As you guys know, I’m not the world’s biggest Hillary fan. I don’t want her to be president and I’m worried about some of the company she keeps, especially with regards to foreign policy.

THAT SAID, is there any other candidate in the race who so consistently gets creepy and wrong shit printed about them? And when I say “creepy and wrong,” I’m specifically referring to this Camille Paglia piece:


A swarm of biographers in miners’ gear has tried to plumb the inky depths of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s warren-riddled psyche. My metaphor is drawn (as Oscar Wilde’s prim Miss Prism would say) from the Scranton coalfields, to which came the Welsh family that produced Hillary’s harsh, domineering father.

Hillary’s feckless, loutish brothers (who are kept at arm’s length by her operation) took the brunt of Hugh Rodham’s abuse in their genteel but claustrophobic home. Hillary is the barracuda who fought for dominance at their expense. Flashes of that ruthless old family drama have come out repeatedly in this campaign, as when Hillary could barely conceal her sneers at her fellow debaters onstage — the wimpy, cringing brothers at the dinner table.

Brad’s reaction is: you’re fucking kidding me. Who in God’s name endowed this bizarre and clearly disturbed old freak with the magical power to look into Hillary Clinton’s past traumas and project them onto her current campaign behavior? Did they editors at Salon actually read this kind of crap before they gave it a thumbs-up? I mean, what the hell, man?

If you can believe it, it gets worse:

Hillary’s willingness to tolerate Bill’s compulsive philandering is a function of her general contempt for men.

There are a lot of ways to show contempt for men. Turning a blind eye while your husband chases tail isn’t one of them.

She distrusts them and feels morally superior to them. Following the pattern of her long-suffering mother, she thinks it is her mission to endure every insult and personal degradation for a higher cause — which, unlike her self-sacrificing mother, she identifies with her near-messianic personal ambition.

It’s no coincidence that Hillary’s staff has always consisted mostly of adoring women, with nerdy or geeky guys forming an adjunct brain trust. Hillary’s rumored hostility to uniformed military men and some Secret Service agents early in the first Clinton presidency probably belongs to this pattern. And let’s not forget Hillary, the governor’s wife, pulling out a book and rudely reading in the bleachers during University of Arkansas football games back in Little Rock.

OMG! The bitch reads books durin’ football??!!! That’s about the least Amurcan thing I ever heard! Next thing you’ll tell me is that she asked the stadium hot-dog vendor if he served salads!!!!

With her eyes on the White House, Hillary as senator has made concerted and generally successful efforts to improve her knowledge of and relationship to the military — crucial for any commander-in-chief but especially for the first female one. However, I remain concerned about her future conduct of high-level diplomacy. Contemptuous condescension seems to be Hillary’s default mode with any male who criticizes her or stands in her way. It’s a Nixonian reflex steeped in toxic gender bias. How will that play in the Muslim world?

Probably better than invading countries for no reason. As much as Hillary’s foreign policy crew worries me, she can’t possibly do more damage than what Bush did.

The current wave of support for Barack Obama from Democrats, independents, and even some Republicans is partly based on his vision of a new political discourse that breaks with the petty, destructive polarization of the past 20 years.

If Barrack’s pledge to eliminate petty, destructive political discourse means deporting Camille Paglia to Belarus in exchange for a bucket of borscht, then bloody sign me up.


Comments: 123


Hey, maybe there is a bright side. Maybe after fucking years of this type of thing, a couple more people will realize that Camille Paglia is a washed-up bullshit artist. I can always hope.


Oh, fer crissakes! Camile Paglia calling another woman a “barracuda” is just too much for my fragile psyche. I need the fainting couch, stat.


I think a bucket of borscht might be asking too much.


It’s just embarrassing. She’s Maureen Dowd with a PhD.


Paglia’s always been a freak.


atheist, at least you don’t find Paglia “hot”. There is much good in you.


I’d pay to see Camille and Dr. Sanity in a toe-to-toe analysis grudge match.


If they crap in the borscht we still come out ahead.


