Shorter Mona Charen

Joe Kennedy, Hugo Chavez and That Free Heating Oil

ABOVE: Mona Charen, wingnut roasting by an open fire

  • Poor people should freeze to death rather than buy discounted heating oil from a guy who called the greatest U.S. president ever “the devil.” My house, however, is nice and toasty, thank you very much.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 110


Hasn’t anyone ever told her that above the knee skirts are a no-no after 35? She’s got to be about 20 years beyond the cut-off.

Notorious P.A.T.

What a house of horrors Townhall is. Hugh Hewitt? Dennis Prager? David Limbaugh? *shudder*


She sure seems heated up about disappearances and extrajudicial killings while writing for an outfit that called Rigoberta Menchu a liar and enthusiastically backed Pinochet.

Not that she’d get the contradiction…


Apparently she misunderestimates the “shorter” concept. It doesn’t refer to the skirt, dearie.


You know what? She’s right. From now on, we should only accept oil donations for the poor from democratically elected, human-rights respecting countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, or some Central Asian ‘republics’. Well played!


“Venezuela’s most-watched television station — and outlet for the political opposition — went off the air after the government refused to renew its broadcast license . . . Police on Sunday used water cannons and what appeared to be tear gas to break up thousands of demonstrators protesting the government’s decision to close the country’s most-watched television station . . . Inside the studios of Radio Caracas Television, employees cried and chanted ‘Freedom!’ on camera.”

Would it be in poor taste to note the schaudenfreude of the wingnuttery every time an Air America station goes off the air, victims of an organized corporatist cabal who refuse to advertise there despite appealing demographcs?


You can note it, Molly, but the wingnuts won’t get it.

They are plus 6 in saving throws against self awareness.


I never in my wildest dreams imagined Mona Charen ever saying anything bad about one of the Big Seven oil companies, but there it is!


I think she left her “Ravenous Wingnut Leggings of the Whale” at home. She could certainly use the +7 to intellect.


Mona Charen is right to criticize a politicized judiciary, abuse and torture of detainees, and suppression of independent media. I’m with her on all of that.

Oh, you mean she wasn’t talking about the Bush Administration?


“Regarding Venezuela, the State Department report said the human rights situation for 2006 was characterized by ‘politicization of the judiciary and harassment of the media and of the political opposition.’
“The report said the human rights violations in Venezuela included unlawful killings, disappearances reportedly involving security forces, torture and abuse of detainees, harsh prison conditions, arbitrary arrests and detentions and attacks on the independent media.”

Je-ZUS!! These people truly have no concept of irony, do they?

Politicize the judicary: Bush or Chavez?
Harass the media and opposition: Bush or Chavez?
harsh prison conditions: Bush or Chavez?
disappearances reportedly involving security forces: Bush or Chavez?
torture and abuse of detainees: Bush or Chavez?
Honestly, if I didn’t know who the article was about, I wouldn’t be able to guess.


Wasn’t Charon the demon that ferried the dead across the River Styx into the netherworld? Someone with that sort of background would fit right in at Townhall.


Mona Charen also one of two members of the double dwarf planet system at the outer edges of the Solar System, and her partner Pluto used to be a planet, but got downrated once they saw that Mona’s partner was outclassed by other minor outlying bodies.


Snorhagen: Also remember that he charged for that ferrying, and if you were too poor, fuck off. So appropriate to the Hall’s sense of human decency.

“Even when you’re dead, you’re too poor.”


I think she left her “Ravenous Wingnut Leggings of the Whale” at home. She could certainly use the +7 to intellect.

Wingnut-WoW crossovers make me laugh.


Jennifer said,

January 6, 2008 at 18:42

Hasn’t anyone ever told her that above the knee skirts are a no-no after 35? She’s got to be about 20 years beyond the cut-off.

Some women can still pull it off at 35-45. But after 45… yeah, that’s the big cut-off point. And she’s still over that.


