The Life I Love Is Makin’ Music With My Friends…
A second, unfavorable review of Jonah’s book appeared on Amazon, and then another favorable one popped up:
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing how these reviews are up the day the book comes out., January 8, 2008
By D. Hunter “tralfaz7” (Washington, DC)People sure do hate Jonah Goldberg, especially people who’ve never met him and have no interest in what he has to say. I, for one, quite enjoy Jonah’s work because he peppers his facts and extensive research with humor and pop culture analogies all too often shunned by “intellectuals.” It’s not difficult to be smart and funny, to know history and current event, but so few pundits do it. Jonah does, and does it well. I look forward to reading the whole book (just 40 pages in) and writing a second review, but I couldn’t just sit by and allow these attack reviews to go unanswered.
Ah, well okay then. But who is tralfaz7?
I work for the Heritage Foundation, fighting the good fight, and love every minute of it. There are few things more enjoyable than upsetting a liberal with facts, ahh…A liberal and facts! They never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
So far, in terms of favorable reviewers of Jonah’s book who are employed by wingnut-welfare foundations, we’re hovering at 100%.
Can we hear a shout-out from tha peeps at tha Claremont Institute? Wes’-siiide!!
Update: Via the genius of J— comes Vox Day’s interview with Jonah:
Some of your critics focus on the fact that you’re not an academic, so should the fact that no book like this has been written in the sixty years since the end of the Fascist regime be taken as evidence that you’re just smoking crack, or is it an indictment of the academy?
Since I’m currently not smoking crack, I personally take it as an indictment of the academy.
Above: Jonah’s denial is likely strictly true
I believe this only strengthens his point.
I haven’t checked out tralfaz7, but I did check out Schweizer’s other Amazon comments. Uniformly 5 star praise for the nuttiest of wingnut books.
Goddam guys, the Amazon page is freakin’ hilarious!
I swear, I haven’t laughed like that in ages.
The tags themselves are killing me. Take a look – I expect a lot of you guys have already seen these tags, ’cause you’re posting ’em. Man! HAHAHAHAHHAAAAAA….
doughy pantload (115)
propaganda (101)
wingnut welfare (95)
editor promised cake (75)
i can has job mom (66)
banged out by howler monkeys (12)
books written while high on cheeto dust
ten pounds of crap in a five pound book
cheetohnacht (2)
code pink invaded poland (2)
conspiracy theory (2)
defectivebydesi gn (2)
delusional (2)
dialectic of cheetohlightenm ent (2)
doughbob loadpants
…holy shit! I’m sitting here still laughing, my coworkers think I’m having an asthma attack… good show!!!
You just watch.
They’ll turn this thing into an octogon-jerk before it’s all over and done with. Or one of them shapes that has more than 8 sides-jerk.
Jonah : intellectual history :: this guy : songwriting.
Any physical resemblance is purely incidental to the analogy.
Isn’t tralfaz from an episode of “The Jetsons?” I think it is revealed Astro had a previous owner that he never liked so he ran away and ran into Elroy, then the previous owner’s butler tracked Astro down and revealed that his real name was Tralfaz?
Non-Euclidian fourth-dimensional geometry-jerk. A jerk which defies the laws of Man and Nature. One which allows the Fungi of Yuggoth into this plane of existence.
Can we hear a shout-out from tha peeps at tha Claremont Institute? Wes’-siiide!!
Not reviews, but book recommendations:
West Side in the mother fucking house!
Heh, indeed.
Indeed, it would be central to it.
Man, I hate to break it to tralfaz, but according to the Heritage Foundation, he only formerly worked there.
Then there are the negative reviews at Amazon…
Well, better than a dildo wrapped in two wetsuits, I suppose.
I think the term Jennifer is looking for is “Dirty Tesseract”
Tralfaz7, aka Derek Hunter
gee how could I have guessed he’d have a jelly roll round the middle.
Tools Beat Heritage Interns — Part II
I think that’s backwards…
I don’t know who you are, Renato, but that is priceless!
Man, I hate to break it to tralfaz, but according to the Heritage Foundation, he only formerly worked there.
It might be hard for him to tell, since his job seemed to consist of spending three years repeating the same talkingpoints against “socialized medicine” over and over and over again.
For all we know, he’s still at his computer, adding new titles to these things and hopefully e-mailing them to Mr. Gottrockets, or whomever his control agent at Heritage was.
The Heritage Foundation, eh? Care to guess where SpongeBlob LdedHösen going to make his first appearance to puff this pile of solid methane?
Amazing that this man has never heard of an advance copy.
Ahh facts. If only he could recognize one if it bit him on the knee.
