Tuesday Night Nutpicking*

Welp, looks like Hillary won New Hampshire. Let’s see what the gibbering right-wing bonkheads have to say about it:


3 posted on 01/08/2008 7:33:55 PM PST by kbennkc (For those who have fought for it , freedom has a flavor the protected will never know)


She STOLE it!!

6 posted on 01/08/2008 7:34:25 PM PST by shiva


I knew the media were overplaying Obama’s popularity. All part of their plan.

8 posted on 01/08/2008 7:34:38 PM PST by TheRealDBear


Shocking. White liberals are closet racists…they lied to the pollsters.

11 posted on 01/08/2008 7:35:06 PM PST by Azzurri


MSM lies again. Never Trust the MSM. They lie every time. MSM lies MSM lies MSM lies


Above: Haw haw! (snuck)

18 posted on 01/08/2008 7:36:22 PM PST by Brimack34


Obama just didn’t do enough spade work, or crying…he will learn. Sarcasm/on

19 posted on 01/08/2008 7:36:35 PM PST by JohnD9207 (Lead…follow…or get the HELL out of the way!)


FWIW, the wealthy RATs went for Obama, the poor ones for Hillary – they remember bill and want the 90’s back …

21 posted on 01/08/2008 7:37:07 PM PST by 11th_VA (HUCKABEE: For an Energy Independent America !!!)


Does that mean he is going to ask for a recount because of all the exit polls and polls going into NH? LOL I CANT believe everyone was off like they were…

The tears worked, the planted “republican” that said to iron his shirt worked.


Above: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus — A Fake
Book! (Booo, Wittgenstein)

29 posted on 01/08/2008 7:38:52 PM PST by cdnerds (cdnerds.com)


I told you!!!! Once those ballots started disappearing, Hillary would win. How long before the vote tampering allegations begin?

32 posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:03 PM PST by rintense (Thompson / Hunter 2008!)


The “Wilder Effect” strikes again—white guilt to pollsters never fails.

33 posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:05 PM PST by montag813


Yeah, but the press will make sure it’s just “whites” who are racists. “Democrats” and “liberals” will be carefully omitted.

34 posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:18 PM PST by A_Former_Democrat

You know, not to make too much of that ‘spade work’ comment within the context, but sometimes it almost seems as though right-wingers have adopted the habit of projecting their specific odiousnesses onto others.

* Q.v.

[Graphic hiked from MSBuckeye]

Update: Whoops, we missed a whole other thread on the Clinton victory:

Maybe Obama can hire his Kenyan cousin to burn houses and machete children in NH in protest, like he did in his home country.

13 posted on 01/08/2008 7:42:04 PM PST by montag813

Whoah, Nellie! Obama hired Dick Cheney to machete children?


Comments: 157


Maybe I need to drink more.
Maybe I need to drink less.

But this shit makes no sense to me.

Hilary won but Obama didn’t and that proves the MSMz abunchaliarz.


Maybe they’re just delirious with relief because scHmuckabe didn’t win NH


Both Hitlery and Osama Obama are completely unelectable in the general election. Whoever the Republican candidate is, he will wipe the floor with whoever the dumocraps nominate.

mikey smells like shit

Worst. President. Ever.

Hey, shit-smeller, get aload of this:

…New Hampshire today, where voters are turning out in record numbers to express their disapproval of a failed Presidency.

CNN’s early exit polls tell the story. When asked how they feel about the Bush Presidency, the results were stunning:

Those voting Republican:

Enthusiastic – 10 percent
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic – 40 percent
Dissatisfied, but not angry – 33 percent
Angry – 16 percent

Those voting Democratic:

Enthusiastic – 2 percent
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic – 4 percent
Dissatisfied, but not angry – 28 percent
Angry – 65 percent


FWIW, the wealthy RATs went for Obama, the poor ones for Hillary – they remember bill and want the 90’s back

Yes, because the 90’s were so bad to the wealthy.


As a funnier man than I once said:

“These brownshirts are projecting like the octoplex down at the mall.”


“it’s almost as though right-wingers enjoy the habit of projecting their odiousness onto others”

Actually, I think that is a central part of their pathology. They just assume that everyone is just as sick, twisted, dastardly as they are. They behave accodingly.


When everything you have, and everything you identify as being your tribe is built around hatred and divisiveness, you cannot describe any event that primarily includes people who belong to the tribe you hate in any other terms.

It is the most primal fear, the most base prejudice, and the most vile hatred. And I’m not sure who brought this down on us, although Gingrich and Rove carry a large responsibility, but when the republic cannot stand under the divisiveness and hatred, when the dream and ideal is crushed under the spittle-spewing anger, when there’s no longer any way for all of us to live here together, then those who built the fence and manned the watchtowers will have to answer to their most basic beliefs.

I saw Romney tonight proclaiming America is the greatest nation in the world, and I found myself asking “how? How is that so?”

Do we not even need to identify the categories of our greatness? Is there some kind of contest underway? Do any other countries identify themselves in such an arrogant manner? Is there some point where patriotism becomes hubris, and hubris becomes self-destructive?

America is a great idea, and a brilliant ideal, destroyed by the very forces that created her. And the sickness is in how much horror she will wreak on her way to the dustbin of history. I’d like to be proud. But I’m just disgusted.

Keeps the kids off the streets
Gives em something to do, something to eat
This spot was a playground
This flat land used to be a town

–Soul Asylum

Evil mindless fuckers. To hate is more important than to learn….