No, you don’t get it! All that stuff about politicizing the judiciary and whatnot is just a meaningless distraction. It’s different, see, cuz Chavez is a leftist and therefore a liberal and therefore a fascist and therefore against freedom. Whereas Bush and certain mid-eastern dictatorships are rightist and therefore anti-liberal and therefore anti-fascist and therefore pro-freedom spread and friend to womb-babies.

The fact that they act so similar is central to my point…or something.


Would it be in poor taste to note the schaudenfreude of the wingnuttery every time an Air America station goes off the air, victims of an organized corporatist cabal who refuse to advertise there despite appealing demographcs?

Seriously? I’m not disputing your grasp of the facts, but fill me in. Most AM radio I ever listened to is crowded with lots of crappy local commericals (car dealers, etc.). Any of the national stuff is mostly nutritional supplements (Garleek) and junk insurance for old people.

My local Air America station went off the year maybe a year ago. They spent most of their time running PSA’s, which is really pathetic. As far as I could tell, they didn’t even HAVE an advertising department, unless it was Herb Tarlek.


You can’t get +7 without using bugs/exploits.

I can’t help but laugh when I go grocery shopping and stop for a fill-up on the way home.

The looks I get when I say shit like “Wow, milks almost 5 bucks a gallon, bet them idiots that voted for bush weren’t expecting that” And since I live in the heartland, and the idiots probably did vote for bush, it makes my shopping experience that much more hilarious.

It also makes people like Moana, who continue to sell this disaster I call ‘The Last 7 Years’ as a triumph of the Bush Economy, look completely ridiculous, but at least we know where to find them.


What if, and I’m just floating this idea, Bush really IS the devil? Should poor people still freeze to death because an uppity brown man told the truth to evil?


She looks like she’s in pretty good shape for an old broad.

Don’t think much of those big buttons, though. And that dress seems kinda scratchy. Is it a one-piece, or a suit jacket? Hard to tell.

Also, nobody’s mentioned the boots. The boots make more of an impact on me than the short skirt. And those boots really don’t have anything to do with that outfit. Unless you’re into Fuhrer / Allbright mashups.


“Most AM radio I ever listened to…”

I listen to AM radio when the power is out and I happen to have batteries, which is the only time I ever listen to AM radio.


Oh, and that last part about ‘uppity’ people was snark, just to be clear.


No one has mentioned her make-up, hair and relative flat-chestedness, either. Not sure what any of that has to do with her insane blatherings, but…you know. Get your kink on if fashion critique of “old broads” is your thing.


The boots are Fuhrer /Allbright?

Isn’t it more like Fuhrer /Condoleezza boots?


I listen to AM radio when the power is out and I happen to have batteries, which is the only time I ever listen to AM radio

Air America radio can be good. My favorite show was, “Stephanie Miller,” which wasn’t officially an Air America program, but my station ran it anyway. The real heavy hitter on Air America, Randi Rhodes, is classic stupid AM radio all the way — I hate it. But people love it. Something about that amplitude modulation attracts teh dumb.

But I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh when I was in college. Get this: It was summer time, I was unemployed, my parents were paying my rent, and I’d sit in my pajamas eating Cheerios listening to Rush and saying, “That’s right, Rush! You stick it to the man!”


Flat-chests won’t keep you warm while your freezing your ass off for bush. Republicans never plan ahead.


Oh, here’s a better one, complete with fascist imagery!

The Condi fuhrer


The boots are Fuhrer /Allbright?

Isn’t it more like Fuhrer /Condoleezza boots?

Sadly, your link was 404.

But I meant the combo outfit. The boots are Fuhrer, the outfit is Allbright. But my fashion sense is tingling… telling me that Madeleine would wear some bright colors. She’s a pip.


Oh, here’s a better one, complete with fascist imagery!

The Condi fuhrer

That outfit reminds more of the Matrix, than anything else. Neo has a similar coat in “Reloaded.” Maybe that picture was taken right before Condi opened up a bullet-time can of whoop ass on a peace demonstrator.