Holy Shit. Mr. Hunter could be Das Löad’s long-lost brother.
Say, if someone went to book signing and asked Goldberg to sign a book “doughy Pantload” or “Master Shake” how do you think he would react?
Goldberg wouldn’t recognize a fact if he were raped by one.
That pic is hilarious when you read that his team’s named the Capitalist Tools. I bet they didn’t get the double entendre.
That capitalist tools thing can’t be for real… is is?
Just added the “buttress my point” tag.
Remember, “facts” include such things as statements that ‘it’s the liberals who are the fascists, because as I’ve said previously, fascists are of the left’, or that ‘the French Revolution was fascist because it seems like its from the same poisoned tree I just talked about’.
Or, more succinctly, “No, you’re the fascist.”
Liberals hate that.
huh? it has nothing to do with, ‘polite conversation’ and everything to do with, ‘being a fucking idiot’.
I suppose that merely serves to strengthen his argument.
When I checked the Amazon site a few minutes ago, the negative reviews were pouring in.
Oh. And Doughy Pantload = Natal Pudgy Hood
the really frustrating part of trying to debate a wingnut, is that they’re all about the projection. Goldberg’s entire book is an exercise in projection.
Yes, but you are forgetting that you’re the fascist.
I think its time to photoshop Doughy’s head onto that horrible picture of the Tailpipe F*cker.
Wingnut welfare: the gift that keeps giving.
Like herpes.
the really frustrating part of trying to debate a wingnut, is that they’re all about the projection. Goldberg’s entire book is an exercise in projection.
Yeah. So what kinda debating jujitsu could defeat their project-fu? There’s gotta be something.
Or one of them shapes that has more than 8 sides-jerk.
Perhaps a Dodecahedron – Jerk
And I’d just like to point out, for the record, that I smell like flowers and sunshine…
Doughy Pantload = And u got play doh?
And cordite.
I only see 6 reviews on Amazon. The book is listed at #40???11??!!!
I put that photo second only to the Bears of Baghdad on my list of all time favorite Gavins.
So Der Pantload has an easy job? And yet still fails miserably at it. Well done, wingnut welfare!
The fact is, most liberals are thinking that the left wing media will protect them, but here in the Heartland, reality is our bitch.
That photo was an assault. A visual beating.
It’s not difficult to be smart and funny, to know history and current event, but so few pundits do it.
Especially when the reviewer is defining “pundit” as “another bought-and-paid-for cog in the Wingnut Welfare Wurlitzer”. You’d think the little putz would at least try for clean copy, since coherence (much less ‘having a point’) is not achievable with his Big Boy’s Box O’Cliches.
As for Teh Phunny of “Capitalist Tool”: FORBES Magazine offered boxers emblazoned with this hi-quality laffer back when Malcolm was still alive. Apparently the current generation of damp Wingnut Welfare larvae hew to the definition of “conservative” which includes “laughing only at jokes that might have been original around the time your granpa was sliding through college as a legacy entrant”. Not to mention “unashamed to label oneself in public as a tool”, but at least that qualifies under the USDA/FDA Fair Labelling Act.
“America’s cultural exceptionalism”
Deutsche Sonderweg!!!!!!!!
I look forward to reading the whole book (just 40 pages in) and writing a second review, but I couldn’t just sit by and allow these attack reviews to go unanswered…
A liberal and facts! They never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
truly. If a liberal hadn’t read the book, they wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to write a review of it.
‘currently not smoking crack’
I see.
Capitalism is wonderful.
Man boobs not so much.
LOL @ “Wingnut welfare: the gift that keeps giving. Like herpes.”
The fact is, liberals don’t have any facts they are all a bunch of pot smoking panty sniffing imbicles who wouldn’t know a fact if it bit them on the ass! You liberals don’t know shit about the real world or how it works, maybe you should try working for a living them see how much liberalism makes sense! Or are you to fucking stupid to realize liberalism is a failed doctrine that doesn’t work and was invented by high pot smoking hippies who were bored while taking a shit on the toilet and decided to invent a new political doctrine?
mikey smells like shit
Hey liberals how about a pitcher of kool-aid to go along with your treason?
mikey smells like shit
I want to know more about these “fact” things which you get to know about when your Mom gets you cool jobs where people who work in fake businesses funded by rich conservatives pay you to write whatever you want as long as they like it.
“People sure do hate Jonah Goldberg….”
Why do conservatives always confuse “mock” with “hate?”
No, Fool, liberalism was created by the Nazis who got it from our Founding Fathers .
Don’t come back here lameass.
How gauche. Everyone knows red wine, not kool-aid, goes with treason.