Could someone other than the low quality shit-troll explain how Clinton’s winning means liberals are racists?


[updated images, btw]


Will tomorrow’s top political YouTube clip show outraged Obama voters chasing a terrified Matthews? (/snark.) (Except I’d really like to see the backstage clip of Matthews rolling on the floor clutching his groin and shrieking “No no no not Hillary save me Daddy Fred no no noooo… “)


Mitt Romney is right, America is the GREATEST NATION THIS EARTH HAS EVER SEEN!!! Anyone who suggests otherwise is deaf, dumb and blind and is not worthy to live in the greatness that is America!

mikey smells like shit


Alright, ban the fucker. It’s just dumb.

On the other hand, I feel better about Hillary winning. At least she pisses off the right people. Megan will probably go back to misspelling her name.


I agree with that free republic poster about hanging traitors. Jane Fonda is a pinko commie scumbag!

mikey smells like shit


By the way I am not advocating hanging Jane Fonda.

mikey smells like shit


“Obama just didn’t do enough spade work, or crying…he will learn. Sarcasm/on”

No, you motherfucking mouthbreathing 5-tooth-per-household shit-



Alright, ban the fucker. It’s just dumb.

Seconded. The “mikey smells like shit” incarnation is the most tedious of all. But your call – I can scroll past “I like pie!” pretty easy.


I hope Hillary wins the primary then the general that way we can fix all the shit Bush brought upon this country and make america more like europe.


“mikey smells like shit” smells like Jenkem.


250k people showed up to vote Democratic, only 200k shows up to vote Republican.

Not a good year to be a Republican.


diff brad – after your traumatic experience with the EU, I can’t imagine how you’ve managed to put it all behind you and hope to make America more like Europe. But I applaud your bravery, sir. You are a true survivor.


Alright, ban the fucker. It’s just dumb.

Mr. Troll, will you please go away for awhile?

I hate banning people, but it’s really getting boring. I’m asking nicely for a respite.


You know, there’s trolling, and then there’s witless trafficking in obscenity…


Thank you Jennifer, Europe for all its faults is a much more enlightened society than the us, and also there are very few wingnuts.


I knew the media were overplaying Obama’s popularity. All part of their plan.

It must be tiring to be paranoid. The excerpted claptrap in the post reminds me all too much of Democratic Underground and, on a bad thread, FDL. Glib, defeatist crap. I’m no Pollyanna but I’d rather try to take a less learned-helpless view of things.

I mean really. Our political pundits have at best a one-hour attention span. They certainly have biases but it’s hard to imagine them having elaborate plans.


Ya know what? I think the troll has stollen someone else’s handle.


My 2 year old has taken to doing raspberries for long periods of time … like 5 minutes of continuous raspberrying, broken only by the need to occasionally take a breath …

This MSLS troll is like that. Only less articulate.


I think the troll has stollen someone else’s handle.

Agreed, the MSLS manifestation does often stoop to it.


I knew the media were overplaying Obama’s popularity. All part of their plan.

I just posted this elsewhere, but it’s appropriate here too, I think:


I’m glad the media script wasn’t bought by the voters. Though I’m not sure an active rejection of it had anything to do with Hillary’s win.

The primary process in the two states couldn’t be more different. If there’s one thing we’ve heard over and over again, it’s how effective Obama’s Iowa operation was. An effective operation for winning in a caucus is quite a bit different from what it takes to win a primary. And primary voting is how all the other states do it.

That doesn’t mean Clinton has it in the bag, of course, though it suggests why a pundit blinded by his own script could have failed to see that the NH outcome could not be predicted by the outcome of the Iowa caucus.

South Carolina will be interesting, because it will be the first contest with a large African-American voting bloc, because Edwards is a southerner, and because southerners might be less likely to vote for a woman/white southerners might be less likely to vote for an African American. Or maybe not. I’m not a pundit, so I won’t pretend to know how it will play out, but basic common sense tells me that at this point, it’s still anybody’s game to win or lose.


Gavin should really consider banning the fucker!

Its all getting very old and tiring.


The last two posts weren’t the real me. I guess Kevin is taking it personally.
Thankfully you lot are smart enough to recognize the different syntax, but that’s obnoxious. I’m not sure that was Gavin, either.
I think locking Kevin into one name looks like a good call.


Oy, not me at 7:44, neither.


…basic common sense tells me that at this point, it’s still anybody’s game to win or lose.

Interesting thoughts, Jennifer. I agree. This is the first primary I’ve been interested in, though my paying attention to politics at all is a relatively recent development (I did vote in the ’04 primaries, but only by accident. I happened to be wandering past the polling location and a nearby pamphleteer brought my attention to it.)



You guys smell something?

Damn. What IS that?



Yay, real Gavin. Danke.


Sorry, diff brad, for responding to a troll in diff brad clothing. Though in my defense, it was a snarky response.


Ok this whole troll thing is getting really lame.

On the bright side, it looks like its not going to be a good year for the rethuglicans.


Oy, not me at 7:44, neither.

Same person I just asked to please cool it. Someone just paid a visit to the spam filter, alas.

What’s so interesting about posting 900 thoughtless troll comments here? I mean, a few is understandable, but what’s with keeping it up every few minutes for an entire evening?


Gavin if I didn’t already I would love you forever for that Magic Card. I am crying here.

Also, did anyone else particularly enjoy “BALLS…(For those who have fought for it , freedom has a flavor the protected will never know)”

too childish?


…but what’s with keeping it up every few minutes for an entire evening?