While my power was out during the infamous Ice Storm of Dec ’07, I happened to have batteries, I was looking for info on Oklahoma City stations, and was bitching because the only info I could get was coming out of a Tulsa AM station.

My bitching was keeping me warm…A few minutes later the Tulsa Station took a call from a guy who was also bitching to paraphrase him “I can’t believe I had to call a fucking Tulsa Station to hear some relevant information about the ice storm while all these damn OKC stations were carrying Rush Limbaugh and Sports Shows”

The Tulsa Station replied “We do love us some Rush, but this is a little more important.”

I’m not even buying batteries anymore.


Damn, did Condi get them boots at a Stormfront auction during a flood??


Interesting that the picture shown with the article is Chavez holding a cute little kiddy. You think they would be smart enough to show a picture that made Chavez, you know, look bad or something.

Giving the state of other oil-bearing nations, Venezuela isn’t that bad, definitely not bad enough to let people freeze in order to make a point.


I couldn ‘t access the first page of the column, but I did page down all of the contributors to Clown Hall, and it’s the biggest bunch of assh*les I’ve ever seen at one site.


No one has mentioned her make-up, hair and relative flat-chestedness, either. Not sure what any of that has to do with her insane blatherings, but…you know. Get your kink on if fashion critique of “old broads” is your thing.

Thanks, Christina. I almost missed a few things.

Her nail polish is a little too bright red for my taste… not quite dignified.

Also, is she wearing pearls? If she is, they’re awfully tiny. When I see pearls, I move on. I know I have no chance. Something about pearls says, “I’m a member of the aristocratic elite.” I dated a girl from Wellesley once. She asked me for a pearl necklace once, but I told her I couldn’t afford it. Later, I learned how important context is in understanding the meaning of words.


“Interesting that the picture shown with the article is Chavez holding a cute little kiddy. You think they would be smart enough to show a picture that made Chavez, you know, look bad or something.”

Umm, not to pick nits, but you know how Republicans feel about teh Childrens.

Smiling Mortician

Great day in the morning, kids! Looky what the WaPo actually printed today. (Huh. Link doesn’t work. Here:

Sorry to threadjack, but I’m sick of Mona Charen already and plus, we have big fluffy gobbets of anthrax falling here after a solid week of rain.


Smiling Mortician —

Um, is this news? It’s hard for me to gauge, because I already know about everything McGovern writes about.

Also, McGovern doesn’t tell us why he waited this long — most of this stuff was obvious by 2006.

And what about Cheney? You can’t impeach Bush for anything without also impeaching Cheney for it as well.

Maybe this is like the mirror image of Conservatives finally coming out against Bush. Now that we’ve already starting naming his replacements, liberals are safe to come out of the woodwork and say, “I was right about Bush,” before the cameras and secure their right-itude for history.

Fuck him.


From Smiling Mortician’s link:

The political scene is marked by narrow and sometimes superficial partisanship, especially among Republicans, and a lack of courage and statesmanship on the part of too many Democratic politicians.

Thank you, George McGovern.


“Interesting that the picture shown with the article is Chavez holding a cute little kiddy. You think they would be smart enough to show a picture that made Chavez, you know, look bad or something.”

Umm, not to pick nits, but you know how Republicans feel about teh Childrens.

zomg!1 was there no fetus available for the photograph! chavez hates teh life!


And what about Cheney?

Having read the article, I can say with authority that Cheney is mentioned.


You people have something against Mona’s jackboots? That tells me you’re not really fascist. And if you’re not really fascist, you’re not really liberal. And if you’re not really liberal, you’re not really communist. And if you’re not really communist, you’re not really American.

Wait a minute… is that how it works now?


The lower class should be more then willing to give their lives so that Dear Leader(s) will look successful and competent! Remember, actual results are not important, what’s important is perceived image of our Smart and Very Capable Leaders! Beyond which, the little people should be over joyed at their chance to sacrifice and suffer for the betterment of Our Leaders! What honor and joy there is in knowing you made Them look good!


Apologies to George McGovern. He’s on the right side of history, as he’s always been.