In fairness, Camille was a huge favourite of Channel Four in Britain when I was growing up. I used to think she was a bit dangerous and risque, while it’s now obvious that she’s a bit nuts.

For a lesbian, she has a real obsession with women’s fear of dick. It makes no goddamn sense to me, but I’m neither a lesbian nor a lunatic, so I’ll just assume this piece is a product of the lunacy.


Hey, maybe there is a bright side. Maybe after fucking years of this type of thing, a couple more people will realize that Camille Paglia is a washed-up bullshit artist. I can always hope.

Well, I don’t want to call this a “false hope,” but anyone who couldn’t tell by, say, 1999 at the very latest that Paglia was basically an upscale Wingnut Froth Generator isn’t going to get any smarter now. I could understand her gig at Salon on the grounds that David Talbot thought she was kinda delightfully unpredictable and good for buzz. (The boys at Spy thought so too, in that magazine’s dreary final days.) But Talbot’s gone and Camille’s still around . . . no, there is no hope. No hope at all.


Gaglia has always been one of the “pull the ladder up behind you” types.

You know, women who have their place at the table but attack other women for wanting the same, admonishing them that they should “know their place.” You’d think that media sophisticates would see through it, but, Sadly, No!

Phyllis Schlafley is another example of the type.


Jesus, that was retarded. Has anyone figured out how to comment on Paglia’s blog? I need to tell her how fucking stupid she is. I’d figure it out myself, but I’m at work and trying to cut out early no less.


I’m really impressed that Paglia watches enough Razorback football to be able to figure out what’s rude.


Good lord, even Harlequin would reject that purple prose.


Awww, thanks g!


What the hell does “warren-riddled” mean? Wouldn’t something that is riddled with warrens be, itself, a warren?

I give up.


Hardly a surprise that Hillary would be crammed into Camille’s mold of the psycho feminist. Feminists are psychos, you see, because when Camille was one the rest didn’t drop everything they were doing and stare nonstop at Camille’s greatness, a greatness perceived, and why not, primarily by Camille herself.


If anyone is a fan of unbridled batshit craziness, I highly recommend listening to Camile Paglia’s DVD audio commentary for her all-time favorite movie “Basic Instinct.”


Contemptuous condescension seems to be Hillary’s default mode with any male who criticizes her

Actually, that’s a specious bit of character assassination that’s completely untrue. Clinton is widely noted to have been extremely gracious to those – mostly men – who criticize her, and has shown great good humor in answering them. Who was it, Sean Hannity that said something about he’d eat his shoe if she won her senate race, and the next time she was on she brought him a cake shaped like a shoe, received by much laughter?


damn tags.


There’s a weird narcissism to Paglia. She seems allergic to anything objective. She is quite intelligent, but doesn’t seem interested in using that intelligence to analyse the world, rather in creating this ever-changing personality for herself.


Paglia is the primary reason I will never subscribe to Salon. I’d love to support the publisher of Glennzilla, but I won’t give a nickel that might wind up in her pocket.


Brad said,

January 11, 2008 at 1:14

It’s just embarrassing. She’s Maureen Dowd with a PhD.

That really sums it up. Less gossipy, more Freudian, but it’s the same bullshit with only a slightly different flavor.

Shimon bar Acudah

dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun dun dun DUNNNNN (bweeeeoooaaawww)!!!! dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun duhduh dun dun dun DUNNNNN (bweeeeoow-weeeahweeahweeeee)!!!


Is there any record of Paglia having actually met Hillary Clinton?


Who was it, Sean Hannity that said something about he’d eat his shoe if she won her senate race, and the next time she was on she brought him a cake shaped like a shoe, received by much laughter?

Nope, Tucker Carlson, who may be an asshole but at least has a sense of humor.


An accusation of nothing is always irrefutable. And you couldn’t pay me to click and see if there’s an accusation of something in there.


Hillary’s rumored hostility to uniformed military men and some Secret Service agents early in the first Clinton presidency probably belongs to this pattern.

