El. Oh. El.


Yglesias brings us this list of the most popular reader tags for Liberal Fascism. Here are the top 5:

  • doughy pantload (140)
  • propaganda (117)
  • wingnut welfare (115)
  • editor promised cake (95)
  • i can has job mom (94)

My other personal favorites:

  • books written while high on cheeto dust (14)
  • relatives in high publishing places (5)
  • bored the stenographer to sleep (2)
  • dialectic of cheetohlightenment (2)

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: This one is kinda long, but it’s something that I think some kind person should tag the book with. You don’t even have to credit me for thinking of it!

  • ghost writer quit when i tried paying him in funyuns

LEONARD ADDS: Hey, I’ve got plenty more! I’m generous, like all fascists!

  • book’s poor sales are, in fact, central to my point
  • needs more ‘Star Trek’
  • commencing countdown to remaindered pile
  • author still unaware that Mussolini was not American
  • can’t read through grease prints
  • good money after bad
  • based on the Fishbone song
  • cartoon on front cover most skillfully executed aspect of book
  • it’s no ‘Shut Up and Sing’
  • Michael Moore is fat

Comments: 189


El. Oh. El.

I. N. I.

Oops, my bad. Thought I was still at the Rose Bowl for a second.

Five of Diamonds

I like:

“self satire”


“viagra for dittoheads.”

I would add “evidence of mental illness” but for *some* reason Amazon prevents me from participating.


I was just walking to my desk laughing like a maniac, with the phrase “doughbob loadpants” ringing in my ears.


“banged out by howler monkeys”!


Shouldn’t that be “via about 30 commenters at Sadly, No!”?


And goddamn! “liberalz r poopyhedz” ??? ahahahahhahaaaaaa!!!




I just love the way the neo-cons are falling apart.


I’m kind of bummed that I didn’t see “codswallop” on that list, but I’m a bit old fashioned.


RB- sorry dude, I musta missed that whole thread…


I don’t want to be a killjoy, but I think the tags on this book send the wrong impression. All of them. Yes, this book invites mockery, but the tags look like a bunch of children having an insult contest. It questions our maturity and some of the maturity of the conservatives and their more sober-sounding tags, but I think those tags come off as less off-putting.


Yes, this book invites mockery, but the tags look like a bunch of children having an insult contest.

And your point is…?


RB- sorry dude, I musta missed that whole thread…

I didn’t find ’em or post ’em, but I’d like to applaud the commentariat here for their fascistic ways.

Arky - Fascitanata

Holy Mother of God, these are too damn funny. Just no one post the one that reduces me to tears.

Or howls.


“Attend to lucianne’s bunions” is my current favorite.


Flying Fox: We all let off steam in our own ways. They warmonger, Swiftboat, and make shit up and get it published, chiefly to distort and pervert meaningful civic debate. We point these things out, then we point at them and laugh hysterically and engage in juvenile but harmless wacky hijinks. Now, what was that you were saying about off-putting?

Marion in Savannah

I particularly liked “If Michelle Malkin is over your head.” (MzNicky beat me to “banged out by howler monkeys.” GRRRR…)


I didn’t find ‘em or post ‘em, but I’d like to applaud the commentariat here for their fascistic ways.

Indeed, some of those tags were created by Sadly, No! commenters their very selves.


‘cheetohnacht’, I like. Though one seems to have gone from the endless days before it appeared, along the lines of ‘spent advance on cheetohs’.

The Doughpus Magnum is a stupid book. There is no elegant, civil way to point out that the emperor’s pee-pee is flapping in the wind.


I don’t want to be a killjoy, but I think the tags on this book send the wrong impression.

As far as I can tell, Flying Fox, you mean well. But this looks like concern trolling straight outta ’04. Having goofiness on the Amazon page, IMO, gives the Magnum Doughpus the proper context and gravitas.


it works as ‘Howled out by Banger Monkeys’ too.

Principal Blackman

While I do agree with the sentiment that this is overkill (though it will bring forth howls of, “See, damn dirty libruls are trying to silence us! They can’t handle the truth, which is all we speak!” from the wingnuts, which is always good for some yuks), I don’t think the “cheetohnacht” and “lodenhosen” tags will ever stop being funny. Ditto the “If Michelle Malkin is over your head” tag, which is funny because it’s true.