But, still, why wait until right before an election to call for impeachment? Seems kinda pointless to wait that long.


And what about Cheney?

Having read the article, I can say with authority that Cheney is mentioned.

Holy crud, ace comprehension skills, Bubba!

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

First damn sentence. I gotta stop skimming.


@ inkadu,

That’ll teach ya. I don’t understand such a request, myself, but there’s a fetish for everything, it seems.


True enough, though, that people have held their tongues for way way too long.

Smiling Mortician

& the news value, inkadu, is that the WaPo actually printed it. Which is, y’know, what I said in my comment.


inkadu said,

January 6, 2008 at 19:50

But I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh when I was in college. Get this: It was summer time, I was unemployed, my parents were paying my rent, and I’d sit in my pajamas eating Cheerios listening to Rush and saying, “That’s right, Rush! You stick it to the man!”

I remember when I was in college in the early 90’s, we’d watch Rush when he had his late show on ABC. We thought he was some comedian because no one would really be that stupid/crazy. We stopped watching when we realized he was actually being serious.

As I say: when someone is a parody of themselves, they’re definitely full of shit.


These clowns could save a lot of virtual ink and effort if they just wrote IOKIYAR! several times and went the fuck away.

Then they could go back to eating kittens, spitting on poor children or whatever the fuck it is they do for entertainment.


dBa said,

January 6, 2008 at 19:55

While my power was out during the infamous Ice Storm of Dec ‘07, I happened to have batteries, I was looking for info on Oklahoma City stations, and was bitching because the only info I could get was coming out of a Tulsa AM station.

My bitching was keeping me warm…A few minutes later the Tulsa Station took a call from a guy who was also bitching to paraphrase him “I can’t believe I had to call a fucking Tulsa Station to hear some relevant information about the ice storm while all these damn OKC stations were carrying Rush Limbaugh and Sports Shows”

The Tulsa Station replied “We do love us some Rush, but this is a little more important.”

I’m not even buying batteries anymore.

This is why you get a weather band / short wave radio for emergencies.


Inkado–we prefer womb-baby to fetus here in the heartland.

“Then they could go back to eating kittens, spitting on poor children or whatever the fuck it is they do for entertainment.”

Making teh cool patches?


I remember when I was in college in the early 90’s, we’d watch Rush when he had his late show on ABC. We thought he was some comedian because no one would really be that stupid/crazy. We stopped watching when we realized he was actually being serious.

I was listening a little before that time… but, Cheerio-addled as I was, I eventually caught on to the fact that he always, always, always gave Republican a free pass. I was still in my fiercely non-partisan / Libertarian / Anarchist phase then (ah, sweet youth), so that was the end of Rush for me.

Mortician – OK. Gotcha. I assumed McGovern was a regular columnist, and, as such, has a free hand… but, yeah, weird, because WaPo editorial still drinks the kool aid AFAIK. Maybe they’re trying to stay a step behind of Fox news in the race to irrelevancy.


Arky – Professional Peace Disturber said,

January 6, 2008 at 20:21

These clowns could save a lot of virtual ink and effort if they just wrote IOKIYAR! several times and went the fuck away.

Then they could go back to eating kittens, spitting on poor children or whatever the fuck it is they do for entertainment.

The WaPo comment section is a fine source of entertainment, as always.

mgsorens wrote:
scruffy1 wrote: I don’t understand how anyone could argue against the impeachment of Bush/Cheney.

Then I will try to explain. Republicans and their forerunners have alway sought to protect the innocent from evil and oppression. Toward that end they invented laws and started writing them down in big books. It is those laws which prevent the impeachment of President Bush.
1/6/2008 1:12:17 PM


No one has mentioned her make-up, hair and relative flat-chestedness, either. Not sure what any of that has to do with her insane blatherings, but…you know. Get your kink on if fashion critique of “old broads” is your thing.

