They Blinded Me With Violence
Dr. Atrios sez:
Negro Uprising
Aside from the racism, the real issue is that the breakdown of civil society is the perpetual wet dream of gun nut glibertarians like Reynolds. They imagine themselves guarding their horde of HDTVs and digital cameras with their
penis extendersgun stash, heroically shooting the “bad guys.”-Atrios 10:33
Above: Post-Apocalyptic Yoshi image by Salvage
Uh-huh. Well, guess who‘s joining the club:
The race will be ugly and chaotic. Indeed, I would not be at all shocked if it was the first Presidential race in a very long time to be marred by actual violence.
Because of a negro and Islamic homo uprising, of course:
Frankly, Obama is a Republican’s dream. All of us were already tried of Hillary Clinton. The GOP has already torn that woman down and apart – an election with her as the nominee would have been spent refighting old battles – fighting for yard after yard of shattered ground like the poor bloody infantry in the Great War. With Obama, on the other hand, we get a whole new – and hitherto unexplored – life to exploit.
Is it really all that implausible that a young black man – especially one with as intense an interest in his family background as Obama professes – wouldn’t have flirted with the faith of his fathers at some point during his young adult years?
Indeed, we know – thanks to Hillary Clinton’s discovery of a youthful ‘essay’ – that Obama had political ambitions from a very early age. Islam has a specific doctrine, known as “al-Taqiyya”, which permits the followers of Allah to conceal their true faith when among unbelievers. Now, let’s be very clear – I’m not saying that Obama is a concealed Moslem, a Manchurian candidate, waiting to seize the office of the Presidency in the service of sinister interests. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
Obviously, no one can choose their parents. We can’t fault Obama for that. Someone could be born a red diaper baby and later become a staunch and reliable anti-communist. But Obama shows no sign of such a transformation. If we take him at face value – that he was born and raised by a vacuous mother with a thing for Moslem men, that he was seemingly raised as a Moslem to some degree, and later became irreligious before eventually joining some frivolous fringe “church” there still remains the very serious issue that his background and upbringing – which he has never denounced or discarded – will make him excessively sympathetic towards the West’s enemies. Such notions might not sit well with pious multicultural sensibilities but are nonetheless real. It takes a strong man to overcome early bonds of affection and accept that it might be necessary, in the interests of our civilization, to kill people one was raised with – maybe even to kill one’s own relatives, if that is what is required. Does the candidate of Oprah seem likely to be the one to dispense with that sort of sentimentality?
The deeper truth is that a large part of Obama’s appeal comes from the fact that he’s a nonthreatening man, period. For all of the jokes about John Edwards as the “metrosexual candidate” (a label his 2008 campaign persona seems designed to shake) no one deserves the label more than the effete and gaunt Obama. There’s a reason why Obama draws the woman’s vote more than Hillary Clinton: he’s a limp-wristed weakling whose appearance and attitudes are perfectly in keeping with the cultural mores of the day. His appeal – particularly to the young and to single women – can be traced to his girlishly sensitive countenance and character.
No, Obama doesn’t cry in public or claim that he can “feel our pain” like Bill Clinton. Obama’s appeal in this regard is more subtle (and quite possibly genuine). For his occasional calculated statement about foreign policy, his mush-brained homilies about the “audacity of hope” are perfectly positioned to win over the lavender and lace set.
Bonus Yoshi fun:
Adam still can’t go more than two or three posts without talking about nuking Muslims:
President McCain, on the other hand, would – I believe – have responded to September 11th with his characteristic anger. In so doing, he could have dispensed with cloud of sepia-toned Oprah-derived toxins which entered the American bloodstream with regard to 9-11. A better initial response – one which identified the enemies and promised not “justice” but revenge against them might have stirred the blood of the American people to a lasting anger.
No one talks about the real lost opportunities of the opening months of the present war. That’s largely because they have nothing to do with Iraq, for which the President’s enemies are so eager to blame for all of our ills. Instead, they are all sins of moderation.
It was a mistake to not immediately begin a large expansion in the actual size of the Armed Forces right after September 11th. Indeed, many of the subsequent problems of manpower could have been avoided by treating the event as a total war from day one – when most people believed that it would be one – and calling up all of the reserves and the National Guard for the duration.
Also in error – you may have forgotten but it was discussed in mainstream publications at the time – was the failure to use tactical nuclear weapons against al-Qaeda during its retreat from Afghanistan. The idea, popularized by Democrats, that throwing tens of thousands of troops into those mountain passes would have been a sure-thing is much nonsense. But, on the other hand, the use of a significant number of battlefield nuclear weapons at Tora Bora would almost certainly have killed Bin Laden and would, in any case, have served as an intimidating gesture to the whole world.
[Mister Leonard Pierce adds: You know, the thing that kills me about the “Obama is a secret Muslim” theory isn’t just that it’s utter bullshit — it’s that, even if it were true, who cares? Let’s say that Obama becomes president, and at the inauguration, he pulls off his latex mask and it’s Zacharias Moussaoui under there. So he marches to the White House, plops down in the Oval Office chair, and issues a command that all of America be governed by Sharia law, and pork and Christianity are outlawed, and that the U.S. Air Force blow itself up.
None of that is going to happen! The president isn’t a goddamn emperor. Even if America did elect some Baghdadian Candidate, it’s not like the Congress, the Supreme Court, and all the judges and senators and law enforcement agents in America are going to throw up their hands and say “We’ve got to do what he tells us! He’s the PRESIDENT! What choice do we have?” He’s not a fucking wizard, you morons. The only way this is even remotely threatening is if you, like so many right-wingers, envision the presidency as an office in which absolute power is invested, and to which unquestioning fealty must be paid. What do these people dream about, anyway?]
I see that Canada’s socialized medicine system still results in tragically long waiting periods for basic medications like Thorazine.