An appalling lack of imagination and very high boredom threshold are the primary prerequisites for trolling.


I mean, a few is understandable, but what’s with keeping it up every few minutes for an entire evening?

Oh, sure, Mr. “I’m engaged to a real woman and I have a life and shit”.

Some of us have less to look forward to.

Huh? Oh yeah.

Never mind…



too childish?

Absolutely – I thought it was hilarious.


Hehe, no fear Jennifer. Kevin doesn’t have it in him to irk me. The saddest part is he probably thinks he’s the life of S,N!


I liked the balls.

Er…never mind.


Isn’t that wingnut protestor holding the Anne Coulter sign Ben Stein?


Gavin, if you, or anyone here, really understood why trolls troll, I’d be worried about you.
It’s like asking why someone is a movement conservative. Somewhere along the way, someone did them real damage, and they’ve been emotional cripples ever since. I half pity them, when they’re in a truly impotent situation such as this.
I just wish this were a rational world and GW was as easily dismissed as Kevin.


Wow, they’ve been driven out of what was left of their minds this time. It’s like somebody ran the sound of explosive diarrhea through voice recognition software and transcribed the result.


Romney’s got TWO “silver medals” now. Two seventeen-million dollar silver medals.


We could never hate them as much as they hate themselves.


Oh, and I like pie.


I wonder how wingnuttistan is gonna take it now that anti-torture McCain is surging in the polls?

We all know how torture is every wingnuts wetdream.


Maybe Obama can hire his Kenyan cousin to burn houses and machete children in NH in protest, like he did in his home country.

Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia…what’s the difference? This is central to my point.


I mean, a few is understandable, but what’s with keeping it up every few minutes for an entire evening?

Seems obvious to me. Inject enough garbage into the stream that the value derived from reading SN! requires too much effort. Good people go elsewhere, good comments go unread. It’s a sustained campaign to devalue SN!

I’m still here reading, sometimes commenting, but I’ve abandoned many a thread and I’m sure most others have as well.

The ideal of free speech is noble, but an endless stream of gibberish is not speech, it’s noise whose only purpose is to drown out others.

I applaud tonight’s banning. Please MOAR! 😉


Freedum haz a flavr: BALLZ !!!lol!


I just love it how wingnut oppose abortion and yet they just love state sanctioned murder.


Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia…what’s the difference? This is central to my point.

I just tinkered with the line a bit.

This is central to my point.

Tim (the other one)

“Obama just didn’t do enough spade work”

Get the fuck out !


Hopefully enough wingnuts will kiss Jonah’s doughy ass so he’ll write another fabulous piece of comedy.

I could use some more good laughs.


Uhm, Gavin I think you missed the point of ‘nutpicking’. That is, picking out isolated posts.
posted on 01/08/2008 7:33:55 PM PST
posted on 01/08/2008 7:34:25 PM PST
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posted on 01/08/2008 7:36:35 PM PST
posted on 01/08/2008 7:37:07 PM PST
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posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:03 PM PST
posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:05 PM PST
posted on 01/08/2008 7:39:18 PM PST
posted on 01/08/2008 7:42:04 PM PST

That there was more of a Whingerbombing….


That doesn’t mean Clinton has it in the bag, of course, though it suggests why a pundit blinded by his own script could have failed to see that the NH outcome could not be predicted by the outcome of the Iowa caucus…

Never underestimate NH’s bipartisan support of the Ornery Party. Remember Bush the First’s “Most Unsatisfactory Supreme Court Pick Ever”, David Souter? The hidebound conservative who actually turned out to believe in smaller government and not fvcking around with the Constitution? New Hampster born and bred, Justice Souter. As soon as Teh Media Villagers started taking about “Obama-mania” and “Huck-mentum”, they might as well have hung giant KICK ME signs around their necks.

On the other hand, because I am pretty damned ornery myself, I think John Edwards gave the best speech of the evening. Right now Edwards/Obama is as close as I can come to a dream ticket, and Obama/Clinton is the one I perceive as most unbeatable, but any combination of the top three Democrats looks so much better than any combination the Repubs are liable to put together that I am almost secure in my Bluestate Nation dreams.

And finally, I am kicking myself for not finding a way to bet actually money on the Permanent Republican Party settling for the McCain/Romney combo — Bob Dole ver. 2008, now with added Truthiness(tm)!!! — because with the Democrats pulling in half again as many voters as the Repubs in both Iowa and NH, the RNC may not have to threaten nearly as hard to get Romney to fold before March.


Maybe Obama can hire his Kenyan cousin to burn houses and machete children in NH in protest, like he did in his home country.

And remember folks: these people live and work among us. You just never know what friendly coworker also happens to post this stuff on the internets.


And remember folks: these people live and work among us. You just never know what friendly coworker also happens to post this stuff on the internets.

however, the brown shirts are a good tip off.


So if Obama had won and she’d lost they’d be calling voters sexist pigs? Wha?


Shocking. White liberals are closet racists…

I can sort of see that commentor’s logic. The participants in any Democratic state primaries are necessarily racist, sexist or classist, depending on whether they fail to vote for Obama, Clinton or Edwards. Of course a sufficiently determined participant could probably find some way of voting three times, once for each of them, but then commentors 29 and 32 would find some way of complaining about that instead.

Gavin, would it be too much a breach of your solemn Blogger Integrity vows if you told us some of the other handles belonging to the banned troll? I realise that I could find anyway by waiting a day or two and seeing which people aren’t turning up for their helping of pie, but if parenthood has taught me one thing, it is that deferred gratification sucks.