Eh, well, I’m really not at all sure that making a comment about the age-appropriateness of her dress equates with “lookism” or a critique of her figure or anything else. It’s what it is. If Mitt Romney started showing up in Little Lord Fauntleroy shorts suits, I would also consider that to be a topic of discussion that is not off-limits. I’m not sure her mode of dress has anything whatsoever to do with her insane blatherings, but I will note this….it’s not an uncommon thing for rwing pundettes over the age of 45 to run around in short dresses, or in the case of their younger brethren, to even impersonate cheerleaders.


I used a link, so my comment went into moderation. But from the WaPo comments, this is too rich not to share:

mgsorens wrote:
scruffy1 wrote: I don’t understand how anyone could argue against the impeachment of Bush/Cheney.

Then I will try to explain. Republicans and their forerunners have alway sought to protect the innocent from evil and oppression. Toward that end they invented laws and started writing them down in big books. It is those laws which prevent the impeachment of President Bush.
1/6/2008 1:12:17 PM

Smiling Mortician

It was summer time, I was unemployed, my parents were paying my rent, and I’d sit in my pajamas eating Cheerios listening to Rush

Yeah, me too. Oh. You meant –. Never mind.


If Mitt Romney started showing up in Little Lord Fauntleroy shorts suits, I would also consider that to be a topic of discussion that is not off-limits.

With mental images like that, who needs LSD?

Smiling Mortician

Let’s see if I’ve got this straight: embedded links to Geddy Lee are OK but not to George McGovern? Just trying to suss out a system here.


If Mitt Romney started showing up in Little Lord Fauntleroy shorts suits, I would also consider that to be a topic of discussion that is not off-limits.

Yes, but at least then, he’d be the candidate of change.


Sounds like McGovern is advocating impeaching Chimpy and Darth just for the symbolism of it all. That works for me. It’d go down in the history books and stuff. And wouldn’t there be possible prison time involved? Isn’t that what Tricky Dick was afraid of when he resigned?


With mental images like that, who needs LSD?

Wha? That’s an entirely organic mental image. You can tell because when I mentioned it, you could see it clear as day, couldn’t you? Something about it just seemed to fit.


Isn’t it more like Fuhrer /Condoleezza boots?

More like “sun setting on the fading colonialist empire” boots. I could see Mona in matching jodhpurs–what with the class implications and all. Plus they’re great for hiding unsightly varicose veins, and “cottage cheese” thighs.


You know, if you were writing a response to Charon for publication, which is to say, to be read in a more formal venue than the comment thread of a Sadly, No blog post, well, I’d have to answer (sadly) that No, her clothing, hair, and make-up aren’t relevant, and that the standard for women’s appearances in public is pissy and misogynistic, and that such a response would be out of line.

But jeebus. Happily, yes: this is a comment thread in an informal setting, and I don’t think think such discussion is out of line. In the end, of course, SadlyNaughts will monitor their own behavior, and bad shit gets taken out to the curb. (IMO, bad shit is making fun of a feature over which the person has no real control. It’s about the choices we make to present ourselves. I have no opinion on whether Debbie Schlussel , for example, is attractive, but I admit to be hugely amused by her insistence on proffering those glamour shots of herself.)

And since every permutation of a woman’s public existence is examined minutely, it’s kind of interesting to recognize it. We don’t talk quite so much about men’s appearance because men’s business clothing is generally so damned boring. Of course, it makes no good impression on me if a man is wearing a very fine suit if he’s also wearing a truly awesome facial hair stylin’ like that guy whose photo appeared on this blog a few days ago. But hmm, when we do have a public discussion, the subject man is typically scorned via feminizing him, like John Edwards and his Breck hair, or Al Gore in his woman-selected earth tones.

Hey, OMG, I have annoyed myself. It’s a good thing I only ever go out wearing my burlap-and blood-larvae ensembles.


Seriously? I’m not disputing your grasp of the facts, but fill me in. Most AM radio I ever listened to is crowded with lots of crappy local commericals (car dealers, etc.). Any of the national stuff is mostly nutritional supplements (Garleek) and junk insurance for old people.