So there’s a possible pattern, bolstered by rumored evidence. And the result is… an ironclad case.


There’s a weird narcissism to Paglia. She seems allergic to anything objective. She is quite intelligent, but doesn’t seem interested in using that intelligence to analyse the world, rather in creating this ever-changing personality for herself.

That was redundant.

Which is to say, Paglia is a textbook narcissist, which is why she’s only interested in drawing attention to herself.


How does this view of Hillary Clinton square with the majorly known fact (I seen it on a videotape this one time) that Hillary Clinton personally strangled hundreds of Arkansas teenagers to protect her Satanic drug smuggling operation for the UN’s lesbian division?


And his wife Michelle is a powerhouse.

OK, it’s early in the campaign season. Who wants to bet on how long it takes Paglia to turn on Michelle Obama?


As a faux-psychologist, she’s a shitty pop culture writer.


“OK, it’s early in the campaign season. Who wants to bet on how long it takes Paglia to turn on Michelle Obama?”


I’ll say Paglia doesn’t turn on Michelle Obama until after the primaries. At which point (win or lose) Michelle will say something supportive of Hillary, and Paglia will say Michelle has let all of us who Camille Paglia down.


urg! That is, “…let all of us who are Camille Paglia down.”

Preview is my friend.


OMG! The bitch reads books durin’ football??!!!

Watch out. Stephen King reads books (BOOKS!) between innings at Red Sox games. Next thing you know, they’ll all be doing it.
What will become of panen et circenses then?


Paglia couldn’t turn on a Cialis-stuffed compulsive GILF hunter.


Okay, that was uncalled for.


Watch out. Stephen King reads books (BOOKS!) between innings at Red Sox games.

Yeah, I knows. I forgive ‘im fr it though because I lurve all Sawx fanz.


Jesus. Paglia’s contrarian feminist schtick was old, at least 10 years ago. Maybe Salon keeps her around for comic relief.


Why is it that I think Camille Paglia really in her secret heart of hearts, is a Giuliani supporter?


I rudely pulled out a book and read it, instead of reading Paglia’s Salon post, so TAKE THAT!


There are a lot of ways to show contempt for men.
There are a lot of ways to show contempt for readers, and writing for Salon seems to be one of them.
She has not only drawn her metaphor from the Scranton coalfields, she has hanged it and quartered it as well.


I thought Giuliani declared himself a Red Sox fan! UR BUSTD BRAD


However, I remain concerned about her future conduct of high-level diplomacy. Contemptuous condescension seems to be Hillary’s default mode with any male who criticizes her or stands in her way.

Oh, I get it, now we care about our President offending other world leaders. After 8 years of blithering alcoholic fake cowboy machismo.


It’s just embarrassing. She’s Maureen Dowd with a PhD.


Once upon a time I played softball in what we called “the lawyers and accountants league”, and one of our running jokes on the team was how some day we were gonna arrange a game between Gary Eubanks & Associates and Loeber Hendricks, two local personal injury firms. And during the game, we would crash a couple of cars in the parking lot…and then count how many players came running off the field.

I think we’d see a much different but just as predictable reaction if somehow a Paglia vs. MoDo cage match could be engineered.

How to get the ball rolling, though?


deporting Camille Paglia to Belarus
Stop, for the love of God! Hasn’t Belarus suffered enough?


So Hillary’s childhood was messed up and she became a “survivor”? What else is new in families?

“Creepy and wrong” could be Paglia’s middle name. She’d be better off plumbing her own depths – in a hot zone suit.


Does Camille run a fireworks store?


Jake H, an impromptu shoulder massage is how a blithering alcoholic fake cowboy macho man shows maximum respect.


Why is it that I think Camille Paglia really in her secret heart of hearts, is a Giuliani supporter?

I’d go farther than than. Are we sure that Paglia really isn’t actually Giuliani?

Christ. She’s a caricature of a parody of a mockery of a sham of a psychobabbling idiot.


Doodz, Paglia feeds off your negative energy like that creature from Star Trek. She’s a troll in the blog called life.