I tend to think of Jonah as a cautionary tale for today’s youth — here’s what a lifetime of carnival food does to person both mentally and physically.


Where did the Jonah/Cheetoh connection come from?


tag vandalism


Worst. President. Ever.

Wow! Giuliani entered the fascism love fest:

“Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”



For more fun, check to see if my alternative cover is still showing up on “See 1 customer image”: Link


“social security is like treblinka” has an understated elegance


Freedom is about authority.

This is why I’ve been glad to see Ghouliani’s anemic primary performance so far. I think any one of the Redoublechins would end up being a dictator to some degree, but he seems the most enthused about it (as well as having the batshittest foreign policy team).


I think you need to change the name of this blog to, “Sadly, Dough!”


“Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”

It’s like that old Janis Joplin song: “Freedom’s just another word for letting boss man choose.”


I liked Julie Annie’s quote better the way Orwell phrased it.


I’m still thinking Rudy makes a run. He won’t win the nomination, but he’s not going down this easily.

It’s depressing, but right now the Establishment Candidates, Clinton and McCain, are looking like the front-runners. Yawn.

Worst. President. Ever.

Damn! They’ve been giving me the freeze-out over at Townhall.com… maybe this will stir ’em up!


Eddie writes: Wednesday, January, 09, 2008 2:03 PM

Awfully quiet around here!

Why, it’s practically funereal… almost as if a beautiful hypothesis had just been slain by some ugly little facts…


“if Ann Coulter was circumcised” bwahahahahah


billy pilgrim:

Works better yet as “Howled out by a Monkey Banger”, but who am I to say…


‘codswallop’ is in there. Saw it and chuckled. Then I saw ‘if Ann Coulter was circumcised’ and almost lost it.


The League Of Howlers deeply resent being associated with the Pantload, his mommy or his criminal waste of trees. We must also go on record to state that there was no banging either expressed or implied. We do not speak for those rogue Howlers who are rumored to receive Wingnut Welfare bananas but cannot confirm as they are secretive little buggers.

Thank You


ortho_bob, that is truly a thing of beauty.


I agree, ‘social security is like treblinka’ is quite good. Rather than being funny, I think it’s grim in the best possible way – because it cuts right to the essence of what is totally f’in wrong, cheap and genuinely disgusting about this book.


jim, must be a relatively new addition. Good on whoever put it in. That other bit about AC is just awesome, though.


Because of his Cheetos addiction, is it fair to call him “Orange Jew-lius”?

Arky - Fascitanata



cheeto macht frei


There is no such thing as overkill when it comes to mocking Jonah. Review the excerpts from his book for the reason why. (Or, if life no longer holds any interest for you, just go ahead and read the thing).

Now for the reason I posted…

I have a question:

Is there some original source for the widespread Cheetoh slur? Did Jonah at some point write a paean to Cheetohs or something? I’ve been increasingly curious about how that running joke got started. I mean…was it actually somehow proven that Cheetohs are an exclusively conservative snack food or what?

Honestly. I am curious. Thanks in advance for anyone who actually answers seriously.


Freedom’s just another way of scoring 14 points (not counting double-letter or double-word squares).


Aha! I’ve found Jonah’s defense of his work on the book’s blog. The logic of it may blind you into submission, so if you prefer to be an oppressive anti-free speech lefty FASCIST, avert your eyes!

“Anyway, I could go on linking to negative and positive reviews — and I will! But not right now. That should give you a sense of the way the reception is shaping up for now. The more important thing is for you to buy the book. Buy it now.”


I think you need to change the name of this blog to, “Sadly, Dough!”

Just until the sinuses clear up.


What…there was actually something posted to the book blog other than “first post here”, “second post” and “third”?



As I pointed out before, and I’ll say it again, Bwad, Gavvie, and the rest of you libtards are getting your knickers in a twist over Pantload’s book precisely because IT’S TRUE.

One more time, with feeling:

If it wasn’t, you’d dismiss it with a short fisking and a contemptuous “Bah!” and return to Cheetos recipes and Pammy Atlas photoshops.

But no. Fifteen gazillion posts later, you’re still gnashing your widdle toothies (and you call Pammy a “harpie”!) over a book that wouldn’t have garnered half the attention it’s getting if you and your fellow leftist bloggers hadn’t started banging on your highchairs throwing an industrial-grade hissy fit.