My local Air America station went off the year maybe a year ago. They spent most of their time running PSA’s, which is really pathetic. As far as I could tell, they didn’t even HAVE an advertising department, unless it was Herb Tarlek.

Your local Air America station didn’t have advertising? Geez, I wonder why that could be?

From: Media Matters

“An internal ABC Radio Networks memo obtained by Media Matters for America, originally from a listener to The Peter B. Collins Show, indicates that nearly 100 ABC advertisers insist that their commercials be blacked out on Air America Radio affiliates. According to the memo, the advertisers insist that “NONE of their commercials air during AIR AMERICA programming.” Among the advertisers listed are Bank of America, Exxon Mobil, Federal Express, General Electric, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Navy.”

They have copies of the memo up at the link at Media Matters.


It looks like Mona is playing dress-up at a sleepover with her little sister/brother/whatchamacallit, Debra Cagan.


“An internal ABC Radio Networks memo obtained by Media Matters for America, originally from a listener to The Peter B. Collins Show, indicates that nearly 100 ABC advertisers insist that their commercials be blacked out on Air America Radio affiliates. According to the memo, the advertisers insist that “NONE of their commercials air during AIR AMERICA programming.” Among the advertisers listed are Bank of America, Exxon Mobil, Federal Express, General Electric, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Navy.”

They hate us for our freedom.


With mental images like that, who needs LSD?

I don’t know if I’d say “need”, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.


who needs LSD?

I do I do!!!

Me too please!


Mona Charen = Mean Charon.

also Ream No Chan.

Tim (the other one)

What Larkspur said. Indeed it’s so central to my point that I didn’t need to make one !


Off topic, but of interest to Sadly Noists:

If you’ve been following the story of Jan, Damon, Sam and Zed [from Day By Day], then you’re enjoying some of the very best political cartooning ever. (Chris Muir reminds me very much of Walt Kelly.)

Best. Political. Cartooning. Ever. According to Joseph Hayyim.


Also, Mona Charen = Charm a None, or Charm An Eon, or Acne Harm On.


You can recognize the decline of america by the way we choose our Boogeymen anymore. I mean, the evil existential threats to our very way of life are the buffoonish Hugo Chavez and the utterly powerless Ahmedinejad? That’s what our “enemies” have come to.

The silence around, oh, Hu Jintao for example, only points up more clearly than ever that our warmongers don’t want to have to take on real countries with real power. But oh my! do they puff out their chests and rattle their sabers at little countries that have no power whatsoever to do anything about it.

The overarching cowardice of the American Political Elite and their Right Wing enablers is on full display for the whole world to see. So as america’s power in the world wanes, they wonder why other nations increasingly do not follow our unilateral edicts.

Memo to the warmongers. If you want to be a bully, you have to make sure that no one knows who your are afraid of…


a different mikey

Aaaargh, no more Chris Muir, puh-leeese. Feed him to the gators out in Walt’s own Okefenokee and let Pogo and his buddies gnaw on the bones.


(Chris Muir reminds me very much of Walt Kelly.)

Oh, man. Just shit on the very concept of “art”, why doncha. Goddamn. That makes me wanna throw things. Who the fuck looks at whatever clip-art gnomes Muir’s using and thinks “Goddamn, if that don’t remind me of Pogo and Churchy and Miss Mam’selle Hepzibah”? How the hell do you compare “We have met the enemy and he is us” with a guy who accuses the NYT of “Kantian nihilism” yet refuses to admit he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.

No wonder, I guess. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, you’ll say dumb shit like that.


Oh, and for all you fashonistas out their banging on Mona for her short little skirty thingie, I’m pretty sure you’re not thinking it through.

I mean, one little awkward slip and it would be Mona’s panties on national TV!

And c’mon now, who among us wouldn’t want to see Mona Charen’s junk?



Mona Charen = Mean Charon.. also Ream No Chan.
Also, Mona Charen = Charm a None, or Charm An Eon, or Acne Harm On.