Hey liberals I got a proposition for you. Why don’t you take your heads out of the sand and realize that the democrats are the biggest bunch of crooks, liars, thieves, cowards and America haters this nation has ever seen?
mikey smells like shit
Because I’m hoping that somewhere, deep beneath the sands, we might begin to glimpse how far deeply beneath the bottom of the barrel that Bush Jr. and the Republicans have sunk, though it’s possible that like glimpsing the infinite it might drive us mad, mad.
How about William Jefferson that crook bum who was appointed head of the judiciary commitee?
mikey smells like shit
Man, he was pretty crooked. I can only imagine what a crook like him would have done had he been in charge of awarding private contracts in Iraq. Thank god he wasn’t, and no one sent over billions of dollars in cash on pallets where no one could ever find them again.
I’ve figured it out. The trolls are going emit shriller and shriller noises until our monitors crack.
The trolls are going emit shriller and shriller noises until our monitors crack.
That was my impression too…
And Kevin, does your Mom know you’re using the computer?
Great moments in “Forty Pages In” book reviews:
Anna Karenina: “I just had to answer all those critics who thought Anna’s life wasn’t exciting and invigoration.”
The Great Gatsby: “What a swinging guy that Jay Gatsby is! What could ever bring him down?”
George W. Bush memoir (forthcoming): /coloring
Or why don’t you ask Bill Clinton about what happened to James McDougal, Vince Foster, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, Ron Brown, C. Victor Raiser II, Montgomery Raiser, Paul Tulley. Ed Willey, James Parks, James Bunch, James Wilson, Kathy Ferguson, Bill Sheldon, Gandy Bough, Florence Martin, Suzanne Coleman, Paula Grober,Danny Casolaro, Paul Wilcher, Jon Parnell Walker, Barbara Wise, Charles Meissener, Dr. Stanley Heard, Barry Seal,Johnny Franklin Lawthorn Jr, Stanley Huggins, Hershell Friday, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, Keith Coney, Keith Mcmaskie, Gregory Collins, Jeff Rhodes, James Milan, Jordon Kettleson, Richard Winters, Major William S.Barkley Jr, Captain Scott J. Reynolds, Sgt Brian Hanley, Sgt Tim Sabel, Major Gen William Robertson, Col William Dansberger, Col Robert Kelly, Spec Gary Rhodes, Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBleu and Todd Merkins?
mikey smells like shit
I’ll ask Bill that tonight. He should be at the Streisand compound for our weekly Commie Witches Sabbat/Latte Social.
Hey mikey, why don’t we just ask Snopes what happened to all those folks?
Maybe next you’ll tell us about who Hillary Clinton is named after, or that Obama is a muslim!
The trolls are going emit shriller and shriller noises until our monitors crack.
“No one was trying to take Oskar’s drum away, and still he screamed. No pigeon had sullied his drum with its droppings. Near me there was verdigris on copper plates, but no glass. And nevertheless Oskar screamed. The eyes of the pigeons had a red-dish glitter, but no one was eying him out of a glass eye; yet he screamed. What did he scream at? What distant object? Did he wish to apply scientific method to the experiment he had attempted for the hell of it in the loft after his meal of brick soup? What glass had Oskar in mind? What glass – and it had to be glass – did Oskar wish to experiment with?”
I asked him a little bit about them the other day – it was pillow talk, you know, and we were both spent from our exertions. And we had to conserve our energy for later, with Hillary and the rest of the coven. So he didn’t expand on them too much.
But I was waiting for the proposition. Wasn’t there a business proposition in the works?
Let it be noted that Oskar was a delusional malformed dwarf.
was invented by high pot smoking hippies who were bored while taking a shit on the toilet and decided to invent a new political doctrine?
Umm… this is quite a scenario. See, you’re high from smoking pot, but instead of, like grooving with it, you’re bored, so you go take a shit, and while you’re there you decide to invent a new political doctrine.
Sounds like some really fucked up weed.
Okay, Saul Booger, I’m not one of the regular gang here, I’m just a lurker most times, but I have to say that of all of the usuals I read here, Mikey is the one I’d be least inclined to insult carelessly. Of course, safe in my Internet anonymity, I suppose I could get away with it, but that would be rather small, wouldn’t it?
RodeoBob — Great call! I personally had no idea what the troll was on about, so thanks for the enlightening link. I figured he was just babbling nonsense, but as it turns out he was just copying & pasting nonsense. Thanks for the clarification.
Not that Louis, this creature is one of the many personalities that inhabits Saul/Booger/Kevin/Gary. It’s kind of like that film, Sybil, where she had all those different personalities? this is one of the infantile ones.
Just two things.