But cheer up, morons. It won’t be too many years before a world leader will step on the scene that will fulfill your leftist totalitarian fantasies.

Brad adds: Dude, Jonah’s book has provided me with like two billion laughs. Why would I ever want to stop writing about it?


Silence the Pantload?

who around here wants that? By all means, keep on writing, Jonah!

Plus, if he ever lost his sinecure, he’d have to find a real job, possibly in some productive capacity. Do we really want to face the horror of being behind several other people in Jonah’s check-out line? Or maybe even allow him to run a fryer?

Arky - Fascitanata

The more important thing is for you to buy the book. Buy it now.”

Indeed, it is central to his point.


I think the blog was updated. The book cover with his name right under it makes it look like he is Hitler Smiley.



Weren’t you here a few days ago? Brad actually read several chapters of this ludicrous pile of typing and we mocked it all. Without reserve.

Fisking is appropriate for actual arguments.

a concerned citizen

“One more time, with feeling:

See, if you repeat some dumbass claim multiple times, you don’t need to use facts. Apparently you learned debating from watching those “Head-ON” commercials… you learned debating from watching those “Head-ON” commercials. See, I said it twice, so it must be true.


As I pointed out before, and I’ll say it again, Bwad, Gavvie, and the rest of you libtards are getting your knickers in a twist over Pantload’s book precisely because IT’S TRUE.

Well, you said it in ALL CAPS, so it must be true.

One more time, with feeling:

Wow, it must really be true, because you said it in BOLDED ALL CAPS.
However, no one’s gonna believe you until you say it in UNDERLINED BOLDED ALL CAPS.


Who the hell is the guy speaking in babytalk?

I Can Has Cheezburger is over there, Jonah.

Or does visiting that site just make you too hungry?


I added “vaporware” and “pantload of crap”


But cheer up, morons. It won’t be too many years before a world leader will step on the scene that will fulfill your leftist totalitarian fantasies.

Sure. Then you won’t mind if I take your car when you’re “raptured,” “Radford Steele.”

Wait, I mean “Raynard Steele.”

Sorry…”Rayford Steele”

OMG, “steele” = “Stalin”! By Reconstructionist hermeneutics, I’ve just proven that Tim LaHaye is a fascist!


“If it wasn’t [true], you’d dismiss it with a short fisking and a contemptuous “Bah!” and return to Cheetos recipes and Pammy Atlas photoshops.”

Just consider the unbelievable hilarious fun we’re having with this book, as one unbelievably loud “Bah!”, and several cookbooks of Cheetos recipes in the making.

Arky - Fascitanata

libsreallyarefascists = Craftily baseless liars.


Damn you, preview function! The underline tags were working, I swear…


libtards are getting your knickers in a twist

This post is about laughing at Jonah, and it links to a post which makes fun of Jonah.

Liberal Fascism is the Jack Chick comic of the new century.


“If it wasn’t [true], you’d dismiss it with a short fisking and a contemptuous “Bah!” and return to Cheetos recipes and Pammy Atlas photoshops.”

…after which you claim we’re ignoring it because zOMG IT IS TEH TROO! and we’re deliberately not saying anything in our sulky liebrul… something or other.

The wingnut playbook, pg. 3.


I’ve been adding tags for a couple of days now.  My latest addition.


Unfortunately, it’s not vaporware, since it was actually published. Unlike Duke Nukem Forever, the Phantom, and Starcraft: Ghost.


Chomsky showed in the 50’s — ‘Colorless green ideas sleep furiously’ — that a sentence could be well-formed and still meaningless, but he had the good sense not to prove the same could be true of an entire book.


… Fifteen gazillion posts later, you’re still gnashing your widdle toothies … Bwad, Gavvie, and the rest of you libtards blah blah blah… IT’S TWUE! … IT’S TWUE!

Fixed, and all apologies to the late great Madeleine Kahn.

Tim (the other one)

“cheetonacht” will live forever in my book. Similar to stumbling upon a Seinfeld or Curb, and just watching it again to the finish..


apparentlky our leftist toatalitarein fantasies involev a link to the :ebtry for “antichirst” on Wiki, whose crazy now?


Me nospell


Greetings commie libs I have returned and rumor has it that mikey smells like shit.

