Barrelbottom Nightmare Band*
As we currently live and breathe, John Batchelor, formerly the thinking-man’s right-wing radio howler at New York’s AM 770 (Mark Levin is this ABC flagship affiliate’s Uncle Miltie), is featuring the unicorn-and-rainbow-flavored ‘relationship astronomer,’ Jan Spiller, who is keying us into the star-augured secrets of the Clintons’ marriage.
Coming up in the next segment, and o-ho-ho-we’re-so-not-kidding: an astrological investigation into the hidden private life of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Which marks a foundational effort in, you know, what promises to be a long and varied series of such Obamanations.
…We’ve trademarked that new term, btw. Seems best to get in early, in advance of any blind, frothing, right-wing-foundation-fueled rush that may possibly occur.
* Q.v.
On September 12, 2001, the day after the fall of the Twin Towers, WABC-AM in New York City recruited John Batchelor to go on the air until Osama bin Laden was either killed or captured. John has been on ever since
He must really be pissed off at George Bush.
When President Reagan and his wife were found to have consulted astrologers, one comment was “at least they were consulting somebody.” Given our righties’ penchant for simply pulling ‘facts’ out of the nearest warm butthole, perhaps we should welcome this trend.
How ’bout something good, for a change?
At least he’s got job security?
How ’bout this one too?
This is something good.
Gavin M. said,
January 7, 2008 at 5:49
How ’bout something good, for a change?
How ’bout this one too?
Fuck Yeah!!!!one1111!
P.S. Don’t forget Dianne Banker Butt-Licker Margaret Thatcher Feinstein.
The Dragon Lady with No Fucking Heart.
Personally, I prefer the minimalist approach.
Of course, you could always go old school.
I like that choreography, J–, but this is the Bobby Fuller I Fought THe Law that I have in my favs.
Bobby Fuller – I Fought The Law [video unavailable]
From Hullaballoo – version with a jailhouse set.
Tags: bobby fuller hullaballoo
Added: 1 year ago
From: rocketjay
Views: 38,309
Damn it’s been removed.
Damnity damn damn damn. Just like my favorite Plasmatics vids. Time to drown my sorrows in beer, once again.
I’m off to take another Nyquil and find sweet oblivion. Thanks for the Clash.
Gawd, I feel like shit.
Hope none of y’all catch this same cold.
Damn it’s been removed.
Is this it?
That is it, J–.
I thought the youtube version was a bit sharper, pixel-wise, but I won’t Rush to conclusions.
Stop w/ the YouTubery already. My broadband devil-box is dead, the one I’m dialing up on to type at you all has no sound, the pain, the suffering…
I thought lefty liberalism was all about dragging everything down to the level of the poorest & stupidest of us, & destroying all individual initiative. If you don’t stop acting better than I am, I’ll have to take my business elsewhere.
Isn’t astrology a tool of the devil or something? What does Huck say about investigating his opponents this way? How is this different from V. D. Hanson’s Freudian take on the Clintons? (An item or two back.)
I’m glad to see that they’re working so hard to maintain America’s Christian foundations through “totally-so-scientific” astrology.
Astrology : Freudian pop-psych :: tomah-to : tomay-to.
Aren’t these the people who advocate burning Harry Potter books as instruments of Satan? I’m pretty sure Leviticus had some harsh words about astrology too.
Given our righties’ penchant for simply pulling ‘facts’ out of the nearest warm butthole, perhaps we should welcome this trend.
Who are you trying to kid? The butthole doesn’t even have to be warm. See Reagan, Ronald, and the most recent GOP candidate debate.
“Aren’t these the people who advocate burning Harry Potter books as instruments of Satan?”
Yes, BUT, keep in mind that Harry Potter is a cute young boy (and thus a sore temptation for most middle-aged Republican men), whereas astrology doesn’t have a sexual element to it.
astrology doesn’t have a sexual element to it.
There _is_ a sign of the ram.
No, but cosmotology does.
Oh, dude, I’ve heard this guy on the radio. He’s fucking insane. Like, you know that at least Limbaugh and O’Reilly KNOW they’re paid propaganda shills for the rightwing. This guy’s just too fucking stupid to see he’s being played. And he seems to believe that pinnacle of radio voice work was in the late 40’s.
“There _is_ a sign of the ram.”
Yeah, but really its only Southern Republicans that get turned on by – and admit publicly to having sex with – four-legged animals like rams, or mules, as the case may be.
But we all know middle-aged Republican men from across the country are likely to be tried by the last temptation of Harry Potter.
I noticed he ‘wrote a short history of the Republican Party’…
I wonder if that can be shortered. I’d have to read it first tho, and I’m not gonna do that.
Holy shit. Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas had spent the last thirty years lost in the black hole of my mind. But as soon as I saw that clip I remembered all the words from when I was 9 years old.
Thank you Sadly, No!
I noticed he ‘wrote a short history of the Republican Party’…
First there was Lincoln… and then, umm.. Teddy did a couple of nice things… after that it was pretty down hill. The End.
Are they going to reveal why the Republicans have more divorces than Bush has pre-printed vetoes?
I would like to know what was said in this Obama segment (assuming Gavin indeed was not kidding) … was there one?
John Batchelor’s site proudly claims that “Unused Intelligence is Meaningless”. You know, that just sums up so much.
thinking-man’s right-wing radio howler
right wing men don’t think.
“Thinking” is a relative concept. Some GOPer males “think” more than other GOPer males. All of them howl, however.
Surely you mean spontaneous, grassroots brushfire of concern over the most important issues of our time as they suddenly develop out of nowhere, right?
If you fuck rams, does that mean your teh gay?
Just a nitpick
Astronomy – science
Astrology – bullshit
I think you have a fancy view.
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