Shorter Adam: I’m not saying Obama’s a terrorist. But, you know…
On a more serious note, the only thing more irritating that the Birth-of-a-Nation darkies-will-riot rhetoric is the Tony-Snow-is-vindicated-and-racism-is-over rhetoric. If Obama wins on Tuesday, expect more gleeful prose about how America has successfully expatiated all racial sins and that anyone who discusses race or racism is a Sharptonesque huckster.
with the breakdown of society the “individualist” will be the first to get steamrolled. collectives, yes thats right, of homosexual and effete muslims from fringe churches will join together and will easily take their stuff.
Shorter Yoshi: “I’m not saying Obama’s a terrorist. He’s a gay terrorist.”
I hope Yoshi answers those ominous goat-blowing rumors asap. Of course, denying them will in no way mean he does not blow goats, and I’m not saying he *does* blow goats, but still…
I’m not saying that Obama is a concealed Moslem, a Manchurian candidate, waiting to seize the office of the Presidency in the service of sinister interests. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
I think that last bit is when Yoshida climaxed.
He thinks Barack Obama worshipped Nyasaye?
(ignoring, for the moment, his utterly ham-fisted grasp of the negative here)
I’m not saying Obama is a gay terrorist; in fact, this is not central to my point. My point is that it would be irresponsible not to speculate that Obama, who is a limp-wristed weakling (who probably cares about his wife’s needs), wasn’t planted with an Islam chip when he was 6 in Indonesia, precisely timed to go off when the political ambition level in his blood reaches its height – at which point he might switch over to being a gay terrorist. America can not afford to have a gay terrorist as its president, which is not central to my point, but merely just north of my point.
“The GOP has already torn that woman down and apart – an election with her as the nominee would have been spent refighting old battles – fighting for yard after yard of shattered ground like the poor bloody infantry in the Great War.”
This is the battle cry of the Yellow Elephant. He will never miss an opportunity to compare his delusional worldview, homophobia and racism with *actual* soldiers.
I lived in Seattle in the neighborhood near downtown was traditionally the African-American neighborhood.
I bought my house there because it was cheaper than buying in one of the other more trendy white neighborhoods. And yes, I was part of the wave of gentrification in the late ’80 and ’90’s that changed that neighborhood. My first house was in a block inhabited by elderly black homeowners who’d emigrated to Seattle in the 40’s to work at Boeing and in the shipyards; their kids were all grown up now and moved out to suburbs like Kent and Kirkland. When I sold that house, I bought a big Victorian house in another nearby block that was considered in a “bad” part of the neighborhood, because unlike my old block, many of the homes were rentals, or else the second generation were living in their parents’ homes and selling drugs.
Yet there we were – the young yuppie couple with our baby; the gay garden designers transforming their yards; the rainbow-dyed hippies; the Rajneeshees; as well as the young Latino couple with their baby; the church/daycare center on the corner; the Methodist lady and her daughter, the African-American guy who worked on cars in the driveway – playing loud, vile, ugly gangsta rap on the boombox, but watching out for the neighborhood every day.
And then there was James.
James considered himself an “urban homesteader”. James kept cases of canned goods in the basement; did his own brewing, and was building an addition onto his crappy little bungalow all by himself. James used the phrase “Fort Apache” to describe our neighborhood – this where my 6 year old played manhole-cover baseball in the intersection with the other neighborhood kids.
When the second OJ trial happened, James waited with glee for the verdict. He showed us his shotguns and his ammo, and told us how “ready” he was for when what he called “the animals out there” would rampage down Union Street, burning and pillaging in protest of OJ having to pay Ron Goldman’s family. He longed for the moment when the shrieking mobs set their aims on his crappy asphalt-shingled bungalow, his stash of bottled water, his batteries and his home-brew. He was just itching to cock that shotgun and blow someone away.
He was really disappointed when nothing happened.
…became irreligious before eventually joining some frivolous fringe “church”
A UCC church is fringe? The United Church of Christ is probably second to only the Unitarians when it comes to being non-doctrinaire and open to differing views on things (big difference being UCC says you kinda, sorta have to believe in the main plot points of the Jesus story arc, where Unitarians don’t really care). UCC is about as non-offensive as Christianity gets.
Oh, wait… I guess that DOES make them fringe.
I’m finding it hard to laugh at this at this blood-thirsty piece of shit.
I am not a big fan of Barack Obama by any means, but this is just so pathetic – a whisper campaign even Karl Rove would be proud to author.
On the plus side, I don’t think the racist, ignorant people that are being targeted would ever vote for Obama anyway. I just hope there aren’t too many of them for him to overcome, should he ultimately become the Democratic nominee.
Could Yoshi be a fake? I mean the over the top nature of that piece sounds like something the General or Colbert could have done.
What an infuriating little prick Yoshida is –
There’s a reason why Obama draws the woman’s vote more than Hillary Clinton: he’s a limp-wristed weakling…
As opposed to some keyboard kommando who whines about nuking Afghanistan because, even if it didn’t kill the Bad Guy (along with a bunch of other people), it would be seen as a tough-guy thing to do.
Also – does “Atrios 10:33” look like a Bible citation to anyone else, or is it just me?
…became irreligious before eventually joining some frivolous fringe “church”
wait… I thought we were talking Obama, not Mitt
LOL @ “Shorter Yoshi: “I’m not saying Obama’s a terrorist. He’s a gay terrorist.”
Barack Hussein Obama = Bareback Human Oasis!!!
Can’t you see this you lieberals???!!!!
But, on the other hand, the use of a significant number of battlefield nuclear weapons at Tora Bora would almost certainly have killed Bin Laden and would, in any case, have served as an intimidating gesture to the whole world.
Those Frenchies would have been eating American cheese tout de suite.
there’s another angle from which Yoshida’s comment about a “frivolous fringe church” is amusingly stupid. The UCC is the denomination that developed out of New England congregationalism (though it has other tributary streams as well). It is, literally, the church that the Pilgrim Fathers founded at Plymouth. In American terms, it really doesn’t get any less “fringe” than that. But then perhaps it’s unfair to expect Yoshida, a Canadian, to know anything about this.
