Thomas is just too busy counting his kidney money

Over at TownHall, renowned kidney sales expert Thomas Sowell unleashes some spectacular whoppers, even by the generous standards of the Heritage Foundation:

Says who? Says Americans for Democratic Action, a leading liberal organization for more than half a century. […]

Senator Kerry came in number one on liberal voting in the Senate, ranking above Ted Kennedy. Senator John Edwards likewise had an even more liberal voting record than Ted Kennedy. These guys are on the far left of a liberal party.

According to the ADA, Kennedy’s liberal rating (lifetime) is 90. Edwards’ is 81. In 2002, 2001, 2000 and 1999, Kennedy’s rating was 100, 100, 95 and 95. Edwards‘ was 70, 95, 85 and 90.

In 2003, Edwards’ liberal rating was 65. The following senators had a rating of 100: Levin, C (D-MI,) Reed, J (D-RI,) Rockefeller (D-WV,) Sarbanes (D-MD.)

If you can sell one kidney, why not just go ahead and sell both?


Comments: 27


He might as well sell his brain too; he certainly isn’t using it.


You missed this other major factual error in Sowell’s column. He says:

“The last Democratic candidate who even admitted to being a liberal was Walter Mondale, 16 years ago …”

Mondale was the Democratic nominee in 1984, which was 20 years ago. Michael Dukakis was the nominee 16 years ago in 1988.

Eh, 16, 20, 95, 90, 100, 65, 81. These numbers are just so confusing…




The liberal party? Did Canada take us over when I wasn’t looking?


I don’t think his brain would fetch too high a price, Scott. It’s apparently not a VITAL organ.


Jon Stewart slapped down Rep. Bonilla from somewhere in Texas last week with the real numbers on the “liberal rankings”.


Bob Somerby has been killing on this issue, as well as wondering how/why democratic pundits/allies are so inept in attacking this faux rankings claim!


“I don’t think his brain would fetch too high a price, Scott. It’s apparently not a VITAL organ.”

However, it is in pristine, UNUSED condition. Just look at that low, low mileage! It still has its original whitewalls, and the tailfins can be removed pretty easily, too.


i am sell my one kidney

im selling rigt my one kidney my blood 0+ rh pozitif my age 30 im urgent sell my one kidney im wait one consturmer pls sending e mail


i would sell my kidney for the rite price i live in usa i am in very good shape and have no medical problims never have i have two i can live with one just fine email me if your interested


healthy lady in uk avaliable to sell kidney


iam 27 years old.i would like to sell one kidney for money. blood group A-positive. ready to travel anywhere for the client
my e-mail


31 year old willing to sell a kidney, healthy from Birmingham in England,can travel , I neeed the money if interested can be contacted at


27 year old willing to sell a kidney,100% healthy, from toledo ohio, I neeed the money if interested can be contacted at [removed by the management]


I want to sell my kidney,iam 27yrs old male,iam healthy enough to sell my kidney.Iam non drinker,smoker ocassionally not regularly,
my blood gropu is O+.
if anybody wants to buy my kidney can contact me onthe following numbers
[Contact info removed by S,N!]


Blood O + positive
i want to sell one of my my kidneys,
non smoker , non drinker,
perfect health 24 years old
email me if ur interested


i want to sell my kidney too please contact via address.


Man 40 years old from Sweden,in exellent health would like to sell my kidney.
I never used any drugs,i do not drink any alcohol.
I eat right and exersice every week.I am in 100% good health.
My blood typ is ARH+.
Serious only please!
E-mail: [Email removed by the management]


I´m a 40 years old Scandinavian i want to donate one of my kidneys.
I´ve got all the medical documents ready,and I´m ready to do this as soon as possible.
My bloodtype is A+
Please send me an offer and I will get back to You at once.
Best regards Lennart [Contact info removed by the management]


I am a 46yr old,white,healthy male non-drinker, Iam not selling my kidney , but rather donating one,however, I would like a generous (gift) for my time/loss of income/pain/transportation/ and all medical blood type 0- serious inquirers only. you can e-mail me at [Adress removed by the management]


verkaufe meine Niere gegen Unkostenaufwand
sell my kidney against unexpense

Spender / Donor:
Alter / Age : 38

Geschlecht / Gender : männlich / male

Blutgruppe / Blood Type : AB+

Wohnort / Location : Germany

Email : [Address removed by the management]

Bin soweit körperlich gesund. Krankheiten sind nicht bekannt.

Bei Interesse bitte Kontakt per Email.

Am physically healthy so far. Illnesses are not known. With interest please contact by email.


living donor

Liver Donation

donate kidney or a piece of my liver
I am 35 years old and completely healthy.
I come from germany
My blood type is AB+ and my last such antibody test was negative.
interested? Visit: ————— or
please send me an e-mail at: —————

[Contact info removed by the management.]


Selling a kidney here in Texas. I have allready passed all the exams for another case, but did’nt have the right blood type.
45yo A- here in Texas. 45000, but will try to work with anyone.


i am 26 year old male good heath o+ blood type i want to help some one as long as they can help me me at


Well, I might as well consider to donate my one of the two kidneys for a person who needs it in exchange of some money. Pls contact me via my e-mail and we can talk. I am in Europe, young and healthy, no smoking and drinking alcohol. contact me via my e-mail to discuss if you are interested :


Hi i am Ramakant from India ready to donate my Kidney Blood Group A -ve contact me on 09028016171 or my mail


Hi, i’d consider selling my kidney for a good ‘price’. I have a 0+ blood grouping, non-smoker, non-drinker, and i have a perfect health condition. If you are interested, you can contact me here:


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