I think Camille Paglia further supports my argument.


Shit, I thought that was a picture of Robbie Robertson.


And as long as we’re calling Paglia “Maureen Dowd with a PhD” – what’s up with MoDo, anyway?

Maureen Dodd’s primary night column, dateline “Derry, NH, where she gives us her impression of the feelings and quotes the words of ordinary voters on the results, was actually filed from Jerusalem, where she happened to be that night.

Dateline: Jerusalem


Between Paglia, Dowd and Dr. BLT, it is as if there’s some rule that people are not allowed to write about Clinton unless they award themselves a degree in psychology and launch into full-on psycho-babble mode. Some ancient charter or something.


unless they award themselves a degree in psychology and launch into full-on psycho-babble mode.

And can we add to the rule that they can’t psychoanalyze the person unless they’ve actually MET them, at least once?

It’s the Dr. Bill Frist method of psychoanalysis, certainly.

Smiling Mortician

Who wants to bet on how long it takes Paglia to turn on Michelle Obama?

Why do I have the feeling this is a trick question? My completely unsupported hunch is that she’s already done so. If I were even slightly interested in doing the research, which I’m not because I just don’t want Camille Paglia in my google cache, I would color myself unsurprised to run across a Paglia-penned takedown of ballbuster Michelle talking smack about Barrack’s snoring or whatever.


It sure is enough to make one wish that Hillary would get elected, just to enjoy the aneurysms from wingnuts, Sully, Paglia, and all the other Hillary-bashers of whatever ideological bent. It’s just pathological at this point.


wow, it’s got her hair too.


Some ancient charter or something.

It’s a tradition, or an old charter, or something – a fact well know to those who know it well. If you know what I mean, and I’m sure that you do.


If trick question, Smiling, it’s not on purpose. I just read Paglia and read that line at the end about Michelle Obama, and it just popped into my mind, “Yeah, right, Camille. When are you gonna start trashing HER?”

And like you, I haven’t the slightest interest in deepening my acquaintance with the works of Camille Paglia, so it will probably have to be discovered by someone else.

But I’m ready to say “I told you so!” if we hear her trash-talking Michelle this summer!


it is as if there’s some rule that people are not allowed to write about Clinton unless they award themselves a degree in psychology and launch into full-on psycho-babble mode.

Yeah, that is weird. It might just be an easy way to get out of actually looking at Mrs. Clinton’s policies. Examining policy is not always exciting, and requires some time and some attention. There is value in understanding the personality of a leader, but frankly, most of what will actually affect the nation and the people is the policy.


I want you all to know that I laughed myself sick reading this comments thread. If there is a god this can be the only reason camille paglia exists–for sadly, No! et al to make fun of her.



I knew there’d be other Robert Rankin readers out there.

What the hell does “warren-riddled” mean?
Means that someone called Warren has asked you a series of difficult questions.

Quoting Miss Prism: +10 Serious Intellectual Points.
A parenthetical explanation that you are quoting Miss Prism, in case anyone missed it, or in case someone thought the allusion was accidental: -10 Serious Intellectual Points.
Explaining that Miss Prism is an Oscar Wilde character: -50 Serious Intellectual Points.


There is value in understanding the personality of a leader, but frankly, most of what will actually affect the nation and the people is the policy whether the leader is hot, and whether one would hit her.


This chick is basically Maureen Dowd with intellectual pretensions. Blech.


You’ve heard of magical realism? Paglia trades in magical surrealism, with a side of incoherence.


Do! Brad beat me to it.


I knew there’d be other Robert Rankin readers out there.

Yes, indeed. I much prefer his brand of dark-and-absurd to that found in U.S. political punditry – like the spew this post concerns.


What the hell does “warren-riddled” mean?

I think it means Paglia has determined Hillary Clinton has this song going through her head all day, every day.


Oh, fer crissake.

Looks like I’m a-gonna have to bring out Molly Ivins’s renowned smack-down of this horrid little creature again.