Oh liberals, by the way today is my day off from work so I’ll be here all day posting my right wing “talking points:, I just got back in from a walk around town and I stopped at a local rite-aid and bought a bag of cheetos and a bottle of mountian dew.

Thanks libs for your advice about that by the way it sure tastes good.

And by the way I just purchased Jonah’s book a borders, I am really looking forward to reading it.


Am constantly amused by the inability of wingies to distinguish mockery from anger and fear.


Isn’t it interesting that when “moronic libtards” see something that hits them right where they live, and proves them wrong about absolutely everything, their reaction is to laugh at it, point out its inherent, self-defeating absurdities and mercilessly mock the hack who fecklessly associate his name with it? But when smart, savvy conservatives in the know are challenged on a point they are absolutely convinced is self-evidently true, they become furious and apoplectic? I find that interesting. Don’t you find that interesting?


Am constantly amused by the inability of wingies to distinguish mockery from anger and fear.

Me too, and I’m constantly horrified by their inability to distinguish anger and fear from foreign policy.

Principal Blackman

Liberal Fascism is the Jack Chick comic of the new century.



You moonbats truly are fascists as is evidenced by your wanting to silence and ban anyone who disagrees with you.

Dennis Kucinabitch is also a fascist for promoting the so-called “fairness doctrine” to try and silence Conservative talk radio. Whats a matter libs, can’t compete in the free market place of ideas so you resort to shuting down Conservatives for being more successful than you?

I got news for you liberals, want to know why there is no liberal equivelent to Rush Limbaugh? Because no one wants to listen to liberals blab on about there anti-American propaganda thats why!


now take bverything booger said and substitute the word “Jew’ for liberal,

Worst. President. Ever.

C’mon, libsreallyarefacists, if we libs can’t get together and enjoy a good laugh at the expense of fucktards like you and your friend Jonah the Whale, then being Fascists totally isn’t worth the bother, and we’ll join gay abortion biker gangs or something.


But is Dennis Kucinich a classical fascist, or a liberal fascist? And would he have done the Holocaust even though Americans aren’t Germans?


It won’t be too many years before a world leader will step on the scene that will fulfill your leftist totalitarian fantasies.


That’s a terrible thing to say about Rudy.


Am constantly amused by the inability of wingies to distinguish mockery from anger and fear.

That’s because they are mocked so consistantly and so thoroughly they associate their own self-loathing, fear and hatred onto the ones doing the mocking.

Or they might just be idiots.


The more I listen to you liberals the more I realize that Jonah really hit the nail on the head.


Well, Booger, you’ve removed all doubt.


g: For wingnuts, mockery arouses anger and fear. And further, arousal of any sort arouses anger and fear. Man, they’re fucked up.


And by the way I just purchased Jonah’s book a borders, I am really looking forward to reading it.

Why don’t you go do that, then? See if you can do it without moving your lips.



“The More I listen to you jews the more i think Mr. Hilter had you figured out”


mmmm! These cheetos taste good!

Thanks for your advice about that libs.


And who over the age of 12 voluntarily calls themselves “Booger”?


Jacob Singer: We have a strict policy around here about not making fun of retards. Please be kind.


you’d dismiss it with a short fisking

Um…by definition, a “fisking” isn’t “short”: a line-by-line rebuttal of an argument is longer than the original argument.

and a contemptuous “Bah!”

What, “Jonah’s high on cheeto dust” and “I can has job, mom?” aren’t contemptuous enough for you?

How about this:

This is by far the stupidest piece of bullshitting ever created by mankind. My developmental writing students consistently wrote essays with more substance, support, and proper logic than this total waste of trees. This work would not only fail my remedial writing class, I doubt the student submitting this for placement would even qualify for my class. If the author, the editor, the publisher, or anyone involved in producing this “book” had even the tiniest sliver of competence among them or were in any way capable of self-reflection, they should recall all copies of their anal extrusion and issue a public apology. Otherwise, they should be blacklisted from participation in any form of media before this pustulant infection spreads any further and pollutes our political discourse beyond all repair.

Is that better?


Fair enough. To atone for my discrepancy, I’ll go over to BB’s Mom’s house and try to stop him from repeatedly jamming Jonah’s book into the VCR slot.


Or maybe:

Good lord, Pastor Swank makes more sense than this! And he writes better, too.


Easy there, Dorothy. You don’t want to rip open a worm hole in space-time.