I think the Dems have developed a strategy whereby different candidates will win different primaries, each in turn becoming the front-runner. This will make the heads of pundits and wingnuts alike spin around and around like a centrifuge until they explode. I suspect they have a pool set up for picking which primary victory will turn whose head into shrapnel.


Buggeryfuck. Lesley got there first.


So, here’s the candidates, and the delegates that they have won in the past two races:

Won: 11 (NH) + 17 (IA) Total: 28
Committed Delegates: 183

Won: 12 (NH) + 18 (IA) Total: 30
Committed Delegates: 76

Won: 4 (NH) + 17 (IA) Total: 21
Committed Delegates: 52

If you look at the delegates that Hillary and Obama have won, you would think Obama is ahead slightly. However, there seems to be some sort of electoral voodoo going on, since certain delegates from states that haven’t even had their primary/caucus yet are already committed. Can someone explain that to me? Also, it’s pretty interesting to note that Edwards took as many delegates in Iowa as Hillary, and only 1 fewer than Obama. I Guess Iowa doesn’t really count for much after all.

Hillary has a huge lead on Obama. Even if the remaining states break even for the two of them (not likely, since Hillary still polls well ahead of Obama in national surveys), it would still be too close to determine who would get the nomination. But that’s a what-if scenario.

In reality, Hillary is in a very commanding position right now. She has weathered Obamamania and come out on top. My Prediction: Hillary gets the nomination, with Edwards and Obama a close second and third, respectively, in number of delegates. The ticket will be Hillary/Edwards.


Fuck, that’s me above.


Won: 1 (NH) + 17 (IA) + 0 (WY)Total: 18
Committed Delegates: 21

Won: 4 (NH) + 12 (IA) + 8 (WY)Total: 24
Committed Delegates: 30

Won: 7 (NH) + 3 (IA) Total: 10
Committed Delegates: 10

Thompson came in second in WY, winning him the equivalent of a ‘flying fuck’ of political relevancy. I’ve exluded him, because most people don’t take him seriously. I don’t think even he takes his campaign seriously. 9iu11iani is a joke by now. Nonetheless, I’m sure his weak showing in NH will give him a reason to talk about 9/11.

McCain is the only Republican that doesn’t have any pre-committed delegates. I guess he really is hated in his own party. Romney, despite not doing well in any one race, has finished decently in all races. This gives him more delegates than any other Republican candidate, but I somehow doubt he can build a political future for himself by finishing second all the time. Yeah, he took first in WY, but no one seems to care. All the headlines are about NH. I predict Romney running as VP on McCain’s campaign.


Almost forgot to add: the above is using data from CNN. Something’s not adding up right, becuase they’re showing Obama with 1 more delegate than Clinton for NH, despite Clinton winning.


I am happy with the outcome tonight for several reasons.

a. Wingnut trolls are in a fear-induced lather.

b. I actually support Hillary, but love me my other Dems, too.

c. Her victory has made the “liberal” media, who have been giving her campaign a non-stop obit for four days now, look like the ass hat-wearing asshats they truly are.

d. Pollsters are getting the axe as I type.

e. Democratic voters (if you believe the pollsters I just maligned) voted on issues while Republicans continue their search for a candidate to shot gun a king can of Coors Light with.

f. Rudy Giuliani might as well have come in 911th place – not that doing so wouldn’t have given him wood, but…

g. The Democratic turnout was incredible. You’d think they were giving away free abortions or cocaine or gay stuff or other things Free Republic members think Democrats care about.

All in all, I iz happy.

Congrats to my party.


Oh, and Huckabee is a strictly Southern/Bible-Belt candidate. I expected him to do a lot better in WY. I don’t think the established GOP has to worry about him too much.



Chef Brian: He’s like Freepers, but with better art.

So, color me wrong, but there ARE fifty primaries, yes? Now, usually, once a front runner has been established, everyone else drops out, thus making the rest moot. So let’s say this is a close race that goes on for ~15 primaries. Whatever.
Two, TWO!, of them have a slightly different outcome. This, to them, proves that black is white, up is down, dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!

First they were awe-struck that the liberals voted for a liberal. Now, they’re hooting in victory, because this proves that liberals really HATE the first liberal they voted for.

But you know what? They’re right. The fact that the black guy lost the second of maybe two dozen elections proves that liberals really hate black guys. Which is why us Republicans can pull with pride and camaraderie the lever for the black candidate in our own party’s cauc…. ooooooooohh. Right. Yeah.
But liberals are the racists.


Why the fuck does the Free Republic need 70k?

They planning on hiring a real graphic artist to do their 9/11 tribute murals?

The ones featuring Jesus hugging Santa between the smoldering towers while an eagle tears up flying overhead carrying an American flag?



That reminds me: Whatever happened with Ace o’ Spades’ banner that Gavin or Brad or someone was touching? It was looking pretty epic that last time I saw it.


Blargh, I should have blockquoted this:

Why the fuck does the Free Republic need 70k?

They planning on hiring a real graphic artist to do their 9/11 tribute murals?

The ones featuring Jesus hugging Santa between the smoldering towers while an eagle tears up flying overhead carrying an American flag?

In my last post. I am getting tired. And stupid.

Tim (the other one)

well, based on soul and conviction alone; I’ve reached a decision:


Lets just cut to the chase.
Obama is a nigger.
Hillery is a whore.
Edwards is a faggot.
The only solution is Bloomberg… or maybe McCain.