In other news: I swear I saw Glenn “Instapudding” Reynolds at a nearby table when I was out at dinner tonight. He was bloviating about Obama and Hucklebee to his fellow tablemates. The restaurant is near campus so I’m pretty sure it was him. Ewww. Made me ask for my linguini to go.


J— with the definitive youtube.

I bow before your greatness.


So that’s not Robbie Robertson?


Shorter Camille Shaglia:

Lookit me! I’m unconventional! I’m daring! Ooo, who knows what I’ll say next?!

God, the woman makes me YAAAAWN.


MzNicky- thanks for the memories- it’s been a year now. Gee, golly,.I miss Molly Ivins


Oh, bless you MzNicky. And how we will miss her! Ivins on Paglia:

What we have here, fellow citizens, is a crassly egocentric, raving
twit. The Norman Podhoretz of our gender. That this woman is actually
taken seriously as a thinker in New York intellectual circles is a clear sign of decadence, decay, and hopeless pinheadedness.


Bmaccnm and g: My pleasure. I still heart me a heap o’ Molly Ivins.


MzNicky, I’ll always remember that she warned us all about the shrub.

Even as the talking morons were chattering about the guy ‘you’d want to have a beer with’.

And who could forget: “When the (Texas) Legislature is set to convene, she warned her readers, “every village is about to lose its idiot.”


I think Paglia hates Hillery because Hillery could never love someone who’s heart is as cold and empty as Paglia’s, even though HRC is bi.


After long thought, I think I prefer the invisible theremin photograph of Paglia.


The last time I saw Camille on TV she was defending wearing fur on the grounds that animals, like women, shouldn’t be patronised and could defend themselves. Because, y’know, a chinchilla is more than a match for a fully grown man.

I’m not making this up.


ITTDGY: That she did. I remember Molly saying how ex-Gov. Anne Richards laughed at the thought of Shrub becoming president and saying, “George Dubya Bush?! Who the hell’d vote for that stupid drunk!”

I heard Molly Ivins speak in Nashville years ago, and she told a joke about the Texas legislature (which she called the “laboratory for bad government”) voting for some anti-gay ordinance. A couple of the ol’ boys were giving each other congratulatory backslaps after it passed. She said someone looked at them and observed, “Breakin’ their own laws already: There’s a prick touchin’ an asshole.”


I’d like Camille to shut up long enough to sell me one of those casette tapes behind her – the one by Soul Asylum, second from the bottom in the pile on the right. No, not that one – top shelf, dammit, TOP SHELF!

Oh, and while you’re at it, I think I’ll take a couple of scratch tickets – Lucky Seven. This could be my night.

And a pack of Lucky’s. I’m almost out of cigs.


Paglia is a lesbian Ann Althouse, basically.
Maybe I should make a fake Facebook profile……


Oh, MzNicky, you should have asked instaputz for an autograph.
Just think, he’s signing a napkin and asks, “so you read me daily?” and you have responded, “no, Sadly, No!”.


Is it any surprise that Camille finds daddy issues to blame for everything? She said the same thing about Cheney.

A case of projection if there ever was one.


And let’s not forget Hillary, the governor’s wife, pulling out a book and rudely reading in the bleachers during University of Arkansas football games back in Little Rock.

I like how she added the word “rudely” into that sentence. After all, some of us might think that a woman reading during a football game isn’t a big deal, but Hillary wasn’t just reading… she was RUDELY reading! I’ll bet she was humming the words or something.

And I thought Paglia died in 1994.


Yeah, I ah knows. I Ah forgive ‘im fr it though because I ah lurve all Sawx fanz.

Normal folk use a close-mid-front unrounded vowel for the first-person singular pronoun.

college boy.


In re: “warren-riddled psyche,” I think Paglia is trying to say that her skull has been hollowed out and filled with rabbits.


The Great Gazoogle says:

Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967). The Old Huntsman and Other Poems. 1918.