So why can’t you fascists compete in the free-market place of ideas without help from the “fairness doctrine”?


To be fair, the fascists haven’t banned you, booger. It’s too bad you’re an idiot, or I’d take you shopping at the Free-Market Place of Ideas.


You know what’s kinda fun? Read every Booger/Saul post with Frank Burns’ voice in your head. Try it!

Smiling Mortician

Ortho_bob: 14 out of 15 viewers found your image helpful! I assume the fifteenth was Doughbob himself.


Here is some content from the LibFacha blog.

Well, I just gave my first official talk on the book at the Heritage Foundation. We had a nice turn out from book-buying NRO readers. I think it generally went very well, though I got some very useful advice from several folks, starting with Kate O’Beirne who was kind enough to attend (as did Ramesh). Basically I should have given the speech backwards, putting many of the points I made in the Q&A at the front of the speech.

Translation: The talk bombed. Other people had to help me make my point, which was central to my point.


Hmmm. That’s a good suggestion — maybe the entire book should be read backwards!!!


Then you wouldn’t be wearing Jonah’s hand-me-downs.


Wait, I thought that the evil librul fascist MSM was dominating the market place of ideas because of teh bias. How can conservative radio, at the same time, dominate the same market place?


And who over the age of 12 voluntarily calls themselves “Booger”?

The only person I’ve ever known who went by “Booger” had the first name of “LaVerne”. Read into that what you will…


putting many of the points I made in the Q&A at the front of the speech.

Q&A was pre-speech? I have trouble picturing that.


Shorter Loaded Pants

“Well, I just gave my first official talk on the book at the Heritage Foundation…” “I got some very useful advice from several folks…”, “Basically I should have given the speech backwards, standing on my head, putting many of the points I made in the Q&A at the front of the speech. I wanted to do that but mommy got there late and didn’t tell me what to say. Plus I should have worn my red, white and blue sateen spandex biker shorts and the helmet with the little GO USA mirrors on it. Mommy thinks that makes me look like a big boy…”

I can haz the vaaseline again tonite mommy?


Maybe the perfect flame is more appropriate.

So why can’t you fascists compete in the free-market place of ideas without help from the “fairness doctrine”?

Psst! Booger! That’s “free marketplace”. And it’s because the American free marketplace of ideas is now controlled by fewer than 10 people. And two of them aren’t even American!

The original fairness doctrine was implemented after an ugly era where corrupt newspaper owners made shit up and lied the country into pointless wars just because it sold more papers, increased their power, and got their pocket-candidates elected to office.

Thank god St. Ronnie got rid of that piece of crap, huh?

Rush and his ilk could not exist under the precepts of the original fairness doctrine because they couldn’t lie with impunity. Thus, the fairness doctrine was one of the first targets of the new movement conservatives who took Barry Goldwater’s legacy and shat all over it at the behest of their kleptocratic masters.

Curiously, the modern wingnut conservatives who constantly howl about the liberal bias in the media haven’t signed on to restoring the fairness doctrine (which would, you know, eliminate a lot of bias in the media). It’s almost like they don’t really believe all that “lying liberal MSM” bullshit they are constantly spewing.


Tim (the other one)

“mmmm! These cheetos taste good!

Thanks for your advice about that libs.”

See how he turned that Cheeto thing around on us ? Devastating..

Arky - Fascitanata

Dayv, it took me a second to get it, but you have hit on the Tags of Mass Destruction.

Let’s see, what other gooey nuggets of wisdom can I recall from Das BookenHosen?


“We had a nice turn out from book-buying NRO readers.”

All 3 of them.


Unfortunately, it’s not vaporware, since it was actually published. Unlike Duke Nukem Forever, the Phantom, and Starcraft: Ghost.

True that. But I was poking fun at the fact that the release date kept getting pushed back (until it was finally released), which is usually, but not always (see Battlecruiser 3000) a good sign of something becoming vaporware.


But I thought liberals controlled the media and that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly were lone iconoclasts standing firm in the vast, desolate aisles of our postmodern Bergen-Belsen-Wholefoods.

Either nobody wants to listen to whiny liberals or the entire media is dominated by liberals. Choose a point and stick with it.


Either nobody wants to listen to whiny liberals or the entire media is dominated by liberals. Choose a point and stick with it.

