Noted briefly

Ah, Rudy:

He flatlined in Iowa and he’s struggling in New Hampshire, but Rudy Giuliani shook off the early-state blues Thursday as only he can.

“None of this worries me – Sept. 11, there were times I was worried,” Giuliani said.

You almost get the feeling that 9/11 was the happiest day of his life, the SOB mentions it so much…


Comments: 34


HAHAHAAHAHA oh man what a loser.

I’ll just love to see the day that his blad, egg-head has to withdraw from the race.



“None 9 of this 11 worries 9 me 11 — On 9 September 11 11, there 9 were 11 times 9 I 11 was 9 worried 11, also, 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11, it’s 9iu11iani time, Barack!” Giuliani said.


Smiling Mortician

When 9 happens, you just have to 11. Words to live by.


9/11 was only the second happiest day of his life, behind the time he discovered that Polident Extra Strength even cleans BETWEEN the teeth.


New campaign slogan: “9/11 – Now, More Than Ever!”

Alternatively, can we just get some campaign literature featuring Rudy dry humping corpses with background of the WTC getting hit? I think that’s the point he’s reached.

Or, more appropriately, the point he’s sunk to.

Five of Diamonds

He’s starting to appear as if he actually believes that he is the Savior of Nine-Eleven. Where was that emergency command center again?


Rudy: “Boo !!911”

Fuck him.


Does 9/11 really consist of a “times”, plural? It was one day. Was he fluctuating between worried and not worried *multiple times* that day? Can we really trust a man who was able to cease panicking and shitting himself on that HUGE TRAGEDY DAY OF TRAGIC TRAGEDY?! Why, if you weren’t panicking and screaming about the Caliphate all day that day, you were with the enemy!


“None of this worries me – Sept. 11, there were times I was worried,” Giuliani said.

Giulani leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh, adding, “Good times, man… good times.”


Hey! I was worried on 9/11 too! Can I be President now?


Seriously, you’d think he was immune to any criticism that all he talks about is 9/11. Can it really have become so reflexive this nosferatu motherfucker doesn’t even realize he’s doing it? I mean, sometimes I get stuck on a word. One day, I’m all “magnanimous” this and “magnanimous” that for no damn good reason. It’s just a glitch in my brain. Fine. Whatever.

Imagine, though, having so little self-awareness that even after you’re routinely mocked for reflexively spouting a phrase, you still continue to do it without even a hint of diminishing that tic. That’s some serious nine-eleven tourette’s.


No fucking way. Please tell me that the writer’s strike is over and this is one of the jokes from Monday’s The Daily Show.


Fuck Grandpa, we already heard that boring story like 50 million times! We’re going to put you in a home if you don’t shut the fuck up and eat your mashed peas!


What business is it of yours if I talk about 911 all the time, friendo?

Smiling Mortician

I mean, sometimes I get stuck on a word. One day, I’m all “magnanimous” this and “magnanimous” that for no damn good reason.

That happens to me with “obtuse.” Oh, and “fuck.”


“Ok. now Judith, you be the plane hijacker…”


“None of this worries me – Sept. 11, there were times I was worried,” Giuliani said.

See you’re all assuming he was saying there were times he worried on September 11. I’m not so sure. I think he was just saying he wasn’t worried then making the concession that, well, maybe at times he was worried. The 9/11 is just an involuntary verbal tic injected into the middle of the sentence. He probably doesn’t even know he did it.


“Ok. now Judith, you be the plane hijacker…”

I thought this was from the Onion; no way could he be that desperate.
Sure enough.


He is so done. He won’t win Florida. He’s finished.


Maybe Giully, just maybe, you did so badly because people find your constant referencing that incident, a little, off-putting?


Trilateral Chairman

Dhalgren: Florida actually has a decent number of expat NY/NJ/New Englanders, many of whom do like Giuliani for his performance on 9/11 and his “cleanup” of NYC. I also believe that he intended from early on to take Iowa as a loss and focus on states he was more likely to win. Doesn’t look like a bad strategy, to be honest.

Mind you, I don’t think he can win the nomination; it’s only so long until someone makes hay out of the video of Donald Trump groping the breasts of Rudy in drag. But he’s not out of it *yet*.


Jake H: The 9/11 is just an involuntary verbal tic injected into the middle of the sentence.

Exactly what I was thinking. It’s similar to how Shaggy of Scooby-Doo says “like” all the time, but less cuddly.


My mind says I should snark on Rudy with something witty, but my heart says “Fuck you, you motherfucking fucking ass-hammer for trying to ride on the backs of 3,000 corpses to the White House you fucking ass clown toad fucker.”

Always follow your heart.


3.5%! Schadenfreude is so intoxicating.


Trilateral Chairman:

On the other hand, Florida also has some pretty decent numbers of expat NY/NJ/New Englanders who hate Giuliani for being an adulterous corrupt Tammany-Hall-looking motherfucker.

So it’s a toss-up for which group moved to Florida more.

Emperor U.S.A. (the naked truth)

I wonder if that’s what he yells when he’s coming.


You laugh now, but the Mayor of 9/11 will become the President of 9/11, through the force of his will alone. Every day will be 9/11, with airplanes constantly hitting, people dying by the thousands, and Al-Qa’eda, using radios which actually work, calling Rudy on his cell phone in the middle of it all. He’ll stride purposefully through the swirling chaos, corrupt crony at his side, misdirecting the responders, and running like hell only when his ass is personally threatened. (No need to worry; anyone who sees him run will go to Gitmo.)

President 9/11 won’t even have a second term; he’ll BECOME 9/11, the living embodiment of death, terror, and pointless self-aggrandizement.


I’m with you. Marco.



That “eat Iowa and move on” strategy included winning New Hampshire, however, where he’s pulled up stakes now.


My brother, who always told me to calm down and told me I was too radical in my views as far back as 2003 and 2004, now routinely yells “Ghouliani! You’re a shit!” whenever Rudy appears on the TV.

What changed him? Sharing an office with a co-worker who listened to Sean Hannity’s radio show every day. Before that, he thought I was exagerating about how awful these people are. He now listens to Air America and surfs the liberal blogosphere religiously.


What changed him? Sharing an office with a co-worker who listened to Sean Hannity’s radio show every day….

Wow, neat. I’ve long thought people would recoil from the rightards if they had to take a good long gawk at ’em, so it’s nice to hear that does actually happen.


what’s too funny about the Ghoul exploiting 9/11 is firefighters and cops in and outside of New York hate the fucker because he treated NY rescue workers so badly.


Man, oh man! I actually clicked on the link to see if that was an actual quote and not satire.

Can any of his advisors pull him gently by the lapels into a soft chair (or more preferably, by the larynx) and explain to him that he is TOO FUCKING SHAMELESS to show his face?


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