Oh, forgot to mention that my shit smells like pie.


How do you have protection from landwalk? Seriously. I call photoshop.


“After a fierce battle for the first-in-the-nation primary, New Hampshire voters chose Washington stalwarts Sen. John McCain and Sen. Hillary Clinton and their message that only decades of experience can bring about change — the buzzword of this year’s presidential race.”

Fuck yeah! They paid their dues and lived the softcoreporn life and knawed the dead rat off their jugular, those muthafuckers deserve to be frontrunners! USA! USA!


Tim (the other one) said,
January 9, 2008 at 10:25

well, based on soul and conviction alone; I’ve reached a decision:

Me and John Kay would like to say, ” Oh dude. why did you have to do that? Goddamn that sucks”.


Smut Clyde said,

Gavin, would it be too much a breach of your solemn Blogger Integrity vows if you told us some of the other handles belonging to the banned troll? I realise that I could find anyway by waiting a day or two and seeing which people aren’t turning up for their helping of pie, but if parenthood has taught me one thing, it is that deferred gratification sucks.>/i>

Stop with the crybaby stuff already. Ignore, what are you new to the intertoobes? Goddamn its no wonder people laugh at you liberals always whining about “saul” or “smells of shit”. Just ignore the dumbass.
In fact, I’m now going to ignore you. Nannee.


I will probably now slip off to practice my html tags.


Among my people, whining about trolls is a gesture of appreciation.


I think that the new commanding primary position of Hillary Clinton will prove most meaningful after we’ve had a few years to reflect upon it under President McCain.



You guys smell something?

Damn. What IS that?

You scared a guy so badly he shat his pants. Not just a little turd slipping out, but a torrent of toxic greasy monkey splatter shit that shot out the seams of his pants and up his back.

Like all fRightwingers he can’t take responsibility for his own problems so he’s blaming the smell on you.

Worst. President. Ever.

Just back from entering a comment over at TownHall on the Daniel Pipes article from below… we’ll see how long it takes me to get banned over there…


Eddie writes: Wednesday, January, 09, 2008 9:18 AM

Hmmm… no answer….

Well, after having asked repeatedly for anyone, including Mr. Pipes himself, to provide an instance of Jonah Goldberg’s definition of “fascism”, and not getting an answer, I’m going to be so bold as to assert that is because his book studiously avoids defining the word.

And that is intellectually dishonest.

Since the point of his book is that he objects to the supposed misuse of the word by others who hurl it as a mindless political insult, it is incumbent on him to actually define the term.

Instead he engages in such frivolous misuse of the word himself as to make a joke of all previous misuse by others.

Yes, Mr.Goldberg, it is true, as you state, that under President Roosevelt, German and Japanese people were sent to internment camps during World War II.

It is equally true that in the UK, under Prime Minister Winston Churchill, exactly the same thing happened.

No, I’m not making this up, go see for yourself:

http://www.annefrankguide.com/en-GB/bronnenbank.asp?oid=448 4

But Roosevelt the liberal is tarred as a Fascist while Churchill the conservative is not.

This is so thoroughly dishonest as to be shameful to any honest conservative.

Worst. President. Ever.

Oops, the link above got the last number chopped off somehow! Try this:



Getting banned at Toonhall isn’t as prestigious as getting banned at the FREErepublic. but you’ll still feel good about yourself.


Saul asks:

However, there seems to be some sort of electoral voodoo going on, since certain delegates from states that haven’t even had their primary/caucus yet are already committed. Can someone explain that to me?

The Democratic convention also includes so-called superdelegates who are not selected by primaries or caucuses. They include all Democratic members of Congress, members of the Democratic National Committee, and other elected officials. I’m presuming those are the extra delegates in the count.


I got banned by the Freepers just for suggesting that they should live up to their “rugged individualist” cred on a thread where all the Freepi were whining about their tech jobs being outsourced. I told them, hey, I went and did tile-setting for awhile when I couldn’t find a job. There’s no shame in “manual” labor, and if it pays the bills, it’s better than sitting around whining about having no job or money. Their position, meanwhile, was that as college grads they shouldn’t have to get their hands dirty. Boo hoo hoo and so on.

Boom, that was it. I wuz banned.


How does McCain get elected? Are people going to forget about the Iraq War, the WMD’s, the Office of Special Plans, Schiavo, Abramoff, Plame, the price of gas and milk, the housing FAIL, the debt, the lack of accountability, EURUSD, teh Pantload, Toonhall, Freerepublic, GOE, Megan, Kristol…I know bush was elected twice, but Mien Gott, how stupid can America be?

Is McCain going to run away from bush, run as a Democrat, reject the GOP and it’s massive FAILS – because that’s the only way I see him winning.


Nice job Jennifer, especially referring to them as College Grads, you know they hate that, Colleges being all fascists institutions of higher learning and shit.

I was banned a few times – mostly during the run-up to the Iraq War, it seems they believed the bullshit and I didn’t.


I like the gnashing and garment rending that goes on when the difference in votes between Obama and Clinton is a mere 2 points, and some 8000 votes in a small state. What, no gnashing over Huckabee’s showing?

I also truly appreciate their concern over the fairness of the vote counting. Perhaps they’ll set their sites on investigations into Ohio, 2004.


Nope, no gnashing over Huckabee’s showing. He wasn’t the one crying in order to produce votes. As Hillary said in a private conversation:

It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to
Dr BLT as Beverly Hillarybilly


Ah, fuck off BLT. Hillary wasn’t the one who made it an issue.