First, with all the shit I’ve done in my life, why is this idiot so focused on my odor? Doesn’t make any sense.
Oh yeah.
Second, I’m smiling here thinking about this degenerate little fuck commenting on my personal hygiene to my face. It’s less funny if you don’t know what I look like, so you gotta just trust me on this, but as old white guys go, a lot of people still decide to cross the street when they see me.
But it’d be pretty funny. “Hey Booger. That’s mikey over their by the bar. Go tell him he smells like shit.”
“Um, yeah, ok, I’ll do that. Tomorrow.”
The fact is, too many of those deaths were violent to be a coincidence.
g, yes, I realize that. I apologize for even acknowledging its existence.
Like I said last night, lacking even the power of a strong fart, which has the power to clear a room. Lesser farts are best handled by politely ignoring them, even though they still stink.
I bet anything that Hillary was involved in either the murders or coverups as well.
mikey smells like shit
“No one was trying to take Oskar’s drum away, and still he screamed. …” — “Besides awesome turkeys (one roasted, one fried) and fixings, Nikki made a homemade sangria that flat-out rocked. It was white wine based, not red wine. Delish! Also, Pastor and Mrs. Beaver came out from North Carolina.
Better watch out she doesn’t get you!
LOOOK! What’s that behind you??????
Oh, and by the way Jonah Goldberg is too good for you people, you’re just jealous of him and his success thats all.
mikey smells like shit
Oh, by the way, yeah mikey I bet you’re tough, but smell isn’t everything!
mikey smells like shit
Yup, the trolls always give away who scares them the most. Mikey, this guy’s crossing the street to avoid you and has never even been in the same city!
So Jonah Goldberg shows how a certain administration seized upon war as a pretext for reshaping the government’s role at the expense of the Constitution, and how their successes relied on crisis politics, using actual war or merely the “moral equivalent of war” as the means to building an all-encompassing state? Zounds, it is too shockingly unbelievable; I am undone.
Oh by the way, Sam what’s a liberal wiener like you doing in a Patriotic State like Utah anyway?
mikey smells like shit
“… a Patriotic State like Utah anyway …”
I thought Utah was a center of that evil non-Christian sect of Mormon infidels.
But Peter Schweizer of the Hoover Institution just loooooved it!
Thereby embarrassing Stanford University yet again.
Mormons are indeed Christians, they vote 90% Republican do they not? We need them for their votes.
mikey smells like shit
Oh, by the way, yeah mikey I bet you’re tough, but smell isn’t everything!
There, ladies and gentlemen, speak the flower of intellectual discourse on the right! Behold it and tremble!
Yeah, it’s not like that sort of thing happens today.
Oh wait, yes it does.
Mormons are indeed Christians, they vote 90% Republican do they not?
Ahhh, got it. Thanks for straightening me out.
I thought Utah was a center of that evil non-Christian sect of Mormon infidels.
Indeedy – I have a feeling that the Mormons are not going to be Republican for long after it becomes clear the Republicans want the Southern Baptist church to be the state religion. Mormons can’t stand Southern Baptists, on the whole.
But BoogerSaulSmellsLikeShit knows the secret plan – after the liberals have all been stuffed into macrowaves, the Mormons are next, and by then it’ll be too late for them to do anything about it!
Oh, by the way, mikey I saw your picture on your blog, you’re just a fat old guy with a moustache. Nothing special.
mikey smells like shit
Oh, and by the way
You know what’s interesting? When George Bush gives press conferences, this is a common verbal tic of his.
Wonder if George got into the bottle of Jack and they let him get to the computer?
Oh, by the way, g you wanna go out for a date sometime?
mikey smells like shit
Honey, my schedule is booked with Bill Clinton. Besides, I don’t date guys who are too young to drive.
“I have a feeling that the Mormons are not going to be Republican for long…”
I’ve been thinking the same thing, especially as long as Romney remains in the race (he came in second in NH tonight, after McCain) for the GOP nomination. The psycho Xtian fundies – who really do consider LDS a “cult” – are already getting pretty vocal with their anti-Mormon rhetoric which will inevitably convince at least some Mormons that the GOP shouldn’t be their party. For Republicans, bigotry is fine UNTIL it is directed at you, then it kinda sux.
Mormons are not a cult, they believe in the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ the Son of God, thats all they need to believe.
mikey smells like shit
Argument for booger banning: What if this clown was spamming erection pills…he’d be banned, and no one would care.
But he’s even more boring than that. And threads that just might possibly turn out funny, or interesting, hell who knows, even informative, just turn into crap.