Nope, that’s the beauty of being a wingnut. Rules of logic don’t apply. Dare I say, nor does gravity.


“My other personal favorites:

* books written while high on cheeto dust (14)

* relatives in high publishing places (5)

* bored the stenographer to sleep (2)

* dialectic of cheetohlightenment (2)”

Praise from Sadly, No! You’ve made my (web) day!

Dialectic of Cheetohlightenment was my humble contribution.

Somewhere I hope Jonah might see that and try to figure out the joke.


Could Booger be replaced by (or possibly be) a rather small Perl script?


Dare I say, nor does gravity.

If you doubt gravity, how is it there are PYGMIES + DWARVES???


I bought some used books from NRO once. Most of the pictures were already colored in, though.

Arky - Fascitanata

I really shouldn’t go in to the Amazon page while at work but I did and now that my co-workers think I’m insane or choking to death, I will sum up the comments of the People’s Pro-LœdedHösen Front:

Waaah! Those stinking fascist pigs keep making fun of Johan!

Verily, it is a thing of beauty.

Greater Wingnuttia

Wow, it must really be true, because you said it in BOLDED ALL CAPS.
However, no one’s gonna believe you until you say it in UNDERLINED BOLDED ALL CAPS.

I believe nothing that doesn’t have at least 3 exclamation points!!!

Worst. President. Ever.

Since “Booger” works so hard to be a pain in the ass, why don’t we call him “Hemorrhoid “?


Holy crap “banged out by howler monkeys” (hilarious) actually brings up another hit on Amazon. A kids DVD called “The Point” starring Ringo Starr.


Q&A was pre-speech? I have trouble picturing that.

It saves time. SInce the speech will be devoid of content, people can ask him if he’s completely fucking high right off the bat.

Principal Blackman

And who over the age of 12 voluntarily calls themselves “Booger”?

He’s named after a wrestler, FYI. Not defending, just clarifying.


The beating he is taking is a thing of beauty. I wonder what is worse: being laughed at by the entire world or going to a womens college for four years and never getting laid? Only Doughy knows.


I got news for you liberals, want to know why there is no liberal equivelent to Rush Limbaugh? Because no one wants to listen to liberals blab on about there anti-American propaganda thats why!

I’m going to have to agree with Bastion Booger on this one. Liberals don’t want to listen anyone blab on with that “there anti-American propaganda,” but conservatives have no problem listening to Rush blabbing on with his conservative “anti-American propaganda.”

Bravo, BB! First reality-based thing you’ve said. Ever.


I think it generally went very well, though I got some very useful advice from several folks … Basically I should have given the speech backwards, putting many of the points I made in the Q&A at the front of the speech.

Translation: the talk was poorly prepared. I’ve had this happen to me, and it’s because your talk fails to address important points of what you’re presenting.

In my case, it was because I did a crappy job preparing a talk about a thing I did actually know about. In Jonah’s, it may have been that*, or it may have been that he never had any idea and had to make up answers in the Q&A. I’d be curious to know which.

And, like Jonah’s talk, mine was in front of a friendly audience. The Q&A session from any talk he gives to, say, real historians might be much nastier.

* That is, he knows his book very well, unless it was ghostwritten. Whether he knows anything about liberals or fascism that he didn’t make up, um, yeah.


Either nobody wants to listen to whiny liberals or the entire media is dominated by liberals. Choose a point and stick with it.

If you do that, you might as well be a liberal.

One of the things that attracts stupid people to conservatism (and vice versa) is that no one ever gets extra points for consistency.


i added something special to the doughy pantload “images section”

who knew there was such a thing.


i added something special to the doughy pantload “images section”…

That’s a bit much, but I’ll admit I laughed.

Tim (the other one)

OK, I just added an image too.


i added something special

Please unadd that from my brain.


One of the things that attracts stupid people to conservatism (and vice versa) is that no one ever gets extra points for consistency.

You know, if I were rich like George Soros, I’d hire a bunch of grad students to keep track of how often each conservative blogger contradicts him- or herself. If it’s predictable and periodic, you could just set up a site which shows their blog from that long ago every day – for instance, say Ace Of Bacon & Play-doh does a complete flip-flop every three months, you could have the anti-Ace mirror site just showing his entries, verbatim, from three months earlier. It’d be a fun little exercise to show today’s Eternal Truth™ & the opposite from the same source side-by-side, and completely automated.