‘hear con-man’
‘romance, nah’
‘meano ranch’
and the completely pointless ‘am on hen car’

a different mikey

What original Mikey said.

And include in that list the terrifying islamo-fascists that they’re all peeing their beds about. How can they be afraid of such infinitely small stochastic threats to their vinyl sided Cheeto palaces? It boggles the mind.


Yes, but:

Barack Hussein Obama = Bareback Human Oasis


The fac5ct is, Day By Day is far more intelligent than this cesspool of leftist talking points repeated that you call debate, and almost as good as Mallard Fillmore, which is a brilliant skewar of the left’s USA hatred.


this juxtaposed with the previous post is quite amusing.

it’s ok for wingnuts to equate liberals with skin diseases and naziism but accepting oil from venezuala…omgodz…

I expect the ignorant bitch doesn’t know that Canada is the second largest supplier of oil to the USA and we hate her preznident too. indeed, one of our MPs called him a moron in public. tsk tsk.


Gary Ruppert=
‘err, rat guppy’
‘party rug rep’


then you’re enjoying some of the very best political cartooning ever. (Chris Muir reminds me very much of Walt Kelly.)

[blink, blink]

There are two kinds of people who will read the above statement:

1. People who are familiar with Kelly’s work. They will know he is an ignorant dumbfuck and laugh.

2. People who are unfamiliar with Kelly’s work. They won’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. (And if they do read Kelly’s stuff they’ll get freaked out and pissed.)

I would not be surprised if these fools started to claim that the best cure for cancer was a daily course of beet juice enemas and pig liver poultices worn on the head. They really are that stinking stupid.


Oh, I think the idiot who even brought up Walt Kelly was bringing it up to impress the rubes with his “knowledge”.

Thing is, you can’t really find Walt Kelly images on line (or at least last time I looked) and so its safe for someone who wants to co-opt the cachet that citing him lends him for the cheeto-stained young-uns he’s trying to impress.

My dad owned perhaps 2 dozen books of Pogo strips – I still have them here. They are masterpieces.


You guys are really overemphasizing the dissimilarity between Muir and Kelly, when there are a mere three areas in which they differ: Kelly was smart, funny, and he could draw.


g said:

Thing is, you can’t really find Walt Kelly images on line (or at least last time I looked) and so its safe for someone who wants to co-opt the cachet that citing him lends him for the cheeto-stained young-uns he’s trying to impress.

You’d think so, but the thing is, the guy actually links to Walt Kelly’s bio on the official Pogo website. How is it possible to look at any of Kelly’s work (sample) and find it remotely reminiscent of the talentless dreck Muir produces? Maybe he assumes readers will be too lazy to click the link and check for themselves.


Pogo online!

Not to contradict g’s point. I seriously doubt any of the snotty noses that read Mr. Hayyim will bother to check out Kelly’s work.

Except … if they think it too will feature poorly drawn women in their panties. Boy will they be disappointed when they see a bunch o’ dum anumuls.




Oh, well, just about a year ago I was looking for some Pogo on line, and although that site was there and the little character images, you couldn’t access any actual strips. Now I see they have one book digitized, and a couple of other things.

Which doesn’t contradict what I just said, rather, it is central to my point. Or something like that.


People keep making fun of the Pantload’s phrase “indeed, it is central to my point.” But I’m still catching up – did he ever say what his point was? Something like “Even though liberal fascism is nothing like Nazi fascism, they’re still fascists and therefore bad?”


SamFromUtah said, January 7, 2008 at 0:46

People keep making fun of the Pantload’s phrase “indeed, it is central to my point.” But I’m still catching up – did he ever say what his point was? Something like “Even though liberal fascism is nothing like Nazi fascism, they’re still fascists and therefore bad?”

You are on the right path. It requires a great deal more sneering and when you say that, you have to not really care about the Nazi thing and mention it because these really annoying people make you mention it, and then really get all het up about the liberal fascists, because they are so, so awful and you think it is really awful that everyone doesn’t know this and keeps wanting to talk about the old Nazi fascists when you just want them to get your book and agree with it.