Obama’s church, the United Church of Christ is a direct descendant of the Congregationalists/Puritans who, er, landed at Plymouth. They’ve become quite liberal, but they have the pedigree not to be dismissed with scare quotes.
Why does Adam Yoshida hate America?
Why do atheist moonbats have to defend Christians from wingnut attacks?
Beat me to it, Mrs Tilton.
Darned Canadadians!!11eleven1!
errrm “faith of his fathers”
his dad is an atheist, IIRC.
I do agree with Yoshida on one point –
I would not be at all shocked if it was the first Presidential race in a very long time to be marred by actual violence.
Loofah Bill seems to have fired the first shove awhile back. How long before hardier wingnuts decide to join the fray?
As explained to me by a Muslim friend a few years ago, taqqiyah doesn’t mean what Yoshida thinks it means. (I know, I know… you’re all shocked.) Taqqiyah boils down to a way to opt out of martyrdom: if someone says “God commands me to kill you, filthy Mahometan!”, then you’re allowed to say “Who, me? I was raised Southern Baptist, a-hyup!”
I mention this only because it makes AY’s little “I’m not saying Obama is a filthy Muslim, but ya know… he could be” skit even sillier.
And finally, since El Cid brought up anagrams, Barack Hussein “A Cabana Kiboshes Rum!” Obama is clearly an adherent of new Prohibition laws for beachside resorts.
Adam Yoshida = Dadaism, Ahoy!
Obamaphobia is the standard Steal our cars! Rape Our Women! with Cut our Heads Off! and Make Us Worship Allah! taking the place of Shoot us for Drug Money and Sell Our Kids Drugs!
Plus, if you take this ‘tard at face value, Obama once called his momma a ho. Do you think Thing for Muslims = Thing for Brown Guys = “Race Traitor, Stone the bitch!11!”
President McCain, on the other hand, would – I believe – have responded to September 11th with his characteristic anger. In so doing, he could have dispensed with cloud of sepia-toned Oprah-derived toxins which entered the American bloodstream with regard to 9-11. A better initial response – one which identified the enemies and promised not “justice” but revenge against them might have stirred the blood of the American people to a lasting anger.
It’s funny that, the word “better” aside, this basically reads as an argument against McCain as president. It’s not just that he’s crazy and wrong, it’s that he hasn’t even bothered to create euphemisms to disguise the fact that he’s crazy and wrong.
It’s like you went into a diner, ordered a hamburger, spit out a bite and said “what a piece of shit hamburger!” Then Yoshi comes in, sits down next to you, orders the same thing, devours it with relish, sits back to undo his fly (finding it already undone with his urine-stained tighty-whities peeking out), and happily remarks “what a piece of shit hamburger!”
It’s not just that he’s crazy and wrong, it’s that he hasn’t even bothered to create euphemisms to disguise the fact that he’s crazy and wrong.
Bingo. And it’s why I find these bastards so frightening – they don’t think this kind of “Mass Murder! Yay!” sentiments are crazy and wrong.
…adding, have we really reached the point where thin = fag? I mean, Obama has a booming manly voice, and he’s never minced in any way I could see (and unlike Yoshi, I actually know what gay people move and talk like because I’ve had occasion to meet other human beings in person). He occasionally goes without a tie but I don’t see that as a particularly Metro decision–doesn’t Preznit Manparts do that all the time too? It’s not like he’s wearing charcoal-grey turtlenecks or pre-distressed Diesel jeans.
By this standard, we should probably be pretty worried about Mike Huckabee, shouldn’t we? I mean, his BMI was in the extreme hetero range before, but now he’s borderline. If he loses 5 more pounds he might start dating one of the guys on Project Runway or something.
he could have dispensed with cloud of sepia-toned Oprah-derived toxins which entered the American bloodstream with regard to 9-11. A better initial response – one which identified the enemies and promised not “justice” but revenge against them might have stirred the blood of the American people to a lasting anger.
Now, we’re the facists, why again? Calls to stir the Blood of The Motherland by eschewing sepia tones in favor of the (actual) Plutonium-derived toxins which will show how resolute our Manly Firmness is? Seriously?
And again with the projection. Obama would act like a king because that’s what wingers expect a President to do.
I think the violence meme has a hidden agenda. Soon it will evolve into “If the left is going to use violence, we’d better be prepared to do the same.” And after that, any violence they use to undermine the election results will be framed as a sane, patriotic response to the angry black horde.
You have reached that point from the point of view of the most avid right wing war-mongering mouthpieces, who nearly to a one are fat, lazy, spoon-fed, military-avoiding, nepotistic, pasty, stupid mouth-breathing fools who make the “particular individuals” of Idiocracy look downright appealing.
Now, let’s be very clear – I’m not saying that Yoshida is a concealed human-alien hybrid, a Reticulan candidate, writing to influence the vote for the Presidency in the service of alien overlords. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
On a more serious note, the only thing more irritating that the Birth-of-a-Nation darkies-will-riot rhetoric is the Tony-Snow-is-vindicated-and-racism-is-over rhetoric. If Obama wins on Tuesday, expect more gleeful prose about how America has successfully expatiated all racial sins and that anyone who discusses race or racism is a Sharptonesque huckster.
Mark Noonan’s way ahead of you. Obama didn’t even need to win the presidency–just the Iowa caucus:
A black American won a caucus in a mostly-white State, indicating that whatever racism remains in America, it is vestigal and of no great consequence. Race-baiters like Jackson and Sharpton will still shout “racism” at the drop of the hat, but America has largely gotten past race as an issue.
Yes, he just called racism “vestigal” because Obama won the first caucus. And he’s not kidding. It’s really hard to outpace the wingnuts with spoof when they keep saying stupid shit like this with a straight face.
“Soon it will evolve into “If the left is going to use violence, we’d better be prepared to do the same.” And after that, any violence they use to undermine the election results will be framed as a sane, patriotic response to the angry black horde.”
Bingo. Remember, they always accuse the opposition of doing what they’re doing/planning to do.