I’m and Edwards supporter, but I really hate this fucking “she’s too emotional/she’s too calculating” bullshit.

Go worry about your own Republican cry babies, and leave the Democrats alone.


Seriously, it’s not like she was convicted of a crime and cried her ass off after before being courted off to prison.

Or you know 9ui11ani crying on 911, as if.


-after before-….did I just do that?


Here are the lyrics. Hillary, read ’em and weep:

It’s my “Party” and I’ll Cry if I Want to
(parody lyrics by Dr BLT)

it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
cry if I want to
cry if I want to
you would cry too
if it got you more votes

nobody knew
where my fans had all gone
on that cold Iowa night
why did they flock to Obama
not me
such a pitiful sight

it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
cry if I want to
cry if I want to
you would cry to
if it got you more votes

last night in New Hampshire
my teardrops paid off
I was the comeback kid
I think I will cry me a river next time
in my presidential bid

it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
cry if I want to
cry if I want to
you would cry to
if it got you more votes

Barak Obama
just walked through the door
like a dog
that’s just bin beat
amazing, what a few of my teardrops will do
man, the taste of victory’s sweet!

it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
cry if I want to
cry if I want to
you would cry to
if it got you more votes


I don’t get it. I took at look at Malkin’s blog and read this

“As I mentioned earlier this evening, I filed my syndicated newspaper column mid-afternoon anticipating a Hillary loss. I tweaked it late tonight for tomorrow’s edition of the NYPost and am posting it below.”

She first wrote a column that revolved around Clinton losing (because she’s the Anti-Christ). After Hillary won, Malkin ‘tweaked’ her column to write about Clinton winning (because she’s the Anti-Christ). Now that’s integrity in writing folks. ANd hardly what I’d call a ‘tweak’.

Course, if I was a bastard, I could point out that Stalking Malkin got it all wrong (once again) and only managed, by the skin of her teeth, to rewrite the piece and appear to be the great pundit that she’d like folks to think she is. But I’m most certainly not a bastard. So I won’t…


“Those voting Democratic:

Enthusiastic – 2 percent
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic – 4 percent”

Exactly who makes up this 6% of Democrats who support Herr Chimp?!? I want names!

How on earth can you be a self-identifed D and have “enthusiastic” support for that idiot???



Did any of these assholes going on about Hillary crying like a girl actually watch the video in question? I didn’t even see a tear,let alone any crying. Frankly,I think she’s showing remarkable restraint in not grabbing one of these morons by the throat and kicking their nutsacks repeatedly. For actual tears,what about John Boehner on the floor of the House snivelling like a baby? Hmm? Not once,but TWICE.

And why,oh why did I see Ralph FUCKING Reed on CNN last night sitting next to Bill Bennett? Why? Shouldn’t Reed be in hiding or off spending that sweet,sweet Abramoff money on hookers and crack?


“And why,oh why did I see Ralph FUCKING Reed on CNN last night sitting next to Bill Bennett?”

Did you want to punch him in the face like I did? I gave up on CNN last night, If they wanna have discredited corrupt ex-GOP on their payrolls, they don’t need me watching.


And why,oh why did I see Ralph FUCKING Reed on CNN last night sitting next to Bill Bennett?”

The spouse and I were cracking each other up last night making up fake quotes for Bill, as in , “Well, I’d put my money on….”


“I didn’t even see a tear,let alone any crying.”

I’ll admit it wasn’t uncontrollable sobbing, but for an iceberg like Hillary, that’s about all she could produce. She was clearly making an effort to cry, obviously she wasn’t convincing enough for you.


Dr BLT – are you personally acquainted with Hillary Clinton?

No? Then you clearly have no fucking business talking about her emotional being. Shut the fuck up.

And no, I am not personally acquainted with you, but nevertheless, I can state with full authority that you are a lying, dishonest, charlatan, totally without ethics, and a manipulative enabler in your personal life. There’s also that weird sexual thing you do. And the skin condition.


Wow, they’ve been driven out of what was left of their minds this time. It’s like somebody ran the sound of explosive diarrhea through voice recognition software and transcribed the result.

Fucking brilliant. I’m going to have to try that. Maybe I’ll write a book like that.

Oh, right.


Gavin, would it be too much a breach of your solemn Blogger Integrity vows if you told us some of the other handles belonging to the banned troll?

Well, I really, really don’t like to look at people’s IP numbers or other data unless there’s something troublesome going on — ethos being that I have the whole front page to play with, while comments ought to belong to everybody equally.

But the troublesome stuff is usually one of two or three people. They seem to alternate, more or less (i.e., it’s usually just one of them at a time).


Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night totally kicked Tweety and Pat Buchanan’s butts re: Hillary’s “crying.” (BTW: Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago Hillary was being crucified for her laugh?) She brought up Mittens’ three crying episodes in recent weeks and why wasn’t that Big News? Tweety coughed up some hairball about how it was closer to the primary than when the Mittster crybabied over whatever. Poor ol’ Pat “Hey! I Thought We Were in a Culture War for America’s Soul!” Spew-cannon hemmed and hawed. It was lovely.


Fucking brilliant. I’m going to have to try that. Maybe I’ll write a book like that.

Oh, right.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?


Gavin: Is there any way to fix it so that when one of the jagoff trolls posts it shows up as pie script? I don’t know nothin’ ’bout settin’ up no InternetsTubes thingies.


Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Yes, I’ve been beaten to the punch once again.


I really do want to try that, though.