1. The Old Huntsman

It’s queer how, in the dark, comes back to mind
Some morning of September. We’ve been digging
In a steep sandy warren, riddled with holes,
And I’ve just pulled the terrier out and left
A sharp-nosed cub-face blinking there and snapping,
Then in a moment seen him mobbed and torn
To strips in the baying hurly of the pack.
I picture it so clear: the dusty sunshine
On bracken, and the men with spades, that wipe
Red faces: one tilts up a mug of ale.
And, having stopped to clean my gory hands,
I whistle the jostling beauties out of the wood.

But then there’s

C2C Day 11, Reeth (Mile 106)—A Swell Time on the River Swale

…Today’s variable terrain is a welcome change from the miles of yesterday’s moorland. Grass becomes field becomes warren-riddled dirt track becomes a wall-walk six feet above the river at the right and sheep fields at the left. Lots of rabbits and ducks to see, plus cows standing and drinking in the river…


Bonus pts. to Diff Brad for his Sadly, No! reply to Putz.


In my youth I played drums with a couple dinner theater productions of musicals out of NYC (we played in Raleigh and Charlotte, NC). To kill time during the day, I amused myself by writing fake Freudian “reviews ” of Oklahoma! and Sweet Charity, finding symbols and meaning and etc. in nonsense. The cast liked them and put them on the theater bulletin board and we all had a jolly laff.

Then, years later, I see that Camille P. has made a living and a reputation doing the same thing! And meaning it!

Her entire “shtick” (stop me if this is too technical) is to be the macho woman, the manly broad who can slug back bourbon and branch with the (actual) men and put those whiny “dogmatic” feminists in their place.

She’s a circus act. The Bearded Lady–But Without the Beard! And Look Out, Boys–She’s No Lady!


I’d accept the bonus points if I hadn’t mangled the english language horribly in making the joke.
Reading Megan every day is bad for your brain.


Okay, you bastards, now you’ve gone too far. If the GOP wants Paglia, they can have her. She’s welcome to argue her case as long as she stays on her side of the table. Body condoms aren’t cheap but they work if you use a lot of powder and clean off any bodily fluids promptly. And don’t give me that truth business again. What? You want her to support Clinton? If Paglia changes sides, I’m stuffing my second wetsuit with cheetos and surfing the evangelical infomercial channels. If Paglia changes side because of you guys, I’m moving to Utah to join the Mormon army and convince Fleetmaster Romney to allow my 6 wife platoon to hunt down you sorry adjunct brain trust flunkies.


I see that Camille didn’t go through with the sex change operation she was thinking of. What does the great gazoogle have to she hummm?

Crisis In The American Universities
September 19, 1991

Thank you, Professor Manning, for that most gracious introduction. And may I say what a pleasure it is to be here, a mere stone’s throw from Harvard.

I address you tonight after several sex changes and a great deal of ambiguity over sexual orientation over twenty-five years. I am the Sixties come back to haunt the present.

I think she means that metaphorically but I’m not sure. I heard differently via the grapevine around that time.

What I don’t like right now is that there’s a kind of knee-jerk, intimidating way of calling someone “neoconservative” if they happen to criticize the liberal academic establishment–“Right, you’re a neocon.” Now, when people call me a neocon, what kind of idiots are they? I’m someone who is on the record as being pro-pornography–all the way through kiddie porn and snuff films. I’m pro-prostitution–I mean really pro, not just pro-prostitute and against prostitution. I’m pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-drag queens, pro-legalization of drugs. This is neoconservative? What kind of amateurishness is out there that people in the press–including The Village Voice and Mother Jones and things like that, which should be the voices of liberalism–what kind of stupid amateurish thinking is this to label me a neoconservative?

Well, as it turns out, yes you are a neocon and yes, those do seem to be commonly held neocon values.

Now, one of the reasons I’m so angry. I really went on the warpath last year, especially about feminism. I consider myself a feminist. I began my revolt when I was just a little child. I was born in the late Forties. And I absolutely could not stand the way the culture demanded that women be feminine. I did not relate to my sex role at all. I have been a totally alienated sexual being since I was a tiny child. And it began with dolls–this was the thing–dolls! My parents learned soon enough not to give me dolls–they knew I didn’t want them.