I hope I’m the first person to notice this: The flag in Adam’s profile picture is backward. Much like Adam. Someone should send the honor guard from a Leafs game over there to spank his ample bottom blue.
He’s kind of like an ideological trannie version of a patriotic American. Nice shoes, yes. But his stubble, Adam’s (HA!) apple and love of genocide give him away.
What. A. Freak.
Dear Mark Noonan: just a hint. The biggest racists in Iowa generally vote in the Republican caucus.
Indeed, we know – thanks to Hillary Clinton’s discovery of a youthful ‘essay’ – that Obama had political ambitions from a very early age.
Is this about the kindergarten “I want to grow up to be president” essay? How telling.
So many sour grapes. They’ll never be tired of Hillary Clinton, they wanted the satisfaction of beating her in the general election, and Obama as the nominee is their worst nightmare. The only person who does more spinning than the Republicans these days is Abe Lincoln in his grave.
…perfectly positioned to win over the lavender and lace set.
Obama is going to win some undies?
I never paid much attention to Yoshida before, but I must say that I’m impressed. No half-measures for this guy – he’s meticulous and thoroughgoing in his assholitude, not missing any opportunities to say something strikingly vicious and bone-deep stupid. I’m keeping this article, and treasuring it always.
This was nice: …many of the subsequent problems of manpower could have been avoided by treating the event as a total war from day one – when most people believed that it would be one – and calling up all of the reserves and the National Guard for the duration.
The duration! Bwahahahaa!
Adam Yoshida = Aha! Yoda’s dim.
Where do you find these people?
You’d think the wing-nuts would want the Dems be responsible for the election of some deep-cover muslim operative. That would actualy allow them to relagate the party to the ole dustbin o’ history (since we can’t seem to for Reid and Pelosi’s constant capituations).
I’m reminded of that time when this story hit the Washington Post front page. You remember the one where the paper just printed a “some folks think Obama’s a stealth Muslim, not that we’re spreading rumors or anything”? At least that was just run-of-the-mill hackery.
Granted, I’m still leaning towards Edwards right now (and my state’s primary is in May, so it may not even matter), but should Obama take the nomination then it’ll be worth it just to see how many times they shout how Barack Hussein Obama is a Gay Muslim Athiest Communist evil-doer…
Actually, I take that back. I don’t think I could stand hearing that for months: “Is Barack Hussein Obama really a Gay-Islamo-Athiestic-Communistic-Fascist? Some guy on the Internet says yes, but the Obama campaign denies it! Who’s right? We’ll let you figure that out without providing any more context for this bullshit!”
As a Scandinavian, I have yet to flirt with the faith of my fathers. Oh sure, it is tempting to give my undying fealty to Thor or Odin, or go all tricksy and worship Loki, but the truth is that the closest I have come to doing so was in my teen years, when I had a crush on Elizabeth Shue when she babysat that girl who liked to dress up as Thor…
@ Gavin:
your argument, though sound, is not what the nutjobs are thinking about. They are projecting. Remember that awesome thing where Reagan broke the constitution with his deals with Iran and the Contras? Well, it took a few years to have any consequences (little though they were) catch up with him.
What if Obama did the same things that Regan and the Bushes have done?
That’s what they are worried about. They are worried about breaking the law of the constitution by people other than their heroes, and they paint the scenario in the most outlandish terms their steamed little brains can muster, which involves muslims or blowjobs or brown people of any stripe.
I mean, it’s one thing for a Republican to sell arms to a hostile Muslim country and aid genocidal movements, but if the Democrats were tempted with such executive power, they might… well, you know… sell arms to a hostile Muslim country and aid genocidal movements. And that’s just wrong on it’s face.
pigf@#kers, the lot of ’em, i say. which, i guess is my unique experiece, as all of the pigf@#kers i’ve known have actually been very conservative.
but wait, I thought Sully said that he couldn’t imagine the narrative that the right could compose against Obama.
I is so confuzed
Hooray. Time for today’s edition of Hoc Ergo Stupid Fuck!
I’m not saying that Adam likes to suck dog balls or his colon regularly gets more gerbil traffic than a Habitrail, but these things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
I’m with bpower. I seriously find it hard to laugh at the shite this mean-spirited, goose-stepping, fascist little wanker spews.
OMFG, WTF? A red diaper baby? I have to say, that’s the first time I ever heard that. I’m finding this “red” thing confusing, anyway, since Republicans are the new reds, aren’t they? E.g., “red” states v. Democratic “blue” states?
Oh, wait, maybe it does make sense. We’re liberal fascists, after all, so they must be conservative communists.
Someone pass the bong.
crap… my comment needs correcting, the last part was directed at Mister Leonard Pierce. Now I’m the first exception to the conservative pigf@#ker rule.
Yes, he just called racism “vestigal” because Obama won the first caucus.
In Iowa, for the Democratic party, in a turnout of about 10% of the state’s population motivated enough to show up, many of whom (though not a majority) voted for Obama.
If that kind of thinking is followed through, let’s just dispense with the electoral system and say Obama’s president now.
I’m keeping this article, and treasuring it always
Psssh. This is tame for Adam. You’ve obviously never read his “shove them into human-sized microwaves” post.
Someone could be born a red diaper baby
Candy, that’s old-school wingnutese. And, actually, Yoshi’s probably got David Horowitz in mind when he typed that.
You know, the concept of “total war” got Goebbels hard too.
Seriously, I just did a Google search for al-Taqiyya. OBL would disagree (and most Muslims I’ve met). Also it appears the Shia (it is said by one of the later prophtes) would say that it is only to be used in VERY serious circumstances ie you are allowed to say “I’m not a Muslim” if they will kill you.
Candy, that’s old-school wingnutese.
The things I didn’t know before I discovered Sadly,No!
Meanwhile, in the reality-based world, Obama is excessively sympathetic towards Israel.
It was a mistake to not immediately begin a large expansion in the actual size of the Armed Forces…
“This would presumably involve a draft, but, ahem, not one that includes me, of course, because, erm, I’m a snivelling chickenhawk piece of shit I have a medical condition.”