I suspect conservative self-contradiction is non-periodic, though. But if you just studied the Rovian blast-fax every day for its internal contradictions and mirror the tardblogs accordingly, it should still be straightforward to have a constant stream of contradictions showing.


sorry, i should warn everyone that the image here

is not safe for…well, anything, really. work, play, sleeping at night, anything. it’s really awful.

i blame my wife, as usual.


i blame my wife, as usual.

You need to get her a little diaper.


Bastion Booger said, The more I listen to you liberals the more I realize that Jonah really hit the nail on the head.

If the nail is being hit then I guess Jonah must be the “hammerhead”, right?


Scheiss mit Reis! as they say in the Vaterland!


Fixed, and all apologies to the late great Madeleine Kahn.

“I’m sorry, Jonah — you’re sucking on your own arm.”



Well played.


UG! when I type Liberal Fascism into google, a butt-licking review by someone named D. Pipes comes up first. With all the ass-kissing, Goldberg won’t need toilet paper for a long time to come.


Liberal Fascism: The making of a book

1. Agent comes up with an inflammatory title

2. Graphic artist comes up with inflammatory cover

3. Goldberg googles different combinations of inflammatory words and cuts and pastes until his hand cramps up

4. Give the book away at a loss


4. Give the book away at a loss

5. Geek chickens in carnival sideshow forever after


RB @ 0:27: You owe me a new sinus; I impelled apple into mine.


I’m looking forward to the audiobooks version. I imagine tha ‘Load has a nasally whine.

Incontinentia Buttocks

I can’t help it…every time I read the line “the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism” I imagine it being sung by a sort of Bizarro John Lennon.

“You don’t believe it? Take a look at the one you’re with!”


5. Geek chickens in carnival sideshow forever after

“Geek” is a verb?

I’ll be damned…



“Geek” is a verb?

I’d heard it as such, because English is such a super language, but I must admit to Googling for some usage before posting.

I like the idea that there’s a nice short verb for biting the heads of things for entertainment value because you’re too pathetic for anything else.


I notice that Pantload has adopted the Face Mullet…


the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism

…and the Cheeto is the Panzerfaust of liberal fascism.


A kids DVD called “The Point” starring Ringo Starr.

Sorry to be so late on this, but I feel obliged to note that that’s the Harry Nilsson-scored song about poor little Oblio, the boy with no point oppressed by his point-having relatives.
True to Jonah’s self-defined narrative, all the people who have a point are real fascists, man, a real bring down.


Principal Blackman:

Okay, I’ll bite. Who over the age of 12 names themselves after a wrestler?

Arky - Fascitanata

I notice that Pantload has adopted the Face Mullet…

I thought he’d been snacking on a kitteh.



“who knew there was such a thing.



Ok. woo.

You just made me completely lose my shit. Right before a meeting. Face-down-on-desk laughing.

Oh Lord. Oh my good God. That is the funniest thing I think I’ve seen in well over a goddamn year.


Okay, I’ll bite. Who over the age of 12 names themselves after a wrestler?

I don’t know of any for certain – maybe this guy?


Most of the pictures were already colored in, though.

By any chance, did the scribblers come anywhere close to coloring inside the lines?


Incidentally, who came up with “cheeto-erotic asphyxiation?” I nearly spit out the apple I was eating in laugher.


I’m a little disappointed about why, “A fascist wannabe publishes his fantasies” isn’t doing better.

Hilarious catch. Jonah and Mommy the enabler must be oh-so-proud.


there’s a nice short verb for biting the heads of things for entertainment value because you’re too pathetic for anything else.
“To osborne”.


Welcome to the circus of values!


Man, there are some great tags out there.


“bored the stenographer to sleep.”

“mother boy” And in the same vein, “attend to Lucianne’s bunions.”

“dialectic of cheetohenlightenment.”

There may be some hope for this country after all. Not much, given we elected King George The Lesser twice, but when it comes to hope, you don’t need much.

Wonderful, as usual, S,N! An oasis of sanity in an insane world is all you are.


Family Circus of values?


Am I the only fan of “cheeto-erotic asphyxiation”?

Surely not.

(Ortho-Bob: You da man.)