John McCain just won the New Hampshire Republican Primary and Satan is ahead of Osama by 6 points.
mikey smells like shit
Hey Liberal Fascists, I just returned from the gym to enjoy this thread of fascistic funtastic comments !
Stop calling my biceps “guns” !!
…Satan is ahead of Osama by 6 points.
I’m listening to NPR (a evil Commie standard) and they’re giving Satan just three points over Osama. I hate Satan (being a godless/deviless Atheist), so I really hope Osama wins.
Late response to Not that Louis: it actually makes some kind of weird sense that the Saulitary Booger chooses Mikey as its focus. Mikey represents everything that truly terrifies them, right down to their superhero underoos: he’s fought the real fight with the real weapons, up close and personal, and somehow he’s still a thinking, feeling human being who doesn’t buy any of the authoritarian pants-wetting bullshit for even a nanosecond. He is their worst nightmare, and my most hopeful vision. So fuck them/it.
I’m rethinking my opposition to troll-banning, by the way. Maybe there should be a maximum-comments cutoff — like, you post five affronts to humanity within a two-hour period and you’re off the island?
Say, where did mikey go? I think I scared the little doofus away!
mikey smells like shit
And stop calling my lats “imbicles” too !
You know, Satan’s not that bad. He has a devilish sense of humor.
You know, Satan’s not that bad. He has a devilish sense of humor.
I’m just way too far to the Left to support Hillary… 🙂
Ifthethunderdontgetya, I guess I’m not the one to give advice, seeing as the first thing I wrote here this evening was a response to him, but it would help if you just ignored him. The problem is that some find it fun to play with him and he just kvells on the attention. I suppose the thing to do if you want the thread to be funny or interesting or even informative is to read around him and his enablers and hope you can still find the thread you were looking for. As I said to g, I apologize for acknowledging its existence.
He is their worst nightmare, and my most hopeful vision. So fuck them/it.
Yup. The last cognitive-dissonance straw that shatters their teensy brains: soldiers are supposed to be unthinking, jingobot killing machines that worship them some Dumbya. Sorry, BoogerSaulSmellsLikeShit, big dose of reality a-comin’ your way and you’ll poo yourself yet again.
Thanks, Mikey.
You’d think with the level of humor and discourse at this blog, there would be a better quality of “opposition” to our fascist belief system, and yet, this is the “best and brightest” that show up here to engage.
Time for the Tivo’d News Hour.Later kids.
NPR has just said that Satan only has a two point lead over Osama, with “the high fifties” percentage of the vote being tallied. Still very very close…
I, for one, quite enjoy Jonah’s work because he peppers his facts and extensive research with humor and pop culture analogies all too often shunned by “intellectuals.”
I, for one, quite enjoy Jonah’s “work” mostly because it agrees with my own bigotry, and partly because he substitutes “humor” and pop culture analogies for the facts and extensive research favored by nosebreathers.
Fixed! If only these guys had learned to write…
I’m more interested, for the purposes of Schadenfreude, in how poorly Giuliani’s doing.
I’d love to see Ron Paul eke it out above him. 11,404 to 10,363 – it could happen
It makes me all warm inside.
g — LOL, I totally agree. Poor Rudy is hardly even in the race anymore (awww). Of course realistically there was never any chance of him winning the GOP nomination (the only GOP condidate with pictures of him in drag, the only one to openly admit rooming with teh evil gays [after being thrown out by his wife], the only one aggressively supportive of the notion that women – as opposed to the state – should have some say so over their bodies, &c.) but I still thought he was pretty funny: 9/11!!!
Personally though, I’m with the S,N! editors in supporting Huck among the wingnuts. Just the other day Dobson came out for him and I just think it would be funny as hell to see the evanglicals just totally usurp the GOP away from the more-money-for-the-megaRich GOP elite.
Shalom, gentlemen.
The truth is, McCain will be our next president, and the liberals can’t take it! He’ll take it to the terrorists, keep us and Israel safe, protect life and religion and freedom from libcommiefag encroachment, and most importantly, make you HOWL.
It would be interesting, if Ron Paul matches or even beats Giuliani, to see how the networks and pundits justify marginalizing Ron Paul, and giving Giuliani prominence. I really don’t know much about Ron Paul, nor do I like what little I do know, but it’s clear that the Republican establishment is trying to ostracize him.
Let’s see them justify that, now that he appears to be on par with Rudy.
I can’t stand Rudy. 1) he scares the shit out of me, and 2) I just can’t frickin’ stand him.
Did you see, BTW, Rudy’s response to the whole kerflfuffle about Hillary getting teary-eyed?
He said, “Oh, everybody gets emotional from time to time. I was very moved….AT FUNERAL CEREMONIES ON 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I had to laugh.
most importantly, make you HOWL.