Anyhoo, in all my years of intersurfing the net-o-tubes, I’ve read that George Bush is married to his sister, that George Bush had a giant gold-effect crown installed in the Whitehouse bedroom, that George Bush had Salem bin Laden murdered, and that George Bush brought down the Twin Towers using remote-controlled planes and a disintegrator ray (that’s just off the top of my head – there are obviously many, many more). I’m sure you can all guess what’s coming next, but in the spirit of true wingnuttery: irresponsible to speculate, what does it say about George Bush that I believed all these stories, I’m not saying but can we really be sure, etc etc…
Damn you, preview. The chickenhawk bit should obviously have a strike-through.
I woke up this morning having never heard of Adam Yoshida. Why did you feel the need to introduce his existence into my life? I could’ve done without it…
I’m sorry, I got stuck on this one:
Quoth Yoshi: “It takes a strong man to overcome early bonds of affection and accept that it might be necessary, in the interests of our civilization, to kill people one was raised with – maybe even to kill one’s own relatives, if that is what is required.”
Seriously? I’m having a hard time imagining what civilization Yoshi would be protecting that would require that he kill his own relatives. I hope his dear old granny keeps her mace close by.
But really. Ick.
…and, indeed, “irresponsible NOT to speculate”. That fuck-up was all my own work.
Quoth Yoshi: “It takes a strong man to overcome early bonds of affection and accept that it might be necessary, in the interests of our civilization, to kill people one was raised with – maybe even to kill one’s own relatives, if that is what is required.”
Dinner at the Yoshida household is all about who has possession of the carving knife.
Candy & HTML — FYI, ‘red diaper baby’ is also used by actual, self-identified Reds… When my father-in-law describes himself as having been a red-diaper baby, he’s not being ironic or anything – he really is a 3rd-generation Red.
Sensei Yoshi, what is brown stain in back of your pants, please?
Yes, he just called racism “vestigal” because Obama won the first caucus.
Obama’s black??? Why was I not informed?
“This would presumably involve a draft, but, ahem, not one that includes me, of course, because, erm, I’m a snivelling chickenhawk piece of shit I have a medical condition.”
He’s a Canadian too. But maybe he & Steyn can set up a donation site on the web to fund their 2-man militia that will represent Canada’s only contribution to the inevitable race war.
“Noonan’s Post-Racist Society” = “Catatonic Porn Session Toys”
WHich would be a good name for a rock band. But wait, there’s more!
“Yoshida’s Human-Sized Microwave” = “Oo, his dim, crazy, unashamed views.”
Thanks! I look forward to exploring Yoshida’s contributions to our political discourse… sort of like looking forward to spelunking in a sewer.
Adam Yoshida = A! A! I am shoddy!
“It takes a strong man to overcome early bonds of affection and accept that it might be necessary, in the interests of our civilization, to kill people one was raised with – maybe even to kill one’s own relatives, if that is what is required.”
This might be my favorite part. Ordinarily, killing one’s own relatives tends to be frowned upon in Western society. Yosh not only disagrees, he thinks it’s a precondition for the Presidency. As in, he won’t vote for someone who isn’t willing to kill his own relatives.
The Family Values Party, ladies and gentlemen!
SamFromUtah said,
January 7, 2008 at 19:30
Also – does “Atrios 10:33? look like a Bible citation to anyone else, or is it just me?
Try Atrios 13:28
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll buy the book.
I’m not saying that Obama is a concealed Moslem, a Manchurian candidate, waiting to seize the office of the Presidency in the service of sinister interests.
Actually, I’m pretty sure you are.
‘red diaper baby’ is also used by actual, self-identified Reds
Protected Static, when I read your comment, it jogged my poor senile memory, and I realized I had heard that before, in the context you mention. I am, indeed, getting old . . .
As in, he won’t vote for someone who isn’t willing to kill his own relatives.
What if you’re required to EAT your own relatives? Think of THAT before you vote.
Ok,if these people aren’t Exhibit A FOR universal mental health care coverage I don’t know who is.
Sometimes I wonder if the internets doesn’t make people more vicious than they would be if they couldn’t hide behind their monitors.
Actually, I’m pretty sure you are.
No, he’s not. He’s typing it.
Y’know, every time this stupid YIKES OBAMA’S A MUSLIM!! shit comes up, I have to ask the same question.
Why would that be bad?
Other than in the fevered eliminationist dreams of sectarian bigots, who is bothered by that? Muslims are NOT our enemy. When the Japanese attacked pearl harbor, did we suddenly decide we were at eternal war with Shintoism? ‘Cause I kinda missed the part where the religious beliefs of people who hurt you are the critical factor in deciding how to respond to that hurt?
Weren’t most of the German soldiers in WWII Lutheran? Should we have killed all the Lutherans? Should that have prevented a Lutheran from being president?
Obama’s a MUSLIM! Romney’s a MORMON! Giullianni’s a SOCIOPATH!
Pop quiz. Which ONE of the above statements should actually worry us?
Muslims are NOT our enemy.
Knocked it out of the park, Mikey. The trouble is the willful ignorance the ‘nuts have about what “Muslim” means. There are, what, 1,000,000,000 Muslims or so, world-wide, and these simple-minded fucks think they all march in lockstep – and those who know better are willing to pretend otherwise to keep the FEAR boiling. It’s another deliberate logical fallacy: “The 9/11 attackers were Muslims, therefore Muslims are all 9/11 attackers.” They’re willing to ignore that you can never get even two people to agree all the time, especially about something as serious as giving one’s own life for a cause.
These same dumbshits overlook the fact that America, so much smaller than the worldwide Muslim community, is hardly homogenous. In fact, they thrive on that fact for the whole “enemy within” rush.
Plus they use the term “Muslim” interchangeably with “Arab”, so there’s a big racist component too.
It’s infuriating. Education would fix it, but they want to play army mans and are defiantly unwilling to learn any better (or be the soldiers themselves).
Now, let’s be very clear – I’m not saying that Adam yoshida likes to fornicate with pigs while engaging in Satanic rituals. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
What a sick f**k.