The Hilary crying story is this year’s equivalent to Howard Dean’s “yell” last time around.


Gavin: Is there any way to fix it so that when one of the jagoff trolls posts it shows up as pie script? I don’t know nothin’ ’bout settin’ up no InternetsTubes thingies.

Oh, what you do is (assuming you use Firefox) install the Greasemonkey extension, and then run this script.


The Hilary crying story is this year’s equivalent to Howard Dean’s “yell” last time around.

You mean something the MSM blows way out of proportion just to smear? Yes, yes it is.

Arky - Fascitanata

I’ll admit it wasn’t uncontrollable sobbing, but for an iceberg like Hillary, that’s about all she could produce. She was clearly making an effort to cry, obviously she wasn’t convincing enough for you.

Shorter: If Hilary were a real girl she would have been gushing tears. But she’s a frigid butch cyborg and could only muster a trickle of oil!


Gavin: No, I know how to do it for my own self — I mean, can you set the blog up so you don’t have to ban the troll(s), but when it comments, all that shows up in the thread itself is “I like pie!” instead of troll blather? That way you don’t have to ban, and no one has to read what the troll sez.


Arky: Hillary’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t, no matter what she does or doesn’t do. I almost want to see her win just to make the MSM look like the foolish full-of-crap bloviating know-nothing pompous gasbag corporate toadies they are.


can you set the blog up so you don’t have to ban the troll(s), but when it comments, all that shows up in the thread itself is “I like pie!” instead of troll blather? That way you don’t have to ban, and no one has to read what the troll sez.

Is there an artificial intelligence program which detects unintelligence? McAfee WingNut Filter 5.4?

Arky - Fascitanata

I hear you loud and clear MzNicky. I guess insecure dweebs who get stuck in the “Girls have cooties!” phase of social development are a feature, not a bug. But then, I’m a big ol girly man so I probably don’t get it. Perhaps it proves one’s superific manlitude to brave the cooties and date a mysterious she-beast? Or at least try. Over and over and over.



Gavin: No, I know how to do it for my own self — I mean, can you set the blog up so you don’t have to ban the troll(s), but when it comments, all that shows up in the thread itself is “I like pie!” instead of troll blather? That way you don’t have to ban, and no one has to read what the troll sez.

What if there were an option to convert trolls to pie? Like, you could select troll mode, or switch to pie mode.


What if there were an option to convert trolls to pie? Like, you could select troll mode, or switch to pie mode.

Problem is, that would only work if it was the default, and I imagine given the hands-off comment policy around here that would be something you all would be comfortable doing.

Otherwise, you have people responding to the trolls, quoting the trolls, and so on and that kinda limits the effectiveness of the scripts or anything else.

(This is all assuming y’all are being serious about this. If not, carry on and never mind me!)


Is there an artificial intelligence program which detects unintelligence?

Sadly, No – I’ve done a fair lump of graduate-level study in text processing, and the whole effort is still embryonic. It’s possible to get a very vague idea that a given piece of text has something to do with Topic Of Interest X, but any kind of detailed understanding is still far beyond us – and unfortunately, necessary to spot stupidity as much as to spot anything else in particular.


SamFromUtah: Actually, I was kidding, but probably should not have been so presumptuous about AI text processing, unless I had been given a free job by my mother at a fully funded set of “tank thunks”, in which case I would make sure that the degree of presumptuousness had never been extended with such care, or in such detail.


Moonbat Rising said,

January 9, 2008 at 17:13

I don’t get it. I took at look at Malkin’s blog and read this

“As I mentioned earlier this evening, I filed my syndicated newspaper column mid-afternoon anticipating a Hillary loss. I tweaked it late tonight for tomorrow’s edition of the NYPost and am posting it below.”

She first wrote a column that revolved around Clinton losing (because she’s the Anti-Christ). After Hillary won, Malkin ‘tweaked’ her column to write about Clinton winning (because she’s the Anti-Christ). Now that’s integrity in writing folks. ANd hardly what I’d call a ‘tweak’. ”

I also find that amazing that she kept the piece tittled “Clintons in Crisis.” Crisis? Crisis after she won the NH primary? Really, Michelle?

I’d call you a lazy partisan hack but I’d be short two words to attach to Jessie.


g, you’re pretty touchy about that Hillary issue. I hope you’re not going to start crying too. Oh, BTW, many have already tried to shame me into not contributing here by making a bunch of stuff up about me. It hasn’t worked. I keep coming back. I have a right to my opinion about how to interpret Hillary’s “moment,” just like you do. It’s opinion. It’s different than yours. I thought differences were something to celebrate. Isn’t that the liberal way?


Yeah, maybe an on-off switch. If I see a recognizable troll name at the top of a comment, I automatically scroll straight through to the next comment. But then these creeps start using other people’s names, or other commenters do read their crap and engage, and then newer commenters don’t realize they’re trolls and start in on them, which only feeds the pathetic troll need for shit-stirring attention, etc., etc., and before you know it there’s Republicanism in the land and mass hysteria, chaos, dogs and cats living together, monks masturbating at night and God knows what all, and all of this is of course central to my point that has never been made with such great detail and care. So yeah, maybe an on-off switch.


Like, you could select troll mode, or switch to pie mode.

Or how about to pie á la mode! Even better.


I need to think about printing up a gross or twelve of “Free Woodchipper*” coupons, along with instructions to “please consider jumping head-first into this free woodchipper, thereby saving the rest of the world from your malicious stupidity”. Then I can start compiling my near-infinite list of recipients, starting with the Village broderites and continuing from there into Greater Wingnuttia.