The reality is, 9-11 changed everything, but you libs never noticed just kept on smoking pot and freeloving in the 60s that never ended for you and advocating classwar! Now you are catching up and finding out the heartland DOES NOT LIKE YOU!
I used to have to change my car’s oil, but 9/11 changed everything.
HOWL, libs. HOWL. HOWL with indignation about how unfair and insensitive the world is to your needs. Hear us, in the heartland, LAUGH at you, LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH as you are SHUT UP by the voices of reason and freedom!
I’m tired of all the spoiled privileged people who can’t farm in the Heartland begging for all that big government money because they can’t be real farmers like here in the South.
Um, I think someone needs a big ol’ wallop of some kind of antipsychotic meds, stat. Teh trolls© seem to be in complete meltdown. I’m finding the implosion of the Republican party deliciously amusing.
“Why do conservatives always confuse “mock” with “hate?””
Much more fake victim mileage to be milked with “hate” than with “mock.”
the copyright symbol worked in preview . . .
konichiwa mina-sama.
Saul, did your parents read childrens’ books to you?
When you went away on vacation, did you stay in a hotel or at a KOA?
Did you have a television in your room?
Were your high school teachers a high class than you?
Did you have orignal art in your home?
Why do conservatives always confuse “ham” with “hock”?
sumimasen, that should really say konbanwa, mina-sama.
Someone mentioned the tags. There are 192 now:
doughy pantload (124)
propaganda (108)
wingnut welfare (104)
editor promised cake (83)
i can has job mom (75)
conservative (43)
liberals bashing books not yet published (38)
must read (34)
censored by liberals (33)
censored by the left (33)
politics (33)
banged out by howler monkeys (15)
books written while high on cheeto dust (12)
the truth (10)
finally the truth (8)
true (8)
ten pounds of crap in a five pound book (7)
a fascist wannabe publishes his fantasie… (5)
if michelle malkin is over your head (5)
lunatic ravings (5)
relatives in high publishing places (5)
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waste of a good tree (5)
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how not to design a book cover (4)
its not cheapening when we do it (4)
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poor catnip substitute (4)
truth (4)
what a boat load of crap (4)
books by rubes (3)
cheetohnacht (3)
doughy (3)
doughy pantloads premiere (3)
excretory (3)
hate is good philosophy for idiots (3)
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i can has funyuns (3)
innaleckshul wannabe wannabe wannabe lol (3)
jfk killed six million jews (3)
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teh stoopid (3)
vomit inducing (3)
wtf (3)
a dunce with an editor (2)
attend to luicannes bunions (2)
awesomest book evah11111111 (2)
blame the liberals first (2)
bored the stenographer to sleep (2)
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bullsh-t (2)
ca ca (2)
code pink invaded poland (2)
conspiracy theory (2)
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goldberg is laughing all the way to the … (2)
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technically speaking fascism is an inher… (2)
teh funny (2)
g — Ron Paul is just a radical freemarket libertarian and the only candidate to score “100%” on the voter guide of the… yeah, just try to guess… John Birch Society. LOLOLOL. He’s a total flake, though some Left-leaning people have opted to support him because of his foreign policy stance which is admittedly anti-imperialist, but is also “old school” isolationist. Think good ole Pat Buchanan. Paul completely fails to understand that the modern wingnuts aren’t opposed to government, they just want government to put corporate profit over people; whereas Paul still subscribes to the old fashioned notion that government is just bad in of itself. Imagine how well Halliburton, Bechtel, the Carlyle Group, ExxonMobil, and so on would be doing without government favoritism.
Nevertheless, I have to admit that I’m enjoying watching his supporters disrupt things, like chasing Hannity down yesterday and shouting down the Hillary suporters at a Hillary rally/appearance today in NH. Also, it seems that the Paulites have also inspired some of the Kucinich suporters to get more aggressive since they’re also facing the same sort of marginalization.
As for Rudy, I’m not the least bit intimidated by him. He never stood a chance of getting the GOP nomination because the evangelical nuts (the only GOP constituency with lots of actual voters) would NEVER vote for him. He’s just been a funny joke all along.
“Did you see, BTW, Rudy’s response to the whole kerflfuffle about Hillary getting teary-eyed?
He said, “Oh, everybody gets emotional from time to time. I was very moved….AT FUNERAL CEREMONIES ON 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
LOL, no, I didn’t see that, but hey, that’s our silly Rudy. LOL Too funny.
BTW: NPR is calling NH for Hillary, though just by a few thousand votes (literally)… The Obama camp isn’t conceding yet as it is just too close, one strong Obama precinct could totally reverse this.