The fact is, nuke it!! Nuke it now!!!
The fact is, whip it!!! Whip it good!!!
What a sick f**k.
Yeah – I went back and reread the “macrowave” lunacy.
Lemme get that straight – we have to shove people into huge microwave ovens and cook them ’til they pop because they’re barbarians?
I guess the part that cements our civilized credentials is that we’d then force their relatives to clean the ovens.
Y’know what’s also unfalsifiable?
Adam Yoshida is a deep-cover Muslim provocateur.
By looking like an absolute racist, arguing these points, he ensures a wealth of racist douchebags that will force moderate Muslims in Canada to choose sides between Muslim extremism and Western society.
Some may say this is unfalsifiable, indeed, a lie made up and pulled directly from my ass. To those people I say, yeah, probably, but it’s still central to my point.
Candy, the “red-diaper baby” thing is very David Horowitz because David WAS a red-diaper baby.
Why that’s important is best left to David Horowitz and his allies, but it does fit in with what Yoshida wrote.
Meanwhile, in the reality-based world, Obama is excessively sympathetic towards Israel.
That’s just part of his secret-religion-disguising of his true intentions, dontcha know.
Yoshi’s grasp of history matches his hold on reality or does someone trying assassinate TR during his 1912 campaign not count as violence?
g has seen a lot of the same people as I have, but I left them behind in Georgia. can’t we find some dangerous frontier for these folks to take over? Maybe that movie WestWorld was a prediction?
Perhaps, under some definitions of “classic violence,” and rather than weaken my point that the danger is far greater from liberal fascists who claim not to be violent and in fact are apparently not violent, this is actually central to my point, which is that tummy tummy need yum yum again.
The fact is, liberals are the first to resort to violence when things do not go as they hoped to. The conservatives are about logic, reasonsed debate, fairness and balance, while you nutters spew hate and want to outlaw everything you don’t like. You hate freedom, God and the USA.
mikey said,
January 7, 2008 at 21:33
Should that have prevented a Lutheran from being president?
Wanna know a secret?
Gary Ruppert said,
January 7, 2008 at 22:57
The fact is, liberals are the first to resort to violence when things do not go as they hoped to.
Yes, that’s true, if you count complaining as “violence”. Conservatives, on the other hand, whip out their guns.
Hey Gary Pupkin, could you back that last claim up with a fact, please?
If not, shut up.
Or Ruppert Pupkin or Puppy Dalmation or whatever breed of dog your bitch mom was…
Not only is fake Gary un-American, he’s not American.
“have we really reached the point where thin = fag?”
Certainly not in my case! thin=loss of internal organs at a young age, dammit.
And, as Mikey points out, if this type of rampent religious bigotry had existed in the 40’s, all of Minnesota would have been interned. Those hardy Lutherans might just have enjoyed that though…
you nutters spew hate and want to outlaw everything you don’t like. You hate freedom, God and the USA.
Well, he’s got us there. The first three items in the official platform of the Democratic Party are:
1. Outlaw freedom.
2. Outlaw God.
3. Outlaw the USA.
Now excuse me, I have to go spew some hate. Or maybe it’s the clams I had for lunch. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.
The fact is, only those who believe in the KJV Bible as the literal word of God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior are Christians, are Americans, or will be saved. When the time is up, too late for the rest.
The fact is, liberals are the first to resort to violence when things do not go as they hoped to.
Not only wrong, but ignores the fact that violence is the way rightards hopes for things to go.
I see that Canada’s socialized medicine system still results in tragically long waiting periods for basic medications like Thorazine.
As long as Adam’s parents promise that he’ll stay home blogging and not yell at women out the windoww or take a crap on the neighbor’s law again, he can’t be compelled to take his meds. Once his caretakers get too old to watch him 24/7, however, all bets are off.
with cloud of sepia-toned Oprah-derived toxins which entered the American bloodstream with regard to 9-11
Could someone clarify Adam’s imagery for me? I’m not quite sure whether his animus is directed against nostalgic brown-tinged monochrome photography, or whether he’s thinking of some kind of squid, concealing itself within a cloud of ink. Except in this case the ink is poisonous, with toxins somehow extracted from Oprah Winfrey.
It this sudden convergence of squids with images of Oprah tells us something about Yoshida’s current sexual fantasies, then he’s healthier than back when they centred on Macrowaves.
Now excuse me, I have to go spew some hate.
How’s your projectile vomiting? I’ve been practicing, but it didn’t help that they banned me from the rifle range.
It’s all true. There’s nothing I long for more than to be imprisioned in a North Korean cellblock.
Oh, if only Kim Jong-Il had the prison capacity that we have here in America!
Obama had political ambitions from a very early age.
Oh noes! Someone might actually want to be President(!) rather than being born into the aristocracy and simply fulfilling his duty by stepping up to the plate when his party calls upon him, however distasteful it is to him.
Do people realize how un-democratic this “people shouldn’t dare actually want to be President — we can’t have ambitious people” meme is? While I know that sometimes we do well to elect those who seek office for reasons of Noblesse Oblige (FDR) and have had problems with those who are ambitious (Nixon), this denigration of ambition is itself a threat to liberty — as pointed out by Madison and friends, it is ambition that will keep us free: “ambition [will be] made to counteract ambition”.
By dismissing ambition, we nip any check and balance in the bud, as we see with Bush & CO vs. Dems. in Congress. Why are Dems. afraid to act? ‘Cause the anti-democratic media will say “oh, Congresscritter Hippydip is playing politics and how dare s/he go against our Commander in Chief” … and people will agree that Congresscritter Hippydip is being distastefully uppity (n.b. with whom we associate this word — Southern Gentry disparaging African-Americans and Scalawags … the ideas which have infected our discourse are very much from a dangerous, un-American — remember they rebelled against our government — tradition that deserves to be repudiated by all patriotic minded citizens, not celebrated as some American way of thinking) and, if Congresscritter Hippydip is at all ambition s/he’ll learn to shut up. So much for ambition being made to counteract ambition.