*metaphorical woodchipper. Coupon has no cash value and is not redeemable for any product and/or service.


I love how wingnuts point to the Bradley/Wilder effect, while simultaneously ignoring that Obama’s poll results and real vote results were astonishingly similar — 37% to 36%.

I mean, when do polls actually nail it like that? Fuck me, the two candidates were separated by, what, 10k votes? I guess admitting that the polls were accurate about Obama would carry the collateral burden for wingers of admitting that Hitlery’s a strong closer and that her campaign’s got a top-drawer GOTV apparatus.


If only we could shut down all who disagree with us, the world would be such a safe ideological place. We’d never have to be challenged on our B.S., we’d never have to look in the mirror and we could contine to perpetuate our groupthink without any sense of discomfort at all.

Sure, a troll-free blog community would be a peaceful pond, but it would be a stagnant one as well.

Many who are not considered trolls here demonstrate much worse behavior than the so-called “trolls.” Instead of putting forth intelligent arguments, they immediately resort to name-calling, shaming, and ad hominem attacks, in a pathetic, cowardly attempt to go un-challenged in their narrow points of view.


How about hot apple pie with cheddar cheese and rum sauce?


We’d never have to be challenged on our B.S., we’d never have to look in the mirror and we could contine to perpetuate our groupthink without any sense of discomfort at all.

Yeah, because that’s what trolls are always doing. The big window to the soul, gotcha.


I said: “Many who are not considered trolls here demonstrate much worse behavior than the so-called ‘trolls'”

I said “many,” but please allow me to qualify my remarks. Many of you are good people, though abysmally misguided. A few who visit and comment here (like g for example) display much worse behavior than most of the so-called “trolls.”


Gavin- I’d suggest locking certain ip’s to one name for comments, if it’s doable. That way the pie, or walkies, script can do its thing without any problems or name-stealing.


Yeah, watch out, g. That creepy fuck BLT will threaten to sue you. Big New York Law Firm and all…



I generally don’t go there, mikey, because I’ve learned that if somebody really crosses the line in a profound way, then simply acting instead of talking about it, is the way to go.

Instead, I’ve found lots of support around here from a core group of very decent people here, people who uphold a high standard of blog etiquette and who want to love free speech—-people who may despise my point of view, but who also don’t like to witness somebody who is generally polite and respectful being viciously attacked by lies, rumors and innuendoes that have no basis in fact.


Dr BLT likes pie!
See, I didn’t know that.


I prefer Cake, as indicated in my cameo in this MTV-award-nominated music video:


Yes, it’s been downhill ever since, with the exception of one of my songs being named the #8 best song of 2006 by Blogcritics magazine writer Al Barger, and having a few minor mp3 internet “hit” songs (we’re talking thousands, not hundreds of thousands of downloads).

But, in an admitted shallow sense, I did enjoy those 15 weeks of fame, and indicated here:

Short Part/Long Cake Music Video
words and music by Dr. BLT & Brian Benson, (c)2006



You’ve made this about me, I didn’t. You’ve really got to learn to ignore trolls.


The Wilder effect – that’s whites assuaged of their guilt by Gene Wilder, right? 😉


Batocchio:I thought it involved shoe polish, like in “Silver Streak”.

Greater Wingnuttia

Anne Laurie said,

And finally, I am kicking myself for not finding a way to bet actually money on the Permanent Republican Party settling for the McCain/Romney combo

Here ya go Anne…



That’s better. Even ex-trolls should be ignored. Starve them, and they will go look for food elsewhere.


Batocchio:I thought it involved shoe polish, like in “Silver Streak”.

So back in like 19 something or other my uncle took me to the groovy uniplex to watch that “funny movie” with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. I’m thinking, “Cool! I can’t wait to see Stir Crazy!” How disappointing was I when it turned out they were showing a re-release of “Silver Streak.” True story.


Those who mention it most are the ones who love it.


Those who mention it most are the ones who love it.

Works for Republicans and homosexuality anyway.


I would say that this is true for anybody, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise that appears fixated on the topic. On the issue of homosexuality, and gay rights, things are not quite as split along party lines as they once were.

There are more and more social conservatives who identify themselves as Democrats and more and more social liberals who identify themselves as Republican.


I generally don’t go there, mikey, because I’ve learned that if somebody really crosses the line in a profound way, then simply acting instead of talking about it, is the way to go.


Works for me…





How disappointing was I when it turned out they were showing a re-release of “Silver Streak.”

Don’t knock Silver Streak! Seeing Richard Pryor threaten to “beat the white” off of Patrick McGoohan alone is worth the price of admission.


republican, democrat, it doesn’t really make any difference. they both serve the same corporate masters. you aren’t permitted to discuss this here, because you have no freedom.


“porcoises”, you’re a fucking idiot.


Okay, a couple of questions I have to ask:

Where is this “core group” of BLT fans? Anyone? Bueller?

BLT, in what way do you consider yourself a “troll-basher”, unless “troll-basher” somehow means “intolerably smug douchebag who incessantly whores his (judging from the lyrics you posted) sophomoric, bitter, painfully unfunny ‘satire’ on unrelated threads and then has the gall to lecture others on their ‘netiquette'”?

And shouldn’t anyone who ends a post with the phrase “as indicated in my cameo in this MTV-award-nominated music video”, followed by a link to said video, be banned from the internet forever, just on principle?


I want that Magic: TG card. Frigging beautiful.


(comments are closed)