With 64% of precincts reporting, “Others” is currently beating Fred D. Thompson. I look forward to The Corner posse’s explanation of how this is a Good Thing for Thompson.
sumimasen, that should really say konbanwa, mina-sama.
Isn’t it minna? IIRC those lengthened Ns – or rather, “n” syllable followed by another beginning with “n” – make a difference in Japanese.
Like “anno” and “ano” in Italian.
Teh “heartland” must really love me, ‘casue that was who provided me with all the “pot” and “60’s sex”.
Go figure.
jistu-wa, libaral-tachi wa totemo totemo bakamono-no-gaijin dazo. Bushu-dono-to McCain-dono-wa sei-i-tai-shogun-tachi da zo! terroristo-tachi wa totemo totemo kowai waneyo!
Busho-dono-ga irukara, watakushi-tachi wa anzen degozaimasuyo!
(translation: The truth is, liberals are very very stupid head foriegners! (spoken with great deference to Bush and McCain but triumphantly) Bush and McCain are barbarian quelling generalismos! The terrorists are very very scary (Waneyo is an ultra-effeminate trio of sentence ending particles, basically pronounced punctuation that signal the speaker is most definitely, a woman.)Because Bush (referred to with great deference) is we (spoken very humbly) are safe!)
Rendered in Japanese, Saul would sound like Saru. Ten million points if you know what saru means.
Now for mikey smells like shit in Japanese:
hana-no-kuso-yohno Mikey a screw it.
IIRC, Saul, or maybe it was BB, was pushing Grandpa Fred for a while. Now he digs McCain?
Fair weather friends.
Thompson is being edged by a Nicole Kidman ghost movie? This might prove to be the perfect time for a Fred Thompson comeback nap, then.
Mikey represents everything that truly terrifies them, right down to their superhero underoos: he’s fought the real fight with the real weapons, up close and personal, and somehow he’s still a thinking, feeling human being who doesn’t buy any of the authoritarian pants-wetting bullshit for even a nanosecond. He is their worst nightmare
Smiling Mortician nails it.
This ridiculous troll is the little runt that runs around yipping and snapping at the Big Dawg, then once the Big Dawg turns to look at him he tucks tail and runs away whining. Pathetic. Good thing Hitlery has his name on her “People to Kill Violently” list.
Shorter saru:
Pie wa suki desu!
Good catch SamFromUtah. Do you speak Japanese too? I’ll remember next time =)
Why do conservatives always confuse “ham” with “hock”?
Good question, El Cid, allow me to answer it by posing another…
When I’m trying to take a shit in the public washroom, why does the conservative in the next stall want to wave at me and show me his shoes?
Tell us what Saru means in Japanese.
But that shouldnt’ be YOUR name, should it? Shouldn’t you have a different name?
Do you speak Japanese too?
No, but I dabble a bit. That’s one of few words I know – and it’s one more than tororu-kun knows!
LOL @ “This might prove to be the perfect time for a Fred Thompson comeback nap, then.”
Conservatives are traditionalists, and are the only remaining keepers of the ancient Native American Stall-Talkers, in which communication only took place via foot and hand movements in side-to-side toilets.
Unfortunately, this hampering of communication drastically restricted the spread of the Larikreg Indians, growing at its maximum to a village of about a dozen men.
However, a core band of Confederate rebels realized the acute value of this form of communication, and to this day their descendants still teach it to their conservative followers nationwide.
It sounds like you were offered the initiation but did not happen to recognize the “Hello, we would like to teach you special things” in their ancient Stall Talk code.
Lesley: Thanks for the doughbob tags update! I laughed my ass off. Now I have to go find it and put it back on.
“Conservatives are traditionalists, and are the only remaining keepers of the ancient Native American Stall-Talkers … “
And I thought they were just morbidly repressed gay guys trying to get a little anonymous something in the bathroom… silly me.
Sounds like Obama just conceded. 🙁
Oh well. He’ll do much better in South Carolina I suspect…
Looks like Satan/Hitlery won the NH Dem primary.
Looks like Satan/Hitlery won the NH Dem primary.
Oh well – not what I’d hoped, especially on Edwards’ part. The one consolation is watching the ‘nut noggins explode.
Remember the epic meltdown Ace had on TBogg’s comment thread the day the 110th was sworn in and he just couldn’t deny reality anymore and go on believing that the Democratic victories in ’06 were anything other than a liebrul fever dream?
Sure, the 110th has been nearly as big a disaster as the 109th, but it’s always fun seeing the cognitive dissonance come home to roost.
Sounds like Obama just conceded.