If “Obama always wanted to be President” is something that still is considered as a slur by most people, we’ve learned nothing since almost 50% of the nation voted for George W. “Even if I was to the manor born, I’m jus’ an everyday feller who happens to have ended up running for Presnit even if I don’t really want the job” Bush over Al “I really want to lead this great country and am the most qualified of the major candidates to do it” Gore. So much for our nation’s famed republican ethos.
The fact is, only those who believe in the KJV Bible as the literal word of God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior are Christians, are Americans, or will be saved.
Cause nothing says America like bowing to the words of a British king. Is this the part where Gary explains that Jesus was white, spoke in perfect English and wrote the Declaration of Independence, not that filthy deist Jefferson?
When I wonder what my patriotic duty to my country is, the first person I turn to is a Canadian.
Who free republic thought was too extreme for them.
Fuck, at least Pam Atlas travels to Israel sometimes.
Adam Yoshida
What do bandmates Michael Diamond and Adam Horovitz think of his writing?
Dan, shhh!! Not so loud, that’s an internal memo, we can’t let the know about that. At least…not until January 2009 when the next Democrat President takes over the world and our plans will finally be revealed to all! Muwahhahahahahahahaha!!!
Gary Rupert:
But the authors of the KJV translated it from the Septuagint.
Does that mean they’re not Christians?
Sorry, but not buying it. There’s no way you could be that stupid. Obviously Ruppert is a parody troll.
taqqiyah doesn’t mean what Yoshida thinks it means… Taqqiyah boils down to a way to opt out of martyrdom
What’s more, those sneaky Catholics have a doctrine of mental reservation, which allows them to lie about being a papist — and about the sinister doctrines of papistry — so that they can rise to positions of power, where they can sell out the country to the Pope.
Of course the Catholics deny that “mental reservation” means any such thing, but they would, wouldn’t they?
None of that is going to happen! The president isn’t a goddamn emperor. Even if America did elect some Baghdadian Candidate, it’s not like the Congress, the Supreme Court, and all the judges and senators and law enforcement agents in America are going to throw up their hands and say “We’ve got to do what he tells us! He’s the PRESIDENT! What choice do we have?”
Forgive me if I’m repeating a point that’s already been made … but why isn’t this going to happen? Isn’t this pretty much what has happened with G.W. Bush? The twin towers got blown up and the Pentagon was breached, and suddenly “we’ve got to do whatever our CiC tells us, or we are un-American”. Considering who has benefited from GW Bush’s tenure (funny, before he invaded Iraq, Al Qaeda wasn’t there, and now it is? … hmmm …), how do we know he’s not a “Manchurian Candidate”? Certainly people did respond in the way you said they wouldn’t.
Nu? If we have another “Bagdadian Candidate”, the scenario laid out by Yoshida could very well happen, after all it already happened! Of course, given with which side Yoshida casts his lot, the reason why it seems reasonable that a stealth Muslim Obama could cause so much damage is projection on Yoshida’s part of what has happened with Bush & CO onto what might (but will likely not) happen under a President B. Hussein Obama.
And about the KJV being the literal Word of God? Yeah, not so much.
Obama had political ambitions from a very early age.
I have a classroom full of kids who want to be soccer stars, entertainers, doctors and lawyers when they grow up . Big whoop.
No they didn’t. It may have looked like that, and there may be so-called “evidence” for it, but it was God speaking directly through the scribes and editors.
God, you liberals just hate God and want to insult everything he did.
If God did not write the King James Version of the Bible, then why do so many people believe he did? They are more people than you are. And they are humble patriot American conservatives not mean and bitter liberal fascists who are only interested in trying to tear down anything anyone ever cared about and also get coffee with stupid milk.
I’m always a little torn about these Adam Yoshida posts. I get the feeling that if it wasn’t for these SN sessions he’d get 0 hits and he might find other hobbies, yet they’re like a bad accident that I can’t help but look at.
Hey my linky no work 🙁
The fact is, it is still the word of God, and the founders were not atheists.
“stupid milk”?
As a Scandinavian, I have yet to flirt with the faith of my fathers. Oh sure, it is tempting to give my undying fealty to Thor or Odin
I admit to flirting with Odinism at a party once, but Atheism caught me at it, and there was a scene. I slept on the sofa that night.
Err… Tom Paine was. And Franklin was a deist. And Jefferson was an agnostic or something like that, who though that the old testament was rubbish and re-wrote his own version of the Bible based on what he though was the best parts.
King James Version: Maker’s Nose Jiving! Oh Nose!!
As a Scandinavian, I have yet to flirt with the faith of my fathers. Oh sure, it is tempting to give my undying fealty to Thor or Odin
I’m Ashkenazic. Would the faith of my fathers be the Jewish faith my family has held for as long as we can trace it? Or would it be a faith in Wotan, Thor, et al, as would befit my obvious millenia-old Aryan heritage (which heritage is obvious from my very light-skinned phenotype)?
I am partial to the Good News Bible! Can’t get enough good news these days!
“Unfalsifiable”? WTF does that even mean? Was he trying to say “unverifiable”?
It actually does mean something. It’s like a philosophical/history of science type idea. Falsifiability means that there is some way you could prove a given postulate to be false. If a postulate is ‘unfalsifiable’, then essentially means that it’s meaningless because it can’t be tested. “I have brown hair” is falsifiable because you can look at me to test my statement. “My brown hair makes the baby Jesus cry” is unfalsifiable because there is no way to test that. The basic idea anyhow.
I don’t think Yoshida is using it quite right tho…
Bitter Scribe, I believe it means it’s impossible to prove it is false, whereas unverifiable means it’s impossible to prove it is true.
One thing’s for sure, Yoshida is “certifiable”.
I am partial to the Good News Bible! Can’t get enough good news these days!
Hey honey: get a load of this Whore of Babylon! The future looks bright!