#Bastion Booger said,

January 9, 2008 at 22:57

The more I listen to you liberals the more I realize that Jonah really hit the nail on the head.

If by ‘hitting the nail on the head’ you mean ‘smashing his thumb with the hammer, thereby driving the nail into the wood at an extreme angle,’ then yes.

And let’s all take a moment to imagine Doughbob Loadpants actually trying to use a hammer. Yes. I can see it as though it were on film.


Just thinkin here.

I want John Edwards to be my President.

I want to play poker and have a scotch with Barack Obama.

And I want Hillary Clinton to be my mom.



Incontinentia Buttocks: OMG, thanks for that link. I haven’t seen that clip in forever.

How do I love John Lennon? Let me try to begin to count the ways.


[…] fine folks at Sadly, No! are at it again. Matthew Yglesias directed them to some rather…interesting tags attached to Jonah Goldberg’s Magnum Doughpus over at […]


“To osborne”.

Come on! He still had yet to piss on the Alamo! I believe you will agree that was an important project.


Look up doughy pantload inthe Amazon images…


Sorry, I need to read better. It seems Brad and I had at least two similar favorites.

Great minds and all…

I would link this post to my site, but my 50 readers/day wouldn’t get it, so it would be wasted. To their credit, they’ve never heard of Jonah. I don’t think.


I prefer the Nietzsche Family Circus.

I love those. But the Family Circus is always funnier with captions other than the original – For example.


“holocaust denial (4)”


Tim (the other one)

I prefer the Nietzsche Family Circus.

That’s great. Isn’t there another site where there are some funny Family Circus recaptions ? I seem to remember one involving a class presentation where nuclear war breaks out.


I prefer the Nietzsche Family Circus.

I was going, as is my habit, to bring up the Lovecraft Family Circus (now mostly departed from the Internet (a few examples survive)

Then I discovered that your old pal Ace had linked to it – apparently repeatedly.
Now I don’t know what to think about it.


That’s great. Isn’t there another site where there are some funny Family Circus recaptions ? I seem to remember one involving a class presentation where nuclear war breaks out.

If you want a good laugh, check out some of the Amazon reviews for The Family Circus anthology, “What Does This Say?”. Almost of the Family Circus products at Amazon used to have such reviews, but it looks like most of them have been removed.

I tried to add a link, but it looks like The Preview Function has it in for me today…


Recaptionings of “The Family Circus?” I have no idea what you’re talking about.


“holocaust denial (4)”

Does the ‘load deny the Holocaust happened, or just belittle it grievously by implying that white males are just as oppressed as the Jews were in Hitler’s Germany?


how about “Donohue turned Reagan into a lampshade”?


ortho_bob rules.

“banged out by howler monkeys” needs more votes. I can’t hear you, people.


Technically, he just belittles it.

But they all do it that way. Ahmedinejad says “other people died during WW2 as well.” JM LePen says the holocaust took place but was a “footnote in history”. Pantload says that the American liberals are the “modern heirs” of the Nazis.


I’m looking forward to the audiobooks version. I imagine that ‘Load has a nasally whine.

Usually they get someone else to read the book, personally, I would go for that guy from Americal idol reading it in his highly sarcastic tone.


Has someone suggested this tag?:

It’s no “The Right Man”

-inspired by “It’s no ‘Shut Up and Sing'”


Technically, he just belittles it. But they all do it that way.

Aha, good point. I guess they know that to flatly deny it would make them sound as crazy as they really are.



I’d sort of prefer something with a “Green Eggs and Ham” feel to it. Y’know, play to the audience.


“Technically, he just belittles it.”

Are you sure? Belittling the Holocaust would take most of the fun, an point, out of pinning fascism on liberals.


Well crap, it isn’t taking my tags.


Ah, what the hell. There’s no way I could top “Banged out by howler monkeys.” And if anyone one of you came up with gulag cheetopelago … please. You’re hurting me.


looky what a friend of mine found in the Nietzsche Family Circus links.


Technically, he just belittles it.

I would say his treatment of the subject of gays under the Nazi regime goes beyond belittling it.


[…] This is extremely childish, but oh how it made me laugh. Via Sadly, No! […]


But I thought liberals controlled the media and that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly were lone iconoclasts standing firm in the vast, desolate aisles of our postmodern Bergen-Belsen-Wholefoods.

Too, too fucking brilliant.


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