His speech was a barn-burner, though. He’s hot.
“His speech was a barn-burner, though. He’s hot.”
Absolutely, he’s one hell of a public speaker. I have a lot of concerns about him, but I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and vote for him with a clean conscience. Whereas I could never bring myself to vote for Hillary, I’ll vote Green before that happens.
I can’t seem to find the words “bleg” or “blegging” among the Tags customers associate with this product.
I doubt if the “extensive research” has anything to do with this oversight.
And speaking of “extensive research”, what t4toby said.
But it’d be pretty funny. “Hey Booger. That’s mikey over their by the bar. Go tell him he smells like shit.”
“Um, yeah, ok, I’ll do that. Tomorrow.”
It reminds me of a story I once heard:
A famous heavyweight boxer was drinking at a crowded, noisy bar. Also in the bar was a guy who, for some reason or other, wanted to start a fight with the boxer. This belligerent, but actually scrawny guy would insult the boxer, insult his mother, call him a weakling, etc. The boxer simply ignored him, drank, and talked with people.
Finally, the scrawny guy could take no more being ignored. He told a lady who was also drinking there to tell the boxer that he was going to attack him if he didn’t start paying attention. This lady bemusedly went to the boxer and told him about the threat.
The boxer then put down his drink and looked at the scrawny guy for the first time. He said, “Listen, bud. If you punch me… and I find out about it… “
Hitlery smells like shit.
Okay, flea-boy. I’ve got you on my list.
Also, Buddha and Mohamed have questionable standards of personal hygiene. Lao Tzu? Clean as a motherfucking whistle. A very fastidious dude.
“Banged out by howler monkeys” is probably the funniest thing in the universe.
Unless you’re a Howler Monkey.
Then, the comparison to goldbrick will be highly insulting…
I’m gonna have a snickerdoodle….
Lao Tzu? Clean as a motherfucking whistle.
Confucius is not quite as clean, but tries hard. You know, all that “If the mat was not straight, the Master would not shit” stuff.
A very enlightening answer indeed, Mr. Cid.
Would you happen to know if any of our conservative friends here at this very blog are fluent in ancient Native American Stall-Talk?
I’m not going to comment on Confucius’ smell, or lack thereof. He told me he would kick my ass if he caught me ragging on him again, so I’m careful; that dude scares me. He knows Kung Fu.
And for the book on Johan’s conception:
outby howler monkeys (15)_____
I am so glad I didn’t look at the complete list of tags at work.
tralfaz7 = al-Fartz
Not quite sure where the “7” should get stuck, though I have some ideas.
…enjoy Jonah’s work because he peppers his facts…
I enjoys it when he uses the garlics and sea salts too. That Jonah sure knows how to cook dem der facts.
Smiling Mortician said,
January 9, 2008 at 4:55
I’m rethinking my opposition to troll-banning, by the way.
Go plook pingpong balls from your twat already.
did the comments just get rearranged ? or am I high ?
I think we can get a pretty good idea of quite how seriously Jonah takes his book as an intellectual argument that he’s happy to be interviewed by fucking Vox Day, a pathetic sword wielding white supremacist. I suppose it takes one to know one.
If Godwin’s Law has now been so thoroughly devalued, am I now allowed to write a book called Republicans Are Fascists: You Know, Actual Ones, Not Just By Some Other Definition That I Made Up?
The interview with VD is like a perfect storm of stupidity. My favourite moment is when Goldberg says “I just discovered in course of preparing the promotional stuff that I am the most widely syndicated columnist in America under the age of forty”. I’m prepared to grant him that – maybe he just wasn’t paying attention.
But as anybody who reads his blog for more than ten minutes knows, VD is massively insecure, so Jonah’s admission forces him to respond “I believe you. My WND column was briefly syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate. I think the Dallas Morning News picked it up for about two seconds before one of their editors actually read it and ran away scared.”
For such a wonderful combination of arrogance, insecurity and self-delusion, his only real competition is Michael Scott. Of course, it all makes sense if you look at VD’s writing as a brilliantly sustained piece of character comedy, rather than as somebody who you would ever want to take seriously.
A liberal and facts! They never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
OMG PWN IZ TO FUNNY FOREVER I thought all the good writers were on strike??
“The Academy”? What academy? The one of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?
Do Pantload and Vox Duh perchance mean “academe”?
I, for one, quite enjoy Jonah’s work because he peppers his facts and extensive research with humor and pop culture analogies
Oh, okay – I think I get it now. It’s like one of those ” . . . for Dummies” books.
even if the neocons are voted out, nothing of substance will change in american politics. obama is for privatizing social security and endless war in iraq, just like the republicans.