments are closed)