[…] (Hat tip, the fine folks at Sadly, No!) Obama 2008 = McGovern 1972 […]
Gary Ruppert said,
January 7, 2008 at 23:07
The fact is, only those who believe in the KJV Bible as the literal word of God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior are Christians, are Americans, or will be saved.
Really? Cuz in my KJV Bible in Revelation, only 144,000 people get saved.
And they’re all Israeli.
So long suckah! See you in hell!
El Cid said,
January 7, 2008 at 23:26
get coffee with stupid milk.
I like my coffee the way I like my women: strong and bitter.
Shorter Adam Yoshida:
“Obama’s the Masque of the Black Muslim Death!!!!111!!!eleventy-one!!!11!”
Yoshida likes his coffee the way he likes his women: ground up and stored in the freezer.
Careful. Flirting with Odinism can get you arrested for indecent exposure. Oh, wait. I was thinking of something else…
Never mind. Flirt away!
Gary Ruppert said… The fact is, only those who believe in the KJV Bible as the literal word of God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior are Christians, are Americans, or will be saved. When the time is up, too late for the rest.
As the bumper sticker says,:
“Come the Rapture, can I have your car?”
I like my women like I like my coffee: in a French press, from the local market, organic whole milk, first thing in the morning, then re-heated in a microwave throughout the day. What?
Could someone clarify Adam’s imagery for me?
Smut Clyde: Think “midichlorians.”
Here’s my shorter Yoshi (who I never heard of before this, but damn he’s fucking nuts): “Obama is a black muslim homo who would never blow up his own family with tactical nuclear weapons.”
It’s also (with slight modification) The Savage Weiner‘s favorite appellation for anyone to the left of Torquemada.
How does she take her coffee?
It takes a strong man to overcome early bonds of affection and accept that it might be necessary, in the interests of our civilization, to kill people one was raised with – maybe even to kill one’s own relatives, if that is what is required.
Other people have already commented on this. Still, if every presidential candidate were actually tested on this criterion, wouldn’t it make the primaries that much more entertaining?
[…] Via Sadly No! […]
Shorter Adam Yoshida: Damn – couldn’t work pedophilia in there…
Adam Yoshida: The Early Years
(A 1996 Usenet post by Yoshida, when he was about 11)
I don’t mean to be rude, but: Holy fucking hell! What a fucking jagoff shithead!
This is par for the course as far as Yoshida is concerned.
He is one bugfuck crazy Canadian wingnut.
I know I keep saying this, but as soon as some asshole spells “Muslim” as “Moslem”, I can be sure they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.
Then when they say that “Al-Taqiyya is a common practice amongst teh SEEKRIT MOZLUMZ”, well, then I know they need to get themselves back to comparative religion 101.
Yoshida likes his coffee the way he likes his women: ground up and stored in the freezer.
Nothing to add – just BWAAAhahahahahahahaha!
There’s a reason why Obama draws the woman’s vote more than Hillary Clinton: he’s a limp-wristed weakling…
If Adam actually knew any real women, he would know that many women actually like a manly man … in his proper place, of course, as stud service.
Oh, and I DO mean to be rude.
Geddy, Alex and I, like most Canadiens, know that Adam Yoshida is a bugfuck crazy psychopath. Like Steyn, he’s a pussy.
geez. Going after Adam Yoshida, isn’t that a bit… a LOT like shooting fish in a barrel? Picking the lowest of low-hanging fruit?
his blog was fun when he had comments enabled. After that, I bet his hits dropped to nearly zero. Why give him the traffic?
I’m surprised there are as many commenters as there are, who are not familiar with Yoshida.
Go through his archives, it’s a compendium of teh crazy.
OTB said,
I hope Yoshi answers those ominous goat-blowing rumors asap. Of course, denying them will in no way mean he does not blow goats, and I’m not saying he *does* blow goats, but still…
These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
I’m trying to find a certain story in Canadian archives…
This is the first time I’m read anything by “Yoshi”, and it reminds me of someone (about a decade ago) who put full-page advertisements in newspapers across Canada exhorting the citizens to work towards a “more British North America” like in the good old days. Hopelessly delusional and baldly racist, it was eventually tracked down to an East Indian man. I think he was living in Richmond (Vancouver) at the time, but I’m trying to confirm it.
Anyone else here remember this story?
I am actually pretty surprised at the “he is effeminate and gay” angle. I mean, really.
He is good looking, comfortable in his own skin, smart. He’s got that voice.
Hey… I’d do him!
“Now, let’s be very clear – I’m not saying that Yoshida is a concealed human-alien hybrid, a Reticulan candidate, writing to influence the vote for the Presidency in the service of alien overlords. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. ”
Obama is the final Cylon!
“His appeal – particularly to the young and to single women – can be traced to his girlishly sensitive countenance and character.”
The bitter musings of an ugly, single, conservative man.
I think they’re afraid that Obama might actually be a well-composed committed man in a stable (in this case heterosexual) relationship instead of playing at it Vaudeville style, like conservatives have a fetish for.
It’s like they think the Village People are portraying genuine masculinity, and regular and non-flaunting men must be, like, gay or something.
Way the hell-and-gone up the page, anangryoldbroad skrev:
I don’t wonder. I know that this has actually been argued as John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.
>the first Presidential race in a very long time to be marred by actual violence.
Sounds like someone’s nostalgic for the Brooks Brothers Riot.
That belonged in the previous millennium (y’know, the 2000 election).
if America did elect some Baghdadian Candidate…
What’s the most extreme power a President can exercise unilaterally? If you answered “bustin’ open The Football and gettin’ busy with some launch codes”, you are correct! Which would mean that the most dangerous thing President Obama could do would be pretty much exactly what Yoshi thinks W. should have done in 2001.
(Ok, Yoshi thinks Obama would launch on Israel. Like the military would just go along with using nukes against an ally out of the clear blue. But it’s still a funny juxtaposition.)
[…] as peaceful, innocent citizens. Now, let’s be very clear — I’m not saying that Adam Yoshida is a concealed terrorist, a Manchurian blogger. But on the other hand, it’s impossible to […]
[…] […]