Well, I know a lot of F to Ms who felt that way too.

You know, I’m really happy there wasn’t all this talk about sex changes back then, since I probably would have gotten this fantasy that I was a man born wrongly in a woman’s body, and I think I might very well have become obsessed with the idea of a sex change, which would have been a terrible mistake. Because I think I absolutely am a woman, but I was just a woman born ahead of my time. I was a kind of pioneer, and decade by decade I’ve acclimated myself to my sex role

Yup, pretty much like that. Except that they sought help instead of collapsing into narcissism and believing:

I mean, before feminism was, Paglia was! Out there punching and kicking and fighting with people. No one understood what I was doing, but from my earliest years I had this burning desire to do something for women, to do something so massive for women, to demonstrate that women should be taken seriously.

But you didn’t Camille, you just proved that co-morbidity often accompanies gender identity disorder and that left untreated it can really fester.

Maybe identity comes through conflict. For example, my struggles with gender, my struggles with sexual orientation, my anguish over so many decades produced my work. We have to understand that, that sometimes conflict is creative. You will not get a book like Sexual Personae again for another thirty years

Now that’s good news!

So we have got to stop this idea that we must make life “easy” for people in school, make it nice and easy [imitates soothing, unctuous, paternalistic voice], “We want you to have a pleasant time, we want to ‘make nice’ for you.” No. Maybe the world is harsh and cruel, and maybe the world of intellect is challenging and confrontational and uncomfortable. Maybe we have to deal with people who hate us, directly, face-to-face.

So how is that working out for you then huh Camille? I mean, you got your wish, you should be pleased then right? Right?


Why is it that I think Camille Paglia really in her secret heart of hearts, is a Giuliani supporter?

I have a distinct memory of Pig-lia insisting that people who complained about Mayor Giuliani’s authoritarianism were just being anti-ethnic, because NYC needed a “mean daddy” who “wasn’t afraid to punish” anyone who stepped out of line. According to Camille, the Puerto Ricans & the Dominicans & the Cubans & of course his fellow Italians loooooved them some Rudy, so who cared what a bunch of perennially-agrieved “Al Sharpton supporters and Upper East Side Ethical Culture graduates” were whinging about? But I’m going to pull a Jonah and refuse to look for supporting citations, because frankly I don’t want to clean any more Paglia slime off the walls of my aging brain.

Back when “Sexual Personae” was a modest-seller at all the best liberal arts campuses, one of my woman-identified friends told me “We’d call her the lesbian Rush Limbaugh, but we hate to *remind* people…”


Shit, I thought that was a picture of Robbie Robertson.

I was thinking, “John Hurt looks pretty good for his age.”


she was RUDELY reading! I’ll bet she was humming the words or something.

Maybe “rudely reading” is where every two minutes you exclaim “Jesus cocksucking Christ, this book is good!” or “Fuck me ragged with a bucket of wet shit, this book sucks!”

I can just see Hillary doing that, given what an over-emotional, under-emotional, domineering, submissive, frigid, sex-crazed, celibate heterosexual lesbian she is.


they editors said,

Are you… those editors, by any chance?


Contemptuous condescension seems to be Hillary’s default mode with any male who criticizes her or stands in her way.

Hmmm. That projection needs some adjusting. Let’s try…

Contemptuous condescension seems to be Paglia’s default mode, full stop.

There we go. Fixed.


And let’s not forget Hillary, the governor’s wife, pulling out a book and rudely reading in the bleachers during University of Arkansas football games back in Little Rock.

The University of Arkansas plays in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Oh, and, considering she’s not FROM Arkansas, who can blame her for not caring about the outcome of the game? Oh, and using unverifiable anecdotes to prove your point does not lend your supposed ability to read minds any credibility.

Still, she does bring up a good point of contrast between her and George W. Bush. I’m confident that Bush never pulled a book out during a football game when he was governor.


So that’s not Robbie Robertson?

We should introduce her to Levon Helm and see if he takes a swing at her.