The fac5ct is

Uh oh, glitching. Looks like the GaryBot is suffering from replicative fading. It won’t be long until the GaryBot is reduced to a series of ones and zeros.


Bobby Clobber is Gary Ruppert. Having fun Gary? I bet you like pie!


Thanks, El Cid.

Looks like the point is what you said here: …you just want them to get your book and agree with it.

…and it doesn’t especially matter that the book doesn’t say anything except what the ‘load thinks is self-evident, i.e., “libruls are bad”?


Gary Ruppert = Party Purger.


Bobby Clobber is Gary Ruppert. Having fun Gary? I bet you like pie!

The fact is, I am not nearly as talented or sexy as Gary Ruppert.

Seriously though… What on earth makes you think I’m Gary Ruppert???


Gary Ruppert=
G.R. are p-purty


Joe Kennedy’s tv ads run regularly during local news broadcasts (big surprise, this is the Boston market) presumably as free/reduced-cost PSAs. He did a pretty good job of pre-empting crap like this. On the one hand, Joe cuddling adorable little girl with cancer who no longer has to help her recovering-from-a-liver-transplant daddy carry gas cans of heating oil to their humble rural home. Joe holding hands with soft-voiced, African-American lady of a certain age in full preacher regalia, who used to run a heating-assistance program for her congregation but had been reduced to “desperation — we didn’t know where to turn” by increasing fuel costs. Joe saying “Some people say it’s bad politics” to accept oil from “our friends in Venuezuela”, but “what’s really inhuman is letting people suffer…”

On the other hand: Mona Charen, mouth pursed tight, complaining that Hugo Chavez is anti-Freedom and wants to shut down all political oppostion. Very much in the mode of “I have here, in my hands, a *list* of known communists… “, to quote another revered Reichtard figure. Mona’s column is illustrated with news photo of Chavez cuddling adorable little girl, caption says he is attempting to free Columbian hostages. Before I can access the comments, crufty Townhall site flashs some of the Ugliest Headshots Ever Taken and then blows out my dialup access, taking S,N! and an innocent hobby chat group along as collateral damage.

Win: Not Townhall, that’s for sure.


Hey Gary–

How did your boy do in Wyoming?

Oh that’s right, Grandpa Fred got his ass kicked in yet another heartland state.

Good thing he really doesn’t give a rat’s ass.


The problem is that you liberals don’t know what elected dictator Hugo Chavez put in that oil that he gives to our poor people. He probably puts crazy drugs in there so that when they get their homes warm in the winter it makes them funny in the head so that they will vote for liberals and then Hugo Chavez will call them on the phone to surrender for him and then we will all have to speak Venezuelan and worship that Bolivar guy. It is not fair and you should stop.


AL, I know people here have been talking about getting you broadband and all that, but you might consider using Firefox if you don’t already plus a few extensions that make the strain on your phone line a little easier: Adblock Plus and Flashblock are the two biggies that are most likely to help.


If Mitt Romney started showing up in Little Lord Fauntleroy suits I think I’d vote for him. It takes a real man to pull that off…. er, something like that.

“Seriously though… What on earth makes you think I’m Gary Ruppert???”

I call fake doppelganger of a fake Gary. Does being a double negative sock puppet make you real?


Gary Ruppert = Pap Retry Rug
Bobby Cobbler = Bobble Bob Cry

Coincidence? I think not. In fact, it is central to El Cid’s point.


Actually, I’m Mary Rosh.


And c’mon now, who among us wouldn’t want to see Mona Charen’s junk?



Ralph ’08!


Bitch boots!


And c’mon now, who among us wouldn’t want to see Mona Charen’s junk?

Mikey, it’s bad enough my podiatrist told me I can’t run anymore because I have arthritis at the ripe old age of f[mumble]ty something. The spectre of Mona’s graying pubes and liver-spotted ass as a preview of my own future would about do me in.

By the way, my BBQ grill blew over in last night’s storm. Think I can get one of those FEMA grants CY used to replace his?


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