ADB: Ha! Next time I spy him out and about I’ll do that.


Very interesting: Paglia pulled a Chris Matthews in a way, generating support for Hillary. This seems to indicate a subtle tactical advantage Hillary has now: any attacks against her work in her favor.

Hillary’s attackers can’t seem to avoid shooting themselves in the foot. No wonder people from Matthews to Modo to Paglia are so intimidated by Hillary’s success. The more they fight her, the better she does and the crazier the detractors look.

It makes me think that a Hillary presidency would not be the affirmation of the status quo alot of people assume it would be. She might just be the right combination of character traits to just drive the right completely berserk in a way that permanently discredits them – FINALLY.


Using “creepy and wrong” and “Camille Paglia” in the same sentence is redundant.


Shredder- there are right and wrong ways to attack Hillary. Portraying her as a heartless penis-destroyer is a very wrong way to do it.


At one time I looked at Paglia as an intellectual, as someone I could actually learn something from. I believe that Freud is an under-rated thinker, as she claims to believe. My initial interest in Paglia, and my similar interests in some areas, have only sharpened my disappointment. I hate that I was interested in this bullshit artist for a time.


Portraying her as a heartless penis-destroyer is a very wrong way to do it.

What I am noticing is that it’s not just the media portraying Mrs. Clinton this way. A co-worker was watching a video yesterday. This video started with “WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE IF HILLARY WINS” on the screen. Cut to this guy getting kicked in the balls by a woman in a sort of professional looking dress. End of video.

It is wierd to me that this strikes such a chord with people, but obviously it does. I think the third-rate rodeo clowns who run our media do make it worse, though.


athiest- can you plz plz plz plz find that video for me? Thanks!!!!



I’ll ask my co-worker.


Hillary’s willingness to tolerate Bill’s compulsive philandering is a function of her general contempt for men.

I wish my ex had shown me this kind of contempt, rather than take half my marital assets and 17% of my paycheck for the past six years.

Anyone have a boxcutter? I’d like to expand my house to include a sunporch.


Brad: U have an email addr here which can accept attachments?


Or, do I need to get a web page to put the movie on which I can then direct you to?


a- just sent you an e-mail with my info on it.


Cool.. I’ll get it to ya


A commenter on another blog made an interesting observation about Paglia and Andrew Sullivan. Both rose to prominence in the 90’s as, respectively, a gay man critical of other gays, and a feminist critical of other feminists. They were wildly rewarded by the media for basically, trashing their own kind.


Deschanel said, January 11, 2008 at 19:09

A commenter on another blog made an interesting observation about Paglia and Andrew Sullivan. Both rose to prominence in the 90’s as, respectively, a gay man critical of other gays, and a feminist critical of other feminists. They were wildly rewarded by the media for basically, trashing their own kind.

Hiring the natives to trash the natives is an old, old pattern, and it’s why the natives who favor the powerful are so highly rewarded.


Paglia is godawful.


It wasn’t Miss Prism, it was Dr. Chasuble who was always saying where his metaphors etc. were drawn from. (Dr. C. was the local curate, and somewhat secretly in love with Miss P.) If you are going to quote Oscar Wilde, at least get it right!

Another note: two Roman Emperors (Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius) were criticized by the public for catching up on their correspondence during games. I wonder that CP missed that.


(reads one paragraph, then blinks)

Where AM I? Who IS this woman?

Oh. OK. Its her again.

Nevermind I just woke up.


Oh, I dunno…I’d hit it.


Paglia is Ann Althouse in drag.


Hey, kids, here’s your mathematics problem for today. Please be sure to use a number two pencil.

Camille Paglia and Dennis Miller each board a train leaving from Boston at nine thirty. Paglia intends to travel seventy miles; Miller intends to travel one hundred and ten. If the train leaves the station ten minutes late, at what point do all the rest of the passengers throw themselves out the window and on to the tracks in order to avoid even one more second of self-impressed pseudo-academic blather from two washed up relics from the nineteen eighties/early nineties?


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